COUNTRYHUMANS: The Vegetable...

By LePetitPrince-

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Do you like mystery, romance, and fan fiction? A CountryHumans fan perhaps? Someone who ships FraRus/Frussia... More

Prologue: The garden. (FLASHBACK!)
Chapter 1: Who Did It?
Chapter 2: Prelude To The Mystery. [🇬🇧]

Chapter 3: Finding clues.

68 11 245
By LePetitPrince-

(basically these two just being annoying flirts MOST of the time, I'm warning y'all :// )

"This looks worse than I have thought..."

The Russian opened his mouth to speak but was paused when he saw the view in front of the two. He stares at the scene in disbelief, as all of the crops were destroyed or partially dead. The destruction of the garden was even more horrible. France was pretty surprised as well.

She whispers, just grinning slightly, "Who could have done such a terrible thing~?"

Russia turned to look at his short girlfriend with a narrowing glance, "Really, France?" He rolled his eyes. France has done way more terrible things such as blowing up ships and ports, massacres too, it'd be no surprise if it were her... Though Russia highly doubts, he knew the French wouldn't even step foot in the UK- She hates this place to the point of losing her throat!

France seemed surprised by this accusation. She mutters, "Me? How could I have done something like this~?"

" do destroy New Zealand's ports and break most of the Africans' cars and blow up their houses..." He mutters before walking towards the nearby destroyed crops.

The French shrugs, and she replies, "Touché, ourson~ But I really would never waste my time on this British bastard. Honest!"

She follows after him, making her way towards the nearby destroyed crops. She looks around carefully, scanning for any sort of evidence.

He sighs, "We haven't even a SINGLE evidence on anyone! I feel like it's the USA. Just a bad feeling." He got on his knees and looked closer at the vegetables that seemed to have rotten.

France crouches down next to him, and she seems to be contemplating the situation. She thinks for a moment, but nothing comes to her mind.

He suddenly took out his phone and snapped pictures at the ruined garden, his face serious and focused.

France sees him taking out his phone, seemingly focusing on it.

The Slav whispers. "These may not be evidence for who destroyed the garden, but.. They might be helpful for another reason."

"Hah. Of course they'd be helpful~" She hums, looking away from the phone, before suddenly realizing he was putting on plastic gloves and took only one rotten crop, and small particles of the soil, before placing them in a plastic bag.

France now smirks, having come to a realization. She leans in close to Russia, and she whispers, "You are taking samples, are you not? These rotting vegetables and the soil could potentially lead us to who destroyed the garden." She chuckles, "You came prepared~ No wonder why you took such a huge suitcase with you." She hums.

Russia laughs softly, and he replies, "Of course I came prepared, darling~"

He looks down at the soil samples and the rotted crops, he seems happy that their investigation is going along well, at least in this regard.



"Does that mean we can go home now, and check out those samples??"

"Hmm, that would be preferable, yes. However, we must at least check the entire garden, and then we can leave." Russia seemed serious for a moment, and he then looked directly at France. "Besides, my darling France, those soil samples would take time to analyze, we cannot expect such a speedy result~"

"EUGHHHH!!" She whined like the French snob she is.

Russia sighs, rolling his eyes and mutters in frustration. "My dear~ The less you annoy me, the sooner we can begin to leave."

He tries his best to not let her whining aggravate him.

France smirks, before suddenly hopping onto his back, "Take me away, Roméo~!"

He blushes in response as she suddenly hops onto his back, a bright red that has never been seen before. It seems obvious how much he was embarrassed and flustered.

He grumbles softly, and he sighs and mutters under his breath, "If you do not take yourself off my back, then I am afraid I must carry you like a princess on a horse, my love~"

"I would love that~" She winked.

He rolls his eyes and he whispers, "Fine, but only if you promise to cease your whining and annoyance~"

France wrapped her legs around his waist as she rode his back, smirking widely, "Cannot promise you that~" She whispers behind his ear.

Russia's cheeks became even redder than before, as he seems completely speechless at her sudden action. He whispers back, "Of course you cannot. I do not know what I expected when trying to negotiate with you, my darling."

France placed kisses on his neck, murmuring, "If you continue to complain so much, I will make things difficult for you later~ After all, I am too much of a nuisance to be ignored~ I might continue to bother you like this."

Russia rolls his eyes and he shifts her legs and her body from behind him so that she can be carried properly. Her legs wrapped around him and she felt like a delicate princess, she was so much smaller than him, after all. (smaller but older LMFAO)

He pouts cutely again, and his blushing is obvious as France leans in and whispers in his ear, "Do not worry, my prince charming~ I will make this ride as nice as possible~"

He rolls his eyes once again and continues to walk. They continue searching the garden, and the whole time that Russia is carrying France, she keeps whispering little flirtations to him.

This obviously flusters him and it is very obvious he is flattered. As they continue to search, they start to notice the odd patterns of destruction. One section of crops is completely destroyed with a strange amount of damage, while the other sections seem to be more evenly spread out.

Russia mutters quietly, almost under his breath, "It is rather strange to see this pattern. What would've caused one section of crops to be destroyed like this? I wonder whether something or someone purposefully destroyed these crops.. The destruction here is uneven and it seems to be intentional."

"My Russian teddybear is so intelligent, n'est-ce pas~?" She chuckles before nibbling onto his neck from behind.

Red splatters his face like a Christmas tree and he flinches as she nibbles on his neck. He seems to blush even more with her nickname for him, as he then whispers softly, "Yes, very intelligent~ But I will not forget these little kisses, and I will require that you pay back for this little teasing session."

"Oh I'll give you the biggest payment, my love~" France whispers behind his neck.

He seems to not even be able to muster up any sort of reply to her flirty comment, so he simply remains silent, as he seems to have run out of things to say.

He continues to scan the area to see any form of evidence, as the destruction was clearly not a natural event.


A few hours have passed, and the sun looked like it was going down.

The Russian detective noticed that it was almost sundown, and he was worried that it might get too dark soon for them to see anything properly.

He looks up at the sky, and he then whispers, "My love, we must hurry. The sun will be going down soon, and will leave us unable to see. Whatever this is, we must solve it before it becomes completely dark."

He notices that his girlfriend has fallen asleep.

Smiling softly, he carries her on his back carefully, towards the garden exit, keeping an eye open for any sign of who may have done the destruction.

Russia's eyes scan the garden as he walks He is used to carrying her, but she never falls asleep like this. Usually she likes to remain conscious while she rides his back.

He mutters quietly, "My love, is this really the time to rest?"

He decides that it would be best to hail a cab, and there, he places the French's sleeping body inside. He gets in afterwards, sitting beside her. And the cab starts driving towards their home.


Back in Paris, she seems to be enjoying having him lie next to her and hug her. She wraps her arms around his waist, and she looks over and stares directly into his eyes. Yes, she has woken up not too long ago.

She smiles softly and she whispers to him.

"My darling, you are not irritated with me, are you? I was just having some fun~"

Russia laughs and he replies softly, "No~ Of course not. I could not be irritated with you, even if I had tried. I would gladly let you tease me, and I know very well that it is simply your play, your way of affection."

He smiles and his arms wrap tighter around her.

She sighs softly, smiling lovingly at him as she nuzzles her head on his chest. "Can I see what you wrote in that journal about the sea witch~?"

Russia seems slightly surprised and he is immediately intrigued by her request. He smirks and as he replies, "Ah, I see you have come to find out what I have been writing? Very curious, my dear."

He then gently pulls the journal out of his bedside drawer, and he opens it and hands it to her.

It was written with a beautiful and careful handwriting,

"The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland 🇬🇧 //Including the England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.// ,,

Motive: Maybe she destroyed that garden on purpose? To blackmail France?


- Too bratty and annoying.

- WAY too suspicious.

- So quick to accuse France. (Unsurprisingly.)

- She was in her chambers, doing paperwork.

- Heard noises. Footsteps throughout the castle, whispers, and even the sound of something being smashed.

- England was just...throwing her temper at Scotland again.

- Wales hosted some tea party in a library in her city.

- No info on Northern Ireland.

- Besides France - Germany, India, and the USA are suspects to her.

"You are very observant, my dear. It seems like you have written down some excellent information to come to such conclusions." She whispers, smiling in fascination after reading the journal.

She then leans in to kiss Russia's forehead, and she whispers, "You are incredibly intelligent, and I love you dearly. Your writing has always interested me, and I love reading your entries." She chuckles, "Do you still have those soil samples?"

Russia blushes and he smiles, a soft and sweet smile. His chest warms as he feels her kindness and compassion.

His blush deepens when she praises his writing and his intelligence, as he seems embarrassed and flustered in response. It seems that she might have found his weakness.

He nods and then replies softly, "Ouais. I still have the soil samples we took. I was intending on having them analyzed tomorrow morning."

"Great!" She smiles before taking a pen from the nightstand and started adding things in the journal, written in beautiful cursive,


- Soil samples - The garden was destroyed on purpose.

- A countryhuman capable in doing such.

- The guards were most likely paid not to tell.

France's writing makes the notes more comprehensive and thorough, and Russia is impressed with her addition to his notes.

She seems very knowledgeable about political affairs, and her added information is very useful.

Russia suddenly frowns, "But the real question is. . .who destroyed the garden? Britain is still a suspect, as she hasn't really proven anything. But I do have my suspicions on a few other countries. . ."

The shorter nation giggles softly before placing a soft kiss on his forehead, "How about we think about that tomorrow, after we tried those samples, and we can go interrogate many other nations? For now, I want to rest. It's been a long day, cher."

He nods and he replies softly,

". . .This is why we make a great duo~"


Author's note: Oml why tf do I keep dying- also, sorry for the cringeness here-

next chapter, those two shall investigate a new country dun dun duuun~ >:)

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