- YOU DONT OWN ME, roronoa zo...

By caztellan

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┌──────┐ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 └──────┘ ❝ 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝓂𝑒 𝐼'𝓂 𝓃�... More

𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒘𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒐
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚

740 20 34
By caztellan

𝐈 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐃 softly, watching Sanji chopping some carrots, sitting on top of a table, it was morning and I was still in my nightwear, a black bra and grey sweatpants.

Zeff walks in, throwing a white button up at me, telling me to put it on. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked Sanji as I put on the white button-up, and left it as a jacket.

"Chopping carrots, chef." Sanji responded, "Yeah, I can see that. But why are you doing it in my kitchen?" Zeff asked him, walking closer. "I demoted you, remember?"

"That you did. But Patty's sleeping off a brutal hangover so unless you want to do brunch prep all by yourself." I shrugged, "Fine." Zeff muttered and they both started chopping and preparing some stuff.

I took an apple from a bowl of fruits near me and took a bite. But then the three of us heard someone yelling for help.

"Luffy?" I said, looking at the back door, raising an eyebrow as he barged in. "Help! Help! Zoro...Zoro needs a doctor." Luffy said making me frown in worry, walking towards him.

"What do you mean, why does he need a doctor?" I asked, biting my lip, worried for Zoro.

"He got into a fight with this warlord guy but he lost. And now he's bleeding from everywhere-" Luffy rants but Zeff cuts him off.

"Whoa. Whoa. Slow down, Chore boy." Zeff said, "I can't understand a word you're saying."

"His friend is dying," I explained to him, "The nearest doctor's on the Conomi Islands. It's a two-day sail from here." Zeff said.

"That's too long," Luffy said, he looked sad. "I can't help you. Hope your friend makes it." The chef said, shrugging. "Zeff!" I exclaimed, frowning at him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Zeff asked as my brother walked towards a cabinet. "To help Chore boy's friend and Y/n's future husband," Sanji said making me roll my eyes.

"Brunch is not gonna prep itself." Zeff said, "You always told me to feed anyone who's hungry. I don't see how this is any different." Sanji said, picking out some random stuff.

Zeff sighed, "Fine." He removes his apron, he looks at me. "Bring me my kitchen knives and a bottle of our best whiskey. And a fresh yellowtail from the cooler. Bigger the better."

"A yellowtail?" Sanji asked, confused, and made a face. "You heard him right, dumbass." I slapped his forehead before getting the stuff.

Me, Zeff, Luffy, and Sanji went to Luffy's ship, walking in. I looked at Zoro and frowned, "Oh dear," I whispered, walking closer next to Nami who was pressing a towel against his wound.

"Hold onto that for me," Nami said and I pressed the towel against his wound. "Are you kidding? He needs a doctor." Nami told Luffy.

"Do you wanna save your swordsman friend or not?" Zeff sassed, taking my hands and towel off his wound.

Sanji gave me the basket of the stuff, and I took out Zeff's kitchen knives.

Zeff takes out the yellowtail, putting it on the cutting board. He then takes the whiskey out, "Is that to sterilize the wounds?" Usopp asked.

"Hell to the no," I said, my eyes widening. "That'd be a waste of really good liquor," Zeff said drinking some of the whiskey before giving me some.

He takes one of his knives, and caressed the yellowtail, "Beautiful." He comments and I gagged a bit making Sanji chuckle.

Zeff cuts the head off, taking the insides out, and slicing the skin.

"Needle," Zeff said and I gave him a needle and he stuck it in Zoro's skin, sewing his skin together.

"Fish skin," Sanji gives the chef the fish skin, and he puts it on Zoro's wounds. "This is an old seaman's trick. The fish skin helps staunch the wounds and heals the flesh a lot faster."

"Is he gonna be okay?" I whispered, looking at Zeff, Luffy, and Usopp looked at me, confused about why I even cared.

"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. He's lost a lot of blood." Zeff said, looking at me. "It might be too late for him."

"But it might not be." Luffy and I said in unison, looking down at Zoro. "He's got one foot in each world right now, caught between life and death. You have to find a way to keep him tethered to our world."

Me and Luffy slowly lay Zoro down in Nami's bed, gently. "Talk to him. Tell him stories. Sing him sea shanties for all I care." Zeff explained. "He may not reply, but at least he'll know his crew is still with him."

Nami was first to go, I heard her read a story for Zoro but as soon as she finished, I knocked on the doorway, catching her attention.

"You wanna talk with him?" Nami asked softly, standing up as she walked towards me. "If you're done, sure." I nod, smiling.

"Okay, well, I am done so you can. And by the way, thank you, for caring about Zoro, even if you barely know him." Nami said sweetly, I nodded at her before she walked away and I walked towards the chair near Zoro.

I smiled at Zoro, looking at him I sat down, "Hey, Zoro. I know you don't know me much, but, I admire you so much. You're strong and brave, I wanna be just like you, strong . It's always been my dream to be the strongest woman in all seas. Besides that, ever since I saw you there at the Baratie, I noticed something. Your swords," I said softly, my bottom lip quivering when I mentioned his swords.

"The Wado Ichimonji reminded me of my best friend, Shimotsuki Kuina. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me, besides Sanji. She sadly died of falling down the stairs, I miss her so much. She mentioned a guy, his name was Zoro, and I guess that was you. You both must've been great friends. She talked about you, but don't worry, she told me great things about you. And I admired how strong you were, and I admire your dream, you both had the same dream, you remind me of her. I know it's really stupid to talk with someone I don't even know. I hope you know that I'm not talking to you because you're hot and muscular, you remind me of Kuina, strong, brave, cold, and hard to get." I let out a soft giggle.

"I had a hard time being friends with her, she hated hanging out with me at first but she got used to me and we both started hanging out more, I wonder if that's gonna happen to us too." I smiled softly at him, admiring his sleeping form.

"Hey, Y/n." Luffy smiled, knocking on the door, I looked up at him.

"Hey, Luffy." I smiled back at him, "Wait, how long were you standing there for?" I asked softly, raising an eyebrow.

"When you started speaking to Zoro." He said, grinning and I rolled my eyes, "Do you care for him?" He asked.

"I don't know, I barely know him and he barely knows me. I like him, romantically, but not love, so it's like a teeny tiny crush." ​​I shrugged, looking at Zoro, reaching slightly for his hand.

"Maybe he will like you," Luffy smirked, "You seem sweet and kind," He said and I smiled at him, "Thanks, Luffy."

"May I talk with him?" He asked, "Oh, right. Yeah, of course. Bye captain," I stood up and walked out, "Bye, Y/n."

Me and Sanji were in the kitchen of the boat, I was drinking some Vodka Lemonade Sanji made for me.

"Luffy! Luffy!" Nami called out as she walked in, I stood up from the couch. Luffy and Usopp walked in.

"The Arlong Pirates are at Baratie. We have to leave now." Nami said, breathlessly. Why did she seem scared? Like really scared?

"What? Why? Why should we leave?" Luffy asked, frowning in confusion. "Because they're looking for you." Nami replied.

"Me?" Luffy points at himself, "And the map." Nami added, "Those fishmen will tear this place apart if Zeff doesn't turn him over." Nami told me and Sanji, and then me and Sanji walked towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Usopp stammered, "If Baratie's in danger, we need to be there." I said, both of us stopping to face them.

"I'm coming with you," Luffy told us. "Did you not hear what I just said?" Nami asked. "They are hunting you. We need to run."

"We heard you right, Nami," I said, raising my voice, shocking her. "I'm with Nami on this one, I'm really not trying to ruffle any feathers or scales-" Usopp said but got cut off by Luffy.

"I'm not running. We're going to protect this place," Luffy said, "This isn't your fight. Why would you do that?" Sanji scowled.

"You fed us." Luffy grinned and I giggled, and Sanji smiled. "Look, I know this crew. Their captain, Arlong, has the highest bounty in all of the East Blue. You do not want to mess with him." The red-haired girl said.

"It sounds like he messed with us first," I smirked, "Luffy please, please," Nami said softly, taking a few steps.

"I can't let innocent people get hurt because of me." Luffy asserted, "If those fishmen guys want a fight, we're gonna give them one." He added, looking at Sanji and I, we both nodded at him .

Luffy walked towards Nami, "You stay with the ship and protect the map."

"And make sure Zoro is safe," I blurt out making Sanji chuckle in amusement. "Hmm?" Luffy nods at Nami, Nami looks annoyed and mad, but who cares?

"It's gonna be safe with you." He smiled at the girl, hitting her on the shoulder.

Luffy opened the door dramatically and the four of us entered, "Which one of you is Arlong?" He asked loudly.

"Who is asking?" I heard a deep voice ask from downstairs, "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I hear you're looking for me."

"Why, yes, I am," Arlong said, looking up at us as we walked downstairs. "So this is the pirate I've heard so much about?" He asked, "You know, I was expecting someone... Bigger."

"So was I," Straw hat boy sassed back, I put a hand on my mouth, letting out a small snicker.

"Do you know who I am, boy?" Arlong asked, his smirk dropping. "I'm Arlong the Saw. Even the Maries flee before my flag."

Luffy shook his head, "Not ringing a bell. How'd you find me anyway?" He asked, "An old friend helped me track you down." Arlong clicks his tongue.

One of Arlong's fish friends opens a bag and gets the head of a clown out. "Heya, Straw Hat. Did you miss me?" The clown asked, I saw his bounty. He is Buggy the Clown.

"Burpy!?" Luffy exclaimed, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Believe me, it wasn't my first choice either. But these fine fishy folk persuaded me to point them in the right direction, which ain't easy when you don't have any hands." Buggy chuckles.

"How'd you even know how to find me?" Luffy asked the clown, "I told you. I've got eyes and ears everywhere. An ear got out of Luffy's straw hat and stuck back onto the clown.

"What the fuck, ew." I scoffed, and Buggy laughed, "Stereo!" He said. Me, Usopp, and Sanji both looked at each other.

"You were listening all along?" Luffy asked, looking at the clown head. "You heard everything?"

"Everything." Buggy nods, Oh wait, he can't. "And that got old quick 'cause you shidiots have no idea what you're doing. Hey, lips! How about a scratch behind the old ear, huh?" He asked, looking at the fish with big lips who looked back at him.

"Sorry, honey." The fish man said, putting his liquor onto the table, "Oh, come on! Give a clown a break. I-"

The fish man grabs him by the top of his head, putting him back in the bag. "Oh, wait! No! Not back in the bag. It's so dark and wet and sandy!" Buggy wailed.

"Listen here, I want my map," Arlong said, taking a few steps forward. "Along with half of whatever you plunder as tribute."

"Arlong, along." I whispered to Sanji, he snickered but quickly covered it with a serious face, "Not now." He whispered back to me and I smiled.

"And if you bow down to me, I might even let you serve in my kingdom." Arlong sneered.

"I don't bow down to any man." Luffy said, "I'm no man." Arlong cuts him off, "Or fish." Straw hat boy added, making a fishy growl.

"And you're no king." Luffy dared, glaring at Arlong. "I will be when I get my Grand Line map." Arlong sneered.

Luffy smiles, putting his hat back on. "Then, you're gonna have to fight me for it." He challenges.

"Then let the fighting begin." Arlong accepted, growling but then we heard a gunshot. I looked behind Arlong, seeing Zeff.

"Zeff," I said, about to walk towards him but Sanji quickly grabbed my arm, stopping me.

Arlong looks at Zeff, and then one of Arlong's fishmen stands up and kicks his leg making me gasp and the fishman punches him, making him land to the wall and then to the floor.

"Zeff!" Me and Sanji snarled, walking towards the men, I went to Fish lips and Sanji went for the other guy kicking their face at the same time.

I punched Fish lips and kicked him on the balls, making him moan in pain. I scowled, pulling him by the hair, and threw him to the wall, wait, what just happened? Did I just do that, then I saw the fishman Sanji fighting with kick Sanji, throwing him to a table.

"Sanji!" I ran towards him but the guy he fought with grabbed me by my h/l hair making me gasp in pain, "Gah!" Then he pinned me to the floor, "You look beautiful," The Fishman said, running his fingers on my cleavage.

I looked up at him in disgust, trying to get out of his grasp, "No!" I yelled, "Jiji!" I called out to my brother, but the Fishman kept touching me.

But then when Arlong and Luffy went outside to fight, the fishman let go of me and followed them to watch of course.

I frowned, sitting up and Sanji went to my side, putting his hands on my shoulder. "I can't believe he touched you, I'm gonna kill him." He hissed, hugging me from behind as I sighed, I was used to it and I hated it.

Me, Usopp, and Sanji ran outside and we saw Arlong throwing Luffy into the water, Luffy couldn't swim, he told me that. I removed my white button-up, leaving me just in my red bra, and went in the water, saving Luffy.

Once we went up, Luffy started coughing out the seawater, and Sanji helped me get out of the water, holding me by my waist. He gives his black blazer, wrapping it around my shivering body.

"Where's Nami?" Luffy asked, "She's gone." I said bitterly, leaning into my brother, who didn't care that I was wet.

"She's a member of Arlong's crew," Usopp muttered, looking down at Luffy. Luffy defeatedly puts his hand down on the floorboard, "No." He whispered. "She can't be."

Me and Sanji went back to the Baratie and saw Zeff sitting in one of the chairs. The Baratie was a bit messy.

I grabbed onto the table that fell earlier and put it up while Sanji grabbed a broom and started sweeping.

"I don't need you both to do that." Zeff said, "We've got a full house tomorrow. Two dinner seatings, plus brunch." I listed as Sanji stayed silent as he stopped sweeping, putting the broom down.

"Enough! I don't wanna hear this." Zeff huffed, "What is your problem?" My brother asked him, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Me?" Zeff asked, "I'm fine. You both are the ones with the problem."

"Don't bring Y/n into this. We're just helping you clean up." Sanji sassed as he put a chair up.

"Yeah, but no one asked you to, did they? So get out of my restaurant now." Zeff said and I looked at him, scowling.

"I told you I'm not gonna be a waiter," Sanji sneered, pointing at him.

"You're not gonna be anything, not if you stay here." Zeff said, "I did not save your lives so you could waste it at Baratie."

"It's not like we can just leave," I said, sighing. "Why the hell not?" Zeff asked, throwing his arms up.

"Because you couldn't run this place without Sanji," I replied, shrugging like it's no duh.

"Oh, please, little birdie, little eggplant's cooking is for shit."

"At least I don't drown everything in oregano." Sanji said, "Yeah, at least I'm not the one who goes on moaning about the All Blue." Zeff grunted.

"You've been yammering on about that since you was a snotty-nosed little brat." The one-legged chef said. "Well, I'll tell you now. If it means that much to you, go find it."

"Look, do you want us to quit? Is that what you want?" Sanji asked, carrying some plates.

"Quitting is staying here!" Zeff snaps, "Don't you get it? It's one thing to have a dream. It's another to go after it."

"Chore bot offered us a spot on his crew. Maybe we'll take him up on that offer." Sanji said, "You want my permission? You got it." Zeff rasped.

"Fine!" Sanji threw the dishes onto a nearby table, "Fine!" Zeff said and Sanji kicked a chair nearby. "Fine!"

"Sanji!" I said and quickly followed him outside.

We were now packing up to go with Luffy and to join his crew. "Lot of dried meat in these barrels." Usopp comments as I helped him with the barrels and I giggled.

I looked down and saw Zoro, sitting down. "Zoro?" I blurt out and he looked up at me, he raised an eyebrow at me and looked away, I swear I saw him smile, but why? Oh shit, I forgot I was still in my bra and Sanji's blazer.

"You think we bought too much?" Usopp asked, "You know who you're sailing with?" Zoro asked, nodding up to Luffy who was climbing onto the boat ropes like a child.

I let out a giggle and sat next to Zoro, he looked at me. "Why are you always so close to me?" He asked coldly.

"Maybe because I like you?" I answered, shrugging, and looked away with a small laugh.

"Heard you guys need a cook," Sanji smiled, "Sanji," I smiled at my brother. "Yeah! Yes, we do!"

"Welcome aboard," Luffy smiled at Sanji and Luffy nodded to me and I nodded back with a sweet smile.

Sanji smiled at us and smirked at me once he saw me sitting with Zoro, I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger and he chuckled.

"Why are we bringing the waiter?" Zoro asked, looking at the side, he said 'Waiter' not 'waiters' so does that mean he doesn't mind me being here?

"Because you can't boil water," I smirked, looking at Zoro who turned to me and looked away again. "Exactly," Usopp said who was right behind me.

"Dropping the sail!"

I then heard someone call me, "Little birdie!"

My eyes brightened and I went up next to Sanji, "Zeff!" I smiled and waved at him from afar. "I'm gonna miss you!" I yelled as he waved back.

"So, we're going after Nami, but how are we gonna find her?" Usopp asked, walking down the stairs, I was next to Zoro who was sitting down on the stairs I sighed, trying to tighten my white corset.

"Yeah, we don't even know where she is," I heard Zoro's deep voice said, I struggled with my corset as I looked up at Luffy. I then felt someone's presence behind me and tightened my corset for me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Zoro, I froze slightly but quickly looked away, "Thanks." I muttered.

"I know someone who does," Luffy replied, we all then followed Luffy. I saw Zoro who almost tripped on the floorboards.

"Careful!" I asserted and my brother chuckled in amusement when Moss head glared at me playfully.

Then Luffy gets Buggy out of a bag. "Hello, boys! And girl!" Buggy exclaims, grinning, too much, and chuckles. "Oh, God." I muttered.

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