By sakshiiiwrites

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"So all this while you just used me for your revenge" She asked trears streaming down her face "You didn't lo... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 5

189 13 2
By sakshiiiwrites

"What are you doing here? " Meera asked looking at the handsome face.

"I was coming back from my rivals party than I saw you. You looked like girl who just got rejected by your crush, so thought to see if in case you are in mood to say goodbye to the world than my brother will be very sad"I

And that handsome face was of none other than rudra's

"There is nothing like that, so you can just go back " She said looking at him.

She was not in a good state.

She didn't wanted anyone to see her in this state.

She was very embarased even to look at him.

"Hey, we both are going in a same direction so I don't mind giving to a lift and I don't think it is a best choice to go back home walking in this state,you might scare so many people on the way"

She looked at herself.

She was soaked in a juice and smell was coming from her clothes. Her clothes were messy with the stain of juice.

Indeed it was not a best choice to go home walking in this state.

She looked no less than a begger.

But she thought if it is a good choice to go home in his car.

"Common you are not my type" He said with a smirk.

'Ahhh, now I hate this guy more' thought meera

"You too are not my type" She said folding her hands near her chest.

"Than why are you not coming in. Ohh, now I understand you are physically attracted to me that's why you are avoiding being alone with me. You are scared you might loose your control"

He folded his and put his both palm on his chest looking like a scary cat.

"Ms.pervert, I understand I'm too handsome, hot and sexy but I want to do that naughty things only with my wife so please throw out that dirty thought of your mind about me"

"Listen mister I'm telling you last time I'm not interested in your face nor your body" She said a little loudly

"Than I dare you to come inside the car" He said making a innocent face.

Meera took a deep breath and went inside

"Now do you believe me" She said after taking her seat.

He came near her.


Too close

Their faces were too close while they both were looking at each other eyes.

She held her breath while he fastened her seat belt.

"You smell like very disgusting right now"

He said looking at her eyes and move back while she came back from her trace and her eyes widen.

She looked at him angrily while he just gave her his sweet smile.

"Why? But I'm telling the truth"

And started the car.

Meera close her eyes and leaned back.

"But what happened to you" He asked

"Not your business" She said and looked out of window.

He look at her than again focused on road.

He didn't need to know what happened because he already know the reason of her this state.

He was also their in yash birthday party.

He noticed her the moment she entered from the door.

During all the time his whole focus was on meera but she was too busy to notice him as her only focus was on her father only.

He was very surprised to find that meera was Mihir rathore's daughter.

Rathore and Shekhawat were rivals of each other from generations.

The moment he find out she was Mihir's daughter he thought he found his trophy.

Even though he fealt a little bad for meera but it will not stop him from what he was going to do in future.

She should balme herself for being the daughter of mihir.

The moment she went out from their he followed her and gave her little time to relax and finally came in front of her when he thought she was okay.

He again looked at her and thought

'Don't blame me for what is coming next, blame yourself for being his daughter'

And again focused on his drive.


Meera came inside while rudra followed her.

"Hey what happened to you" Aryan asked while looking at her state

"She jumped in a pool of juice" Rudra said from back while aryan looked at him in surprise

"Did you both came back together" He asked while gulping his saliva

"I found her on my way back from a party" He said with a smile.

"Meera you go and change" Aryan said to her because he wanted to have a talk with his brother.

She nooded and went inside.

"Big bro-"

Rudra cut him off saying

"I know she is daughter of rathore"

He said in his serious mode.

"You were keeping my rivals daughter in this home and didn't even tell me? " He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Just listen to me she doesn't even have any contacts with them and she went their just for formality"

Aryan look at rudra to read his expression but he couldn't.

"Brother please meera is innocent. You are not thinking anything to do her right? " He asked

Rudra shook his head

"Don't worry I'm not thinking of doing anything to her because as you said she doesn't have anything to do with rathore. So, what profit it will bring me from her? " He said and took a seat on couch while aryan sigh in relief.

Aryan also sat beside him.

"Yes, you are right. It will not bring any profit to you. You can just think of her as one of my roommate and forget about being her rathore"

Aryan said and leaned back.

"Btw how much do you know about meera? "

Rudra asked and aryan looked at him.

"And why are you asking this? "

Rudra just shrugged his shoulder

"Just you know, today I saw how her family behaved with her and just wanted to know why they are like this with her"

"And how did they behaved with her"

"Her mom didn't even talk to her, her dad was also didn't looked that pleased after he saw her and she didn't even had that sibling bond with her brother and her relatives also behaved strange with her. "

Aryan sigh

"As you know that shweta is mihir's second wife and meera is his daughter with first wife with whome he Already divorced. After that things are little complicated and both her parents are busy with their new family"

Aryan just just told everything to rudra in shortcut.

Rudra nooded understanding while Aryan went away from their after saying good night.

Rudra leened back and was lost in his thought looking somewhere.

'So that's the reason I didn't know anything about meera till now because she is his daughter with first wife. By what I saw today it's true that they all are very distant to meera but as we say blood is thicker than water that rathore fealt guilty after watching meera in that condition. Even if he doesn't show he still is aware that meera is his daughter and cares for her. So we can say that this girl is not useless and can be used to kneel down that Mihir Rathore in front of me'

He thought.

When shweta made mihir realised his mistake at that time rudra saw guilt in his eyes as he was listening to them. And he clearly saw that mihir still had some soft spot for meera and today shweta made him realised that.

'If I'm not wrong tomorrow he will call meera to apologize and maybe they will even have some daughter and father time'

Rudra thought and he was also waiting if mihir will contact meera Or not. Just a little bit of guilt cannot conform if meera is important for mihir Or not. He have to make sure that using meera will bring him some profit.

But who cares?

Even if meera isn't important for mihir than he have other ways to make mihir miserable using meera.

And he is sure it will be more fun.

Either way now meera is already part of his game and will make sure that he will be the one with victory.

He too went away to his room while thinking about his plan.

To be continue

Sorry for the late update. I know I promised to update every week but currently my exams are going on and due to that I wasn't able to complete the next part but now as I had two days holiday I competed it.

And about next part I will upload it at the end of may or maybe next week and my exams will finish on 25 may but it takes a lot of time to write because sometimes I have other stuff to do so it may extend to next month.

Please cope with me for just this month after next month I will upload every week


Take care❤️

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