Those nights

נכתב על ידי Maggots_69

214 13 32

"Would you still love me if I said I didn't love myself?" He asked shakily. "All my love would make up for th... עוד

Chapter 1 - 5 years ago
Chapter 2 - "Shes so pretty.."
Chapter 3 - The trolley
Chapter 4 - "Goddamn clowns."
Chapter 5 - Morning routine
Chapter 6 - Smooch!
Chapter 7 - Trouble
Chapter 8 - "Fuck off,"
Chapter 9 - "Are you sorry?"
Chapter 10 - Stargazing
Chapter 11 - Shouts of disappointment
Chapter 12 - Tattoos
Chapter 13 - Sporting day
Chapter 14 - Chaos inducing dare
Chapter 15 - Annoyance filled chokehold
Chapter 17 - Blood drawn
Chapter 18 - Visiting
Chapter 19 - Dripping blood
Chapter 20 - "He's got a fucking girlfriend."
Chapter 21 - A breaking heart
Chapter 22 - Suspicions raised

Chapter 16 - Stupidness

3 1 1
נכתב על ידי Maggots_69

Started: 12:24am
Tw: (obviously) swearing, arguing

Ashlyn's pov
"There must be something wrong with those dumb cunts. Especially that Lucas guy, he just doesn't stop," I said to Ash and Asher as I was doing his makeup, currently being live on Insta, mainly just going live so I could tell people about all the goddamn drama that happened today. "Honestly," Ash replied back, chucking a chip at me as she laughed a little with her mouth full. "Hey!" I said, snapping my head towards her, frowning a little before Asher suddenly grabbed a makeup brush from my desk, shoving it in my mouth, (don't u fucking dare take out of context) the both of them laughing their heads off at me.

"I swear to fucking god-" I was saying until I was cut off by Ashton's shouting from the room next to mine, telling us all to shut the fuck up since we were supposedly too loud.
"What's his problem.." I grumbled out, rolling my eyes before getting up off my chair and heading out my room and to his, closing my door behind me before barging into his room. "Why don't you mind your own fucking business and stop being such a bossy bitch," "oh, shut the fuck up, go away you fucking ugly dickhead," he replied back, only making me more infuriated. I then suddenly grabbed something off his cupboard, throwing it at him, the object landing right on his privates pretty harshly. "whAT THE FUCK!" He shouted, instantly curling up into a ball, letting out a small cry of pain, his voice cracking in the process, making me laugh at him.

Whatever the hell I picked up was a little heavy, so it explains why he seemed to be sobbing a little. "I'M GONNA FUCKING STAB YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!" I heard him shout before hearing him scrambling off his bed and coming towards me. I instantly froze before running down the stairs, shouting like a maniac, telling him to fuck off as he chased me through the house.

Asher's pov
"I think they're fighting," "I think so too," Ash replied back to my comment, snickering along with me a little before I grabbed Ashlyn's phone, bringing it down the stairs with me and her, making sure the people watching the live got a clear view of what was happening. "Daily occurrence," I mentioned to the live, laughing a little before shoving my hand into the bag of chips Ash had in her hand.
"FUCK OFF!" Ashlyn said as Ashton chased her around the table. All of a sudden, Ashton tripped over a chair leg seemingly, making this vase on the middle of the table tip over and break, spilling water all over some newspapers dad had, along with the flowers in it falling out of it.

The room suddenly went quiet, not a single sound besides some faint sounds from outside. "You're so fucking dead," Ashlyn said, looking down to Ashton with a shit-eating grin. Ashlyn then grabbed this one big piece of glass that wasn't broken and still had a significant amount of water in it, pouring it down onto Ashton while laughing. Ashton let out a shout of frustration and anger, sitting up on his knees and suddenly flipping the table onto its side, all of the stuff on the table falling off it. Somehow, the marble table didn't break, and instead cracked the tile floor a little, leaving the three of us speechless. "Stupid bitch.." I heard Ashlyn mumble under her breath. She then let out a sigh, motioning Ash over to the table to help her fix it back up.

After everything had been fixed up and all that, the three of us went back to Ashlyn's room, sitting back down and chatting with each other and the live chat. "I'll go get some grapes and try get Ashton in here so he can explain things better, ok?" I said, giving them a thumbs up before rushing out the room and downstairs, getting a bag of crunchy grapes, running back up the stairs and to Ashton's room. I opened his door a little, peeking in and saying, "Ashton! I got some grapes if you want any." I saw how his head instantly looked over to me, a neutral expression on his face. "You just have to come into Ashlyn's room," I added on, now seeing how his expression instantly went to one of a bit of annoyance.

"Fine," he said, getting out of bed and following me into her room. Me, Ash, and Ashton all sat on Ashlyn's bed while she sat at her desk, speaking with the live chat a little before looking to Ashton and asking, "could you perhaps tell the chat all the drama today?"

"Yes please, I'd love too!" He said, his mood seeming more better than before, luckily. He then started speaking, saying how in the first two hours of the day, he was tackled and knocked out by one of his bullies or whatever. And during the time he was in the pool, saying how Kyle tried potentially drowning Cyrus and all that. Then he finally explained all the drama that happened in the afternoon, seeming to enjoy speaking of it. "Give a demonstration on what happened while you were in the grass area," Ash said with a grin, motioning at me, probably meaning to demonstrate what happened to him on me, sadly..

"Gladly," he replied back, getting up off the bed and motioning for the three of us to follow him. He led us out the front and onto the empty road in front of out house. He pulled me along with him, telling me to pretend to be running to a finish line or something. "Ok, so, pretend Asher is me. I'm running to the finish line or whatever it was, I was pretty fucking close, until Lucas had to fucking tackle me!" He said before running over to me, tackling me onto the gravelly road. "Fuckkk.. ow," I groaned out, laying on the ground for a good minute or two while Ashton got up off the ground with a small laugh.

Kai's pov
I had just gotten out the shower and was headed back upstairs with a towel around my body. I had to sadly use the downstairs bathroom since Lily was using the upstairs one. Once up in my room I got dressed into some comfy clothes, that just being some black, baggy shorts and my usual sports bra. Once dressed again I dried my hair, turned off my light and sat on my bed, going onto YouTube to check if Ashlyn had posted any videos by chance. Once I saw she hadn't, I went onto instagram, seeing how she is currently live.
I instantly began to smile, going onto the live and seeing how Ashton was also accompanying them for once. I started to spam in chat, needing to get their attention to let them know I was on the live.

"HI, KAI!" Ash said, seeing how I was spamming the chat. "Kai?" I faintly heard Ashton say, the camera still turned to him, making me able to see how he instantly turned his head to Ash and Ashlyn once he heard my name. I laughed a little, a slight tint of pink forming on my cheeks. The live continued on for around 2 hours until Ashlyn eventually concluded it and bid us farewell.
Once the live ended, I sat on my bed, staring at my phone with a small smile still on my face. I started to realise I kinda wanted to have a sleepover at Ashton's place with the other four. I was a bit hesitant at first, but eventually built the courage up and texted the group chat.

(Kai > group chat)
Kai: r u guys free??
Ya, me and Luna are
Sure am
Kai: can we have a sleepover then, I'm so fcking bored
Whose place???
Kai: Ashton's? He always has good food, more space in his room as well
Violet has started a video call
"I'm too lazy to type, that's why I started a call," Violet said once everyone had joined. "Valid reason," Ashton said with a small yawn. "Awwwhh, is the little baby tired?" Cyrus teased, snickering. "Shut the fuck up, orangutang," Ashton commented right back, making Cyrus shut up and look to him with annoyance. "Stupid bitch, I'm gonna fucking smack you when I'm over at your place," Cyrus said with a frown.
"Both of you shut up, can we stay over your place or not?" I finally chimed in, just wanting an answer or not.

"Sure, sure.. you guys just have to come through the back, I'm not supposed to have anyone over," Ashton said, only a little bit after leaving the call.

Ashton's pov
After I left the call I placed my phone on my bedside cupboard, sitting up on my bed and just thinking. "They'll probably be here in around half an hour.. enough time to tidy things up and shower..." I mumbled to myself. I sat on my bed for a bit more, just speaking to myself before finally getting up, tidying things up a little in my room since it was pretty messy, a couple clothes scattered across the floor, my bed not made, and some things on my desk scattered, making it look messy.
Once I did that I took a couple of my dirty clothes down to the laundry, chucking them in the washing machine. Once I was done with that, I went back inside, closing all the blinds and curtains, locking the front door before going back upstairs. It was around 11pm, it had already been around 25 minutes, so they would probably be here soon.

"I have enough time for a quick shower.." I mumbled, quickly going up the stairs. I grabbed my phone, going into the bathroom, unfortunately forgetting to grab some clothes to change into though. I went onto Spotify, putting on Eyeless by Slipknot on repeat, letting it play as I showered.

Kai's pov
Me and the others met up at the end of Ashton's street. Everyone was allowed over, thankfully. We all had our school bags with our clothes, devices and chargers in them. "We have to go through the bush just back there, climb his fence then go inside, he said he'd leave the back door unlocked," I said, motioning them to follow me. Once we had climbed the fence, they went inside, but I stayed outside for a little, playing with their dog. After a couple minutes I gave her a few pets before going inside, heading upstairs and into his room where the others were, just sitting on his bed and chatting with each other.

"Guys, shut up, I wanna scare him.." I told them quietly, hearing how he had turned the shower off. I stood right beside the bathroom door, getting ready to scare him. Once he had opened the door, I jumped in front of him and shouted, giving him a fright.
Just as I scared him, I noticed he only had a towel wrapped around his waist. "Oh shit-" I was saying until he suddenly slammed the door in my face, probably not have expected me to be there. "Get out.." we heard him mutter from the other side of the door.

"Sorry," I said simply, feeling a bit of embarrassment. I felt my cheeks redden a bit, trying to get the image of him with only a towel around him out of my mind. We all went out his room, standing by his door and chatting. "Please slap me," I told Luna, standing right in front of her, staring into her eyes as I waited for her to slap me. "How hard?" She question before I replied back with, "as hard as you can," "uhh, it might hurt, but sure," she mumbled back, cracking her fingers before slapping me across the face. The slap was pretty loud, and it hurt like hell.
"HOLY FUCK," I shouted, holding my cheek before falling to the floor, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes from the sting of it. "Sorry," Luna said, holding out a hand to help me up. I let out a small laugh, taking her hand as she helped me up. "Fucking hell, that hurt," I muttered, wiping away the tears with a small laugh.

"You guys can come in now," we all heard Ashton say. Once inside his room, we all just generally sat around, speaking with each other, mainly speaking about all the drama today. "I bet you on Monday I'm gonna get bashed," Ashton said with full confidence in his words. "And if you do, someone will fucking be dead on Tuesday," I commented right after, full confidence also lacing across my voice.
The night continued on, all six of us having fun, going to the park for an hour at like 1am. We went on a walk with each other around Mirrorson, not going too far out of it.

Once we were back at Ashton's place, it was about 2:30am. We were all tired. Before we left we did set up a mattress so that we didn't have to go through all the work when we came back. Everyone besides Ashton was on the mattress. They were all asleep, but I was awake. I was a bit uncomfortable since we were all cluttered together. Eventually I got up off the mattress around half an hour later, lying behind Ashton, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my cheek against his back.
"Hi.." I heard him mutter, barely hearing him over Violet's snoring. "Hey," I mumbled back as he turned over to face me, seeming pretty tired, but still being awake.

"Uncomfortable on the mattress..?" He asked softly, looking me in the eyes with a nervous glint. "Mhm.." I sighed back, laughing softly as I smiled, rubbing small circles on his stomach.
"Hey.. uhm.. I just wanted to ask, right.. why d-did you kiss me earlier..?" He asked me hesitantly, a sheepish and nervous expression present on his face and in his eyes. "To shut you up, and calm you down," I said simply, shrugging while I smiled, a small blush coming to my cheeks. "It wasn't a dare, right?" He murmured, seeming a lot more hesitant this time.

"Of course not!" I protested, being truthful about my words. "Ok.." he muttered back, smiling softly. It was silent for a couple minutes, the both of us just laying together, not speaking at all and just cuddling, well, that was until I spoke up again. "No offence, but I've always thought you were a twig, Ashton," I whispered quietly, looking down to his stomach, not daring to look him in the eyes.
"I, uh- really?" He stammered out in response, looking down to me with a sheepish glint in his tired eyes. "Mhm.." "well uh, now you know I'm not.." he said with a small laugh, making me begin to smile instantly. "Random question, but could you flex for me?" I asked, snickering a little at my own question.

I sat up, patiently waiting for him to also sit up so he could fulfil my request. "Do I have to..?" He asked sheepishly, also sitting up and looking me in the eyes.
"Yup," I replied back simply. He let out a soft groan of fake annoyance, seemingly trying to make me laugh, which I did. He then put his arms up, flexing for me, just like I had asked. "Fucking hell, got bigger arms than most guys at school," "yeah, yeah, no need to comment.." he grumbled out, putting his arms back down and laying on his side, facing away from me again. "If you do get bashed on Monday, you better fucking fight back, you got the potential to beat them to a pulp!" I exclaimed, lying back down with him, running my fingers across his back gently, waiting for a reply, but not getting any.

"I'm proud of you though. Y'know, like, for standing up for yourself today.." I mumbled out after a couple minutes of silence, beginning to fall asleep a little in the cold room. "Thank you.." I just barely heard him mumble, just a few seconds before I fell into a peaceful slumber.

Finished: 8:25pm
2852 words
Only a couple hours this time, breaks in between, altogether when writing, probably only took an hour or two if there weren't any breaks in between
No art again sadly. Might try drawing, probably will write instead though since I have more motivation since I don't have school🥳🥳 also I know the events in this chapter is so fucking random😭

Special message for my pookie - publishing the two latest chapters is apologies for being away on Friday, might try writing the next one right after this, or later😘

Read my besties stories, they're good👹
WISTORIA_BERTIAN _Fyodors_Ushanka_

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