Held In Time || Doctor Who

By rachael_writes

712 62 64

I frown at him, squinting slightly at his forever-apologetic face. "Because, Michelle, you are the girl that... More

1 || Held Captive
2 || Found
3 || A path to beginnings
4 || Eruptive Actions
5 || Fatal Goodbyes
6 || Rewritten
7 || TARDIS Tour, Part: One

8 || The Planet of the Rings

70 8 12
By rachael_writes


I stare up at the ceiling for the first hour, contemplating on how much I actually know now, how much I believe. And I find myself loosing touch with all that I believed to be true. First, I forgot everything, but atleast I knew my captures must be evil. Pure, true, evil. Unless, of course, they were my adoptive parent.
Then my whole world flipped, as memories of my childhood resurfaced. Weeks, I was locked up, and I now know why. My mother thought I wasn't good enough.

I turn on my side, head flopping onto the pillow. And, for the icing on the cake, a TV show I was so sure I watched when I was younger is actually true, and I'm in his TARDIS!

I gasp, my body jolting up in the bed. I'm in his TARDIS. I'm in a TARDIS where I can do anything and everything because I'm free, because maybe, just maybe, I've found something that can be my escape.

I furrow my eyebrows. Another thought nags at me through the joy. Yes, I remember, but something still feels odd. She said she found me on her doorstep, in a casket.
Who even put me there?

I rake a hand through knotted hair, and groan all over again. This time, I can't put it off. I need to wash my hair. Reluctantly, I push myself up from the mess I made overnight; the covers sagging over the bed frame, and trudge towards the bathroom.


I stare at my reflection, looking over my outfit as I brush my teeth. A white long sleeved top, and over it a black and white tweed blazer. Black translucent tights cover my legs under a pleated black miniskirt.

I spit out the toothpaste and rinse the toothbrush, moving my straightened hair to the side. In its natural state, my hair is curly. Dark brown and curly, down to my shoulders and below. Today, like most days, I straightened it from the roots down, curling the bottom only slightly, though I left a layer underneath natural.

Silently, I walk out of my bathroom and slip on a pair of jet-black mary janes, bending down only to buckle them. Perfect fit - though I probably shouldn't be surprised by now.

I stifle a yawn as I close the entryway to my room behind me, looking around for any indication of where to go.

I hear the metallic thrum of the TARDIS, and the corridor lights up, sending a wave of light down it.

"I'm guessing I follow the light, literally?" I ask rhetorically, patting the wall and walking down the corridor.

The TARDIS leads me to the stairs, and I figure the Doctor must be in the console room. In the show, he's always there. So I take a chance and go up, my room only one level below the ground floor, even though I swear it was more yesterday.

I reach the final step and push myself up, striding into the main room to find a Time Lord fiddling with some wires, only jerking back to avoid the occasional spark.

"Is that going well?" I force a smile on my face, and he jumps at the sound of my voice.

The Doctor climbs back to his feet, twisting around to greet me, "yeah, 'course. It just needed a little bit of.. friction."

"Ah," I nod, as if I understood, but he beats me to talking.

"Right then! Where to today? I was thinking a planet this time. Y'know, you and Rose both love.." he frowns at me, pausing mid-sentence, "are you okay?"

I press my lips together, deciding how to go with this, "mmm.. well, if I'm honest, still a bit confused. Now that I've slept, I've had more time to think about it: if 'Doctor Who' is real, and not just a TV show, then how is it in my head? And, by this, how do I know your future?"

The Doctor nods gravely, showing he understood what I meant, "oh - er - we still don't understand much, but.. I'm sorry, Michelle, you were taken from a different universe."

My eyes widen, and I'm left slack jawed in shock. Different universe? Like.. like Rose Tyler would be in a few episodes. Er, no, not episodes. Doesn't work like that here.

"You know, you should've lead with that earlier. Like, way earlier," I breathe, unable to think coherently.

The Doctor cringes, a frown spreading across his face, "yes, I realise that now."

"So, I'm...but how?"

"There are thousands of thousands of different realities, different universes. Even more than that, even. There's bound to be a few where all of this, all of me, exist in the form of a television programme." He explains solemnly.

My head swarms with questions, each a throbbing pain. If I remember it from a different universe, how and why was I brought to this one? Also, when? If all my memories were wiped during the asylum, how and why did I still have the TV show there?

I start, slowly, unsure where I can even begin. I ask him the first question uneasily.

"I'm so sorry Michelle, I wish I can have more answers for you. But I really, really don't know. I can only guess your mo.. mother was experimenting with universe jumping - or some greater force. It shouldn't even be possible, even short trips."

And with the second question.

"We found you in the year 2024, so I can only assume you came from there. I don't think they'd be able to time travel, no human is that evolved,"

Finally, the last question, although that doesn't even scratch the surface of my thoughts.

"It's because, somehow, you are linked to me. Even then, when you experienced the event back before it was fixed. It's protecting your memories of me.." he runs a hand through his hair, "..I'm sorry."

I shake my head, trying to gather my thoughts, "So.. so, hang on, so did you say I meet you at different points in your timeline?" I ask him another burning question that hasn't left my mind since yesterday.

The Doctor's eyes spark in recognition, a sad smile still plastered on his face like a mask, "you sort of.. jump in the timeline. My timeline, and you always land near me. It's like your body is linked to mine, like.. like coordinates but scattered across my life. Well, recent life. Give or take a millennia or two."

"Right.." I eye him warily, "and when do I first meet you - or when did I?"

He drops his hands into his pockets, "I can't say,"

I raise an eyebrow, "any reason for that or you just love being secretive?"

The Doctor lets out a small laugh, "if I told you I'd probably rupture the fabric of-"

"-yeah, you lost me there. How about this, just say 'spoilers' when you can't tell me." I suggest, remembering the famous line of River Song. He wouldn't have met her yet, so I think it's fine.

"Spoilers," he nods, "your famous words."

I furrow my eyebrows, "you already knew?"

"Of course I did! Now, where do you want to go today? Yeon, Echo, Lo - the choice is yours," the Doctor fidgets with the console table, pumping different devices.

I consider his offer, sitting back on the leather seat opposite him. The teal light shines on my face as I answer him in a small voice, "what's Echo?"

The Doctor looks up from the console, still automatically touching different buttons and levers, "Echo, the planet of the rings. It's said that three rings were formed there by their ancient Gods, to represent each God. One in the sky, one in the earth, one in the water. However, the water ring was lost for millennias, and nobody truly knows what it looks like. Well, until the year sixty-three thousand."

He rushes to another side of the console, pressing a few other buttons whilst I stare blankly, going over the story in my head.

"Could we go there?" I cross my legs, the planet interesting me enough, and I figure it would be a good way of resting my head and going over the information later.

"You don't need to ask me twice!" the Doctor grins at me, his hand already on a lever. I widen my eyes as I realise what's about to happen, and he yanks the lever down, the TARDIS wheezing and shaking and almost leaving me flying. I grip down on the chair, a gasp leaving my lips.

I shoot him a look, "you know, you could've warned me."

"Ah, less fun that way." The Doctor shrugs simply, his foot on the console as he whacks his hammer on a bell-like object.

The TARDIS lands shakily, ultimately enabling me to be able to stand. The Doctor lends me his hand before I can even attempt to get up, and I accept it with a smile.

"Are you okay, Michelle? If you want, we don't have to go-"

I shake my head rapidly, "no, no, let's go. I'd rather, um, get my mind off it for just a bit,"

He watches me for a moment before walking away, sucking in a breath and going back to his excited-to-see-the-planet act.

The Doctor leans on the door, poking his head out swiftly before gesturing for me to join him. I do so, skeptically, and watch as he slowly brings it open wider.

Standing before me is a beautifully untouched landscape, grime-green trees and shrubbery surrounding the area. The only man-made feature is the colossal silver ring planted between two hills, underneath a partially clouded sky.

"It's.." the sight takes my breath away, and I struggle to formulate a proper sentence, "it's unlike anything I've ever seen before."

I narrow my eyes, trying to tell why the river is formed around such neat edges. Below the vertical ring, four other smaller horizontal rings are covered in moss, this time laid flat out on the ground. A river flows around the rings, like a natural phenomenon against human creation.

"You said there are only three rings. Why are there four more?" I question, walking forward. I observe from a cliff edge, the dirt path from beneath me covering dust over my shoes.

The Doctor joins me, squinting at the two suns, "I said that three rings were formed, allegedly, by the Gods of this planet. That main one, there, is the famous one. The rest are.. cheap copies,"

My lips form an 'o' shape, but he doesn't let me dwell on it for long.

The Doctor grabs my hand, squeezing it ever so slightly, "well, then, let's go explore!"

I yelp as he drags me around the TARDIS and towards a steep slope, giddy as ever.


I stuff another bit of 'the grilled legs of kraken' into my mouth, which are literally just octopus legs - but I'm not complaining - as we stroll around the market.

"This is heaven," I say, after swallowing, "you sure you don't want some? Maybe wash it down with some pear juice?"

The Doctor wrinkles his nose at the sound of 'pear', "I'll pass, thanks. Looking for something a bit more significant than pears."

I laugh, "suit yourself."

I point to another stand, "ooh, alien fruit. Is it any good?"

He wheels me around, shaking his head quickly, "they don't particularly like humans."

I scoff, "what? Still discrimination in alien planets? What if I say I'm Time Lord, since you look like a human, then what?"

"First of all, humans look like Time Lords - we came first - and you couldn't be." The Doctor shakes his head dismissively.

I realise what I've said and widen my eyes, remembering that they were wiped out, and by him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean.."

He changes the subject skillfully, "But I do want you to try this."

He leads me to a stall serving plump deep fried buns with a syrupy sauce covering the top, alongside seeds that are scattered across and onto the parchment paper below. They're each stabbed with a skewer and the steam comes up, wafting its way to us.

The Doctor drops my hand for a second, just to rifle through his trenchcoat and reappear with a few credits in the form of coins.

I stand back as he pays for two buns, unsure if the TARDIS will translate for me.

The Doctor comes back successfully with the buns in a flimsy bowl, offering me one whilst taking the other.

"Thank you," I say, gratefully, and take it off his hands.

I take a bite of the bun and instantly smile, the flavours hitting my tastebuds in a succulent burst of flavour. Sweet, sticky syrup and soft, chewy bun.

I look up to the Doctor and notice his eyes flit away, "What is this?"

He sends me an upside-down smile, "Echo's famous dish." That's all he says as he takes another bite of his own.


The Doctor gave me a few credits and taught me the basic values, saying I can go ahead and buy whatever I wanted. What he didn't say was that he was just going to leave me, so causally.

So I stand, hands full of souvenirs, looking around for the Time Lord that wandered off somewhere without even thinking of telling me.

I narrow my eyes at a similar styled trenchcoat in the distance, but look away once I've realised it is a blueish grey colour, unlike the Doctor's beige.

A blur of spikey brunette hair appears beside me and I smack its arm.

"Ow!" It complains, rubbing its arm as I turn to face the Doctor in all his glory, "any particular reason you hit me or just woke up and felt extremely violent?"

I roll my eyes at him, "where did you even go?"

"Another shop," He says, obscurely.

I glare at him, "right. And didn't think to say?"

"Nah, I was just around the corner over there." The Doctor wags a finger randomly and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Uh-huh," I say unbelievingly.

"Oh!" I watch, eyebrows raised, as he holds up one finger at me and digs the other hand in his coat, searching for something, "hold your hand out,"

I eye him, unconvinced, but hold my hand out anyway.

He drops a metallic item with a stone-cold chain into the palm of my hand, retracting his hands back afterwards.

The Doctor smiles as my eyes widen in a bittersweet mix between shock and surprise.

I breathe out, "A key? The TARDIS key?"

He nods, "all yours,"

"This is.. wow. I don't even..Thank you," I'm elated, practically buoyant. The Doctor never gives the key to anyone so soon after meeting. Though, I suppose the situation is different, considering he already knows me.

I carefully drape the key over my head, tugging the chain down so the key's visible.

"Speaking of gifts, I got you something," I tell him, looking at the bundle of things in my hand and blazer pocket, "just give me a minute to get it."

I, eventually, fish out a little charm: a miniature vintage clock, porcelain with a milky-white rim, "It's also meant for keys, surprise surprise. I've actually always wanted to decorate a key with these so I figured I'd get you one, considering all the times I've seen your key and it's just been a.. key. Unless you like it that way, and I'll jus-"

"-No, no," The Doctor interrupts me quickly, "no, I love it."

With a smile on my face, I look back at my souvenirs proudly and remember that they're wrapped from my hands and wrists, also hanging over my blazer pocket.

"Do you think I went a little overboard? I mean it is my first alien planet but it's your money at the end of the day, so, if you want, I can pay you back." I hand him the clock, pursing my lips.

He shakes his head, "no, I think that you're- that's perfect. Thank you, for this."

I nod absentmindedly, "Sure! Where are we going now?"

The Doctor's hand slithers down and meets mine.

"First let's deposit all of..that," he eyes my souvenirs warily, "back at the TARDIS and we'll go from there."


"I forgot to ask," I begin, walking down a hill hand-in-hand with the Doctor, having just put away all my newly bought souvenirs, "what are you up to? Episo- er, adventure wise."

"Just had an encounter with some ood, though not the friendliest kind." He informs me casually.

"Um, did you go up against this Beast thing?" I frown at my poor memory.

The Doctor nods, curtly, "yeah."

"Right. Thats, er, 'The Satan Pit' then." I say, and a small smile tugs at his lips, gracing his face, "What? Is that funny?"

"The episode names are.. interesting," The Doctor says instead, kicking a bit of rock.

I laugh, "some are far worse. Speaking of, have you met the.. absorboloff thingy yet?"

I chew on my lip as he responds, "yeah. From Clom," he chuckles.

"Clom, the twin planet of Raxacoricofl..okay, nope, no idea how it ends."

"Raxacoricofallapatorius," The Doctor corrects with a smile.

"Right, right. That. Yeah, I got a whole episode of just those people you met and the thing from Clom. Honestly, loved the ELO, but what the hell was that ending." I rant, reminiscing.

I nudge his shoulder playfully, "Oh, yeah, also, where's Rose now?"

"Oh, Earth. With Jackie, I suppose. I'll only have gone for a few minutes for her, 'cause time travel, but I figured you'd feel better with less people." He explains, raising a hand to shield the sun from his eyes.

The Doctor squints, "is that a tourTrain? Oh, I haven't seen a tourTrain in years!"

A rectangular train car, iron and black in colours, floats above a tree, cautiously lowering itself in a nearby station.

"Mm, finally, no dodgy CGI," I mutter, downplaying my amazement.

He doesn't give a remark, though, because he hauls me across the market, in persuit of that 'tourTrain' as he calls it.

"Come on, then!"

I groan, "more running? It's like you want to kill me."

We run faster than I have in ages, and I remember the famous jest of the show: he does a lot of running.

The Doctor sprints across, faster than I would of thought capable. He does this whilst a heavy baggage on his arm, looking a lot like me, tries to catch up.

I pant, out of breath, "you do know I haven't ran in weeks, yes?"

He skids to a stop and I have to dig my heels into the dirt path to stop myself from flying into the Doctor.

I scrunch my nose in confusion, but I don't utter anything when I clock the view infront of me.

TourTrains fly down in synchronisation and a voice screeches out, "Come see a tour of the famous water ring!"

Booths are set up facing the right, a small gate indicating that you need to go through there to buy tickets.

It's a train station.

"Up for a little tour, Mystery-girl?" The Doctor grins as we stroll towards the booth on the far left.

"As long as it doesn't involve running more," I mumble jokingly.

"Taking that as a yes!"

"It's as good as any yes you're gonna get from me, Spaceman." I widen my eyes at what I've just said, and I realise I've stolen Donna Noble's nickname for him. I did that automatically, as if it were a natural reflex for me.

I knit my brows together, "um, not quite sure where that came from."

The Doctor releases his hold on my hand and walks up to the woman in the booth.

It takes me a moment to notice that she looks like a human, and is speaking English. Or, no, maybe the TARDIS is translating it for me. Either way, she is a human look alike and definitely flirting with the Doctor.

Although, funnily enough, he doesn't seem to realise. As if this hasn't happened to him a thousand times before.

"Right, er, yes. Um," the Doctor frowns and I watch, amused, as the woman winks at him.

"Here you go," she bites her lip flirtatiously, running pearl-white teeth over cherry lipstick as he takes the two tickets.

I cough mockingly, and the woman shoots me a look, glaring daggers.

She rolls her eyes, "You can wait in line, Missy."

The Doctor snaps, sharply, before I can even get a chance to, "don't talk to her like that."

I say nothing, astonished, as I link my arm in his and walk off.

We sit down on a bench by the train-tracks and a fragment of a smile appears on my face.

Nobody's stood up for me before.

I finger the ticket, biting on my lip in a mix of confusion and happiness.

The tour train comes to a halt, making an ear-piercing noise, as the Doctor pulls me to my feet, ushering me to the queue.

We board the train and I can't help but be reminded by one of my all time favourite episodes: Midnight.

I take the window seat, resting my head against the wall as the Doctor looks around, poking his head over his seat.

He gives everyone easygoing smiles, showing his immaculate teeth.

I swear if this journey becomes like Midnight, I'm going to scream.

I've always felt so angry at the passengers, because that episode is a prime example of humanity at its worst. The way mankind would kill just to save their own skin, and be so quick with it too.

The way that, at the beginning, the Doctor became friends with everyone, talking and laughing alongside them. But, no, they so easily wanted to send him off to die.

I clench the armrests in annoyance, because now that episode reminded me of my own experiences with humanity. I was locked up by my own mother.

Silent tears stream down my cheeks and I tilt my head over to the window so the Doctor wouldn't notice, stifiling a sob and reaching a shaking hand up to brush them away.

"Hey, Michelle, are you okay?" A soft voice comes from beside me, his index finger going under my chin, gently turning my head to meet his worried eyes.

He stares at me, locking his eyes onto mine, for what feels like forever. Or, what I wish it could be, a nagging thought tells me, but I push it down. I feel my lips part subconsciously, and I swallow as he breaks us apart, two mismatched pieces of a puzzle again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassure him, but not well because my quivering voice gives me away.

The Doctor begins, "Michelle-" but gets interrupted by the PA system, warning everyone that we are departing soon, and that we should sit down and buckle our seatbelts.

I do so, looking back at the Doctor and sending him a tight-lipped smile, "I'm fine, Doctor, really."

I don't think I've convinced him, but he decides not to press on the subject.

I count the seconds as they go by, remembering the little game from my time in the asylum, and let myself get lost in a boring pattern of numbers, slowly ticking away.

Three minutes is all it takes, and a flight - or train, even - attendant comes into our cabin, poised elegantly.

She stands by a long curtain with a slim black remote in her hand, which I notice the Doctor eye eagerly.

"Welcome, ladies, gentlemen and other variations thereupon, to the National Choice Water Ring Tour!" She says, raising her remote control. She taps a button and the screen above comes to life.

"This trip will be around three hours long. We will desend into the water at fifty-six minutes. Please brace when we tell you to. Complimentary food and snacks will be brought around at one hour fifteen. Remain seated and only unbuckle your seatbelts when the sign above you lights up. Thank you," the flight attendant nods, turning around and uncovering the room concealed by curtains, walking through.

"Three hours!" I exclaim after the woman has left, "Didn't we park by a river?"

The Doctor theorises, "yes, but I suppose the Ring is either quite far in or deep."

I frown, "Did this cost much? Three hours and good seats, surely it would be expensive. If you want, I'll take up a job to-"

"Michelle, this one's on me. Plus, sonic and ATM, do y'know what that makes? Money," he grins boyishly, flipping his sonic screwdriver in his hand.

A smile fights its way onto my lips, "is that not illegal or anything?"

"Nah, probably not." is all he says, and I smack his arm lightly.

"So, what are we even gonna do for three hours?" The Doctor asks as I lean my head against his shoulder.

"Hmm, I dunno. Talk?" I suggest and he hums in my ear.

He blows out a breath teasingly, "three whole English hours. Well, not English because we're not on Earth, nor in England. Either way, I'll stick with the expression. I might just spoil something in that time,"

"But, you might also not." I remind him, "I think we'll have a lot to go on, talking wise. Might sleep, though. All that running's done me no good. Thanks a lot, Spaceman." I yawn, stretching exaggeratedly.

The Doctor chuckles, his shoulders vibrating with movement.

Half asleep, I question him, "what's it like?"

I think my half-reasonable question takes him by surprise because he draws in a breath, "what is what like?"

"Regeneration. It's something I've always wanted to know."

"Do you want the honest answer or the easy one?" He asks earnestly.


"It's like dying." I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out, and he continues, "It's so painful and deafening that you can't feel anything but pain, until eventually everything becomes numb. Numb, and then back to life with a shock. It's like breathing again after you've held your breath for so long, you're so oxygen starved and everything takes a bit of time to adjust and normalise. Except, that wouldn't have worked because you would've died by suffocation." The Doctor pauses, recollecting his words, "Everything's new and weird again, so foreign in your own body. It's a lottery. You win some, you lose some. And you compensate in different ways."

I reach down and squeeze his hand, "and it's worth it in the end?"

The Doctor freezes for a moment, before answering, "yes, it is,"


The Doctor and I have been talking for fourty minutes now, entertaining each other with stories, jokes and even mini-games.

" 'National Choice'," I say suddenly, mid-thumb war, "is that a play on National Trust?"

He sticks his tongue out in concentration, "Yeah, they've kind of got this big feud over which came first."

"What? That's stupid! Does nobody have the history of it?"

"Wiped out by the Great Big Human war with the Sublurieans. You lot thought peace was not a good choice, too risky. Honestly, humans."

"Oi! But, to be honest, we never learn," I roll my eyes and groan as, once more, the Doctor has beat me at the game, "boo, you're too good. It's never fun if your opponent's a try hard."

He laughs, "what do you recommend we play then?"

I look up to the ceiling as if it holds all my answers. If only. "Uh, running out of hand games here. Slaps, maybe?"

He gives me a look and I raise an eyebrow, questioning him, "what did you do now?"

"Last time I played slaps I was banned from Suliko."

I have to press my lips into a fine line to keep myself from snorting.

"Right. Moving on, because I have no intention of finding out what the hell you did."

The PA system rings, "Attention ladies, gentlemen and other variations thereupon, we are now going into descent. Please remain seated and calm as we reach the water. Thank you."

I grip onto the armrest, my lack of knowledge on how to swim scaring me enough that I feel as if I'm going to be sick.

"Oh, great," I mutter half-heartedly, and the Doctor squeezes my hand reassuringly sending sparks of goosebumps up my arm.

Why was I reacting this way?

I chew my lip anxiously, trying to go over the episodes in my head when a thought occurs to me.

"Hey, Doctor?"

"Hm?" He says from beside me, tapping his foot on the ground.

In the show, he always had to do something otherwise he'd get bored easily. Is he the same here? If so, how is he even coping? Three hours must be dreadful to him.

I shake off the thoughts and address my question, "When I.. when I jump, and we meet up again, how do we keep track on where we're both at?"

His lips lift up into a smirk, "your diary,"

Like.. like River Song?

"Is that not a spoiler?" I frown, eyebrows drawing together in confusion.

The Doctor licks his lips, "not, no, not.. not really. You said I'd be able to tell you, once you've asked, and well, today's the day."

"Er, how about.. how do I get it?" I press my lips together in a fine line.

"Oh! Right, right. I've got your, your diary back in the TARDIS. New, unmarked. I've just forgotten to give it to you."

I laugh to myself, "you know, for one of the smartest beings ever, you sure do forget a lot,"

He dismisses the thought quickly, turning back to the front, "oooh, an ood. I haven't seen a free ood in.. oh, dunno, years. They've advanced now, you see, used to be human slaves. Enhanced, allowing them to build an entire civilisation and even extended their mental powers. Incredible,"

"I've always hated how they were enslaved." I say, frowning, "born to be kind: their brain held in their hands,"

The Doctor glances back at me, full of sorrow, about to say something only to be cut off by the PA system once again. He shoots me an annoyed look and I smile, concealing a laugh.

"Please be cautious as we now are descending into the water. Remain seated and in case of emergency, brace, grab a life jacket and the silkMask above your head. Thank you."

I shiver, "what's a silkMask?"

"It's an.. a sort of oxygen mask but advanced and for water. Very common around this century," He explains soothingly, "it's only for extra precaution, though, I wouldn't worry. Either way, this tourTrain should never break under water conditions."

Famous last words.

I nod, not reassured at all but manage at the fact that the Doctor is still here and he'll most likely find a way to save us if..

The tourTrain jolts, snapping me out of my thoughts. I grip onto my seatbelt unsteadily and feel the Doctor's hand securely around my hip. Realisation settles; we're going into the water. Turbulence quakes the whole room, and I hear gasps of distress around me. Clearly, something is wrong.

Unexpectedly, as if nothing had ever happened, it freezes all at once, and I look at the Doctor in confusion.
He frowns at me, shaking his head slightly so only I could see.

Whatever just happened, it's bound to be bad, possibly even evil knowing him.

Oh, great. Maybe I am going to scream after all.

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