Draconia Offline vol. 2

Oleh Aefener

3K 308 27

Have you ever loved a videogame so much that you wished you were somehow magically transported into it? Tough... Lebih Banyak

76.1. At Peace - Part 1
76.2. At Peace - Part 2
76.3. At Peace - Part 3
77.1. Sense of Direction - Part 1
77.2. Sense of Direction - Part 2
77.3. Sense of Direction - Part 3
78.1. Japan Here We Come - Part 1
78.2. Japan Here We Come - Part 2
78.3. Japan Here We Come - Part 3
79.1. Love Undivided - Part 1
79.2. Love Undivided - Part 2
80.1. Heritage - Part 1
80.2. Heritage - Part 2
81.1. My Other Heritage - Part 1
81.2. My Other Heritage - Part 2
81.3. My Other Heritage - Part 3
82.1. Illusive - Part 1
82.2. Illusive - Part 2
82.3. Illusive - Part 3
83.1. My Alien Half - Part 1
83.2. My Alien Half - Part 2
83.3. My Alien Half - Part 3
84.1. Ryuuto No More - Part 1
84.2. Ryuuto No More - Part 2
84.3. Ryuuto No More - Part 3
85.1. The Enemy at the Gates - Part 1
85.2. The Enemy at the Gates - Part 2
85.3. The Enemy at the Gates - Part 3
86.1. Owing an Explanation - Part 1
86.2. Owing an Explanation - Part 2
86.3. Owing an Explanation - Part 3
87.1. Enough - Part 1
87.2. Enough - Part 2
87.3. Enough - Part 3
88.1. The Other Way Around - Part 1
88.2. The Other Way Around - Part 2
88.3. The Other Way Around - Part 3
89.1. Double Royalty - Part 1
89.2. Double Royalty - Part 2
89.3. Double Royalty - Part 3
90.1. Finally Face to Face - Part 1
90.2. Finally Face to Face - Part 2
90.3. Finally Face to Face - Part 3
91.1. Decision - Part 1
91.2. Decision - Part 2
91.3. Decision - Part 3
92.1. Arrival - Part 1
92.2. Arrival - Part 2
92.3. Arrival - Part 3
93.1. The Truth - Part 1
93.2. The Truth - Part 2
93.3. The Truth - Part 3
94.1. The Enemy Unveiled - Part 1
94.2. The Enemy Unveiled - Part 2
94.3. The Enemy Unveiled - Part 3
95.1. A Family Dinner - Part 1
95.2. A Family Dinner - Part 2
96.1. Without Erik - Part 1
96.2. Without Erik - Part 2
96.3. Without Erik - Part 3
97.1. Triple Heritage - Part 1
97.2. Triple Heritage - Part 2
97.3. Triple Heritage - Part 3
98.1. Erik's Wish - Part 1
98.2. Erik's Wish - Part 2
98.3. Erik's Wish - Part 3

95.3. A Family Dinner - Part 3

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Oleh Aefener

"I'm only half-Celestial," I say quickly and look at my shocked partners and Viceroy. "I'm sure that I'll live as long as any Celestial."

"Aefener, do your feathers store mana?" my father narrows his eyes. "We did steal your feather for DNA testing, but we couldn't test that. We can't feel it, you have to tell me."

"Ehm... yes?" I say extremely slowly, scared by where this is going.

"Then you're immortal because that's the main sign of the true embodiment of magic," he smiles victoriously, looking both content and relieved. "Aren't you happy about it? We certainly have a reason to celebrate, the Divementis Royal bloodline won't end with me."

"I... that's not... I mean... I can't be...," I stutter and my wings start trembling.

The ability of my feathers to store mana isn't that miraculous, right?! I've always thought of it as a handy battery of sorts, nothing else. I can't be immortal, can I? Because that would mean... I look at Erik and Gotrid and my heart skips a beat.

I still haven't come to terms with the fact that Erik will die in a few dozen years, but, at least, I was comforted by the fact that Gotrid has the same lifespan as me. Except now I've learned that maybe he doesn't. No one has. Am I destined to spend eternity alone?

"I thought that you suspected already," my father remarks when he sees our shocked expressions. "The embodiment of magic is one with mana which means that their cells are being rejuvenated constantly whereas, in the case of normal Celestials, it happens mainly during sleep."

"No, I don't believe it!" I decide and shake my head stubbornly. "I'm half-Divementis anyway."

I stretch my hands to the sides and clutch both Erik and Gotrid. They still haven't overcome the initial shock and even though nothing's confirmed yet, their heads are full of potential scenarios about our future together. Erik especially is thinking frantically and his thoughts are so fast and chaotic that I have a problem deciphering them.

I try showering them with love, but I can't calm them down when I'm not calm myself. I feel Liana more distantly because I'm not directly touching her, but, unlike my partners, I can sense careful optimism coming from her. Is she actually happy about it? I focus on my guards, who are silently standing by the walls, and they feel more excited than shocked.

"Well, we will know for sure when we check your body," he shrugs it off for now. "We planned a thorough medical examination for tomorrow morning. Your research team should arrive in the afternoon so we'd better do it as early as possible."

I turn pale when he says those words: medical examination.

"What's wrong, son? Aren't you curious about which parts of you are Divementis and which Celestial?" he doesn't understand my reaction.

"His Majesty's mother conditioned him to be afraid of hospitals and doctors and avoid them at all costs," Liana explains instead of me because I don't say anything. She managed to digest the shocking news surprisingly fast.

"She conditioned you?" that astonishes him. "Well, I guess that makes sense. She was good at behavioural psychology and she needed to protect you. What else did she condition you to avoid?"

"You," I whisper, my wings still trembling.

"What?" my father frowns, confused.

"She told me to never look for my father," I explain in a shaky voice, "and I never did. Every time I thought of you, I felt dread."

That leaves the Divementis Emperor speechless. I wish I could read his emotions and thoughts right now. What is he thinking? Is he remorseful? Angry at my mother? Disappointed? Irritated?

"I... I see," he says heavily after a few long moments, "Amelia must have been afraid of what my subjects would do to a human-Divementis hybrid."

The soup plates are taken away and we're served the main dish. Surprisingly, it's European cuisine. Erik and my Divementis relatives get a steak with potatoes while Liana, Gotrid and I get pasta with stir-fried vegetables and grated cheese. I have to let go of my partners' hands, so I stretch my wings and hug them with my wings instead.

All my appetite left me after that unexpected revelation, but I force myself to eat. I chew slowly, trying to think how to get out of tomorrow's medical examination. I know that my fear is stupid now because I have no more use for it, but I can't help it.

"Love, you should go," Gotrid finally speaks up, having recovered a bit. "We have to confirm it. Besides, we need to finally know how your body works. They might help you with your indigestion and migraines. Don't worry, I will be holding your hand during the whole process."

Erik stays silent, still thinking things through.

"Son, our medical examination doesn't hurt," my father assures me. "We won't do anything invasive. We will just scan your body and if we need to go deeper, we can ask your Earthborn physician for help."

"Okay," I say, but I know that I don't sound enthusiastic. At least I can hope that the examination will prove that I'm not immortal.

I eat a mouthful of pasta so that I don't get scolded for not eating properly, but I keep checking the mental states of Erik and Gotrid. Their expressions are stiff and they still feel bewildered, but it seems each of them is for a different reason. Not wanting to pry, I look down to my plate.

"Won't you ask about your mother?" my father surprises me by suggesting that so openly.

"I wanted to, but...," I bite my lip because I don't feel comfortable about it when there are Divementis servants and my guards around.

"I understand, we will talk in a dream state then," he says as if it's the most natural thing in the world. Maybe it is for the Divementis. "Anyway, I'm assigning you Nala and Advin as your adjutants. They will start tomorrow."

"You what?" I almost drop the fork.

"Their job will be to take care of your needs and comfort, make sure that coordination between Celestials and Divementis runs smoothly and help you with your daily agenda," he explains matter-of-factly. "It's customary for relatives who didn't inherit the Royal bloodline to proudly take up such functions and help the sovereign. Nala and Advin might be young, but I think that you will find the company of Divementis close to your age and born here refreshing."

"I don't...," I try to oppose, but Nyx interrupts me.

"Your Majesty, it would shame my family if you rejected them," she pleads. "It's our tradition that cousins without the gift help their Prince or Princess. Besides, you won't get a better chance to get to know your people than this."

"Well, I guess... okay?" I say uncertainly.

"I promise you that they won't get in your way," Nyx smiles encouragingly. "Still, I beg you to keep them close. They have a lot to learn about politics and other Draconian races. Seriously, I swear that sometimes they behave more like humans since they were born here. If you need to discipline them, feel free. As their Prince, you are naturally their superior."

"More like humans?" I raise my eyebrows because I don't believe it.

"Son, I know that you see yourself more as a Celestial than a Divementis, but I'd like to teach you about our rich culture and history," my father proposes. "Your schedule will be packed, but we can't underestimate this part of your Divementis heritage."

I would be lying if I said that I'm not curious, so I nod. Nevertheless, it's so strange. Just a week ago the Divementis were still a total mystery to us and now we're having dinner with them and they are willing to tell us all their secrets. I even stopped seeing them as aliens. Maybe we can cooperate after all?

When we finish the dinner, it's already nine. If I'm to meet with my father in a dream state, I should call it a night early today so that I get enough sleep. My father doesn't try to hold us for longer exactly because of that.

"See you soon, Aefener," he says instead of a goodnight.


We're quite tired so we don't talk much on our way back. Both Erik and Gotrid need more time to think so I decide to give them space and only Liana can't stop babbling about my apparent immortality which I adamantly refuse to believe in. I insist that my mana-storing feathers are just a handy power source which has nothing to do with my lifespan.

"Thank you for coming there with me," I say to Liana in front of her apartment that's just opposite ours.

"It wasn't as tense as I expected," she admits. "Not that it was short of shocking discoveries. Immortal, geez. One more reason for our people to go crazy about Your Majesty."

"I hope not," I sigh and wish her goodnight.

"Bathroom," Erik mumbles the moment we step into our apartment and runs off.

I'm left on the doorstep, confused. Sure, it's been almost three hours and Erik has his human needs, but he's clearly running away from our inevitable follow-up conversation, not just to empty his bladder. I can feel his emotions and they are super turbulent. I look at Gotrid who, on the other hand, feels relieved for some reason.

"We should talk," I say simply and he nods.

I briefly tell the maids that the dinner went rather well and let them change us into our sleeping robes. Maybe it's for the best that Erik isn't here for now so that I can focus on Gotrid first.

"Gotrid, you reacted strangely during the dinner when we were talking about Divementis partnership bonds," I say, unsure how to phrase it. "We need to talk about it. I mean properly talk. Is there something you aren't telling me? I'm sorry, but my telepathy isn't omniscient. Also, I don't pry into places of your consciousness which I feel that you guard."

"I appreciate that," he says, takes my right hand and kisses it to express his gratefulness.

"So, what was that about?" I poke him.

"You really don't know?" he's slightly surprised.

"I really don't," I assure him.

"Aefener," his eyes suddenly get wet and he uses my name which he rarely does. "The truth is I was afraid that I forced myself on you."

"You... what?" I tilt my head, astonished.

"I mean," he grabs a few of my feathers and plays with them to calm himself, "I was pretty forceful with my flirting and romantic advances. In my stupidity, I almost made Erik my enemy. You accepted me in the end, but I haven't been able to stop pondering whether you just took pity on me."

I'm staring at him with my mouth open wide. I certainly didn't expect that out of everything he could have been hesitant about.

"Gotrid, you...," I chew my lip. "Have you been worrying about it all this time? How come I didn't notice? Some telepath I am."

"As you said, you don't go into places of our minds which you feel that we guard," he reminds me. "It was the one thing I've never wanted you to know. I hid my insecurities behind my cheerful personality. I was afraid that you didn't love me as much as you love Erik. I was afraid that I would always be the second one—your compulsory Celestial Consort you were forced to take in to make your subjects happy."

"B-but... that's ridiculous!" I shake my head violently. "How could you even think that? I've opened my heart to you and surrendered to you completely."

"I don't know," his eyes get wet. "I realised how stupid it was only now. It's just... maybe it's my selfish thinking, but you seem to pay more attention to Erik than me. You're always so overprotective of him."

"Only because Erik doesn't have magic and can't protect himself," I explain eagerly. "I don't have to worry about your safety as much as I have to worry about Erik's. You became one of the best casters, Gotrid."

"R-really?" he sobs, but his eyes brighten up.

"Of course, you rank right after Liana, Taranah, Miruel, Soren and Vermiel," I assure him vehemently.

"Wait, I'm number six in your ranking?" he suddenly stops crying and frowns instead.

"Well, you don't have time to train all day long," I shrug and smile. "Gotrid, you silly, why did you need the Divementis to assure you about my love? Can't you feel it from me? Should I be even more lovey-dovey with you?"

"I certainly wouldn't say no to that," he finally smiles back. "Still, I feel relieved to know that you can't bond with someone who you don't truly love."

"Dummy," I poke him again, but then I lean for a kiss. I hope Erik returns soon so that we can cuddle together.

Erik does return eventually, but he takes his time. He appears at the door with an expression I've never seen him have before and it frightens me.

"Ryuu, I'm sorry, but I decided to sleep on the sofa tonight," he whispers and his voice is tense. "I need more time to think and I can't have you influencing me."

"Sleep... on the sofa?" I repeat after him and the meaning of those words is only slowly starting to decode in my confused brain. When it finally does, I forget to breathe for a moment. "Erik, please... we can talk about it and..."

"Sorry, Ryuu, I need to be alone," he shakes his head, turns around and simply leaves.

I look at Gotrid and Gotrid looks at me. What has just happened?!

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