The Secret Of Slytherins: Dar...

By Bbifaz

43 3 0

As their journey in Hogwarts started last year, this year will be eventful to the trio. They'll discovered mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

6 0 0
By Bbifaz

It was quite a long weeks that has been torture to Draco. He spent days trying to apologise to Hermione but she always know how to avoid him. Now, he realised how wrong was him when he became meant towards her just because of his jealousy. What's make it more disappointed when Tom started to treated him with cold shoulder and not even making any effort to apologise to Hermione. Draco was slightly miffed by Tom and to be honest, he was hurted by his stoic behaviour. They avoided each other so much as if they weren't friends before. Draco didn't get to see Tom so much after these days since Hermione ran away with furious tears on her cheeks, he sighed heavily, suddenly an air of melancholy surrounded him. Never before he felt more lonely without Tom and Hermione, somehow that feeling was more worse than he ever felt in Malfoy Manor. When he saw her, he quickly ran towards her while calling out for her name. She saw him but pretending like he was not there and keep walking faster. So he caught up and grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him," Hermione". Her face was completely calm, she wasn't even looking at him. His other hand went to turn her face to him, " Hermione, I-" "Silencio", she cast a spell softly without looking at him. When he tried to speak, his voice was gone. He looked at her with silent plead but she kept walking away from him. She may not be crying but he know she was hurting inside. If he didn't do something immediately it maybe too late to get her back and their friendship would be lost forever. "Go away, Malfoy. I don't want to see you anymore". But he wasn't going to give up. He tried to blocked her way when she tried to walk away from him. "Stop! I said go away!" She cried while she pushed his chest until he felt from his feet. Then, he finally cried silently while shaking his head pleading her not to continue her step until she listened to what he wanted to say at her. He hugged her from behind while his tears soaked her shirt. She was trembling not to break in front of him. Seeing him so broken like a child makes her soften a little bit although she was still hurting because of his action. She stopped walking but her words more painful to hear when she said " I don't know if I can forgive you now. What's hurt more when both of you saying things like that like I was more than enemy for you to hate". She knows he listened to her because she felt his body shaking with new tears soaking her shirt while tightened his arms on her. " You don't even stop him while he said cruelest things to me and you help him. I've waited for you and Tom to come and apologise to me for saying things like that....But you won't", she sniffed. He shook his head and turned his face toward her face until they eye to eye. He opened his mouth, not caring about his voice gone completely but Hermione understand what he's trying to say her. 'I'm sorry. We didn't meant to hurt you. It was an accident...Tom locking himself away from me now and I don't know how to reach him. ' "I...I just don't know what to say to you anymore. Maybe you're making this up... He probably didn't care about this friendship anymore! I'm so fed up, Draco! Please...Stay away from me. We're finished and...I don't think I can't face you right now", she shook her head desperately, she didn't think it could holding up her tears from him anymore. 'Hermione!' he mouthed silently, trying to reach her with his hand but she quickly cried "Petrificus Totalus!" Draco felt himself freeze and the last thing he saw was she flee towards the castle, feeling regretted and miserable. He wished he could turned back the time and fixed the incident but also guilty when thinking back how right she was when he didn't stopped himself or Tom to take back what they said to her and feeling remorse when he realised he missed Tom although he was still angry by his silence. Later that night, Hermione was walking inside the forest while listening to the Gaelic songs that sounds like fae's ancient song. It was tempting for her to refuse so she followed the source of the sound, her instinct saying that she should followed the song to get answers from what she was searching for. Why would she looking for an answer? Her feet led her to the familiar place she knows by heart. It was their treehouse. Why would a song came from this place, it usually quite because no one lived in this place unless they came here to play around. Then, she heard children's noises came inside the treehouse. She opened the door and shocked when she saw what was in front of her. She was herself with Tom and Draco huddled together for warmth with a big book in front of them and they looked so young, not more than seven years old. She remembered this memory. She was reading Morgan Le Fay's journal while Tom and Draco sat listened to her voice with their heads laid down on both of her shoulder. She felt so lonely when she saw herself with her dearest friends that looked so young and happy. She wished she could go back where they were happy and didn't fought so much about stupid things. She walked slowly towards them and tried to reach with her hand but they were faded into a dust like it was blown by a wind that coming from the opened window. She stared at the empty space with big brown eyes with suprise. She heard a melodious voice calling out for her name. She lifted her head and saw a will-o'-the-wisp like a glowing light floating not far from where she standing right now. "Teine, what are you doing here?" Hermione asked the little fae but it didn't speak, then it slowly floating away from her. Seeing it as a sign 'follow me', she began to follow it and went to the darker side of the forest. The scenery looked creepy but she was safe when teine sith glowing brightly in the darkness, it makes her feel safe because of little companion was there with her. It was a long walk until she saw teine sith stopped moving and stay there above her head. "Why are you stop moving?" Hermione was confused by it's action. Suddenly, a light glowing brightly it's making Hermione lifted both her arms to protect her eyes from the light. She slowly moved her arms away when she saw Grindelwald standing in front of Tom, staring at each other with cold eyes. "Tom! What are you doing with him?!" Hermione gasped loudly and stepped forward to get her friend away from the evil wizard. But Tom didn't saw her, he was too focused on Grindelwald. " I can help you to find out who you are,Tom", Grindelwald's voice eerily sounds like gentleman with his calm demeanour while raising his hand at Tom. Tom looked at his palm before looking back at Hermione. His face immediately turned white, his thin lips appeared. "I know who you're, Tom", Grindelwald distracted Tom and it worked, he looked back at the wizard in front of him. He slowly grabbed Grindelwald's hand but his eyes moving back at Hermione, suddenly looked sad. "TOM!!" Hermione cried out his name and ran towards them but she was too late, he disappeared into thin air when black smokes surrounding him and Grindelwald. She opened her eyes while grasping for air desperately. She slowly breathed properly before slowly at up on her bed. Uneasy feeling lurking inside her when she remembered Grindelwald snatching Tom away from her in her dream. She felt like something bad about to happen in the future but she couldn't figured out the hint. She breathed slowly and tried to calm herself, distracting her mind with her packed schedule for today with classes and read some books before going the lessons start. It was a good way to vanished the nightmare and negative thoughts from her mind because it makes her feel horrible. After taking Transfiguration' s class with Professor Dumbledore, Hermione and Augustus went to the Deathday Party because the ghost known as Headless Nick was celebrating 500th anniversary of his death. Augustus told Hermione he couldn't refused Nick's request after he saved him from getting the detention by Professor Diggory. He nearly got into trouble with the professor when his fellow Quidditch team making him to join them into the Forbidden Forest, looking for ancient place of Queerditch Marshwhere the amateurs and professional players kept the ancient broomstick and the oldest snitch in that place for centuries. It was said to be a place where Quidditch players practice games to get themselves lucky victory before competed with opponents. They got caught by Professor Diggory during his patrol and Augustus was the unfortunate one to get caught. The Headless Nick was simply helping him to distract the professor from him so he could escape, so he had to attend his party in gratitude for saving him from getting detention. He tried to invite the others but they came out with some excuses for busy schedules and doing other things. Hermione pitied her friend for not knowing how to get people spending time with him because of his nerdy attitude. The only friends he get were Hermione and Minerva who seemed to be the only people cared to be by his side like a true friend. She might not really like spending her time with ghost like Nick but she didn't wanted to make Augustus felt guilty for not attending the party. On their way to get into the party, Hermione gasped pointing down the corridor."Look!" Something was shining on the wall ahead. They approached,
slowly, squinting through the darkness. Foot-high words had been daubed on the wall between two windows, shimmering in the light cast by the flaming torches.


"Is that a student?" Hermione detected a fear on Augustus's voice. His face was white pale, his body was stiff, unmoving while staring at unconscious student laying on the floor. As they edged nearer, Augustus almost slipped over and there was a large puddle of water on the floor. Hermione grabbed him, and they inched towards the message, eyes fixed on the unmoving body of the student. Eyes widened when they realised who it was. "Jane Teires", Augustus whispered in hoarse voice, his looked scared after seeing their fellow Gryffindor laying on the floor, freezing all over her body like a sculpture ice. "We need to get out of here and ask for help", Hermione said to Augustus. Before they get away from that place, the sound of hundreds of feet climbing the stairs, and the loud, happy talk of well-fed people and the next
moment, students were crashing into the passage from both ends. The chatter, the bustle, the noise died suddenly as the people in
front spotted the unmoving body of Jane Teires. Augustus and Hermione stood alone, in the middle of the corridor, as silence fell among the mass of students, pressing forward to see the grisly sight. Then someone shouted through the quiet."Enemies of the heir, beware! You’ll be next, Mudbloods!" It was Lestrange shouting in the public, making the others panicked after seeing Jane Teires freeze body. "What's going on?" "Is she dead?" Hermione and Augustus jumped after hearing a screaming girl loudly claiming that she saw a dead body next to them. Dumbledore had arrived on the scene, followed by the other professors. He has swept past Augustus and Hermione and lifting the body of unconscious Jane Teires away from the audience. "Miss Granger, Mr Longbottom, please go with Professor Old Greybeard into his office immediately." He quickly demanded both of them to go away. Hermione saw a flash of blonde hair moving along among the mass of the students before walking away from the corridor.

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