Ascendance (Tokyo revengers x...

By Xqyzhs

305 37 25

In which Y/N Romanoff, an affectionate girl who's coerced into the life of an assassin from a tender age, mee... More

๐•ฏ๐–Ž๐–˜๐–ˆ๐–‘๐–†๐–Ž๐–’๐–Š๐–— ( must read )
๐•ป๐–—๐–”๐–‘๐–”๐–Œ๐–š๐–Š : awakening
๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐–”๐–“๐–Š : clarity
๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐–™๐–๐–—๐–Š๐–Š : commanders

๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐–™๐–œ๐–” : friendship

29 4 0
By Xqyzhs

Author's note: Another useless chapter. Let's pretend that Takemichi came  back to the past earlier before the underground fight, mkay? Timeline is not organized here, baby. Also I'm shitty at writing and creating dialogues so please don't judge me, I'm trying my best😭

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

/ (vɪˈrɑːɡəʊ) /
a strong, brave, or warlike woman; a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities

Y/N had spent the past two days immersing herself in the vibrant culture and bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. Frustrated by the lingering mystery of her previous whereabouts and the unanswered questions surrounding her past, she sought solace in the familiarity of her new surroundings.

When she left the hospital, Y/N stumbled upon a house for sale, which she now called home—she trespassed. Its cozy confines provided a sense of stability in the midst of her uncertain circumstances. Y/N thanked God that the owner isn't in the house.

Y/N saw the date—2005—etched in an old newspaper, sending a shiver down her spine. At first, the revelation sent her mind spiraling with questions, but then, with a resigned shrug, she dismissed it as just another peculiarity in her already unusual life.

Then the revelation that the fantastical worlds of aliens and superheroes were mere fantasies in this reality left her with conflicting emotions. Despite this, she resigned herself to the fact that there was little she could do to change it.

She also discovered the existence of delinquents and gangs, where mortal danger lurked around every corner. In her previous universe, Y/N had been no stranger to the existence of delinquents and criminal organizations.

However, the prevalence of such elements in Tokyo took her by surprise. Here, it seemed, the line between order and chaos was blurred, with delinquency and gang activity woven into the fabric of everyday life.

Determined to carve out a new life for herself, Y/N made her way to Mizo Middle School. Recollections of her remarkable academic intelligence, demonstrated by acing a test four times upon enrollment, flooded her mind. Consequently, the principal had placed her two years ahead of her peers, making her a fourth-year student.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

" Class, quiet. " The anticipation in the classroom was palpable as Mrs. Yuu made an announcement. " We're having a new student today. " Takemichi's brows knitted together in confusion; he couldn't recall any transfers in the past, and the news caught him off guard.

Just then, the door swung open, and all heads turned towards the entrance, eager to catch a glimpse of the newcomer. As Y/N stepped into the room, a hush fell over the class, replaced by a chorus of whispers and curious glances.

Takemichi's gaze lingered on her, his eyes widening in recognition. Wasn't she the same girl he had helped just days ago? The memory flashed vividly in his mind, stirring a sense of familiarity.

Y/N moved with a grace that commanded attention, her confidence evident in every step she took. The way she carried herself, the air of self-assurance that surrounded her – it was impossible not to be drawn to her magnetic presence.

As she made her way to the front of the classroom, Y/N ignored the whispers and stares, a serene smile gracing her lips, as she introduced herself to the class.

" My name is Y/N Romanoff. Please, take care of me, " her soft voice carried across the room, its gentle timbre captivating the attention of her new classmates.

Immediately, a flurry of questions erupted from the curious students, eager to learn more about their mysterious new classmate. " Are you a foreigner? " " How old are you? " " Where are you from? " The inquiries came fast and furious, reflecting the students' eagerness.

Y/N's eyes met Takemichi's across the room, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. She hadn't realized that Takemichi attended the same school, but the unexpected encounter brought a smile to her lips nonetheless.

As the classroom settled into a quiet hum of activity, Y/N found herself seated just a few chairs away from Takemichi. A small smile played on her lips as she thought about the things she did to attend a school.

Y/N, ever so resourceful, studied the birth certificate and other school requirements' intricate details, from the layout to the security features, noting every nuance that contributes to their legitimacy. Leveraging her hacking skills, she gained access to restricted databases, carefully extracting templates and reference materials essential for her endeavor. With a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes a genuine document, she begins to craft the blueprint for her counterfeit birth certificate with precision and care.

With unwavering focus, Y/N forged the birth certificate, ensuring that every element mirrored the authenticity of the originals. From the distinctive watermarks to the intricately embossed seals, she replicated each detail, leaving no room for error. Her attention to detail extends beyond aesthetics as she strategically incorporated false information, seamlessly weaving her fabricated identity into the document.

Transitioning seamlessly from forging the birth certificate, Y/N sets her sights on fabricating the required school documents. Drawing upon her extensive knowledge of educational protocols and administrative procedures, she crafted a convincing set of requirements tailored to her fabricated persona. From forged transcripts to meticulously detailed vaccination records, each document is designed to withstand scrutiny, ensuring her smooth integration into the school system. Armed with her counterfeit documents, Y/N is ready to infiltrate the school as an undercover student, poised to execute her mission with precision and finesse. All that remained was to enroll and execute with finesse.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The ring of the school bell echoed through the corridors, signaling the onset of the much-awaited break, Y/N swiftly navigated her way through the bustling throng of students towards Takemichi's spot. With a sense of amusement etched upon her features, she finally reached him.

" Hey Takemichi, nice to see you again, " she greeted with a warm grin that seemed to light up her eyes. Y/N, though not naturally inclined towards friendliness in her past life, understood the importance of forging connections.

In her previous life as the Black Widow, Y/N had been accustomed to a solitary existence, her days consumed by missions and assignments that left little time for personal connections or friendships. But now, as she found herself in the body of the thirteen-year-old version of her, she was presented with a rare opportunity to experience the joys of adolescence that had eluded her in her past life.

Plus, considering Takemichi had lent her a helping hand before, she reasoned, how bad could he be?

" Have lunch with me, " she proposed, linking her arm with Takemichi, whose expression shifted to one of panic.

" W-wait, I already made plans to have lunch with my friends, Romanoff-san, " he stammered, his smile tinged with awkwardness.

" That's alright. Let me join you guys. And please, call me Y/N, " she insisted, her grin unwavering.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The two made their way to the cafeteria, as Y/N and Takemichi engaged in lively conversation. However, when Y/N discovered Takemichi had a girlfriend named Hinata, she discreetly unhooked her arm from his, respecting boundaries as a girl's girl.🥰

Upon reaching the cafeteria, Takemichi's friends quickly spotted him.

" Oi! Takemichi, " the guy with glasses called out, his hair tied atop his head. " We're here! "

As Takemichi approached them, his friends noticed the presence of the girl beside him as they sat down on the table.

" Who's the new girl? " the black-haired guy asked Takemichi, his cheeks tinted with a blush at the sight of Y/N.

" Are you a two-timer, Shittymichi? " the guy with glasses teased, joining in on the amusement.

Takemichi, flustered, quickly explained, " That's not it! She's Y/N Romanoff. She's a transfer student and doesn't have any friends yet. " He didn't mention the first time they met, assuming that the girl wouldn't appreciate it.

Y/N smiled politely at them.

The red-haired boy with a pompadour intervened, playfully hitting both the black haired and the guy with glasses on the head. " I'm sorry about them, Romanoff-san, " he apologized, bowing slightly. " I'm Atsushi Sendo, but my friends call me Akkun. This is Kazushi Yamagishi, " he gestured to the guy with glasses, " And he's Makoto Suzuki, " indicating the black-haired guy.

" And I'm Takuya Yamamoto, " a guy behind Akkun added politely, " It's nice to meet you, Romanoff-san. "

" Please, call me Y/N, " she insisted with a grin, breaking the ice further.

As time flew by, they all found themselves engrossed in conversation and laughter, exchanging numbers effortlessly as Y/N effortlessly clicked with everyone.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

All of the class ended quickly. As the school day drew to a close, Y/N approached her new friends with a suggestion. " Hey, why don't we hang out? "

" Um, I'm not sure, Y/N. We were going to do something, " Yamagishi hesitated, his smile betraying a hint of nervousness.

" It's fine, I can wait, " she insisted, though inwardly she pondered her sudden urge to spend time with them.

The others exchangd glancs before Akkun spoke up. " Sure, let's meet at [place] at 4 pm, " he agreed, offering a smile before departing, the others following suit with their goodbyes.

In reality, Akkun had been on the verge of declining Y/N's invitation due to an upcoming underground fight. He didn't want her to worry if she noticed the bruises on their face. However, her earnest expression and hopeful gaze convinced him to accept without a second thought.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Y/N sipped her mango shake as she sat patiently at [place], the designated meeting spot, eagerly anticipating the arrival of Takemichi and the rest of the group. An hour crawled by, marked by the ticking of her watch and the occasional glance at her phone, but there was still no sign of them.

Feeling a twinge of concern, she brushed it off and resolved to wait a little longer. Another hour slipped away, the minutes dragging on as worry crept into her thoughts. Were they simply running late, or had something happened to them?

With a heavy heart, Y/N reluctantly decided to leave, disappointment weighing heavily on her shoulders. As she began to walk away, her gaze drifted upward to the vast expanse of the sky, finding a small measure of solace in its serene beauty. However, her brief moment of peace was abruptly shattered by the distant sound of pained shouts, causing her heart to skip a beat as she instinctively turned towards the source of the commotion.

There she saw Takemichi with a man holding a bat approaching him. She heard a terrified mutter "Kiyomasa..." from one of the man's friend. She assumed that was the latter's name. Without hesitation, she ran towards them.

As Kiyomasa raised the bat menacingly, his friends stood by eagerly, anticipating the impending violence. Takemichi braced himself, his eyes wide with fear as he awaited the painful blow.

But before Kiyomasa could strike, a sudden interruption shattered the tense atmosphere. With a swift and forceful kick, I sent Kiyomasa tumbling to the ground, his grip on the bat loosening as he crashed to the pavement.

Gasps of surprise echoed through the alleyway as Kiyomasa's friends stared in disbelief at the unexpected turn of events. Their expressions ranged from shock to confusion, unsure of how to react to the sudden intervention.

Standing over Kiyomasa, Y/N fixed him with a steely glare, her lips curling into a humorless chuckle. " You got knocked out by one hit. How boring, " She remarked, her voice laced with disdain as she looked down at the fallen delinquent.

" Y/N! " She heard Takemichi exclaimed in surprise.

Kiyomasa's friends (lackeys) tensed, their fists clenched and brows furrowed in aggression. Y/N swiftly analyzed the volatile scenario unfolding before her. Gripping the bat Kiyomasa had carelessly let slip, she positioned herself defensively, muscles tensed and senses heightened, prepared for any potential threat.

With a calm yet commanding tone, she addressed the group, her voice cutting through the thick air of hostility like a knife. " Consider this your opportunity to retreat," she stated, her gaze unwavering as she met their hostile stares with a steely resolve. " I'll even give you a head start. It'll only make it more thrilling when I surpass you. "

Despite the palpable tension hanging in the alleyway, she remained composed, her mind focused and alert, ready to respond with swift and decisive action should the need arise, as she was trained to.

The first of Kiyomasa's friend charged at her, his fists clenched and muscles tensed with aggression, while she instinctively dodged his attack, feeling the rush of air as she kicked his fist away. Seizing the opportunity, she retaliated with a swift strike to his abdomen, the impact reverberating through the alleyway as he stumbled on the ground.

Meanwhile, the second assailant closed in, his movements fluid and calculated as he aimed a series of rapid punches towards her head and torso. With lightning reflexes, she blocked and dodged, narrowly avoiding his strikes before launching a counterattack of her own, landing a solid blow to his jaw that sent him staggering backwards, dazed and disoriented.

Kiyomasa's last remaining friend lunged forwards behind her for a surprise attack, but she stopped him by delivering a fierce kick aimed at his groin that sent him sprawling to the ground, his agonized groan echoing through the alleyway as he cried in pain, clutching his injured area.

Standing over him, shr maintained a firm stance, her gaze piercing as she watched him writhe in discomfort. " Had enough yet? " She taunted, her voice tinged with disdain.

Y/N's attention shifted to Kiyomasa, who had been silently observing the scene unfold. With a defeated grunt, he reluctantly acknowledged his defeat, and his companions rushed to his aid, helping him up before they slinked away, their pride bruised and egos humiliated, disappearing into the shadows of the alley.

Turning her gaze back to Takemichi, Y/N couldn't help but notice the disbelief etched across his features, his eyes widening at her sudden intervention. A mixture of shock and gratitude flickered in his expression as he struggled to comprehend the turn of events.

" Are you okay? " she asked with a smirk, though beneath her amusement lay genuine concern for his well-being. Kneeling beside him, she gently took his hand and assisted him to his feet, lending him support as he struggled to stand.

" I had no idea you could fight, Y/N! " Takemichi exclaimed in amazement, his voice close to her ear, causing her to wince slightly.

" Well, now you know, " she chuckled as she helped him regain his composure.

The two found respite on a nearby bench, and Y/N gently insisted that Takemichi remain seated while she went to purchase medicine to tend to his wounds. But before she could leave, a question weighed on her mind.

" Why was he beating you, anyway? " she inquired suddenly, her tone tinged with concern.

Takemichi hesitated, a flicker of reluctance crossing his features. " It's nothing, " he replied evasively.

Y/N sighed. " I won't push you, " she smiled, a note of understanding in her voice, which seemed to ease his tension.

" Thank you for helping me, Y/N, by the way. I'm heading home, " Takemichi announced, rising from the bench.

" Wait, I need to patch you up first— " Y/N began, but she was cut off by his interruption.

" It's fine, Y/N, " he assured her, offering a final smile before departing. However, his destination was not his home but rather his girlfriend's house, Hinata Tachibana, not to see her, but for her brother.

• Akkun's warmth reminds Y/N of Steve ;((

• Y/N's favourite in mizo five is Takuya.

• Takemichi have a newfound respect for Y/N after what happened, he envy her skills though.

• The author's real name is Yami.

• Y/N sneaked out inside the school before her first day to steal a school uniform—which she was wearing.

• If you didn't notice, Y/N is a girlboss (shocker, I know).


I don't even know how to create fake documents. I just made those shits up then improvised, also with fancy words and I also added details using Pinterest and a paraphrasing tool to sound smart. HDHHSHSUS also, I know Kiyomasa had like five or more friends or something in the manga/anime but I got lazy and made it just three😘

I swear guys, as the story progress, there will be more and more of dialogue to delve into Y/N's personality and her characteristics.


⊹⋆✧ What do you dislike/hate about romance genre?
In my opinion, love at first sight. It's a no no for me. I'd rather read a slow burn with thousand of pages rather than one character instantly falling in love with another upon first sight. It seems superficial to love someone without truly knowing them, like loving their appearance rather than their essence.

Also, violence. I've read this one ff about Sukuna where he physically assaults the protagonist during the relationship, like miss girl?!?!! Why are we romanticizing this behaviour??? Girl idgaf if he's portrayed as a murderer or a literal villain but if he lays a hand on me, I'm leaving.

⊹⋆✧ Who's your favourite character in tokyo revengers?
Mine is Sanzu. Pretty, scars, sword-wielding, loyal, scars, psycho, unpredictable, scars, strong, and he has such pretty scars. Overall, my type, he's my baby. He can do wrong. But let's be real, if I ever encounter him in real life, I'd run for my dear life. I'd rather be in a room with Kisaki than him, at least Kisaki wouldn't immediately kill me, you get what I mean?

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