Eternal Sunshine

By BetweenTh3Stars

2.9K 96 288

Ari has a bad idea. F**k the world's wealthiest man. It's just a fling. Just physical. What could go wrong? ... More

Almost Is Never Enough
Bad Idea
Dangerous Woman
Touch It
Into You
Into You [Part 2]
God Is A Woman
Goodnight N Go
We Can't Be Friends
Love Me Harder
Thinkin' Bout You
The Boy Is Mine

Wait For Your Love [Part 2]

150 5 15
By BetweenTh3Stars

This chapter is dedicated to Yasmina from AO3. Thank you for your suggestion. If anyone has requests, please let me know via comment or DM... Also I did way too much research on Dragon Spacecraft for a silly smut fic. Wtf is wrong with me?


Exhausted from crawling around through Dragon capsules and refitting components, Elon pulls up to the house after a long, difficult day. The bright glow of light from upstairs lets him know someone is still awake. Waiting up for him. He feels a little guilty for working so late. At least the issues surrounding Dragon are mostly resolved. Unlocking the front door, he heads up the stairs.

The sight before him warms his heart. Ariana and little X sit together on the living room floor, surrounded by an assortment of toys. Their blonde hair makes them look like mother and son rather than his girlfriend and his child.

Ariana looks up and beams at him. In an instant, his exhaustion fades away to giddy happiness. Noticing her distraction from their play, little X turns his attention from the toy in his hand to her and then to Elon. He smiles and happily cheers, "Daddy!"

As they both rush over to hug him, Elon chuckles. "Wow, my favorite people in one room. How lucky am I?"

They are both so short that it's easier for him to kneel down to embrace them. He kisses Ariana's cheek and kisses the top of little X's head. X hugs him then runs back to his pile of toys excitedly claiming that Princess Ari helped him draw space. As he digs through the mountain of toy cars, spaceships, drawing supplies and myriad other playthings, Elon turns to Ariana.

Grinning widely, Elon wiggles his eyebrows at her. "Princess, huh?"

Ariana shrugs, but cannot contain her smile. "He started calling me that while we were playing, and I thought it was cute."

Elon nods. "It is cute. And accurate. Although, I might need to make you my queen."

She giggles and kisses him. Elon doesn't want to stop kissing her, but little X is running back over to them with drawing in hand. They break apart and look at the drawing of the solar system. Elon grins and points out how much he likes the reds and oranges they used to color Mars. The drawing is definitely not to scale and Elon isn't quite sure if the rings around Saturn are intentionally pink and purple, but he loves it all the same. As they gaze at the drawing, the clock on the wall chimes cheerfully. Midnight. No wonder he is so tired.

Ariana gasps and looks down at X. "It's so late! I had no idea. How are you feeling, buddy?"

X shrugs as if not affected, but his response is marred by a yawn. Elon pats his head affectionately. "I think it's time for bed."

Pouting as though he disagrees with that assessment, X pulls his shoulders up in an exaggerated sigh before he hugs Ariana's legs. She rubs his back as they say goodnight. Then little X turns to reach for his father. Elon scoops him up in a big hug and kisses his cheek before handing him off to his nanny. Even as she carries him away, his eyes are already heavy with sleep.

When the door latches behind them Elon collapses onto the couch, tired but also eager to be reunited with Ariana. She snuggles up against him and begins massaging his hand. It still amazes him how both of her hands fit in one of his.

She looks up at him, her eyes full of trepidation. "How did everything go with Dragon today?"

With a sigh of relief, Elon smiles. "So much better than I initially feared. Earlier today there was an anomaly when the engineers were doing routine testing. To make matters worse they could not replicate the problem to understand why it happened and correct it."

Despite the late hour, Ariana looks wide awake and excited. "Did you figure out what went wrong?"

Elon smiles at her excitement. He likes that she's interested in his work. "Late last year we had a valve leak with the Draco thrusters, once the thrusters were replaced the issue was resolved. We were worried it was something similar today, but it ended up being a pressurization issue. Less urgent than anticipated, although I can't be too cautious when it comes to Dragon."

She nods and shivers. "I'd hate that kind of stress with lives hanging in the balance. I watched the Dragon crewed missions, and there's this crazy energy when astronauts go to space."

Elon sighs. "It doesn't get easier or less intense either. Especially now that we are in uncharted territory. Dragon is getting pushed to new limits and any anomalies have to be dealt with. Endurace has spent 534 days in space, more than any crew-rated vehicle in history. Endeavor will break that record during its current mission."

Ariana's eyes widen. "Oh wow, I didn't realize that they spent that much time out in space."

He nods and shrugs. "Dragon was not meant to fly this often. NASA wanted two providers for spacecraft. SpaceX and Boeing both won contacts to send astronauts to the International Space Station by 2017. Unfortunately, Boeing has had multiple delays with their Starliner vehicle, so Dragon is the only American transport to ISS right now."

Ariana purses her lips. "Boeing doesn't seem to be getting a lot of good press recently. Between safety issues and delays with their commercial planes and Starliner, they are not looking great right now."

Elon smiles ruefully. "Competition is better for the advancement of human spaceflight, but no one can really compete with SpaceX. In fact, when NASA awarded the contracts, Boeing got $4.2 billion and SpaceX got $2.6 billion for the same NASA requirements. Boeing has inferior technology and now with all these delays, they are even further behind. SpaceX has already come out with updates for Dragon, while Starliner has yet to go through crewed test flights."

Ariana stares at him with wide eyes. "Elon, that's insane! How is that fair? They got twice the money to do the same thing and they haven't even delivered on it. How are you not mad?"

Elon smiles and rubs her shoulder. "I'm not mad because SpaceX is better. Unequivocally better. Boeing is used to getting fat paychecks from the government. When you can gamble with someone else's money, it's easy to be complacent. I bankrolled SpaceX for years. My company and my own money. I made sure we didn't waste resources and I also made sure that we worked fast. When my engineers wanted to try something risky, I'd make the decision. If it worked great, if it didn't we'd learn and try again. With the government and contractors there's too many people to try something risky. That thick layer of bureaucracy to prove every stupid little thing and no one wants to take ownership of a decision that may end in an explosive failure."

Ariana smiles warmly. "You are better." With a happy sigh, she crawls onto Elon's lap and kisses his cheek. Smiling, he wraps his arms around her, breathing in her sweet scent. She giggles and rubs her nose against the stubble on his jaw. He hadn't had an opportunity to shave today. Reaching up, he feels along his chin. It wasn't that bad, certainly not as bad as usual.

Ariana runs her fingers through his hair, trying to smooth it in place. It was probably disheveled from work. Fortunately he hadn't gotten engine oil in it. At least, he didn't think so. Giving up on fixing his hair, she rests back against his chest.

Elon kisses the top of her head. "You're very sweet with little X. He was having the time of his life playing with you."

Beaming, Ariana looks up at him. "He's adorable! And such a good little boy. He listens so well and is very sweet."

"Hard to believe he's related to me."

She chuckles and rubs his cheek. "It's a good thing I like bad boys then."

Elon's dick twitches and he thinks back to last night. He really needs to do a better job of having some of their interactions be less sexual. Shifting under her, he tries to keep his growing erection from poking her. Attempts to distract himself with conversation.

He clears his throat. "Have you ever thought about having children?"

Ariana sighs and looks off into the distance. "Yeah, when I got married I was thinking kids would be the next step, but things didn't work out. The next relationship I was in, he had a baby, and I had baby fever pretty bad, but then we broke up. I tried to convince myself that I didn't want kids, but there's a pretty big part of me that does. Being around them makes it harder to ignore."

"Well for what it's worth, I think you'd be a great mother."

She looks at him and smiles warmly. Then her smile turns sultry and she brushes her nose against his cheek and whispers, "You came so much in me last night, I was thinking I'd give you another baby."

Elon's erection makes a raging come back. He tries shifting again but it's too late. His dick pokes hard against her thigh. Ariana's eyebrows rise as she looks at him.

She clears her throat. "Oh. Well that was fast. And a more dramatic reaction than I was expecting."

Elon tries to smile as innocently as possible. Although, it probably doesn't feel very innocent with his dick trying to force its way through their clothing.

Ariana looks at him as thoughtfully. Then she bites her lip. "You like the thought of me pregnant with your baby?"

His dick pulses against her, begging for release. Elon swallows thickly. "I mean, it's pretty sexy. And quite literally the biological point of sex. So I don't think it's weird... Right?"

"Not weird. It is pretty sexy." She shifts her hips, rubbing his groin, making him groan. "Yeah, very sexy," she murmurs, kissing his neck. "Even if it's very unlikely."

"Unlikely?" His hand slides under her shirt to play with her breasts.

Ariana moans against his throat. "I have an IUD. The chances of me getting pregnant are like one in a million."

Elon scoops her up in his arms as he stands. Presses his lips to her ear. "I've beaten worse odds." He delights in her shiver. To be fair, the chances of getting her pregnant are indeed very low, but it's still sexy to think about.

Ariana wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply. Not wanting to break apart even for a moment, he stumbles blindly forward, grateful that the house is easy to navigate. Finally his knees bump against the bed and he manages to crawl on top all while making out with Ariana. Deprived of her mouth for far too much of the day, he plans on making up for that tonight.

Lucky for Elon, her shorts offer easy access. His fingers brushing up her legs and finding the lacy outline of her underwear. As he pushes the fabric to the side he's delighted to find her already wet. He'd hate to think he's the only one affected by raging hormones in this relationship. He plays with her, enjoying every quiver of her body and swallowing her muffled cries. As he teases her, she shifts trying to get him to go further.

Finally the irritation of having clothing in the way makes him break the kiss and assist her in shimmying out of all that unnecessary fabric. As soon as they are naked he pushes her back on the bed, kissing and playing with her. When he feels that rhythmic pulse around his fingers, he pulls away from her lips so he can watch her.

Ariana arches back like a ballerina, her arms tense in lovely lines above her as she tilts her head skyward. Everything she does is graceful, even orgasming... especially orgasming. He feels so lucky that he gets to see her like this. That he is the one who makes her get like this. His girlfriend.

Ariana looks up at him, her gaze sultry and inviting. She's so beautiful. Her cheeks flushed pink and her lips swollen from kissing. "How do you want me?"

His dick bobs with the heavy weight of arousal, urging him to take her. Elon wants her in every way, every position, immediately. Despite the desperate urgency of his body, his brain has trouble keeping up. The exact opposite of every other instance in his life. He makes a choked noise that was supposed to be a reply, but even he couldn't decipher words from that response.

Ariana's smile broadens as he twitches again. Reaching out, she strokes the underside of his dick, smearing pre-cum down in a twisting motion. As her thumb swipes over the fat head of his cock, he tenses and growls out, "On your hands and knees." He didn't mean for it to sound like an order. Almost brutal in his intensity.

Fortunately for him, Ariana looks even more turned on. She licks her lip as she bends down and turns to offer her toned ass to him. His dick bobs again, nodding in appreciation. He runs his hands down her back, pausing to squeeze her ass then down to nudge her legs further apart.

Elon mounts her from behind, allowing his dick to rub through her wet heat. As much as he wants to sink into her immediately, he knows he needs as much lubrication as he can get. Luckily, she's so wet that it only takes a few strokes between her legs for him to get covered. He aligns himself with her pussy and tries to push in, but she's so tight he only manages to get a few inches in before he has to stop.

His breath hisses between his teeth as he feels her clench around him. "Fuck Ari, you're so tight. Relax my sunshine." Rubbing his hands across her back in a soothing manner to emphasize his point.

Looking back over her shoulder, Ariana gives him a sultry pout. "Not my fault you're so big."

Elon grunts as he feels her squeeze around him again. "Flattery will get you everywhere, but fuck, do you really need to make it this difficult for me?"

She wiggles her hips a little as she says, "Don't hold back, big boy. I can take it."

He groans low and deep, "Oh sweetheart, you're so perfect. I'm going to fuck a baby into you...make you mine."

Taking a steadying breath, Elon grips her hips, pulling her back as he pushes his hips forward. Between the push and pull he's able to sink all the way into her. She makes a lovely moan as her ass presses against his hips. The visual of her on her hands and knees under him only adds to his pleasure. There's just something so raw and primal about it.

Everyone is primal at heart. A fact that Elon understands all too well with the animal part of his brain urging him to mate her. Clenching his jaw against the overwhelming urge to fuck her aggressively. Holding her in this position makes him feel so in control and dominant. So easy for him to impale her over and over again. She did say she could take it, and he plans on testing out that theory, but he wants to make sure it's as good for her as it is for him. He rocks into her a few times experimenting with a few hip rolls to see what she likes best.

He appreciates how easily he can play with her breasts. Circling his fingers over her nipples as he adds a small twist to his hips. He loves how vocal she is. Beautiful untamed emotion. It's such an ego boost. He can't hold back any longer. He pulls out slowly then snaps his hips forward, fucking her hard and fast. He reaches out and experimentally gathers her hair in his fist, pulling ever so slightly.

Ariana's breathy cry of "oh fuck yes" encouraging him to pull harder. Forcing her head back and to the side enough that he can capture her lips with his own. He would have kept kissing her, but leaning against her back slows down the speed of his hips and some animalistic urge makes him want to fuck her harder. Fortunately she seems into it and so he relocates his hands back to her hips as he hammers into her. The slap of skin on skin along with her breathy moans and his deep grunts fills the air.

Elon angles his hips down, his thrusts strong and steady, adding a hip roll during the push in that he has found particularly effective in getting Ariana to sing his name. Her voice pitches up into a melodic moan and he knows she's close. All the signs are there, the sound of her voice, the rhythmic pulsing of her pussy, her tense muscles.

Yes, she's almost there. Elon slows to a stop and she whines in frustration. He leans down, his chest pressing to her back as he balances on one arm. Slips his other hand around her and touches her clit. Just resting on top of it, not allowing her the release she craves. He nestles his lips against her ear as he whispers. "You want my cum? You want me to fill you up?"

Ariana mewls, "Yes." Her voice so soft and sweet... Much too soft.

He chuckles darkly. "I think you can do better than that. If you really want it, you're going to have to beg for it."

She gasps and shudders. Angling her head to the side so she can see his face. Pupils blown wide with lust. She's gorgeous. All fucked out and desperate. His girlfriend. His Ariana. Her voice is high-pitched and - oh so needy. "Fuck me! Please, Elon, fuck me full of your babies. Make me so full that I'm dripping your cum for days. Please, put a baby in me, please!"

Oh fuck.

Yeah. That will do.

The noise that is torn from his throat is a raw growl, more animal than man. The primal, feral need to mate her overwhelms him. Elon snaps his hips forward so hard he nearly knocks her down onto the bed. Fortunately, his hand holding onto her mons and clit holds her upright. His fingers stroking over the tight bundle of nerves until she screams out his name. It doesn't seem to matter how many times they have sex, he can't hold back once she orgasms. All his instincts urging him to breed her, to fill her up. She can take it, said so herself, and he isn't the kind of man to back away from a challenge.

Sliding his hand up, Elon holds onto her belly, right over her womb, as he releases into her. He growls possessively, clinging onto her as though someone might try to take her away from him. He presses as close as he can, his cock jolting as it fills her with a torrent of semen. Every line of Ariana's body goes rigid, still panting heavily while holding onto the sheets. Her mouth parts, widening into a gape as he continues to release into her.

With a deep, guttural groan Elon caresses her belly. He can almost imagine the feel of his dick through her taut skin. Imagine her belly distended and full with his cum and then with his baby. Marked for everyone to see. His girlfriend, carrying his baby. The image is so erotic.

Elon is lost in the decadence of his fantasy, his orgasm lasting much longer than it should. Ariana's orgasm is a feedback loop to his own, both amplifying each other. She just feels so fucking good his body can't seem to stop responding to her. Overwhelmed and overstimulated, he shudders violently as her pussy clenches around his dick, forcing out yet another spurt of cum and driving him to the brink of insanity.

It's all too much. The feeling is immense and his body is beyond drained. Every time he thinks he has no more to give, she squeezes more out of him. Elon can feel his arm holding them up buckling under the pressure. He's delirious, has to be. His brain can't seem to fully comprehend everything that's happening. At the last possible second, he shifts his weight as his arm gives out. He falls to the side, pulling her with him as they crash onto the bed.

Ariana whimpers as she's forcibly pulled down by his arm and by his dick. Despite being unable to control it, Elon does feel guilty. But also relieved. If his weight fell fully unto her, he'd probably break her back. And not in a sexy way. Still, he hopes he's not pushing her body too hard. The jolting movement of their fall and landing has his dick spurting again. How the fuck is he still hard? And how the fucking fuck is he still cumming?

They both curl into a fetal position, Elon enveloping her and holding her tight. Ariana's hands reach down and hold onto his own, still gripping her belly. Her voice is breathless as she whines, "Fuck, Elon, how are you still going? I feel so full. I don't know how much more..." She trails off with a gasp.

Elon can't answer. He has neither words nor the capacity to speak them. With a shuddering breath he buries his face in her neck and heaves out one last burst of cum. He isn't even sure if it is a dry orgasm or not. It must be. There's only so much ejaculate he can produce. He doesn't really know, all he knows is that he's done. The blood in his dick slowly redistributes to finally feed his brain.

His balls feel fucking empty.

Ariana sighs deeply. "Oh my God, I can't move."

Elon grunts, blowing away a strand of her hair as he kisses her neck and ear. "Good. 'Cause I'm not pulling out of you." His hand tightens over her womb. "Have to make sure my sperm stays exactly where it needs to be. Plus, I like you warming my cock. I could get used to this. And just think how convenient this position will be when you make up to my morning wood."

She breaths out a laugh. "Holy fuck. You really weren't kidding when you said you'd fuck a baby into me."

He nuzzles her neck. "The best part is, if you don't get pregnant, we get to keep trying."

She hums in agreement. "I need plan B."

Elon kisses her cheek. "Yeah, probably better to be safe. I'll get you anything you need." He rests his head on the pillow behind her, her soft hair caressing his face.

Sleepily, she mumbles. "After morning sex though."

He chuckles and tightens his arms around her. "Of course, my sunshine." 

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