Raising Arabella (Hazbin Hote...

By AliceGalaxy3

361 9 1

A 17 year old girl, Arabella, was sent into Hell after being used for the Ritual by a Satanic Cult on the day... More

Arabella's Bio

Chapter 1: Prologue

170 4 1
By AliceGalaxy3

3rd POV


A realm for Sinners and Hellborn.

A place for everyone... Well, absolutely NOT for everyone.

Its atmosphere is presented as perpetually choleric, disorderly, and noxious, though capable of supporting carbon-based lifeforms.

Hell's geography is divided into Seven Rings. Each rings was ruled by the Seven Deadly Sins, including Hell's Ruler, Lucifer Morningstar.

Hell's society is incredibly chaotic due to the unstable and hostile disposition of its populace. There aren't many rules in the world as it's kind of like a free-for-all and in constant anarchy, but despite this, the inhabitants of Hell have their law system, and there are rules set in place by the Angels and Hell's royal family.

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Pentagram, other known as Pride Ring.

Every Sinners and Hellborns here are completely hostile, sometimes there are neutral just like Humans. They're power hungry for fame and money, this is also where Overlords lived.

In the Alleyway, a young human girl hiding behind the trash bin. She wears a school uniform, red lace as her necktie, black jacket, white blouse and a skirt. She had a long platinum blonde hair ended up on her knees.

She was around 17 years old. She was lost in the middle of the streets. No parents, no guardian to protect her in such a chaotic environment. The reason? She was taken by a Satanic Cult and used her as a sacrifice to test her out, resulting in the ritual being quite successful and the girl being sent into Hell.

Thankfully, she didn't turn into a Demon but Hell recognized her soul as it belonged it here. This unfortunate event was on the day of her birthday.

She desperately wanted to go home and be with her family. She peek out to see if the coast are clear after she nearly got shot by a group of Sinners during turf war. Her uniform was covered with black blood stained after she found a weapon that could protect herself.

The teenager then immediately walk to the street path where she needs to find a place to stay, a food to eat and sleep comfortably instead laying down on a hard concrete.

She looked around from the city where every Sinners are killing each other and committing crimes, which made her uncomfortable. From murdering to cannibalism she has witnessed, she was completely traumatized, she was just an innocent human who got sent to hell after a ritual on her birthday.

???: Oh, I have to get out of here!

The teenager desperately finds a way out of this realm, she really wanted to go home. She was breathing frantically, hugging herself while walking on the path of the streets, avoiding any chaotic conflicts caused by Sinners and Hellborns.


That evening in Hell, the girl continues to walk around the street, searching for food and place to sleep. She then spotted a coin on the street, her fear turns to curiosity as she walks to the coin, picks it up and inspects it. She was on the middle of the street.

Unbeknown to her, there was a speeding car ahead that was about to hit her. The driver is so reckless that he even hit any Demons on sight in the streets as the speeding car goes straight the human girl, who continues to looking at the coin.

Demon Woman: Oh, god! There's a kid on the loose!

Demon #1: Kid, look out!

Demon #2: There's a fucking car right ahead!

???: Huh?

She turns around and sees a pair of lights belongs to the speeding car, the girl screams as well the other demons. Some of them were screaming, some of them were too afraid and some of them didn't care to stop the car because of its overwhelming speed.

Just as the girl was about to get hit by a car in Hell, thinking this is her final days. Until...


A Good Samaritan then grab the human girl and rushes out of the street. Thankfully, the speeding car didn't hit them both as it drives away, continuing driving recklessly until a loud crash can be heard, presumably the driver is dead, ironically in Hell.

The person who saved the young girl's life has long, blonde hair, with lighter blonde and pink highlights, which is end up on her chest. Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl.

She wears a a small black bowtie and black suspenders, with an untucked white, long-sleeved dress-shirt. Over this she usually wears a fitted red tuxedo jacket with dark-red lapels and a pair of red fitted pants. She wears black and white saddle shoes.

???: Are you okay, sweetie?

The human girl open her eyes and meets a pair of red irises with light yellow sclera, causing her recoils in fear and backs away, fearfully.

???: Who are you?! Don't hurt me please!

Charlie: No need to be afraid, sweetie. I'm Charlie Morningstar, and I mean no harm. I just saved you from being hit by a speeding car.

Out of all the Demons and Sinners in Hell, this demon is completely different. She possess a Compassionate and Empathetic heart, willingly to help to those less fortunate souls in Hell. Charlie smiles softly as she attempts to comfort the scared teenager by offering a hand.

The girl then reaching her small hand as she took the woman's hand.

Charlie: See, there's nothing to be afraid. What's your name, sweetie?

Arabella: Arabella.

Charlie: Arabella? That's a beautiful name for a sweet girl like you.

She playfully boop her nose, making her giggle. She was like being treated like a child.

Charlie: What are you doing in Hell, Arabella? It's not a good place for humans, even teenagers, like you.

Arabella's smiles slowly fades as she recalls her time that she was taken by a Satanic Cult as a test subject.

Arabella: Long story: I was taken by a Satanic Cult on the day of my birthday. My parents were supposed to meet up in the park for a surprise after I graduated. It only took 30 minutes to wait for them to arrived. Eventually, an older man shows up and asked me "Where my parents are?". I told the whole story and he took me to find where they are. This is where I regret his offer. He took me to the Satanic Cult where they used me as a sacrifice. Once the ritual was successful, it worked! Therefore, this is how I ended up... Here.

Charlie is surprised. How could a heartless Cult tricked and abducted an innocent teenager, using her for the ritual and dragged her to Hell? She's worried about Arabella's soul might corrupt from Hell's influence.

Charlie: (Empathize) Oh, dear. I'm so sorry. I bet you missed your parents a lot.

This broke Arabella into tears.

Charlie: Hey, hey, hey, don't cry. Can I, uh, hug you?

Arabella nods, Charlie then scoops the girl into her arms and gives her a comforting hug. This hug that Arabella received from the Princess of Hell is oddly comforting.

Arabella's parents usually give her a small hug, sometimes they do not because "they're busy". However, Charlie's hug is very comforting, showing that she's not a monster that will harm a defenseless person.

Arabella: Your hug is... Very nice.

Charlie: (Flattered) Oh! Thank you, sweetie.

Charlie: Well, since you're in Hell. Most of the Demons and Sinners aren't responsible for taking care of children, how about... I'll take you to my place. Why do you say, Arabella?

Arabella: Really?

Charlie: (Optimistically) Really, really!

Arabella: Yes! Thank you very much, Miss Charlie!

She rush towards her and gives her another hug. Charlie smiles at her.

Charlie: Alright, let's go home.

With that, she walk out to the streets with Arabella. However, Charlie doesn't know what her father will react to if she takes a human to her hotel in Hell.

She doesn't want Arabella suffered from Hell's environment and her innocence might loss. She's willing to do whatever it takes for Arabella

•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

It took 15 minutes to arrived in Hell. Charlie took a cab as they arrived in Happy Hotel, which she was planned to open it for welcoming all of Sinners for seeking redemption, despite they find it as a joke.

Charlie enters the hotel, where she greeted by her girlfriend, Vaggie, a Moth Sinner.

Vaggie: Welcome back, Hon! How are you do- Ay dios mío!

She exclaims when she notices a human girl behind Charlie. She never saw a human girl before in Hell. Usually, she has seen Sinners and Demon Children and Teenagers in her life. However, seeing an actual Human is new to her.

Vaggie: (Frantically) Charlie! Who is she? Why did you bring a... A Human in the hotel?

Charlie: Vaggie, relax. This is Arabella, I found her in the streets after I saved her from the drunken driver.

Vaggie: What?

Arabella: Hi, I'm Arabella.

She gives him an awkward wave to the disbelief Vaggie.

Vaggie: How did she end up in Hell, even though she didn't died?

Charlie: Long story short: A Cult took her and used her for the ritual, which Arabella got dragged into Hell. Thankfully, this precious cutie's soul didn't become a demon.

She gently stroking Arabella's long blonde hair to comfort her. Arabella grew flattered for receiving a motherly affection from Charlie which her real mother didn't, practically she was busy.

Vaggie: Are you sure about this, Hon? Bringing a human girl in Hell is dangerous. You know, Humans viewed us as Ruthless and Dangerous Monsters.

She started to feel wary about the idea of having a human in the hotel. Charlie dismissed it.

Charlie: Come on, Vaggie! Just look at this precious poor thing. Does this cutie looks adorable to you? Arabella needs a home. She didn't viewed me as a monster since we first met.

She gives her girlfriend a puppy dog eyes and pouty mouth, same goes to Arabella as she tries to imitate Charlie. Vaggie's eyes widen. It seems they both already bond.

With no other choices, Vaggie sigh, she wanted to make her girlfriend happy.

Vaggie: Fine.

Charlie: (Excitedly) Did you hear that, Arabella? I told you my girlfriend will let you stay.

Arabella: (Curiously) Girlfriend?

The two girls looked at her then looking at each other until Arabella realized as she awkwardly apologize.

Arabella: (Awkwardly) Oh, right! I'm so sorry, Miss Charlie and Miss Vaggie! I didn't mean to offend you because... This is the first time I've encountered a... Same sex couple like you.

Charlie: It's okay, Arabella. You didn't offend us. We're just surprised, that's all.

Vaggie: Yeah.

She then gives Arabella a small pat on the head.

Arabella: What kind of demon are you, Miss Vaggie?

Vaggie: Uh... A Moth. Why?

Arabella: If you're a Moth Sinner, why do you have a giant X over your eye? Moths don't have those.

Vaggie: Uh... What?

Arabella gestures at her giant X on her eye. She's starting to sweating. She doesn't want to expose her biggest secret to her and Charlie, so she make a lie.

Vaggie: ...I got attacked by a... Bitch and died in 2014. That's how I lost my eye. So yeah, I don't wanna scare you because.. you're new here.

She looked away in ashamed, not wanting to reveal behind her X eye.

Arabella: It's okay, Miss Vaggie. I think you're still beautiful, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

This warms and swells Vaggie's heart. After all of those years of being tormented from her past and seeing herself as a "Sinner", she was reassured by a Human Girl, just like Charlie usually comforts her whenever she has a hard time or feels insecure.

•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

Arabella finally finds a place to stay in Happy Hotel. She ate, used the bathroom to take a shower and finally found a comfortable outfit to wear, instead of her blood stained uniform.

Arabella: Thanks for the clothes and food, Miss Charlie.

Charlie: Anytime, my dear. Come on, I'll take you to the guest room.

The girl went into the elevator. The elevator goes up on the second level, they headed to the room labeled "666" for Arabella.

Charlie: Welcome to your new home!

She opens the door for Arabella. To her surprise, the room is messy and not luxurious, just like every hotels in human realm.

Charlie: (Awkwardly) Uhm.. Sorry about the mess here, Arabella. It's not that... Luxurious one.

Arabella: (Politely) No, no, It's okay. I like that. I see that you and your girlfriend are planning to open your hotel for demons.

She placed her bag on the bed as she and Charlie went inside.

Charlie: Yeah, we worked hard for the hotel because I hate to see my people being killed by the Exorcist.

Arabella: The Exorcist?

Charlie: Oh, right, you probably never heard of that before. Since you're new here, I'll explain it to you. The Exorcist are angels coming from Heaven, they're sent to eliminate Sinners on sight. They love nothing but sadistic joy and violence. There's this event called "Extermination", an event where Exorcists descended into Hell to eliminate all of Sinners on sight throughout Hell.

Arabella: (Shocked) Oh.

She gulps nervously, she wasn't expecting Exorcists can be that brutal when it comes to eliminating Sinners. She mostly thinks Angels are benevolent beings, willingly to help less unfortunate souls to the human realm.

Arabella: What if.. there's a misunderstood Sinners?

Charlie: That's the right question. They don't have a heart to spare them, they just.. killed them. (Sighs)

Arabella: (Realized) ...So.. that's the reason why you built this hotel?

Charlie: Exactly, yes. I built this because I believe Redemption was possible. Even though everyone in Hell sees it as a joke, I don't care, I just want to prove that Redemption is the key, so that none of the Sinners wouldn't be killed!

The Princess of Hell was full of determination, ready to fight her dream to save her overpopulation home. Arabella is seemingly inspired by Charlie's determination.

Arabella: Well, I can help you, Miss Charlie.

Charlie: (Gasps) Really?

Arabella: But... How will I get home?

Charlie's smile soon drops when Arabella wanted to go home. She looks over her shoulder where she sees a clocktower that was built by Heaven as well their rules. She was worried about Arabella's soul, Hell recognized it as it belongs here.

Charlie: Um, since you're being sacrificed from the ritual, and the next Extermination. I think It's the best way to.. stay here.

Arabella: (Surprised) What?!

Charlie: Sorry for this, Arabella. I have to do this for your own good. You see this clocktower over there?

She gestures to the golden clocktower outside of the hotel, the count down say 348 turn to 349, much to Charlie's anxious.

Arabella: Yeah? Why?

Charlie: That's the count down for the next Extermination. Which means... You better prepare yourself because Extermination was about to get started.

She grabs her arms as her tone grows frantic, like a mother frantically warns her child to stay away from any dangerous threats.

Arabella: Does that mean.. I won't able to get home?

Charlie: We'll figure this out, dear. I promise, me and Vaggie will help you to take you home in no time.

Arabella: Okay.

Charlie: About that, why did you said "I can help you"?

Arabella: Now that you mention it, I will help you because you saved me earlier. And.. I understand you're not like most of the demons in Hell, you're different from the others. Your determination to pursue your impossible dream is, well, genuinely surprises me.

Charlie: Really? Oh, thank you. Actually, I viewed you as well, you're just... like me. I can see it in your eyes.

Arabella: Really?

Charlie: (Optimistically) Yeah! You can be our helping hand for the hotel while we're planning to get you back home. How's that sound?

Arabella: A helping hand? That's sounds very great, I like that.

Charlie: (Smiles) I'm glad you like it.

Vaggie: (In the distance) Charlie! Let's go!

Charlie: Oh, that's Vaggie! I better headed off! Have a good day, Arabella.

With that, she walks out of the room and closed the door. Arabella was all alone in this room, she lay down on the bed. Then, she took out her phone, opened messenger to see if her parents replied all of her messages, however they just seen it instead.

Arabella sighed, she knew her parents are busy for their work. Speaking of which, Charlie's motherly affection gives her a very odd feeling. Something that her own mother didn't do that when she was little.

Now that she's here in Hell, she must adapt to live in this realm to survive.

This is just the beginning of her journey in Hell.

To be continued

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