mostrum stories

By aarchaean

126 36 267

tales from the mostrum family kin is my character, koa is my friends character, they are twins and the main c... More

the family business
something is wrong
tentative truce
same page
happy birthday
newest member
depollute me, pretty baby
burned bridges

first light

6 2 17
By aarchaean

Kin looked into the desk mirror, fae looked awful. One eye sunken due to lack sleep (one eye scarred shut), faer right horn was half broken and the right half of faer body was scarred too. Not to forget faer missing arm.


Fae couldn’t do anything by faemself anymore; Ax, Koa and Kel had been helping faem after the incident, but fae felt like a burden to them. Faer sure they've noticed faem pulling away from them.

Kin turned the mirror down so fae couldn't see it and limped back to faer bed. Fae hadn't seen anyone in awhile, maybe they were finally sick of faem?

Deep down fae knew that fae were wrong, but being told from such a young age that faer appearance was everything to a person, fae let faer insecurity control faem. Kin wondered what Ax thought of faem now, especially since they had only just started dating - he was probably planning on leaving.

Kin curled up in faer bed, sleep never really came to faem these days and when it did, nightmares came with.

"Kin?" There was a knock on the door; it was Ax.

This was it, fae thought briefly.

"Come in."

How he heard faem was honestly a surprise, dutifully, Ax came in and then shut the door, "Hi, Starlight." He smiled, walking over to Kin's bed and sitting right beside faem. "How are you feeling?"

Kin weakly shrugged, "Same as last time, Ax."

He nodded, taking Kin's hand and holding it gently, "Indulge me?"

"Why are you still here?"

Ax looked taken aback, "What do you mean?" He turned to face Kin entirely.

Fae let go of his hand and shuffled back, looking away from him in shame, "I'm burdening you," Kin can feel tears welling up, "can't take care of myself at all, and- well, look at me!" Fae silently curse faemself for crying, "There's no way in the nine realms you can like me."


The teifling curled up, waiting for him to agree.

"Kin, Starlight, please look at me..."

Fae took a moment but did. Ax gently cupped faer face in his hands, "I never want you to say anything like that again." He started.

"You are beautiful. You are not, and never will be, a burden." He kissed fae forehead, "I love you, I dont care about your looks - but you definitely are very pretty - your kindness brought me in."

Kin felt like a baby. Faer tears were still streaming down faer face.

"I will never be able to repay you for your kindness to me when I was at my worst," He carefully pulled Kin into a hug, "So at least let me try and take care of you too."

Kin wrapped faer one arm around him, entirely unable to find faer words.

Ax was trying his best not to cry, how could he let his partner get so low without noticing. He loved faem so much. "I'm never going to leave you, Starlight. I love you."

"I love you too." Kin sobbed out, clutching his back.

The pair sat there for awhile, Ax reassuring and comforting Kin until fae calmed down.

"Moonshine, I'm sorry."

"Don't, Starlight. You have nothing to be sorry for." He mumbled, sitting up slightly with faem. "I'm gonna go get you some food, and we can talk some more if you want."

Kin nodded, watching as he left. Fae stood up as well, moving to faer desk and picking the mirror back up.

Ax called faem beautiful.

Even like this.

Kin jumped a little when Ax came back as promised. Immediately, he noticed the mirror.

He placed the food on the desk and hugged faem from behind so they both could look into the mirror, "You are. I meant it when I said you're pretty." He carded a hand through faer hair.

Kin blushed, putting the mirror face down again, "Ax..."

"Gonna keep saying it 'til you believe me," he contemplated for a moment, "and after, of course."

"Can you put up my hair, please?" Fae asked, looking at the floor, "I can't get it  and it's annoying me."

Ax got nearly giddy, "Why of course, my Starlight!" He grinned, "Sit down on the bed and I'll get it for you."

Kin rolled faer eye, sitting on the bed and waiting for Ax. He followed soon after and began softly brushing through faer hair. The moment was quiet, peaceful. And for the first time in awhile, Kin felt happy.

Fae would be okay.

So long as Ax was at faer side.

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