HOME | charles leclerc

By lillu13

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in which Adelaide Moreau figures out that the love she needed was right under her nose the whole time. • cha... More



1.5K 35 18
By lillu13

My sequinned dress that I'd picked out to wear to the club for New Year's Eve tonight was not as comfortable as I had hoped it would be.

I tugged at its hem as I impatiently waited. Lando was late.

We're supposed to show up to the party together, like he'd promised, but we were meant to leave 10 minutes ago. Lando's flight in was scheduled for late this afternoon, meaning he should've been here, at our apartment, an hour ago. We were supposed to be enjoying the fact we were together again, finally, and get ready and show up at the club together.

But, he was nowhere to be found and I hadn't even gotten a text saying he'd be late.

This nasty feeling balled itself up in my chest, tugging at my heart. I hated feelings this way when it had to do with my boyfriend.

My phone began to vibrate in my hand, a vibration only assigned to Lando. I answered quickly, "Lan, where are you? You were supposed to be in an hour ago!" I tried not to yell through the phone, not wanting my emotions to get the best of me.

"Fuck, I thought my text went through! The pilot was running late which meant we got star-" He cut himself off, taking a breath, "We've only just landed. Have Charles pick you up and I'll meet you there, I promise. I'll change clothes here and meet you at the club - they brought me my Mclaren. It should only be an hour, I'm sorry, Addie."

I could tell he was upset, regretful. I knew he wanted to be here.

I felt somewhat relieved though. At least he was only about an hour away, at the airport in Nice, instead of a 2 hour plane ride and multiple countries away.

"Sounds good, mon amour." (Sounds good, my love.) I breathed out, massaging the bridge of my nose to relieve the tension, "See you soon."

Our call ended and I clicked on Charles' name almost immediately, knowing he'd pick up quick.

"Vous êtes tous les deux en route?" (Are you both on your way?)

I winced at his opening question, he knew that Lando was already supposed to be here, that I was supposed to be arriving with the biggest smile on my face because my boyfriend was finally here with me.

"Lando just landed, something about the pilot being late. Pick me up? He said he'd meet us there." I didn't feel like switching back to French after talking to Lando in English, Charles and I learned enough of the language that it didn't matter which we spoke in.

"I'll be there in 5."

And I knew he would, Charles didn't know how to drive a speed that wasn't fast.

Sure enough, five minutes after he said he'd pick me up, Charles showed up in front of my apartment in his shiny Ferrari. I was quick to climb in for the short commute to the nightclub a bunch of the drivers and their partners were headed to for the night. We'd arrived within 10 minutes, Charles handed the keys to the valet before ushering me inside the club and away from the paparazzi that decided to be out and about hounding us tonight.

"I was told this was your favorite." I looked up to see Max Verstappen walking over to me, a cocktail in his outstretched hand.

We hadn't even been at the club for 5 minutes and I'd already gotten at least 10 hugs and now a drink. I let out a breath, thankful for the drink being offered by one of the drivers I considered a close friend.

"It definitely is, thank you." I took a sip and immediately winced at the burning feeling of the liquor sliding down my throat. I need to remind myself to thank whichever bartender had made my drink extra strong tonight. "How are Kelly and P?"

Max's face lit up at the mention of his girlfriend and her daughter. "They're doing great, thank you. She decided to have a night in with her tonight, apparently a nightclub isn't the best place for a 3 year old to ring in the new year."

We both laughed at his observation. The others eventually joined us and I had the time of my life dancing and drinking with them all.

I nearly dropped my drink when Danny took me by the hand and spun me in a circle. Even if I did, I wouldn't have cared, I was a little tipsy. I'm sure my dress will be disgusting by the end of the night anyway, so it won't matter.

"Sorry I'm late!" The all too familiar british accent cut through the music and the crowd.

I nearly screamed as I shoved my drink into Charles' hand. Lando. He's here.

Luckily, he was prepared to catch me, seeing as I typically threw myself into his arms whenever I saw him. His hugs just did something to me, stuck me back together in a way I didn't know I needed to be.

"Hey, Addie." he mumbled into where his face was nestled in my neck.

It had been about 3 weeks since I'd seen him in person and I've been itching to just hold him all day. I needed our bodies to be connected some way or another or else I might combust.

I didn't even have the chance to say anything else when Lando smashed his lips against mine. I inhaled a quick breath, wanting to be able to kiss him for as long as possible. We had a long time to make up for.

His hands held my waist tight, my arms looped around his neck as we both leaned into the kiss further. Fuck, this felt amazing. I could feel my insides going crazy.

"Ugh, get a room!" Charles yelled as everyone laughed.

Lando laughed as we pulled apart, tucking his face back into the crook of my neck. "You're telling me you lot wouldn't kiss your girlfriends like that after not seeing them for weeks?"

I regretted my words as soon as I said them, somehow forgetting about Charles' recent breakup. I had meant the comment to be aimed at the others, but still, he was there. I watched his smile falter, but quickly return. Fuck, I need to be a better friend.

"Let's go dance." Lando whispered to me.

His request made me forget everything else, knowing that Charles would be fine in a few minutes. Tonight was for me and Lando.

A couple hours later and midnight had come and gone. I shared the most passionate kiss with Lando when the countdown hit zero, I'm pretty sure the others yelled at us again, but we didn't care this time around.

Now, Lando and I were sitting in his Mclaren, savoring the calmness of the short ride back to our apartment. I'd missed him being here, sleeping next to me. The nights had gotten lonely lately - probably the reason for me staying at my parents house for more than just a night or two at Christmas., I'd only returned to the apartment this morning.

"So, I thought we could spend tomorrow in bed all day." I started, my thumb running over Lando's knuckles as we lazily held hands. "And then we o to Nice and maybe Paris for a few days? A romantic getaway of sorts."

Lando pulled a face as he parked the Mclaren in his normal spot. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why had he pulled a face at that? He's usually all for the getaways I plan.

"What, Lando? You forget I know your faces." I asked, rather sassily, as we got out of the car.

He joined me on the sidewalk, struggling to meet my gaze. "That family member.. an aunt, actually, she uh... she passed away yesterday. The funeral is in a couple of days and I have to go back home again."

My heart dropped.

I felt terrible for Lando. I knew how much death in the family sucked regardless of how close they are to you.

I also hated that he was getting pulled away, again.

"Okay, so, tomorrow we stay in bed all day, and catch up." I winked, taking his hand in mine. "And then I'll fly with you to the funeral."

He looked surprised, "You'd come?"

My hands carefully ran from his hands, up his arms, and to his face, holding it softly.

"Of course, you know I'd move mountains for you."

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