games operations | jamie drys...

By musicsports

13.3K 169 4

falling in love with my ohl crush was not on my radar. coming with him to the nhl was even further away. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty

239 4 0
By musicsports

"I feel like I'm going to be sick." I said as Callie, Emerson, and Erin woke me up in the hotel room. 

"You're just excited and nervous. I was the same way on my wedding." Erin said. She threw the blankets off of my body, and Emerson opened the blinds. 

"Come on, time to get up. The makeup artist is going to be here in an hour and the other girls are going to be here any minute." Emerson added, I sighed and sat up on the bed, running a hand through my hair and throwing my feet over the edge of the bed. 

"I'm going to shower." I said as I got out of the bed and walked over to the washroom. I picked up my phone and looked down, there were a few notifications but only one I cared about.

Today's the day! I can't wait to see you in that beautiful dress, I can't wait for you to walk down the aisle to me. I love you so so much

From Jamie. I wanted to see him, I wanted one piece of quiet before the chaos and all of the people. But I knew I wouldn't be allowed by the girls. They would tell me it's bad luck to see him before the wedding. They refused to let me see him at all yesterday, putting their foot down and almost not letting me text him before they realized I was going to have a panic attack if I didn't hear from him at all.

i love you more than anything, i cannot wait to see you later. i can't believe we're getting married today!

I sent back, before setting my phone down and getting into the shower. It took about half an hour, after I just stood in the water enjoying the silence for a little bit. I came out of the washroom and put on my white silk button up shirt and matching shorts, whilst I was in there some of the other girls had shown up to get ready, all wearing their matching sets but in a sage green instead of white. 

"So, how excited are you?" Eliza asked as soon as she saw me. 

"I'm super excited, but also insanely nervous." I replied, sitting on the bed.

"Why are you nervous? What is there to be nervous about?" Nadine asked, coming to sit beside me on the bed and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I just feel like something is going to go wrong, like the cake isn't here on time, or Jamie doesn't show up." I said softly. I knew it was a ridiculous fear, he's been saying he wants to marry me almost since the day we met. 

"You doubt that he's going to show up?" Oakley asked, walking over to us on the bed.

"I don't know, maybe." I responded.

"Skyler, you are everything to that man, if I can promise you one thing for today, and honestly every day, it's that he's going to be there, and he's more than going to be there for you." Emerson said. 

"Are you sure?" I asked, my hands were getting sweaty.

"More than sure, I think we all are." Alice replied.

"Do you remember the day you two met?" Claire asked as she came into the conversation. 

"Crystal clear." I said.

"Just remember and hold onto that then. He's only ever seen you with more love everyday since then." Oakley said. 

"Just breathe, and come get your hair done." Erin said, taking my hands in hers and helping me stand up. I walked over to the chair and sat down where the hair stylist was waiting for me.

"So, still doing the hairstyle we practised?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think so, I think it'll be perfect still." I replied, she immediately got to work on my hair. "Alice, are you doing anything in a few minutes?" I yelled over into the room while my hair was almost done.

"No, my hair and makeup isn't for another hour or so, what's up?" She asked, walking over to me. 

"Wanna come with me for a coffee run?"

"Of course I do, we can take my car." She replied. As soon as my hair was finished and the photographer took a couple pictures we got going, Nadine decided on coming with, none of us changing from our matching bridal party outfits. The closest place there was, was a McDonalds about a 10 minute drive away, so we took everyone's coffee orders and drove over. Alice parked her car and we got out, walking inside and immediately being able to order.

"What are you guys doing here?" Trevor came up to us in a frenzy, his eyes wide and he looked super panicked. 

"Getting coffee? What are you doing here?" I asked him. 

"Getting coffee. You can't be here, let's go outside, girly pop." He said, grabbing my hands and dragging me out.

"Trevor? What are you doing?" I asked him, honestly a little bit annoyed. 

"Jamie's in there, you can't see each other yet!" He exclaimed, continually looking back behind him and keeping me from looking in. 

"He is? I want to see him, Trevor." I said, trying to get out of his grip and push past him to get into the store. 

"Yeah, no, that's not happening, pretty girl. I like the hair by the way." He said, looking down at my hair and lifting up the ends. I swatted his hair away.

"Stop trying to distract me with compliments." I said, trying not to laugh. 

"Nope, not going to happen." He said. Trevor was truly one of the nicest people I had ever met, and we were genuinely blessed to have him in our lives. I stopped trying to move as I realized this and just looked him in the eyes. I could honestly probably just burst our crying with nerves and I just wanted a hug, Trevor's were close enough to Jamie's, so I quickly wrapped my arms around his torso and squeezed him tightly. I think Trevor was shocked by the random act of affection to him, it took him a second but he eventually wrapped his arms around me too and hugged back. "You okay, kiddo?" He asked, leaning his torso away and keeping two hands on my arms, looking at me with a concerned look. 

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm super excited for today, but I don't know. I just needed a hug. If I can't have Jamie's yours is similar enough that I thought it would work." I said. I let out a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. 

"You really need him don't you?" He asked softly, all I could do was nod. 

"I know he's going to show up, I know he's going to be there, but I can't help but think that when I turn the corner to go down the aisle, he won't be there." I said, I knew it sounded weak and not great but it was truly all I could think about. 

"Okay, one second." He said, he leaned down quickly and lightly kissed the top of my head before going back into the McDonalds. It took a minute or two before Trevor came back outside. "Close your eyes and turn around." I sighed and turned around, closing my eyes before I heard the door open again. 

"Okay, Skyler you can turn around but keep your eyes closed." Justin said, at least I'm pretty sure it was Justin. I felt hands on my shoulders and I was guided forwards.

"Both of you, arms out, but keep your eyes closed." Trevor instructed again. I put my arms out and even though I knew exactly what was happening, the smile became a lot more present on my face as soon as I felt his hands. I pretty forcefully pulled him into a hug, standing on my toes and resting my chin on his shoulder. 

"Hi, baby." Jamie whispered in my ear. 

"Hi, love." I replied. I almost just wanted the silence, neither of us talking, just holding each other. I knew the rest of the day was going to be chaotic and we wouldn't get a lot of time between just the two of us, to just be like this. 

"How are you?" He whispered.

"So much better now." I replied. "How are you?"

"So much better now." He repeated back. 

"As cute as this is, time to break it up, we have to get back for more hair and for makeup." Alice said as her and Nadine came out with all of the coffees on trays in their hands. 

"Your mom Jamie's mom are both there and you're not so let's go." Nadine added. I sighed and pulled my head away, giving Jamie a kiss on the cheek. 

"I love you, I'll see you at the end of the aisle." Jamie yelled as we walked away.

"I love you, I'll be the one in white!" I yelled back, getting into the car. 

"Alright, you got that out of your system, are you ready to go back and get ready now?" Nadine asked. I sighed, very happily. 

"Yes, I am fully ready to go." I said, the smile hasn't left my face yet, I finally feel like I'm supposed to on my wedding day. We got back to the hotel room and just like Nadine said, both of our mom's were there waiting for me. 

"Skyler!" My mom exclaimed loudly as soon as we walked in, causing me to almost spill the iced coffee tray in my hand. 

"Ew, who drinks their black?" Erin asked as she grabbed one of the coffees off the tray.

"That would be the bride to be thank you very much." Callie said, her tone both sassy and sarcastic at the same time. Erin and Callie have kind of split the maid of honour duties since Erin's pregnant was pregnant for a while and couldn't do a bunch of the events on her own, so they definitely became fast friends. 

"How do you feel?" Tina asked as she came over to me and my mom. I let go of my mom's hug and hugged her too. 

"Good, really good now." I said, still smiling at her.

"Were you not feeling okay before?" Tina asked. 

"I was feeling okay, I was just really stressed and nervous and then when we were out getting coffee the guys were there, so Trevor let me see your son, with our eyes closed no one get mad. As soon as I got to hug him I felt a million times better." I replied. 

"You say my son like he's my problem, sweetie he's officially your problem after today." Tina said, laughing and giving me another squeeze, which made both me and my mom laugh. Most of the girls had either their hair or makeup, some of them had both done by this point, the ceremony was a mere 2 hours away. I sat to the side for a few minutes, just watching all of the girls hanging out and being able to be with each other, smiling, getting ready, and having fun. While I was sitting to the side there was a knock at the door.

"I got it." I said, standing up and walking over to the door and opening it to see Aiden.

"I have a delivery!" He said happily, Amelia running into the room. 

"Oh, I'll take that one please." I said, smiling, my brand new and beautiful 6 week old niece, Delilah, in his arms. I held my arms out and he passed her off to me. She was one of the two most beautiful things I had ever seen in my entire life, the other was Amelia. She was already wearing her flower girl dress. Our two wedding colours were sage green and a blush pink, all the bridesmaids were wearing a sage green dress and Amelia got the honour of being different, wearing a blush pink flower girl dress. 

"Oh my gosh is that who I think it is?" Callie asked, running over to me with Delilah in my arms. 

"Isn't she the most precious thing?" I asked. 

"Erin, you make cute babies." Emerson said, with Amelia hugging her legs, they have always loved each other. I went over to Erin and handed her Delilah as she was starting to get fussy. 

"Okay, so we made a plan for the ceremony at least with Delilah. Aiden is going to sit closer to the exit and if she starts getting fussy at all during it he'll just take her out and try to calm her down." She said as I handed her the baby.

"Stop stressing about that, neither one of us care if she freaks out at any point. I'm just glad that she's here." I said, I started walking over to Amelia and opened my arms for her. 

"Auntie Sky!" She said excitedly, wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Hi, pretty girl. Are you excited?" I asked her. She had apparently been talking about being a flower girl and being super excited about it since Jamie and I asked her about it.

"Yeah! When can I go see Uncle Jamie?" She asked.

"So, that's what I want to talk to you about. See, Uncle Jamie and I were talking, and we didn't want to do a first look between the two of us before the wedding, but we did decided that since the flower girl is going to be all dolled up and beautiful too, and since she loved her uncle so much, maybe we should do a first look so he can see how beautiful you're going to look." I said. As soon as I started telling her about it her face lit up, and she had the most beautiful smile on her face. 

"Really?" She asked, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. 

"Yes, really." I said, laughing a little bit. "But, you have to get your hair done right now if that's what you want." I said, she hugged me one more time, but super quickly, before running over to Francesca to get her hair done. I looked over at Erin and we were both laughing at her a little bit and shaking our heads. I walked over to Georgia, the makeup artist and sat down for her to do mine lastly. It didn't take long, thankfully, but it was time to put on the dress. Callie and Erin both helped me in and helped zip it up, flow it out, make it look perfect before I looked in the mirror to approve the look. 

"Oh, sweetie, you look perfect." My mom said.

"You look amazing. He's going to cry. And if he doesn't, I'll smack him and we'll start all over again." Tina said, I laughed at her. 

"I appreciate the support, Tina." I said through my laughter. 

"Auntie Sky you look like a princess." Amelia said, looking up at me. 

"Thank you, angel, I think it's time for you to go do the big look with Uncle Jamie!" I said as I heard a knock on the door. It was Trevor's job to come and get her so I knew it was time. 

"Knock knock, man coming in I hope everyone's decent." He said, sticking his head in, a hand covering his eyes. 

"Come on in, Trevor." My mom said, laughing at him. 

"Wow." He said looking at me. 

"I clean up good." I said, smiling at him. 

"Who would've thought?" He asked, now stepping into the room and laughing a little bit. 

"Did you bring more coffee?" Claire asked as she looked over at him. 

"Sorry, just for the bride. I know her a little too well and I'm just a little scared if she only has one coffee in a day." He said, handing me another iced coffee. 

"I love you." I said, taking it out of his hands and starting to chug the drink. 

"I may have had a sip or two." He said, smirking.

"I don't care, not the first time." I said. 

"Alright, where's the princess, I have her carriage to bring her over." Trevor said, kneeling down and looking for Amelia. She was super excited and ran over to him, jumping in his arms. "Bye guys, have fun, see you later. Bye Erin I hope you like that the guys are stealing your kid!" Trevor said, closing the door behind him. We all said bye to Trevor and Amelia, we wouldn't be seeing either of them until the start of the ceremony. All of the other girls got into their dresses too and we all did the finishing touches on how we looked, taking a couple pre-wedding pictures with the photographer. 

"Ready to go?" Erin asked me, holding my hands. 

"I think so, I'm not forgetting anything right?" I asked, looking around.

"Nope, you've got everything, none the matter though, the venue is literally next door." She replied. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a tight hug. "My baby sister getting married. This is insane." 

"Alright, ladies, let's get going." My mom said. Everyone started filing out of the room, Callie fixed my dress on the way out as Erin was holding Delilah. "Come to grandma." My mom said, holding her arms out for the baby, which Erin gladly handed her off." I know the only reason Erin didn't want to hold her was because she wanted to be part of the festivities, so once my mom had Delilah she joined Callie in holding my dress up off the floor. The venue was only a 2 minute walk from the hotel so it didn't take long for us to get there in our train of girls. We all hung out and talked for a little bit before the guests were all sitting down. Trevor and Justin came over for my mom and Jamie's mom, Trevor escorted my mom down the aisle while Justin just dropped Tina off for Jamie to bring down to her seat. 

"Don't you look beautiful." My dad said, finally joining the party. 

"Hi, dad." I said, turning to look at him. He looked like he was about to cry. 

"Grandpa, Auntie Sky looks like a princess." Amelia said, looking up at us. 

"She does, doesn't she?" My dad responded to her.

"Hey, how was your first look with Uncle Jamie?" I asked her, kneeling down to her level. 

"Good! He said I looked like an angel. His suit is pretty too." She said. I smiled, my heart was completely warmed. The girls all started walking down the aisle, I guess it was time to go. Amelia soon followed them all, dropping her flower petals as she went. 

"Ready?" My dad said, linking his arm with mine. Speechless by James TW started playing over the speakers, the guests all stood up and turned around to look down the aisle. As soon as we started walking down and Jamie turned to look his head tilted to the side, his eyes squinting a little bit and I could see him starting to cry. 

"Good luck." My dad said to Jamie as we made it to him at the end of the alter. The three of us all laughed a little bit, and my dad handed my hands over to Jamie, which he gladly grabbed ahold of and brought me to the officiant, Frank.

"You look so handsome." I whispered to him, looking lovingly into his eyes. 

"You look stunning." He replied, the largest smile I've ever seen on his face. 

"Good afternoon family, and friends, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Skyler Cowen and Jamie Drysdale. Today is not just about the pretty invitations and stunning venue. It's about the wild ride you've been on since you first crossed paths. Remember back to when you first met, figuring out each other's quirks, learned how to make each other laugh, and discovered the art of supporting one another through life's less-than-simple moments. You have moved countries, gotten new jobs, and even managed to blend your families, friends, and communities into a new village, filled with warmth and enthusiasm. Marriages come with their fair share of challenges, but today is a celebration of the love that has already conquered many obstacles. Now, I hear you have written your own vows?" Frank said, he officiated Erin and Aiden's wedding, and the way he did it then was the only convincing we needed to hire him for ours. 

"We did." Jamie responded. 

"Jamie, please start us off." He said, Jamie turned around and took a piece of paper from Charlie. 

"Skyler. From the moment I met you, you were everything to me. You could probably ask anyone in this room that you were all I could talk about since then. I was concussed when we met, and I partially thought the way I was feeling was because of that. You have been the most important thing in my life, you have helped me in ways you don't even understand, introduced me to so many new things. When I was growing up I never thought I could love anything more than hockey, but I am happier coming home to you every day. I love the way your smile lights up a room, and how you're so passionate about everything. I love the way you treat everyone around you, and how you're so happy to live life every day. I promise to never stop supporting you in your career, in your life, your happiness, and most importantly, your throw blanket addiction. I promise to never stop loving you, to never go to bed angry, to tell you how beautiful you look every day, even when you don't feel like it. For the last time ever saying this name, I love you more than anything, forever and always, Skyler Cowen." 

"You're going to make me cry, I'll ruin my makeup." I said, letting out a little laugh. 

"Skyler, your vows please." Frank said. I turned around and Erin handed me the folded up piece of paper with mine scribbled on. 

"Before we met I was just a girl who loved hockey, I was just trying to get by and get through school, graduate and get a job working for a hockey team. When I started working for the Rangers I never thought it would introduce me to the one person who could change my life for the better. I remember touching your hand for the first time and the butterflies I got when you took a sip from my drink. I honestly thought it would be a one night fling, until you kissed me for the first time. I was speechless, it felt like home as soon as you touched me. We moved very fast, we moved in together after a month and a half, and I wouldn't change a thing. I was so in love so quickly, and I'm so thankful. You are my world, you brought the light into my life, you made me feel like I was floating on a cloud from day one. We've been through hard days, and bad days, but we've gotten through everything together, just like I know we will get through everything together for the rest of our lives. If anything were to ever change I just hope it's not you, it's not us. I can't imagine my life without you, I wouldn't want to either. If you asked me 4 years ago, I never would've imagined to be here with you today. But, I couldn't be happier. I promise to love you every day for the rest of our lives, to support you and to be there for you no matter what happens, I promise to be yours forever and always." I finished off. I could see the tears welling up in his eyes, and from behind him I could see one fall from Charlie, and Trevor, and Justin.

"May we have the rings?" Frank asked. Aiden came from the very back of the ceremony, Delilah sleeping calmly in a wagon, the entire crowd let out an 'aw', and frankly so did we. Jamie and I knelt down to grab the perspective rings out from beside her. "Behold the rings, symbols of life's crazy, unbreakable circle and the love that binds you. Jamie, please place the ring on Skyler's left hand and repeat after me. As a sign of my love,"

"As a sign of my love."

"That I have chosen you,"

"That I have chosen you,"

"Above all else,"

"Above all else,"

"With this ring, I thee wed." 

"With this ring, I thee wed." Jamie repeated. We then went back through as I repeated Frank, slipping the wedding band onto Jamie's finger. 

"By the power of your love, commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Frank said. Jamie immediately took hold of my waist and pulled me in towards him, attaching his lips to me, passionately, with an almost overwhelming amount of love. I could feel the vibrations of everyone in the room standing and clapping and cheering, but I couldn't hear any of it, all that was in my mind at this moment was Jamie. 

"Mrs. Drysdale." Jamie said softly against my lips, barely pulling away from my lips and leaning into the small gap one more time. I couldn't stop smiling, I was over the moon. We pulled apart from each other and lifted out holding hands into the air, cheering with everyone else in the room. We walked back down the aisle, holding hands and both of us smiling brightly, he kept squeezing my hand, just to remind me that he was there, that we were together. We went outside and signed the marriage certificate and took some pictures for what felt like an hour or two with each other, the wedding party, and our families whilst the rest of the guests enjoyed the cocktail hour. 

"We need a Ducks squad picture at some point tonight." Trevor said, as him, Jamie, Mason, and I took a few pictures together, the last pictures before getting to go back for speeches and the first dances, I already knew it would be the longest part of the night. 

"We'll get them, Trev, it'll be a long night with lots of time, we'll get it." I told him, laughing a little bit. Everyone filed into the venue as all the guests were sitting down, each person in the wedding party had their own special entrance so it took a few minutes, but of course, like always, Trevor stole the show. He made sure Back In Black was played as he came in shot gunning a beer, and doing some weird dance. Jamie and I were watching from outside and couldn't stop laughing at him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time we would like to officially introduce Jamie and Skyler Drysdale!" Justin and Trevor were the MC's for the night, so they yelled into the microphone in unison. Jamie and I walked into the building, all the guests cheering and getting excited. The song we decided on a year ago, You Make It Look So Easy by Eric Church started playing and we went to the dance floor, swaying slowly back and forth to the song.

"I love you." I said to him, as he leaned his forehead onto mine. 

"I love you most." He said. 

"Today came so fast, I can't believe we're married." I said, happily. 

"I know, I've been dreaming of this day for so long, I'm so beyond happy it's finally here." He said. We didn't dance for the whole song, just about half of it, before it was time for the father-daughter dance. My dad came over as Half The Man by Jennifer Hart started playing. My dad was in tears the entire time, there was only two other occasions I had ever seen him cry, the day his father died, and Erin's wedding, so I definitely knew this was a big deal to him. To make it worse, I started singing the song softly to him the whole time, but again we only danced for about half of the song. Jamie and Tina went up for their mother-son dance, it was one of the sweetest things I had ever seen, they danced to Can She Have This Dance by Drew Baldridge, before Jamie came back and sat with me at our sweetheart table. 

Thankfully there wasn't a lot of speeches, my mom and dad, Jamie's parents, Erin and Aiden, Charlie, Trevor and Mason did one, and Callie and Oakley did one. They were all super nice and sweet, but I won't bore you with them. We sat around for dinner, the hall got super loud with everyone talking throughout dinner, and soon the tables were all cleared off and we got to start dancing for the night. It was very much a country music wedding since that was basically all either one of us ever listened to. 

"You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." Tina said, coming over to me as I was getting a drink of water a little bit into the dance portion of the night. 

"Thank you, Tina. And thank you for everything you've done for us. Thank you for bringing the most amazing man into this world." I said, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. I knew that I was more than lucky to have such an amazing mother in law, and for her to have been as amazing the entire time I had known her. 

"Thank you for treating him right, and always being there for him. I think I speak for us all when I say there is no one I could ever imagine to be a better addition to this family." She said into the hug. We stood talking for a little bit before I got pulled away by some of the girls to dance. 

"When's the honeymoon?" Oakley asked, almost yelling over the volume of the music and people talking.

"I honestly have no idea, nor do I know where we're going." I said, letting out a nervous laugh. I was told absolutely nothing about the honeymoon, I was giving full control over the wedding, on the condition that Jamie would have full control over the honeymoon. 

"You better be going somewhere nice." Claire said. 

"I know where you're going." Callie winked. 

"And you won't tell me?" I asked her.

"I swore under oath that I wouldn't say anything." She said, clearly very proud of herself, which made me laugh a little bit. 

"You're all ridiculous." I said. After a few more minutes of dancing I went away from the girls to find my new husband. 

"Hey, pretty girl." Jamie greeted, scaring me a little bit as he came up from behind me, touching my waist. I turned around and set my arms on his shoulders. "Come here." I followed him outside, it was dark out, only a couple people lingered outside having a cigarette. We walked around to a picnic table a little further from the entrance. 

"It's so quiet out here compared to in there." I said, we could still hear the music but definitely not as clearly. 

"I know, that's why I wanted to come out here. Some quiet for just us for a few minutes. People are going to figure out that we came out here and eventually make their way too, but I just wanted a few minutes." Jamie said, sitting me down at the table. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"I'm over the moon, I just married the girl of my dreams. I don't think I could be happier even if I tried." He said. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm good, I feel great." I said.

"What's on your mind though?" He asked.

"I don't know, I guess I just feel like something's missing. I wish my Opa was here." I said, looking down. "I know it sounds depressing, but I just feel like that's the one thing that's missing from today." 

"It's not depressing at all. You were young, this is a huge moment, I wish he could be here too." Jamie said, he lightly placed a hand on my head and slightly pushed my head onto his shoulder, I didn't necessarily need the comfort, but it was so nice to have. 

"He's looking down." I said, we both looked up at the clear star filled sky, staring for a couple minutes without saying a word, just enjoying each others presence. 

"Look, a shooting star." He said, pointing into the sky where there was indeed a shooting star. "He is looking down." I lifted my head off of his shoulder and looked at him, he hadn't stopped smiling all night, his smile and eyes were brighter than that shooting star, brighter than the moon in the sky. 

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked, he finally turned his head to look at me, and I took the moment to lean in and kiss him. 

"I think the better question is how did I get so lucky?" He asked, kissing me again.

"No, the better question is how did I get so unlucky as to walk out and see this moment?" Trevor asked as he and Mason joined us. They sat down on either side of us. 

"How's the party?" I asked.

"Well seeing as the guests of honour left the room the dance floor has gotten a little empty, but other than that, you threw a great party." Mason replied. 

"Thanks, I tried." I said, flipping my hair. It was nice that they came out here, the roommates having a little moment. The photographer came out and snapped a couple pictures of our moment before going inside too. 

"We should probably get back in there soon, we've been out here for almost thirty minutes." Jamie said. 

"I kind of like this though. Feels like home, just the four of us out here." I said, looking at the guys.

"Awe, so sweet, you're going to make me cry." Trevor said sarcastically. 

"Like you did earlier?" I asked.

"I did not cry." He said, standing up.

"You did too, I saw it." I said, now following suit. "Either way, I have to go find Erin or Callie or Emerson. I have to pee." I said. 

"Why do you need one of them to go to the washroom with you?" Mason asked.

"You think I can move this dress enough to pee by myself? You guys have it easy." I said, I started walking inside, leaving the three of them out there to talk a little bit more before finding the girls. Once I came back I had to have a dance with the Lady Ducks, or else they would've killed me, and we finally took our Ducks picture to make Trevor happy. The night started getting late, and frankly as happy as I was I was tired of all of the people, my social battery was starting to run really low. 

 "Jamieeeee." I said, finding him practicing his golfing form with Troy and Gibby. Everyone in the venue were emptying out, there was only maybe 30 people left. Erin, Aiden, and the two girls had left a few hours ago, Amelia had gotten tired around 10, and Delilah was pretty cranky as well. I knew they both felt bad for leaving but I didn't want them to have to deal with two cranky kids while also trying to have fun. 

"Hi, baby, what's up?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me. "I know that look." He said as soon as he looked down and saw my sleepy eyes. 

"Haven't said it yet, so congrats, Skyler." Troy said, smiling.

"Thank you!" I said, mustering out the last little bit of people I had in me. 

"I think it's time we head out." Jamie said to the guys. We said goodbye to everyone that was still hanging around, and even that took at least another thirty minutes to do. We were staying in the hotel next door for the night again, so we didn't have far to go. Frankly neither of us were as drunk as I thought we'd be, definitely still not sober. Jamie helped me out of the dress, softly running his hands up and down my sides as the dress fell to the floor. He came to the washroom with me, taking out my hair while I scrubbed my makeup off. 

"Thank you." I whispered softly to him, unbuttoning his dress shirt. 

"This is the most beautiful you've ever been." He said, leading me back into the room. I'm sure you know what comes next. 

(also i just graduated from new york university yesterday :) )

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