The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

39 The Plan of Y

4.2K 219 64
By melantha123

(DIDGERIDOO! Useless thing this first A/N is but problems I had which is why I try this. Ignore and move on to Merida.)

POV Merida

I knocked his door. No one responded so I used a skill which my triplet brother's taught me. How to pick a lock. They had always had some trouble in agreeing which one of them takes house keys with them and most of time no one does because of their mantra 'I thought you were supposed to take it!'.

"Hiccup?" I called his name. He had empty beer cans around the apartment. Just one day after his girlfriends death his home had been turned into disaster zone.

A faint groan was coming behind his couch and soon his dog Toothless pawed towards me, whipping it's tail happily. I smile faintly to Toothless who walks beneath my hand, mischievously stealing some scratching from me.

I crawl on his couch and I peek over the edge. Hiccup is laying on the floor in the middle of empty beer cans. He reeks like old beer and smoke. He didn't change his work outfit.

"Hey you," I greeted him as I pull my hair behind my ear. He doesn't even look at me since the ceiling seems more interesting to him.

"Hi," Hiccup replied blankly which made me worry more.

"You know. I was worried about you. Jack gave everyone at the station couple extra free days. You know, because Elsa's sister was hurt, Hiro went somewhere and we can't reach him and you are clearly not okay. I promised to check on you," I hum and lean my chin against the couch.

"Uh...huh," Hiccup mumbled and turned his back at me. I sigh and go to clean up his place from the smelly cans of beer. After that I ordered some of his favorite pizza.

"Hiccup," I went to him carefully. I kneel next to him and I took his hand.

"We've been friends for a long time? Right?" I questioned. Hiccup's emotionless eyes turn to look at me. He nods slowly but won't speak to me.

"Hiccs... Astrid was my friend too. We all played together as kids. I am your friend Hiccup," I spoke silently as couple tears ran down on my cheeks. He was just staring and my heart broke.

I just remember how we played these role games as kids, I was fireman, Astrid was police officer and Hiccup? He changed his roles depending on the situation.I close my eyes and hot tears stream down. I couldn't help it. I was supposed to stay strong and be there for him but I'm a lousy friend.

"S-sorry Hiccup. I c-can't be here for you... I...I am not s-strong enough," I whispered and took support from floor to push myself up.Suddenly I felt myself being pulled back down.

"Mer," Hiccups voice was soft. His arms went around me and I place my face against his shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and I sob against his shoulder.

"I don't want you to go," he said. Then I heard him crying. We just sit on the floor, holding each other and crying all our misery out. We both miss her, Astrid was always strong and brave. She was that on the day she died too.

The doorbell rang and I slowly let go of Hiccup."Y-your pizza is here," I sniffed and smiled at him faintly as I wipe my tears away from my left cheek. When I was about to wipe my right cheek he beat me at it and wiped the tears away.

"Thank you Merida, you are amazing friend," he said quietly and gave me a quick and faint smile which faded away as quickly as it came. I nod my head and go to the door.I brought his pizza and the cola to his living room table and called him to eat. He was a bit reluctant but he managed to eat some at least.

"Listen," I said to him as I glance at the time. It was around noon.Hiccup looks at me quietly. "I'm going to see Punzie really quickly at the hospital. Elsa told me that Punzie brought Anna back from desperate situation yesterday. I will come back after that? Alright?" I smile to him bravely.

"Alright. I try and take a shower in the meantime," he hummed and looks down.

Without thinking, right after getting up from couch I wiped the tear stains away from his cheeks and then I kissed his forehead.

"Stay brave for me? Okay? I promise to be back soon. You can tell me anything. Oh... and Jack would like to give you a visit today too if it's fine for you? I could pick him up after I go to the hospital. He is really worried about you too," I told him.

"Sure thing. I promise not to do anything stupid and--," he told me and patted Toothless when he went to sit next to him, "-and this buddy here keeps an eye on me anyway." He said and laughed blankly.I glance at him worriedly but he encouraged me to go.

I drove to the hospital right away and when I was walking in the corridors I bumped into someone. I glance at the nametag on his police uniform.

"Sorry officer Björkman," I smile a bit and look at him.

"Not a problem at all. Hey, aren't you from the station where Anna's sister, Elsa works?" He questioned.

"Yes. Wait, are you the officer of whom Elsa mentioned on the phone yesterday? You saved her sister?" I spoke fast. My heart was racing, he was the last person who was with Astrid before she -she.

"I am. I didn't catch your name?" He asked and placed his hand on his waist.

"Merida Dunbroch," I replied blankly.

"Merida? I'm so sorry for your loss. Astrid spoke about you often. How close you were and..." the officer told me silently. He seems heartbroken too. I touch his shoulder quickly.

"I'm sorry about your loss too officer," I said to him.

"Just call me Kristoff. Are you participating to the Marathon today?" He asked and I saw the sorrow in his eyes.

"No I am not. I will be with Hiccup... he was... Astrid's boyfriend and my friend," I sighed. Kristoff nodded in approval.

"Are you?" I continued when the silence was overwhelming.

"Yeah. That's what Astrid would've wanted. Our team will show that we're strong, to honor her memory," Kristoff sniffed in the end and I smile.

"That sounds like something Astrid would've wanted. Good luck for the run," I told him. His words made me feel lightly better. Astrid had lots of people who cared for her.

Kristoff went his way and I continue towards Punzie's ward. I haven't seen her a while. Maybe I could try to search for Elsa's sister's room too and see if Elsa is there with her. I could tell them all how Hiccup is holding up. And after this I would give a call to Jack and Hiro. Better keep my mind occupied so I won't collapse.

POV Hiro

We return to the location with the fuel Baymax needed. I managed to convince him that we were supposed to survey the location a bit more.

"Alright, let's get in," I mumbled after we had been hiding from sight for some time.

"Hiro, it's not safe and we should get help," Baymax told me. I groaned my response and he was finally quiet.

I climb to his back and I kick my feet until they were attached by the small magnet's in Baymax's armor. Now we were going to fly in.

"Get us in pal," I told him and he shot into air.

The bush where we had been hiding spread leafs everywhere when the powerful airwave brought us towards sky. We aimed into one of the broken windows and we approached it quietly and fast.

Everything happened fast when we got in. In the middle of the hall was a big brick wall but it was misleading. The wall seemed to rise and go straight in front of us.

"USE THE BREAKS!" I shouted to Baymax as I realized that we were going to hit the wall. Our surprise attack was going to be a disaster soon.

"I can't Hiro, I feel like it is magnetized, " Baymax told me and then apologized. Before I could realize what he was going to do he turned his back at the weird wall. I saw that it was attached to some sort of lifting crane and used by someone.

"I fear that you are trying to get away," I gulped to Baymax.

"I am trying to do so Hiro but my flight fuel is running out," he told me when we were stuck in the middle of air.

"You can't escape from my magnet!" Someone yelled down.It was the moment when something snapped.

Baymax had turned off his magnet's and let me go. I slammed my back first against the strong magnet wall. Then he used his last drops of fuel to lightly fly to his right and then he was out.Baymax flew next to me with loud bang as he hit against the magnet.

"Baymax!" I shouted but he couldn't reply.

"His communications are failing because of the magnet's power Hiro," the voice spoke again and the magnet was now being brought down.

Baymax had prevented from squashing me between him and the magnet by doing that latest stunt. He was smarter robot than you could tell.

"We knew you were here, watching us," a man dressed in black and with a hood on approached us when the magnet wall was down.

"Who the heck are you!" I yelled at him. Anger was roaming inside me and if I could get lose from this magnet I would attack him fiercely. They are the reason why my brother died.

"They call me Y but you and your brother knew me by some other name. How did you think that I knew about this robot of yours? The one thing which your brother was keenly working on to give some aid to the hardworking help workers," he said while walking in front of us. Y? Why does it sound so familiar and that voice.

"I have no idea who you are but once I get loose!" I groaned while I tried to lift my arm up again. The powerful magnet sucked it back against it immediately.

"That's useless! Let me show you who I am," he roared while stepping closer after taking off his wrist watch and other possible gadgets which could get into the range of the magnet's suck now.

He was looking down when he slowly began to bring his hood down from his head. First I saw his gray and really short hair. Then I began to get the puzzle pieces together. That voice, the initial letter and now, while he is finally revealing his face.I couldn't mistake from the sight. I've seen him so many times in Tadashi's pictures, heard him talking about him.

"YOKAI!" I shouted. Tadashi had went to save him on the day when he died on a fire. Yokai should be dead, like Tadashi is but here he is, standing right in front of me and his very presence is insulting the memory of Tadashi.

"Yes Hiro, it was misfortunate of what happened to your brother but hey, it was his choice to be a fireman," Yokai's voice was bitter and cruel. Every bit of strength and rage inside of me was slowly drifting away from me, I just wanted to know why. Why is he doing this?

"How could you!" I questioned, my voice was cracking as I couldn't hide my broken pieces from him. I glance at Baymax, the magnet is still messing with his circuits and he can't speak or move but I swear that something compassionate flashed in his electric eyes.

"Because the helping system is useless Hiro," Yokai hummed and walks back and forth in front of me. His hands are behind his back, his black long jacket is waving in the pace of his walk.

"So you made my brother die?" I spoke silently.

"That was unfortunate. I was hoping that it would be your team Captain and your brother would have left the service of fire station and do something more useful. Like you should have too but here you are, a fireman acting to be a detective or a cop. Either way you are just begging to be killed," he sighed and sounded remorseful. Not because of the things he had done but for the fact that me and Tadashi were choosing a 'wrong career path'.

"Are you sick or something?" I shouted when he managed to get me mad again. I breathed heavily and I tried to get lose again.

Yokai laughed, "Poor Hiro. Can't you see that you are just wasting your energy? You can never beat my invention. And no, I'm not sick. The system is sick. These workers who are meant to help are useless. They are the reason why my daughter died!" Yokai hissed.

My eyes widen. "So that's why you are planning to murder people! You are the one who is sick! Stop this madness and get me down," I ordered him.

Yokai shook his head, "If I get you down you will just barge towards me with revenge in your eyes. We are quite the same Hiro Hamada. I kind of like you so it's a shame to do this to you."

Yokai took a needle out from his pocket and approached me. Baymax began beeping and I knew that something was off.

"You see, my friend Pitch is now at a Charity event. You must have heard about the Charity Marathon? Where all those workers from hospitals, police force and fire stations are participating? Well, Pitch has been taking some blood tests and injected some of our poison to their system. This patch will have a longer effect time and once they get their first drinks of ice cool water to drink... they get the symptoms of Overland's Cold Allergy Syndrome and die a long, painful death. Sounds fun, does it?" He laughed so heartlessly that it made me shiver.

I glance at the needle again and he noticed it."You will get your share too Hiro. Right now... and later those workers who didn't participate to the Marathon, they will get their part too," Yokai grinned.

Now he was standing in front of me and I couldn't even move a muscle. My armor was trapping me against the magnet, preventing me to stop him from injecting the needle on my arm. I felt the cool fluid going inside me and I glare at him.

"You are disgusting! How did Tadashi ever admire you?" I hissed at him when he pulled the needle out. It hurt like hell but I won't let him know it.

"That I don't know and the only person who knows it is dead," Yokai hummed and threw the needle to ground. He turns his back at me and my eyes widen.

"Where the hell are you going!" I insisted to know.

"None of your business. Just remember, it get's quite cold in here when the sun sets. The walls in the basement however... they are already quite cold," he laughed.

"What basement?" I hissed. He took a remote control from his pocket and he walks into lever.He pulled the lever and I notice a hole appearing onto the floor.

"Some old maintenance room for the workers in the factory," he hummed and then he started working with the remote. I felt the magnet moving again, like when it suddenly rose into the air and began humming, catching us in the middle of our flight. Treacherous wall.

"Hey what are you--," I gasped when he placed the magnet downwards.

Then I knew when he pressed the button. I fell down and soon I was laying against a cold floor. Baymax dropped right next to me.I sat on the ground, staring up and saw how Yokai grinned on the entrance.

"Enjoy the rest of your life, for the few hours you've got,"Yokai laughed. He disappeared.

"Get up Baymax! Let's fly out--," I yell but I was interrupted by the big slam. The magnet was now covering the entrance and trapping us in. That damn invention of his.

"Don't worry Hiro. I sent emergency signal couple moments ago to GoGo," Baymax told me.A shiver went through my body, the place was quite cold and damp.

"Good job Baymax," I laugh nervously. This could be bad."However I'm not sure if the whole message got through," Baymax said. Even though he is a robot he sounded like he was sorry.

"You did your best," I encouraged him while I crawl to lean against the wall. Everything is dark and I can't see for now.


Previously I had some choices for you guys.

Most of you wanted Elsa and Jack SO I wrote them both CRYING in chapter 38.

Also you wanted Flynn a lot so in chapter 38 you got Flynn's POV.

And wall was quite common. Hehe. Did you find the wall in this chapter?

ANYWAY, updates might take a bit longer due to some of personal reasons. I have lots of things to worry and which are stressing me but I try to keep the updates coming as soon as I can.

Check out my other books if you haven't already while you're waiting for updates ^-^.

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