Creating Memories

By shailikesbl

14K 849 384

Tankhun re-hired Pete to serve as his bodyguard once again. However, Pete is now accompanied by his two child... More

*** Prologue ***
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Sixteen

811 55 7
By shailikesbl

Pete's heart raced a little faster as they pulled up to the minor family mansion. Today was a special day, a playdate for his children, Venice and Seoul, with Rome. He glanced at his kids in the rearview mirror, reassuring them with a smile, though he could feel his own nerves jangling.

As they stepped out of the car, Pete helped Venice and Seoul out, one by one. They were greeted by Vegas. Pete felt a rush of blood on his cheeks upon seeing his boyfriend. Boyfriend. He and Vegas were boyfriends. He still couldn't believe that they were really dating now.

"Hey there," Pete said, trying to ease his nerves with a friendly greeting.

"Hey, Pete," Vegas replied with a grin, his eyes twinkling. He scooped up Venice, who was already bounding towards him, and Pete lifted Seoul into his arms.

"Hey, buddy. Ready to play with Rome?" Vegas asked Venice. Venice nodded enthusiastically, "Yes! We also bought snacks! Rome will like it. It has strawberries!"

"That's awesome!" Vegas replied energetically before looking back at Pete.

"Thanks for having us," Pete said, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Of course. Seeing these two play with Rome is a simple pleasure for me," Vegas smiled as he patted Seoul's hair affectionately, "Hey, Princess,"

Seoul giggled and hid her face in the crook of Pete's neck.

Venice giggled, "The princess is shy!"

"She is," Vegas agreed, "Macau, Cherry, and Rome are waiting inside. Let's head in."

Pete nodded, grateful for Vegas's hospitality. As they entered the mansion, Pete mentioned the dessert he had brought.

"Ohh! We brought some treats for everyone. It's in the passenger seat in front of the car. Rome can have it since it wasn't too sweet," Pete said, hoping it would be a welcome addition to the gathering.

"Ah, that's thoughtful of you. I'll take care of it," Vegas replied with a smile. "I have a feeling Macau will be more excited to see Venice and Seoul than Rome."

Pete chuckled, knowing how much Macau adored children. He followed Vegas into Rome's playroom, where the kid and his parents were waiting.

Venice wasted no time in greeting Macau and Cherry before heading to Rome, who was playing with a toy car, to poke his cheek to greet him. Rome immediately giggled and mumbled Venice's name, calling him Ven-ven, and Pete watched with pride as his son interacted with the younger boy. Seoul soon joined in, and Pete couldn't help but smile at the sight of the children playing together.

"Thank you for inviting us," Pete said to Macau and Cherry.

"I'm glad you came, P'Pete. It's sad that the twins caught a fever. But I told P'Porsche that we will have play dates with them when they are better," Macau said. Pete agreed.

"Venice is really good with babies," Cherry remarked to Pete as they watched the kids.

"He sure is," Vegas agreed, "Let's sit."

Cherry and Macau sat down on the sofa while Pete sat in an armchair, and Vegas sat on the armrest of the armchair Pete sat in. He placed his hand on Pete's shoulder. Pete looked up at Vegas. Vegas smiled at him before kissing the top of Pete's head. Macau and Cherry looked at each other and smiled. Seeing how domesticated and cute Vegas and Pete were together made them happy.

"Do you want drinks, P'Pete?" Macau asked Pete.

"Water will do," Pete timidly said.

Just then, Vegas remembered the dessert Pete had mentioned.

"I almost forgot about the dessert you brought," Vegas said, rising from his seat. "I'll go grab them, along with some drinks and snacks for everyone."

"Let me help," Pete started to stand up, but Vegas stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax, Pete," Vegas said with a grin. "I've got it covered. You just enjoy Macau and Cherry's company."

Pete smiled gratefully. Vegas disappeared to fetch the dessert and prepare snacks for them.

"He looks happier and more relaxed lately. Being in love suits him," Macau cheekily said. Pete just smiled and shook his head.

"Do P'Kinn, P'Porsche, and P'Khun know?" Cherry asked.

Pete shrugged, "I'm not sure. But I think they knew."

Cherry changed the subject by asking Pete about Rome's weird eating habits. Pete was really helpful by suggesting something to her. After a while, Vegas returned with three servants who served them snacks. Pete and Cherry called their respective children to eat their snacks. Vegas helped Pete by taking Seoul and helping her with her snack. Macau watched Vegas take care of the little girl. Macau knew that Vegas was a good uncle to Rome, but seeing Vegas with Seoul made him think that Vegas would also be a good father someday. Although their father wasn't a good example for them, Macau and Vegas are doing well as grown-ups.

After a round of snacks, the children scampered back to their games, leaving the adults to talk about random stuff. Macau and Cherry told them their plan to visit Chiangmai for a short vacation.

"We've been thinking about this for quite a while, and since Rome is a year old, we want to bring him along with us," Macau said.

"It'll be a nice break," Cherry remarked, excitement bubbling in her voice.

"Absolutely," agreed Macau, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "And it will be Rome's first trip!"

Pete chimed in, "It'll be a great family trip."

"You should do it," Vegas smiled at his brother. Macau nodded in agreement.

The conversation drifted from vacations to work and other mundane topics until Pete noticed Seoul looking a bit drowsy amidst the lively play. Macau looked in the direction where Pete was looking.

"Seoul seems tired," Macau observed, concern tingeing his voice.

Cherry nodded, worry creasing her brow. "You might be right. She does look sleepy."

Excusing himself from the conversation, Pete approached the children, his footsteps crunching softly on the grass. He gently scooped up Seoul, who immediately snuggled into his arms.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," Pete cooed, his heart melting at Seoul's tired eyes.

Vegas followed him, concern etched on his face. "Everything alright?"

Pete offered a reassuring smile. "Just a sleepy little one," he explained. "I think Seoul needs a nap."

Macau, overhearing their conversation, suggested, "We have spare guestrooms, P'Pete. Seoul can sleep comfortably in one of those."

Vegas nodded in agreement. "That's right."

"Is it okay? I can just carry her," Pete said. Vegas shook his head, "I'll have one of the helpers check and make sure the room is clean," Vegas called one of the helpers on stand-by and told her to check the guestroom and ensure it was clean. The helper nodded and immediately left.

"Do you want me to carry her?" Vegas asked.

"It's fine. I can manage," Pete replied. Vegas and Pete watched Seoul, who's struggling to keep herself from falling asleep, but she's tired.

Turning to Venice, Pete said, "Venice, stay here with Rome. Let Uncle Macau and Aunt Cherry know if you need anything, alright?"

Venice nodded confidently, a sense of responsibility shining in his eyes. "Yes, Pa. Don't worry about me. I'm a big boy!"

Pete smiled at his son affectionately. "Okay, big boy. Have fun playing."

The helper came back and told Vegas that the room was clean and ready for occupancy. With Seoul cradled in his arms and Vegas by his side, Pete made his way toward the house, grateful for his boyfriend's and his family's kindness.

In the quiet of the guestroom, Pete carefully settled Seoul onto the bed, his movements tender and deliberate. Vegas, ever thoughtful, carried the baby bag Pete had brought, ready to assist.

"Vegas, can you please take out the small pink pillow and the bunny stuffed toy from the baby bag?" Pete instructed, his voice soft as he adjusted Seoul's position.

Vegas complied, pulling out the items from the bag. He handed the pillow to Pete, who placed it beneath Seoul's head with utmost care. Then, he offered the bunny stuffed toy, which Pete positioned beside Seoul, eliciting a contented sigh from the child.

"That's a gift from me," Vegas remarked with a hint of pride as he watched Seoul snuggle against the toy.

Pete nodded appreciatively. "Seoul adores it. She never sleeps without it."

As the two men settled on the edge of the bed, their gazes fixed on Seoul's peaceful slumber, Vegas remarked, "She looks so cute when she's asleep. She looks like her mom."

Pete smiled warmly in agreement. "Yeah, she's a spitting image of Som. Even when she sulks, it's like seeing her all over again."

Vegas nodded thoughtfully. "Seoul and Venice are lucky to have you and Som as parents. They're going to grow up wonderfully."

"I hope so," Pete murmured, his thoughts drifting to the future.

Suddenly, Vegas changed the subject, "Should I renovate some rooms for Venice and Seoul's room? Maybe make it more appealing to children or something."

Pete chuckled. "Why would they need a room here?"

Vegas shrugged sheepishly. "Well, you never know. Maybe you and the kids will stay over someday. It wouldn't hurt to be prepared."

Pete raised an eyebrow teasingly. "And where would I stay if Seoul and Venice have their own rooms?"

Vegas grinned. "With me, of course."

Pete laughed, shaking his head. "In the room you shared with Khun Tay? No thanks."

Realizing what he said, Pete immediately looked at Vegas. The smile he had before turned into a frown. Vegas sighed. "Right, I forgot about that."

"I'm sorry, Vegas," Pete apologized.

"No, it's fine. You're right. That was insensitive of me. But don't worry. It's fine," Vegas assured Pete. Vegas stood up and made his way to the window. Pete sighed before tucking Seoul securely on the bed. Pete then followed Vegas, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay?"

Vegas hesitated before answering, "I'm fine."

Pete knew the topic of Som and Tay was sensitive for Vegas and him, but he wanted to assure him it was okay. Wrapping his arms around Vegas from behind, he rested his chin on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry if I mentioned Khun Tay, but honestly, talking about him is okay with me, just like you talking about Som with me," Pete murmured softly. "Wait, are you okay with talking about Som?"

Vegas placed his hands over Pete's arms, feeling the warmth of his embrace. "It's fine with me. I even open that topic for us to talk about. How about you? Are you really okay when Tay is brought up in our conversation?" Vegas asked.

"Yes, it's fine. I will tell you if I don't feel good about something," Pete promised, "And I hope you do the same."

"I will, Pete," Vegas assured him.

Pete gently turned Vegas to face him. He placed his hands on Vegas' shoulders while Vegas placed his hands on Pete's waist. Pete was searching his eyes for reassurance. "Do you need help with the renovation?"

Vegas looked surprised but grateful. "Will you really help me?"

Pete nodded.

A smile tugged at Vegas' lips. "Okay. Maybe we can use my old room instead. We can even break the wall to the spare bedroom next to it to make it bigger."

Pete chuckled. "Or you could just give me my own room here."

Vegas shook his head adamantly. "No, I want you with me."

Pete raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Are you up to something?"

Vegas grinned mischievously. "Maybe, but I'll wait until you're ready."

Leaning in closer, Pete asked, "Are you willing to wait?"

Vegas nodded earnestly. "I won't do anything uncomfortable for you or without your consent. I'll wait, Pete."

Their eyes locked; a silent promise passed between them. Their relationship is new, but the way they take care of each other's feelings is something Pete didn't expect.

"I think we should kiss now," Pete suggested.

"You think?" Vegas teased. Pete smacked his arm and pouted at him. Vegas laughed before he gently cupped Pete's jaw and kissed him, sealing their bond with a loving embrace in the quiet room.


At the main family mansion, Porsche and Kinn gently tucked their twin sons, Jax and Max, into their beds after administering their medicine. The twins, weary from their sickness, drifted off into a peaceful slumber, their breaths soft and steady. Madee stood nearby, helping the couple with the twins.

A faint knock echoed through the hallway, prompting Kinn to glance at Porsche with a quizzical expression. Porsche rose from the edge of the bed, his footsteps silent against the plush carpet as he made his way to the door. With a gentle twist of the knob, he revealed a main family guard standing in the corridor.

"What's the matter?" Porsche inquired, his brow furrowing with worry.

The guard cleared his throat before delivering his message. "Khun Porsche, your brother, Khun Porchay, has arrived," he announced.

Porsche and Kinn exchanged a surprised glance before Porsche nodded, acknowledging the guard's report. "Thank you," he said softly before turning to Madee. "Madee, please stay with our sons."

"No problem, Khun Porsche," Madee smiled. Kinn looked at their soundly asleep sons before getting off the bed and approaching Porsche.

Once assured of the children's fast asleep, Porsche and Kinn made their way to the living room, trailing behind the guard who led the way.

As they entered the spacious living room, their eyes fell upon Porchay, who rose from his seat with a warm smile gracing his lips. "P'Porsche, P'Kinn," he wai-ed to greet them.

Porsche crossed the room in long strides, enveloping his brother in a tight embrace. "Porchay," he exclaimed. Porchay hugged Porsche back. Kinn patted Porchay's arm, and Porchay smiled at him.

"Welcome, Porchay. I'm glad you finally visited us," Kinn remarked warmly.

Porsche settled back onto the sofa, gesturing for his brother to join him. "Please, sit," he invited, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.

As they settled into their seats, Porsche couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "I'm glad to see you, Chay. You've been away too long, you didn't get to meet your nephews," he said, his gaze fixed on his brother.

"I'm sorry, Phi. It's just hectic at work. Where are the kids anyway?" Porchay asked.

"They are sleeping. They have a fever, but they are getting well. I hope this won't be your only visit," Porsche said.

"It won't," Porchay paused. "Actually, I have some news to share," he revealed, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Kinn and Porsche exchanged a curious glance before leaning in, eager to hear Porchay's announcement.

"I'm getting married," Porchay announced, his voice brimming with happiness.

Kinn and Porsche exchanged a look of astonishment before breaking into wide smiles. "Congratulations!" they chorused in unison, their joy evident.

Porsche leaned forward, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Tell us more. Who's the lucky person?" he inquired, eager to learn about his brother's newfound love.

Porchay chuckled softly before sharing the details of his romance. "His name is Sean. He's also a Thai and English teacher in South Korea. We've been together for years, but we kept it quiet until recently," he explained, his voice filled with affection.

Porsche nodded, his heart swelling with happiness for his brother. "I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy," he remarked sincerely.

Kinn offered his congratulations once more before inquiring about the opportunity to meet Porchay's partner. "When can we meet him?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Porchay smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting his gratitude. "Sean is with his family at the moment, but we'll arrange a dinner soon. We have a vacation planned ahead," he replied, excitement bubbling in his voice.

Porsche patted his brother's back. "I can't wait to meet him. Congratulations again, Porchay," he said, his voice filled with pride and love.

"Thank you, Phi," Porchay said.

Suddenly, Tankhun burst into the room, accompanied by someone unexpected – Kim. Their presence caught the attention of Porsche, Kinn, and Porchay. Porchay was shocked to see Kim again after a decade. The last time he had seen him was during Kinn and Porsche's wedding.

"Nong Chaaaay!!!" Tankhun's voice boomed as he strode over to Porchay, enveloping him in a bear hug. His joy was palpable. "Ohh, my God! You're also here! Ohh, you look handsome! Annyeonghasaeyo Nong!!!" Tankhun patted Porchay's back while Kinn and Porsche smiled at them.

"I feel like it's my birthday! My two beloved nongs are here!" Tankhun leaned back and let go of Porchay before looking at his own brother.

"Kimhan, meet Porchay. Porchay, meet Kim," Tankhun introduced, his words laced with fond memories. "Do you remember saving Nong Chay and Porsche from Tawan's clutches years back?"

Kim's eyes met Porchay's, a flicker of recognition dancing in them. "Yeah, I remember him," he confirmed with a nod.

Porsche chimed in with the good news, breaking the moment. "Khun, Porchay's getting married!"

Tankhun's face lit up even more. "Another wedding in the family! This is amazing!" Tankhun looked around and then back at Porchay. "Aww... He's not here? Where's your fiancé, Nong Chay?"

"He's with his family for now. But he'll come along next time," Porchay responded with a smile.

"That's good. Let me know when you are coming, and I will prepare a post-engagement party for you two!" Tankhun patted the back of Porchay's head affectionately. Porchay glanced at Kim. He was just watching their interaction.

"Glad you're here, Kim," Kinn said.

"Yeah. I'm staying over for a night but I have a flight to England tomorrow night. I have some work there. P'Khun and I will watch some movies later. Are the kids okay? I heard they have a fever," Kim asked.

"They are getting better. Jax and Max will be happy to see you," Porsche said.

"Okay! We should have some drinks and snacks! Let me just prepare everything on the patio so we can have a nice snack together!" Tankhun said before leaving the living room.

"Chay, let me check on the kids for a while, then you can see them later after you leave," Porsche said. Porchay just nodded at his brother before Porsche left.

Then, Kinn's phone started to ring. He looked at the screen and excused himself outside to the balcony, leaving Kim and Porchay alone. It was an awkward moment, but Kim decided to break the silence between them.

"Congratulations on your upcoming wedding," Kim said.

"Thanks," Porchay curtly said without looking at Kim.

"I assumed I was not invited to your wedding," Kim joked. Porchay glanced at him like he had said something ridiculous.

"Well, we're not exactly that close for me to invite you to my wedding. I'm just your brother-in-law's brother. Besides, aren't you busy touring or something? Why would you attend a stranger's wedding?" Porchay pointed out.

"We're not exactly strangers, Chay. I was your music tutor, and I saved you from Tawan," Kim reminded Porchay.

Porchay sighed, "I know, and I'm grateful for teaching me music and saving me, but you know why I won't invite you to my wedding."

"I understand. It may be more than a decade late, but I'm sorry for what I did in the past. For hurting you," Kim confessed earnestly.

Porchay looked at Kim. He could see the sincerity in Kim's eyes. Porchay's gaze softened, recognizing the sincerity in Kim's words. "Okay," he relented.

"Bear with me for today. I'm leaving tomorrow anyway. I just want to see my family before I become busy again," Kim glanced at the door. "I should follow P'Khun and check on him," Kim was about to walk out but then, he stopped and glanced at Porchay. Porchay was staring at him.

"It's good to see you again, Chay, and I'm glad that you're doing well. Congrats on your wedding," Kim said before he excused himself to find Tankhun, leaving Porchay to breathe a sigh of relief. The weight of the past felt a little lighter now. The unexpected apology served as a balm to old wounds, offering a glimmer of closure in an otherwise tumultuous past.

As Porchay retrieved his phone to share the news with his fiancé, Sean, a smile graced his lips. Despite the scars of the past, he found solace in the knowledge that every twist and turn had led him to this moment—to Sean, and a future bright with possibility.


That night, Pete, Seoul, and Venice returned to the main family mansion, escorted by Vegas. Nop trailed behind them using Vegas' car. As they reached the entrance, Vegas parked the car on the side. Pete got out of the car and opened the passenger seat to help Venice get down. Vegas opened the other door and gently lifted Seoul from her car seat, cradling her in his arms.

"We're home," Venice announced with a grin, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Come on, let's go in," Pete said.

As they entered the mansion, Pete asked the guard by the door where their bosses were. The guard informed Pete that the family was gathered for dinner. Pete, weary from the day's events, contemplated slipping away to his room unnoticed. But Vegas had other plans.

"You should at least make an appearance and let them know you're home," Vegas suggested, a hint of mischief in his tone.

"It's not like I'm required to do that," Pete sighed, sensing Vegas's ulterior motives. "Can't I just go ahead to my room?"

"Sure," Vegas relented, but then he looked at Venice. "Venice, shall we greet your other Uncles?" Venice eagerly agreed, and Pete resigned himself to follow the trio into the dining room.

To Pete's surprise, Kim and Porchay were already seated at the table. Tankhun, the imposing patriarch, glanced up as Pete and Vegas entered, his gaze piercing.

"Oh, good. Pete and the kids are home. But I didn't expect to see you here, Vegas," Tankhun remarked, his tone laced with skepticism.

Vegas met Tankhun's gaze squarely. "I hope you don't mind, P'Khun. I just want to make sure that they get home safe."

"Oh, not at all. But I want to confirm something," Tankhun paused. "Did you accompany them home as Rome's uncle or Pete's boyfriend?"

The question hung in the air, catching Pete off guard. Vegas's answer was unwavering. "I'm here as Pete's boyfriend."

"Well damn, Vegas! Congratulations!" Kim said. Porchay was shocked, Kinn and Porsche were smiling at Vegas and Pete, while Pete struggled to process the revelation. Tankhun's next words were a warning, delivered with solemn authority.

"I'm not the type of boss who interferes in my bodyguard's personal affairs," Tankhun began, his voice low and deliberate. Porsche clears his throat as if hinting something but Tankhun dismisses him. "I don't interfere with my bodyguard's personal life but Pete is different. He's not just a bodyguard to me. He's my family, along with his children. So I'm warning you, Vegas. If you hurt him or upset the children, I will end you myself."

Vegas reassured Tankhun, his voice steady. "You have my word, P'Khun. I would never do anything to harm Pete or the kids."

As Tankhun's gaze shifted to Venice, the young boy seized the opportunity to pose a question of his own to his father.

"Pa, are you and Wegath like Uncle Porsche and Uncle Kinn?" Venice asked innocently, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Pete hesitated, unsure of how to respond. "No, not exactly. But Vegas is very special to me." Vegas smiles at what Pete said.

Venice persisted, his youthful exuberance shining through. "Then, can Wegath be my daddy since he's special to you?"

Kim's outburst broke the tension, while Pete's expression faltered. Vegas, however, met Venice's request with a smile.

"If you want me to be, I can," Vegas replied, his voice gentle yet resolute.

Venice's joy was palpable as he raced around the room, declaring he had a daddy now. Pete, however, was less enthused, his concern evident as he confronted Vegas. He took Seoul from Vegas before punching Vegas' arm.

"Hey! You shouldn't make decisions like that without talking to me first," Pete admonished, his tone tinged with frustration.

But Vegas drew Pete closer, his touch reassuring. "But he wants me to be his daddy. You can't get rid of me that easily now," he teased; a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Tankhun rolled his eyes at the exchange. "Oh, my God! Why do I have to witness this?! I lost my appetite!" he crossed his arms as if he was upset.

"Congratulations, you two!" Porsche said while Kinn raised his glass to Vegas in a silent toast. Porchay, still reeling from the revelation, resumed his meal with a sense of bemusement.

Tankhun then called Venice. The little boy approached him, and Tankhun carried him. "Oi! If you want a daddy, why didn't you ask me?" Tankhun started to tickle the child.

Venice started to giggle. "Stop, Uncle! It tickles!" Tankhun engaged Venice in playful banter, while Pete stole a glance at Vegas. Despite the unexpected turn of events, a warmth spread through him at the sight of Vegas's genuine happiness. Leaning closer, Pete shared a smile with Vegas, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between them.


A/N: Hey there, lovely readers! Sorry for the delayed update. April kept me on my toes as I moved back to the province. Plus, my laptop almost took a hit from the rain (yep, it rained here, which is a relief from the heat, but our place isn't quite ready for the wet weather yet). But hey, we got a glimpse of Vegas and Pete's relationship. And since Barcode finally left BOC (hooray!), I felt inspired to talk about Porchay, whom I totally forgot to mention before. This wraps things up for them and Kim, who's all about his career now, while Porchay has Sean (I got the name from Jeff Satur's character in another series). Honestly, I wanted this story to wrap up by my birthday in June, but I realize it'll take a bit longer. I just can't bear to say goodbye to this version of Vegas and Pete—they mean too much to me. Anyway, I'll be back with another update soon. Thanks for your support! Don't forget to leave a star or kudos and drop a comment. Love you all! Till next time!

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