Castles Crumbling

By Kirsten382

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Daenerys is sent by the Fourteen Flames to save House Targaryen. Because I haven't figured out bold on here... More

Only Death May Pay for Life
They Would Leave Me Next to a Volcano
Building Bridges and Planting Trees
Fire and Blood
All men must die, but we are not men
Valar Dohaeris
Fear cuts deeper than swords
Chaos isnt a pit, it is a ladder
I am no ordinary woman, my dreams come true

When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground

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By Kirsten382

Daenerys POV

A week later

Over the next week I continue meeting with Daemon in mid morning to spar then we go on Dragon flights in the afternoon. When we come back from our dragon flights we make time to talk of our pasts. I told him of all the places in Essos that I have been and my house with the red door and the lemon tree outside my room in Braavos. And after hearing him explain his relationship with his brother and cousins to me I start dropping nuggets of information on what could happen should we not change our circumstances.

It is the end of the week when Damon finally gets annoyed enough with the lack of expansion on certain viewpoints. She-dragon, you are slowly driving me mad there are times when you speak as if you have already lived this life and know what is to come but you never give me enough information to really understand what you are saying.

I smile my amusement towards him and say that he would not believe me if I told him my story that he would no longer believe himself going mad but that I have. It is different than my past life when people would refer to me as mad, you know the mad king's daughter, mad queen Daenerys, The wise master of yunkai saying that I am mad for demanding them to release their slaves in exchange for their lives. when Daemon may believe I am mad it feels like my heart is breaking all over again like I am watching Drogon push my body to wake me up with a dagger in my chest. "I do not wish for you to believe me mad and because of that I do not know how to tell you the rest of my story." Aegarax feeling my sadness hops into my lap while the other hatchlings find their own space to bed down for the time being.

And Daemons responds that it is his decision to make, it is his decision to judge the validity of my words and part of me agrees with that. freedom is making your own choice. I know I should not hold back any of it so that he may make an informed decision because if he truly believes me he will be my staunchest supporter. I negotiate I will tell him the rest of my story so long as he writes to Aemma to come to Dragonstone on urgent business. When he agrees with my conditions we sit surrounded by the dragons and I continue telling him the parts that I was too worried about telling him before; that I became queen of Astapor, Yunkai, and Mereen, that I freed the slaves and named it The bay of dragons that I was born in dragon stone but when I landed here the first time I did not remember it due to being smuggled to Essos within hours of being born, running from assassins, my fight for the iron throne against the Lannister's, losing highgarden and Dorne, and finally the north. the king of the north, Jon Snow, coming to dragon stone to demand my dragons, the minerals of our home, and my armies without a promise of anything in return, a refusal to bend the knee, a break of faith.

"I hope you burned him, Little Dragon. An alliance is supposed to be beneficial to both parties. Why did he ask for your resources?"

"In my old life he came for help in the Long Night. An army of dead people and animals preparing to end humanity. As I was not given a formal education I had no clue what he was talking about but it sounded ridiculous. And demanding anything from me was not the way to get my support. I told him I would help once he bent the knee. As an independent kingdom I had no obligation to their people, but I allowed them to mine the dragon glass as I did not need it. The king in the north judged me for attacking the Lannister army after they sacked Highgarden. The Tarlys became oathbreakers and joined the lannisters in the sacking. I killed the Lord and his heir when they refused to join me or the nights watch. He had just killed thousands to recover Winterfell, he allowed the Wildlings south of the wall after they raided northern villages killing hundreds, he was a man of the nights watch and he left the wall, fought for him previous home and gained a crown. When he came up with a brilliantly stupid idea of going north of the wall to obtain proof they got surround the dead army and I provided aid with my children. Viserion was killed by the Night King, the leader of the dead. After what I saw there I could not ignore that war. They brought Viserion back as one of them, essentially enslaved my child. I knew I had to kill my child to release him, a dragon is not a slave. So we joined their war. 100,000 Dothraki screamers, 8,000 unsullied and two dragons. The north had less than 20,000 and most of them were not fighters.
We won the long night but they used my men as human shields. I did not know Westerosi battle strategy and I did not know the enemy well enough. In Essos, the wars I fought were through deception, superior number, and dragons. It was too different for me to have an effective battle strategy. While in Winterfell we learned Jon's true parentage. Rhaegar was married to Princess Elia Martell, he tried to annul his marriage in secret and remarry Lyanna Stark. Robert Baratheon started the rebellion because he was betrothed to Lyanna and thought my brother kidnapped her. Rhaegar and Lyanna were Jon's parents. Growing up a Stark he viewed our relations as shameful even though his Stark grandparents were both Starks before marriage. And all the other houses casual incest. He ended things with me, I asked him not to tell anyone his parentage until I had control of the Kingdoms as Westeros will always prefer a man on the Throne. After a life time of assassins I knew what it meant for me. He refused and told his sisters, or cousins rather. Swearing them beneath the Weirwood Tree to secrecy. His sister told Tyrion Lannister the same day, who told Varys, when we made it back to Dragonstone we were attacked by Euron Greyjoy. He shot Rhaegal out of the sky and captured Missandei. I had to watch as Cersei had my best friend in chains on the battlements of Kings Landing then had the man who killed my niece, nephew and good sister killed, beheaded her. Her last words were Dracarys.
We went back to Dragonstone to prepare our forces. Varys tried poisoning me, I saw his helpers and knew what they were attempting after not eating for a week I had Varys arrested. I warned him if he would betray me, I would burn him alive. So I followed through with my promise. Jon looked at me like he believed I was as mad as my father. He judged my execution style as worse than beheading or hanging. My way was quicker and so hot you will not feel the pain, cleaner too. We took Kings Landing but when I was on Drogon, I was checking in through the bond to assess fatigue levels and I was not able to get back to my own body. The person who was controlling my body urged Drogon to burn Kings Landing to the ground, including the innocents. I stayed in Drogons mind for hours until Jon killed me, with a dagger to the chest. Drogon burned the iron throne and took me east.
I pushed myself into my own body knowing I would have but a few moments to say goodbye to my last child, then I breathed my last breath. The next time I came to was in the After world with Viserion and Rhaegal, I met Shrykos who gave me a mission. Save House Targaryen. Save the last scions of Old Valyria. It required traveling two hundred years into the past, to accomplish. When they sent me back I was in Valyria with my dragons, all my memories and gifts the gods gave me. You are my seventh great grandfather in my past life. I do not know how this changed things for me as changing the future has a butterfly effect."

"Well she-dragon, that story does sound impossible, but I would like to know what needs to change."

"The maesters and Otto ensure rhaenyra is the only surviving child of Aemma. Aemma dies in childbirth a few years from now. Viserys names Rhaenyra his heir because you called his son the half day heir. You take Rhaenyra out to see the minstrels and end up together in a brothel. You do not deflower her but you leave her there and your whore reported the two of you to Otto who claims to Viserys that you fucked her. You ask for her hand as she is, he reminds you of your marriage in Rhea Royce. Rhaenyra fucks a kings guard by the name of Cristin Cole. You kill Rhea to end the marriage since your brother refuses to have it annulled. You marry Rhaenys' daughter Laena, Viserys marries Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra marries Laenor Velaryon.
Rhaenyras children all had brown hair, it was rumored that they were bastards or Ser Harwin Strong. She never combated the rumors with the knowledge of Baratheon blood on Rhaenys' side or her Arryn blood which could explain their hair. All she said was that it was treason the question the legitimacy of their births and the heirs honor. Alicent has Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena, all three looking like Targaryens. Laena gave you twin daughters in Pentos where she claimed Vhagar as her mount. Laena died in childbirth the next time she was pregnant.
Alicent and Otto plotted to put Aegon on the throne. When at Driftmark for Laenas funeral you and Rhaenyra discuss sending Laenor to Essos after faking his death so you may marry her. This happens and you have two sons with Rhaenyra. Viserys dies, Alicent and Otto cover up his death until the are able to coronate Aegon. A kings guard brings the news of Viserys' death to Dragonstone. You all start gathering your allies. Rhaenyras eldest goes to Winterfell and secures the Starks and Arryns. Her second child goes to the Baratheons and is killed by Aemond who has claimed Vhagar.
The civil war is known as the Dance of Dragons. Aemond and Aegon kill Rhaenys and Meleys. You kill Aemond and Vhagar but Caraxes and you die as well. Rhaenyras first born is killed. Rhaenyra takes the capital Aegon takes Dragonstone. The small folk decide to kill the dragons, Rhaenyras third child tries to free them and fly Syrax out. All the dragons there die as well as her son. Rhaenyra is captured by Aegon who feeds her to his dragon. Aegon dies a few days later. Our House never recovers its numbers. The dragons that hatch are as large as a house cat until they die out a few years later."

"No, I will not let that happen. I never would have let that happen." Daemon starts pacing and his hand begins flexing towards Dark Sister he rants about killing the Hightowers.

I stand up and go to Daemon laying my hand on his arm. "You did not want the war to be fought the way it was, but went with Rhaenyras plans as she was your wife and queen. None of it was your fault."

I instruct Daemon to send his letter to Aemma, get some rest and process what I have told him. I think back to the list of things that need to change and once again feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. I decide to fix House Targaryen and fight to free those enslaved in Essos. I should contact the House of Black and White to see if they would help me with my war on slavery.

Over the next couple of days Daemon and I start planning the downfall of Otto Hightower and revamping the Citadel. It is refreshing to have someone to plot with. It eases the burden I have and allows us to help each other with holes in the plans and adding contingencies. I tell him that we need to think of a cover story for who I am and was considering claiming to be Saera's daughter, who fled across the Narrow Sea when her father, Jaehaerys was on the throne. This makes it plausible that I would be a Targaryen from Essos, Saera died five years ago so she cannot speak up against me. The only problem is who to claim as my father. The best one would be someone from behind the black walls of Volantis as this would give the credence to my Valyrian blood outside House Targaryen.

With us in agreement over my background story, plans to ensure the survival of our House and taking out House Hightower we go for a flight. As we are flying over the Bay we see ships sailing towards Dragonstone. It must be Aemma. I did not expect her for a couple days yet. Apparently, she does not hold the same contempt for Daemon as Viserys does. Caraxes' bond with me flares, I look over to them and Daemon gestures us back to the nest.

"Little Dragon, you should move into the castle before Aemma gets here so that she does not chew me out for you sleeping in a cave."

I quirk my eye at him, amused that it takes Aemma coming here for him to offer me a room. "I don't know, big dragon, what if someone gets ideas with me so close? They would ruin my reputation before I can even start to have one. Also, how am I going to bring the items from Valyria to the castle. I do not have a horse and those bags are made for dragons. Seems like a l ot of work." I wink at him trying to show that I agree with his suggestion but also am feeling playful.

"Who would dare get ideas with a Dragon Lady? They would have to be a fool. You should fly Drogon with the stuff you want to take with you, to the castle."

"Well come on then Princeling, come into the nest so you can help me pack and carry the bag to my child." Daemon grumbles at me for putting him to work, which only serves to make me giggle. "Don't be so high maintenance, Zhavorsa khalakka." Dragon Prince.

As we step inside the nest I watch Daemons reaction to the Valyrian treasure and the unhatched eggs. His eyes widen as he counts the dragons I will soon hatch. I move to the books, put them away with the blades, crown, coins, and clothing. I direct Daemon to grab one of the bags while I grab the other. We leave the nest and I explain to my children that I will be sleeping in the castle while Aemma is on the island. Aegarax flies to my shoulder, obviously deciding they will be coming with me. Aegarax feels my laughter and rubs their face against mine, I reach up to pet what I can. I inform my children I am leaving the eggs with them so they may continue blowing fire on them and to ensure no one can steal them from my chambers.

Drogon lowers himself to allow the bag to be placed on him. Daemon takes his bag to Caraxes to carry. I climb Drogons back and bring Aegarax down from my shoulder so they do not fall when Drogon takes off. We arrive at the castle so quick that it feels like we have not left. I thank Drogon for bringing me and Caraxes for carrying my bag. Daemon, Aegarax and I make our way into the castle where Daemon shows me to a room. I place Aegarax on my bed while I unpack. Daemon is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest watching me.

"See something you like, big dragon?" I tease with a smirk.

"Many things, little dragon. But mostly I just want to know why you decided on me to help you."

I inhale and consider the question. There is no negatives to telling him why. In fact, giving him my reasons may help more than anything else. "Well princeling, when the gods were showing me the knowledge I needed to change things I watched as you were cast aside and exiled and I thought you would be someone who would understand me and I watched as you continued fighting for your family even after your brother exiled you multiple times, after he denied you Rhaenyras hand in marriage twice. You did not seem to believe women were weak just because they do not have a cock. I think that of all the men I have met in my life you are the one that truly knows honor for the sake of family and I thought you were a kindred spirit. the way you bond with Caraxes is similar to my bond with my children he is not just a dragon to you he is family. You may not care for the politics side of everything but I knew you would be my strongest ally if I was able to convince you and that, Prince, is why I chose you."

I know from the gods information that giving Daemon the chance to fight for his family is the way to get him on my side. Praising him for his accomplishments helps as well, as generally his brother ignores the good and focuses on the bad. As a second son he would not have had the same support from his male relatives that Viserys had.

Daemons face softens and he smiles gently at me, moving over to me and reaching out to cup my face. "Well, she-dragon, I am yours now. You will never be able to get rid of me. I hope you are prepared for that. Because I plan on making you fall in love with me." Daemon kisses my forehead before taking his leave and I think to myself he is doing a damn good job of that already and I have only been here a couple weeks.

I move to the bed and lay next to Aegarax, pet him as I muse on what is to come. I will have to talk to Daemon to decide what to tell Aemma and when because he knows her better, what increments of information she would be able to handle. As I am about to go to sleep I start whispering to Aegarax my love for them and sending all my children love through our bonds. Aegarax chirps back at me and I feel the dragons sending their love back to me which causes me to fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Next day

I get up take a bath and put on new riding clothes. I make my way to the dining room with Aegarax on my shoulder. As we are walking slowly enjoying the structure and our ancestors designs in the castle Daemon runs into us and offers me his arm. "What do you want to tell Aemma? I know we need to inform her of the maesters and the Hightowers. But are we giving her my cover story or the truth? As the queen she would be able to help us and as his wife she would be invaluable in convincing your brother of some truths."

"I wish to tell her your full story, little dragon. You are right she would be a good ally. The men at court never look at women and see their value outside of the sheets, except Corlys, he sees Rhaenys for who she is. Women are able to get certain things done because of men not believing they could or should." It makes sense to me on one hand, Drogo and Viserys could not see me as anything except a broodmare. But on the other, the Unsullied, the second sons, the Dothraki I took as my khalasar, they all saw my strength. They did not just dismiss me because I did not have a cock.
With this in mind I respond that we will tell her of the Hightowers and the Maesters and see where she is with that. If she is on our side, we tell her the truth if she decides not to help us we give her the cover story. I know I cannot be who I was when landed in Westeros, allowing my advisors and allies to decide everything just because they know this land. I have to be the Dragon Queen, the conqueror. Anything less will mean failure. I do not have same authority with Essos at my back but command presence is a good deterrent. Dragons are better.
As we eat I feed bits of meat to Aegarax who is standing on the table next to my plate. "So, She-Dragon, you are no longer married, you know if our family accepts you they will try to force you into another marriage. You will be facing your own Rhea Royce soon."
I quirk my eye at him interested. I know he is not currently in love with Rhaenyra or Laena but I have told him of the children he would have with them surely he would want them, "are you proposing, Dragon Prince? Pulling a Jaehaerys and Alysanne on Viserys?"

"Well, little dragon, I did say I am yours. Why don't we make it official while we are still on Dragonstone? Then neither of us will be forced to marry someone we could not love."

"How presumptuous of you, Princeling, to think I would fall in love with you. Every man who has claimed to love me has betrayed me. Who could love a dragon, Daemon?" I say this knowing he would be different, when you have daemon, you truly have him. His loyalty to his family comes first. But I am interested in what he would say. If anyone could convince me to marry again, to be vulnerable again, it would be him.

"I know you will, little dragon. A dragon loves other dragons. The blood of the dragon calls to its own, to those equal to it. The fire inside of us would burn together, dance together. You and I are equals, we would balance each other."

Well fuck. I did not expect him to say something so beautiful. "After we save the family from disaster I do not plan on staying in Westeros, Zhavorsa Khalakka. I am a conqueror. I was not made to sit on Dragonstone waiting for Viserys to fuck up again and clean up his mess. I will be going back to Essos and ending slavery, so the family I made in my first life never knows the pain of being sold or chained." I know as soon as I say it that if my goal was to keep Daemon here, I said the wrong thing. Conquest? Right up Daemons alley. After we explain things to Aemma, my plan is to fly to Braavos and visit the House of Black and White, to gain an alliance with them to end slavery.

Daemons smile was wicked. And tempting. "Well, Dragon Lady, ending slavery seems like a good use of my time. You know, when it is not spent in the sheets making you scream my name."
We are interrupted by a servant coming in to inform us of the ships progress. The queen is here. With that I pick up Aegarax and put them on my shoulder. Daemon offers me his arm and we walk out to greet Aemma. When we reached the procession of people Daemon directs me to Aemma. I did not bow to the gods, I am not going to start with a queen.
"Your Grace," I say with a nod a respect. Aemma looks at me with confusion, she hid her facial expressions well, but it is in the way her eyes slightly widen and then crinkle a moment later.
Daemon chuckles, "Such formality amongst family, little dragon. You know, this is the first time I have heard you speak the Common Tongue. You were right, it is not as pretty coming out of your mouth."
I release Daemons arm and smack him lightly on back of his head. "I do not know if the Queen is comfortable with our mother tongue. Besides, I could not give you the advantage when we met or you would have been absolutely unbearable, Zhavorsa Khalakka." I smirk at Daemon then turn back to Aemma. "It is a pleasure to meet you, since Daemon has no manners, I am Daenerys of House Targaryen."

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