Orb of Night

By inkofmoonchild

110 24 7

In the heart of the dense woods, where greenery bathed in moonlight and whispers of life were carried on the... More



34 5 4
By inkofmoonchild

A tapestry unfolds, weaving a timeless space,
In fate's orchestra, two souls entwine by the moon's grace.

Amidst four monochromatic walls painted in black, an artist imbued his canvas, his fingers gracefully staining the parchment with each stroke. He was a skilled artist, distinctly different from others around the globe.

Art sought the voice of the heart, yet he remained indifferent to every emotion within. He drew scenes that pleased his eyes-whether a dried leaf, a budding flower, or pups at play-but avoided anything that stirred his heart. He treated his heart as if it didn't exist.

Engrossed in his art, he didn't fail to notice the knocks at the door, knowing exactly who it was.

Setting aside his brushes, he wiped his hands with a piece of cloth after permitting the person on the other side to enter the room.

Draping his black cloak, which a while ago, hung on one corner of the table beside the large window to the right of the door leading to the balcony, he settled onto the sofa where he had been painting a beautiful flower on the blank canvas named Carolina. It symbolized passionate emotions, though the artist himself remained devoid of feelings.

"Your Majesty," the beta who entered the room bowed to the king. Acknowledging the gesture of respect, the Alpha gestured for him to continue as he rested one arm on an armrest and another on the backrest of the sofa. Bowing once more, the beta proceeded, "Your Majesty, the people of Aylin wish to catch sight of their King. During his Majesty's absence for a few months to address the rogue attacks in the Sapphire pack, the people of Aylin have been deeply concerned about his whereabouts."

"I'll meet them tomorrow afternoon. Let them know early in the morning," he stated. Though alphas often appeared nonchalant and ruthless, the King of Moonshadow Territory was different.

He cared for his people, ensuring all had necessities. The citizens of Eclipse, especially those from Aylin, respected and loved him dearly. While others respected and loved him, the people of Aylin adored him, their love was unmatched.

They knew it was normal for their King to be on long voyages, but having a glimpse and making sure that he was alright while examining him with their own eyes was their topmost priority.

"I'll take my leave then," the beta bowed, turning to leave after a nod from the King Alpha.

Just as he was about to open the door, the Alpha stopped him.

"Commander Ryan," he called. Ryan turned around, waiting for the Alpha to speak. King Alex stood and approached the commander, hands resting on his back.

"Where's Elara? Haven't seen her since I returned," he asked the commander.

"Your Majesty, Princess Elara is in the left wing of the castle," the commander informed.

"This late? Isn't she aware of my arrival?" the Alpha inquired.

"Princess said she wasn't tired and couldn't sleep. She knows of his Majesty's arrival," Commander Ryan replied, earning a nod from the King.

"You can go now," the King said before walking towards the window, which allowed the moonlight to join the flambeaus situated in each corner of the room.

He stared at the full moon that added to the beauty of the night sky. While others found it serene and beautiful, the King of Eclipse found it deceiving, vicious, and vile. He hated the moon passionately and it was a secret known by him and people who he trusted.

"Don't stare at that thing for too long. Contain your anger, or you'll either burn the moon or yourself," his wolf, Aiden, spoke in his head, prompting him to close his eyes.

"Don't you want to visit Princess Elara? You were away for so long; I won't be surprised if she refuses to have a conversation" Aiden said.

"I'm going to visit her right now, and she won't refuse to converse with me. Stop being negative and speak less" Alex replied before blocking Aiden.

He glanced at the moon one last time, flames of anger flickering in his honey-brown orbs that briefly flashed golden before returning to their normal color as he closed the curtains, blocking the moon from his sight.

Extinguishing the flambeaus, he exited the dark room, walking through the hallway that led to the stairs ending in the lobby of the left wing's entrance. Nodding in response to the greetings from the guards, he proceeded down the hallway.

As her brother, King Alex knew Princess Elara well, and that was why he headed towards her chamber where she was engrossed in experimenting with magic and herbs.

Making potions was one of her favourite things to do, she learnt magic from her mother, the Imperial Luna, Omega Seraphina, who was the only child of Alpha Cole and Irene, a witch, best healer and magician of all times. Hence, the children of Omega Seraphina had the art of magic running through their veins.

Besides her duties in the courtroom as a princess, she considered herself fortunate to spend most of her time as a professional healer.

Princess Elara, an omega, the princess of the Kingdom of Eclipse was a kind-hearted healer and a warrior, skilled in archery. Just like her brother , she was adored by Aylin's people as well.

Apart from Aylin, Eclipse, and other kingdoms, knew little about her. They only knew her as an exceptional healer and the sister of their king; otherwise, she remained a mystery, preferring to stay hidden from the world.

Standing outside his sister's room, where she was deeply engrossed in practicing magic, he ran his fingers through his hair before gently knocking on the door.

Princess Elara sensed his presence the moment he entered the hallway, her instincts sharp as ever.

Granting her brother permission to enter, she didn't bother to turn her gaze from her work.

Alex entered and approached his sister, who seemed busy concocting potions.

"How have you been? I apologize for being away for so long," he said, genuine concern in his tone.

"I've lost count of how many times you've apologized for this, brother," Elara replied, her composure unwavering.

Alex sighed softly. "I had no choice, Elara."

"You could have at least informed me before leaving. Any excuses for that?" she asked, disappointment evident in her voice.

"I apologize for not notifying you," he replied sincerely.

Taking her brother's hand, Elara led him to sit on the sofa placed on the right of her working table before sitting beside him.

Her eyes searched his face as he watched her. Once again, her brother's eyes revealed no emotions. They say eyes don't lie, but Elara refused to believe that. Watching her loved one lose themselves made her feel helpless and pained. She didn't want to accept that her brother was numb because if eyes don't lie, then he probably felt nothing.

"I'm doing fine, Alex. How about you?" Elara asked, resting her head on Alex's shoulder. "I'm fine as well," he replied.

After a moment of silence, Alex spoke again. "It's late; you should get some rest."

"I'm not sleepy, but if you're tired, you can rest. We can talk more tomorrow," she said.

"No, I'm not tired," he replied. "What did you want to tell me?" Alex inquired.

"You know, I came across a particular flower in one of the books from your collection-it's called clematis. It has incredible medicinal properties, capable of healing chronic skin diseases and bone disorders. It's found on Rumex Island, and I want to visit there. Moreover, Rumex Island is hosting an event where healers will assemble for an herbal exhibition," Elara explained eagerly.

"We don't have a good relationship with them. How can you consider going there, Elara?" Alex questioned.

"Brother, they don't know who I am. Apart from the people of Aylin, no one knows my appearance. They won't be able to identify me; I can manage," she assured him, hoping for a positive response.

"You know I can't let you go. It's like digging your own grave, sister," Alex replied firmly.

"Please, brother, just this once. I'll gather a plant specimen, study its requirements, and bring it back. It will only take two days, and I won't cause any trouble. I'll go there as a healer. What part of this plan seems unethical to you?" she pleaded.

"I'll think about it tomorrow; you're being reckless," he said, earning a slightly exasperated look from Elara.

For a few moments, silence lingered until Elara's drowsy voice broke it.

"I miss you," she mumbled, catching Alex's attention. Alex held her closer, whispering an "I miss you too", but, her sister had already drifted off to sleep.

A gentle knock interrupted Alex's thoughts. He glanced towards the door, where Commander Ryan stood waiting.

Alex gestured for him to be quiet, carefully lifting his sister into his arms. He walked towards the exit, with the commander following silently.

Returning through the same path, down the hallway and guided by the stairs he turned to his right, approaching the second door at the end of the corridor.

As the door opened, he entered the room that smelled of different kind of flowers,gently placing Elara on the bed, kissing her forehead, and wishing her a "good night" before quietly leaving and closing the door.

"Say" he said to Ryan, heading towards his library, which was conveniently located next to Princess Elara's room.

"Your Majesty, the courtroom requests your presence," Alex nodded, restraining himself from entering the library. Walking briskly, he headed to the opposite end of the corridor, left of the stairs.

"Does this matter require the princess's presence?" he inquired.

"Your Majesty, it concerns a creature in the lake dividing Rumex and the West of Eclipse. It has seriously injured several skilled soldiers from our and Crescent's patrols along the borders," Ryan explained.

"The princess need not attend. I'll join you shortly," Alex replied, prompting a curt bow from Ryan before he left to announce the King's arrival in the courtroom.

Entering his room at the end of the corridor, Alex retrieved his crown from the nightstand beside his bed and adjusted the dagger in his waistband before making his way towards the courtroom.

A collective greeting broke the courtroom's silence as King Alex stepped inside, taking his seat on the throne and gesturing for silence.

"Describe the incidents briefly," he ordered the witnesses present.

"Your Majesty, it's a mysterious creature-a snake's body with a dragon's head would be the best description. It strikes swiftly," one witness explained.

"I will investigate," Alex declared before dismissing the court, rising from his throne as Commander Ryan followed.

"I'll visit the site now. Guide me," Alex ordered, receiving a nod from Ryan.

The woods glowed under the full moon's shine, as Alex marched towards the lake where the incident had occurred.

Reaching the lakeside, he studied the water's movements. Everything seemed normal until a dark entity passed below the surface-an elongated shape with sharp fins.

A splash alerted Alex, but he remained composed. Pushing Commander Ryan behind him, he faced the creature who aimed for Ryan but remained unsuccessful.

The creature, with black eyes and terrifying features, hissed at them. As it prepared to strike again, two daggers flew, striking the hind part of its head and causing it to fall lifeless.

It's said that a dragon's weak spot is its hind brain or eyes, hence, Alex and the other person who threw the daggers went for the same spot of the creature which seemed to have features of a dragon.

Observing closely, Alex retrieved his dagger from the creature's skin making sure there was no hint of life in it. The dagger had "AX " engraved in it. After he was sure of its death, his eyes caught the sight of the other dagger which had a symbol of a crescent moon engraved in it and was still stuck in the creature's skin.

"Burn its body cautiously; the woods are dense," he ordered the soldiers before walking to the lakeside to wash the bloodied dagger.

As he cleaned the dagger, he caught a glimpse of dark brown eyes in the water's reflection, his eyes flashed golden for moment while the other person's eyes flashed pale blue, as the fragrance of Jasmine clouded his surroundings for a brief second. Before he could get a clear view the figure disappeared.

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