It's always the silent ones (...

Par fvfbchndjjjhbde

186 6 0

Gradient Joe and his friends were at the "Fun and Games carnival" to watch their friend the hollow clown. But... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

9 0 0
Par fvfbchndjjjhbde

Warning this story has: Gradient Joe x Mime, Bugbo x Gerbo (may or may not be one-sided), multifandom, light swearing, AU

(Gradient Joe's POV)

Well, today was not how I expected it to be. Rather then spending wrecking ball day together, we had to travel all around the globe to save Bugbo. Some flyswatter guy bugnapped him and gave me, Gerbo, and Mime 6 bug hours to save our magenta friend or else he would be killed. We miraculously found where Bugbo was the last place we checked, Mount Bobo. The evil flyswatter guy was holding Bugbo capitve there, but we managed to save him before that guy could succeed in his plan. Actually it was more like Bugbo saved himself, but I have no clue how he did it so I'll just say that we all as a collective group saved Bugbo. I look down and see Gerbo's beaming face as he looks up and Bugbo. Bugbo still has that unnerving smile, probably unfazed from the events that happened. I look at Mime and he had a look of relief, which I expected. It was one of the first times hanging out with all of us and he had to go on a globe wide adventure. Maybe it was a good foreshadowing that almost anything can happen in this crazy place with that crazy Bugbo. I look back towards at Gerbo and Bugbo, expecting something to happen between them since Gerbo still has that crush on Bugbo. Surely they'll talk about Bugbo's rescue. I was not wrong.

"Bugbo, I'm so glad your safe now! I am a bit sad we missed celebrating wrecking ball day, but your more important!" Gerbo cheered happily, waving his short limbs around with a bright smile. Bugbo looked down to stare directly at Gerbo before responding. "Yes my 8-legged friend, I am also impressed you all managed to save me. Even the purple deer contributed to my rescue despite being new. You have proven to be true friends of mine, all of you." Bugbo praised, though still keeping his monotone voice range. Gerbo didn't mind though as his cheeks flushed red and he looked away from Bugbo, feeling flustered from the taller friend's words. "Thanks Bugbo..." Gerbo muttered happily, trying to contain his happiness to not look weird. "S-say, do you want to hang out later? Like, since we didn't get to celebrate wrecking ball day, we can do it now?" Gerbo asked, looking back at Bugbo for approval. Bugbo's grin didn't falter at all as he continued to stare down Gerbo. "I'm afraid not, Gerbo. I have much more important matters to attend to. You should also get your tasks done." Bugbo said. Then he just disappeared, probably teleporting to some other area. We all stop in our tracks as Gerbo looks down in sadness. Gerbo slumps down, sad he got rejected by Bugbo to spend time together. I feel bad for the litter guy and crouch down to pat his head. I look at Mime, who also looks pitiful for Gerbo.

'Woah, he is really sad from his friend not wanting to spend time with him. I don't blame him.' Mime signs to me. I realize that Mime doesn't know about Gerbo's crush, so he views Gerbo and Bugbo as just friends. I feel like Mime should know about Gerbo's crush on Bugbo so he could fully understand why Gerbo was acting this way but it wasn't in my place to tell him. Gerbo would have to tell Mime. 'Hey Gerbo, could I ask you something?' I write on my notepad before showing Gerbo the note. He looks at me before nodding slowly. 'I think you should tell Mime about your crush on Bugbo.' I wrote on the same piece of paper. Gerbo looks shocked at my words and jolts back. "W-what?! But w-what if he makes fun of m-me?!" Gerbo whimpers. 'Don't worry, I hung out with Mime and he's a nice person. He wouldn't make fun of you.' I assured with writing. Gerbo looks a bit less startled by what I wrote. "Erm, I guess since I trust you, Joe. Just please don't wrong or I'll be so embarrassed!" Gerbo exclaims before walking over to Mime on shaky legs. "M-Mime?" Gerbo squeaked. Mime looked down and went on his knees to get on level wtih Gerbo. Gerbo appreciated what Mime did, feeling more confident to share his secret. Mime took out his purple pen which I gave him and some paper since he understood that Gerbo didn't understand sign language.

"It's just that I like Bugbo a lot, more than a friend. I can't really explain why, but I just love him like that." Gerbo confessed. 'Hey, that's completely fine! Loving someone like that is normal and a good feeling, you shouldn't feel embarrassed about it.' Mime wrote before giving the paper to Gerbo. As Gerbo read it a small smile appeared on his face. "Thanks Mime, I was worried you were going to think I was weird, but you really are nice!" Gerbo said. 'It's no problem at all, just don't feel bad about how you feel. I think you're a very sweet spider and you should feel good about yourself!' Mime complimented. "Okay, thanks Mime! I feel really better about myself now." Gerbo smiled. 'If you want, we could all do something together for wrecking ball day.' I suggest on paper before giving it to Gerbo. Gerbo shakes his body no though. "Sorry Gradient Joe, but Bugbo was kinda right. I have to clean up my house and then take out the trash so I'll be too busy. I'll see you all tomorrow though!" Gerbo said before skipping off happily. I look at Mime before signing. 'So do you want to do something together or are you busy too?' I ask. Mime smiles. 'Oh I'm free, just what are we going to do?' Mime responded back. 'Maybe we could walk around town and look for something interesting?' I suggest. Mime gives me a thumbs up, liking my idea. 'Sure, let's do it!' 

We quickly head back into town and walk around, seeing many buildings and shops. Bakeries, libraries, laundromats and many more. These places are useful, but not really somewhere where you would celebrate. It was mostly just us for a while as most other people had already had their festivities spent with their friends and family. Then suddenly a building caught both me and Mime's attention. It was an average building other than a large neon sign that said, 'The Fun Building.' The building looked enticing to what it could be selling, like a sense of mystery the other buildings lacked. We had to check it out. 'Is this the one?' I sign. Mime nods excitedly before we both entered the building. There at the cash register was Lumpy the moose. He looked bored, eyelids drooping as he leaned on his hand. There were no other customers in the building and as Lumpy saw us he shot up into standing straight. I take out a piece of paper and write 'Hey, what do you sell here?' before giving it to Lumpy. He reads it over before looking back at me and Mime. "We sell fun packs, basically a bag with fun stuff in it. 120 dollars a pack." Lumpy responds. 'Uh, is that the only thing you sell?' Mime wrote curiously before giving the paper to Lumpy. Lumpy shrugs. "Yeah man, it's weird I know. I'm not the one who made this business though." Lumpy confirmed. 'I have enough to split the bill, you wanna buy it?' I sign to Mime. 'I am a bit curious to see what this 'fun pack' has, and it's relatively cheap, so sure.' He responded. 

I take out 60 dollars and put it on the counter and Mime does the same. Lumpy takes the money before slapping down a white plastic bag containing stuff we couldn't see. "Here's your fun pack, have a fun day." Lumpy said, handing us the bag. We walk out of the building with the bag. 'Hey Joe, why don't we open this fun pack at my house? Since I was at yours earlier it's only fair to invite you to mine.' Mime asks. Going to Mime's house? It would be the first time I was invited to his home, would I be ready. I look away nervously yet consider his offer. I did let Mime into my home so I shouldn't be worried to cross any boundaries when going to his. I look back at MIme feeling more confident. 'Sure, let's do it.' I sign. Mime nods. 'I'll take you to my house and we can unpack this pack together.' Mime signs before taking the lead. I follow him until we arrive at his home, the circus tent. We both enter and the home looks way bigger than it was on the outside. Mime smirked as he watched me marvel at how different his house looked on the inside. 'It's an illusion trick, all the circus performers do it.' Mime signed, remarking. I also realize that there was nothing in Mime's home. 'Um, are you okay Mime?' I ask signing. 'Of course, why would you think I wasn't?' Mime responded. 'Well It's just that there is nothing in your home. Are you like broke or...?' I didn't want to seem rude, but I was genuinely concerned for Mime if he lived like this.

Mime didn't seem to take any offence from what I said. He simply walked away and then sat on thin air. 'It's mime furniture.' Mime answered. 'Oh, that makes sense. Sorry by the way.' I apologize. 'It's fine Joe, come sit with me so we can open this.' Mime responded, gesturing to the fun pack. I nod before trying to sit on the mime couch but ended on the floor. I hit my gradient head with my hand. Of course I wouldn't be able to sit on the mime couch, it's for mimes only. But I would be at level with Mime. My mind comes up with an idea. 'Mime, how about we unpack the pack on the floor?' I sign. Mime looks at me before nodding. 'Sure, it seems like you're having trouble there anyway, so I'll help you out.' Mime smiled, motioning chuckles with no sound coming out. He slid off the mime couch and went onto the floor with me. Mime then put the fun pack down on the floor as well. As I looked down at the fun pack, one thing caught my attention. It was a DVD, but it had a logo. Disney? I was surprised something like fun pack could get a Disney DVD in it, but it could be something bad like Chicken Little that Disney doesn't care about. I lean closer, looking at the DVD before coming to a shocking revelation. That DVD said Encanto 2! I put my hands on my head and jolt back form excitement.

'What happened?!' Mime signed quickly, seeming concerned for why I was so excited. I pull out the Encanto 2 DVD and show it to Mime excitedly before placing it on top of the bag. 'They made an Encanto 2!' I sign. Mime's eyes widen as he inaudibly gasps. 'No way, this has to be a bootleg or something.' He asserts. I shake my gradient head. 'It has the official Disney logo! It has to be legit.' I assure him. 'Nope, no way they would release a sequel to a beloved Disney movie as a DVD only to put it in something called Fun Pack. I never even heard of any official Encanto 2!' Mime crosses his arms, sticking to his ground. 'Fine, I'll search it up then to see if this is a bootleg or not.' I pull out my phone and search up Encanto 2. Mime huddles close to me, and I couldn't help but feel a tingle when he was near me. He's so soft and warm, I wanted to cuddle him, but I had a point to prove so it wasn't the time. We didn't get anything good, only bogus articles talking about Encanto 2 being a thing that related nothing to an only DVD release. 'Hah, I was right.' Mime signed, smiling proudly. 'Wait, let me try something else.' I type in 'DVD only release'. I get a strange result about an article that talks about a DVD only release of Encanto. I click on the article.

The article talks about after a few months of Encanto being released, Disney wanted to make a sequel since it was so popular. However, what the person who was hired to make a sequel presented for Disney was so strange that Disney refused to make it a sequel and abandoned all plans to make any since they didn't want to think of the brand anymore. That person however didn't want their work to go to waste so he produced some DVD releases of the movie behind Disney's back using the DVD mold they created before watching the film. Then he sold them to an unknown distributor. Nobody knows what happened after that, or who he sold it to. Most of the comments of the article called it fake, but we were holding something that was so similar to what the article was describing. 'I can't believe it...' Mime signed in amazement, completely blown away. 'So basically this is semi-official then? If the article is true. Now I'm really intrigued, we have to watch it.' Mime added. I nod. 'Pop it into your DVD player if you have one.' I sign. 'Yeah I do have one.' Mime popped open the DVD case and took out the DVD. It unlike the case covering had no flair or anything related to Encanto, just a silver DVD. Mime walked over to his mime DVD player and put the DVD in, which surprisingly worked. Then even more surprising was I could actually see the movie load up before starting. It didn't have a start screen, it just immediately went to the film. Mime, not expecting for the film to start so quickly rushed to sit back next to me so he didn't miss anything. Then, the film started.

It was an average day. The Madrigals were in their house, Casita. Casita wasn't just any ordinary home though, Casita was alive and could interact with people. After some time, the Madrigals were helping in their village as usual and everyone was happy. "Ah, my house looks so beautiful! Thank you so much!" Eliana exclaimed to Isabella. "No worries, the flowers suit you're pretty personality!" Isabella said. Though Eliana didn't notice, the house looked even more spectacular because of Pepa's good mood making the sun shine gold on her house. She was really happy because she was with Felix, her husband. But don't be fooled if you think all the Madrigals were helping with appearances. Luisa was rounding up Greg's horses again. "I think you should get a stronger fence..." Hegge said. "Well son I would, but I've been working on my cocai- spice company. Now go play with your brother Reg." Greg responded. Antonio returned a household pet back to his owners. "He told me he was really scared being lost and alone that night, make sure to keep you're dog door locked so squirrels can't come in for him to chase." Antonio cautioned before giving the dog to the couple. "Oh, I'm so sorry my pouchy poo! Don't worry, we will!" The woman said, cuddling up to her husband.

"Dolores, I left my phone somewhere while on a hiking trip. Can you hear it ringing so I know if it's dead or not?" Alejandro asked. "It's still ringing, and from the distance I think it's 3.92 miles away, near the Clay Lake." Alejandro then looked shocked. "Who is gonna get my phone for me with a walk that long?" Alejandro asks. Then Mariano walks over to Dolores with a bouquet of roses. Mariano is Dolores's boyfriend, but that was about to change. "Dolores, I have to ask you something." Mariano said. Dolores looks over to Mariano. "Huh?" Dolores says. Mariano gets on one knee and Dolores's heart races. They're relationship had been growing and Dolores had been anticipating for Mariano to do this, but didn't know when. Mariano then pulls out a box. Mariano opens it and it reveals a diamond ring. "Dolores, will you marry me?" Mariano asks. "Yes, of course!" Dolores said. Mariano picks up Dolores and swings her around. This gives Alejandro an idea on someone who could get him his phone. "I know someone who could get my phone for me, get me a typewriter!" "Dolores looks at Alejandro, confused. "Why can't you get it yourself?" She asked. "Well, get me a typewriter!" Alejandro repeated. Mirabel, the only Madrigal with no powers was near and overheard them. "I have a typewriter!" Mirabel whispered, catching Dolores's attention and making Dolores smile thankfully. She heads over to the Casita, where all the Madrigals lived. She goes into her room. Casita lowers the shelf and Mirabel catches the typewriter. "Thanks, Casita!" Mirabel says before exiting. She rushes back to see Alejandro still pestering Dolores for a typewriter. "Hey, I got you a typewriter since it seemed like you really needed one!" Mirabel chirped up, handing the typewriter to Alejandro. "Oh, finally! Now I can write this to my girlfriend so she can go find it for me!" Alejandro went over to Eliana. "Baby!" He called.

Eliana turned around to face him. "Yeah?" Eliana said. "Lemme type ya something." He muttered, rapidly typing something while balancing the typewriter on his leg. "Here ya go!" Alejandro exclaimed, handing her the letter. It had many spelling errors, but Eliana could make out he wanted her to go to Clay Lake and get his phone. "You know that some spiders live there." Eliana stated. "Yeah, so? It's not like their venomous or anything." He said. "I hate spiders, I can't do this!" She said. "Why not?!" He shouted up into the sky before throwing a rage. Mirabel manages to catch her typewriter as he kicked a cart with a tarp on it. His leg then broke. "God damnit!" He screamed. "That's what you get for kicking my cart of spice!" Greg laughed. Then Julieta came over. "Can someone please help me?!" Alejandro gasped, not noticing Julieta's presence. "Of course." Julieta said. She put some chicken into his mouth and he instantly got better since her cooking could heal people in an instant. "Well I need help too." Eliana interjected. "Are you hurt as well?" Julieta asked, but Eliana shook her head. "I wanna help him with getting his phone, especially after he broke his now fixed leg. But I'm really scared of what could happen if I'm near spiders. What if it bites me, what if it doesn't, what if I get really hurt by getting bitten, I wish I just knew what would happen..." Eliana trailed off at the end.

"I think I could help with that." Eliana turned around only to see Bruno, the future seeing Madrigal. "Ok!" She said. Bruno left to find an open space to do his vision seeing thing. "Hey punk, you laughing at me breaking my leg?" Alejandro asked threateningly. "Who you calling punk, you big hunk?" Greg said. While all the Madrigals helped in the village, one stood out. That would be the shapeshifting Camilo. Though the thing that made him stand out in his family wasn't his shapeshifting, but he was basically perfect to everyone. He was funny, optimistic, nice, and many more kind words used to describe Camilo by the villagers and everyone else who met him. Its even common belief that Camilo was wearing his first smile because he never cried or even frowned in his lifetime. Camilo was happily skipping along the pathway. He noticed the two men in a heated argument. "Oh no, I got to help Alejandro and Greg resolve this argument!" Camilo went over and some tension was removed with his presence alone.

"Hey Alejandro, you know about you wanting me to get you some halos in Royale High?" Camilo asked. Alejandro had a smile on his face with just the look of his face. "Oh Camilo, you must be mistaken. I don't play silly dress up games, it's for my girlfriend!" Alejandro claims. "If I'm correct, I recount you're the one playing for hours straight just to attempt to get a halo." Eliana said. Alejandro blushes. "Zachery plays it, ok?!" He shouts in her general direction. He turns to face Camilo and calms down immediately. "Well, I got you every halo in the game!" Alejandro gasped before taking out his computer to go into Roblox to check. "Camilo, you're an angel! I got all the halos including the alien halo I never got with those tutorials!" He exclaimed. "Thank you so much, and Greg, I got you those coca plants you wanted! They'll look very pretty if you put it in a garden but anywhere will make them look stunning!" Camilo hands Greg some coca plants. "I really wanted these, thanks!" Greg thanked Camilo. "I'm gonna go help more villagers, bye friends!" Camilo skips away. Bruno comes back. "I got a vision that you'd triumph threw the forest before put to a sudden halt when a spider bites you."

"Okay, then I'll never get ready and none of you make me!" Eliana. Someone new comes into the scene. He was an old man with a grumpy look on his face. He didn't even introduce himself to everyone, just walked past. "Hey dude, 100 million diamonds for hal 19?" Alejandro inquired to the old man. He turned his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "You want me to go mining for you boy?" He spat before walking off. "I'm worried about that gentlemen, he seems troubled about something..." Camilo said, his care for everyone kicking in. Over the few days, Camilo thinks of a way to cheer up the old man, who was still grumpy. "I know, I'll make a strawberry cake for him! Everyone likes strawberry cake!" Camilo beautifully skips in the village, looking for the most ripest strawberries to pick. "Hello Camilo, you're looking as radiant as ever!" One of the villagers called to him. "Thank you so much, I love what you did with you're hair by the way!" Camilo replied. The guy took out a mirror to admire his hair.

"Ooh, these strawberries look amazing!" Camilo exclaimed. They were in a beautiful park which many people were enjoying. Camilo picked some of the strawberries before he encountered someone unexpected. The old man sat down on a nearby bench behind the strawberry bushes and Camilo. Camilo quickly shapeshifted into a child and hid in the bushes. Camilo wanted the cake to be a surprise so he couldn't let the old man see him. Then the old man takes out a photo of the old man standing next to another old woman. "Oh Ada, if you were here you'd tell me to stop being such a grump and help you find some item of yours. I try to be happy but with you gone what's the point?" Camilo now knowing this information made his desire to help increase even more. Though the park had a decent amount of people in it, they were either to far away or were busy with their own things that they didn't notice the conversation. "You know, I tried baking you're signature strawberry cake, but you should know I'm a bad cook. I could never make a cake as good as yours." The man then sees Camilo, or a little kid spying on him from what the old man saw.

"I should get going." The old man rushes out, dropping some things in his hurry. Camilo goes back to normal before checking the items he left. It was only two pieces of paper. One was the man and woman and the other was a recipe. "I have an idea!" Camilo runs over to the old man. "Sir, you dropped these!" Camilo calls and gives the old man the papers. "Thank you." The old man said before walking off. Camilo then used his memory to remember what the recipe said and the woman's face. The cake recipe from Ada was a little different from regular strawberry cake. "Even though strawberry cake by itself is super sweet, the added ingredients in this recipe would make it even sweeter!" Camilo exclaims cheerfully. He skips home. Abuela was adjusting the magical candle, that candle was the reason why all the Madrigals had gifts in the first place, well, except Mirabel. "Hey, Abuela! I have a great idea!" Camilo called to Abuela. "Hello Camilo, what's the next great idea you have?" Abuela inquired. "You know about the man who moved in lately? Well I found a special recipe made by someone special to him and a photo of them together!" Camilo gushed. Abuela smiled. "Ah, you always want to make everyone you meet smile. I think I have an a idea on what your gonna do, but I need to tell Julieta that Agustin accidentally hit a beehive so I'll see you later." Abuela replied. "Ok, Abuela!" Camilo said before going into the kitchen.

Julieta was in the kitchen. She was cooking as usual and spotted Camilo in the corner of her eye. "Hi Camilo, how are you?" Julieta asked while still facing the meal being prepared. Then Abuela came in. "Julieta, Agustin got stung by a swarm of bees." Abuela told Julieta. "Oh, I got to hurry then! I'll finish the food later." Julieta puts all the ingredients back before rushing out of the room. Abuela leaves the kitchen. Camilo goes over to the cooking area of the kitchen. "There's ingredients for everything here!" Camilo searched around before finding the right ingredients. He then makes the cake recipe to a tea but fast and efficiently. He remembered that the recipe said to turn the cake into strawberry tea. But something was missing to make the strawberry cake, you see the last ingredient was swell flowers, a tasty addition to cakes. But the kitchen didn't have any flowers now because Bruno's rats ate all them. Camilo would have to search for them and add them to the cake once found. Camilo wanted to make this cake exactly like the cake Ada made for the old man for it to be special, so Camilo went on a stroll around the village to see if he could find some.

Mostly everyone was asleep or inside, but strangely there were people out. Camilo saw the old man and jumped into the plants to avoid the old man seeing him. The dirt doesn't stain or touch him at all, nor did any bugs. The plants warmly welcomed him by softly brushing his cheeks with their leaves and petals. He held a watering can and started watering the flowers. Camilo couldn't help but notice two kids walking along the path. "We've been searching for this stupid coffee cup for 2 hours." Hegge complained. "Dude this is you're coffee cup were looking for, besides this is short for me since it takes me at least 5 hours to find ecstasy I dropped!" Reg exclaimed, holding onto Hegge. "What, it's cold." Reg explained when Hegge gave Reg a confused and weirded out look. Reg then sees the cup Hegge was looking for. "Hey Hegge, the cup you're looking for is in that forest!" Reg said, pointing at the cup Hegge was looking for.

Hegge shivered a little, but not because it was cold or anything but because he was scared. "I don't know about this....that forest is scary!" Hegge whimpered. Reg gave Hegge a confindent look. "Are you really afraid of some dark woods?" Reg said. Reg looked in there and smiled. "Theres probably some cute animals to hug aswell! I'll go in there." Reg went towards the forrest. "What if you get hurt though?" Hegge questioned, going over to Reg. Reg then lightly slapped him. "Hey, don't worry about me! I'll be fine." Reg assures. Hegge remembered that Reg doesn't like when people feel sad or worried for him. "Okay then..." Hegge muttered, and Reg hugged him before going into the forrest. The forrest was dark and spooky, with noises from animals of all kinds coming from it. Reg skipped through the forrest without any fear.

Reg was comfortable with this, to him it was like crawling under the bed to find some esctasy he dropped but with more space to stand up. Reg walked through the forrest until he spotted the cup. The cup was lying there, and when Reg checked, he confirmed it still had some coffee inside. Reg was about to go but then he felt a knife dig into his back. Reg fell onto the grassy dirt. Reg turned onto to his back which hurt since that was where he was stabbed, but he wanted to see the person who did this. The killer was looking straight at him. Reg didn't know this but the person killing him was actually William Afton. William Afton stabbed him again but this time in the chest. Reg didn't scream because he mouth was being covered by William Afton and he didn't want Hegge to be scared. After some time, Reg dies from a organ being punctured by one of the stabs and William Afton gets in his car before driving away.

Hegge was still waiting for Reg to get his cup. Hegge was starting to get tired and yawned. "Dude can you hurry up?" Hegge asked, not knowing that Reg was currently dead. Hegge went into the forrest to look for Reg, but he couldn't find his body because it was to dark to barely see anything. Then a shadow creeps up on Hegge. Hegge turns around nervously, only to see a guy with a axe. Hegge screamed and ran off, while the guy with a axe, or Jack just looked on confused. "Maybe I should stop walking around with my axe, I just don't get why people can't understand that I just cut down trees." Jack sulked. Meanwhile with Camilo, the old man was watering some more flowers. Camilo searched for a swell flower and he finally found it. Camilo picks it gracefully and a new one quickly grows back, swell flowers can quickly grow back parts of themselves when picked. But the problem was the old man was still outside, Camilo would have to wait until the old man was distracted. Alejandro then sees the old man and runs over, making sure to sign up to sunset island to get some extra diamonds.

"Hey man, can you buy my some diamonds? I need to save up to buy this set thats gonna be delayed till the end of the month!" The old man looks at him, annoyed. Camilo sneaks around and rushes into the house. The old man and Alejandro were distracted so they didn't notice him. Camilo makes the cake and then goes into a hiding spot to wait for the old man. "Come on dude, just a few digital bucks so I can get more diamonds for a definitely not overpriced item!" Alejandro pleads. "You don't even want real money, what happened to this day of age?" The old man asks to nobody. "I saw you and you're wife in some weird photo. Ada is such a terrible name I mean why even go on with a name like that?" Alejandro comments. The old man then looks mad. "Wife?! Ada is my sister! Whatever, you digital kids put me to sleep, goodnight." The old man then storms to his home. "Well I'm not. I've got to farm for hours to try to get a few more diamonds." Alejandro goes to his house. The old man cries in his bed. "Oh Ada, I wish you were here, I wouldn't be so mean but I don't feel like living without you..." His tears never seem to stop as he turns of his bedside lamp.

Then Ada appeared in his home. "Mateo..." Ada called, grabbing the old man, or Mateo's attention quickly. "A-Ada? Is that you?" Mateo asked in the darkness. He scampers to flick on the bedside lamp to see if it were her. And low and behold, Ada was standing behind the end of Mateo's bed. Ada walks over to the side of the bed where Mateo was. He touches Ada's check and she puts a platter of tea and cake on his bed. "It's even the same cake and has to be you!" Mateo hugs Ada. Ada then finally speaks up again. "As I'm glad that you're glad to see me, I want you to be glad to see others as well." Mateo notices something off. Ada never stopped smiling ever since he saw her. "Why are you-" Mateo stops himself. Maybe Ada was just as happy as to see him as he was her. "I thought you died, how do you stand before me?" Mateo mutters before letting go of Ada and closing his eyes. "Mateo, you might be alive physically but emotionally you've passed on." She gently opens Mateo's eyes. "I want you to truly live, it's no matter how I'm here but I need you to be more interactive and lively with people, for yourself to really live life like it should be." Mateo then nodded slowly, tears still flowing but Ada took out a napkin to wipe them away.

"Turn off the light, and everything will change the next day." Mateo listened, turning off the lights and going to sleep. Ada leaves the house. Ada then changes back. It was Camilo the whole time. He didn't want to leave Mateo lonely and caught up in guilt so he convinced him that he has to keep going. Camilo skips back to the Casita. The only one awake was Bruno. "You're up pretty late, I was feeding the rats." Bruno mentioned, Camilo just smiles at him. "Let's just say I lit up someone's world today." They next day, Mateo was more happy than ever, and social too. Camilo walks up to Mateo. "Hi Mateo, everything going good?" Camilo asked. Mateo beamed. "I had the best night of my life, I saw an angel." Mateo replied. Camilo smiled, said goodbye, and went to help more people like the rest of the Madrigals.

Dolores was walking with Mariano, her boyfriend. Pepe was reading a sad book, so it was gently raining. Mariano held a umbrella in one hand and Dolores's hand in another. They're eyes were locked and they stared at each other with nothing but love and compassion for one another. They were walking through a feild of flowers that were as golden as the sun. But then a guy drives past them, knocking Dolores and Marano off balance. "Sorry!" The man shouts as he speeds past them. Dolores and Mariano sheug it off, next time they wont stand so close to the highway. That was Craig McCracken, Greg's brother. He was the creator of power puff girls and was visiting a children's school. Craig arrives at the school and walks in. He was a bit late because of his car breaking down and being very slow driving. "The kids could wait a few minutes..." Craig reasons. He walks to the room he was visiting, but someone was already there. Craig tries to open the door but it was locked, so Craig instead peers in. The silhouettes just looked like average silhouettes but on closer inspection (pressing his face up against the glass window on the door) he saw the silhouette that was talking in front of the class looked a lot like Greg.

Craig looks around desperately to find something to break that door down. Craig then looks up at the smoke detector on the wall and gets an idea. Craig pulls out a cigarette and lighter and starts smoking. A janitor passes by and looks at him before shaking his head. "So not only do you bail on some children but you start smoking in front of their classroom door?" Mr. Barbara asks, leaning on his broom and eyeing him. "I would never ditch children, I'm trying to set the alarm off so they would open the door and I can come in!" Craig clarifies. " You know I could just open the door for you, right?" Mr. Barbara holds up a key to Craig. "Oh thank you!-" Before Craig could finish his thanks, the smoke detector goes off. "Everyone, there is a fire in the building, I repeat, there is a fire I'm the building. This is not a drill. Evacuate the building immediately." The princable announced on speakers. Everyone ran out of their classrooms in a panic. Mrs. Barbara runs after the kids. "Guys, this is not how we practice for a fire drill!" Mrs. Barbara scolds her class, who kept on screaming and running in circles. "Told ya fire drills do nothing for kids." Mr. Barbara mutters to Mrs. Barbara. "Oh come on Steven, this is serious! Someone could die here!" Mrs. Barbara argues. Then the princable comes back on the speakers. "Everyone go back to your normal schedules, even though smoke was detected, fire could not be found in the building." The princable states, and everyone sighs in relief, well everyone but the janitor and Craig.

Craig then sees Greg was among everyone, still running in circles and screaming. Antonio elbows Greg's leg. "Dude, its over." Antonio says. "Oh okay." Greg then acts really calm. "Greg, why are you here taking up my time with the kids?!" Craig demands. Greg shrugs. "You didn't come for 3 and a half hours and the kids were tired of watching Arthur videos so much that they threatened to rip off the class pet aardvark's head off so they had to call in a step in, which is me!" Greg explains. "Yeah, we were going insane hearing that stupid theme song over and over again!" Angelica from rugrats added. Craig then felt really sad, he let down all these kids. So Craig decided to make it up to them. "Look, I'm really sorry..." Craig said. "Oh yeah, you'll be sorry." Gregory promises, creeping out Craig. Then all the kids but Antonio pull out water guns and spray Craig. "Stop!" Craig cried, running away. "Okay, let me take attendance, absent kids are Chris Afton, Rosie Anderson..." Mrs. Barbara's voice trailed off in Antonio's head. He wanted to tell Craig that his show was the best thing to ever be made to him but was to shy to say so. He had to made things right. "Mrs. Barbara, may I use the bathroom?" Antonio asks. Mrs. Barbara smiled at Antonio's politeness. "You can call me Lila, and yes you can go." Mrs. Barbara said. Antonio walked out of the room normally, but when he was sure he was out of sight from his classmates, he ran as fast as he could. Antonio finally caught up to Craig.

He was trying to fix his car that was so devastatingly broken it was a miracle it could drive. Before Antonio could speak, the car finally works, making Craig cheer. "This car was fine yesterday, now its more broken than Bendy and the ink macheine chapter 5...well at least it works kinda." Craig says. "Craig!" Antonio said, catching Craig by surprise. "What the- not another kid from that class!" He screamed, hopping in his car while lighting a cigarette and shoving it in his mouth before stepping on the gas. Craig thought he was one of those kids who sprayed him with a water gun, which he wasn't. Antonio grabbed onto his car and stayed high enough to not get 3rd degree road rash. "I can't afford for you to spray my car with that muddy water in both senses of the word!" Craig explained, his car driving wonky and crashing through buildings, luckily no one getting hurt.

By this point Antonio managed to get himself on the car. "Stop the car!" Antonio shouted, the car was heading straight for Dolores and Mariano. Craig tries to hit the brakes but they didn't work. "They're broken!" Craig shouted, pressing his foot on the brakes and trying any way possible to stop the car. Antonio knew he had to save his sister and her boyfriend, and quickly thought up a plan. Antonio whisled using his fingers, and his tiger knew he needed help. The tiger runs in and tries to collide with Dolores and Mariano so they would be shoved out of the way, but Mariano was to strong. While Dolores was flung to where she could clearly miss being hit, Mariano was just knocked onto the ground, where this just made things worse because the car smashed into Mariano's face, closer to his brain. "Mariano?!" Dolores screamed, she didn't hear the car speeding down because when she talked to Mariano she could block out all the other noise. It made her sane, now her relief, her love was dead. A flood of people came through, noise surrounding Dolores and she covered her ears to try to block the noise again, but it was no use. All the Madrigals were there including Pepe so the light rain turned into a thunderstorm of shock and sorrow.

Craig looked around, people giving him dirty glares. "All this damage to the village would cost 2 million dollars!" Abuela gasped. "Then lets make him pay for it!" Eliana shouted, everyone else agreeing. "Okay guys, wait here." Crag hopped out of his car and fled to country before anyone could stop him. "Why couldn't you just let me die with him?!" Dolores screamed with tears streaming down her face. "I didn't want to lose you both!" Antonio replied, a look of sadness and confusion on his face. "Well now I want to lose myself!" She cried, holding the body. Antonio got off the car and put his hand on Dolores's shoulder. "It's gonna be okay..." He said, trying to comfort her. He pushed his hand off her shoulder. "No it's not, Mariano's dead, my true love's dead!" Dolores then went back to crying over Mariano's dead body.

It was two weeks later. The village was restored to it's natural beauty but it felt off, like a mood sucking cloud covered the area. Only few people acted cheery like Camilo. Dolores was looking through a window, the rain becoming a more frequent thing. Dolores still heard everyone, as much as she didn't want to. She just wanted a end to this power, no, this curse she had. She thought of a place or thing that could stop this noise, or at least turn it down. Camilo came over to Dolores. "Hi Dolores, you seem pretty sad!" Camilo said, Dolores sighed while she looked at Camilo. Camilo slid over a plate of strawberry cake to her. "This cheers up everyone I know, I hope you feel better soon!" Camilo hugs Dolores's head before leaving. Dolores looks at the cake. It was a good strawberry cake, still sweet and delicious. While that was true, all Dolores could think of was throwing it in the gutter and then herself. She then thought of the gutters more deeply. The village made it sound proof because all the rats there made such a ruckus and they couldn't sleep. Dolores was the most thankful for this change now, she could go in there and have some peace and quiet.

Antonio was watching her and a idea popped in his head. He went up to Dolores. "Hey Dolores, wanna walk together?" Antonio asked. Dolores ignored him and walked out of Casita. "Hey, wait up!" Antonio called, running after. Isabela was growing some plants and saw them walk out. "Strange." Isabela muttered. They were walking, Dolores keeping us a fast pace before full on sprinting to get Antonio to stop following her. But he didn't like seeing her sister be sad all the time and knew it was some what his fault so he wanted to make things right. Antonio then spotted a lollipop stand. "Hey Dolores, do you want a lollipop?" Antonio inquired, Dolores taking the chance to lose him. "Hi!" Antonio said to the lollipop seller. The lollipop seller then turned into Camilo. "It was you the whole time?" Antonio asked. "Yeah! I'm giving out lollipops, I see you're trying to cheer up Dolores so you can have two!" Camilo hands Antonio the lollipops. "Thanks!" Antonio said.

When Antonio turned around, Dolores was gone. "Where did she go?" Antonio pondered. "I saw her go that way." Camilo said, pointing to the direction where Dolores went. "Thank you again!" Antonio said before heading in that direction. Antonio was looking around when he feel through the floor. Well it was more like he fell through a hole. The lid closed back when he feel in, falling on Dolores. When they both regained they're senses, Antonio had one big question. "why are we in the gutters?" Dolores looked at him, not wanting to make a single sound because the sense of noise becoming less loud was a blessing to her. "You know, the place you get to through a lid in the ground that leads to this big room full of gross things..." Antonio said, looking at the sewage, rats, and trash everywhere.

Dolores didn't care about any of that though. "I'm free, I'm free!" She exclaimed, twirling and dancing about. Even her voice felt less loud, allowing her to speak louder than a whisper. "Dolores?" Antonio asked. "Not right now, I'm enjoying myself!" Dolores responded, not even looking at him. After some minutes of trying to snap Dolores out of her excitement and leave the place with him, he gives up and decides to leave her be until she was ready to go out herself. "Well, I'll be on my merry way then..." Antonio looked for a way out but there was no way to get all the way up to the lid and leave. Antonio saw a old looking ladder and walked over to it. Antonio pulled onto the ladder but it wouldn't budge. "I guess this was how people from the olden days got here." Antonio muttered. He then noticed a lot of rats around the place and got a idea.

"Hey guys, could you help get that ladder for me?" Antonio asked, making sure the whisper to not interfere with Dolores. The rats agree and use they're long teeth to chew off the ladder free. "Thanks guys!" Antonio thanked and took the ladder below the lid. He set the ladder and climbed up it. "You know you could come with me..." He suggested to Dolores, but she ignored him. "Okay then, but make sure to come out later." Antonio climbed out and noticed that it was the night, nobody was outside. Antonio was walking around randomly, he never had to find the Casita at night and since mostly everyone was asleep, there were no lights. Antonio then saw a place with lights. Antonio ran over, hoping with the added light could hep him see Casita.

He was looking everywhere, trying to see casita but couldn't find it. Then in the corner of his eye he saw what was inside the building. From what he saw it looked like a lot of pizza stacked on one another. Antonio didn't want to admit it but he was a bit nervous going through the dark in no clear way of where he was going, so he decided to look into the friendly looking building to calm his nerves. He saw a animatronic handing out pizza to children. The kids who didn't get pizza got mad and the animatronic rushed to get that kid more pizza. Antonio thought they reminded him of his classmates, how they got mad when given something different from what they wanted.

What he failed to notice was a car driving behind him and then a man coming out of the car. That man is William Afton. William Afton stabbed Antonio, shocking Antonio by the damaging action done so quickly. Antonio wanted to scream or run out of the area to get Dolores but the pace he got stabbed at made him loose to much blood to quickly so he didn't have enough strength and was being held in place by William Afton. Antonio's vision blurred as all he wished to see his family one last time. After some stabs for good measure, Antonio was dead. Then William Afton got back in his car and drove off. Dolores was still enjoying the turned down noise, but instead of jumping around, she was sitting down and relaxing. Then she felt pretty tired so she decided to head back home. When Dolores left the gutter, she remembered Antonio wasn't there.

Dolores was now very nervous. Instead of going to Casita, she looked around the village for her little brother. Then behind a pizzeria was the dead body of Antonio. If Dolores was depressed by Mariano's death, she was distraught over her boyfriend and brothers death. She screamed to the heavens, waking up some people. After some villagers went over to see what all the commotion about, they seen the horrifying scene of Dolores holding the little bloody body while tears flowed down her face like the Niagara falls. But while Dolores's case was very saddening, some people got suspicious of Dolores. Actually the most suspicious was the police force, who collected evidence until they had enough proof to take Dolores to court. It was a regular day, most people got over the deaths of Mariano and Antonio, but the Madrigals were still in mourning.

But unknown to Dolores, they were sad for another reason, they were sad for Dolores and what was to come for her. The anticipated knock on the door came and they Madrigals let the police come in with no protest. Dolores wasn't moving, wasn't crying, just hardly breathing and thinking. Thinking on what different she could have done. If she hadn't wanted to go outside with Mariano and teased him about being a cat for not wanting to go out in the rain, he would still be here. If she just agreed to spend time with Antonio or at the very least took him home, he wouldn't have died. No, those wounds were to clean, to perfect to be a accident of any sorts. He had to have been murdered. But by who?

Before she could think on who did it, the police barged into her room. "Dolores Madrigal, you are arrested for the murder of Antonio Madrigal." One of the police men said, putting Dolores in handcuffs. This was the last straw for Dolores's sanity. "No I didn't! No I didn't! No I didn't! I love Antonio, I love him! I wont kill him, this is a mistake please!" She screamed, thrashing about while kicking and screaming. "Seeing that you could have built a narrative that Antonio killed Mariano purposely, how you two left the home at the same time together and for an extended period and then he was found dead, I'd say that's enough proof not counting you're derailment of sanity." Dolores was enraged, they had no evidence that Antonio and her left at the same time or about how long they were outside or even of her disconnection of sanity since most if not all of that took place inside.

Dolores tells the police man about the flaws in their evidence. The police person just shrugged. "You're family was good help with all the evidence we collected, especially Isabela." He responded. Dolores looked at her family with utter betrayal and sadness. She could imagine some people disliking her, some weren't so fond of her hearing ability being a breach of privacy they would say. And they say it like she had any control of it. But her own family coming against her was too much. Especially Isabela, why would she be the most helpful? Dolores would have to think of that more throughly. "If I had to mention anything intriguing that happened with getting information, Camilo insisted that you wouldn't kill anyone and you were just grieving." Camilo wasn't trying to cover for Dolores or anything malicious, it was just that he didn't see anything wrong with Dolores. He always saw the best in people, including Dolores. Dolores looked at Camilo, who was still smiling, but sadly. "Camilo!" She shouted, running to hug him. Before to cops could stop her, Dolores and Camilo embraced. "I didn't kill Antonio! I found-" Dolores was then brought out of her words by a police officer pulling her away. "I love you..." Dolores whispered, tears coming from her eyes. At the court, she was found as insanity so instead of going to jail, Dolores went to a psychiatric ward to be recovered.

It was a tiresome day. Abuela was walking to Casita, coming from making a speech to the rest of the people in the village. She told them that everything was fine, and the increasing rate of kids going missing was gonna be solved very soon. It convinced the people, but Abuela was drained of most of her energy so she just wanted to get some rest. She reached Casita's door, and Casita felt that Abuela was tired so Casita opened the door gently for Abuela. "Thank you Casita." Abuela croaked, walking in. While Abuela was tired, she saw something odd. Camilo's door was open. Camilo was very tidy and would never just leave his door open. Abuela nervously went over to Camilo's door. With Pepa still recovering from the death of Antonio and the state of Dolores, who knows what would Pepa do if all three of her children were not okay, well Abuela didn't want to know.

When Abuela was close enough, she peeked into Camilo's room. Abuela saw Camilo writing out something. Abuela was curious, so she walked over to Camilo. "What are you doing?" Abuela inquired, curious on what Camilo was writing. Camilo turned around quickly, attempting to hide whatever he was writing. "N-nothing!" Camilo stammered, his smile that always adorned his face looking nervous. But Abuela saw what he was writing. He was drawing up a plan to go visit Dolores in the psychiatric ward. Camilo knew that Abuela saw what he was writing and blushed. "I know this looks very weird but I really miss Dolores and no one would want to go with me, not even Pepa and only kids or teens can visit with someone the age of 20 or older accompanying them and they were checking ID's so I couldn't pretend to be 20 so I made a plan to sneak into the building to see Dolores...unless you wanna take me?" Camilo blurted out, ending off with a question. Pepa then made her presence known with a gasp.

The weather started to look dark, so Felix was alerted that Pepa was not feeling good. Felix hoped that the date he took Pepa on would cheer him up for the day, but guess not. Soon enough, Felix found where Pepa was. "Why would you want to talk, to even think of Dolores after she murdered my son, you're younger brother?" Pepa asked, sounding distressed. The best way Pepa coped with all that happened was trying to forget it, including Pepa. "Because what if she feels bad and wants to do better? Everyone deserves a second chance to be a better person!" Camilo proposed. "Son, she killed someone. That can't be redeemed." Felix said, holding Pepa's arm as she looks like she was gonna cry. Abuela looks at Pepa and Felix and then back to Camilo. She nods her head in agreement. "But that's not fair, everyone deserves to have a second chance to do good and we shouldn't deprive her of that!" It was weird to argue while smiling the whole time, but Camilo was doing it.

Camilo then gets up, and shows them a strawberry cake. "And that's why one way or another I'm gonna give her this, talk to her, and give her the second chance she deserves! I know this is against your wishes, and I apologize, but I have to see her, it just doesn't feel right to leave her when she could want to fix her errors but can't because nobody gave her a chance!" Abuela looks at Camilo with sympathy. "Camilo, even if she felt bad and wanted to do better, she can't bring back Antonio from the dead." Abuela said. Pepa went over to Camilo and put her hand on his shoulder. "I agree people should have second chances, but murder can't be excused..." Pepa said, a tear or two coming from her. "I'm not saying everyone should forget what happened, but for her to use her mistake to learn. Besides, what she said to me before she got taken away makes me think that she can." Camilo justified.

Camilo had on a hopeful smile, that maybe they would agree with him. "So would one of you take me to the psychiatric ward?" "The only reason I'd take you to the psychiatric ward is to admit you as a new patient." Bruno joked, passing by Camilo's door. "We just won't talk about Dolores, okay?" Abuela said. "We've already did this with Bruno though." Felix commented. "Yeah, maybe a new saying should be made." Bruno added, poking his head back into the room. While the others were debating, Camilo ran out of the room. Camilo needed some fresh air, a way to distract his mind from thinking of what happened. "Okay Camilo, think of something you like to do..." Camilo ponders while walking between many people going on with their lives like normal.

Camilo then snaps his fingers, his mind finding the most best thing he liked to do. "I know, I like helping people! So I'll just find someone who needs help and help them out!" Camilo scans the area, but can't seem to find a single person needing help. Camilo was about to sigh, but then he hears a cry for help. "Someone help me please!" The person shouted desperately. Camilo ran to where the voice came from, the person was screaming his lungs out by the time Camilo got there. When Camilo got there, he was interrupted before he could say a word. "Good job team, I think that is a good take!" Someone else said, and the man's face went from terrified to calm, as he got up and someone gave him a glass of water.

"Guess I have to find someone else to help..." Camilo mutters with the confident smile he had on before turning into a sad smile. He turned around slowly before walking away to find someone to help. Little did Camilo know, a person who needed help wasn't outside, well not yet at least. Chris Afton was sitting on the floor with psychic friend fredbear, or just Fredbear. Chris usually wasn't this face to face with Fredbear but Fredbear always heard what Chris thought anyway and Chris wanted to get some advice from him. Fredbear had this way of talking so that only Chris could hear him, but Chris was fine with that. Chris on the other hand could talk to Fredbear but others could hear him. This wouldn't be very good for Chris because his older brother, Michael overheard Chris tell Fredbear about how he found the animatronics his dad worked with scary. Now instead of normally bullying Chris, Michael and his friends bullied Chris by wearing the masks of the four main characters and taunt him. Chris cried every time.

Chris was very easy to make cry, a crying child, if you will. But each time it happened, the same amount of fear came over Chris and he would cry just as hard. Even when Chris was home, Michael would pop out randomly in random places wearing the Foxy mask, that would scare Chris the most. Right now though, Chris was talking to Fredbear, still nervous of any foxes popping out. "Tomorrow in gonna be you're birthday and also you're dad's bring your kid to work day." Fredbear says. "I really love dad, but I hope he doesn't take me to his workplace. The animatronics there are so scary!" Chris confides, picking up and hugging Fredbear. Then, Michael pops out from under the couch with the Foxy mask on, causing Chris to throw Fredbear out of fright.

Fredbear lands smoothly on the couch as Chris starts crying. William Afton comes into the living room when hearing Chris crying. William Afton looks at Chris. "You know tomorrow is gonna be take your kid to work day, right?" William Afton asks. Chris sniffles and Michael rolls his eyes. "Y-yeah?" Chris replies. "Well I just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking you there." Chris puts on a fake smile. "O-oh, thanks d-dad" Chris hugs William Afton. After some time Chris lets go and William Afton looks at Michael. "As for you, you can go to you're room." "Geez, it's not my fault Chris is a baby." Michael says. When Michael and William Afton left, Chris went to pick up Fredbear. "Sorry for throwing you into the air, I just got really scared by Michael." Chris says. "It's okay but what about tomorrow?" Fredbear inquires. "Me and dad have a really good relationship and I know he was trying to cheer me up so I kind of had to agree. Maybe I should just calm my nerves with a walk." Chris suggests. "Can I come?" Fredbear asks. Chris smiles, still shivering from fear though. "Sure!" Chris picks up Fredbear and goes outside. While Chris went to go sit somewhere, Camilo was still searching for someone to help. But wherever Camilo looked, all he saw were happy people, some with cheerful children. They were all carrying on with their day with no problems. The only person to seem to be troubled was Luisa, but she was near the other Madrigals so he couldn't go to her.

Camilo turned around and saw someone else who was not very okay. Camilo saw Chris sitting on a chair sadly. Camilo feels a need to make him happy. "Poor boy, he looks so sad! I gotta cheer him up!" Camilo races over to Chris. When Chris noticed Camilo standing over him with a big kind smile on his face, Chris looked up at Camilo in confusion. "H-hello sir..." Chris muttered, hugging Fredbear. "Hey, I noticed you were a bit sad over there so I wanted to ask you how can I help!" Camilo explains, a eager grin and anticipating eyes signified that he was awaiting Chris's response. Luisa was helping people in the village as well and was helping Greg carry some heavy chests with some snowfall on the side. Luisa couldn't help but notice that Greg was looking a bit dejected. Luisa knew how his son Reg went missing and his body couldn't be found.

Greg noticed Luisa looking at him and laughed nervously. "I was just thinking of Reg being missing, just like my wife..." Greg muttered, looking off to the side. Luisa didn't know that Greg also had his wife missing. "I didn't know you're wife went missing, I thought she was still here. I'm so sorry..." "It's okay, most people think that I do because of my 2 sons....or used to be two sons." Greg gets a little sad but after a uncomfortable silence, he continued on. "It was a good marriage of 12 years and two kids, me and Meg loved each other very much. But then one day she went to a chess competition with a friend and her and the friend never came back. Nobody knows what happened to her or that friend, just poof, vanished. I liked joking around to Reg and Hegge that Meg played her last round." Greg explained, looking off into the sky.

Greg pulls out a small framed photo and just stares at it, making Luisa curious. "What's that?" Luisa inquired, looking over Greg's shoulder. Luisa saw Greg standing next to a woman who was obviously Meg with Reg and Hegge between them. "Now I don't know what to do without my wife or younger son..." Luisa puts her hand on Greg's shoulder. "I hope you get the closure you deserve." Luisa comforted. Luisa then went to put the chests back, passing Camilo and Chris. She overheard their conversation. "Well it's just that tomorrow my dad's gonna take me to his job for my birthday, but the animatronics there are really scary!" Chris tells Camilo, who was listening intently and writing what Chris said down on a small notebook. Camilo feels sad for Chris, but what he didn't know was that Luisa was also sad for Chris as well.

"Hey, what if I just pretend to be you for you're birthday? Then you wont have to go!" Camilo exclaims. Chris thinks about it for a minute. "I mean it is just my 6th birthday so I'll have more birthdays so okay!" Chris says. Camilo gives Chris a hug. "I know I'm the one who's technically helping you, but this is also gonna help me so thank you!" Camilo says, making Chris smile shyly. Camilo walks towards Casita, hoping to find Abuela to apologize to Abuela for sneaking off. But Camilo bumps into Luisa's chest. "Oh hello Luisa and Greg!" Camilo said, looking at Luisa and Greg standing next to each other. "Hello Camilo!" Greg responds, and Luisa gives Camilo a warm smile. "I heard what you're gonna do for Chris." Luisa said. Camilo gulped, what if Luisa told Abuela, who knows how she would react.

"And me and Greg were wondering if we could come." Luisa added, catching Camilo off-guard. "You wanna come with me?" Camilo asked, wanting to make sure. "Yeah, Luisa told me about what you were gonna do and I thought it would me try to get over some things!" Greg said. "Well if you guys wont tell on me then sure!" Camilo said. "Don't worry, we'll be really secretive about everything like I am for my spices!" Greg reassures. Luisa and Camilo look at him, confused but forget about it. "We should act like we usually do, to not make anyone suspicious." Luisa suggests. "That's a good idea!" Camilo says, Greg agrees by Luisa a thumbs up. They all go back doing they're daily activities like normal.

Soon enough it was the next day and Chris's birthday. Camilo wakes up at 6 am exactly as usual and goes to leave, but Abuela stops him. "Camilo, where are you going?" Abuela asks. "I'm going to help Eliana with the bite on her wrist, she wanted me to help her with it!" Camilo said, he didn't like lying but it was for a good reason. Abuela was about to object but something stops her. "Abuela, I can take Camilo to make sure he isn't gonna go see Dolores by breaking into the psychiatric ward!" Luisa offers, winking to Camilo and startling Abuela. "Luisa, you usually aren't awake at 6 am." Abuela comments. "I had a nightmare about our family's state and woke up early from it." Luisa explained. "Hm, I guess it's okay then." Abuela said, going back to her room. Luisa and Camilo go out together and go to Greg's house.

Camilo knocks on Greg's door. "Come back at 2 pm, that's when I sell spices!" Greg shouts sleepily. Greg then remembers the birthday party. "Oh yeah, I'll be there in a second!" Greg shouts, but this time full of energy. Greg bursts out with the force to knock somebody on the floor, well unless they were Luisa, in that case Greg just crashed into Luisa. "You really were in a rush, weren't you?" Luisa asked, taking a napkin to wipe the toothpaste off her dress. "Yeah, sorry about the toothpaste, hehe..." Greg laughed nervously at the end. "Ah, it's fine, but you gotta get going to Chris, Camilo." Luisa reminded Camilo. "Oh yeah, thanks for telling me that!" Camilo rushed to the park. Chris was also there with Fredbear. "Chris?" Fredbear said, making Chris look at him. "Yeah Fredbear?" Chris said. "Can I stay with you?" Fredbear asked. "Sure!" Chris said.

Fredbear blushes, but Chris doesn't notice. "Hey Chris!" Camilo called out. "Hi Camilo!" Chris said. Camilo shapeshifts into Chris. "My house is over there." Chris points where his house is. "Thanks!" Camilo runs to Chris's house. Then Camilo shapeshifts into Robert Wadlow to open a window before shapeshifting back into Chris to get in. Then Camilo goes into Chris's room and looks at the alarm clock in his room. It was 6:03 am. Camilo takes a quick glance at the room and notices four plushies. Camilo goes over to them to get a better look. He notices one of them had his head ripped off.

Camilo touches the stuffing in the plushies head. Camilo then takes out his phone and goes on tiktok. He plays a video made by Greg, who surpassed Charli D'Amelio in followers by making a expose video on Matt Brians. Camilo watches all the videos on the topic of exposing Matt which taken so long that when Camilo was done with them all that it was almost time to go to where Chris's dad worked. Camilo puts his phone away and goes out of his room. Camilo sees Chris's mom, Clara Afton. "You must be excited for you're birthday, aren't you?" Clara asked. "Yeah!" Chris exclaimed. "I hope we get there while the ice cream is still cold!" Elizabeth Afton, Chris's sister said. "I'm looking forward to being with people the most, so the sooner we get there the better!" Camilo said. Michael gives Camilo a weird look because the last time he saw Chris he was nervous about his birthday but not anymore.

Meanwhile with Luisa and Greg, they were playing an intense game of chess. While Greg wasn't as into chess as his wife, he would play the game with her and learned a thing or two about it. Greg defeated another one of Luisa's pieces. "I win!" Greg announces, jumping out of his chair. "Woah, that was pretty long. I should check the time." Luisa goes on her phone to check the time. "Oh no, were gonna be late!" Luisa exclaimed. "Aw, but I wanna celebrate a little longer..." Greg said sadly. "There's no time though!" Luisa quickly puts away her phone and motions for Greg to get in his car to drive them. "You're just mad I won!" Greg crossed his arms and turns his head. "Greg!" Luisa shouted. "Well at the very least can we eat celebratory old southern sugar cake?" Greg asks, holding up a piece of old southern sugar cake. The cake would've tasted awful because of how long ago it was made but with Luisa swallowing it so quickly and some additives. "Hey!" A weird voice that sounds kinda like auto tune shouts. Greg and Luisa look where the voice came from and saw Huggy Wuggy shrouded in darkness, but Greg and Luisa didn't know it was Huggy Wuggy.

"It's an extremely tall cookie monster!" Greg jumps behind the steering wheel and Luisa gets in the back. The tall cookie monster ran after the car, as Greg drove as fast as possible to hopefully lose Huggy Wuggy. "Give me a ride, please!" Huggy Wuggy shouted, running after the car. "I need to get to a very important place!" Huggy Wuggy explained with a tired tone in his voice from running. "Yeah, and we need to get anywhere but you're dinner plate!" Greg yelled. Huggy Wuggy tries to jump in the car but Luisa threw him out. Then Luisa saw something unusual. Huggy Wuggy was missing 4 teeth. "Are you...okay?" Luisa asks. "Uhm, Luisa, that's a creepy cookie monster you're talking to!" Greg reminds Luisa hurriedly. "Maybe he needs help, 4 of his teeth are missing." Greg sighs. "Oh alright, but can the cookie monster at least explain what's going on?" Greg asked. "Only if you give me a piece of that sugar cake!" Huggy Wuggy responds. Greg hands him one and Huggy Wuggy scarfs it down. "It's that my friend Monty wants to hurt this kid who's at this birthday party, and I have to get there before he can." Huggy Wuggy answers.

"Why would someone be so mad at a child?" Greg questioned. "Is he gonna hurt the kid?" Luisa asked. "I hope he doesn't, but I feel like I should explain everything first, you see watch this video for why." Lets just say that wasn't a short story, by the time Huggy Wuggy was done explaining, they were at the pizzeria. Huggy Wuggy then spots someone. "That's him, that's the kid!" Huggy Wuggy points at a brown haired kid with a blue striped shirt. That was Gregory, and he was currently eating a slice of pizza. "I have to go protect him!" Huggy Wuggy runs over and awkwardly sits next to Gregory. "Uh, what are you doing?" Gregory asks. "Aha, did you know it was protect a stranger from you're angry friend day?" Huggy Wuggy responds. Greg and Luisa look at each other before shrugging and walking inside.

The Afton's were also there. "I never knew you were this extroverted Chris!" Elizabeth exclaimed. "Well everyone is really extraordinary if you just get to know them!" Camilo shrugged. Elizabeth wasn't the only one to notice something different with Chris though. Michael saw something was up with Chris or Camilo the moment Michael saw him. "That's weird, usually Chris is super scared of those animatronics." Caleb mentioned, flicking the long ears on his rabbit mask. "Well I'm gonna go get some pizza." All Landon needed to do was walk around a little to suddenly set off a booby trap, sending a cage falling down on him super fast. Luckily, Landon runs out of the way and the cage lands on nothing. The traps were all set up by Monty, he made them all to catch Gregory. Monty rolls in with a wheelchair because his legs were lost in the fall. "Well look who we got here...a chicken mask?" Landon accidentally dropped his mask while running for his life. "Oh yeah, thanks for telling me." Landon grabs the Chica mask.

"Sorry about that, I thought that thing was a stupid kid I need to get my hands on." Monty said. "That guys sitting really weirdly." Hanson points out, taking off his Freddy mask and pointing at Huggy Wuggy. Huggy Wuggy was sitting in a way that he was covering Gregory from Monty who was grabbing a pizza slice. Monty looks at Huggy Wuggy and waves at him, smiling. Huggy Wuggy waved back, having a wide but nervous smile. Gregory then gets up and attempts to walk away, but Huggy Wuggy grabs him by the shoulders. "Where are you going, Monty's gonna rage at you if he sees you!" Huggy Wuggy whispers, standing in front of Gregory to cover him from Monty. Monty looks at Huggy Wuggy. "Uh, are you talking to yourself?" Monty asked. Huggy Wuggy looks behind at Monty and tries to act cool. "Aha, no it's just that I'm uh...." Huggy Wuggy looks around and his eyes land on some kids playing. "Really wanna go hang out with the other kids but I'm a bit nervous!" Huggy Wuggy exclaims. Monty rolls over to Huggy Wuggy, while Huggy Wuggy turns to constantly be front facing Monty, twirling Gregory around like they were dancing.

"Huggy Wuggy, you are the most epic person I have ever met. They would love to play with you." Monty reassures, looking Huggy Wuggy straight in the eyes with confidence. While Monty was looking at Huggy Wuggy's eyes, he didn't notice Gregory shrugging before walking away. "Man, this pizza's really good!" Gregory commented, catching the attention of Monty and Huggy Wuggy. "There he is, that little jerk!" Monty lunged at Gregory, but Huggy Wuggy held him off. Gregory didn't even notice the animatronic try to get a hold of him while a tall cookie monster held him off as Gregory went to talk to the other kids. "Don't hurt him!" Huggy Wuggy said. "I have to use a wheelchair because of that twerp!" Monty protested. "Yes, but it's not nice." Huggy Wuggy said. "I still got to...!" Monty reached out to try to claw at Gregory. "You're gonna have to fight past me." Huggy Wuggy and Monty got into a fistfight. "Hey guys, what are you doing?" Gregory inquires to the other kids. "Oh, we're playing hide and seek, wanna play with us?" Camilo asks. Gregory smiles. "Sure!"

Camilo's restless smile warms even more for making another person smile. Camilo turns to the rest of the kids. "Okay so for this round Caillou is gonna be the seeker!" Camilo announces. "Aw, he always finds me first though." Rosie mutters. "Don't worry, if you practice you could excel at this game, and besides, it's just a fun game!" Camilo reassures. Rosie looks at Caillou, who nods his head. Rosie looks back at Camilo. "You're right Chris, how could I think that Caillou could beat me in tag?" Rosie thanks, Camilo beams with happiness, he was helping multiple people! "Your on sis, I'll start counting now!" Caillou covers his eyes. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ready or not, here I come!" All the kids started running. Camilo runs to hide under one of the tables only to see Monty and Huggy Wuggy fighting each other. Camilo had to help them, it was the right thing to do. "Hey guys, what's wrong?" Camilo asks. Monty and Huggy Wuggy don't stop the fistfight that turned into a dust cloud of battle, but they explain.

"This guy wants me to not confront a little brat who made me lose my legs!" Monty says. "But I can't let him do anything to that kid!" Huggy Wuggy said. Camilo thinks for a moment and comes up with an idea to help these two resolve their conflict. "Maybe you should talk to the kid, I think he feels bad about what happened so you shouldn't just go and yell in his face!" Camilo said. "I was gonna do more than yell in his face but maybe you're right..." Monty said. Monty looks around but can't see Gregory anywhere. "...Do any of you know where that kid is?" Monty asks. "Maybe you should ask that kid running around, he found some other kids." Huggy Wuggy suggests. Caillou had found some kids but Gregory wasn't one of them. "Hm, maybe you are right, I'll go ask him." Monty says before going over to Caillou. Caillou bumps into Monty and falls over. "What the..." Caillou mutters, rubbing his head with his hand before getting up. "Sorry, sorry, but did you see a brown haired kid with a blue t-shirt?" Monty inquires. "Gregory? Haven't found him yet, he and Chris are the last two people I need to find in 8 minutes for me to win hide and seek." Caillou mentions.

Monty then gets an idea. "What if I help you, I mean I bet you could find those people faster with help!." Monty asks. "I mean it would help both of us, so sure!" Caillou agrees. Meanwhile with Chris and Fredbear, they were having ice cream but Chris was starting to feel bad for Camilo. Fredbear knew Chris felt uncertainty and wanted to help him. "You're concerned about Camilo, aren't you?" Fredbear asked, but Fredbear didn't need to because he already knew that was what was troubling Chris. "I don't know what to do Fredbear, on one hand I want to tell the truth but on the other hand I don't want to go there, especially with Michael and his friends there with those scary animatronics..." Chris gets tears in his eyes. "You know Chris, I think you should do whatever it takes to help someone you care about. I mean, I'm working on something right now for you. It's really tricky, but I know its worth it because it would help you. So if you feel like going to that party to help out Camilo is something you should do for him, then I'd say you should." Fredbear looks off to the side and blushes.

"What are you working on?" Chris asks. "It's a secret." Fredbear responds. Chris then thinks of what Fredbear said, and decides to go help out Camilo. "Your right, Camilo's my friend and I should go help him. Also, lying is wrong so I need to tell the truth! Do you mind staying here?" Chris asks. "Oh, not at all." Chris runs off in the direction of the pizzeria, but instead of leaving him alone, Fredbear follows Chris. Fredbear had experience in following Chris whenever they were apart, so it was easy to avoid being spotted. Meanwhile at the pizzeria, there was only 2 minutes left for Caillou and Monty to find Gregory. Caillou was passing by a balloon stand when he tripped on the balloon boys shoes. "Stupid animatronic..." Caillou mutters under his breath, he gets up and looks at the animatronic. Then Caillou notices the balloon boy looked much more like a human. Caillou then removed his hat, only to see Gregory's hair. "Aha, caught you!" Caillou exclaims. "Okay, Okay, you got me." Gregory says, then he notices Monty, who was walking over to him. "Uh oh-" Gregory says, but Monty stops him. "Look kid, I'm sorry for wanting to hurt you." Monty apologizes. "Uhm, I don't really know what you mean but I can fix you up." Gregory offers.

"Really, you would do that?" Monty asks. "Yeah, I found some repair tools in the back, that's where I also put the real balloon boy in, so I kinda have to go in there." Gregory said. "I would love that!" Monty says, and they both head on over to the back area. "Monty, you still gotta help me find Chris!" Caillou shouts to Monty. "Tough luck, kid." Monty replied with a chill expression as he went into to back area with Gregory. "Okay Caillou, you can do this. Maybe there's still enough time to look for Chris yourself..." Caillou checks the wall clock, there were only 30 seconds left. "No!" Caillou screamed, sounding like when Monty gets billed. He runs around, trying to find Camilo. Caillou gets dangerously close to where Camilo was hiding, so Camilo knew he had to make a break for it. Then Gregory comes out with Monty who was walking, not in a wheelchair. Monty was drinking a metallic smoothie while Gregory sets up balloon boy at the balloon stand. "That was way faster than I thought, thanks Gregory!" Monty says. "No problem, uh why are you still looking for Chris?" Gregory asks. "How many seconds are left, I can't lose after winning hide and seek five times!" Caillou asks desperately. Gregory checks the wall clock. "23 seconds." Gregory answers.

"Oh no!" Caillou starts frantically checking every hiding place he could think Chris could possibly be. Caillou then bumps into animatronic Fredbear's animatronic leg, dazing him, but not really hurting at all. "I want the water now!" Caillou exclaims. Gregory looks at Monty, who in response just gives Gregory a confused look back. Camilo rushes over to Caillou to help him up. "...Why are you helping me...your supposed to be hiding from me..." Caillou asks. "I would never value a silly game over a friend!" Camilo answers, and they both hug. Caillou looks up and sees Gregory running out of the back area. "That's no animatronic!" He yells, Alejandro wearing a costume that looked exactly like Monty but his head was taken off, revealing he wasn't actually Monty. "Little rat, why'd you knock off my hat?" Alejandro then eats some crumbs of the sugar cake and laughs uncontrollably. Alejandro runs over to Huggy Wuggy, Luisa and Greg. Greg was the only calm and collected one of the trio, unlike Luisa and Huggy Wuggy, Greg built up a tolerance to cocaine. Alejandro grabs onto Huggy Wuggy. "Give me more of that sugar cake!" Alejandro shouts, shaking Huggy Wuggy. Alejandro shakes Huggy Wuggy so hard that Huggy Wuggy gets really dizzy and wobbles off, bumping into Greg.

"I have sugar cake!" Greg said. Huggy Wuggy pulls his head off, revealing he was actually Mr. Barbara. They all lunge at the sugar cake. Caillou looks at that and cringes. "Uh, that looks rough." Caillou asks, looking at the people mentioned previously fighting over the cake. Camilo gasps, his face looking nervous as he covers his mouth but keeps on smiling when he sees Luisa also there. The battle went from 4 people fighting each other to 3 vs 1 because they knew they would lose to Luisa's strength if they fought apart, so they made a agreement to split the sugar cake into three parts. They each intended to just run off with the whole cake after the battle was over. Camilo knew he had to help out these people solve this issue, but how? Camilo looks around the room to get some idea on how to help these people resolve their conflict. Camilo then sees a cake and gets an idea. Camilo would have explained his plan of how he was gonna get that cake to the people fighting over the sugar cake because Camilo taught they wanted the cake just because cake was just really good, not that there was Cocaine on it, but Camilo had to save Luisa fast, so no time to explain. Camilo gets up and runs in the direction where he saw the cake, but he trips.

The thing was Michael and his friends were watching what was happening, and didn't notice the fight happening because of animatronic Fredbear blocking their view. All they saw was Camilo nervously looking at animatronic Fredbear, specifically at the jaws. Camilo looks up at the fight and sees Luisa beat the others and was now juggling them all. Camilo tears up, but not from sadness. He was happy crying, it would be easy to see that but in the way Camilo tripped his arms covered the lower part of his face, concealing the smile on his face. Before Camilo could burst out laughing, he was interrupted by Caleb. "Wow, your brother is kind of a baby, isn't he?" Caleb said. "Oh, I'm sorry sir but I think you're mistaken, I-" Then Camilo gets interrupted by Michael. "It's hilarious, why don't we help him get a better look, he'll love it." Michael suggests, his friends agreeing. "Actually I have to get going, Luisa-" Camilo was again interrupted. "Come on guys, let's give Chris a lift, he wants to get up close and personal." Michael said. "I have to go though!" Camilo explains, trying to sneak away but then Michael grabs Camilo by the arm and drags him in front of animatronic Fredbear.

Camilo looks over and sees that Mr. Barbara, Alejandro, and Greg abandoned their plan of fighting Luisa together because they each blamed each other for why they lost to Luisa in the first place. They were all still fighting, Camilo had to help them, he knew how. "Let me go, please!" Camilo asks. "You heard Chris, he wants to get even closer!" Michael said. At this point, Camilo was just severely confused. But he didn't have enough time to dwell on that since now they all held him up in front of animatronic Fredbear. "Can you please put me down!" Camilo said. "Hey guys, I think Chris said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!" Michael said. But that's not what he said at all! "On three..." Michael starts. "One, two..." They all say before putting Camilo's head into animatronic Fredbear's jaws. Camilo wasn't scared because he was very brave, but he still had to help out all those people fighting over the cake, which Camilo knew they were still doing. They were still fighting for the cake, and even moved in front of the entrance for the fight. Camilo tried wiggling his way out of animatronic Fredbear, but it was to tightly pressed on his head, not enough to hurt. but enough so that he couldn't get out. Then something happened that nobody expected.

Chris went through the entrance door. "No!" Luisa shouted as the sugar cake was knocked out of her grasp. Chris then sees that Camilo's head was in animatronic Fredbear's mouth. "Wait, that isn't me!" Chris rushed to get Camilo out of animatronic Fredbear's jaws but before Chris could get near, animatronic Fredbear glitches out. Animatronic Fredbear's mouth closes onto Camilo, but something saves him. The cake that was knocked out of Luisa's hands flings at animatronic Fredbear's mouth. Camilo shapeshifts back into his original form. Thankfully the bite was reduced due from the sugar cake and more likely plate under it, but his head was still crushed. Luisa sees this and runs over. "Camilo, no!" Luisa exclaims. "What the..." Michael takes a step back. Luisa takes Camilo in her arms and runs to Casita. Luisa wanted to ask Julieta to heal Camilo of his head injury, running as fast as ever because Luisa was worried Camilo would die before she reached Julieta. But when she gets there, all Luisa saw was Casita looking very messy as Mirabel was sitting on the floor, crying. Luisa carefully placed Camilo on the floor and runs to Mirabel. "Mirabel, what's wrong?" Luisa asked. Mirabel slowly lifts her head to look at her. Her eyes were blurry from the tears in them, and a trail of tears went down her face, showing that she had been crying for some time.

Then Mirabel hugged Luisa. "I was so scared for you, I thought you were dead too!" Mirabel said. "Wait...dead too? Someone...died?" Luisa asked. Mirabel lets go. "Yeah...while you and Camilo were gone..." Mirabel looks to the floor. Bruno then steps down the stairs. "I should have predicted this, how could I let something like that happen in Casita!" Bruno said. "No, Bruno, its not your fault. Its nobody's." Mirabel walked over to Bruno and takes his hands. "Pepa still won't come out of her room..." Bruno said. Bruno then sees Luisa. "Luisa!" Bruno goes over to Luisa, helping her up while Mirabel followed after. Mirabel sees Camilo. "Oh no, Camilo!" Mirabel lifts Camilo's head and puts it on a pillow. "That's actually why I ran here so fast, I need Julieta so she can heal Camilo...does he still have a pulse?" Mirabel feels Camilo's pulse. "Yes...but you can't see Julieta..." Mirabel confirms. "Why though...wait a minute...oh no, is she...?" Bruno nods his head. "And Isabela..." Bruno adds. Luisa gasps, tears forming in her eyes. "How did they die?" Luisa asked. Abuela came into the room as well, being done with calming a very distressed Agustin. "Well, after some time you left with Camilo, someone nobody expected came." Abuela started, going over to Camilo.

"It was Dolores, but she was unrecognizable. She was completely insane and her eyes showed it. She demanded to see Camilo but he was out with you and even then, she broken out of the psychiatric ward so we had to bring her back. But then she saw Isabela and snapped, Dolores jumped at Isabela, clawing at her face. But Julieta was a caring mother, and would do anything to protect her children. Julieta pulled Dolores from Isabela and in turn Dolores shoves Julieta off her. Dolores didn't have super strength, but she had no sanity left so no limits on herself as well, so Dolores jerked Julieta into the kitchen and into a oven that was still on, Julieta was making some quesadillas. The oven closes because of the force hitting in it, and Julieta and the quesadillas were cooked. Then Dolores rips off Isabela's face, killing her. Then when we thought this was the end for us all, she just left." Abuela ends the story with a glass of water she drinks. She then looks at Bruno. "Did you or Felix get Pepa out of her room?" Abuela asks. "No...she just won't come out..." Felix answers. "How did Casita get so messy?" Luisa asks. "After what happened, Pepa got this massive storm over her head than disorganized everything, I don't blame her though after everything that happened though." Mirabel said. "Shouldn't we take Camilo to the hospital?" Agustin asks. "Oh yeah, we should hurry!" Mirabel exclaims, picking up Camilo. "To the car!" Felix shouts, they all get in the car. Abuela takes the steering wheel and drives.

It has been 3 weeks and 2 days since what happened. Camilo had woken up, but has regressed back into a younger stage of his life from the trauma he experienced. Now Camilo was constantly shape shifted into when he was a little kid. Camilo was in the park with Felix and Pepa. Pepa had started coming out of her room more, but nothing to far yet. "Dada!" Camilo pulled on Felix's shirt and pointed towards the swings. "Okay buddy!" Felix goes over to the swings. "Try walking to the swings!" Felix said, they were hoping of finding a way to return Camilo back to normal. Camilo shakes his head. "No, no, carry!" Camilo pulls on Pepa's dress. "Carry!" Pepa also tries to get Camilo to walk to the swings on his own, but after some time finally relents and carries Camilo to the swings. Pepa places Camilo in the swings. Pepa sighs, which Felix notices. Camilo excitedly swung himself as Pepa goes to talk to Felix. "Felix, can you watch Camilo? I wanna go on a walk to calm my nerves." Pepa asks. "Of course! Everyone knows how much you've been dealing with so I'd be pleased to watch over Camilo!" Pepa smiles and kisses Felix. "Thank you." Pepa said.

Pepa waves goodbye to Felix and he does the same. Felix then turns around to Camilo. "Dada, swing higher!" Camilo said. Felix goes behind Camilo and pulls the swing back. Felix then lets go. Camilo giggles, waving his arms in the wind. then Camilo falls and scraps his knee. Felix rushes over, helping Camilo up, but Camilo just kept on giggling, picking at the wound. "Hey, stop that!" Felix tried moving Camilo's hands away from the injury, but he just put his hands back on it. Felix looked around for something to get Camilo to stop. "What if I got you ice cream, strawberry is your favorite, right?" Camilo looks at Felix with a curious face, his smile still beaming. "Ice cream?" Camilo asks. "Yeah, ice cream! Just stop picking that boo-boo." Felix said. Camilo then giggles and puts his hands on his sides. "Okay!" Camilo agrees. Felix hugs Camilo before going to that ice cream truck to get ice cream. Then Dolores walks behind Camilo. Not many people were near the swings because they mostly played around the water sprinkler, so nobody noticed that Dolores was there.

"Hey Camilo, wanna come with me?" Dolores asks. Camilo turns around. "Sissy!" Camilo reaches his arms out to Dolores. Dolores picks up Camilo and goes into the forest. They just walk around the area for a few minutes, until Dolores find the place where she wanted to be with Camilo. She walked to a river stream before setting Camilo down. Camilo kicks his legs in the water and giggles. In turn, Dolores sways legs in the water, making gentle ripples in the water and Camilo awe in amazement. "Would you like to hear a story?" Dolores asked. Camilo nods excitedly. "Yeah, yeah!" Camilo said. "Well it's actually my story, but that just makes it more important to tell you." Dolores looks into the sky that was started to gray up, letting her know that Pepa was aware of Camilo's disappearance. "Some time ago, I had everything I wanted. A boyfriend, a family, and a happy life. One day, Mariano, my boyfriend proposed to me with this beautiful ring, and I accepted, becoming his fiance. Over the next few days, we planned the marriage. Then one day, while we were looking at places where the marriage could take place, this man drives in with immense speed, Antonio in the car with him. Antonio called on his tiger to push me and Mariano out of the car's way, but the tiger only pushed me because Mariano was to strong to fall over from the tiger, so he was hit, killing him." Dolores's eye twitched a bit of the reminder of Mariano's death, but carried on.

"I was distressed over this, and isolated myself from everyone. I then got an idea to go into the gutters to calm myself, it was soundproof also so it felt like I could disconnect from reality. But Antonio followed me, I tried losing him but he found me anyway and I just decided to deal with that tomorrow. I just let go of my surroundings and just enjoyed the one thing I couldn't for so long. Then when I decided to leave, Antonio was missing. I was worried that Antonio could have gotten lost on him way to Casita, but when I found him, it was much worse." Dolores breathed in and out, calming her nerves to tell the next part of the story. Camilo looked at Dolores, intrigued by the story. "He was lying on the floor, in a pool of his own blood, dead. From what those people told me, I was showing signs of insanity after Mariano's death, but those signs skyrocketed when Antonio died. Though I can not confirm those words since I could never tell, I can tell you though that what they though of who killed Antonio was completely wrong. They thought it was me, and even when I tried defending myself, they found me guilty. They sent me to a psychiatric ward, and I could hear everything again. The noise was even louder because I was in a white room, not giving me much surrounding to distract myself. After a few days, I heard something. You wanted to visit me, but the rest of our family wouldn't let you. I then lost control, breaking out of the straight jacket and breaking out of that psychiatric ward. Those people weren't happy about this but I still persevered. When I finally reached Casita, I asked to see Camilo but Abuela told me he was not here. I took that the wrong way and thought you were gone like Antonio. I know now that your still here, but right then, I completely snapped. My mind had to blame something, and landed on Isabela. I didn't look for a knife or anything to hurt Isabela, I just jumped on Isabela. Then before I could really hurt Isabela, Julieta pulled me off. I was so mad, I shoved Julieta away harshly. Then I grabbed Isabela and pulled on her as hard as I could, she screamed, but only for a moment. That was because when I pulled off her face, she just fell to the floor. I then snapped out of it when I saw the skin of Isabela's face in my hands. I got out of there, and now I'm on the run from those people..." Dolores finishes her story.

Dolores had started crying, but since she was so immersed in her story, she didn't notice. Camilo did though and tugged on Dolores's hand. Dolores looks at Camilo. Camilo nudges a plate with a strawberry cake towards Dolores. Dolores bursts in tears and hugs Camilo. "I need to get help to control my emotions to not hurt anyone else, after we get out of here, I'll go to therapy." Dolores said after a few minutes. "Make sure you try your best at therapy, I'm sure you'll recover!" Camilo said. They let go. "I feel like your going back to your regular self." Dolores said. Camilo thinks about this. "I might have to think about that, while I didn't have any control over regressing, what Pepa says, I get some comfort being a kid, like a time when none of this happened." Camilo said. "Well its time to get back to Pepa and Felix, come on Camilo." Dolores gets up. "I can walk by myself, also here's your cake!" Camilo hands Dolores the strawberry cake. Dolores looks around for the exit while chewing on the cake, but she couldn't find it. Then when Dolores finally found the pathway she used to get here, it was blocked off by a pile of debris, put there by Pepa's storm. Dolores looks back at Camilo. Camilo was mentally maturing again and there was a chance they couldn't find a way out of here, so Dolores decided to ask Camilo to look for a place where they could hide out from the storm, or better yet someone who could help them.

"Hey Camilo, the paths been blocked so I need to find a new path to get us out of here, if I cant can you find anyone who could help us or a place we could stay for a bit?" Dolores asked. "Of course!" Camilo exclaimed before going into the trees. Camilo was skipping around, looking around his surroundings. Then Camilo sees someone in the distance. Camilo remembers Dolores wanted Camilo to find someone who could help them. Camilo runs towards him. "Hey sir, can you help us?" He turns around and looks at Camilo. When Camilo finally reaches the guy, he was pretty tired due to his short legs and Camilo looks up at him. The guy was William Afton. William Afton stabs Camilo. "Owie!" Camilo shouts. Dolores hears this immediately and thinks Camilo hurt himself accidentally. Dolores abandons finding another path for now and runs towards the direction Camilo went to find him. Camilo looks at William Afton. Camilo pulls out a strawberry cake. "Y-you seem pretty m-mad...strawberry c-cake helps everyone..." Camilo said. William Afton stabs Camilo again. The knife stabs into Camilo's left lung, then his small intestines. Some of the blood even lands in his mouth.

Dolores reaches there, just as William Afton was about to leave. "No, Camilo!" Dolores shouts, running over. She picks up Camilo's body and hugs it, his intestines leaning on Dolores's dress. Camilo slowly hugs back, surprising Dolores. "I love you, sis." Camilo gasps, barely able to say it. Then he limply falls into Dolores, showing that Camilo was dead. "No, please, come back! I promise I'll be a better person!" Dolores hugged Camilo's dead body tighter, then something goes through her chest, hitting some vital arteries. Dolores then also slumps to the floor, being dead as well. "Gotta get rid of the witnesses." William Afton said, removing the knife from Dolores's back before leaving. It has been a few days since Camilo and Dolores's deaths. It has been ruled as a murder-suicide. Now that Dolores was dead, the investigators could testing on the bodies that were murdered by Dolores to look for clues and they could get buried. Those investigators were so in depth with their research, that they only got time to look at Julieta's body before having to bury them both. All the Madrigals were worried for one person, that person being Pepa. After attending funerals, she hasn't come out of her room the whole rest of the afternoon.

She wouldn't even let Felix in to sleep. Felix got really tired and asked Luisa to just bust open the door so he could go in. The door was jammed shut, but Luisa used her super strength to open the door. Even though Pepa was grieving, Felix should still be allowed to sleep. But when Luisa opened that door, Pepa was hanging by a noose, she had killed herself. The Madrigals rushed Pepa to the hospital, but it was too late. She was dead. The next morning, the Madrigals had to have another burial for Pepa. Everyone was scared, sad, and most importantly, didn't know what to do next.

Camilo wakes up. He felt strange, and cold for some reason. He wasn't shivering or anything though, like the coldness wasn't external but internal, if that's possible. Camilo also couldn't see anything from the darkness. Was this what death felt like? "Hey, I can feel him waking up!" Someone shouted enthusiastically. The person that shouted was near him, Camilo could tell by his voice sounding closer to him. "What's going on, I can't see anything!" Camilo asked. "I'll help you with that, wait, can you lift your hand to your head?" Camilo lifts his hand to his head, and the person taps his head. Camilo was confused, but whatever the person did lets him see his surrounds. "I think he accidentally turned off brightness." Someone else said, Camilo sees it was a pink and white animatronic fox saying it. "Yup!" The voice that first talked to Camilo confirmed. The voice was next to Camilo's ear, so Camilo turns his head to see who the voice is. He was a small blue rabbit, but he also had no legs. "Thanks!" Camilo looked around the room and sees a long, floating, black and white entity, a ballerina and a girl with two ponytails on each side of her head looking directly down. The fox also adjusts the ballerina's brightness. "Who are you all?" The ballerina asks, turning her head to look at everyone in the room. "I'm Bon Bon, but my real name is Reg!" Reg said.

Then the pink and white fox says his name. "I'm Antonio, but people here call me Funtime Foxy." Antonio said. "I'm Charlie." The black and white entity, or Charlie said. Charlie points to the girl with two ponytails. "That's Circus Baby, there's no soul inside the animatronic yet so that's why it's like that." Charlie explained. "So what's yours and that ballerina girl's names?" Bon Bon asks, pressing into Camilo's face. "I'm Camilo, I'm also glad to meet all of you!" Camilo said. "I'm Dolores, but how did we get here, I mean, I should be dead right now." Dolores said. "You see, one day I was locked out of a pizzeria and then William Afton took advantage of that. He murdered me out there in the rain there. The security puppet my father, Henry built to protect me went outside to try and protect me but got damaged in the rain and fell onto my body. My soul then possessed the puppet. I didn't know what to do being the puppet, so I roamed the pizzeria aimlessly. Then William Afton killed five more children at the pizzeria. I then got this idea, if I was able to be alive again by possessing the puppet, maybe they could possess the five animatronics there? I tried it, and it worked. They were alive again, but William Afton wasn't done with his murdering's, so I decided to give life to any people he murders. You guys were killed by him, so I got your souls into the animatronics." Charlie said.

Then Reg turns back to Camilo. "On a lighter note, the people here are gonna open this place up soon for us to sing to kids, isn't that great?" Reg said. "Camilo, the people here will call you Funtime Freddy, and Dolores, the people here will call you Ballora. Make sure no child gets near you alone, including Circus Baby. William Afton has added secret child kidnapping technology into each of you under to disguise that it was just an innocent add on that activates when a child is alone with you. I must be off though." Charlie then leaves. Camilo looks at Reg. "So when is this place opening?" Camilo asks. "Tomorrow!" Reg said. This made everyone there very excited, but someone else was also excited. That person was Craig. He had gone broke and was desperate for a job, so when a pizzeria that was opening was looking for a night guard with no qualifications, he instantly took it. Currently Craig was in a hotel in a neighboring town. He wouldn't even have enough money to stay at that one star hotel if it weren't for him loaning some money from the person renting him the room and then giving him that money. "Finally, I'll be able to eat something without having to make babies cry and stealing their candy!" Craig exclaimed, landing onto the bed. Beg bugs surround Craig to congratulate him and themselves for the easiest meal of their life.

It was the next day, the opening of fnaf sister location. All the animatronics were on stage and preforming for all those kids. Elizabeth looked at awe at Circus Baby sing on stage. William Afton brought only Elizabeth to fnaf sister location for obvious reasons. Elizabeth wanted to get a chance to be near Circus Baby, to play with her. Elizabeth decided to ask her dad if she could. "Wow Will, you really outdone yourself this time." Henry said. "Thanks." William Afton said. Then William Afton felt Elizabeth tug on his arm. "Daddy, can I play with Baby later?" Elizabeth asked. William Afton remembered that kid kidnapping hardware was in Circus Baby. There was no way William Afton would let his child near that. "Sorry, but you can't. Just go play with the other kids, alright?" William Afton said. "Aw, okay." Elizabeth said. Elizabeth wasn't gonna give up on seeing Circus Baby though. She was just so pretty, there had to be someway to see her up close. Then Elizabeth got an idea. What if she could sneak into the building at night? Then nobody would notice her and she could be close to Circus Baby. The plan was settled in her head. In the meantime though, she was gonna buy as many sodas as possible to drink while staying up if she got tired. When Elizabeth and William Afton went back home, Elizabeth acted normal in front of her family, but when her mom tucked her in bed, she just pretended to go to sleep.

When Elizabeth was convinced everyone was asleep, she slowly gets off of her bed and leaves her room. Elizabeth was wrong about everyone being asleep though. Elizabeth kept walking until she was at the front door, and puts her hand on the knob. Then when the door didn't open, Elizabeth remembered something. "Oh yeah, I forgot to get the keys!" Her mind must have not been able to think much after getting a migraine from drinking at least 5 of those sodas. Elizabeth thought for a moment to go into her parents room and getting the keys, but decided not to. She would have to just wait until tomorrow. Elizabeth turns around to go back to her room, but something that wasn't there before was on the floor. On closer inspection, Elizabeth saw they were the keys to the door! Elizabeth excitedly grabs the keys, but then gets suspicious. Who could have put those keys there, they weren't on the floor before. Elizabeth looks around, but can't find anything strange except a flower pot filled with yellow flowers. One flower looked odd, but they were just flowers, so Elizabeth dismissed it. She uses the keys to exit, and thinks she leaves alone. Elizabeth walks down the path to fnaf sister location. Craig lets himself in fnaf sister location to guard the place for the night. But then he sees Circus Baby and blushes massively. He forgets to lock the door and slowly walks over to Circus Baby.

When Craig reaches Circus Baby, he brushes her head, accidentally pressing a button that automatically makes her dispense ice cream. Luckily for Craig, he was standing at an angle so the animatronic arm holding out the ice cream didn't hurt him. "Oh, for me?" Craig takes the ice cream and Circus Baby's ice cream holder goes back into her stomach. Craig licks the ice cream. "I wanna get married to you!" He says. Craig then leans on Circus Baby's ice cream holder to get a better look at her blue eyes. "Your eyes are like ocean-" Craig then falls onto the floor. He broke the ice cream holder. "Uh oh, I better just get out of here now!" Craig said, but then he slaps himself. "No Craig! You can't keep doing this, you've been blacklisted by almost every company on earth, so you have to keep this job!" Craig shoves the ice cream holder under his security guard hat. Craig then closes Circus Baby's stomach and pushes her into a random janitor closet. Craig gets out of there and lets out a sigh of relief. Then a phone on a desk rings. "Oh no, what if the owners are calling to fire me already?" Craig braces himself to get fired and nervously picks up the phone. "Uhm, Hello? Hello, hello? I'll be helping you through your time being an employee here at fnaf sister location." Phone Guy said, talking through the phone. Craig didn't hear anything Phone Guy said, all he knew was Phone Guy's sound quality sucks. "I'm so glad your just an employee who can't fire me! Also, do you know the person who works as a janitor here, I need to get them to consent to live with my wife in their closet." Craig said.

"...I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that last part, I'll give you a guide on how to do your job here as the night guard." Phone Guy said after a slightly long pause. As Phone Guy guided Craig, Elizabeth finally reaches fnaf sister location. The door was cracked open a little bit, which was good for Elizabeth because she could get in with ease. She walks through the door and sees Craig on the phone. Elizabeth gets on the floor and crawls past Craig. Elizabeth then walked where Circus Baby's stage is. But Circus Baby wasn't there. "I didn't know they moved around, that's so cool!" Elizabeth said. "Hey, who was that?" Phone Guy said. Craig didn't hear anything, he wasn't worried and generally sucked as a security guard so he didn't hear. "It's too late for anything to happen, someone must have broken in!" Phone Guy said. "There is?! Thanks man, I didn't even notice!" Craig looks around and sees Elizabeth. "Hey, you!" Craig attempts to run after Elizabeth, but tangles himself with the cord connected to the phone. "Your supposed to be working the night guard, not me!" Phone Guy said. Craig tries getting loose of the cord as Elizabeth ran away. Elizabeth was approaching the janitor closet which Circus Baby was in. Circus Baby's eyes light up because of the presence of a child being close. Elizabeth was gonna completely run past the janitor's door when she sees two blue eyes staring at her in the dark closet. Elizabeth saw that they looked like Circus Baby's and quickly opened the door and went in.

Elizabeth searches the wall for a light switch. When she finds it, she turns it on and sees Circus Baby and the end of the room. Elizabeth walks up the Circus Baby with glee. "Hi Circus Baby, I saw your performance in the morning and it was great! I loved it all, but my favorite part was when you made balloons out of your fingertips!" Elizabeth said. Circus Baby says nothing as her stomach opens up to reveal a broken ice cream holder. A ice cream fell onto the floor, a side of it getting ruined. Circus Baby was trying to get Elizabeth inside her with her ice cream holder, but it was broken so she couldn't reach. Elizabeth didn't notice Circus Baby's attempt to grab Elizabeth, instead looking at the ice cream on the floor. Elizabeth was confused, but picks up the ice cream anyway. Elizabeth turns the vanilla ice cream cone around, observing it. "Well I can just lick the side that didn't get on the floor." Elizabeth picks up the ice cream and was about to lick but then was shoved straight into Circus Baby's still open stomach. Elizabeth screams and tries to get out, but Circus Baby's stomach was closing in on her. Elizabeth drops the ice cream to have both hands try to pry open Circus Baby's chest plates more so she get get out, but it was no use. As Circus Baby's chest plates close in, Elizabeth sees Fredbear looking straight at her, smiling. Before Elizabeth could fully think how Fredbear, a plush toy, was also in the pizzarea with her, Circus Baby's chest plates fully close on her, killing Elizabeth.

Fredbear looks at the bloodied Circus Baby animatronic, her eyes now were completely blackened out. Fredbear picks up the discarded ice cream. "Sorry I did that to you, Elizabeth. But you should have done something when that poser was killed by Michael. For all you and everyone else knew, that was the real Chris. I will soon be able to save Chris from all of you people once I get enough to deal with that last thing." Fredbear teleports back into Chris's bed, next to him. Craig finally untangles himself and searches for Elizabeth. He passes by the janitor door and slips on something. "Stupid kid, stupid paper, everything's gonna get me fired." Craig rubs his head with one hand and holds up the paper in another. "There's a surprise waiting for you in the janitor closet?" Craig reads, also seeing the smiley face drawn in the corner of the paper. "Maybe it's a party to give me a promotion!" Craig said, putting the paper in his pocket. He rushes into the janitor's closet. But what Craig saw was very much not what he wanted. "What the..." Craig said. Craig looks up at Circus Baby, who's eyes were still completely black. "Baby, did you...kill a child?" Circus Baby's eyes came back, but they were different. They were green. "I'm not Baby." Elizabeth said, looking at Craig. "Ahhh!" Craig screams, running out of the room. "My names- uh okay then." Elizabeth said. Elizabeth casually walked out of the janitor closet. Craig stops at the desk to catch his breath. "Okay, maybe I can just not tell anyone, then nobody would know so I wont lose my job!" Craig said. "Not tell anyone what?" Phone Guy asked. Craig jumped, not noticing the phone was still on.

"Erm, well, you see..." Craig said, trying to think of an excuse. "You know what, I don't even know you dude, it's not like you can fire me for what I tell you!" Craig said. "...okay?" Phone Guy said. "Well you know that kid who snuck in the pizzarea...?" "Yeah?" Phone Guy said. "Well I think she encountered Circus Baby and Circus Baby killed her." Craig explains. Phone Guy sighs. "Ah, animatronic malfunctions are really unfortunate...especially when it involves kids like that one at Fredbear's pizza place." Phone Guy says. "Hey, at least Fredbear's pizza place is still open!" Phone Guy added. "That's nice, I'm gonna go do night security guard stuff." Craig said before hanging up. Craig didn't like doing work though, rather, he would rather do nothing and still get paid. "How dare these people think I should work at night?! I should be sleeping like a king right now, actually, I'm going to sleep right now!" Craig gets on his chair and falls asleep. Meanwhile with Elizabeth, she was walking down the halls, wondering what happened to her. "Why do I feel so strange?" Elizabeth asks. Elizabeth looks at her hands and sees that they were just like Circus Baby's hands. "Ah!" Elizabeth jumps back from the sight and becomes worried. "Am I...?" Elizabeth looks for a mirror and finds one in the girls bathroom above a sink. She looks in it and sees that she was Circus Baby. "Oh did this happen?" Elizabeth gasps. As Elizabeth stares at the robot that now was her, her eyes filled with tears and she started crying. Antonio hears the cries while he was walking around.

Antonio was confused from this because the only girl here was Dolores, and she was with Camilo and Reg. Antonio wanted to investigate, but the crying was coming from the girls bathroom so he couldn't go in. Instead, Antonio knocks on the door. Circus Baby turns her head to look at the door. "Dolores, are you in there?" Antonio asks. Elizabeth doesn't even hear Antonio because she was distraught over what happened to her. "What happened to me, how am I her?" Elizabeth says in between her sobs. Antonio hears that her voice was not like Dolores. "Can I come in?" Antonio asks. Elizabeth looks over to the entrance door to the bathroom. "Y-yeah, I'm not using the toilet anyway." Elizabeth said. Antonio goes in. Antonio was startled when he saw the person in the bathroom was Circus Baby, Antonio didn't know Elizabeth possessed Circus Baby. Antonio sees that Elizabeth was crying by the tear tracks on her face and that her eyes were red. "Your in Circus Baby?! I thought she didn't have a soul, how did you get in there?" Antonio asks. "It's a long story." Elizabeth said. "I can wait." Antonio said. "Well okay then..." Elizabeth recalled the events that led up to her becoming Circus Baby. "I was there at the first opening at fnaf sister location and adored Circus Baby. She was just so pretty and I wanted a closer look but father said I couldn't. So I thought up a plan to stay up until everyone was asleep to get into fnaf sister location. I got in and found Circus Baby in a closet for some reason, I mean, if the star singer room looks like that I can't imagine what places the rest of you stay. Well I approached her and she tried to give me some ice cream, but it fell to the floor because she was damaged. I still took the ice cream and wanted to eat it, but I think I fell, I don't know how into Circus Baby's open stomach. I tried getting out but her stomach just closed and I got crushed and died. Now I'm Circus Baby and I don't know how this happened!." Elizabeth explains..

Antonio had been nodding his head the whole time. "I see, I see..." Antonio notices something different in her story. "So you weren't murdered by him?" Antonio said. "Who's him?" Elizabeth asks. "All the souls possessing animatronics were murdered by William Afton, your the first to be possessing an animatronic without being killed by him I think." Antonio said. "My dad isn't a murderer!" Elizabeth said. "Wait, he's your dad?" Antonio said. "Yeah, and he would never kill anyone! I'll find him and show you that he isn't a murderer!" Elizabeth runs away before Antonio could stop her. Antonio runs out of the girls bathroom. He sees Elizabeth go around a corner. "...What just happened?" Antonio finally says after some silence. He tries to process what happened. "That killer guy has a daughter?" Antonio said. Antonio yawns. "I'll just sleep here I guess." Antonio powers off and goes to sleep on the floor. The others didn't notice because they were asleep hours ago, having gone to bed much earlier than Antonio. It seemed like the whole pizzarea was quiet, until someone entered. William Afton went in and stood in front of Craig. "You're fired." William Afton said. Craig woke up immediately when he heard the word fired. "No!" Craig shouts. Craig looks around and lets out a sigh. "It was all just a dream..." Craig then looks at William Afton's face. "I knew I should've just moved to Utah." Craig said before leaving. William Afton then starts looking for the animatronics.

William Afton found Dolores, Camilo, and Reg easily because they were sleeping in the scooper room. "Glad all the main ones are in one place, less work for me." William Afton then looked around and realized Antonio and Elizabeth weren't in the room. "Oh, well I guess you can't have everything." William Afton said before leaving the room. He walks back to the desk to check the cameras but before he can do that he trips over Antonio's sleeping body. William Afton checks to see if Antonio was powered down, which he was before picking him up and drags it to the scooper room. "These animatronics are dumber than I thought." William Afton said before leaving. William Afton then heads to the desk and logs into the computer. William Afton checks every camera until he sees Elizabeth sleeping in the hallway. He turns off the computer and starts walking to the hallway that Elizabeth was sleeping in. Elizabeth didn't properly power herself off so she awoke to William Afton's footsteps approaching. "I hope whoever is approaching isn't that weird guy calling me..." Elizabeth then remembered that she was baby, so technically he was correct. "I'm to tired to deal with that weird security guard, I'll just go into the girls bathroom and sleep there, he can't go in." Elizabeth gets up and goes in the direction of the girls bathroom.

She had already left the hallway when William Afton reached the hallway where Elizabeth was sleeping in. "What the, I swore I just saw Circus Baby here." William Afton was very annoyed. "I need all the animatronics and that clown is ruining everything, how can I even find her now?" Then William Afton remembers something. "I know, there are these helper tablets to help employees around this place, if I use it to see the cameras, I can find Circus Baby and even keep a eye on her location while chasing her!" William Afton runs back to the security guard desk and looks through the desk drawers before finding one in a drawer. William Afton turns on the helper tablet and goes through the cameras until he sees Elizabeth's location. William Afton, turning off the helper tablet but still holding it, goes to get Elizabeth. Meanwhile with Elizabeth, she was sleeping on the floor. What she didn't know was that someone was watching her. "She's so pretty...I don't care if my boss threw me out of here just to be alone with her, I got to be with her!" Craig said, he was watching Elizabeth in the vents. He takes out a cane. "My brother, Greg, gave this to me for giving some box to someone! I can unscrew this vent door with it!" Craig unscrewed each vent door until he could remove it. "I'm coming, my queen!" Craig said. He jumped down, but what he didn't realize while jumping down was that the vent was directly under a sink, and he just broke it. "Huh?" Elizabeth raised her head, looking at Craig who was laying on the floor with his cane and broken pieces of the sink.

William Afton opens the door just in time to be sprayed in the face by the sink water. The sink water was now broken and going crazy. It pushed William Afton out of the room and splashed Elizabeth in the eyes. "Ahhh!" Elizabeth glitches out, and William Afton gets up, a bit dazed but still ready to get Elizabeth. Elizabeth looks at William Afton who was approaching, but couldn't recognize him because her eyes were damaged by the water. William Afton obverses Elizabeth's broken parts. "That's gonna take a while to fix." William Afton comments. Before William Afton could reach Elizabeth though, Craig swung his cane at William Afton to protect Elizabeth. "Don't touch her!" Craig shouted. But William Afton dodges and slaps Craig. "Get out of here, I said you were fired!" William Afton retorted. Craig then kicks William Afton in the stomach, sending him right out of the room. Before he could come back, Craig slammed the door in William Afton's face. "In the vents, now!" Elizabeth nods. Craig jumps into the vents with Elizabeth. "Come on, baby, we gotta get out of here to get married!" Craig said. Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "I'm not gonna marry you, I'm 8 years old!" Elizabeth said. "Eh, playing hard to get?" Craig replied. The stupidity of Craig annoyed Elizabeth but she didn't protest because she just wanted to leave this place.

Elizabeth and Craig were a decent amount of distance away from the exit when gas started leaking. "What's going on?" Craig asked frantically. "I don't know, but the faster we get out of here the better." Elizabeth responds. "I'm scared!" Craig hugged Elizabeth, and the combined weight of them broke the vent and sent Elizabeth falling into a even lower part of the pizzarea. Craig cringed while staring at Elizabeth's broken body at the bottom. He didn't know much about that place, but he learned some prototypes were kept down there and the anonymous inventor worked on more robots, so maybe they could fix her, he assumed. Craig quickly looked up and saw the gas surrounding him. He quickly ran as part of the roof caved in, covering the hole. He saw a broken pipe and a wrench discarded. He already knew William did it and left, but that didn't matter to Craig because he knew he had to get out of there or else. Craig managed to hop himself through the door with his cane and ran out.

Craig heaved a sigh of relief. "Well, that was awful!" He exclaimed.

It was the last class of the day. Usually everyone would be sluggish, but something very special was gonna happen today. "Today, the science teacher is gonna be announcing the test scores, and everyone who got over 80% and permission from their parent gets a to go on a free field trip to the most luxurious and expensive beach in wakey wakey town!" I rejoice. "Well I didn't need it to be free, but a class field trip would be fun." Bread said. "I studied all night, and even drew this picture of me and Lincoln from loud house for good luck!" Can said, showing me and Bread a crayon drawn picture of Lincoln and Can together. "Don't be too excited, the only reason their giving out a chance to go there for free in schools is because their going bankrupt." The science teacher said.

Me and the rest of the class enter the science classroom. Everyone seemed giddy and nervous at the same time, probably about the test. "Okay everyone, before we get into the lesson, I will give you your tests back. Remember, if you get more than 80% and parental approval, you can go on a field trip to the beach." The science teacher said, chugging down a mug of coffee. As each student got their test, they either jumped with excitement, broke down crying, or threw a livid fit. "I have a 80 on my test, can I go?" A girl asked. "No, you need above 80%, little brat." He muttered the last part. Then the girl started crying uncontrollably.

When it was finally my turn, the teacher looked at my paper and made a "hm" noise. "Well done, 98% on the test." The science teacher said giving me my test. I smile from ear to ear and barely keep myself from screaming in excitement. When everyone got their tests, class started normally, or as normal as you can get with crying and enraged students. Class ended after some time and we entered the cafeteria since our next period was lunch. "I got a 93%, how about you guys?" Bread asked. "I knew drawing a picture of Lincoln would help, I got a 96%!" Can cheered. "I got 98%, I guess that means we all can go to that beach, right?" I ask. "Yep!" Can answers. "This is gonna also be the first time I travel with my cousin!" Can gestured to Bread. "And also my friend!" Can added.

When we got home, I did my homework and thought on the real reason as to why I was so excited. Since it was near summer, my friend Robin was gonna come back from migration since he migrates every winter and comes back every summer. I then was taken from my thoughts by Harry calling me to dinner, time really goes by. The next day, I went to school with everything I needed for the beach. Then, when I got there, their was a bus outside and some of my classmates with the science teacher were outside the bus. "Okay, everyone's here. Too bad I couldn't just speed off." The science teacher sighed. "Come on already." The science teacher grumbled. We all get on the bus. I sit in the back with Can and Bread. Bread was counting his large stack of bills and Can was drawing more pictures of Lincoln and her. I decide to focus on the kid sitting in the front counting. I know that sounds boring but there were only Me, Bread, Can, that kid counting, another kid sleeping, the science teacher, and the bus driver.

Throughout the whole trip, I wonder why someone would ever want to count on a bus. When we arrived, I excitedly hop out of the bus along with everyone else but the bus driver. I turn to face Can and Bread. "So guys, what should we do first?" I ask. "Ooh, ooh, I know! Let's do a sand castle contest and see who has the best one before that guy wakes up. She pointed to the guy who was napping in the bus who was now building sand castles in the sand. "Sure, that sounds fun!" I say. "Yeah, lets do it!" Bread agreed. We all start building unique sand castles. Can goes for a romantic tower with images of Lincoln and Can carved in the tower. Bread builds a mansion decorated with shiny shells. I go for a traditional sand castle, with a river surrounding it.

After some time, my castle is done. Now being able to relax and enjoy what I created, I hear something, or someone. I turn around, but nobody was there. I just think I heard one of the students. I look over, and while Bread was writing up potential names to call his mansion, Can was splashing in the ocean. I decide I'll just chill around. I notice the kid that was counting on the bus was digging up some sand. I walk up to him. But before I could say anything, I hear a scream. I turn around and see that Can's sand castle was completely wrecked. "Did one of you do this?!" She asked. "I was over there, about to talk to someone and Bread was writing up names." I say, trying to defend him and me.

Then, I spot something, a thing knocks over Breads sand castle. Before I could tell them, I hear a louder noise behind me. When I turn around, my castle was destroyed too. "Okay, so its definitely not you too. Sorry for blaming you guys." Can apologizes. "Its okay." I say. "Yeah, we forgive you. But we need to find out who did this." Bread said. Can starts crying. "Hey, its gonna be okay. The jerk who knocked over our towers probably did it because they can't build towers as good as yours." I say, comforting Can. "Yeah, sand castles are boring anyway, lets go in the ocean." Bread said. For some time, we play in the ocean, and Can quickly lightens up. I notice the kid who took a nap on the bus was now building a lot more sand castles, guess hes building a city now?

When we got out, it was almost time to go home. "Hey." A unfamiliar voice catches me and my friends by surprise. We turn around to see the kid who built a lot of sand castles. "I have something to tell you guys. I'm the one who knocked over your sand castles." He says. "Why did you do that?!" Can said. "Because when I saw other people building sand castles goodly, I get jealous. But when I saw you guys comforting each other, I felt so bad that I decided to make it up to you guys by making this sand castle city for you guys." He said. He then showed us this beautiful construction of sand castles. "Wow, this is cool!" Can said. "Agreed." Bread said. "Okay, we forgive you, your really the best at castle building!" I say. "Thanks, I want to be a architect like my dad when I grow up." He says. "Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Come on everyone, lets go." The science teacher said. The bus was back. "Hey teacher, can you take photos of the city I made and send it to us?" The kid asked. "Haha, no." The science teacher said.

We all give him the puppy dog eyes. "Okay fine, I'll send some pictures." He snaps some pictures of the sand castle city and we all board the bus. When I get back home, I go to sleep almost instantly, tired out by that amazing day I had.

It was a Friday night, and I was getting ready for bed. I made sure to sleep early because tomorrow was gonna be my birthday. I get into the bed and instantly fall asleep. I had a really good dream about how my birthday could go, everything went perfectly, and all the people who were there were completely normal, there was just one oddity. Lincoln seemed off, so I decided to go and talk to him. "Hi Lincoln." I said. "Hello Manny, I just discovered a new power I have, I can go into people's dreams!" Lincoln beamed. I didn't know I was in a dream yet, so I just looked at him, confused. "Um, okay..." I mutter, stepping away from him slowly. The rest of the dream was really cool, before I woke up.

I checked my digital clock, and saw it was 6:00. I jump out of bed, and burst out of my bedroom. When I reach the kitchen, I saw that Harry was up. "Do you know what day it is?" I exclaim. "Saturday?" Harry responded. I was about to tell him it was my birthday, but he cut me off by laughing. "I'm just kidding, I know it's you're birthday." Harry said. I run up to him and hug him. "Good thing you didn't forget." I added. I step back from him. "Well, the problem is that you kind of woke up to early." Harry mumbled. "What do you mean?" I inquired. "Whenever it's my birthday, being a kid, I'd stay up due to the excitement and wake up later. So now nothings really put up yet." Harry stated.

I shrug my shoulders. "It's fine dad, in fact, better! Now I can also help you set up my birthday!" I chirped. "While I appreciate that Manny, you wouldn't have to worry about me needing help since-" Harry was interrupted by the doorbell ringing and goes to the door and opens it. All of my friends were there, and they looked really cheerful, except for two of them. Weirdly, Tony and Shringold were giving each other the death stare. They mostly got along fine, so I didn't know what the problem was. "What I was gonna say before being cut off, they were gonna help me set up your birthday." Harry said, gesturing to everyone else.

"Okay, I'm gonna shop for Manny's gift." Harry said before leaving. Then, everyone started doing their own thing while helping with preparing my birthday. I walk over to Lincoln, who was setting up a pinata. "Lincoln, shouldn't a pinata be outside?" I ask. "Oh yeah! Thanks for telling me!" Lincoln said before rushing outside. I follow him, wanting to talk about that dream I had. I catch up to him. "Hey Lincoln?-" I was about to ask, when I heard a shout, but couldn't make out who said it or what it said. Me and Lincoln peeked inside, only to see Shringold and Tony arguing over what looked to be a birthday cake.

"Rainbow sprinkles would be so beautiful on this cake though! What am I saying, like you know what beauty is, seeing as you're not dating anyone, you don't like someone, and nobody likes you." Shringold yelled back. "At least I have a functional brain that can think of things other than dating someone! And white sprinkles would look much better, blending in with the cake." Tony shouted. "Guys, I don't care about the color of sprinkles on a cake! Here, how about both?" I interject, opening both of sprinkle cans and mixing the rainbow and white sprinkles on the cake.

Tony and Shringold look kind of annoyed with each other, but carried along. I walk back to Lincoln. "Good save." Lincoln credited me. "Thanks, I don't know why they were arguing over some dumb sprinkles though." I complain. "They've been arguing since we started walking here. I don't know how it started, but now its like a war." Lincoln responded. Lincoln goes back to the pinata, and I decide to ask him about the dream. "So Lincoln, about my dream. Were you actually in it?" I asked, and expected him to look at me like I was crazy, but that didn't happen. "Well, just last night I discovered some powers I had. When I saw you were dreaming about a party, I couldn't resist. Who knew dream cake tasted like nothing until you thought of a taste for it?" Lincoln exclaimed.

I help Lincoln set up the pinata on a sturdy tree branch (I'm a good tree climber) and we headed inside. But then, we were blocked by everyone else coming outside with a deflated bouncy castle. Me and Lincoln step back, and watch as Paige sets the bouncy castle into placement and takes out a blower to make it bouncy. Paige was about to make the castle bouncy when Shringold interjected. "Don't worry, my love. I'll do this for you since were dating." Shringold gives Tony a smirk and Tony glares at him in return. Shringold starts making the castle bouncy, but then, Tony gets an idea.

"I can do it faster." Tony blurted out. He grabs the blower from Shringold and blows air into the bouncy castle faster. "we'll see about that!" Shringold shoves Tony aside, grabs the blower, and pushes air into the bouncy castle at a faster pace. Then it became a back-and-forth process of Tony and Shringold shoving each other and trying to make the castle bouncy faster. What they didn't realize was the bouncy castle was already bouncy and it was looking like it was gonna pop any second. That's why it shocked no one when the bouncy castle exploded into little rubber pieces. "This is you're fault! If you didn't try to blow up the castle faster, this wouldn't have happened!" Shringold snapped. "Well, maybe if you weren't flaunting you're relationship, then this wouldn't have happened." Tony retorted.

They quarreled for a few more minutes before the doorbell ringed. "I'll get it!" Tony rushed to the door, but Shringold flew in front of him. "No, I'm opening the door!" Shringold declared. They kept arguing on who got to open the door, until the door just opened by itself. "Can that nice little boy help me sort out my mail for me?" That was my neighbor, Ada Nome, a old lady who I happily help with getting her mail. "No need. I'll do it for you, besides, this idiot probably can't count to 5." He said, pointing at Shringold. "I don't think so. I'd be way more helpful fixing you're mail than this ignorant brute." Shringold spat. "I'm gonna assume this means that kid isn't home since I can't see well, you can both help me if you want." Ada sighed. Tony and Shringold both agreed and walked outside.

I would have went to help her, but I thought that if Tony and Shringold are out of the house, then maybe they could make up. After a few minutes, the door opened and Harry was back. "I got you're gift, Manny. By the way, why are Shringold and Tony helping Ada with her mail?" Harry asked. I explain the situation to them. "Maybe you're right, I think it's just best if we leave them alone." Harry said, walking away from the door not realizing that he accidentally locked the front door. Turns out, when everyone was outside, Robin secretly went inside and set up a scavenger hunt. Whoever found a blue ball first gets the first slice of the cake. We all started searching. Collin bent over to look under the couch, accidentally locking the back door. We all then heard a thud on the door, but when we inspected it, their was nothing.

After probably 10-15 minutes, I found it in a house plant. "Harry, I found the ball!" I exclaimed. "Okay guys, before we eat the cake and open the gifts, lets take a photo. Shringold and Tony should be done by now." Harry said. Harry set up the camera, and we all took some photos celebrating and then waited so we could take a group photo. "LET ME IN!!!" We all heard Tony yell before smashing the fence and then the backdoor which was made of glass. Tony was holding what looked like a mailbox ripped from the ground, but he swung it like a bat.

Shringold then flew in. "Well finally, why did you have to lock the front and back door?" Shringold asked. "I did?" Harry walks over and checks the locks on the front door, it was locked. "Sorry for that guys, but couldn't you have just called?" Harry asked. "I left my phone at home." Tony answered. "I left it inside." Shringold added, getting his phone from the table. What none of us noticed at the time was Shringold accidentally turned on the camera while getting his phone. "Did you seriously leave you're phone at home? That's so irresponsible!" Shringold said. "At least I'm not the one bashing myself onto a door!" Tony said. They kept arguing which distracted us from the fact that the camera was recording all of it.

It dragged on for so long, until Harry looked at the camera for a second, and realized it was going battery low. "Hey guys, I think the camera's gonna die." Harry spoke, then the camera died. "I'll go charge the camera, you guys can eat the cake." Harry said. Tony and Shringold were still arguing, we just left them. We ate the cake, which had white frosting and was chocolate, and I opened the gifts, they were great, but I couldn't help but focus on Tony and Shringold arguing in the living room. Then Harry came out. He explained the camera deleted old photos and videos for space for new photos and videos. Every other photo and video was deleted for a 1 hour and 45 minute video of Tony and Shringold arguing.

I was so sick of those two, they ruined my birthday completely with some stupid arguing. "I don't know why you too are so mad at each other, but now, my birthday's ruined thanks to you." I said, before going to my room. After a few minutes, my door opened. Tony and Shringold apologized and explained why they have been arguing. Watch this video for context -------> but they told me they made up and even managed to save all the photos and videos. We went back up and I had a great birthday

I was at the park with everyone else, and we were talking about random things until this strange guy came up to us. "There's a monster in that plane!" A guy screams at us. "What monster?" Tony asked. He points at a airport called "Fleeting Flights". "I was in one of the planes, and a green slimy monster jumps out at me!" He yells before running off. "We should investigate that plane." Bread says, and we all agree. We book a flight closest to Wakey Wakey Town just in case anything happens.

I looked at everyone else and new it was gonna be trouble. One guy was talking about him winning a burrito contest to his friend, a couple that was yelling at the airport workers because they were placed on this flight when they booked a fake place that didn't exist, some suspicious looking people with briefcases, and a child playing a loud game of GTA 5. Then the pilot and co-pilot came out. "I hate that I have to work with a rookie like you." The pilot mutters angerly to himself. "Hey! I went to flight school and played a lot of pilot games." The co-pilot spoke.

When we boarded, me and Harry were placed next to the gaming kid. When we sat down, I decided I should get to know the kid. But before I could say anything, a heard a massive fart. I then remember that the guy who won a burrito contest was in front of Harry. His friend told him he shouldn't have eaten those chili dogs. The kid playing GTA was laughing at the situation, ignoring the fact that me and him were also getting farted on. "Well, at least someone is having a good time." Harry said. I looked around, and saw something weird. The couple took off their jackets, and revealed wedding outfits.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom." The burrito winner gets up and heads to the bathroom. Sadly, he didn't close the door. The smell made me want to die. After some minutes, one of the suspicious looking people slowly start opening their bag, and the other nearly shoves Bread out the window, standing on his seat, before pulling out a phone. Then, the one opening his bag then thrusts open his bag, shouting, "This pranks going viral!" Rats jump out and grab at anything, one even tried opening Can, mistaking her as food. "Hello everyone! To apologize for the smell, we got some food!" The flight attendant said, rolling a cart of delicious looking food.

"Oh yes! Food for our wedding!" The groom said before the rats jump on the cakes, scuffing them hole. The burrito guy walked out and walked into the pilot area, saying, "I think there's something alive in that bathroom.", before returning to his seat. The pranksters start throwing water balloons, one hits Tony's seat, causing it to glitch. One of the rats jump on the gamer kid's computer, and smashes it. "My computer!" He screams, before throwing a massive fit. He spotted Collin and ran over, stepping on Paige and Shringold in the process. "Ah, a computer!" The kid starts searching up GTA on Collin. "Don't buy that, and get off me!" Collin tries pushing the kid off. "Oops." He spends a ton of money buying the game and upgrades.

He started flying a plane on the game, while Collin was trying to get away from him, but the kid was hooked. The couple were furious. "You clowns ruined our wedding!" The groom said, pulling up his sleeves and started beating up one of the pranksters. "Man, this will go viral!" The other prankster holding the phone said. Then the co-pilot came out, then looked at the kid playing GTA. "Hey kid, wanna fly a real plane? I see you're really good at it." "Yes, please just don't spend anymore money." Collin shoves the kid off, not fully registering what the guy said. I peered threw the window into the pilot's room, and I saw the pilot telling the co-pilot to take control for some time.

The pilot goes to sleep and the kid leaps out from hiding behind the co-pilot. He starts messing with controls, making the flight go from soothing to insane. The seatbelts were weak, so the heavy jerking makes the seats break, sending everyone flying in the plane. The burrito guy farts on the brides face. "You ruined my make-up you idiot!" The bride grabs the flying cart and smashes it into the burrito guy. "The burrito guy's friend grabs two seatbelts and slams them into the bride's head. "Hey bridezilla! Do you have a brain, let me check!" The guy shouts. "Holy crap, this tiktok is getting millions of views!" The groom attempts to run over to the over prankster. "Get over here! Me and my wife were supposed to be in Archantia, and marry in a wonderful snowfall, but were in a disgusting plane trip with you brats!" The prankster the groom beat up then takes out a fake gun and shoots snow everywhere.

"You want snow? I'll give you snow!" It was fake snow, and poor quality so it just made anything that hit it very dirty, including the plane. A snow piece hits the pilot, who must be a real deep sleeper, woke up finally. He took one look outside, and screamed. He then takes ahold of the plane, instantly calming things down. "I feel sick..." The kid groans. "Oh, now you're feeling sick?" He says sarcastically, but the kid wasn't joking. He vomits all over the window, blocking the pilots view. "This planes going down!" The pilot yells, I tell from looking threw my window that we were crashing into a ocean. We smash against the ocean. "My dress is ruined!" The bride cried. "No one cares, we just crashed!" Tony said.

Then, the bathroom door banged. "Is...someone in there?" Paige questions. The door burst open, and a green slime monster with poop on it's head jumps out angerly. The slime monster goes to attack the child, but Lincoln makes the monster go to sleep, the monster falls into the ocean and drowns. "Thanks for solving our problem. I quit." The pilot says, before putting on scuba gear and hopping into the water.

Me, Bread, and Can were sitting on a bench. "So guys, today is Valentines day! Do you have a valentine?" Can chirps up. "Nope, and I don't really want a valentine." Bread replied. "I didn't get asked out yet." I added. "Neither did I, but I think I know who I want to be my valentine and boyfriend!" Can giggled. "Lincoln!" "How are you gonna ask out Lincoln?" Bread asked. "First, I'm gonna buy him flowers! Since roses are Lincoln's favorite type of flowers, I'll go buy them for him!" Can opens her phone. "Ooh, Daisy's Flower Shop opened up a few minutes ago, let's go there!"

Can jumped off the bench and ran over to the flower shop while we followed behind. Can looks around at the flowers, and picks up a bouquet of roses. She walks over to the saleswoman. "Hello miss, how much for these flowers?" Can asked. "Since it's Valentines day, the price all over have risen by 5 times, so it's 100." The saleswoman said. "Uhm, I only have 20 bucks, you guys have any cash?" Can sighed. "I think I have an idea." Bread said. He takes a iPhone 13 from his backpack and calls someone. After some minutes, a Lamborghini drives in, and 3 people come out. One of the people were holding a stack of cash and a credit card. "Who are those people?!" I gasp. "You know when I said it wasn't necessary for me to go to that expensive beach for free? That's because my dad is a CEO of a prospering business and my mom runs a multi-million dollar agency to helps people become models." Bread said.

"Who's the third guy?" Can questioned, as the three people walked inside. "That's my older brother, he loves spending money and thinks he's dating-" Bread was interrupted by his older brother. "Oh Curredity, I love all these beautiful flowers! I'll buy them all for you!" Breads brother rejoiced. "Honey, I don't think you need them all..." Breads mom muttered, but was ignored by breads brother. "Take this cash." Breads brother carelessly gives the stack of money to the saleswoman. "Hey, that's 2 million dollars! You can't just spend that much on flowers for a credit card!" Breads dad shouts. Breads brother turns around to face him. "I would buy the world for Curredity, don't you dare tell me I should budget on her." Breads brother states menacingly, before happily turning around as the saleswoman nervously takes the money.

"Take them all." She said. We exit the building, as some assistants were called in to carry the flowers. "I feel like we have been getting more into each other, Curredity. I now have to ask you..." He trails off at the end. "He told me he was gonna marry that credit card today. When he's distracted, take some bouquets and run." Bread whispered to me and Can. Breads brother pulls out a ring with the biggest diamonds I have ever seen. "Will you marry me?" We grab handfuls of bouquets and run, and breads brother squeals with delight, pretending that the credit card said yes. "Were going to the school for my next valentines plan!" Can announced to us, checking a list she took out. "Why?" I ask, confused why she would want to go to school. We didn't have any school for today because the principal was sick and absent.

"The school has cake mix for the baking club, so I can bake a cake for Lincoln there!" Can exclaimed. When we got there, no body was there, or so we thought. I check the locks. "It's locked." I stated. "Can looks around the floor for a bit and finds a discarded bobby pin. After a few minutes, she unlocks the door. She enters and we follow. Can trips on a pencil, causing a guard to hear. Can was about to walk right into a guard, but I stopped her, shoving Can into the bathroom. The guard looks around for a few seconds before walking away. "What was that for?" Can groans, opening the door. "There are guards around here, I think we should go." Bread said. "But we can't leave now, I have to make my cake!" Can protests. I think for some time and come up with an idea.

I tell Can and Bread the idea, then we set it up. Bread throws some of the contents of her pencil case into the bathroom, making a loud noise. "I knew someone was in here, I just knew it!" The guard from earlier yelled, before all the guards ran in, looking for who made the noise while failing to spot us. I slam the door and put a lock on it. We then ran for the baking club, which was on the third floor. "What if we get caught on cameras?" I thought, just realizing the possibility. "Don't worry, all the cameras get disabled when the school is closed, I heard the teachers talk about it." Can reassured. We get in the baking club and head to the nearest station. "What flavor should I do, Chocolate or velvet?" Can pondered over her choices, before picking chocolate.

"Okay, I'm gonna make the cake, can you guys guard this place?" Can said, looking at the cake mix's instructions. After some time though, me and bread hear a bang, and a voice. "Everyone, check all the floors and look for intruders!" Someone yells. We were on the third floor, and Can was baking so she couldn't help us. "What do we do?" I quickly ask Bread. "I guess nothing, try to act like no ones here." Bread turns off the lights and stacks equipment over the windows so the guards can't look inside. There were tons of close calls, luckily one of the baking stations broke recently, so the noises Can made baking the cake were concluded to be just the broken stations noises.

When Can was finally done, we had a new problem. "So, how do we get out?" Bread looked through a small crack in the wall, and guards were everywhere. "I guess we can go out the window, Manny, can you hold the cake?" "Sure." I take the cake and bread opens the window. After looking around for a few minutes, Can finds a ladder that was used for getting supplies from the top selves. The ladder was pretty long, so we were able to reach the ground safely. But there were some close calls with me almost dropping the cake while going down. "That does it for the cake!" Can crosses out another thing from her list. "Just one more thing to go before we can set up everything, decorations!" Bread gives out a sigh. "Finally, were gonna be done soon." "Where are we going to buy the decorations?" I ask. "The 25 cents store!" Can beamed. "That store isn't so far from here, sure, let's go!" Bread agreed.

We walk to the 25 cents store, and it looked nicely decorated in Valentine items. There was also some smooth music that was audible so it was a pretty calming. Well until Bread glanced behind us and gasped. "What happened?" Can asked. "Guys, we need to run. My parents and brother are coming over here!" Bread whispered. Me and Can turn around only to see Bread's mom, dad, brother, and many servant's behind them. "I don't know where the rest of the bouquet's went, so we have to buy more." Bread's brother explained to Bread's mom and dad. "We already bought every Valentine's item from every other store, at least let other's enjoy Valentine's day." Bread's dad said. "If I can't enjoy Valentine's day nobody can!" Bread's brother said, making Bread's mom face palm. "Okay, I guess we should really go, they're getting closer and they'll see we have the bouquets." I said. "I have an idea, come on guys!" Can chirped up before going into the store. Since Bread's family was getting closer me and Bread went with her.

"Okay, here's the plan-" Can was interrupted by the door suddenly opening with butler's and maid's alike, and through the glass door and behind the line of servants you could see Bread's family behind them. "Hide!" I shout. Can jumped onto a aisle with Bread and I hid behind a cardboard cutout of a mascot. The servant's move quickly, grabbing whatever Valentine's stuff they could get and then putting it into a shopping cart. Bread's family came in shortly. "You guys go buy some stuff or whatever." Bread's brother said, shooing Bread's parents away. "You're spending our money, why do we have to leave you alone?" Bread's mom asked. "It's you're fault you didn't buy enough gas for the limo so I think it's fair!" Bread's brother pulls out Curredity. "Don't worry my love, we will have all the time in the world for us alone~." He then kisses the credit card.

Bread's mom and dad go over to where we were. "Come on, guys!" Can whisper shouted as we all hurriedly ran out of the aisle.

When we got to Can's house, Can was beyond ecstatic. We enter the house. "Where's you're parents?" I asked. "They went grocery shopping, my dad sent me a text that he and mom left." Can replied. "I'll hide the cake and bouquets and then help you guys decorate the living room." Can picked up the flowers and cake. When we finally got everything done, Can picked out some romantic music. "I'm gonna get Lincoln and since it would be weird to have you guys around when I'm asking Lincoln to be my boyfriend, you guys are gonna hide." Can said. "I mean, okay." Bread said. "Thanks for inviting me to you're house, Can!" Lincoln gushed, making Can blush. "Oh, it's not a big deal!" Can giggled. "I have something for you as well..." Can gets the bouquet of flowers and gives them to Lincoln.

"Roses, my favorite!" Lincoln gracefully takes the flowers and smelled them. "That's not all!" Can rejoiced, bringing in the rest of the flowers we managed to grab. "That must of cost you a fortune!" Lincoln gasped. "They are really pretty though." Lincoln added. "I'd go to any lengths for you..." Can muttered. "What was that?" Lincoln asked, looking up. "Oh, I just remembered that I baked you something!" Can ran to the kitchen and took the cake. She then walked back. "Woah, this cake looks delicious!" Lincoln exclaimed. "Also, the decorations you put up just looks so amazing, you really went all out for this!" Lincoln said, admiring the designs. "So what do you wanna do? By the way, maybe we should have invited some other people..." Lincoln started, but Can put her hand on his before he could speak.

"Lincoln, I want you to take these origami hearts I made, and unravel them." Can looked into his eyes, before giving him one red heart and one pink heart. "Oh, um, okay." Lincoln said, confused. He unravels the hearts and then gasps. "What the-" Lincoln exclaimed. "Yes, Lincoln. I love you. I want to be there for you, and I felt this for some time now, but I couldn't find the courage to confess until now. Do you...feel the same way?" Can was blushing so hard, she looked more like tomato juice than a spinach can. "Look Can, I love you too..." Lincoln said, and Can bloomed with happiness. "I knew it, I knew being shy about my feelings would bring me no good! I'm so happy that we-" "But not in the same way..." Lincoln continued, making Can turn from happy, to confused. "W-what?" Can stuttered. "The age difference is a problem too. I'm really sorry." Lincoln said.

Can's eyes became welled up with tears, and she burst into crying, and ran out. Me and Bread come out under the dining table. Bread threw the cake into the trash. "How long have you guys been there?!" Lincoln said, not even noticing that we were there all along. "The whole time." I reply. "Well, I guess I should leave..." Lincoln gets up and walks out the door. We rush out and look around for her. After some time, we found her on the sidewalk, softly crying to herself. "Hey, Can?" I ask, me and Bread taking a seat next to her. "I'm such a idiot, why would I think that he likes me?" Can muttered to herself. "Maybe he just isn't interested in you?" Bread suggests, and Can sobs harder. I slightly shoved Bread. "I think Bread means that maybe Lincoln just doesn't really wanna date right now." I said. Can thinks for some time. "Well, if he's just not into dating at all, then I could just convince him to like me!" Can obviously misinterpreted what I said. "That's not what I-" "Yeah, I got to go find Lincoln!" Can exclaimed. We saw in the distance Can talking to Lincoln and them agreeing to be just friends.

I was at home doing my homework, Harry was helping me with it. "What's 13+18?" I asked. "Lets add it up." Harry writes 13+18 from up to down. "What's 3+8?" "It's 11." Before I could write 1 and carry the other 1, a loud boom was heard. "We should go check that out." I got up, but Harry stopped me. "No, you work on you're homework. I'll check it out." Harry walks out of the room, and I work on my math homework. Then, he comes back in. "It's just that magician who hosts magic events randomly." Harry stated. That guy who claims he's a wizard usually does lots of "magic" shows. "Well, I completed my homework. You're strategy really helped me!" I said. "Glad I could help." Harry replied.

I then went outside. I climbed trees and had a blast, and when I was on top of a decently long tree, I saw a ginormous crowd. What was even more strange was the fact that they were all watching the magicians show. Most times, when the magician did his shows, barely anyone came to watch. I climbed down from the tree and approached one of the people watching. "Hey, why are so many people watching this guys magic show?" I asked. "A few days ago, Bob promised that he could summon the Othrithadix, a mythological beast." The guy replied. "And you guys actually believe him?" I said. "Of course not! Were waiting for him to fail so we can record it and make it a huge meme, Bob doesn't know that though."

"Okay everyone, for the last magic trick, I'm gonna summon the Othrithadix!" Bob shouted. "Finally, no more garbage!" Someone in the crowd retorted. Bob goes backstage and brings a cart stacked with potions. "This is gonna be so good." The guy said, secretly pulling out his phone to record. Bob takes out a few ingredients, but before I could identify them, Harry calls me over. "Hey Manny, you forgot you're water bottle!" Harry called, catching my attention. "Coming!" I shouted, running over. The moment I was able to reach the water bottle, the sky turns red, and Harry's eyes widened.

"Get inside." Harry said. "What?" Harry then swiftly pulls me in. Then, I look through the window and see something shocking. Bob actually managed to summon the Othrithadix! The Othrithadix then turned around to face Bob and growled. "Don't worry everyone! I shall now vanquish this monster!" Before Bob could do anything, the Othrithadix grabs everyone with his tail and jumps into the sky.

"What just happened?" Harry asked, just as confused as I was I look at the sky. "We should really go see." I said. We walked outside, and Harry spotted a book. "How to Othrithadix was made?" Harry opened the book and read it out loud. "43 generations ago, A old lady lived alone with her cat. They were really connected and spent all their time together. Then, a wizard knocks on her door. He tells her bad things could happen if she stayed inside too long, like lack of vitamin D. The old lady stays inside anyway, and wizard accidentally exposes the cat to a magic spell, with would be detrimental in the future. After a few weeks, the old lady dies of a heart attack, and the cat transforms because of the potion letting the anguish the cat felt out, making it become the Othrithadix. The Othrithadix squashes many buildings, cars, people, you name it. The Othrithadix jumps into the sky, taking almost everyone with him. Then, Gilbert, Jeff, and Robert defeated the Othrithadix. They got a magic sword from the same wizard who felt bad, but the wizard warned that if a beast was slain with the sword, the beast would come back in some way and could only be permanently vanquished if the magic sword was retrieved and used to defeat the monster. They defeat the Othrithadix and nobody heard of it since."

I was still very confused. "We should go see if anyone is still here, I mean not everyone was in that crowd." I suggest. We looked through each window, but nobody was in sight. I looked through the window of a shop, and saw Larry looking curiously around. I open the door, and Larry smiles at me. "Hey Manny, what happened?" Larry asked. I recap everything to him. "How did you not hear about that guy who tried to summon the Othrtihadix? It was the talk of the town." I questioned. "My internet wasn't working for some time, so I had to stay home for a few days to fix it, but I fixed it today!" Even with the severity of the situation, Larry still had a beaming smile on his face. "I think I saw a book about that, if I could just find it..." Larry scans through the shop and lands on one of the shelves. "There it is!" Larry exclaims, grabbing the book. "Its about all the monsters that tried to destroy Wakey Wakey town!" Larry flips through the book and closes it.

"You said that the Othrithadix jumped into the sky, right?" Larry said. I nodded. "Well maybe the Othrithadix did the same thing like before 43 generations ago, taking everyone around the world into the sky. Also, we should hurry, because this book said after the Othrithadix took everyone into the sky, he took everyone else around the world as well even if they were in there houses. The only reason Gilbert, Jeff, and Robert weren't taken by the Othrithadix is because when the Othrithadix took everyone in the beginnning, he overlooked the fact that some people were inside, like what happened right now!" "We should go tell Harry, he's outside." I said, taking Larry by the hand and rushing outside. "Hey guys, look who I found." Harry said, and held up Bread. "How did you not get captured? Weren't you telling me and Can how excited you were to see someone try to summon a Othrithadix?" I asked. "I overslept, my brother was planning his wedding up to 4 am, and practically forced me to stay up to help him. My parents sent me a text saying that my brother made them go flower shopping with him, haven't heard from them since." Bread answered.

"Harry explained to me what happened. I see you found Larry, did you guys discover anything about the Othrithadix?" Bread asked. I told him what Larry said. "Hold that thought, I got to finish a blog I was reading before my brother interrupted me for his wedding preparations. " Bread opens up his phone and searches up something before scrolling around and clicking on the post. He reads for a few minutes before gasping. "What happened?" Harry asked. "This was a blog posted a few minutes ago. This was a blog about someone camping in the Lucien forest, and on the last sentences, the author states seeing a gigantic cat with what looked like the entire population of the world in its tail, before just shrugging it off and posting." We all had a shocked expression. "We should go there to see if there's any more clues!" Larry said. We get into Harry's car and drive to the Lucien forest.

We ride up to the forest and go into the forest. We didn't find anything, but something caught my eye. It looked like a roof. "Hey guys, I think I see something." I say, before going there, everyone else following behind me. I peer through the window and not only see someone, it was someone I was familiar with. "Hey, you were the one who fixed that storage room!" I shouted, Traffic light guy instantly looks up from his book and cup of tea. He looks through his window, sighs, and walks over. "Hey, what are you doing kid?" Traffic light guy asked. His eyes look at the sky for a second and looks back at me. "Okay, that's kind of creepy." Traffic light guy said. Then he notices everyone else. "I guess I should explain everything to you." Harry said. Harry explains to Traffic light guy everything that happened. "Well, have you checked the area where that magic show took place? Maybe that guy who summoned the Othrithadix has some clues on where the sword is." Traffic light guy suggested. "I mean, he did want to defeat the Othrithadix, he should have some evidence as the where it could be." Bread added.

We were just about to get into Harry's car when I accidentally step on a pebble. The whole ground seems to shake and Harry grabs me just in time when a gigantic hole gets formed and at the very bottom, a glittering object awaited. "That has to be the sword." Harry said. "How are we gonna reach there?" Larry wondered. Then Traffic light guy came out. "Well, I was expecting you guys to be gone for a few minutes so I can run off, but I guess you guys aren't going anytime soon." Traffic light guy then steps on a clear wire and noises started to appear. "Where are those sounds coming from, we better see what it is." Traffic light guy said blankly. "Yeah, we should! Thanks, wait, what's you're name?" Larry said. Traffic light guy turns us around. "Um, what's going on?" Bread asked, staring into the what seemed like endless trees like the rest of us. "Just keep looking, I think you guys are getting to the bottom it." Traffic light guy reassured.

I heard behind me something getting thrown. Then, Traffic light guy steps on the wire again, and the noises stop. "Hey guys, look. A ladder is here." Traffic light guy stated, we turned around and there was a ladder. "Thanks for putting that there." Harry said. "Oh, don't thank me. I was doing something else, I don't know how a ladder got there." Traffic light guy corrected. "I'll go in there, I'm a lamp, so I'll aluminate myself!" Larry turns his light on and climbs down. After a few minutes, Larry comes back up again. "Uh guys, there's a bit of a problem..." Larry muttered. "The glinting wasn't the sword, it was a part of some silver thing!" Larry exclaims. "We should go investigate that." Harry said. "You guys do that, I'll go finish my book." Traffic light guy said, opening the door on his house.

"Hey, why do you get to stay behind while we have to go into some hole?" Bread complained. "Because I just met you people." Traffic light guy responded. "But you're really smart, making that noise contraption so you could help us know what that thing is!" I said. "And it's gonna be fun!" Larry added. Traffic light guy sighed. "Okay fine, but I'm gonna do something first." Traffic light guy goes into his house. After a few minutes, a figure with a black cloak, covering all identity came out. "Okay, I'm ready." The voice was very much different from Traffic light guy. "Who are you?" Harry asked. "The guy you were talking to a few minutes ago." Traffic light guy responded. We all go into the hole.

The place was dark, but with Larry illuminating, we could see just fine. Then we hit a metal wall. "Hey guys, there's a keyhole." Harry pointed out a very small keyhole. "That means there must be a key somewhere!" I said. We look around for a couple of minutes. "I found a really small key under this rock" Bread sticks the key into the keyhole and it works. The door opens to reveal more doors. "What's going on?" Larry asked. "Try using the key on another door." Traffic light guy suggested. Bread tries to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "I guess we have to find the correct door." I said. "We should mark the doors that don't work so we don't try to open them again." Harry takes the key and draws an x on the door. We looked for the right door, which was pretty tricky seeing as there were a ton of doors. I twist the key into another keyhole, and to my surprise, the door opens. "Finally!" Bread exclaims.

We enter the room and in the middle of it, was a sword. But there was something else as well. A dragon was guarding it, and gave us a fearsome look. "Why is there a dragon in here?" I whisper. "Dragons are attracted to shiny stuff, and that sword is pretty shiny." Harry answered. "Don't worry guys, I got this!" Larry makes the dragon fall asleep, but before the dragon fully went into slumber, it knocked Larry out. I put on my head on Larry and felt his heartbeat. "He's still alive!" I rejoice. "But unconscious." Traffic light guy added. "Okay so how do we get up into the sky?" Bread asked, but then he gets an idea. "I know! We could use a plane!" Bread exclaimed. "But none of us know how to fly a plane." Harry said. "We could put on auto-pilot." I suggested.

We climb out of the hole and go back into Wakey Wakey town. "So which airport should we go too?" Bread asked. "How about that one? It's pretty close." Traffic light guy pointed to a airport that I remember. "Fleeting Flights? I mean they do owe it to us, so sure." Bread said. We run into the airport. "What plane should we use?" Harry wondered. "Probably a really fast one." I said. "That one looks fast." Traffic light guy said. It was the owner's plane. He was a billionaire and kept his plane here to show off to people. "Well, get on guys!" Bread said. We hop on while Harry puts on auto pilot and corrodents. The plane takes off, and we could have all flown off by the speed alone. Bread had to grasp the sword and I had to hold him in his seat while I tried to stay in as well. Traffic light guy and Harry weren't doing so well either. When we finally reached our destination, the first thing that came to view was a humungous black castle.

We landed there. "Well, let's go in!" Bread opened the doors and it was lit up by torches. We entered the place and looked for where the Othrithadix could be. We then came across this grand door. I looked through a gap under the door, and saw the Othrithadix hanging everyone over a pit of lava. "Okay, who's going in there to defeat that Othrithadix?" Harry asked. "Larry would have probably went in there and killed that cat." Bread muttered. "Maybe Traffic light guy can do it, he probably can wipe out giant cats better than any of us." I suggested. "No! If I defeat the Othrithadix with no prior sword fighting skills, Gilbert is gonna force me to rule with them and I'll fail everyone!" Traffic light guy immediately covers his mouth.

The Othrithadix turns its head, hearing Traffic light guy. The Othrithadix bursts through the door, and with everyone else looking at the beast, Traffic light guy leapt into action. Traffic light guy slashes at the Othrithadix's neck. The Othrithadix put it's paw on it's neck. Then it roars and rams into Traffic light guy. Traffic light guy ducks under it and leaps into the center to not get stepped on, letting go of the sword in the process. The Othrithadix stomps it's paws, creating a jagged circle to form around Traffic light guy, trapping him. The othrithadix approaches Traffic light guy, and the magic sword lands next to him. The Othrithadix pounces and Traffic light guy grabs the sword before throwing it straight into the Othrithadix's heart.

The cat falls to the floor. "Phew, that was close." The rest of us looked at him wide eyed. "What?" Traffic light guy asked. "Traffic light guy, you're a hero!" I exclaimed, running in and hugging him. "That's not really my name, but it's cute." Traffic light guy commented. "You actually killed that thing? That's impressive." Bread said, going over and hugging him as well. "I guess I should join in as well." Harry hugs Traffic light guy. After a few minutes, Traffic light guy moves away from us and looks over to everyone hanging over the lava. "So, how do we get those people down? Traffic light guy asked, but then the hole filled with lava closed. The castle also faded.

The bad thing about that was the rope surrounding everyone disappeared, and the cloud we were standing on did as well. "Well, were doomed." Bread stated. "What are we gonna do?" Harry asks. I look over at the plane. "The plane!" I shouted. I grab the sword before gliding over to the plane. I didn't know a single thing about flying planes, but at that moment, I knew I had to take everything I knew about airplanes to save everyone. I flew the plane around, luckily everyone but Bread, Traffic light guy, and Harry were sleeping so they didn't feel any of my horrible flying skills. It wasn't helping that the Othrithadix's tail was tied on the plane, and tipping it to an angle. Bread, Traffic light guy, and Harry kept everyone on board while I tried to find a place to land.

I checked the fuel and it was very low. Getting from here to Fleeting Flights airport would be impossible, so I had to think of another way. "C'mon Manny, where else can I safely land..." I muttered to myself. Then I remembered watching a show called "My Billionaire Life" where the guy who owns this plane shows off his castle. He even had a pad made of diamonds and gold just for his private plane. The best news was I could see the silhouette of his castle in the distance. "Guys hold on, I'm gonna need to put full speed." I caution. I push the lever of the speed and the plane shoots off faster than a cheetah. The fuel doesn't like this, and decreases further but I push onward. We finally reach the area, and I land the plane. "That was not a smooth trip, but at least were all safe." Traffic light guy muttered. "Can you check the sword to see if it has any scuffs?" I asked. "Sure." I hand Traffic light guy the sword.

Everyone else started waking up too. "My plane!" The billionaire guy cried, shoving Ada Nome to the floor. Billionaire guy checks the plane over. "Since you people saved my life or whatever, I guess I won't charge you for these scrapes on my beautiful plane." Billionaire guy mutters. "Wait a minute, I was with Gilbert and Robert telling some ducks about the history of memes, I guess, not hanging around this douche's plane." Jeff remarked. Gilbert came behind him. "Hello, my royal subjects. It is with great pleasure to meet you in such a noble way. I apologize for not getting here faster since we didn't hear abut this while dealing with other matters. I'm pondering that you slain the Othrithadix?" Gilbert asked, gesturing to Traffic light guy. "No, actually. Larry is the one who killed that thing!" Traffic light guy said.

"But-" Harry started, but was interrupted. "It's really amazing to, he let us tag along to protect us if anything else came along." "That's not-" But Bread gets interrupted by someone else. "Larry!" Can shouted, before kissing him. His eyes then flickered open. "It's true, true love's kiss saved him!" Shringold exclaimed. "No it didn't, Larry just coincidentally woke up when Can kissed him." Collin stated. Can squeals with delight when she saw Larry awoke. Larry on the other hand looked mortified. The three rulers go over to Larry. "Oh um, hello!" Larry greets, still dazed. "Did you really defeat the Othrithadix by yourself?" Robert asked. "I mean I could have, I got knocked out pretty hard by something." Larry recounts. "Then it's settled, welcome to the cool kids club!" Jeff announced.

It was a few days later, and everyone attended Larry's coronation as a new ruler. The next day, we all met up at the park. "Guys, isn't it great? I'm now the fourth ruler!" Larry exclaimed. "It doesn't add up though. Gilbert represents knowledge, Jeff represents happiness, Robert represents kindness, but you represent dreams. Something just feels different out of place...." Collin muttered, trailing off at the end. "Ah don't worry, Gilbert just couldn't find the trait I represent in my mind yet so he asked me what I'm good at." Larry replied.

I was leaving the school building with Can and Bread. "So were going to my house to complete the project, right guys?" I said. "Yeah!" Can replied, before noticing that Bread was looking pretty nervous. "Hey Bread, why do you look anxious?" Can asked, making Bread sigh. "It's my brother, he's been hyping up some wedding he's having with that credit card when I woke up. I wouldn't care that much, but he's been getting more insane in what he buys, for example..." Bread trails off, and looks to the side. Me and Can followed his gaze, and we saw his brother get out of a limousine holding what looked like the credit card wearing a miniature but expensive looking wedding gown. He walks up to us giddily. "Hey guys, look what I just bought! It's a outfit for Curredity to wear to our wedding!" Bread's brother explains.

"Let me guess, the price was in the millions?" Bread said, making Bread's brother smirk. "Nope!" Bread's Brother chirped. "Thank-" "It was 2 billion dollars!" Bread looked stunned at him, being cut off by such a ridiculous price. "Why would you spend 2 billion on a dress?!" Bread shouts. "Calm down bro, it has only the most beautiful and rare gemstones and was even sewed with gold!" He brings the credit card closer so we could see it had shining gems, golden sewing, and other expensive things he didn't mention. He brings back the credit card close to him and proceeds to kiss it. He releases his lips from the credit card and turns back to us. "Well Bread, I'll be taking you home." Bread's brother said. "But were all going to my house to work on a project for school." I said.

"Well he has to attend my wedding since it's happening today, so you're all gonna have to do that group thing at our house." Bread's brother said. "Wait, the wedding is today?!" Bread exclaimed. "Yeah, Curredity and I have been waiting for so long! Now get in the car." Bread's brother said. "I should tell dad that I won't be home tonight, or he'll be worried." I pull out my phone and text Harry that I won't be home for the night since I had to do the project at Bread's house. He texted back saying for me to have a good time there. I put my phone back and go into the car with everyone else. "Driver, stop at Starry Sugar Sweets." Bread told the driver. "Yes sir." The driver responded. "We diffidently don't live there." Bread said. "I'm gonna buy the cake for my wedding day." Bread's brother snuggles closer to the credit card.

"Why didn't you buy the cake earlier?" Can inquired. "I tried, but they didn't have the right cake. So I made a pre-order and now I'm gonna pick it up!" Bread's brother responded. We then arrived at the bakery. Bread's brother stepped out and goes inside as we followed after him. He reached the ordering station. "Hi welcome to-" The guy started, but was interrupted by Bread's brother. "I would like to pick up my reservation I made for the wedding cake." Bread's brother asked. "Here you go sir, the 20 layered vanilla whipped cream gold on the frosting chocolate in the middle and a cherry on top!" Bread inspects the comically huge cake and then back at the guy selling him the cake. "You idiot! I wanted Ceramic colored whipped cream, not cotton ball white whipped cream!" Bread's brother threw the cake onto the guy selling the now ruined cake.

"Make me another one you filthy clown!" Bread's brother demands, as the guy quickly nods his head and tries to clean the mess up with a paper towel. "Now that I think about it, I want to speak to you're manager!" Bread's brother demands, as the guy runs to the managers office. He comes back with the manager. "The manager, like you asked sir." The guy mutters, already knowing what was gonna happen. "I want you to fire this employee of yours, he is so stupid, he mixed up the whipped cream colors!" Bread's brother demanded. "I am so sorry for this inconvenience, but could we work out a compromise of some sorts? Ivan is our best employee and usually doesn't make any mistakes." The manager said. "I don't care! He's gonna ruin my wedding and I want you to fire him, my family has lots of money and I could easily have this place shut down!" Bread proclaimed.

The manager turned to face Ivan. "I'm sorry, but it must be done..." The manager said. "But the order he wrote was so small and it got smudged on the whipped cream part!" Ivan said. "Well I wasn't looking when I accidentally rubbed my fingers on the paper, so I say it's not my fault." Bread's brother shot back. "I'm sorry, but you're fired. Sir, I will get some other employees to make you're cake free of charge, just please don't shut down my bakery." The manager pleaded. "It has to not only be done quickly, but well too. If you don't do that, you're bakery goes bye bye, got it?" Bread's Brother demanded. "Yes, yes, of course sir!" The manager stammers before running off to get the other employees. "Talk about groomzilla." Bread whispered to us. "I feel bad for Ivan, it was just an honest mistake." I mutter. "And that was pretty rude for him to threaten to shut down the bakery." Can added. "Come on guys, let's hope this day doesn't get any worse." Bread's brother walks back to the limo as we follow.

When we arrived at Bread's house, we could all tell there were some huge changes done. Firstly, instead of beige, the house was painted white. There was also an added room to the house. "Wow, you're parents must have really liked this wedding plan so much they added a new room?" I commented. "Actually, mom and dad left for a business trip so I got to spend as much money as I want!" Bread's brother rejoiced, which made Bread roll his eyes. "What are you gonna tell them when they come back and they see a new room attached and a paint job?" Bread asked. "When they see how much me and Curredity love eachother, they won't mind!" Bread only face palms to what his brother said. "Let me give you a tour since you are early." Bread's brother said, opening the front door and going in.

We follow inside. "Why is there doves in cages?" Can asked. "Were gonna release them when the wedding starts! Just in 20 minutes. But now I'll guide you to the new room I added." He then snapped his fingers and a butler immediately came to his side. "Take all of us to the newly added room." Bread's brother swiftly commanded. "Really Toast, you're not even gonna show us yourself?" Bread complained. "And call more servants to carry the doves, this wedding is gonna take place in 20, no, 19 minutes!" Toast added, the butler nodding. He left us before coming back with more people who picked up the cages. He showed us to a white door with floral décor and a diamond infused into the door handle. Toast opens the door and the room was outstanding if not for one flaw. "Hey um, why is there no roof?" I asked, not noticing it before. "Well, I think it went over you're head that there is a roof, look closely." Toast said before going over and complaining to servants on where the cages should be placed.

I squint my eyes but turns out I didn't need to because a pigeon lands onto the glass dome ceiling that was practically invisible. Toast looks up and sees the pigeon before calling someone. "Archery and swordsmen, get rid of the foreign being on the ceiling of my wedding room." He says before ending the call. "Yes, for Mr. Toast we will exterminate this foul creature!" I hear a shout above, and then people with swords swoop in and arrows rain down. The pigeon flies away but not before pooping on the roof. "Clean that roof also, I'm not paying you 300 million dollars for nothing!" They then hurriedly grabbed mops and buckets and cleaned the roof spotless. They leave and the doorbell rings. "Ooh, the guests are here!" Toast exclaims. Toast was already out the door with how much excitement he had.

Toast comes back with many rich people. "Dear guests, thank you for coming to this special day for me and my fiancé. But now my Curredity will walk down the aisle." Toast announces. A servant moves the credit card with a veil and dress, making it look like it was walking down the aisle. Then when the servant and credit card reach their destination, he hands the credit card to Toast. The officiant begins after that. "Toast, do you" The officiant mutters. "Curredity." Toast whispers. "Ah, yes, Curredity. Toast, Do you take Curredity to be you're wife?" "Yes!" The officiant turns to the credit card. "Curredity, do you take Toast to be you're husband?" Toast turns the credit card up and down, making it appear to nod. "I announce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Toast goes in to kiss Curredity, but the officiate then gasps and goes between them again.

"What's you're deal, I'm trying to kiss my wife!" Toast shouts, which makes the officiant adjusts his glasses nervously. "W-well, according to wedding traditions, I have to ask for any objections..." The officiant stammers. "Don't worry you idiotic freak, not only you will be fired, I'll do it for you." Toast said. "Anyone, are there any objections to this perfect wedding with me and Curredity?" Toast looks around confidentially and then turns back. "Now, I shall kiss-" "Oh I'll give you a objection!" Someone yells, and I saw a shocked expression on Bread's face. "Who dares-" Toast started but the door slamming open with his parents cut him off. "Wait, I thought you're parents were on some business trip." Can said. "I knew they did, they told me that they would be away for 2 weeks at least!" Toast responded. "We were, but for some reason our business card got declined so we had to go back." Bread's mom said.

Some of the guests held up their noses to Bread's parents smell and attire. "Why do you look like you both went through a swamp?" The fleeting flight owner asked. "That's because we did! When we had no money on us, we had to go through a swamp to get to Wakey Wakey town." Bread's dad said. He then looked at Toast. "Then when finally got internet again, I had plenty of notifications of purchases on my business account for custom dresses and a new freaking room being added to the house and many more!" Bread's dad shouted. Bread's mom comes closer. "Why didn't you spend money on our personal account, it would have been slightly better because there's much more money there." Bread's mom asked. "I thought I did, someone, get me my laptop!" Toast calls. A maid comes over and gives Toast his laptop before leaving. He quickly types in his password and opens up bank accounts.

He rereads the account name and his jaw drops. "I thought this was you're personal account, I guess I mixed up the Gmail and passwords, oops?" Toast says. "That's it, you're getting a job and no more cash from us." Bread's dad said. "I agree, even if you spent that money on the personal account this would still happen." Bread's mom added. "But you guys had 10 billion on your business account and I thought it was just a glitch because you have 94 billion dollars on your personal account, and that's not even counting real life cash!" Toast protested. "You're never gonna learn the value of work if you just live on our money, besides you used up all 10 billion on our business card. Now take down all this decoration or whatever." Bread's dad said. "At least let me finish marrying Curredity before I have to do it..." Toast whimpers.

"Oh yeah, you still have to give that back, it's our extra card with 29 billion dollars." Bread's mom added, causing Toast's demeaner to change. "No, she's my fiancé! Toast protested. "It's just a credit card." Bread's dad insisted. "No it's not! I'll never give up my dearest Curredity, I'll fight for her!" He starts ripping off the curtains and throwing flowers everywhere. Bread's mom let's out a sigh. "Okay fine, let's just withdraw the money out of the credit card, okay?" Bread's mom suggested. "No, that's violating Curredity!" Toast screams, now climbing up onto the wedding arch, ripping off the flowers on it and then throwing it. "That's it, I had enough!" Bread's dad rushes over and grabs Toast by the arm before pulling him down. "Give me that card or I'll personally get a blowtorch and burn it!" Bread's dad demands, making Toast go from angry to confused. "You wouldn't really burn you're credit card with 29 billion dollars on it, would you?" Toast questioned.

Bread's dad becomes puzzled by himself, loosening his grip on Toast. "I thought so." Toast concluded, taking his arm away from Bread's dad. "Servants! Clean up this place, I'm going to bed!" Toast announces before leaving. Cleaners come in and start fixing up the place. "I guess we should start that project." Bread muttered. We clear a table and work on it. While I was doing it, I overheard Bread's parents conversation. "So that explains why that boy wanted to keep that spare card before we could use it on anything and didn't spend a dime with it." Bread's dad said. "We have to do something." Bread's mom replied. "I have an idea, but it's gonna require you to interrupt you're beauty sleep." Bread's dad whispered before they both left the room.

We complete the assignment and go back to our homes. While I was on my way home, I saw a familiar, yet saddened face. "Hey, are you Ivan? The one that Toast fired?" I asked. He looks at me and then remembers. "Yeah, but I've been doing a little better because this one strange guy told me that he got a job at my bakery and that he could make me able to talk to that customer." I was a little shocked by his response. "Wait, you want to talk to the guy who threw a gigantic cake at you?" I asked. "I always want to help my customers, even the more annoying ones..." Ivan muttered, before a bus pulls up. "Well that's my stop." Ivan says before getting on the bus. Nothing else happens until I get home.

"How was the project?" Harry asked. "It was good, but Bread's brother was hosting this weird wedding with a credit card." I mentioned. "That's pretty strange, is that the reason why you had to do the project at his house?" Harry asked. "Yup." I confirm. I do some miscellaneous things before going to bed. When I woke up, I got up and changed. Then I went into the living room which Harry was also in. Before I could say hi to him, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Harry said before going over and opening the door. Bread bursts through. "Manny, I need you and Can's help!" Bread said. "With what?" I asked, but he took my arm and ran out the door. "Bye dad!" I manage to shout before being taken out of the house. "My brother wasn't in the house and I can't find him!" Bread said. "Did you tell Can yet?" I asked. "I texted her and you, but you didn't reply so I had to come get you." He took me to his house, and Can was waiting there.

"Well at least someone had a good night's rest, I was having a dream about me and Larry getting married y'know!" Can said seeing me and Bread.

After some analyzing on how each spirit acts, I've put together what their personalities are and how they'll act in the story.

1: Freddy - Frederick

The most interesting out of all the spirits in my opinion. While the other spirits are just angry or sad when seeing Springtrap, Freddy's soul is mostly expressing sadistic joy on his face, smiling evilly as he watches Springtrap making mistakes in his life. I also believe that dream Springtrap (the one in Deliah's nightmare) is just Freddy controlling a mock up of how he sees Springtrap to make Deliah hate Springtrap since he says there's more convincing to do when Deliah thinks Springtrap is just playing, alluding that he's controlling nightmare Springtrap.

Character: age (9) second oldest, he is the older brother of Ollie and was murdered by Roger (Springtrap) on the same day as Ollie. (Go to number 5 for summarized backstory) Years of being trapped in Fazbear Fright had made him become vengeful for the death of himself and his brother, taking pleasure from Springtrap's suffering and actively thinks of more ways to torture him. He isn't all evil though, as he has a soft side for his brother Ollie and protects him from Springtrap. He also was to one who devised Deliah's nightmares, a plan to make Deliah hate Springtrap. He was Springtrap's second kill and was stuffed into Freddy.

2: Bonnie - Lucas

He's constantly crying, looking sad and scared most of the time, so he's probably very young. I feel the most bad for him, but a strange thing about his soul is he has a bowtie. This is pretty odd because most of the ghosts only retain parts of their physical appearance, like hair or Fredericks freckles. Yet Bonnie gets a bowtie, so I made it apart of his backstory.

Character: age (4) sixth oldest, Lucas was naturally very jumpy and a bit of a wussy, but loved his favorite character, Bonnie. Lucas saved some Fazbear tokens to buy a red bowtie but accidentally got some pizza sauce on it. Roger offered to clean it for Lucas and took him into to back area where killed Lucas. Lucas fears Springtrap and tries his best to avoid interacting with him out of fear he'll hurt him again. Lucas is friendly to the other spirits and has a good bond with Ollie since their almost the same age. He was Springtrap's fourth kill and stuffed into Bonnie.

3: Chica - Emma

I'll be honest, it was pretty hard to find anything about her personality. She's usually standing around, not saying much. Chica's soul was talkative to Springtrap and looked sorry for him in part 10, so maybe she feels a bit sympathetic for Springtrap because of his bond with Deliah. She also shows a bit of a calmer side when she holds a normal conversation and even jokes with Springtrap in part 10, showing she's more of a chill person, yet will still remind Springtrap of his misdeeds of murdering them.

Character: age (7) fourth oldest, Emma was very chill kid, preferring to watch the animatronics preform rather than run around and play arcade games like most of the other kids at Freddy's. She had a dog named Coco, and Roger noticed this, so he kidnapped Coco. After a few days of searching for the dog, Emma looks in Freddy's pizzarea and Roger tells Emma he knows where her dog is. Roger takes Emma into the back area and kills her. Deep down, Emma isn't as vengeful as the other spirits, but their anger and pain rub off on her to combine with her own sorrow so she's just as mad as the others. But alone, Emma is still herself and can be friendly with Springtrap even. She was Springtrap's fifth kill and stuffed into Chica.

4: Foxy - Aaron

Foxy's soul also seems vengeful, since he sometimes adds on to Frederick tormenting Springtrap like in part 4. He's not as bad as Frederick since he's frowning and not smiling at Springtrap's pain. He doesn't talk to much, instead being in the background with an angry face, so this is mostly what's known about his character using clues in the comic.

Character: age(8) third oldest, Aaron was raised in a single parent household, so he grew up a free spirit, learning from a young age how to take care of himself while his mom worked, but also gaining a rebellious side. One day, Aaron's mom decided to take Aaron to the Freddy Fazbear pizzarea, being the number one most popular location for kids. Aaron wanted his mom to play with him, but the mom got a urgent work call and asked him to play with the other kids instead. Aaron was angry since his mom promised she would play with him, so Aaron yelled he wished dad was here instead of her and ran away. Then Roger, watching this became infatuated by Aaron's situation and decided to take one more kid since he could be the dad Aaron didn't have. Roger made his presence known to Aaron and asked him to follow him. Aaron wasn't interested, so he declined. Roger used the trump card. He said he knew Aaron's dad's whereabouts, and he wants to meet Aaron. Aaron was ecstatic by this, and not thinking, followed Roger. Roger takes Aaron into the back area before killing him. Aaron is angry at Springtrap for lying to him just to kill him, and is withdrawn from the other spirits. He does, however have conversations with Frederick, usually about their anger and trauma. Aaron's the first to agree with Frederick's plans, and usually gets the others to go along. He was Springtrap's sixth kill and stuffed into Foxy.

5: Golden Freddy - Ollie

Before you wonder, Golden Freddy and Fredbear will be separated as different animatronics. That is because Fredbear will be the adult spirit that got spring locked. Since his body was spring locked and not stuffed inside, it would be difficult to stuff another body inside the suit, especially the way Roger stuffs the kids, taking off the head and stuffing the kid in the torso.

Golden Freddy's spirit is seen as very happy, constantly smiling except when something bad happens. His design is also inconsistent, sometimes having no clothes, a bow, or a hat and bow. His optimism is a sign of him being one of the younger kids, and him frowning when Frederick says they'll need more convincing to do shows he isn't angry, rather bothered by the others vengeful behaviors.

Character: age (5) fifth oldest, he's the younger brother of Freddy, and was a joy to be around. Ollie loved drawing, and would stick his drawings all over the walls. He's also a bit clumsy, and dropped a crayon which rolled away. He asked his brother to pick it up, and Frederick agreed, goes to pick it up, but then before he could take the crayon back to Ollie, Roger approaches him. Roger asks if Frederick could help him with something in the back area. Frederick declines because he was playing with his brother, though he says he could get one of his parents to help Roger. In a panic, Roger grabs and hoists Frederick up in the air, covering his mouth before dragging him into the back area and killing him. After stuffing Frederick into Freddy, Roger remembers about Frederick's brother and decides they should be together again. Ollie was getting worried since Frederick was not returning, so he got off his chair and went looking for him, taking the drawing with him. Ollie didn't find Frederick, but he did find the yellow crayon he dropped. Ollie dropped to the floor, and finished the drawing of him and Frederick. Roger came up to Ollie and knelt down to Ollie's height and complimented his drawing. Ollie said he was drawing it for when his brother comes back, who got lost. Roger chuckles slightly by Ollie's naivety and tells him he knows where his brother is, and he can take him to him. Ollie agrees and goes with him. Once in the back area, Roger asks if Ollie wants to be with his brother forever. Ollie not understanding, says yes and then Roger kills him. Ollie's spirit was allowed to move around from his immobile animatronic with the help of Mary, the puppet. He is still a happy kid, and the other spirits warm up to him, even Aaron, though he doesn't like to show it. Ollie is the most closest with Lucas and Frederick. He doesn't like how vengeful the other spirits are, especially Frederick, but doesn't argue with them. He was Springtrap's third victim and was stuffed into Golden Freddy.

6: The Marionette - Mary

There's no screen time of the Marionette's soul, and in her official personality, all the information we get is not about her personality. The information we get is that her name was Rebecca, she possessed the Marionette yet being stuffed into a Fredbear spring lock animatronic and moved on. The Fredbear suit is isn't the one the worker got spring locked in since while the other suits are stated as their suit, the suit the Marionette's soul was stuffed in was specified as a suit for Fredbear.

Character age: (10) the oldest kid, Mary was a regular kid who loved Freddy's as much as any other child her age range. Her favorite part was when it would turn 2 pm on a Friday because when 2 pm comes, the Fredbear show starts, and it was incredible. The show was put on by two men in golden suits, Fredbear taking lead while Springbonnie assisted him. The show was beloved by the kids and after the show, Fredbear and Springbonnie would play and take photos with the kids. Mary preferred Fredbear, so she'd sneak away from Springbonnie so she can play with Fredbear as soon as possible. One day at 2 pm on a Friday, a Fazbear worker came onto the stage instead of the two golden performers. He announced that due to Fredbear being sick at the moment, the show would be postponed until he got better. Mary was devastated, not helping that her parents refused to take back to Freddy's without elaboration. After an entire week with no explanation, Mary decided to put measures into her own hands and find Fredbear to find him and get answers before sneaking out. When she got there she realized it was so late, but decided before leaving she'd take one last look at Freddy's. Roger, being the man who wore the Springbonnie suit approached Mary and at first was friendly, but then gets angry and starts demanding answers on why she was avoiding him. At the end, Roger killed her. Mary is rarely seen, and some of the spirits have never even seen Mary. But Mary has done some good for the spirits. The Golden Freddy suit couldn't move, so unlike the other spirits, Ollie couldn't move around and remained immobile until Mary helped him by separating Ollie's soul from the suit. She was Springtrap's first victim and was stuffed into a spring lock Fredbear suit before possessing the Marionette.

7: True Fredbear - James

This character is very obscure, but I felt like he shouldn't be. The only thing we know about him is from Roger's backstory. We can see the victim was spring locked in a Fredbear suit because of the purple hat and bow, the victim is male because Springtrap refers to the victim as a he and the victim had a connection to the night guard position though not actually being this nightguard. This is because after the victims death Roger gets transferred to the nightguard position, though the victim is not the nightguard because there would be no reason to wear a spring lock suit as the nightguard with no kids to entertain, and this was before Roger's killings, so it can't be he was stuffed by a possessed animatronic. We also learn a spirit can be outside of a suit while possessing it.

Character age: (?) James was one of the Fazbear employees and wore the Fredbear costume to entertain kids. He was good friends with his co-worker Roger, but sometimes Roger would be jealous because James was not only the main star of their performance, making the kids adore him over Roger, but James had a family of his own. Even still, they still got along. One day though, James was rushing since he was late and accidentally spilt a cup full of soda onto his suit, springlocking him in front of Roger. James's spirit doesn't really interact with the other spirits since he usually stays in the Fredbear suit, and the other spirits don't know much about him, just that he's there. Fredbear isn't very fond of Springtrap since he knows Springtrap killed children. He was the first death and possessed the true Fredbear.

Mary was a regular kid who loved Freddy's as much as any other child her age range. Her favorite thing about the place wasn't the games, the pizza, or even the animatronics. Her favorite part was when it would turn 2 pm on a Friday. This is because when 2 pm comes, the Fredbear show starts, and it was incredible. The man in the Fredbear suit would entertain the kids with the help of a trusty sidekick, the man in a Springbonnie suit. All the kids would cheer and laugh at the jokes, so much so they removed the laugh soundtrack. After the show Fredbear and Springbonnie would come down to play with the children and taking photos. Mary would always sneak around Springbonnie to play with Fredbear instead. Not that she didn't like Springbonnie, it's just that she preferred Fredbear. They seemed so happy with their jobs, but one day something bad happened. Mary didn't know what, but one day at 2 pm on a Friday, a worker wearing a purple uniform came onto the stage instead of the two beloved golden animatronics. He announced that due to Fredbear being sick at the moment, the show would be postponed until he got better. Mary cried, and couldn't understand why the show was cancelled since nobody would further explain. Fredbear was her favorite, why did he have to go away? What made things worse was for the whole week after her parents refused to let her go to Freddy's. After an entire week without Freddy's with no explanation, Mary decided to put measures into her own hands and find Fredbear. Maybe she could help Fredbear feel better and get back on the stage, or at least get some answers. Without checking the time Mary hopped out of the 1-story house through her window and ran to Freddy's. Only when she got there did she realize how late it was. Before leaving, she decided to take one last look at Freddy's. While putting her fingers on the glass, a voice startled her. "Mary, I presume?" She quickly turned around and saw Springbonnie. Mary sighed. "Phew, I thought you were security, are you also looking for Fredbear?" Mary asked. "Your halfway right, but lets talk about you, dear." He put a hand on Mary's shoulder, which Mary assumed Springbonnie meant to be comforting, but was kinda ugly so everyone avoided him.

Age: 8

Possesses: Chica (duh)

Death order overall: 3rd death

birth-death date: 1977-1985

family: Hayden (father), Patricia (mother), Samantha (younger sister, age 7)

Susie was the first victim of the missing children incident. Before her death, her dog died by a car hitting it (not by William), but she didn't believe it was dead. Susie was lured by William wearing Springbonnie costume by telling Susie her dog was still alive and to follow him to see her dog again. Injures Susie sustained from her hands being cut off and her jaw was broken. These severe injures were caused by William's lust for pain from his victims after feeling it from Charlotte's death (his first victim). She is a kind little girl, but still likes doing risky things from time to time. After her death, she became vengeful towards William. In UCN, even though Susie felt like she should pass on to have peace, but she still tortures William due to her own feelings and with Cassidy's influence.

Age: 9

Possesses: Foxy

Death order overall: 4th death

birth-death date: 1976-1985

As a kid growing up within a single family, Fritz grew up as a adventurous spirit as he didn't have much parental observation since his mom has to work a lot. Fritz's mom would take Fritz to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria since she trusted the staff to watch over Fritz while he had fun. As fate would have it, Fritz went to the Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria the day Susie died. He saw something suspicious in the parts and service room (where William killed Susie) and decided to investigate it due to his curious and brave personality. He found Susie's dead body poorly stuffed into Chica and tried to escape but William caught him and killed him. William killed Fritz by slicing open his stomach, cutting off his hand and leg, and blinding him in one eye. After his death, he was still like his original personality but more aggressive when provoked and with a undying quest to get revenge on William no matter what happens. He trusts Cassidy and follows what she says, even if he might think Cassidy goes too far.

Banban from garten of banban was born in 1970. Monika from Doki Doki literature club was born in 1971. Banban from garten of banban had a good childhood but favored his little turtle and monkey and also two brothers named cuphead and mugman. Banban from garten of banban starts dating Monika from Doki Doki literature club in 1986, then in 1988 Banban from garten of banban gets a job at a popular indie horror game to have a good time with them. He marries Monika from Doki Doki literature club in 1990 and Monika from Doki Doki literature club takes the Banban from garten of banban last name while pregnant. Later in the year Banban from garten of banban and Monika from Doki Doki literature club's eldest child, Andy the apple from Andy's apple farm was born in 1990. Then in 1991, Bonnie from Bonnie's bakery not five night's at freddy's and Banban from garten of banban were infatuated with each others games but Banban from garten of banban refused o be a dirty cheater. He developed an idea of Banban from garten of banban and Monika from Doki Doki literature club would help kids that didn't have many friends or Monika from Doki Doki literature club can just go kill all of her friends for some player guy that wasn't Banban from garten of banban yeah thats fine. He suggested the idea to the business he worked at, but was looked at suspiciously since everyone was too busy playing among us its too addicting oh god we are all going to be consumed by the among us it's the end. Banban from garten of banban then decided to invest a part of his money earned from his job into his family vacation that he took by himself wow what a jerk. Banban from garten of banban created the hit indie horror game "Doors from roblox" (Banban from garten of banban insists his game is better) and then Banban from garten of banban for being so ugly he hurt everyones eyes. Banban from garten of banban was still very sleepy and missed the court date so everyone just forgot about it. On the game Hello Neighbor, it's a trash fire but he had to learn many new skills to stop crying himself to sleep all by himself, leaving little time for the tax collectors. Banban from garten of banban is happy when in 1992, Steve from minecraft was born. Oh yeah Nutty and Flippy kiss in the backrooms.

Toy chica and Ballora also kiss in the middle of a skibidi toilet warzone. Freddy and Bonnie from Bonnie's bakery not five night's at freddy's have a passionate kiss while standing in a containment room. Emperor Belos shakes his head and says "This is cringe as hell" while his older brother smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol in the background. Bugbo then appears and steals all of Caleb's alcohol which pisses Caleb and makes him say "fuck that bug!" Lefty laughs at Caleb like the loser he is and Caleb slaps Lefty in return. Gregory and Cassie skip together holding hands in platonic love before Cassie remembers William Afton was following them. Cassie turns around and breaks William's arm, punches his face till his nose bleeds and breaks William's spine. Charliebot was cheating on John with Girlfriend from FnF while John and Boyfriend from FnF cry uncontrollably.

Gumball is playing Fortnite with air wubbox from my singing monsters while Slenderman screams on discord because he keeps losing like a loser on Fall Guys. High Five from the emoji movie dies which makes everyone but Caleb and Rinny from pretty blood extremely happy. Rinny because she was too busy brutally murdering Bloom and Caleb because he was too angry. Phantom mangle hugs Pibby which is pretty cute. Elizabeth Afton confesses her love to Jeff from Clarence but Jeff rejects her because Elizabeth is kinda ugly. Roxanne wolf and Professor Caraway from high guardian spice were in a relationship and were in love. Roxanne wolf and Professor Caraway enter a café to go on a date. Spongebob was the cashier since Squidward was sick. The couple can't get their food because Kirby keeps eating everything. So Kirby was kicked out and Nightmare Chica was assigned to cook but insisted to cook with her boyfriends Nightmare Freddy and Nightmare Foxy since they are poly and love each other.

Mary was a regular kid who loved Freddy's as much as any other child her age range. Her favorite thing about the place wasn't the games, the pizza, or even the animatronics. Her favorite part was when it would turn 2 pm on a Friday. This is because when 2 pm comes, the Fredbear show starts, and it was incredible. The man in the Fredbear suit would entertain the kids with the help of a trusty sidekick, the man in a Springbonnie suit. All the kids would cheer and laugh at the jokes, so much so they removed the laugh soundtrack. After the show Fredbear and Springbonnie would come down to play with the children and taking photos. Mary would always sneak around Springbonnie to play with Fredbear instead. Not that she didn't like Springbonnie, it's just that she preferred Fredbear. They seemed so happy with their jobs, but one day something bad happened. Mary didn't know what, but one day at 2 pm on a Friday, a worker wearing a purple uniform came onto the stage instead of the two beloved golden animatronics. He announced that due to Fredbear being sick at the moment, the show would be postponed until he got better. Mary cried, and couldn't understand why the show was cancelled since nobody would further explain. Fredbear was her favorite, why did he have to go away? What made things worse was for the whole week after her parents refused to let her go to Freddy's. After an entire week without Freddy's with no explanation, Mary decided to put measures into her own hands and find Fredbear. Maybe she could help Fredbear feel better and get back on the stage, or at least get some answers. Without checking the time Mary hopped out of the 1-story house through her window and ran to Freddy's. Only when she got there did she realize how late it was. Before leaving, she decided to take one last look at Freddy's. While putting her fingers on the glass, a voice startled her. "Mary, I presume?" She quickly turned around and saw Springbonnie. Mary sighed. "Phew, I thought you were security, are you also looking for Fredbear?" Mary asked. "Your halfway right, but lets talk about you, dear." He put a hand on Mary's shoulder, which Mary assumed Springbonnie meant to be comforting, but she was wrong.

All the algebraliens were standing outside, surrounding Two and the newly revived Ten. Using their powers, Two brought Ten back to life after the others told Two about Ten's gruesome death at the hands of Fourteen. None of the other algebraliens questioned how convenient it was for Two to visit the algebralien land the day after the incident had occurred. Nor had anyone noticed Two's face showing guilt that they masked perfectly in front of the crowd. "Hey guys, sorry for worrying you all while I was gone!" Ten waved at the other algebraliens. Everyone rushed towards Ten, gushing about how glad they were to have him back. All the algebraliens adored Ten and were deeply upset when seeing his gory remains. Now that he was back and well, they fangirled around him like usual. "Oh come now, Ten. You have nothing to apologize for!" Two assured, warmly smiling at the orange algebralien. "I just feel bad for not being there for everyone..." Ten sighed. "Well, we're glad that your back now. That's good enough, right?" Two wrapped an arm around Ten, gently placing their hand on his shoulder.

They were acting like they weren't the direct cause that Fourteen was able to escape in the first place. Like they would ever take accountability for doing that though, especially if their crush would find out. Two just tried to push away their guilt with the thought of how good Ten feels. "Yeah, your right Two. I'm here now, and I'm so glad to be back with all of you!" Ten exclaimed. "YAY, TEN'S BACK!" Everyone in the crowd cheered. To everyone's annoyance though, Seven emerged from the crowd and hugged Ten. "I missed you so much Ten!" Seven grinned. With the sight of Seven in focus, everyone else's mood was damped immediately. Five groaned, Six rolled her eyes, and Two muttered under their breath that it should've been them. Ten didn't seem to notice, his eyes closed and hugging Seven back happily. Seven, however, did. His eyes flickering about to the other numbers faces of disdain of him. Why were they looking at him like that? "Well guys I'll have to be heading off now to go to TPOT. Glad I could help you all out!" Two annoncued.

"Bye Two!" Ten said, looking at Two. Two looked away at the ground bashfully as the slight traces of blush appeared on their face. "Goodbye Ten." Two replied sweetly before flying away. The rest of the day went normally. All the algebraliens went into their homes as it was getting late. For Seven though, he wasn't getting any sleep. He was curled up into a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth slightly. His eyes looked crazed, pupils twitching every so often with anger. "Why won't they accept me?" Seven murmured, his voice trembling with frustration. "No matter what I do, it's never enough." All he could think of was those stares he had gotten from everyone. Annoyance, mostly. But why? Seven thought that they would finally come around and like him after they imprisoned Seven thinking he was Fourteen. That they would be his friends, but that didn't happen. "Are you fucking serious? Even after forgiving them for falsely imprisoning me, they still won't like me?!" Tears of emotional pain and frustration trickled down his face.

What is wrong with these people? No matter what he tried to do, it just seemed like all the algebraliens just saw him as a nuisance. The only people who were actually nice to him were Ten and One. One, Seven's best friend, disappeared from the algebralien land without a trace. Nobody knew where he gone, not even Four or Two. Sure, there was Ten, but he was friendly to everyone. While Seven was grateful, he just wished the others would just see his value as a friend. "...Maybe they're the problem." Seven muttered to himself. What more could Seven do? If almost every algebralien was going to act this way towards him no matter what, then what's the point of being nice to them? Maybe he could even have revenge. Not the dumb crap Fourteen was talking about, but some real deserved revenge all for Seven to enjoy. Seven smirked, as he slowly got up and entered his kitchen. He opened his drawer and picked out the largest knife he had there. It was sharp as a razor and would be a perfect weapon for Seven's revenge plan on everyone who mistreated him.

"I'll only hurt the ones who hurt me, people who deserve it. That won't make me a bad person. I know exactly who to start with my revenge plan too." Seven stated, trying to absolve himself of any guilt for the following actions he would commit. Seven's mind instantly came to the one who stole his identity in the first place. Fourteen. He's the one who got Seven imprisoned while Fourteen was let loose, free to do whatever he wanted. Also Fourteen killed Ten, someone that Seven liked. So the choice was obvious that he would be Seven's first victim. "Okay, so Fourteen will be the first. Well I'll need some equipment, that guy has some pretty sharp claws and teeth, don't want to hurt myself!" Seven said thoughtfully. Seven knew exactly where he could get the needed equipment to kill Fourteen. He calmy walked over to his computer and set the knife down next to it. Then Seven searched for his local murder website for algebraliens.

Using an alternate account, Seven bought a metal muzzle, rope, and a little special something that would be used for later. He smiled as he clicked confirm purchase and it going through successfully. The shipping would take about three days, but Seven didn't mind. "He's going to regret messing with me." Fourteen groaned, knawing at the chain of the ball that kept him prisioner. He had only been there for three days but it was already becoming unbearable for the cannibal. "Ugh, this is worse than when those jerks locked me in a cage. Now there forcing me to do manual labor while throwing me in jail!" Fourteen complained quite loudly. After Fourteen's imprisionment the rest of the algebraliens just ignored him as he was no longer a threat. It was so boring, and Fourteen was starving for skin. "They'll never understand my cravings, why skin is so good to eat. Whatever, I'll get another chance at revenge someday." Fourteen sighed with frustration at his situation. He picked up the black marker and adjusted the Jacknjellify subscriber count. While Fourteen's back was turned he didn't see that a certain lucky number was approaching him. "Hey Fourteen, I bet they could hear your complaining from all the way to Great Britian!" Seven joked.

Fourteen grumbled as he recognized who the voice belonged to. Fourteen spun around to see Seven standing away from Fourteen by a few feet, but close enough so he could talk to him. Seven was adorned with a dumb grin as he looked at Fourteen. "Your smile is stupid. I wish you were closer so I could rip it off." Fourteen glared. It was a great day in the modern world, living in modern apartments instead of those old suburban style homes the happy tree friends were canonically seen in. However since this is a alternate universe set in th mordern era, everyone lives in messy apartments now. The two happy men we will be focusing on were in one of these messy apartments. They were kissing and frankly having a baller moment. These two were named Russel and Handy, and they are in a established relationship. You may be asking yourself 'isn't Handy dating Petunia?' and you would be right if this wasn't an alternate universe where Petunia was dating Giggles and Handy and Russel are also a couple.

"So babe, are you ready?" Russel asked. Handy nodded and looked at Russel seductively. "Lower your tea cups." Handy said. Russel happily set down his british tea cup for his love, showing off his politeness. Handy approached the smiling man slowly with his pinkies up before looking up at Russel. "Remember what we say before the Funtime?" Handy questioned. Russel smiled. "Yes dear." Russel responded. "I consent." Russel added. "I also consent." Handy stated joyfully. Handy then energetically stared dancing in a romantic manner for Russel. He swished his legs around left to right, making Russel fel a bit woozy since Handy's amazing dancing moves were so intoxicating it made the pirate blush and squeal.

"Damn Handy your amazing at this, I love you so much." Russel complimented. Before anything else could come from the two lovebirds, the noise of their door being broken down immediately took their attention. Handy stopped preforming oral and Russel got back to his senses. Handy and Russel both look towards the door in anger at whoever intruded on their private moment. There standing there was a hulking tall clown robot. "Uh, can we help you?" Handy asked, looking up and the dead eyed clown. "Hello, I am Elizabeth Afton and I am very supernatural thing." Elizabeth stated. "Okay?" Russel said. "But I wasn't always this way. Once I used to be an ordinary elementary girl. But now I'm just a metal husk." Elizabeth sighed. Handy and Russel loom sympatheticallly at the clown girl. "Oh you poor thing, come on the couch and we can talk about this." Russel offered. Handy looked at at his boyfriend with indignation.

"Russel, we can't let that thing in our house! She could be lying." Handy protested. Russel rolled his eye. "Why the heck would anyone lie about being a dead child just to get in our house? It's not like we're millionaires or something." Russel replied. Handy sighed. "Fine." Handy relented. They all headed inside and sat on Handy and Russel's couch. "You see, I used to have a family. A dad, mom, and a older and younger brother. But after my little brother was murdered by my older brother and his friends my dad started turning to drinking alcohol as a coping method. It got so bad mom filed for divorce and left. That's when he really started physically abusing my older brother, Michael. I saw it gave him a lot of truama growing up." Elizabeth lamented. Russel looked at Elizabeth sadly. "I'm so sorry for that, how could a man abuse his child?" Russel sympathized. Elizabeth turned to Russel with a suprised look.

"You thought the abuse part was the bad part? Heck no, I'm glad daddy gave Michael a good lesson like that. He deserved everything! Besides dad never touched me so it was okay." Elizabeth corrected. Handy and Russel both stare at each other, questioning what they had done. "...okay." Handy muttered. "Well anyways now here's the sad part!" Elizabeth declared. "You see, daddy found out about some weird thing called remnant. I would explain it in more detail but that's gonna be my new years resolution. So he built killer robots and blah blah blah and made a clown carnival thing. He also made one of the most beautiful robots ever just for me, Circus Baby! She's the best. Well I wanted to just have a little look at her but dad forbade me, so I had to sneak in without anyone noticing. I succeeded in my goal, but unfortunately Circus Baby is also one of the killer remnant robots dad made so I died and became Circus Baby, which I am now!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Okay so, why did you knock on our door, huh?" Handy questioned. Elizabeth then looked down. "Well you see, if you checked your calendar you would know that it is Pie Day. I need to get to Magic Street so I can eat to pie, but I don't know where it is. Drive me there." Elizabeth demanded. "Why the heck do you want to eat a pie that badly?" Russel asked shocked. Elizabeth crossed her arms. "You two really are that stupid are you. Do you really not know what Pie Day is?" Elizabeth said. "Geez, you don't have to be such a jerk about it. No we don't know what Pie Day is." Handy groaned. Elizabeth sighed very loudly. "Well dummies, on Pie Day a special man appears out of nowhere and makes a magic pie. The first lucky one to eat the pie can get anything they want. I want to become the most beautiful human girl in the world that pie is going to help me!" Elizabeth proclaimed. "Well sorry Elizabeth, but we don't even know where Magic Street is either. So your gonna have to ask someone else." Russel apologized.

"Ugh I knew you two dumb animals doing weird things would be useless. By the way your animals? Disgusting." Elizabeth repulsed. Before Handy or Russel could retort, another more friendly voice broke through the silence. "Did someone say pie? I love pie!" The voice shrieked before jumping off of the ceiling. It was a giant mass of wires and adorned a white mask. "What the fuck is that thing?" Handy screamed. "Ennard?! But I'm not apart of you!" Elizabeth cried, genuinely sad for some reason. "Alternate universe, and lock you doors next time!" Ennard laughed. "Alright, that's enough! You both need to leave right now!" Russel shouted before shoving both of the robotic things like they weighed nothing and locked the door. Elizabeth looked at Ennard like she wanted to kill him. "You idiot! You always ruin everything!" Elizabeth yelled. Ennard just shrugs. "I can't control myself when it comes to pie, sorry!" Ennard hollered. Elizabeth groans at what Ennard said. "All you do is mess things up for me." Elizabeth stated factually. Ennard looks in Elizabeth's eyes. "Oh come on Ellie, I just like following you around because your my best friend!" Ennard proclaimed. "We are not friends, Ennard! We are enemies!" Elizabeth retorted. "Friends!" "Enemies!" "FRIENDS!" "ENEMIES!" Ennard made some sad noises to indicate he was not feeling happy. "Aw, what can I do to make you say I'm your best friend Elizabeth?" Ennard asked. Elizabeth was about to immediately reject him, but then took the time to seriously consider the offer. "Well if you were really my best friend then you would help me find a person who could take me to Magic Street." Elizabeth stated. "Okie dokie!" Ennard cheered. They then got o work to find someone who could drive them to Magic Street.

Now we go to another area, this time a school. The school was populated with all sorts of things. Witches, animals, and robot children. "Man oh man, do I love being a mother." Beyrl Chatterley proclaimed to herself. Parenthood was something to be proud of for her., which wasn't going to last soon. "Bye mom!" Kiff shouted as she ran in the school. Kiff entered, and already felt something horrible was about to happen today. "Hey Kiff, why the long face? It looks like you're having some existential dread!" Barry laughed, catching Kiff off guard. "Barry?! When did you get here?" Kiff questioned. "Right now." Barry stated coldly. "...Okay then." Kiff muttered. Barry then quickly lightened up again. "Hehehe, come on Kiff! Time to go do things!" Barry exclaimed. "Oh, okay then." Kiff responded. Barry and Kiff walk to class together and enter Miss Deer Teachers classroom. Kiff sat down, but Barry walked right up to Miss Deer Teacher. "Hey Miss, are you a McDonalds superfan?" Barry inquired. Miss Deer Teacher instead of being weirded out by the out of place question, smiled at Barry. "Why of course I am! Everyone should have the right to express themselves!" Miss Deer Teacher exclaimed. "Thats cool, I support you Miss Deer Teacher!" Barry declared.

Hi, my name is Charlie and I'm the unluckiest kid in high school.You might be thinking that I'm just exaggerating, like I'm just proclaiming that because I got a C- on a test, or just had a bad day. But that's wrong. I was born on a Friday the 13th, I have a broken mirror in my room I still haven't gotten to fixing yet, I even own a black cat as a pet. Sure, Taffy is one of the cutest cats in the world and makes me feel better, but it's still unlucky! No matter what I tried I seem to have the worst odds in whatever I do, but after living with it my whole life I've gotten used to it. The thing I hate about my bad luck though is the isolation I go through.At first high school wasn't that bad, people were willing to work and spend time with me. But very soon my bad luck once becoming too frequent to ignore started ruining what small connections I had made. People avoided me like the plague, and I was pretty much alone except for my best friend just like in middle and elementary school. Sebastion has been by my side ever since we were 5, and I can tell you he's one of the most kind and compassionate people I have ever known.

After all these years, he's still wants to be my best friend despite the fact I'm one of the most unpopular kids in RidgeBrook high school. Sebastion doesn't get mad when I'm clumsy and always takes to account about how I feel. He would even only go to social events if I was also able to since I never was invited to any parties. Basically, if it weren't for him, I'd probably be alone for most of my childhood, and I could never thank him enough for that.But ever since we both got into RidgeBrook, we've been busier than ever with all the mountains of homework and studying required to get a passing grade. Due to all this work, we saw each other less often than usual. The only time we ever had a chance to talk was in the art club we were in. You see, me and Sebastion are both very artistic individuals, or I try to. He preferred sketching realistic drawings while I was into painting. Well at first I thought I could pull off creating Bob Ross style paintings, but after tripping in a red paint bucket, me and my canvas looked more like a blood bath then a work of art.

But thank God for abstract art since it covered up my flaws since the work didn't have to be grounded in realism. Kind of like Picasso.Well anyway, the start of my worst but also best Halloween ever started with me and Sebastion creating Halloween decor as decoration. Sebastion was carefully drawing a cute ghost at a desk while I was at a canvas pondering on what Halloween thing I should paint. We were both stoic in our work, when suddenly Sebastion broke the silence."...and done! Tada! What do you think about my art Charlie?" Sebastion beamed. I let out a yelp at the sudden noise, and the jolt of my arm knocked over a orange paint can all over my canvas, creating a giant splat mark. "Damn it, there goes the orange paint." I sigh. Sebastion gasped and ran over with a tissue to clean up some of the paint that got onto me. "Oh, sorry about that Charlie!" Sebastion apologized as he tried wiping off the paint. "It's okay Sebastion, it's just that I don't have any orange paint yet..." I mutter. Sebastion looks at the mess of orange paint before his eyes lit up for some reason. I look at Sebastion, confused.

It was 3 in the afternoon, and the three friends Pen, Eraser, and Blocky were all hanging out at Eraser's house. They were on a couch just chatting about everyday life. "I mean, it was really weird. I honestly have no idea how he got in there!" Pen exclaimed. Eraser and Blocky laughed at how Pen's story ended. "Hey guys!" Eraser called out, putting Pen and Blocky's attention on him. "How about we spice up this afternoon?" Pen and Blocky look at Eraser with suspicion. What could he be talking about? "Are you talking about drugs or something?" Blocky asked genuinely. "No, idiot! I have some alcohol in my pantry, you guys want some?" Eraser clarified, a bit offended that Blocky would think he had drugs on him. With the mention of alcohol, Blocky lightens up, smiling.

"Heck yeah, I do! I'd be damned if I refuse free alcohol." Blocky responded. Pen however looked more nervous with Eraser's offer. "I don't know guys, don't you think it's a bit too early to be drinking?" Pen worried. Eraser wrapped an arm around Pen's shoulder and gave him a mischievous look. "Come on Pen, a little drinking never hurt anyone. It's not like anything crazy is going to happen, at most some drunk shenanigans." Eraser assured. Pen still looked a bit weary but was swayed enough to go along with it. "I guess it's fine." Pen relents. Eraser goes into his kitchen and seconds later he appears with a bottle of alcohol and shot cups, smirking. "Well guys, let's not waste any time and do this already!" Eraser exclaimed, pouring three shots for the three guys. Each of them took a shot and went bottoms up with their drink.

It was seemingly an average day. Red Among Us was sitting in the grass casually, writing on a notepad about brainstorming challenges for the competition. It helped him come up with ideas. "Hm, it's going to have to be a pretty cool challenge. We're approaching the end of Among Us, so the challenge has to be memorable." Red Among Us muttered to himself. Among Us had gone on, people dying one by one. Red Among Us couldn't help but notice how more characters seem to die strangely intelligently but rude in the exact same way, but it was probably just them focusing on the purpose of our lives. "Hgh, I need to focus on making this challenge, not about how some fools are dying." Red Among Us sighed in frustration. Red Among Us then heard footsteps approaching. He looked up to see the silhouette of Green Among Us.

Red Among Us struggled in the grasp of Green Among Us, his legs kicking furiously as his arms were being held back with such tightness that he couldn't wiggle free. Green Among Us's face was completely emotionless, not even acknowledging the crewmate he was holding back's struggling or shouting. Green Among Us wasn't really there choosing to restrain Red Among Us, nor all the other guys and the other people standing by in two rows watching with the same dead body pose. It was all Black Among Us's doing. How could Red Among Us not see it sooner? His teammates being Black Among Us one after another by one who claimed to be an average guy looking for a reason in life. By the time Red Among Us had realized Red Among Us was the reason behind his contestants acting so strange, it was too late. His entire teams and their families and cats having already been taken over along with the other remaining life. Now Red Among Us stood a few feet away from Red Among Us, smiling evily at the Red Among Us with his hands behind his back. Red Among Us glared at the grrinning Red Among Us in front of him. "G-grr, fuck you! Your not going to get away with this." Red Among Us yelled. Red Among Us merely chuckles at Red Among Us's words, looking amused more than angry. "Hm, seems I already have gotten away with this already, Red Among Us. Everyone here's under my control."

Mr Color was taking a stroll across the grassy hills. It was a fine day, the first competition of TFFTMW! went... somewhat well. The challenge was completed, but unfortunately both of the teams had no sense of cooking. Mr Color had to consume their disgusting food, one of them nearly choking him. And that one was the better tasting of the two! It was so stressful for Mr Color that he decided to try to take his mind off that horrid food. A nice walk alone the seemingly endless fields of autumn trees would do the trick, right? His time alone was interrupted when he heard voices coming a bit deeper in the trees. Mr Color is running. Keep running. Don't stop. Never. Red Among Us was taking a walk by himself. Right now, he felt very conflicted and needed some time alone and away from his team. His team. Recently, they all fell in love with Black Among Us's archenemy, you because he won that fortnite battle royale challenge for them. Before they all used to like Overwatch 2, but now they couldn't get enough of Fortnite. It made Red Among Us unhappy. Not only does Red Among Us hate you the most, but he also knew the truth his team didn't. It wasn't really Black Among Us who won the challenge, he was just Red Among Us. Of course someone as pathetic as you couldn't have actually done it on turn the car on now. But even still when Red Among Us tried telling his teammates this they never listened. Now Red Among Us was alone in his hatred for fortnite, he hated it and you even more.

As Red Among Us walked aimlessly in his thoughts, something caught his eye. It was Red Among Us leaning against that nice looking bus pole, a rare sight now to see him by himself. He was drinker, most definitely some guy who just wants to be a drinker when he grows up. Red Among Us seemed content and happy, quietly humming to himself as he drank. Red Among Us knew this was probably his one chance to tell you just how he felt of you, as another crewmate member could appear at any moment to spend time with Red Among Us. The guy rushed over to stand above Red Among Us and glared down at him. Black Among Us being Red Among Us's shadow and looked up with a slightly devious expression. He knew Red Among Us still wasn't a fool of him unlike the rest of the people, so Red Among Us wondered what he wanted. "Ello, hi Red Among Us. What are you doing here?" You asked, sounding polite despite the circumstances. Red Among Us didn't care for that thing's pleasantries though. He kept his eyes on nothing, staring daggers at the floor. "Cut the crap, Black Among Us. I know you did something to them all." Red Among Us responded sharply. "H-huh? What are you talking about? I didn't trouble that one!" Someone defended himself.

'Wow, I did not expect that.' I signed, taken aback by the movie. 'Me neither, but at least the movie had a good message at the end.' Mime signed back, looking at me and at the end screen of the movie in confusion. 'Maybe we could look at that fun pack fully later, I need to sleep.' I sign. 'Sure, but are you taking the fun pack?' Mime asked. 'Um. Let's flip a coin and we'll see who has to keep it.'

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