Stowaway: A Star Wars Rebels...

By MultiverseEnthusiast

19.1K 480 93

Attempting to retreat from a losing battle, the Ghost Crew unknowingly jumps into a wormhole and crash lands... More

OC Datapad
Brace for Impact
Unidentified Fragmented Object
Detachment In Distress
Quick Recon
Immoral Compass
Sum of Their Parts
Under Pressure
Escape Plan
A Galaxy Far Far Away
A Noble Cause
Searching for Answers
Seasoned Veterans
The Bro Code
Friends Old and New
Search and Rescue
The Fights Get Harder
Newfound Wisdom
Creatures of the Beyond
Conflicting Perspectives
Within Reach
Home Away from Home
Part Two Sneak Peek
Reeling and Recovering
Brothers Divided - Part 1
Brothers Divided - Part 2
A Date With Darkness
In Enemy Territory
Military Exercise
Bridging the Gaps
Close Encounter
A Sign of Things to Come
Breaking Barriers - Part 1
Breaking Barriers - Part 2
Winds of Change
The Bigger Picture
Fading Fast - Part 1
Fading Fast - Part 2
Race Against Time
Far From Home
Author's Note

Going Home

288 8 7
By MultiverseEnthusiast

Y/N's POV:

We dropped out of hyperspace and emerged in front of a large red planet. Within its orbit sat a smaller, blue and green colored moon, the location of the new rebel base. I couldn't help but notice how similar it looked to Earth. "We're coming up on Yavin 4," I announced, signaling our journey was nearing its conclusion. "I wonder what this rebel cell is like, and how big it is compared to Phoenix Squadron," Ezra said. Although it hasn't been long since I last heard that name, the memories of that harrowing day still cut deep. We lost so many people, and it shattered our efforts to fight the Empire. "According to Hera, it's more well-equipped than we were. The remnants of Phoenix Squadron are now a part of this cell," Kanan replied. I quietly sighed in relief that our group had a place to rebuild. Chopper warbled something I still couldn't understand. It's been two years in this galaxy and I still can't translate binary? "No, Chopper, you're getting an oil bath when you get back, whether you like it or not," Kanan translated. "Unidentified ship, state your business," a voice crackled through comms. "Friendly. Transmitting clearance codes," I responded. I pressed a few buttons, sending the codes to the base. "Codes check out. Proceed," the voice verified before ending the channel.

I flew the Gauntlet into the atmosphere and took in the sights before me. A lush forest littered the land below us, its endless expanse stretching across the planet. Amidst the sea of green stood a few temples, rising tall and proud above the treetops. I could barely make out a fleet of small fighters in the distance. This must be the place. I directed my ship to the biggest temple and then landed it in an open space. We opened the ramp, revealing a joyful Zeb. "Welcome to Yavin 4," he greeted. It was a relieving sight to see in comparison to the hard fighting we just came back from. "Zeb!" Sabine said, happy to see her friend after a few months apart. She playfully hit him. "Woah, take it easy!" Zeb quipped. "You've gone soft on me, big guy?" Sabine said, returning the banter. "Where's Hera?" Kanan wondered. "She's on a supply mission," Zeb answered. "Come on, I'll show you around." We followed the Lasat around the base, which was bustling with many rebels just like us. Some were fixing the ships, some were moving supplies around, and others were directing training exercises. Just like a regular day at our former base. He pointed out the storage unit, command center, medical bays, and sleeping quarters for anyone who needed them. "So many different people," I commented, mesmerized at how the galaxy seemed to keep growing before my eyes. "There are cells from every corner of the galaxy," Zeb confirmed. "And it's still not enough against the Empire." "As long as we get to help Ryder on Lothal, I'll take what we can get," Ezra replied optimistically. Just like me, Ezra kept holding out hope that his homeworld was okay.

Suddenly, an alarm started blaring, jolting us into action as people emerged from the temple to respond to the emergency. "Ezra! Y/N! You're back!" Rex exclaimed, happy to see us. "Rex! What's going on? Where's Hera?" Ezra asked with concern. "If you're looking for Hera, there she is," Rex responded, pointing behind us. "She's coming in hot along with the rest of her squadron." We looked to the sky and saw several ships quickly descending from the air, smoke trailing behind them. "Come on! Come on! Move it!" Rex ordered while running towards the landing strip. We needed to be ready to get the pilots out of their burning ships. After a few tense minutes, the first few ships touched down, and they were soon joined by the rest of the squadron. Doing my part, I rushed to the closest ship and pried the cockpit open. I held a hand out for the pilot to grab. He took it and I pulled him out of the smoking ship. "Thank you," the pilot said graciously. "Just doing my job," I answered. I returned to the Ghost crew, who stood just behind Hera as she appeared to be giving out orders. "I want a full assessment of damage to the Y-Wings. See what's salvageable," I overheard her say. Even in this tense moment, her authority remained vital. A few pilots walked past us towards the command center to give their report. "I've seen worse landings," Kanan joked, easing the frustrations of their failed mission. "Kanan?" You're all here!" Hera cheered, relieved that we were united after so long. She gasped upon seeing Sabine. "And Sabine! You came back! What about your family on Mandalore?" "They'll be fine. Right now, my family here needs me more," Sabine replied. "Well, I'm glad to have you. There's plenty of work to go around," Hera said. "Well then, let's get started," I affirmed. "A reunion, how nice," a voice called out from behind us. We turned around to see Kallus, who sported some new rebel clothing, a far cry from his uniform when he served in the Empire. It was still surreal to see him standing among us as an ally. "But as Lieutenant L/N said, it's time to get to work. Mon Mothma requests your presence." "It's good to see you too, Kallus," Ezra said. We followed the former Agent inside the command center, where Mon Mothma, General Dodonna, and a hologram of Bail Organa all stood with solemn looks on their faces. I fear I might know what this means.

"Captain, I commend your bravery for protecting your fellow pilots," Mothma said, appreciative of Hera's efforts despite her failed mission. "Thank you, Senator. I just want to know what went wrong out there," Hera replied. "As do I, but that will have to wait. Senator Organa has an update on the Empire's movements. This one is of interest to you, Y/N," Mothma reported, heightening my attention. "We've been tracking Imperial rotations around the galaxy. Our spies noticed a large force just moved northwest hours ago," Organa began. "Oh no..." I muttered under my breath, expecting to hear the dreadful news. "Upon further inspection, our spies also reported that most of the Imperial fleet had left Lothal," Organa continued. I audibly gasped at this news. My worst fears had come true. "Thrawn is amassing his forces at the wormhole," I deduced. My time has just run out. I have to leave now. I sank deeper into despair with each passing second, to the point where I was on the verge of breaking down. "Excuse me, Senator," I said, excusing myself from the meeting. I needed to be alone for a while. Taking deep breaths, I attempted to calm my racing thoughts. It wasn't just about Thrawn; it was also about my friends. My crew. My family. Despite forcing myself into their lives, they had accepted me as one of their own. They showed me a different way of life. We had freedom, so we used it to help free others. I became a warrior. A leader. An invaluable crewmate, an amazing friend, and a trustworthy boyfriend. Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the conversations I had. The missions I was a part of. The bonds I had forged. I really didn't want to leave it all behind. But I had no choice. Not as long as Thrawn was out there, threatening Earth. "You okay?" Kanan asked, interrupting me from my trance. I was shocked to see him standing there. "Not really," I answered honestly. "It's okay. We'll help you out," Kanan offered, knowing my time here was short. Wiping the tears away, I refocused on the objective. "Thank you. Let's get to work," I said with the little amount of confidence I had regained. The rest of the crew joined us outside, and we went straight to the Gauntlet to check whatever needed fixing. Let the preparations begin.

"So what do you need?" Hera inquired. "Fuel canisters, blaster recharges, ration packs, and canteens," I listed. "I don't have the first two items on my world, but I want to see what they're made of. See if I can build more of them." Then I devised our plan. "Hera, Sabine, and Chopper, you stay here and make sure that all my systems are fully functional. The rest of you, help me find and carry the items." We sprinted to the storage unit and frantically grabbed everything we could carry. "Slow down, everyone, we can't have anything breaking. The Rebellion doesn't have unlimited resources," Zeb advised, tempering our haste. We slowed our pace to a brisk walk and returned to the Gauntlet. From there, Kanan, Ezra, Zeb and I formed a line to a storage closet onboard, keeping a steady pace as we worked to pack everything within its relatively small confines. "Hold on, guys," I announced, noticing a box sitting there. I had to move it or not everything would fit. I lifted the box, which proved to be very heavy, but not unliftable. I carried it into the cockpit and placed it down on a passenger seat before returning to my post. "Ok, let's go," I said. Item by item, we placed everything in the closet except for the fuel canisters. Those we placed next to the troop transport, pushing them into that area. "That should be everything," Kanan confirmed. "Hera, do you have the coordinates to the wormhole?" I asked. I could feel my heart beating faster as I would be departing very soon. "I do. I'll transmit them to you now," Hera responded. She departed and went to the Ghost. I heard a beep from my dashboard and plugged the coordinates into my navigation. "Y/N, open that box for me," Sabine said. "This is from you?" I wondered. "Just open it," she replied sternly. I did as she said and opened the box. What I saw made my eyes widen in awe. A full set of armor fit with vambraces, a jetpack, and a switchblade. "No way," was all I could manage to say. "It took a lot of convincing, but after that day on Krownest, I had to make it up to you. Remember what I said about Mandalorian armor, about its history? This is a newly forged set. You get to write its story. Serve it well and with honor, and may whoever you pass it down to do the same," Sabine explained. I couldn't believe it. This was the perfect gift.

"Sabine..." I began, but I trailed off. So I took her in my arms, a big smile on my face. She returned the hug, and then we shared a final kiss. Though short, it was the sweetest feeling. This time, there were no restrictions. My right hand squeezed her left and my left hand traced through her abstract-colored hair. Our bodies pressed close, cherishing this moment before I made the journey home. Her tongue touched my lips repetitively, seeking entrance. I yielded to her intoxicating rhythm of passion. Our tongues intertwined in a dance of affection, silently battling for dominance. Her Mandalorian blood meant that her stamina was superior to mine, and I felt my jaw starting to give out. I ended with a soft surrender, and we pulled away, tenderly smiling at each other. We went down the ramp of the Gauntlet, meeting the rest of the crew standing outside. I met their gazes as I gathered my thoughts. " a hard goodbye," I began. "For two years we've been through a lot. Since you crashed outside my house that day, I knew there was something special, even if what I did was selfish. Every mission, talk, and moment we've had together, I wouldn't change it for anything. As I make this journey home, I wanted to say thank you. For everything. Continue fighting this fight until the Empire is driven out of the galaxy. I will do the same in defense of my people." Hopefully, Thrawn will never figure out how to travel to my world. The rest of the crew smiled, and I could see their eyes watering a little, mirroring my own glistening tears. They knew I wanted to stay behind and topple the Empire before I would return home peacefully. This was more than just a bittersweet goodbye. This was like losing a family. The same family that took care of me and let me grow into the person I am today. It's only right that I thank each of them.

"Ezra, you were the first to make me feel at home on the Ghost. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but you were the brother I never had. We made a great partnership. You have compassion and a drive that is unmatched. Continue fighting the fight and inspiring others around you to stand up for what they believe in," I said, beginning my long list of thank yous. "Thanks, Y/N. I could say the same to you. You're driven and you can do anything you set your mind to. Good luck out there, brother," Ezra complimented. We high-fived each other before going in for a brotherly hug. "Zeb, in all honesty, you're the glue that holds us together. You are the definition of honorable, and you seem to know a little bit about everything. Thanks for always being there," I addressed the Lasat. "You know, you're not half bad yourself," Zeb quipped. We chuckled and fist-bumped each other. "Kanan, the amount of wisdom you have is unparalleled. I don't know how you know the answer to everything, but I respect it. You taught me how to find peace, and I'll be forever grateful for that," I said, shifting my focus to the blind Jedi. "Y/N, I've watched you grow from someone who barely found his way around to someone who knows exactly what he's doing. You lead by example. You're headstrong. Keep doing that and you'll be universally respected everywhere you go. I'm proud of you," Kanan replied, putting a hand on my shoulder. I gave him a handshake and a quick embrace. "Hera, you taught me how to rise to the occasion no matter what. You also turned me into a pretty decent pilot. You're very smart, but you're also very caring and hopeful. Keep being the leader that the Rebellion looks to, and this fight will be over soon," I said to the Captain. "You did all that yourself, Y/N. I just led you in the right direction. I'm glad my efforts weren't wasted, and we thank you for everything you've done for us," Hera responded, a little too professionally for my liking. "That's it?" I questioned. Hera just smiled. "I'm just messing with you. But seriously, we're going to miss you a lot," she said honestly. I gave her a quick salute, but she gave me a big hug instead. I returned the gesture before pulling away. I stared at Sabine. This is the goodbye that I'm dreading the most. I took a quick breath and began to speak.

"Oh, Sabine, where do I even begin?" I spoke, my voice trembling with emotion. "I still remember the first time we talked, how you suddenly hugged me crying. Ever since that day, we have become great friends. Only after the crew was divided did I see how much you truly cared. I wish I wasn't so dense then. But that first kiss really did it for me. We've grown so close, and even through the rough patches, it only made our love stronger. Because of you, I had a reason to keep fighting. Because of you, I met a third family who gladly took me in against all odds. To say I'm going to miss you is an understatement. I hope you don't forget about me while I'm gone. You'll forever be in my heart, mesh'la." Sabine was speechless. "Y/ did you-" "I learned a bit," I replied, smiling. She wrapped her arms around me once more, just like when we first met. "I'm going to miss you so much," Sabine whispered, her voice muffled in my clothes. The rest of the crew joined the somber moment, creating one big group embrace. We stayed like this for a moment, hoping that time would slow down. I'm going to miss this. After everyone let go, I began to make my way to the Gauntlet. "Y/N," Ezra called out. I turned around to hear his last words. "May the Force be with you." I nodded and smiled, taking in the Ghost crew's gazes for the last time. "May the Force be with you," I repeated. I walked up the ramp, started up my ship, and took off, leaving Yavin 4. I repositioned my ship to match the trajectory of the coordinates Hera gave me. "Here goes nothing," I said out loud. Then I launched into hyperspace, hoping to mentally prepare myself for the perilous journey home.

This was harder than I thought. Fighting the Empire as a team was one thing, but taking on the Empire's most cunning strategist was a monumental challenge. And I was doing this completely on my own. No support from the Rebellion. Just me versus Thrawn. All I could do at this moment was wait. And wait. And wait some more. My mind raced back to my very first memory in space. Ezra laughing at me stowing away then getting me settled in. My first mission, meeting retired war heroes. Seeing a pirate I never liked over and over again. Escaping from the Empire countless times. Finding Atollon, which was my home for quite some time. Destroying an Imperial droid factory with Sabine. Confessing my love for her. Infiltrating an Imperial Academy and breaking out some pilots. Fighting in a battle with relics from the past. Blowing up something with a proton warhead. The whole Darksaber saga. Fighting alongside Clan Wren, who knighted me with their namesake. The memories kept flooding in. Everything from the last two years was all I could think about. But I reminded myself one thing: Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a piece of paper sitting inside the box, on top of my new armor. Curiosity got the better of me, and pulled the paper out, revealing a message. "We're stronger together. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Sabine." I turned the paper over and saw a beautiful drawing of me, her, and the Ghost crew. We were all smiling, seemingly at Atollon's command center. I shed a couple tears at how amazing this was. I'm really going to miss them. Suddenly, I heard an alarm beeping rapidly, snapping me back into action. I took a deep breath and pressed a button, dropping out of hyperspace. My breath caught in my throat at the sight before me. Four Star Destroyers, two Light Cruisers, and two transports surrounded the wormhole. I heard another beeping sound, signaling an incoming transmission. I know exactly who this is. With a little hesitation, I answered the signal. Here we go.

"Y/N L/N. Our long-awaited meeting has come at last," Thrawn's chilling voice said over my comms. "Glad I gave you something to look forward to," I responded sarcastically. "I admire your boldness, but it will ultimately prove futile. Your way home is blocked by my fleet, and they will annihilate you without hesitation. This is the end of the road for you," Thrawn taunted. "You're dead wrong if you expect me to surrender. And I create my own roads," I retaliated. You're not getting in my head this time, Thrawn. "Only one of us is wrong, and only one of us will be dead," Thrawn replied. "You couldn't kill me on Atollon, and you won't do it here," I challenged, refusing to submit. "You are stubborn. Would you like to test that theory?" Thrawn asked. "As I've proven time and time again, I'm stronger than you think," I said, doubling down on my self-made promise. No second guessing yourself, Y/N. "Very well," Thrawn snarled before cutting off the transmission. I knew how strong and smart he was. But no matter what he threw at me, I would prevail. The next thing I heard was a very familiar screaming sound. I looked at my scopes to see two TIE Fighters quickly intercepting me. But what I didn't expect to see was that both of them were prototype Defenders. This was gonna be much more difficult than I anticipated. Don't underestimate Thrawn! What are you doing? My thoughts ran wild, scrambling to devise a plan of putting the Empire on the defensive. With the Defenders closing in, I hit the accelerators, flying directly above their laser fire. I decided to go straight to the Empire's waiting ships, forcing them to act. I knew I couldn't outmaneuver the Defenders, so I had to be aggressive in my approach. With my plan in place, I repositioned my ship to directly face the wormhole and sped toward the Imperial fleet. There was no turning back now. It was do or die.

The dull, menacing ships appeared to be moving closer together. More TIEs joined the fray, swarming around me and peppering my ship with laser fire. I took a few hits but brushed off their counterattack, my sole focus on the swirling portal in front of me. My window is closing. I need to act fast. I diverted most of my power to the hyperdrive, knowing I needed to jump into the wormhole soon. Keeping my speed, I aimed for the middle of the wormhole. My ship kept jolting from the constant fire, and I heard an alarm alerting me that my shields were low. "You're taking quite the beating there, Y/N. I'll give you one last chance to surrender," Thrawn said. How? How did he hack my comms again? "Stop hacking my comms, you piece of shit!" I yelled, not letting him throw me off my rhythm. My shields were reaching critical levels and I was too far away to make a successful escape. Needing to readjust, I swung my ship around and started attacking the fighters. "Your hypocrisy displeases me. How would your friends feel about your cowardice?" Thrawn taunted. I took out a few unshielded TIEs, thinning the attack force enough to give me some breathing room. "It doesn't matter what they think anymore. It's just me and you, Thrawn," I responded, stating the obvious. I saw the TIEs go into a different attack pattern. Most regrettably, the Defenders managed to get on my six. I spiraled upward, then sharply dove downward, and suddenly decreased my speed to shake the overpowered Defenders, just barely missing a collision in the cockpit. I glanced at my dashboard to see my shields recharging. I looked outwards to see the Star Destroyers closing my escape route fast, and the Light Cruisers began firing their batteries in my direction. Desperate to escape, I attempted to repeat my strategy. I was much closer to the wormhole, so my odds of this working had to be better. It's now or never. I diverted all my power to the thrusters and increased my speed, propelling my ship recklessly into the Empire's waiting arms. The waves of laser fire crashed around me, forcing me to do some precise maneuvering to avoid the powerful barrage. I plotted my jump directly next to the leftmost Star Destroyer, hopefully just narrowly missing a collision course. Then I rerouted the power to the hyperdrive and repositioned my ship. "Goodbye, Thrawn," I said, then I closed my comms. With a decisive press of the controls, I activated the hyperdrive, making my last jump out of this galaxy and into the mesmerizing space anomaly.

The blue tunnels quickly recolored to red. Good. Then my ship started shaking uncontrollably. Not good. Alarms blared rapidly and warning lights flashed incessantly on my dashboard. Just as I escaped from Thrawn's clutches, the fabric of space-time seemed intent on foiling my escape. But I refused to yield to the laws of science. With every ounce of strength and willpower, I gripped the flight sticks, guiding my ship through this great unknown. Time seemed to lose all meaning as the tunnel began to stretch, compress, twist, and warp without rhyme or reason. Everything felt infinite but also nonexistent. The light and the dark danced around me. The sights before me began to distort, and I suddenly lost control of my ship as the space-time continuum continued to unravel. I stared at my dashboard, hoping my ship wouldn't suffer any significant damage. All I could do was pray as this cosmic object ran its course. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the show was over. The tunnel reverted to the calming blue hue I was used to, and I regained feeling in my fingers. I dropped out of hyperspace, and what surrounded me was truly beautiful. The vast expanse of stars, constellations, and other celestial objects scattered the space around me. So many different colors and patterns. Sabine would've loved this. I frowned upon thinking about her, and soon my thoughts became flooded with my friends. Even though I left them not too long ago, they were light years away from me with only one route connecting us. Yet, I knew they wanted me to press forward. Knowing I had to be close to home from my previous wormhole experience, I accelerated my ship, optimistic that this wild ride would end soon.

I kept flying, but no planets or space objects were in sight just yet. I had to be patient. Maybe I just dropped out too early. Minutes turned into hours, but the absence of structures and celestial objects still remained. I felt exhausted, so I grabbed a ration pack and a canteen to replenish my hunger and quench my thirst, giving myself a brief break from flying. I tried activating my hyperdrive again, but it wouldn't start. It either needed to recharge, or the wormhole's incomprehensible behavior fried it. I investigated my star charts, and they told me the star patterns didn't resemble those I was familiar with. Perhaps this was just my mind playing tricks on me, and that I actually was close to home. I thought back to my first trip, all the way back to when I stowed away, and I remembered something crucial. All the stars look like grains of sand. Heh, there's Mars and its moons. Mars and its moons. That was the last thing I saw before I got transported away from home. Panic began setting in. I continued to traverse space in desperation that something, anything would appear that looked familiar, so I could know how close I was to home. But that something didn't appear to come. My instincts told me to retrace my steps and find out what went wrong. But I knew it wasn't that simple. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, the bitter reality that I faced now dawned upon me:

I'm in the wrong galaxy.

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