N x Uzi oneshot (Murder Drone...

By CrownOfLegend035

13.6K 161 351

That's right, folks. Another oneshot where it features my favorite ship from one of my favorite show, Murder... More

Short #1: Gift
Want You (1)
Hey Love (2)
Usual Day (3)
Our Power (4)
Tender Love (5)
Staying Close (6)
Your Love (7)
Treat Me (8)
Don't Go (9)
QNA/dare: 1
Short #2: Please.
Swapped? (11)

Need U (10)

495 10 10
By CrownOfLegend035

It's the same day for Uzi

Without N, she feels like the same as before, but even worse

Her depression is becoming more apparent and prominent, especially to those who cares about her

But what's even worse is she didn't show any sign of recovery and that she only cared about the disassembly drone that made her feel like she's not alone or misunderstood anymore.

The fact that she still getting bullied for this condition, makes it even worse

With just a single breath, the drone just gets out of her bed

That's when she was about to sneak out, Khan managed to wait Infront of the main bunker door

Khan: Don't even think to go outside again

Uzi: Dad? But I thought you're working on doors?

Khan: No need, I got some friends to do that for me, while I keep an eye on you. You're not going to see that murder drone again, are you?

Uzi: No-no! I left a few things outside that I forgot to bring in!

Khan: Oh really? Because I thought the disk you tried to get from last week is still not found?

Uzi: Well, why do you have to care about it now?

Khan just sighed and pinched his visor

Khan: Because if I don't, then that'll be an example of me not being a good parent. I've tried so hard to protect you from those things outside, to ensure you that you wouldn't suffer the same fate as the others. Whispers to himself Especially your mother.

Uzi just lets out a groan before going back to her place while Khan can only watch

Upon getting into her room, the purple haired drone uses her Solver and starts blocking her door, to ensure that her father won't come in and give her "a talk"

Uzi: All I ever wanted was someone to be with me!! And yet, when I did, I didn't get the chance to be with him!! I HATE MY LIFEEEEEEEE!!

That's when after screaming her pain out, she decides to think that it's best to sleep on it for now.

After all, it's the best way to skip time to not feel the loneliness that she's experiencing now

Upon blinking, the worker drone then decides to sneak out again

But this time, she will distract her dad from the door

On the second try, she managed to see that the door is being unoccupied.

Uzi: Yes!! Take that, dad!!

After opening and closing it, the drone immediately runs to the landing pod

Without trying to contain her eagerness, she runs as quick as she can

That's when her steps stopped and her gaze landed upon a certain disassembly drone

Uzi: N!!

N: UZI!!

When the two finally hugged each other, tears starts streaming out of their visors

This is the moment when after months of their last interaction before Uzi gets banned from going outside by Khan

Uzi: N! I missed you so much!

N: Me too!

That's when the two shared a kiss together

For them, they don't wanna waste this moment ever again

All they needed was...each other

For N, Uzi really made him feel important as he knows his true worth rather than his colleagues

For Uzi, well, we have elaborate this before

For now, they can stay together

Just for now...

Upon opening her visor, that's when Uzi looks up in the ceiling

Uzi: What?

She looks around and turns out, she was in her room this entire time

Uzi: No...No!! NO!!!

So, the whole interaction she had with N was a dream?!

This can't be true, and she doesn't want it to be true

The tears in her visor starts showing up again and this time, she clawed her hair in frustration

Uzi: whispers Please! All I want is to be with him. Please...

Meanwhile on the landing pod

A male disassembly drone is seen slashing at the wall

But it wasn't an unintentional one

Upon finishing slashing, the drone was proud and changes back to his normal state

It was an image of Uzi Doorman.

N: At least 3 days of making this will be worth it.

While his smile is trying it's best to stay large, that's when his tears starts appearing and he fell on his kneees

N: Oh who am I kidding? It's not worth it without her!! Without Uzi, I'm a mess and a wreck!!

His emotional state is the same, if not, worse than Uzi

The poor disassembly drone doesn't have anyone to experience or share his affection with.

It's even worse when V doesn't even show a slightest but of remorse for him

But his cries stopped before the painting of Uzi Infront of him disappears and the wall returned to normal

N: Oh come on!! I spent 3 days to make that and it's gone!!! WHAT ARE YOU, MAGIC WALL?!

He banged on the wall and even the dent he made, disappear and the wall becomes normal again

N: Just give me Uzi! I'll do anything just to be with her again!!

That's when the disassembly drone steps out of the pod and into outside

But as he walks, his gaze couldn't take off the night sky

Maybe this night will pass even faster as he sleeps

However, his steps stopped too as he saw someone in the distance

???: N!!

N: UZI!!

The two drones runs into each other arms immediately as tears flow out of their visor

When the two share a kiss, Uzi even made sure to pinch herself this time

This wasn't a dream

After pulling apart, the two made their visor touched

N: I missed you so much, I always hold on to you, and never let you go

Uzi: Me too, I always wanted this feeling to come again. And it did

The two would share another kiss before their moment is being caught on camera

The photo of them would be shown in a framed picture as a curious child drone points it out

???: Mom, dad, what is this potrait about?

A grown up Uzi managed to look at the frame and picks it up to let the small drone to see it

Uzi: K, this is when your mom and dad are reunited after months of not seeing each other.

K: Ohhh, so you two must have missed and think about each other a lot

N comes into the moment and places his arm around Uzi's shoulder

N: Pretty much, yeah. We were miserable without each other but when we returned, we made sure that we wouldn't wanna miss another moment without each other

Uzi: And that same day, your father made a vow.

K: And what's that vow?

N: That is a secret~

K: Awww dad! Can I at least have a hint?

Uzi: No no, you're still young, you'll understand as you got older

The worker drone carries her child and brings him to his room as K yawned

As the two parents tucked in their child, the boy asked them something

K: Mom, dad, what's the hardest part of being married?

N smiled as he puts Uzi's head on his shoulder while caressing her shoulder

N: The hardest part of being married is that you're not always together. That's why, we always spend a lot of time together

Uzi: It is, but there's also the fact that we often make mistakes that'll cost each other. But your father and I are always forgiving of each other and destined to learn together.

But before Uzi can finish her part, K has fallen asleep

After the both of them giving him kisses on his forehead, they left his room and went to their own room

N: You know, I've always wondered about something

Uzi changed her clothes while N is cleaning his visor with a cloth

Uzi: Yeah?

N: How did you manage to get pass the bunker door without getting caught each time?

Uzi: Oh that? Heh, I have my ways, it's not for you to know~

As they lay down next to each other, they continue to communicate

N: I love you, Uzi.

Uzi: I love you too, N. More than you can ever imagine

N: I can imagine it in 3 specific scenarios. The time we started dating, the time we got separated, and the time we got married

Uzi: Of course, but wanna know what's my favorite memory of us together?

N: What is it?

The smaller drones whispers something to N and immediately, his visor overheats as Uzi gives him a kiss on his cheek

Uzi: Hehe, I love you, my golden retriever~

N: Ye-yeah. I-I love you too, my crow.

But that's when Uzi pulls cover on them and soon, the light is turned off

Hello y'all!
Crown here
I just wanna say that
Thank you for reading this book a lot
This is not the last chapter btw!
Just saying that I'm forever grateful for your views, votes, and comments
Y'all really made me day by enjoying this book a lot.

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