Hidden Pathways (BOOK 1)

By Re_andra

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The story, far from a mere clash of powers, delves into the intricate layers of morality and consequence. Wha... More

Full Map
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 1
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 2
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 3
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 4
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 5
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 6
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 7
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 8
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 9
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 10
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 11
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 12
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 13
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 14
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 15
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 16
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 17
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 18
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 19
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 20
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 21
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 22
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 23
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 24
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 25
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 26
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 27
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 28
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 29
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 30
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 31
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 32
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 33
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 34
Covert Expedition - Chapter 35
Covert Expedition - Chapter 36
Covert Expedition- Chapter 37
Covert Expedition - Chapter 38
Covert Expedition - Chapter 39
Covert Expedition - Chapter 40
Covert Expedition - Chapter 41
Covert Expedition - Chapter 42
Covert Expedition - Chapter 43
Covert Expedition - Chapter 44
Covert Expedition - Chapter 45
Covert Expedition - Chapter 46
Covert Expedition- Chapter 47
Covert Expedition - Chapter 48
Covert Expedition - Chapter 49
Covert Expedition - Chapter 50
Covert Expedition - Chapter 51
Covert Expedition - Chapter 52
Covert Expedition - Chapter 53
Covert Expedition - Chapter 54
Covert Expedition - Chapter 55
Covert Expedition - Chapter 56
Covert Expedition - Chapter 57
Covert Expedition - Chapter 58
Covert Expedition - Chapter 59
Covert Expedition - Chapter 60
Covert Expedition - Chapter 61
Covert Expedition - Chapter 62
Covert Expedition - Chapter 63
Covert Expedition - Chapter 64
Covert Expedition - Chapter 65
Covert Expedition - Chapter 66
Covert Expedition - Chapter 67
Covert Expedition - Chapter 68
Covert Expedition - Chapter 69
Covert Expedition - Chapter 70
Covert Expedition - Chapter 71
Covert Expedition - Chapter 72
Covert Expedition - Chapter 73
Covert Expedition - Chapter 74
Covert Expedition - Chapter 75
Covert Expedition - Chapter 76
Covert Expedition - Chapter 77
Covert Expedition - Chapter 78
Covert Expedition - Chapter 79
Covert Expedition - Chapter 80
Covert Expedition - Chapter 81
Covert Expedition - Chapter 82
Covert Expedition - Chapter 83
Covert Expedition - Chapter 84
Covert Expedition - Chapter 85
Covert Expedition - Chapter 86
Covert Expedition - Chapter 87
Covert Expedition - Chapter 88
Covert Expedition - Chapter 89
Covert Expedition - Chapter 90
Covert Expedition - Chapter 91
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 92
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 93
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 94
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 95
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 96
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 97
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 98
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 99
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 100
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 101
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 102
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 103
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 104
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 105
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 106
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 108
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 109
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 110
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 111
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 112
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 113
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 114
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 115
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 116
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 117
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 118
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 119
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 120
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 121
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 122
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 123
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 124
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 125
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 126
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 127
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 128
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 129
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 130
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 131
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 132
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 133
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 134
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 135
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 136
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 137
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 138
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 139
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 140
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 141
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 142
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 143
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 144
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 145
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 146
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 147
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 148
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 149
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 150
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 151
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 152
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 153
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 154
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 155
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 156
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 157
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 158
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 159
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 160
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 161
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 162
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 163
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 164
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 165
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 166
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 167

Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 107

3 3 12
By Re_andra

The chaos of battle engulfed the battlefield, Kazaks and Sentinel found themselves locked in a fierce exchange of blows, their weapons clashing amidst the din of combat.

With each swing, Kazaks felt the weight of exhaustion settling upon him, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to keep pace with his relentless adversary.

"Finally! You're starting to tire!" Sentinel's taunting words cut through the chaos, his voice filled with a mix of triumph and mockery. "Took a while to wear you down, didn't it? Now, it's a fair fight."

Kazaks, his frustration simmering beneath the surface, retorted with equal fervor. "You sure love to talk!" he shouted, his voice ringing out amidst the clash of weapons.

The clash of steel echoed across the battlefield, Kazaks and Sentinel engaged in a relentless duel, their movements a blur of speed and skill.

Kazaks swung his war hammer with precision, each strike aimed at finding a weakness in Sentinel's defenses. With every blow, Sentinel countered with swift and calculated movements, his sword slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Kazaks found himself growing weary, his muscles burning with exertion as he fought to keep pace with his formidable opponent.

"You fight well, but you cannot match my strength," Sentinel taunted, his voice dripping with confidence as he parried Kazaks' attacks effortlessly.

"Is that so? I'm just getting started!" Kazaks shot back, his determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against him.

Their duel raged on, each combatant pushing themselves to their limits in a bid for supremacy on the battlefield. Sweat dripped from Kazaks' brow as he fought to keep pace with Sentinel's relentless onslaught.

"You fight well, Kazaks," Sentinel acknowledged, a glint of admiration in his eyes. "But ultimately, you cannot hope to defeat me."

Kazaks gritted his teeth, his muscles straining against the force of Sentinel's blows. "We'll see about that," he growled, determination burning bright in his gaze.

But then, in a moment of carelessness, Kazaks left himself vulnerable, and Sentinel seized the opportunity without hesitation.

With a swift and decisive movement, Sentinel lunged forward, his sword piercing Kazaks' abdomen with alarming speed.

A pained gasp escaped Kazaks' lips as he staggered backward, the shock of the blow coursing through him like wildfire.

Sentinel's cold laughter filled the air as he watched Kazaks crumple to the ground, the battle momentarily forgotten as he reveled in his victory.

Pain wracked Kazaks' body as he grunted in agony, his gaze fixated on the sword embedded in his abdomen, a cruel reminder of his vulnerability in the face of Sentinel's relentless assault.

"The mighty warrior brought low," Sentinel jeered triumphantly, his voice dripping with contempt as he gloated over Kazaks' plight. "To think, you, the fierce warrior, now kneeling before me, wounded and bleeding."

Kazaks clenched his teeth, his muscles tensing with effort as he fought to remain conscious despite the searing pain coursing through his body. Through gritted teeth, he muttered a name, a whispered plea for aid amidst the chaos of battle.

"Yzavynne... I promised. Don't you worry, I'll make it out of here, alive," Kazaks' voice was barely a whisper, lost amidst the clamor of the battlefield.

"Even if the darkness closes in, even if the path ahead is fraught with peril, I'll keep my promise. And I will fight, I will endure, until that promise is fulfilled," Kazaks murmured, his voice a solemn vow amidst the chaos of battle.

Sentinel's brow furrowed in confusion at the utterance, prompting Kazaks to summon what little strength remained within him to spit out a curse in defiance.

"Damn you!" Kazaks' voice rose in defiance, his words a testament to his unyielding spirit even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Despite the searing pain radiating from his wound, Kazaks refused to yield. With sheer determination, he summoned every ounce of his strength and forced himself to stand tall once more.

Grimacing against the agony coursing through him, Kazaks grasped the hilt of the sword embedded in his chest, his fingers tightening around the cold metal with unyielding resolve.

With a primal roar, he wrenched the sword free from his body, a trail of crimson blood staining the ground beneath him. Ignoring the protests of his injured flesh, Kazaks hurled the sword with all his might into the midst of the battlefield.

The blade arced through the air before embedding itself in the ground with a resounding thud, a silent testament to Kazaks' indomitable will and refusal to succumb to defeat.

Sentinel's expression twisted in disbelief as he surveyed Kazaks, his abdomen stained with blood from the grievous wound.

"How resilient can you truly be?" Sentinel's voice carried a mixture of astonishment and skepticism as he observed Kazaks' unwavering stance amidst the chaos of battle.

"Tougher than I used to be!" Kazaks roared defiantly, his voice ringing out with unwavering determination, a declaration of resilience in the face of adversity.

With every ounce of his being, Kazaks braced himself against the pain, his resolve unshaken by the severity of his injuries.

"You'll have to try harder than that!" he bellowed, his words a challenge to Sentinel and all who dared to stand against him.

"Yzavynne," he whispered, invoking the name of his beloved. "I swore to return to you, and nothing will keep me from fulfilling that promise."

Sentinel drew his second sword, its blade glinting ominously in the dim light of the battlefield as he leveled it at Kazaks with a steely gaze.

"Someday, you'll meet your end. Whether it's at my hand or another's, justice will prevail, and the scourge of evil will be eradicated from this world!" Sentinel's voice carried with unwavering conviction as he spoke.

"Evil? You dare to label us as such?" Kazaks retorted, his tone laced with incredulity. "Do you even comprehend the dark history of the very kingdoms you serve? The atrocities committed in the name of power and control?"

With each word, Kazaks' voice grew stronger, fueled by a righteous anger. "Our captain, Zach, has opened our eyes to the truth. The corruption that festers within those so-called 'kingdoms of virtue.' They enslave innocents, forcing them into lives of servitude and warfare, all to feed their insatiable greed for power."

"But isn't that a bit exaggerated?" Sentinel interjected.

With a steely glare, Kazaks countered, his words laced with righteous fury. "Exaggerated? Tell me, have you ever witnessed the plight of those who toil under the yoke of their tyranny? Have you seen the children torn from their families to fight in battles they have no stake in? Have you felt the anguish of those whose voices are silenced by fear and oppression?"

As the weight of Kazaks' words settled in, Sentinel's laughter faltered, replaced by a newfound sense of unease.

With fervent conviction, Kazaks added another layer to his impassioned speech, his voice ringing out with unwavering resolve. "The kingdoms enslave their own people, forcing them to fight in meaningless conflicts that serve only to satisfy the egos of kings who cower behind their thrones. Instead of facing their own battles, they send innocent souls to the front lines, sacrificing lives for their petty squabbles."

With a bitter edge to his voice, Kazaks drove home the harsh reality of their situation, his words cutting through the facade of royal benevolence. "They're far worse than bandits, you know. At least bandits don't pretend to be anything other than what they are. But these kings? They parade around, feigning virtue and righteousness in front of their people, all the while scheming and manipulating behind closed doors. They cloak themselves in false piety, masking their true intentions with empty promises and hollow gestures. They preach peace and prosperity to the masses, all while perpetuating a cycle of oppression and exploitation that benefits only themselves."

His words carried a weight of bitter truth, each syllable laden with the suffering of those ensnared in the web of royal deceit. "These rulers would rather see their subjects perish in battle than risk their own precious lives. They exploit the vulnerable, manipulating them into fighting wars they have no stake in, all to maintain their grip on power. That's why we stand against them. That's why the Renaissance Band exists – to defy their tyranny and fight for the freedom and rights of all. Do you even have dreams of your own, or are you merely a puppet dancing to their whims?"

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