The Girl with the Camera (Jos...

By KatieMac9

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Maya was heading home one night when she bumps into a girl. That girl being Ryan James. Armed with an oversiz... More

Season 1
Chapter 1 - Girl Meets World
Chapter 2 - Girl Meets Boy
Chapter 3 - Girl Meets Sneak Attack
Chapter 4 - Girl Meets Father
Chapter 5 - Girl Meets the Truth
Chapter 6 - Girl Meets Philly
Chapter 8 - Girl Meets Smackle
Chapter 9 - Girl Meets Crazy Hat
Chapter 10 - Girl Meets the Forgotten
Chapter 11 - Girl Meets Flaws
Chapter 12 - Girl Meets Ryan's Birthday
Chapter 13 - Girl Meets Thanksgiving
Chapter 14 - Girl Meets Brother
Chapter 15 - Girl Meets Home for the Holidays
Chapter 16 - Girl Meets Game Night
Chapter 17 - Girl Meets Master Plan
Chapter 18 - Girl Meets Farkle's Choice
Chapter 19 - Girl Meets First Date
Chapter 20 -Girl Meets Valentine's Day
Season 2
Chapter 21 - Girl Meets Gravity
Chapter 22 - Girl Meets the New World
Chapter 23 - Girl Meets the Secret of Life
Chapter 24 - Girl Meets Pluto
Chapter 25 - Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels
Chapter 26 - Girl Meets the Tell-Tale-Tot
Chapter 27 - Girl Meets Rules
Chapter 28 - Girl Meets Hurricane
Chapter 29 - Girl Meets Hospital

Chapter 7 - Girl Meets Maya's Mother

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By KatieMac9

Ryan's POV:

As promised, once I got home from Philly, I texted Josh and called grandpa to let them know. I walked into the door calling for my mom before noticing a note on the counter in the kitchen.

Had to go into work. Text me when you see this. Love you -Mom

I sighed pulling my phone out and letting her know I got home. I love my mom, but I wish we could spend more time together. I go upstairs and unpack. Then I decided to text Lucas and Brandon to see if they wanted to meet up tomorrow, since tomorrow is Sunday and we don't have school. After making plans to meet up with them the next day, I make some food for dinner and video call Josh before going to bed.

3rd Person POV: 

Ryan walks into Svorski's while texting Josh.

"Hey Trouble. What's with the big smile on your face?" Brandon asks while walking up and hugging her. Lucas following behind him.

"Am I not allowed to smile?" Ryan responds while giving Lucas a hug.

"You're allowed to smile. We just never see a smile on your face like that." Lucas says while pointing to Ryan's face. 

"So spill." Brandon says as Ryan walk away from him to order a drink, the boys following. 

"I have nothing to spill." Ryan says right before her phone goes off with a text from Josh.

Have fun with your friends. I'll call you tonight beautiful :)

As Ryan read it, the same smile the boys saw earlier reappeared. Lucas and Brandon look at each other before turning back to Ryan.

"Who is it, Shutterfly?"

"I don't know what you mean." Ryan asks innocently.

"Yes you do. Who is it that is texting you causing you to smile that way?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah we've seen your normal smile. But this one is different." Brandon says.

They go and sit down in a booth. "Alright, I'll tell you. His name is Josh. We met in Philly while I was helping my grandpa and" Ryan says before mumbling the next part "he is my boyfriend."

Lucas and Brandon look confused not hearing the last part "What was that last part?"

Ryan takes a breath before saying again, clearly this time, "Josh is my boyfriend."

Lucas and Brandon just stare shocked with their mouths open. They snap out of it when Ryan snaps her fingers in front of their faces.

"Boyfriend?!" They both exclaim before Brandon continues "My best friend has a boyfriend? Who is this guy?"

"His name is Josh. He lives next door to my grandpa. He's 16."

"16? You're dating a 16-year-old?" Lucas says

"Yeah" Ryan shrugs. "It's no big deal. I turn 15 next month. The age difference isn't that bad."

"So what about Josh made you interested in him? You haven't been interested in anyone before?" 

"He's sweet, kind, caring, funny, adventurous." Ryan says with an adoring smile while thinking about Josh. "I don't know what it was but we just connected." 

"That's great, Ryan" Lucas says with a smile

"Yeah. I love seeing you this happy." Brandon says smiling before the smile drops and he takes on a serious expression, "But if he hurts you, I'll maim him."

"I'll help" Lucas adds 

Ryan laughs and says "Thanks Dodger, Cowboy"

"So other than the new boyfriend, how was Philly?" Brandon asks Ryan and they break out into easy conversation until they go home.

Ryan's POV:

The next day, I am sitting next to Brandon in art class. I don't like drawing and painting like I do photography, but it's fine. We are supposed to be drawing fruit, but I have been drawing a lily, like the one Josh gave me on our second date. 

"Why draw fruit? Let's draw a real work of art. That's right. Check out 48 lbs of nasty." Farkle says walking in wearing a blue robe, then goes to remove it.

"No!" Maya, Riley, and I yell while Brandon drops his pencil and covers both of our eyes with his hands. 

"Well!" Ms. Kossal says with a laugh "Looky here. The male... physique."

"Why thank you, art lady." Farkle says. Brandon peeks through his fingers and sees Farkle in a stripped bathing suit. 

"Oh thank god" Brandon mumbles before removing his hand from covering my eyes. "he's in a bathing suit." I breathe out a sigh of relief before picking my pencil back up.

"Why aren't we drawing Lucas?" Riley asks

"Because nobody looks like that." Ms. Kossal says after looking at Lucas' face for a second.

"My boyfriend looks better" I mumble to Brandon causing him to laugh.

"Get used to this." Ms. Kossal says with her hands on Farkle's shoulders "Get used to this right now. When drawing a Farkle, start with the eyes."

"I think the eyes should go straight to the gun show." Farkle says flexing his muscles.

"What gun show?" I ask

"There is more meat on a dog bone." Brandon says and I grab my camera and take a picture.

"Hey!" Farkle exclaims

"What I'm not going to post it or anything." I say before showing the picture to Brandon

After I show him the picture, I put my camera down and flip my sketch book to the picture I have drawn of Farkle and continued shading it. Even if I prefer photography, I draw when I am sitting at home bored, and not wanting to read.  

"All right, I know these are works in progress, but let's see where we are." Ms. Kossal says while walking around the room and looking at the drawings. 

"Oh my gosh....Maya." I heard Ms. Kossal exclaim. "Maya. My goodness. This is brilliant!"

"Farkle is in a bird's nest." Riley says as if Ms. Kossal is stupid 

"It's a work of surrealism, Riley. It's how this artist's mind views the subject."

"I'm a bird to you?" Farkle asks Maya

"No, you just... Need to be protected." Maya responds

Before Farkle can say anything else, Ms. Kossal exclaims "Ryan! This is amazing." She takes my sketchpad showing my drawing. I put my head down groaning.

Farkle sees it and mutters "Oh Galileo" He then turns to me. "Ry, is this really how you see me?"

I finally lift my head and look at him. "This is you. Who you show yourself as to your friends. I just drew you as you see yourself." I finish with a smile and a shrug. 

"You will be my queen." Farkle declares.

I widen my eyes and say "No. no. no. no. no. I am no queen, Farkle."

"Besides if she was, she's already be someone else's queen" Brandon mumbles to Lucas with a smirk. 

Before anyone else can say something else on that subject, Ms. Kossal says "Maya, Ryan there's a school exhibit coming up. I want one of your pieces in it."

"What about my piece?" Riley asks

"That's a cute top."

"No thanks, Ms. Kossal. I don't draw for other people to look at, but thank you." Maya says

"I'm going to have to say no, Ms. Kossal. I only draw when I am home bored. I get much more enjoyment from my photography."

"I'd appreciate you both thinking about it, okay?" She asks and I nod.

"Where you headed, Farkle?" Riley asks 

"Gym class. That should go well, right?...See you later, my queen" He asks before walking out.

I groan and put my head down, "That's not going away is it?"

Brandon pets my head and sympathetically says "Doesn't look like it, Trouble."

The next day was Career day. We were sitting in class. Maya and Riley in the front, Lucas behind Maya, and Brandon behind Lucas. Farkle was behind Riley and I was behind Farkle. 

"All right, future history makers, welcome to career day. Now there are a lot of ways to make your mark on the world." Mr. Matthews says while standing at the front of the room.

"Hi, Riley." Mrs. Matthews says walking in

"Oh great, Shakira is here." Riley rolled her eyes before looking to Maya "Where's your mom?"

"She won't be coming."

"But she told you she was coming."

"Yes, she did."

"What about your mom, Shutterfly?" Lucas asks

"No clue" I say with a shrug, "I'm not holding my breath for her to come. She's always busy."

"Okay, guys, our first guest today is a lawyer, and I likes her." Mr. Matthews says to us before turning to his wife, "Hey, lawyer lady. How's about we go out sometime? I get off work every day at 3:15... Except Tuesdays. I got playground."

"So I am an attorney. I got here through a lot of hard work in school. By the time I was your age, I had 350 A's." Mrs. Matthews tells the class. Next there is a knock on the door. 

"Your mom... there she is." Riley says to Maya. Mr. Matthews opens the door and a man walks through the back door with a big smile looking at Mrs. Matthews.

"Minkus." Mr. Matthews says pointing at him

"Topanga." Mr. Minkus says smiling at Mrs. Matthews

"Stuart." Mrs. Matthews responds

"Topanga."Mr. Minkus says again smiling at Mrs. Matthews before walking over to Farkle.

"Father." Farkle greets Mr. Minkus

"Farkle." Mr. Minkus greets back putting his hand on Farkle's shoulder

"Wait a minute." Lucas says

"Yes?" Farkle asks

"He's your father?"

"Look at us." Farkle says and his father bends down next to him while they smile the same way.

"Your name is Farkle Minkus?"  Brandon and Lucas both ask

"Don't wear it out." Farkle responds

"I don't know how you could." 

"You can't man."

"There is no way to." Lucas, Brandon, and I respond at the same time.

"Sorry I'm late, everybody. I had helicopter problems, 'cause I have a helicopter." He says walking up to the front of the class before turning to Mr. Matthews, "Do you have a helicopter, Cory?" 

"Nope. Do you have a Topanga, Minkus?"

"Nope, because she chose you. I run Minkus International, I have a helicopter, and she chose you."

"Stuart, please. Aren't we a little too evolved to still be competing with each other?" Topanga asks

" Of course." Mr. Minkus laughing sarcastically

"Of course." Mrs. Matthews say also laughing sarcastically

Then they turn towards each other and say "Go!"

"Between the two of us, Riley and I have 1260 A's. Ha!" Mrs. Matthews brags

"That's remarkable, Topanga. Between the two of us, Farkle and I have 1261." Mr. Minkus brags, one upping her.

"Ha!" Farkle laughs

"Ha!" Mr. Minkus does the same.

Mrs. Matthews turns to look at her husband with a pointed look. Mr. Matthews yells "Aahh....I... I had to, Topanga. He's a lot smarter than I am." 

"But what's more important to me than anything... Is that I have this guy. Come up here, son." Mr. Minkus says before calling Farkle up front

"Come up here, daughter. Look how tall she is. She's been taller than me since the day she was born." Mrs. Matthews responds calling Riley to stand up too. Mr. Minkus helps Farkle stand taller to compete.

"Well, very nice. Good for you guys. So this is what career day is really all about." Mr. Matthews says

"Yeah, I love it every year." Maya says sarcastically. 

"I'm sorry, Maya. Maybe your mom just got a little busy." Mr. Matthews says

"Are you okay?" Riley asks

"I'm always okay." Maya says

"What about you, Trouble?" Brandon asks me

"I'm fine. Like I said before, I didn't expect her to show since she's always busy." I shrug, slightly disappointed but not at all surprised. 

There was another knock, but on the front door of the classroom this time. 

"You're mom?" Riley says to Maya excitedly and her dad goes to open the door and I saw Mr. Matthews tense. 'Wonder why'

It wasn't Maya's mom that walked in, but mine.

"Mom!" I exclaim excited and get up to hug her.

"Hey sweets" She says smiling and hugging me back.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy."

"You asked me to be here and I managed to work out my schedule to do so." She says with a smile and a shrug. I smile at her. 

"Stella?" Mr. and Mrs. Matthews question in a shocked whisper, Mr. Matthews back next to her. 

Mom freezes and her eyes widen before she turns and looks at them. "Cory....Topanga." She mumbles before she clears her throat and says "It's been a while."

Mr. and Mrs. Matthews nod still looking shocked. 

Mom then says "Well, you two look great....and I'm here for Ry's career day soooo...." 

"Oh right." Mr. Matthews says before clearing his throat and turning to the class. "Everyone this is Ms. James, Ryan's mom."

I got back to my seat to let my mom talk to the class. Riley and Farkle doing the same, while the adults stay up front where they are.

"Hi everyone. As Cory said, I'm Ryan's mom, but it's actually Dr. James. I'm head of pediatrics at a local teaching hospital. My job includes scheduling and performing pediatric and neonatal surgeries, taking care of children of all ages, and pregnant women as well. I also have to coordinate the interns and help teach them so they can become great doctors themselves." Mom says before pausing. I then notice that Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are still staring at my mom, like they are shocked to see her here.  

"My job takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice." she says looking at me and I look down. "But I help a lot of kids, that may not have a chance otherwise, get better so they can experience all the little moments life has to offer." She finishes turning to the class with a smile. "Any questions?" Before anyone can raise their hand to ask any questions the bell rings. I get up and walk to my mom with Brandon and Lucas following me. Riley and Maya walk to Riley's parents, while Farkle goes to his dad. 

"Thanks for coming mom." I say to her while hugging my mom.

"No problem, sweets." She says and I pull out of the hug. she cups my face with her hands, "I know I'm really busy with work, but I'm always here for you." I smile and she kisses my forehead. 

"Mom, this is Brandon and Lucas." I say to her before turning to the boys "Guys, this is my mom."

"Hello ma'am" Lucas greets

"Sup" Brandon says

"It's nice to meet you boys. Ryan has told me a lot of great things about you." Mom says with a smile while having her arm across my shoulders.

Riley, Maya, Farkle and the other parents walk to where we are. 

"So these are the two ladies you tell me keep chasing you, huh?" Mr. Minkus asks Farkle about Riley and Maya

"Please." Farkle begs in a whisper.

"Yes sir, it is us." Riley says

"I'm not doing it." Maya tells Riley, then Riley nudges her.

"Yes sir, it's us. We hope that one day one of us will be lucky enough to become the future Mrs. Farkle Minkus and have a lot of baby minkii." Maya says to Mr. Minkus in a deadpan voice.

Brandon, Mom, and I burst out laughing at that.

Farkle then introduces me to his dad. "This is Ryan, she's my queen" He says looking at me dreamily.

"We've been over this Farkle. I ain't no queen." I say to him.

Brandon chuckles, "And if she was, her actual boyfriend would be her King."

"Boyfriend?!" Mom, Maya, Farkle, Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews ask shocked.

"Yeah. I have a boyfriend. We got together when I was visiting grandpa." I say with a shrug. I then turn to my mom "I haven't told you since I haven't spent any time with you since I got back Saturday. Wanted to tell you in person, not over text." 

"Wow. Someone finally caught your attention." She says looking at me with a smirk. "I want all the details later."

"Next take out and movie marathon night?" I ask hopefully

"Friday night?" she ask

"Deal." I say with a nod and a smile

"Deal." she repeats

"Why didn't you tell us?" Riley asks me sounding upset

"Never had a chance to" I say with a shrug. 

"But Lucas and Brandon know." Maya states

"Yeah. We hung out Saturday and I told them, well actually they asked."

"She was smiling down at her phone multiple times." Lucas said

"She's normally barely on it. And I have never seen her smile the way she was. We asked and she told us." Brandon continues. 

The bell rings. "We better go so we aren't late for our next class." Lucas says. We grab our stuff and say goodbye to the adults before we head to our next class. 

Stella's POV:

I'm on my way into Ryan's classroom to be there for career day. I am normally really busy, but when she mentioned this last month, I managed to move my schedule around so I could be there. I get up to her classroom and knock on the door. 

When it opens, I walk through with a smile looking towards Ryan. "Mom!" She exclaims before running up to hug me.

"Hey sweets" I smile at her returning her hug

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy." She asks. 

"You asked me to be here and I managed to work out my schedule to do so." I tell her and she smiles. 'I really need to try and make more time with her.'

"Stella?" I hear in recognizable shocked whispers. My eyes widen and I freeze before I turn to look at where the voices came from.

"Cory....Topanga." I mumble quietly before clearing my throat and saying in a straight face "It's been a while."

They nod still looking at me shocked. 'I can't believe this is happening. How is this happening? I never thought I would see them again and Cory turns out to be Ryan's teacher.'

Knowing I wanted to get through this as fast as possible I said "Well, you two look great....and I'm here for Ry's career day soooo...."

"Oh right." Cory says and then turns to the class. "Everyone this is Ms. James, Ryan's mom."

Ryan and two kids, I recognize from Ryan's pictures as Riley and Farkle, go to sit back down.

"Hi everyone. As Cory said, I'm Ryan's mom, but it's actually Dr. James." I say before turning to Cory with a look and then face the class again. "I'm head of pediatrics at a local teaching hospital. My job includes scheduling and performing pediatric and neonatal surgeries, taking care of children of all ages, and pregnant women as well. I also have to coordinate the interns and help teach them so they can become great doctors themselves....My job takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice." I look towards my daughter, knowing how much time I am sacrificing that I could be with her. She looks down at her hands. I turn back to the rest of the class. "But I help a lot of kids that may not have a chance otherwise get better so they can experience all the little moments life has to offer. Any questions?" Before anyone can raise their hand to ask any questions the bell rings. Ryan gets up and walks to me with two boys following.

"Thanks for coming mom." She says giving me another hug.

"No problem, sweets." I say and Ryan pulls out of the hug. I cup her face with my hands, "I know I'm really busy with work, but I'm always here for you." I smile to her and she returns it. Then I kiss her forehead.

"Mom, this is Brandon and Lucas." Ryan introduces us. "Guys, this is my mom."

"Hello ma'am" Lucas greets

"Sup" Brandon says

"It's nice to meet you boys. Ryan has told me a lot of great things about you." I say with a smile while having my arm across Ryan's shoulders.

Topanga, Cory, the other man, and the kids walk to us. 

"So these are the two ladies you tell me keep chasing you, huh?" Mr. Minkus asks Farkle about Riley and Maya

"Please." Farkle begs in a whisper.

"Yes sir, it is us." Riley says

"I'm not doing it." Maya tells Riley and Riley nudges her so she does it.

"Yes sir, it's us. We hope that one day one of us will be lucky enough to become the future Mrs. Farkle Minkus and have a lot of baby minkii." Maya says to Mr. Minkus in a deadpan voice.

Brandon, Ryan and I could not hold our laughter at that. 

Farkle then introduces my daughter to his father. "This is Ryan, she's my queen" He says looking at me dreamily. I raise my brow. 'Queen huh? definitely going to tease her about that later.'

"We've been over this Farkle. I ain't no queen." She say to him.

Brandon chuckles, "And if she was, her actual boyfriend would be her King."

"Boyfriend?!" Maya, Farkle, Riley, Cory, Topanga, and I ask shocked. 'When did she get a boyfriend? Why hasn't she told me?'

"Yeah. I have a boyfriend. We got together when I was visiting grandpa." She says with a shrug. She then turns to me "I haven't told you since I haven't spent any time with you since I got back Saturday. Wanted to tell you in person, not over text." 

I look at her with a smirk and say "Wow. Someone finally caught your attention. I want all the details later."

"Next take out and movie marathon night?" She says hopefully

"Friday night?" I ask knowing I have that night off.

"Deal." She says with a nod and a smile

"Deal" I repeat with a smile.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Riley asks Ryan sounding upset

"Never had a chance to" Ryan shrugs

"But Lucas and Brandon know." Maya states

"Yeah. We hung out Saturday and I told them, well actually they asked."

"She was smiling down at her phone multiple times." Lucas said

"She's normally barely on it. And I have never seen her smile the way she was. We asked and she told us." Brandon continues. 'Oh really? She must really like this guy'

The bell rings. "We better go so we aren't late for our next class." Lucas says. The kids collect their stuff and say goodbye before leaving the room. Farkle's dad leaves as well so the only one's left are myself, Cory, and Topanga in awkward silence. 

"Well...I should get back to work." I say before turning around to leave.

"Wait Stella." Topanga says grabbing my arm.

I turn around and look at them. "Yeah?"

"Where have you been? We've tried to contact you years ago." Cory says

"Busy." I shrug "A lot has happened in my life since I last saw you two. A lot of things have changed."

"Well I'd say so. You're a doctor and have a daughter." Cory says

"Yep" I confirm

"Who we can't help but notice has a lot of similarities to Shawn." Topanga says slowly.

I know there is no way to hide this from them now so I sigh looking down at my feet before looking back up to them with a smile thinking about Ryan, "She is so much like him, it's insane."

"So she really is Shawn's daughter?" Cory asks

"She is." I say softly

"Why didn't you say anything? Does he know? And why is your last name James now?" Cory asks quickly, freaking out

"I didn't find out until a month after Shawn broke up with me to get back together with Angela." I say frowning at the memory. 

"But you left a few weeks after that happened. Did you know before you left? Is that why you left?" Cory asks frantically

"No. I didn't know. Look, I left because my parent's forced me to leave. I found out about a week after I left that I was 6 weeks pregnant. I didn't say a thing to anyone about it for a few weeks, I was trying to wrap my head around it."

"So does Shawn know?" Topanga asks calmly

"No. He doesn't." I say and they open their mouths to say something but I continue before they can. "And it wasn't from my lack of trying. I called Shawn, multiple times every week, but he never answered. I left messages telling him to call me back, that it was important, but he never did. I wasn't going to tell him in a voicemail that I was pregnant. I was going to try and see if I could get him to meet me and tell him in person, then Ryan was born and I would have settled for telling him over the phone. I didn't think telling him about his kid was something to do in a voicemail. I kept calling and leaving messages, asking him to call me back, until Ryan turned 2. Then I gave up. Every time I called him I hoped he would pick up the phone so I could tell him about the sweet, amazing, talented, loving little girl we created together. Every time he didn't answer, another piece of my heart chipped away, not to mention my dignity. But I kept calling regardless, I ignored the pain of every unanswered call and message because I knew telling him was important. For him to know about Ryan, and for Ryan to know him. But he never answered, he never responded. I decided if he didn't have the decency to call me back after I kept calling him consistently for years and begging him to call me back, then it wasn't worth trying to tell him anymore. He didn't care that I kept calling. He didn't care that I said it was important. I would have left him alone, let him be happy with Angela and he knew this. He knew me well enough to know that if I kept calling, especially after a week had past, that must be important, that it was something he needed to know, but he didn't care. So on Ryan's 2nd birthday I called him one last time. I promised myself that day I wouldn't try to contact him again if he didn't answer. I left him one last message telling him that it would be the last time I was calling. That if he didn't care to answer the phone or call me back to see what I tried so hard to tell him for over 2 years, then I would stop trying to and I would never contact him again. I told him again that it was important and begged him to call me back, but I never heard from him. So I kept my promise. I never tried to contact him again. I decided to focus on Ryan, on raising her, on keeping her happy and healthy, and being a better parent to her than what Shawn and I had. And I did it. I raised Ryan by myself, with no help from anyone. And I think I did a damn good job too." I finished with tears going down my face.

"You did Ryan's a really good kid." Cory says

"She is." Topanga agrees

"Thank you." I said wiping the tears from my eyes. 

"But Shawn still should know." Cory says

I huffed. "I don't really know what to do about that Cory. I constantly tried to contact him for years. Should I buy a billboard and put on it Shawn we have a daughter together. -Stella." I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "Look, if I ever see him, I'll tell him about Ryan." I say before pointing to Cory, "But that does not mean to call and tell him yourself Cory. It isn't your business to tell him. I need to do it."

He gasps dramatically. "You think I would do that."

"Yes" I deadpan.

"We won't tell him." Topanga says to me and sends a pointed look to her husband. "How about next time we hear from him, we give him your number and tell him to call you?"

I think about it for a moment before sighing and grabbing one of my cards. "This is my card." I say pulling it out, I then grab a pen and write my cell number on the back before handing it to her. "On the back is my cell number, it would be better for him to call that number. Assuming he actually listens to you and calls that is. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for him."

"Great. I'll make sure he knows to call you." Topanga says, "But can we use it too? We missed you Stells."

I smile and say "I missed you guys too. Use the number. I would like to be friends again."

They smile and Topanga hugs me and then Cory says "So why did you not contact us again?"

Topanga pulls out of the hug and I sigh "I wanted to. But I knew if I did, I would tell you about the pregnancy and Shawn had to be the first to know. Besides you guys were moving on with your life and I was rebuilding mine for both me and Ryan."

"What do you mean? Does this have anything to do with your last name not being Morgan anymore?" Topanga asks

"Yeah, actually it does." I pause thinking for a second how to best explain it before continuing "To make a very long story short....My parents arranged for me to marry some rich jerk that was 12 years older than me. I refused but was still stuck there, so I argued about it. Then I found out I was pregnant a few days after they told me about the arranged marriage. They found out about Ryan, wanted me to abort, I refused, and they pushed it. I hated my parents, you know that. So one night I took all the money I had out of my account, grabbed my birth certificate, passport, all the important documents I had and then went to the bus stop and left. Wound up in Ohio, changed my name, started med school, had Ryan, and then years later we ended up here with Ryan in Cory's class and friends with your daughter. Small world."

"So you're parents don't know Ryan?" Topanga says

"Nope. They knew I was pregnant but I haven't had contact with them in over 15 years, so they don't know Ryan. Honestly if I never talk to them again, I would be perfectly fine with that."

"So you changed your name from Stella Morgan to Estella James." Topanga states

"Yup. Easy to remember and for me to respond to, but different enough to not be followed by whatever PI my parents would have hired to find me." I say with a nod.

"So what about Shawn in all this? You had his daughter, he deserves to know." Cory says

"Okay Cory! I get it!" I yell and then huff calming down. "I did have our daughter. He would have known if he ever picked up the phone. Like I said, if I ever see or hear from him again, I will tell him. But not for him. For Ryan. He doesn't deserve anything from me, but I know Ryan wants to know more about him, maybe even meet him, even if she doesn't say anything about it, and know where she came from."

"What does she know?" Topanga asks

"Not much. She knows that she is a lot like him. That he was a troublemaker, a king of pranks, like he and Cory used to call themselves," I chuckle,  "She knows that we went to college together, he takes pictures, other things about his personality I've mentioned, and she obviously has his leather jacket."

"I knew that jacket looked familiar!" Cory exclaims. "I told you!" he points to Topanga, who just looks at him with a raised eyebrow before he shrinks back with "eeeep."

"Yeah, it's Shawn's jacket. He never ended up getting it back after we broke up, so I took it with me, then I found out I was pregnant and kept it. I gave it to Ryan when she turned 11. She's worn it ever since, even though it was huge on her." I laughed with a fond smile remembering my daughter running around in her jacket at 11-years-old. 

"I noticed she never leaves without it." Topanga says

"Nope, she always takes the leather jacket everywhere she goes. I think it's because it gives her some kind of connection to her dad. She feels he is there even when he isn't." I pause before adding, "She also always takes one for her cameras." I add with a chuckle

"Yeah she was talking about capturing little moments, the first time I met her. She basically said the same thing you used to say all the time. Threw us for a loop." Topanga said

I laughed and said "Who do you think taught her that?" I say with a smirk. "She might be a lot like Shawn, but she is also my kid. No doubt about that."

They laugh at that. Then I look up at the time. "It was great seeing you guys again, but I really have to go back to work. I have a little girl that needs surgery in a few hours." I say before turning and walking out the door. "Bye guys."

3rd Person POV:

Cory and Topanga stare at the door Stella left through. 

"I can't believe it, you were right." Topanga says to Cory

"I know" 

"Ryan really is Shawn and Stella's daughter."

"I know."

They looked towards each other still surprised by everything that they just learned.

"My best friend has a daughter." Cory says still processing that what he expected is actually true, "A smart, beautiful, and kind daughter."

It was after school. Ryan and Brandon were walking to Brandon's house to work on homework. "You know you really should submit something for the exhibit." Brandon says to Ryan.

"I don't know"

"You should do it, why won't you?"

"I don't know. Drawing is just something I do at home, when I am bored and don't want to read."

"So? You're still good at it. You should show it off."

"I don't think so."

"Why not? You take pictures to catch beauty and little moments to share them. Couldn't your drawings do the same? Show beauty and make someone smile?" Brandon asks looking at Ryan, trying to convince her.

Ryan smiled. "Alright, alright. I'll look and see if I have anything I'm okay with putting in the exhibit." Ryan relents

"Yes!" Brandon exclaims, "That's what I am talking about!"

"Yeah, yeah you big goof." She says rolling her eyes with a smile.

Ryan's POV:

Later that night, I was lying in bed on the phone with Josh.

"So that was my day. How was yours butterfly?" Josh asks (A/N: Josh's pet name for Ryan is now Butterfly. Thanks for the suggestion @Slytherdorrrrr)

"It wasn't too bad. My mom actually showed up to career day."

"Really? That's great! I know you expected her to be busy."

"Yeah. I was happy she came. It was a good surprise." I say

"What is it?" Josh asks concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"I can hear it in your voice. Something is bothering you. What is it?"

"Most people wouldn't notice. I love how well you know me."

"Well I am your boyfriend and have talked to you daily for the past month. I would hope I would be able to notice these things...And you're changing the subject. Seriously what's on your mind butterfly?"

I sigh, "When my mom came to career day. Something weird happened."

"What do you mean?" Josh asks confused

"I think she knew my teacher and his wife. I mean they seemed shocked to see my mom and were staring at her like they weren't expecting to see her. And my mom froze and tensed up when they said her name. I don't know. The whole atmosphere between them seemed awkward and tense."



"Just ask your mom about it."

"That's assuming she would actually tell me. Anything to do with her past she doesn't like to talk about much. She sometimes tells me about adventures she had in college, and vaguely about my dad. But still, anytime I ask about her past she is vague about it or changes the subject."

"hmm. Well I am sure whatever it is will all work out."

"Yeah....In other news, I decided to put a few of my drawings in the school exhibit."

"That's great butterfly! Ohh. I wish I could be there for it."

"Next time. I'll make sure to send you pictures of the one's I chose."

"You better. I know you are more passionate about photography, but your drawings are beautiful."

"Thanks J." I say with a smile before yawning.

"And on that note, I think I should let you go to sleep and get ready for bed myself."

"I don't like that idea." I say with a pout

Josh laughs, "Yeah me neither but we both need sleep."

"I guess you're right." I concede.

"I'm always right"

"Ha. dream on, babe"

"I will, they will all include you."

I blush "Smooth. Goodnight Josh."

"Goodnight Ry, I'll text you in the morning. Dream of me."

"Always. Bye." I say before I hang up and going to bed with a smile.

It was the night of the art exhibit, and honestly I wasn't expecting much to happen. Brandon and I walked in to see my drawings next to Maya's painting.

"Hey Maya. I like your painting." I said

"Yeah it looks great." Brandon says

"Thanks guys. I like your drawings Ry." Maya tells me


"What did the boyfriend think?" Brandon asks me wiggling his eyebrows causing me to laugh.

"He loved them. Said he wanted that one if nobody bought it." I say pointing to the 3rd one.

"Isn't that just a portrait of you holding one of your film cameras?" Maya asked

"Yup" I say with a nod

"And didn't you already put down that it wasn't for sale?" Brandon asked

"Yup" I say with a nod

"He's so whipped." Brandon laughs out

"He's not whipped, he's sweet. Besides it's not the first time he asked for a copy of something. I've given him quite a few of my pictures." I defended.

"How's it going?" Riley asks as she, Farkle, and Lucas walk up to us

"It's going fine." Maya responds and I nod agreeing.

"What does your mom think?" Riley asked Maya

"She never showed up. It's just you guys." Maya says

"What about your mom, Ry?" Farkle asks me. 

"She isn't here. She's working, I guess" I say with a shrug

"Are you telling me your moms never showed up?" Riley asks Maya and I

"No." Maya says

"Nope" I say

"But of course you did." Maya says to the Matthews parents and I smile at them

"Hey, Maya. Wow, you really have some talent. Look at that place." Mrs. Matthews said looking at Maya's painting 

"I bet it's got great mashed potatoes." Mr. Matthews comments

"What's with you and mashed potatoes?" I ask him

He shrugs "I love 'em."

"Look at that lady, why can you only see half of her?" Farkle asks and Lucas puts an arm around him and covers his mouth

"Oh." Farkle mumbles

"Ryan, your drawings are beautiful. Is that a self portrait?" Mrs. Matthews says

"Yeah. I guess I had to incorporate a camera in one of my drawings" I say with a chuckle.

"What about the lily and the couple on the bench?" Mr. Matthews asks

"The couple on the bench is something I saw while out one day. I took a photo of it, but I wanted to see if I could catch the emotion in it by drawing it. I was up late that night babysitting so I gave it a shot while the kids were sleeping." I say

"What about the lily? You were drawing one in class too." Brandon says

"My boyfriend gave me lilies at the beginning of our second date. He knew they were my favorite. I guess I was thinking about him while I was drawing and that's what showed up on the paper."

"Aww." Farkle, Mrs. Matthews, and Mr. Matthews says while Brandon fakes a gag.

" That's sweet." Mrs. Matthews continues

Later on in the night, Brandon went home and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews came back by where Maya and I are again.

"You guys really don't have to stay." Maya says

"She's right. We'll be fine on our own." I say

"Are you kidding? We love supporting the middle school art scene." Mr. Matthews says

"Yeah, we even bought a drawing." Mrs. Matthews says as Riley approaches, "You have to wonder who this silly, little weirdo is." Riley opens her mouth like in the drawing.  "Aw... It's our silly, little weirdo."

"Thank you for staying with Maya and Ryan." Riley says

"Always." Mr. Matthews says looking at us. 'My mom might be busy most of the time. But it's nice to know that Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are always there.'

I joined the Matthews family, Maya, and Farkle and his father for dinner at the Matthews apartment. 

"And Riley... For your excellence in your display of unwavering hope for others, I'm giving you an A." Mr. Matthews says causing Mr. Minkus to drop his fork onto the plate open mouthed.

"Ha!" Mrs. Matthews mimics Farkle's laugh and I chuckle.

"What?" Mr. Minkus says

"Can he do that?" Farkle asks

"No, you can't do that." Mr. Minkus says.

"I does whatever she wants." Mr. Matthews says pointing towards his wife causing her to smile at Mr. Minkus 

"Yeah, so would I." Mr. Minkus agrees.

"I come from a very talented family." Riley says

"What am I talented at?" Auggie asks

"You're gonna find it someday, honey." Mrs. Matthews says to Auggie

Auggie gets up and stands near the couch and starts singing in Italian. He then stops and says "Nah." while we all cheer for his performance. 

A/N: Wow that was a long chapter. Hope you enjoy! Girl Meets Smackle is next. :)

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