[201-400] THE MECH'S TOUCH

By thegamer3496

2.9K 425 5

Author:Exlor Alternative names:N/A Genre:Sci-fi, Fantasy Source:Webnovel Status:Ongoing Humanity has conquere... More

Chapter 201: Market Woes
Chapter 202: Vision
Chapter 203: Oleg
Chapter 204: Wager
Chapter 205: Triple Division
Chapter 206: Discordan
Chapter 207: Accomodate
Chapter 208: Reasons
Chapter 209: Keltrex
Chapter 210: 4-star Design
Chapter 211: Last Spear
Chapter 212: Singular
Chapter 213: Printer
Chapter 214: Shady
Chapter 215: Runaway Success
Chapter 216: Jarle
Chapter 217: Small Job
Chapter 218: Undermine
Chapter 219: Vintage
Chapter 220: Sucker
Chapter 221: Perpetuity
Chapter 222: Eternal Edition
Chapter 223: Back to Bentheim
Chapter 224: Colleagues
Chapter 225: Toys for Boys
Chapter 226: Price Level
Chapter 227: Auctions
Chapter 228: Hype
Chapter 229: Delegate
Chapter 230: Transition
Chapter 231: Taxes
Chapter 232: Fulfillmen
Chapter 233:
Chapter 234: Space Whales
Chapter 235: Disparity
Chapter 236: Imagination
Chapter 237: Aquatic Mech
Chapter 238: Conviction
Chapter 239: Dancing Along the Edge
Chapter 240: Reflection
Chapter 241: Market Research
Chapter 242: Draft Design
Chapter 243: Feedback
Chapter 244: Senior Management
Chapter 245: Skills to Pay the Bills
Chapter 246: Mastery
Chapter 247: Barley
Chapter 248: The Knight
Chapter 249: Power of Two
Chapter 250: Board of Directors
Chapter 251: Black
Chapter 252: Sparring
Chapter 253: Blackbeak
Chapter 254: Competitor
Chapter 255: Breathing to Life
Chapter 256: Responsibilities
Chapter 257: Testing Ground
Chapter 258: Finalize
Chapter 259: Completion
Chapter 260: Spending Money Like a Drunk
Chapter 261: Validation
Chapter 262: Unveiling
Chapter 263: For Want of a House
Chapter 264: Captain Vicar
Chapter 265: Duel of the Firsts
Chapter 266: Superior
Chapter 267: On a Roll
Chapter 268: Emergency Meeting
Chapter 269: Third Party
Chapter 270: Charity
Chapter 271: Money Crunch
Chapter 272: Gratitude
Chapter 273: Calcardon
Chapter 274: The Glowing Planet
Chapter 275: Money In Money Out
Chapter 276: Blood Claws
Chapter 277: Get Rich or Die Trying
Chapter 278: In Your Blood
Chapter 279: Waiter
Chapter 280: Briefing
Chapter 281: Convergence
Chapter 282: Smooth
Chapter 283: Landfall
Chapter 284: Overcharged
Chapter 285: Discharged
Chapter 286: Approach
Chapter 287: Ghanso
Chapter 288: Grand Chaser
Chapter 289: Apparition
Chapter 290: Spreading a Net
Chapter 291: Raining Pirates
Chapter 292: Rush
Chapter 293: Stalemate
Chapter 294: Ghost
Chapter 295: Numbers VS Quality
Chapter 296: Pre-emptive Strike
Chapter 297: Takeru
Chapter 298: Approach
Chapter 299: Undercharged
Chapter 300: Invention
Chapter 301: Red Zone
Chapter 302: Gregarious Wrath
Chapter 303: Expert
Chapter 304: Best Intentions
Chapter 305: Bone
Chapter 306: Devourers
Chapter 307: Power of Resonance
Chapter 308: Attrition
Chapter 309: Circumvent
Chapter 310: Vault
Chapter 311: Mistaken
Chapter 312: Prospecting
Chapter 313: Boneyard
Chapter 314: Stolen
Chapter 315: Recalcitran
Chapter 317: Last Stand
Chapter 318: Amastendira
Chapter 319: End Run
Chapter 320: Wasteful Ploy
Chapter 321: Powerlessness
Chapter 322: Heroes
Chapter 323: Keep Your Enemy Closer
Chapter 324: Unease
Chapter 325: Lending
Chapter 326: Cut Down
Chapter 327: Hatred
Chapter 328: Loop
Chapter 329: Booty
Chapter 330: Profits
Chapter 331: Ambitions
Chapter 332: Personal Force
Chapter 333: Rifleman Mechs
Chapter 334: Breathtaking
Chapter 335: Underground Complex
Chapter 336: War Footing
Chapter 337: Intensive Competition
Chapter 338: Exceptional
Chapter 339: Fear of the Taboo
Chapter 340: Ripple Effects
Chapter 341: Arrangement
Chapter 342: Citadel Heavensworth
Chapter 343: Joe
Chapter 344: War Crime
Chapter 345: Decahedron
Chapter 346: Alien
Chapter 347: Crystal City
Chapter 348: Vulcaneye
Chapter 349: Spending Lavishly
Chapter 350: Spirituality
Chapter 351: Plantmeat
Chapter 352: Remains
Chapter 353: Belief
Chapter 354: Purpose
Chapter 355: Tainted Sun
Chapter 356: Human Limit
Chapter 357: Benson
Chapter 358: Transcendence
Chapter 359: Second Original Design
Chapter 360: Gimmick
Chapter 361: Realm of the Imaginary
Chapter 362: Lady Amalia
Chapter 363: Solitude
Chapter 364: Cynthia
Chapter 365: Fragment
Chapter 366: New Development
Chapter 367: Consumed
Chapter 368: Shaping
Chapter 369: Leaving the Cave
Chapter 370: Security Concerns
Chapter 371: Rabant Clearwater
Chapter 372: Crazy!
Chapter 373: Heels
Chapter 374: Woman's Mech
Chapter 375: Nutcracker
Chapter 376: Temporal Paradox
Chapter 377: Sektarian Strife
Chapter 378: Mech Demon
Chapter 379: Bedeviled
Chapter 380: Crystal Cube
Chapter 381: Looming Threats
Chapter 382: Laser Rifle
Chapter 383: Personal Kingdom
Chapter 384: Black Mark
Chapter 385: Defense Plan
Chapter 386: Divided Opinion
Chapter 387: Three Mechs
Chapter 388: Self-harm
Chapter 389: Prudence
Chapter 390: Pressure
Chapter 391: Rallying Cry
Chapter 392: Personal Intervention
Chapter 393: Unseen Threat
Chapter 394: Silver Lining
Chapter 395: Licensed
Chapter 396: Engineering Challenge
Chapter 397: Recovery
Chapter 398: Light Carrier
Chapter 399: Three Problems
Chapter 400: Pairing

Chapter 316: Sister

13 3 0
By thegamer3496

He should have seen this coming. From what he knew about Raella, she had always behaved as if she had been cast astray from the path she initially set forth on. Her dream was to be a professional mech athlete.

Once she had been cast from the dueling scene, she never really knew what to make of herself. The Larkinsons likely sent her to Ves to find a new goal to work towards. The old fogies on Rittersberg likely wouldn't be glad to hear that she decided to hitch up with one of the most violent and infamous gangs on Bentheim.

"Raella, we've talked about this. You're making a big mistake. You only see the noble side of the Blood Claws. All of that power and wealth is earned through less than savory means. Joining them means you are contributing to the social ills of Bentheim."

"I know all of that! I'm not a naive little girl anymore." Raella grumbled as she pushed away her empty glass. "But you don't see the good they do as well. The Blood Claws sound scary because they want to be feared. If you look underneath how they work, you'll see that they're not so bad as long as you play by their rules."

"Those rules have no leg to stand on in the Republic's laws. Gangs operate in a very different layer of society than the military or the regular private sector. Once you formally join the Blood Claws, you'll shut the door to a legitimate job. There is no way you can remain a Larkinson as well."

"What do you care about it?!" She spat back vehemently. "Is it great to be a Larkinson, when you're consigned to join the Mech Corps from birth? That sounds a lot like slavery to me! Well I've had enough of nagging uncles and aunties telling me what to do. I quit the family!"

Plenty of Larkinsons have distances themselves from the family over the years. Unlike some of the other military dynasties, the Larkinsons have been very relaxed about the issue.

Don't want to be a Larkinson? Okay. We'll update our registry. Henceforth, you are not an official member of the family anymore. Just don't come crying back when you encounter a setback and you don't have a shoulder to lean on. You made your bed.

The choice to quit your family association meant you embraced freedom over duty. The Larkinsons didn't quibble too much over the loss of free-thinking offspring, thinking that it would be better to let them spread their wings rather than hold them captive in a cage. In that regard, if Raella really wanted to cast herself from the family, Ves had no means to prevent her from going through with her choice.

He still found it to be a very bad choice.

"Raella, please, think it over. There are many other outfits you can join instead. If you fancy a rough life, there are many reputable mercenary corps you could choose from. They'd love to employ a Larkinson like you."

She shook her head. "I'm not doing this for the money! You don't understand a single thing what I'm saying! It's like this. I don't fit in with the Larkinsons. They're all so serious about pursuing a career in the Mech Corps. Well, I don't want to be a cog in a machine. What I want is to fight alongside real comrades who I can trust to watch my back. Mercenaries don't cut it. They fight for money and for a cozy retirement."

"Is fighting alongside a bunch of thugs and criminals any better?"

"Hey! They're not all brutes like in the dramas! Many of them are like Fadah and Dietrich. I envy them, you know. All of the Whalers act like brothers to each other. The Blood Claws already treat me like a sister that I feel more welcome in their midst than back at the Larkinson Compound. All I get from cousins like you are snide remarks and disapproving looks. I'm fed up with that!"

Ves understood that he couldn't convince Raella to reconsider her decision. He wasn't a man of eloquence, and neither did he have any experience in dealing with obstinate relatives.

After a couple more back-and-forths, Ves resigned himself to this undesirable outcome. This looked to be a real mess, especially considering that Melinda served in the Bentheim Planetary Guard. What if Raella and Melinda faced each other on opposite sides one day?

When Raella drunkenly stumbled back to her bunk, Ves sighed to himself. "The family won't like it if she jumps ship with the Blood Claws when the Republic is at the cusp of war. They'll take her defection as a betrayal."

Even though Raella wouldn't suffer any concrete punishment from her abrupt departure, henceforth she'd never be welcome at any of the family reunions.

"Whatever. It's her choice in the end. A gang is pretty bad, but at least she hadn't gone pirate."

At the very least, gangs operated in a grey area and could be relied upon to defend their territory when the Vesians came knocking at the door. Pirates on the other hand would cut down their own mothers in an instant and did not possess a single responsible bone in their bodies.

Ves spent the rest of the day preparing for the impending departure. Whatever plans the Mech Corps cooked up, he had no doubt that the pirates objected to their departure.

Everyone knew that the Mech Corps extracted a massive fortune from the red zone. Even if they hadn't heard about the Rorach's Bone the Gregarious Wrath recovered from the core of the Glowing Planet, the pirates would still attempt to chip away at their transports.

In the meantime, the Glowing Planet experienced a lot of turbulence. The sudden onset of earthquakes and the temporary spike in spacetime anomalies alarmed every outfit operating on the surface of the planet.

Even if the Glowing Planet's rage eventually subsided, many people held suspicions on what could have triggered the outburst. Both the Mech Corps and the Mech Legion received increased scrutiny for that reason.

Naturally, this also made it difficult to plan out their evacuation. Ves vaguely heard rumors that the Dragons of the Void had been organizing the disparate pirate alliances into opposing any departures by the two military forces.

This reality put the Mech Corps in a weird spot where they had to cooperate with the Mech Legion in order to maximize their chances of making it out intact. If they lifted off from the planet by themselves, then the pirates would completely commit their entire forces on a single target.

"Will the Mech Legion cooperate?"

The Bright Republic and the Vesia Kingdom had been locked into a bitter, generational struggle for supremacy. They almost never looked eye-to-eye to each other. How could they forge an agreement when they hardly shared any common ground?

As Ves had never personally taken part in a war against the Vesians, he found the idea of cooperating with the Mech Legion a distasteful but pragmatic choice.

Unfortunately, much of the 4th Bentheim Division disagreed. Off-duty mech pilots practically spat at their names when they talked about the Vesians. He imagined their Vesians counterparts doing the same on the opposite side of the planet.

Nevertheless, a small figure like Ves had no chance of taking part in the planning of such an important operation. He had to mind his own business.

"So the Whalers are leaving most of their non-mech hardware behind?"

"That's right." Dietrich said as he lay on the bed in one of the infirmaries. He suffered a minor breach in the cockpit that had mangled his arms. "While they're still worth a couple of million credits, they're all junk and they take up way too much space. My father would rather want to fill up his ships with containers full of exotics."

That made sense. Ves figured most of the other outfits would be doing likewise. "Still, all of those containers will weigh down the transports. Many exotics have a much higher density than regular alloys."

"We know, but we owe it to those who died to make it out with as much booty as possible. Dad wants to set up a fund for their families."

The mood turned a little grim. Though Ves hadn't witnessed any frigid battles, he could tell that the Whalers had changed.

The constant fighting grinded away their confidence and harvested the lives of their brothers. They lost at least half of their mech pilots and most of their mechs. Even if they mined a fortune in exotics, such a massive loss had dampened any enthusiasm about getting rich.

"We'll recover." Dietrich whispered. "My dad already filled me in on where he plans to spend all of that money. We'll be beefing our numbers. Besides recruiting mech pilots, we'll also purchase better mechs. Dad is actually thinking about buying some of your models."

"Good choice. I'll personally fabricate some for Walter if he knocks at my door. It's the least I can do."

"Have you seen Raella?"

"Yeah. She told me she wanted to join the Blood Claws. Please don't tell me you have a hand in that."

"It's not my fault!" Dietrich raised his healthy hand in innocence. "She can be a bit intense when it comes to earning fame. She doesn't think she'll be able to distinguish herself if she's serving in the Mech Corps. It's much easier for her to earn some fame among the Blood Claws."

Ves grew suspicious. "Is it because of Melinda?"

"Don't even start on Melinda." Dietrich groaned as he palmed his face. "You can't imagine how jealous Raella is over Melinda's duel against Captain Vicar. She's always thinking about a way to trump that achievement."

"Are the two of you still together?"

"Yeah… well, sort of. I don't think we can maintain a long-distance relationship." Dietrich hung down his head. "Ever since she hitched up with the Blood Claws, she became incredibly focused on her training. All of those battles polished her piloting style, so right now she's improving pretty fast. Compared to that, what's the use of a boyfriend? I should have never taken her to Bentheim in the first place."

Ves clapped Dietrich's shoulder in encouragement. "Man up, Dietrich. I'm not really good in relationships, but I think you still have a chance with her. Keep training and make sure you can keep up with her improvement. As long as you're strong, she'll continue to respect you."

Actually, he had no idea what he was talking about. Ves merely wanted to console the Little Boss and encourage him to keep in touch with Raella. After all, how would Ves be able to keep tabs on her if she stopped corresponding with Dietrich?

"What about your own love life?" Dietrich pricked back at him. "I've never seen you with a girl, and you rarely go out in the city to get to know someone. You're not growing any younger, you know!"

"Ahem, that's none of your business." Ves stubbornly closed himself off. "Go back to healing. I expect the Mech Corps will begin their evacuation tomorrow. Even if you aren't fit to pilot a mech, you should at least be tough to endure some shocks."

The man on the bed began to frown. "It's going to be that bad?"

"I really don't know, but we should plan for the worst. Many pirates haven't brought sufficient mining equipment so they only harvested scraps compared to the bounty that the Mech Corps earned. Those pirates won't be able to hold back I think. Stealing other people's hard work has always been their modus operandi."

After discussing a bit with Dietrich, Ves left the infirmary and began to consider his own options. He considered using up his golden lottery tickets, but found no opportunity to be alone. The base was packed full of people and the Mech Corps kept a close eye on all of them. He also figured that the lottery tickets mostly held items related to designing mechs.

"With my luck, I won't receive anything relevant that will help me survive the coming days."

He returned to the Whalers and made his final preparations. Since the Barracuda remained up in space, Ves had to borrow a ride for himself, Melkor and his Stanislaw. He walked over to the rusty little mech carrier that would bring them into space and frowned.

"How old is this ship?"

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