By Lethal_Bay

29 7 0

Orien the boy met a broken soul that's all there is in this story. 15 years old teen boy Orien who just lost... More



4 1 0
By Lethal_Bay


                   [Title:You and I...]

The spirit and Orien can communicate with each other in their minds. After the spirit got a long speech on how to behave in Orien's body by Orien. He changed into gym clothes and went there. Orien is more tensed than before he is thinking of what will happen to his fragile body cause the spirit is in high spirit, planning on enjoying the best time of his life at the gym. His thoughts are on how to destroy the best athlete of the class. When Orien is the type of boy who can never finish 100 meter run without tripping the spirit is planning  a marathon.

"Hihihi. I just can't wait. I want to play. You see I was an athletic person back in my days." spirit with a proud face.

'And how do you know that, when you have no memories!' Orien

As Orien asked this question the spirit freezed in his place.

"You are right...How..can I!" spirit

'You okay!' Orien

"Ye-Yeah! I'm ok. Wohoo! Let's go!" spirit

As he entered the gym room, he met with the teacher.

"Orien!  It took you so long. Oh my! What happened to your nose! Kid you aright!" The teacher with his concerned look

"Who - me, yeah it’s me. I'm fine just lost my way here and kinda...trip and fall." Spirit in Orien

"Oh! Will you join in the class today or are you gonna sit. Today we gonna play volleyball." The teacher

"I wanna play." the spirit who is so excited

The teacher nod and left to tell the students about how to play volleyball. The teacher also divided them in teams. When another class came in.

"So students! We all know today's the day when your rival class and you play together or battle in this war. My soldiers don't lose to them. Yeaaaaaaaaaaa..." the teacher

'Yeaaaaaaaaaa... WE WILL WIN THIS WAR' all the students of the class.

"I'm now more confused than you are kid..." spirit 

"Hey! Newbie it’s me. You seem hurt is everything alright...well whatever. You seem confused so let me say, it started when was first established. All the students had a great relation with each other, our school was famous for It's friendliness..." Hex

"You are making me more confused. What does the school establishment have with m...!" spirit

With a terrifying look Hex stated, "Look.If.You.Stop.Me.One.More.Time. You gonna regret your life "

'Like, I'm not regretting it already!' Orien in his mind

The spirit is thinking, if he should laugh or cry right now. 

"So where I was... Yeah! Each and every class was super friendly with each other. Within them there was the great legendary duo. They both were the greatest bestfriend duo and also so popular in the whole school. But one day rumors like they started fighting was all over the school even the teachers and head teacher was concerned for their friendship. The actual reason was, one of them taking the first place in exam when the other one took second place. They started the battle of who would be greater than other one. But unfortunately the second one could not overtake the first one his loss was a matter  of sorrow for all the teachers and students. But he didn’t gave up he stated that the students in top 10 was mostly like his class so he won it in another way. And that is how the students of both class started to beat each other in things like study,sports, activities, festival etc.
Even after they both left the school, this competition keep going and became the infamous tradition of this academy. And our class is one of those class and that class over their is the other one we are eternal rivals."
The speech was so long. After Hex finished it he looked at Orien with sparkle in his eyes expecting a comment from him,

"Alright! So which team I'm in?" the spirit with an awkward smile.

"Huh!! That's all, you don't wanna say something!" Hex with great disappointment

"Two of you over there come and choose the opponent team in the draw!" The teacher who was holding a box maybe lottery box.

"Huh!! Already! It can't be, teacher in which team I'm in?" Hex. We all can say with one look Hex is a loud and childish kid.

Hex is boy shorter than average height. He is a friendly person almost every students knows him. He is a troublemaker anyone can say. He has light brown hair colour which makes him different than others.

"Well.. you and the newbie are on the 5th team." the teacher

"Oh so we are a team and the last one to play. Let's see who is our opponents." Hex

As Hex was looking around. Orien started wondering what is actually going on .

'Hey! How old do you think you are?' Orien in his mind referring to spirit.

"I'm supposed to be 40 this year. But I died when I was 20 so I'm still 20 years old. Spirits don’t age." spirit in his mind.

'When you don't remember anything, how can you say your age?' Orien

"Maybe a few days after I died, I found a bunch of mails in the mailbox all of those were some birthday wishes for my 20th birthday." spirit

'It could have been a great tragedy if you died on your birthday' Orien

"Oy!! Newbie... So you are in our team!" a boy with glasses

"Oh!my.. my.. Is this beauty our teammate?" a girlish looking person their voice was low so spirit or Orien could hardly guess it is a boy.

"Um..." spirit inside Orien.

"You know kid, I feel like I will also developed a fear of humans like you everyone is weird." spirit in his mind

"Hey! Ron . Hey! Laura.  Oh don't look so confused Orien.. They are my friends he is Ron and he is Lauray I call him Laura. And we are gonna play together." Hex

"I see... Nice to meet you..two..I'm Orien. " spirit

'Maybe twenty years of shut down has ruined my social skills. I'm feeling super awkward' spirit

'I'm enjoying your misery...' Orien

"Nice to meet you, my foot. I hate people like you the most. Who show off to others. And be careful of what you say to me I'm this class's representatives. " Ron the one with the glasses

"Hey!It's no way to talk with the newbie." Hex

"He is right.. No matter how much you hate him you should not say it in front of him." Lauray

'I wonder what have this scaredy boy done to you all to make you hate him.' thought the spirit

"Tch.. do you guys really think he is a good person. Whatever.. You listen if you wear these lenses tomorrow too, I will form a complaint to the principle about you. And wearing glasses don’t make you less attractive." Ron

"You see, they are my actual eye colour...not any lense. My eyes are naturally like this." Spirit

Everyone looks at him in shock and they all didn’t believe a single word.

"See.. I told you all." Ron

"Unbelievable. You really are.. sigh.." Lauray

"I didn’t take you someone like this. Do you think this shade of blue in your eyes can exist naturally. If you are making an excuse make one that make sense." Hex

So now Orien is a bit sad. That had happen with him many times till now. Even for foreigners this blue shade is rare only a man-made lense can have this colour. They were giving Orien a disappointed look which made the spirit angry.

"Oy do I need to show you all my baby pictures or something. Can't a person be genetically different from a normal human being. Do all of you only think that one shade of colour can form in a human. Ki..I mean I have this colour since my birth so that what make it my natural colour."  the spirit shout out these words

"Well he is stating the truth.. The principle just called me a few moments ago to tell me about this. It may be weird but this is indeed his real eye colour." state the teacher who was listening to their conversation

"For real. I.. I.. I thought those were.." Ron

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything bad it just super rare. I just could not consider the other option." Lauray

"I am sorry.." Hex

'Is it a childs play! ' thought the spirit
'I think so too.. ' agreed Orien

"It’s alright. Just leave me alone for a moment" as spirit said these he went to a corner and sit there to watch the match of volleyball. It was already the third match.

Their team will be playing in the fifth match. Total five matches is going to held in which Oriens class have already won two of it. The third match finished with the other class winning. The fourth match is going to start soon. Everyone is taking this way more seriously than Orien and spirit could imagine.

"Guys!  Please!  Win for me. I therefore sacrifice myself to the victory." a random player

"Nooo! You can't it can't be... Dear allies we have lost one of our great comrade. Your sacrifice will never be in vain my friend." other random player

"What the actual hell is going on here?" Spirit

'Like I know!' Orien

'Hey do you know how to play volleyball.' Orien

" I guess I know it a little bit.  Why do you ask?" spirit

'You see it’s my first time playing. It’s not like I'm the one playing. ' says Orien

"If it’s your first time then we are in trouble. We will lose for sure. And yes it is like you are playing. Because it’s your body I can't move it however I wish. I am only able to give you one ability at a time, like last time I give you the ability to float." spirit

'So it means that all the walking and moving is being done by me!' Orien

"Yes and I can't afford to lose this match. If you ask why.. Than let me tell you losing is not so me like." spirit claim that

'Than what now?' Orien

"You know you are fast and can jump high. Just the problem is you do it when you come under human contact  both these qualities are needed in volleyball. So you will use these ability while I will give you stamina which you lack." spirit

'Nice thoughts but I don’t think it will work.' Orien

"I can bet if you play along we will won" spirit

As the mind communication was going on Hex and the others come towards him and stated

"We are in trouble. Our opponents are Aiden's team. He is the best athlete of this school." Hex

"Forgot about winning. I don’t think we can even make 3 points at least." Lauray

The spirit heard them and was so quite. He stand up slowly.

"Hehehehe did you just say, the best athlete of this school. My fantasy is coming true. Let's crush this match HAHAHA!!" as spirit is laughing maniacally Orien became concerned of his fragile body. He knew it is going to break if the spirit gets more excited. 
The fourth game also ended with the other class as winners. Our team is super tensed. Meanwhile the spirit is so excited.

"It’s so great to be a kid! We can have this great competitions. I can't wait" spirit

'Buddy don't get carried away. I'm not your average kid. I'm weak and fragile. My doctors told not to do intense work. I have spend my childhood in a hospital room.' Orien

"Alright this is the last you gotta win this." teacher

'Our class only had bad lucks. Say Will why haven’t you join in the play all your teammates are in! If you had than they wouldn’t have been joined with the random two people and that newbie' a random boy in a corner. He is talking with a boy who was reading a book.

The match started,

"Listen kid just follow the plan you and I will win this together.. " spirit with pure confidence

While they both were in their mind conference. Sudden 'THUMP' followed by the ball passing his side scoring a point for opponents. 


"Bahahahaha! the newbie didn’t even move. This serve was super easy catch. They are bound to lose." random person

Orien and spirit heard their teammates disappointed comments as well as the opponents mockery just because that one point. The game is decided on 15 points, the team who will score this point first will be the winner.
The next serve leads the ball towards the glasses boy who saved it and give it to the setter girlish boy who decided to set the ball for Hex. Yes they did it but the ball get blocked by the boy named Aiden who is in front line. Orien and spirit were on the defence zone. Another point was given to opponents.

'So. what's the plan?' Orien

"Just going to be reckless. Sorry in advance all I care about is winning." spirit

As he said that he blocked the ball and give it to the setter and the setter decided to set for Hex but this time Orien step in, as the setter saw him he mistakingly set the ball early and 'THUMP' the ball hit the ground it was so fast that no one could block it.. Well they didn’t saw it coming. The team got the point shocking everyone.

"Wow! You are fast.." Lauray

Poor Orien his legs are now shaking. After this they point more... each time Orien shocked the crowd. People really thought he was a prodigy or a great athlete just like Aiden. Meanwhile Aiden was enjoying this match to his fullest.
Right after a few minutes Orien's format started to break. The spirit realized it they were in trouble now. The score wasn’t that great there is still a big gap between scores like Orien's team scored 10 and other team scored 13. If Orien give up the spirit could never win this.

"Hang in there. I don’t wanna lose. Not now." spirit

'I'm still hanging ain't I! I have long crossed my limits but still in this match right. I too wanna win. I wanna know why everyone is trying this hard for it.' Orien

Spirit is moved with Orien's will power. It is now Ron's time to serve. He shocked everyone with his first serve scoring a point easily. 

"Heh! It gives the same sensation as tennis." Ron

One after another he took 3 points from just serving. But the last serve gets blocked but setter from Orien's side got the ball unfortunately Orien can’t move but than 'THUMP' Hex got the point. Now the scores are 14 and 13.

'Just this ones we gotta move.' Spirit

As they try hard to control the tired body spirit failed Orien could no longer feel his own body. It feels suffocating. The ball went towards the setter they were bound to lose that point, but surprise setter dump the ball and the last point...

"Winner is the 10th B class." teacher

Everyone started cheering. The team is pretty pleased. The spirit is now overjoyed. All of a sudden, Orien falls to the ground. Shocking everyone,

"Hey!  Orien you ok! " Concerned Hex

"Yeah I'm fine just tired" Spirit

'Hey kid! You there oi..' spirit in his mind

The spirit realized that Orien has fainted. So he lost conscious now it’s only spirit. When spirits take over a human body they can do things that a human can't like stretching body, pulling inner organs out without getting hurt physically. Well how is it possible! the thing that actually happens is the soul of the owner of the body takes all the damage. It doesn’t harm the owner physically but their soul gets hurt in many ways. In case of Orien all his stress and pain was taken by his soul, which caused his soul to collapse. Meanwhile the spirit is unharmed, perfectly fine. Dead people can't feel pain and can't take damages.

"So, his body is now mine. Hehehehe!" spirit with his evil laugh

"I didn’t told him everything about taking over his body. If I tire him to the point of his soul to collapse I can fully control him then. It's truly evil. But I won't if I damage his soul than my lifeline will also collapse. I don’t want that moreover in my 20 years of lonely stay he is the first one I can talk with...Are..we.. friends...." spirit in a deep thought.

"Man!! You are amazing. " Hex

"Yeah!I know" spirit

The spirit decided to finish his day quietly and return the body to it’s owner safely . He will wait for his payment.

"Damn it I feel like a kid! Friends haha I'm an adult but still am like this...But even so maybe you and I can be friends. I can feel it your loneliness... " spirit

                  -TO BE CONTINUED -

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