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By thollandsgirl2013

24.2K 421 109

๐™ท๐™ด๐šˆ ๐™ด๐š…๐™ด๐š๐šˆ๐™พ๐™ฝ๐™ด! ๐š†๐™ด๐™ป๐™ฒ๐™พ๐™ผ๐™ด ๐šƒ๐™พ ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ๐™พ๐šƒ๐™ท๐™ด๐š ๐š‚๐šƒ๐™พ๐š๐šˆ ๐™ฑ๐™พ๐™พ๐™บ. ๐™ท๐™พ๐™ฟ๐™ด ๐šˆ๐™พ๐š„ ๐™ถ๐š„๐šˆ๐š‚... More

Morning Breath
Family Day
Valentines Day - ๐€.๐‘
Just Loving You - ๐.๐ƒ
I want One
Slip Up
Like You'd Get Your Knuckles Bloody For Me - ๐€.๐‘
Pregnancy with Nate - ๐.๐ƒ
Chubby Cheeks
First Date - ๐€.๐‘
Too Close*
Do Some Work - ๐.๐ƒ
Bounce House
Our Tess
Red Light - ๐€.๐‘
Dressing Room*
Day Off - ๐.๐ƒ
Accidental Proposal
Sweet Girl
Count On Six Fingers - ๐€.๐‘
Family Secrets - ๐.๐ƒ
Cute When You're Angry
Give A Guy A Warning
You're All I Want - ๐€.๐‘
Ship Compartment - ๐.๐ƒ
Flashing lights
Obsessed* - ๐€.๐‘
Nothing I Wouldn't Do
By His Belt (Sweats)
Piรฑa Colada - ๐.๐ƒ
Dirty Reflection*
Christmas - ๐€.๐‘
Massage - ๐.๐ƒ
Best Girl* - ๐€.๐‘
Around My Waist - ๐.๐ƒ
Mrs. Tom & Mr. Y/n
Kisses - ๐€.๐‘
The Morning After
Interruption - ๐.๐ƒ
Missed You, Darling*
Pretty Thoughts
Fire Place - ๐€.๐‘
Intoxicating* - ๐.๐ƒ
Cute Interaction
Snuggle Fuck*
Day In The Woods - ๐€.๐‘
The Best Thing - ๐.๐ƒ
Pillow Talk*
Tell Me - ๐€.๐‘
New Parenthood
Seven Minutes In Heaven* - ๐.๐ƒ
Hotel Cuddles
Drunken Confession
Me Too - ๐€.๐‘
Love Me Harder*
Sounds Heavenly - ๐.๐ƒ
Face Mask
Thinking About You In That Way - ๐€.๐‘
Bruised Knuckles - ๐.๐ƒ
Emotional Drunk
Professor's Sweetheart
Drunk In You* - ๐€.๐‘
Come Cuddle
No Time - ๐.๐ƒ
Fire Meet Gasoline - ๐€.๐‘
Heating System
Grocery List - ๐.๐ƒ
Sleepy Sex* - ๐€.๐‘
Borrowed Scarfs And Apple Tea
Baby Fever
Long Time Ago - ๐€.๐‘
Need You*
The Box
It's You - ๐€.๐‘
1:05 am
Monday Mornings
Take Me To Church* - ๐€.๐‘
Pregnancy Test
Short Stuff
Flaws & Strengths - ๐€.๐‘
Thigh Riding*


217 6 0
By thollandsgirl2013

𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer lnfours on Tumblr


Parings → Tom Holland x Reader

Warnings → cursing (bc it’s Tom, duh), tooth rotting, gut wrenching fluff.

Summary → Nothing is better than Sundays.

        ✧・゚: *✧≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫✧・゚: *✧

It was the small things Tom did that made you fall more and more in love with him everyday.

For instance, he was a morning person. He enjoyed getting up early and getting his daily workout in when the sun was coming up. However, before he’d leave for the morning, he’d make sure to let Tessa out so she didn’t wake you. He’d make sure to stay quiet while getting dressed and ready to go to the gym, plus he’d tuck the blankets back around you and place a gentle kiss on your forehead. This was his silent way of saying ‘see you when I get back’.

He knew you worked a lot and how exhausted you were from working all the time while he had the advantage of being off of work for a few months at a time. He doesn’t mind that you like to sleep in a little later, he knew from the moment he met you that you weren’t really a morning person. Especially on weekends.

On his way back this particular sunday morning, he had remembered that he had to stop into town to pick something up for Harry. As he was walking down the street, he remembered to make his weekly trip to the flower shop to find a bouquet of flowers for your vase in the kitchen.

“Tom! Good morning!” The owner smiled from behind the wooden counter. She was an older lady, you could tell she had been doing this for years. She had the prettiest bouquets, always making sure her best customer got the first pick on sunday mornings.

Yes they were on a first name basis. Yes he went to this flower shop every sunday.

Listen, when you clean the house on sundays, it’s always nice to have a fresh bouquet of flowers in the vase on the kitchen island. Plus, it’s the little things, right?

“Morning, Mary,” he smiled, “what’cha got this mornin’?”

She smiled, holding a finger up to him in a silent way of saying ‘just a second’ before she turned around to the little workbench behind her. She turned back around with the bouquet in her hands, the white roses, little bits of lavender and daisies wrapped in a beautiful baby blue paper. He smiled, immediately knowing you’d love them. Mary was the best in the business.

“She’s gonna love ‘em. You’ve got a gift, Mary.” He smiled as she rung him up for the bouquet.

“You tell me everytime, Tom.” She laughed, handing him the receipt.

“That’s because you’re the best in london,” he smiled, “thank you.”

“Anytime,” she smiled, “do me a favor and just marry her already, would ya?”

He let out a laugh, pushing the door open with his back, “working on it, I promise. You’ll be the one to arrange the flowers. Thanks again, see ya next week!”

She laughed, shaking her head as she waved bye to the boy, knowing he was being serious when he said he was working on it.

And when Tom had finally made his way home, he wasn’t surprised that you hadn’t started cleaning yet. It was only 8:30 in the morning and normally you woke up at 9 on weekends, needing that little bit of extra sleep.

He kicked his shoes off at the front door before making his way quietly up the steps, careful not to damage the flowers as he made his way to your shared bedroom. He smiled at your curled up state, head resting against his pillows as Tessa sat at the foot of the bed as if she was guarding you.

He smiled as Tessa wagged her tail, head shooting up as he walked further into the room. After placing the flowers on the dresser, he walked over to the staffy, petting her on the head.

“Good morning, Tess,” he smiled, “did you guard your mum while I was gone?”

The canine responded with a lick against his cheek, making him chuckle softly, “you did?! Good job, love.”

His eyes moved to you, checking to make sure he hadn’t woken you. He sat down on the bed, brushing a hair from your face before placing a kiss on your cheek. You slightly stirred awake, yawning, but refusing to open your eyes as you hummed.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you, darling.”

“Don’t worry, I heard you talking to Tess,” you smiled, “I was about to wake up anyway. Got shit to do.”

He smiled as you slowly blinked your eyes open, your eyes meeting his warm brown ones. He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.

“Well then, I guess I could get started on breakfast while you brush your teeth, hmm?”

You smiled, “you don’t like my morning breath?”

He let out a laugh, “what is it that they say when you get married? ‘For better or for worse’, is it?”

You playfully smacked his arm, “yours is just as bad!”

“I‘m still gonna kiss you, though.”

He pressed his lips against yours again, hand cupping your cheek before pulling away. He tapped your legs.

“C’mon, love. I’ve got your flowers.”

You smiled, “I love Mary.”

“More than me?”

“Mmm, debatable.”

He pretended to be shocked as you got out of bed, laughing as you walked over to the bouquet. You smiled, it was gorgeous and you knew it would look great in the kitchen once it was clean.

“They’re beautiful, Tommy,” you smiled, leaning up and kissing his lips in another quick peck, “can you put ‘em in the vase for me?”

“‘Course, angel.”

You smiled, kissing his lips one last time, “thank you.”

If there was one thing about Tom Holland, it was that he could never get enough of your kisses.

“Anything for you.”

You made your way into the bathroom as Tom made his way back downstairs, Tessa following in pursuit. He put down fresh food for her in her bowl, topping off her water bowl before taking the old flowers out of the vase. He made sure to pick a rose petal off before tossing the old flowers in the trash. He had put fresh water in the vase, sticking the bouquet he had picked up today in it.

As he finished putting the flowers on display, you had joined him downstairs. You smiled, fingers gently brushing over the white roses, “thank you, again.”

“Of course,” he smiled, handing you the rose petal, “saved you a petal.”

You grabbed it from his fingers and smiled. You had come up with the idea of saving the flower petals off of the old bouquets and putting them in a coffee table book. You grabbed the book from the coffee table, sticking the petal into a random page before closing it.

“What are you thinking for breakfast?” He asked, rooting through the pantry as you made the two of you cups of tea. You hummed, thinking on it for a minute.

“Wanna make some eggs?”

“Sounds good, darlin’.”

You smiled as he placed a gentle hand on your back as he reached above you, grabbing the pan spray from the cabinet. He kissed the top of your head before going back to fixing breakfast for the both of you.

Once the two of you had eaten, the day really got started. He started working on some things he needed to get done at the kitchen island as you cleaned up. You moved around him, bending down to grab one of Tessa’s toys that had made its way underneath the bar attached to the island Tom was sitting at. He watched as you bent down, placing his hand on the corner of the counter in case you were to hit your head coming up.

You didn’t see his gesture, but just knowing he could prevent you from getting hurt was enough in itself.

You had finished cleaning the dining room, kitchen and living room as you took a small break, taking a sip of water from the glass you still had from earlier.

“Tommy,” you asked sweetly, him humming back in response, quickly switching to a different tab on his laptop. He didn’t need you to come up to him and see that he was looking at engagement rings on a jeweller's website. He may be the king of spoilers, but with this one, it was different.

“Can you put a load of laundry in? I’m gonna start upstairs.”

He nodded, smiling at you, “sure, love.”

You walked over to him, which made him silently thank himself for switching the tab on his laptop, and placed a kiss on his cheek, “thanks, bub.”

He smiled, “mmhm.”

After the two of you spent the rest of the day tidying up the house and finishing things that needed to get done before the new week started, you plopped down on the couch. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his side as the two of you half mindedly paid attention to whatever was on the TV.

“Thanks for helping.” You smiled and he kissed your temple.

“Never have to thank me.”

“I know, but still,” you smiled up at him, “thank you.”

He returned the grin, kissing your lips for what felt like the millionth time today.

You pulled away, sighing, “I don’t know if I wanna take a nap or take a shower.”

He chuckled, “shower and then nap?”

You looked over at him, “I like the way you think, Holland.”

He didn’t say anything else, just turned off the living room TV before lifting you from the couch and picking you up. You giggled, looking down at the floor as he playfully hit your ass.

It wasn’t unusual for him to pick you up and carry you up the steps. It was quite nice actually. You didn’t have to put the work in to go up the stairs yourself, so it was pleasant.

Nothing was better than sundays.

°:. *₊ ° . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ° .•

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