Whispers Of Deceit

By _alice_69

52 8 2

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A Family's Struggle

52 8 2
By _alice_69

Chapter 1

In a small, run down apartment in the heart of the city lived a 15 years old girl named Alice with her younger sister Lily and their father Michael who was once a caring and loving father, always putting his family first, but after the loss of his wife, nothing was the same anymore.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months since the devastating tragedy that took Alice and Lily's mother, the pain only seemed to deepen in the family.

Alice, in particular, found it hard to shake the memories of that day, the weight of her mother's frail hand in hers, the sound of her voice barely above a whisper, the last words she uttered before passing away, a plea for her daughter to stay strong, to look after her sister, all of that played in her mind like a haunting melody, refusing to fade with time.

The apartment they called home was a reflection of the struggles they faced within, the walls were peeling, the furniture was worn and old, but despite the constant ache in their hearts, Alice did her best to stay strong and fulfill her mom's last request by taking care of Lily, she made sure they both go to school on time, did their homework, and had something to eat everyday.

The loss of their mom had left a void that their father failed to fill, he was struggling to make ends meet ever since and lately he has been more stressed than usual, he turned to smoking as a way to cope, a habit he had quit when his wife was still alive.

It was a sore subject for Alice, she hated the smell of cigarettes that always filled their house, she knew that her father's smoking was only adding to their financial troubles, she found herself getting into arguments with him about it very often, but it always ended the same way, with apologies and empty promises.

On a chilly afternoon, Alice decided to take her younger sister Lily to the park to play, she had been begging to go for days, and Alice finally caved in to her constant pleas, they put on their warm coats and scarves, and headed out, Lily ran ahead as she giggled and called out for her sister to hurry up.

As they arrived at the park, Lily's eyes lit up with excitement, it was full of children laughing and playing, Lily quickly made friends with a group of kids her age, they ran around, played tag, and laughed as they swung on the swings, Alice couldn't help but smile as she watched her sister play so carefree and happy.

As the sun began to set, Alice suggested they head back home, Lily pouted at first, not wanting the fun to end, but eventually she agreed after Alice promised they would come back another day, they walked hand in hand back home, Lily chattering happily about all the fun she had at the park.

When they arrived home, the house was quiet, the only sound was the soft whirring of the ceiling fan and the faint sound of traffic outside, Lily ran to her room to play with her toys, while Alice made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water, she noticed the door was closed, and could see the harsh orange glow of the lighter flickering through the crack under the door, and hear the familiar rasp of her father's breath as he inhaled, followed by a cough.

Alice swung open the door, slamming it behind her, her father was sitting at the table, taking a long drag and exhaling a cloud of smoke, the light from the flame illuminated his tired face, he seems lost in thought, a sight that Alice despised the most.

The smell of the smoke filled the room, mixing with the stale odor of old food and the unwashed dishes in the sink, her father, startled, looked up from his plate of cold food.

"Whats the matter Alice?"
He murmured, his voice tinged with exhaustion, Alice's eyes narrowed as she glared at him, she fought the urge to scream, to shake some sense into her father, but she knew it wouldn't do any good, he was stuck in his way, unwilling to change for anyone, not even for himself.

"You know what's the matter dad!"
She said pointing an accusatory finger at the pack of cigarettes on the table.

"You are killing yourself and leaving us to deal with everything!"
She added, her voice echoing in the suffocating silence.

Her father's eyes shifted to the cigarette before meeting hers.

"I'm trying Alice, I'm trying my best"
With a regretful look, her father responded, but Alice had no patience for his excuses anymore, she crossed her arms and shook her head in disbelief.

"Well its not good enough! Mom would be so disappointed in you right now, she didn't deserve this, none of us do"
Alice shot back.

The mention of her mom brought a silence between them, it only added to the somber atmosphere that hung in the room, the memories of her gentle presence flooded their minds, reminding them of the loss they both felt deeply.

Her father took a deep breath, extinguishing the cigarette in the ashtray before speaking.

"I'm.. sorry Alice, I'm really sorry for everything, i know i havent been the father you deserve, it's really not easy, there's somethings you won't understand"
his gaze avoiding hers as he spoke, a look of shame in his eyes.

"Then explain them to me"
Alice demanded, taking a seat across from him.

"You changed a lot dad..I.. don't even reconize you anymore"
She continued, her voice filled with longing for the past, she always had been a daddy's girl, but lately, their relationship had been strained, the absence of her mother only seemed to highlight the flaws in their bond.

"Im truly sorry, the truth is that I'm in debt..I owe a lot of money
to......some..people, that's how I was able to pay the medical bills for your mother"
He confessed, his voice trailing off as though he was hesitant to continue, he could sense the weight of his daughter's words, the pain behind them cutting deep into his own soul, he knew he had let her down, had let them all down, and the guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders.

"Then go get a damn job and do something about this, those won't pay your debt you know"
She gestured towards the cigarettes her father had been nervously fidgeting with throughout their conversation.
"Besides, you could've told me about this sooner, I could've done something, anything to help"

Her father let out a heavy sigh, his weary eyes meeting hers as he leaned back in his chair.
"I know.."
He admitted, running a hand through his hair.

"I've made mistakes, and i cant undo them, i thought i could handle it on my own, but time is running out.., its..., look, I don't want to involve you girls in all of this, I'll figure something out, I promise"
He attempted a weak smile, as if he was trying to convince himself as much as her, but his daughter could see through it, she could sense there was more to this than he was letting on, she nodded, trying to mask her disappointment, she wanted to believe him, to trust that he would find a way out of this situation, but doubts lingered in her mind

"I hope you'll keep your promise dad, I don't want to give up on you"

Not wanting to push him further, Alice excused herself and walked to her room, closing the door quietly behind her, she started thinking of possible solutions as she layed down on her bed, staring at the ceiling, she knew that simply wishing their problems away would not make them disappear, and that action was the only way to bring about change, she knew she had to take matters into her own hands, it was then that an idea struck her,she could get a part time job, it was the least she could do to help with the financial burden her dad is facing.

The soft glow of the streetlight shining through the curtains,the distant sound of passing cars, it was a comforting, familiar sound that somehow made her feel less alone, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

In her dream, Alice walked hand in hand with her mother along the shores of the beach, the golden sun was setting in the distance, painting the sky with a palette of pastel hues, the sand felt warm beneath her feet as she listened to the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore, her mother's smile as bright and comforting as she remembered it to be, they sat down together, watching the sun dip below the horizon in a breathtaking display of colors, in that moment, Alice felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over her, wishing so hard that she could stay in this dream world forever.

But as the morning sun peeked through the curtains, Alice unwillingly opened her eyes to the real world, the smell of the freshly brewed coffee her father made wafted through the air, she groggily forced herself out of bed, padding over to wake up her younger sister, Lily, they both went through their daily routine, brushing their teeth before eating breakfast.

as they sat at the table, Alice decided to bring up the subject of getting a part-time job with her father.

"Um dad...I was thinking about getting a part time job, you know, to help with your debt"

Alice said taking a deep breath.

Her father looked up from his newspaper, a surprise etched on his face.

"Alice, my dear, you don't have to do that, really, I'm fine"
He said, his voice cracking.

"I know you aren't fine dad, and I want to do something about it, and besides I want to do it for Lily too, it's been so long since she got new clothes or toys"

Lily's eyes shine with excitement_
"You are getting a job sis?? That's so cool"

Alice smiles at her little sister and nodded then looked back at her father
"Let me do it dad, I'll be fine"

He sighed and rubbed his temples
"Okay, if you are sure, but be careful, the world can be a dangerous place"

"I know dad, im not a little girl anymore, I'll start looking for jobs today after school"

After they finished breakfast, Alice and Lily went upstairs to their rooms to get ready for school, Alice pulled on a black sweater with pair of jeans and sneakers, while Lily wore a cute pink dress with a pair of warm boots.

As they they prepared for the day ahead, Alice couldn't help but feel determined to find a job, for the sake of her father and her little sister.

"Come on Lily we need to go"
Alice said, picking up her backpack and giving her sister a gentle nudge towards the door.

Lily nodded, her long blonde hair bouncing with each step as she followed her sister outside the house.

The walk to school was a calm one, the only sound was their footsteps on the pavement, Lily skipped ahead humming her favorite song, it seemed like a peaceful day but Alice couldn't help but feel like they were being watched, she looked around nervously but saw nothing strange, maybe it was just her imagination, she thought, trying to reassure herself, she tried to push the feeling aside and focus on getting to school on time.

They arrived just as the first bell rang, Alice watched her little sister joining her friends on the playground, she feels a little sad that she won't be able to spend much time with her, but she did what she has to, for her family, she took a deep breath and made her way to her own classroom.

After school, Alice spent the rest of her day searching for part time jobs,hoping someone would give her a chance despite her lack of experience, she really want to work at the local coffee shop, but she also applied to the grocery store down the street as a back up option, to her surprise she received calls from the both.

The day of the interview went very smoothly, Alice felt very relieved when she got accepted for both jobs, she was over the moon as she skipped back home to tell her father about it who was very proud of her.

Starting her new shifts after a week, Alice found herself exhausted each day, she comes back home very late, she would barely have any time to eat dinner before collapsing into bed, too tired to talk to anyone.

Lily who was always eager to talk, would try to start conversations with Alice who would just grunt or nod in response, she would often cry herself to sleep, missing the days when her older sister spent so much time with her.

But as the days passed Alice began to feel a sense of unease, every night as she walked home from work, she couldn't shake that feeling that someone was watching her, the same feeling as when she goes to school, it feels like her every move is being watched, she knew she was under a lot of stress, and her mind was playing tricks on her, but the feeling persisted, growing stronger each passing day, maybe it wasn't only her imagination, but something far more dark than that.

One night, as Alice was walking back home after her shift, she felt the similar sensation of being followed, she quickened her pace, trying to shake off the feeling, but no matter how fast she was, the presence behind her seemed to get closer and closer.

Before she knew it, a hand wrapped around her mouth and a cloth was pressed tightly against her nose, she tried to struggle and fight but the darkness quickly enveloped her, she lost consciousness.

When she woke up she found herself tied up inside a black van, surrounded by men in black suits, as her eyes adjusted to the dim light, Alice could make the figure of a man standing standing infront of her.

He stepped forward, his black hair framing a face devoid of any trace of mercy, and there was something undeniably sinister about the smile on his lips, his green eyes locking onto hers.

L:"finally awake, Alice Everly"

panic surged through Alice's veins as she struggles against the restraints that bound her hands and feet, tears welled up in her eyes as she pleaded the men to let her go, her voice trembling in fear.

A: "W-where ..am i..PLEASE..LET ME GO....please...I.. didn't do anything...please I.. just wanna go home, I beg you....please.. I won't tell no one what happened..please let me go..i-im..not..Alice..y-you got the wrong..person..!"

L: "Enough!" He growled "you are not in the position to make demands.

Lucas starting to grew annoyed with her constant chatter and decided to put a stop to it, with a swift motion he placed the gun beneath her chin, tilting her head up forcefully to meet his cold gaze, causing her to let out a whimper of fear, the metallic click of the gun was deafening in the confined space of the van.

L: "eyes on me"
The man's voice was cold and menacing.
"Now that I got your attention, if you value your life do as i say and maybe you will live to see the light of another day"

Alice nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat, the man seemed to study her for a moment before speaking again.

L: "do you recognize this man?"
With a nod to one of his henchmen, he was handed a photograph that he held infront of Alice, a picture of a man that she knew all too well.

Her blood ran cold as she recognized the face in the photo, it was her own father staring back at her, confusion swirled in her mind as she tried to understand what was happening, she desperately hoped that it was a terrible mistake, she stared at the photo wishing it would morph into someone else, anyone else.

Lucas grew more impatient with every second of Alice's silence and every tear that fell from her eyes.
L: "you speak when you are spoken to!"
He commanded.

With a trembling breath, she tore her gaze away from the photo, her eyes meeting the boss's cold gaze.

A: "m-my....d..dad"
She said, her voice barely more than a whisper in the oppressive silence of the van.

L: "so we finally have some honesty, you are the daughter of the man who's been avoiding us, it seems your father has been keeping quite a big secret from you hasn't he?"

A: "I...don't ...understand.."
She manages to choke out.

L: "He owes us a lot of money, money he doesn't have and failed to repay in time"

Alice's eyes widened as she connected the pieces together in her mind, she knew now why her father had been acting so strangely lately, why he'd been so distant, she knew something was wrong, but never imagined it would be this, the realization was almost too much to bear, how could her father have gotten them into this mess? How could them man she always looked up to be involved with criminals and putting their lives in danger?

L: "you have two choices" He continued
"We need to send a message to others who might try to cheat us, and that message is either you prove yourself worthy of living by killing your father and joining us, or your entire family will meet their demise, I'm afraid we don't have a single problem wiping out innocent little girls like your sister"
He threatened.

Alice felt paralyzed with the indecision, seconds stretched to eternity, each heartbeat is a reminder of the choice that lay before her, to kill or be killed.

She tried to reason with the boss, begging him to spare her family's lives and promising that she would find a way to pay off the debt, she looked into Lucas's eyes, trying to find a way out of this nightmare, she searched for any hint of humanity and compassion in his cold gaze, but found none.

A: "p-please...please...I would...do anything please ..i could work all day...just don't hurt my family...please, they are everything to me... please I can't do this...I can't.. kill my own father.. t-thats impossible..."
She said, sobbing.

But Lucas was unfazed by her plea.
L: "this is not a negotiation little girl, i don't care what you can or can't, you have 3 minutes to decide"
"You know, you are a lot like your father, stubborn, annoying, pathetic, and that's not going to help you"
He added.

Alice was in shock, tears kept falling down her face as she realized the impossible choice she was being forced to make, how could she kill her own father? She loved him despite all the mistakes he made, the thought of taking his life was unimaginable, yet the alternative was equally unthinkable, she thought of her little sister, who she promised her mom to always protect and take care of.

With a heavy heart, and a mind clouded with regret Alice made the decision that would change her life forever, with a trembling voice, she finally spoke.

A: "..I..won't let you..destroy my family...I'll do what you ask.."
She said in a voice full of sorrow, those words tasted like poison on her tongue, and profound sense of betrayal consumed her as the tears continued to flow down her cheeks, but she did what she had to in order to survive, even if it means sacrificing a part of herself in the process.

Lucas nodded, a hint of satisfaction crossing his features as he saw the compliance in Alice's eyes.

L: "Smart choice, girl, you'll fit in well with us"
His voice laced with both approval and cruelty as a twisted grin spread across his face.

He then turned to Jack, the man who was driving the van, and instructed him to drive to her house so she can carry out the task that had been assigned to her.

As they drove through the familiar streets of the neighborhood, Alice felt a sense of surrealness wash over her, how could her life taken such a dark span in just few hours?, the young girl's innocence was shattered, her destiny entwined with the crimson stain of her father's blood.

As they arrived to her house, the place where she grew up, where she shared so many happy memories with her family, Alice felt a wave of grief wash over her, but she knew there was no turning back now, she would do whatever it took to protect her sister and ensure her survival in world filled with danger and deceit.

They untied her, then Lucas handed her the gun he was holding, she took the weapon, her hands shaking as she stared down at it.

L: "you know what you have to do, make sure you do it right, we cant afford any mistakes"

More chapters will be coming soon <3

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