Legacy Unveiled: The Hidden H...

VoilaViolet1415 tarafından

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Caught in a web of deception and heartache, Kiran's life veers off course after a malicious prank and a crush... Daha Fazla

Author's Note
Chapter 1: A Groggy Start
Chapter 2- An Awkward Breakfast
Chapter 3: Singing
Chapter 4: It's Official
Chapter 5: A haunting memory
Chapter 6: The mishap
Chapter 7: The Soft Heart
Chapter 8: Fiery Temper
Chapter 9: Shadows and Smiles
Chapter 10: The Betrayal
Chapter 11: A Change
Chapter 12: Fevered Dreams and Fractured Hearts
Chapter 13: A Misunderstanding fixed
Chapter 14: Chaotic Mornings Be Like
Chapter 15: Some *cough* Drama
Chapter 16: Affected
Chapter 17: Oh
Chapter 18: You...okay?
Chapter 19: Finally
Chapter 20: *blushes*
Chapter 22: Fresh page
Chapter 23: Hard on both of us
Chapter 24: Pain
Chapter 25: MADHAV YOU WHAT?!
Chapter 26: Mohini? Madhav? What?
Chapter 27: Player Much?
Chapter 28: Toxic Charms Sweetie
Chapter 29: Cold
Chapter 30: Pretty Chill
Chapter 31: Bitter

Chapter 21: Separation

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VoilaViolet1415 tarafından

The ride home was like a silent movie, with Rudra shooting us suspicious glances every now and then. And no wonder – Pragyan was out cold, his head resting on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around me. I tried to act chill, staring out the window like I had all the answers, but inside, it was a freaking butterfly garden. All. The. Butterflies.

When Rudra and I finally dropped everyone off and headed home, Pragyan stirred and gave me a tight hug before planting a quick kiss on my lips, right in front of Rudra. My cheeks lit up like fireworks as I shot Rudra a quick look. Surprisingly, he seemed a bit stunned, and dare I say it, maybe even a little proud. I waved goodbye to Pragyan from the doorstep, feeling all kinds of fuzzy inside. Best. Day. Ever.

Back in my room, Rudra leaned against the doorframe with that sly grin of his as I packed my bag for school. "So..." he started, and I knew exactly where this was going. "How'd it go?" he teased, that smirk growing wider by the second.

I played dumb. "How'd what go, Rudra?" I shot back, trying to keep my cool.

"You know, the lip-locking session with Pragyan at the beach," he teased again, amusement dancing in his eyes.

My face turned a whole new shade of red as I stumbled over my words. "Well, it was like, in the heat of the moment, and I... um... kind of... well, yeah."

Rudra laughed at my embarrassment before messing up my hair and guiding me to sit on the bed beside him, that smirk turning into a soft smile. "Hey, you just had your first kiss. It's totally normal to be flustered. But did you like it?"

I paused for a sec, thinking it over, before giving a shy nod. Rudra's smile grew even wider. "Well, there you go. Pragyan seems like a cool dude, and if you're into him and you guys kissed, then..."

Before we could dive deeper into the conversation, our parents barged in like they owned the place. My dad looked surprised as heck, blurting out, "Kiran, you did what?" And my mom's giving me the serious side-eye, asking, "You kissed who, Kiran?"

Feeling the heat of their gaze, I awkwardly cleared my throat and stood up, trying to explain myself. But they weren't having it. Instead, they turned to Rudra for his two cents. "Is this, like, okay? And is she even allowed to do this?" my dad questioned.

Rudra stood up all serious-like but with a hint of confidence. "Yeah, Dad. It's all good. She's allowed, and Pragyan's legit her destined prince."

I'm just standing there, totally confused by their whole conversation. And then my mom gives them both a look like, "Shut it, not in front of her." And just like that, the convo cut off, leaving me to wonder what the heck was going on with my family.

Destined prince? Seriously? I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the whole fairy tale vibe. Like, come on, this is real life, not some magical kingdom. But whatever, I guess.

So, the next day rolls around, and let's just say it was awkward AF. Suddenly, I found myself dressing up like I was auditioning for Pragyan's approval. I mean, crop top, denim skirt, makeup, and maybe even some dainty heels. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't help but think I looked... well, girly. And maybe a tad too much. But hey, no judgments, right? Well, except for Rudra, who just raised his eyebrows in surprise before hustling me into the car.

The ride to school was as silent as a graveyard, and I couldn't shake the feeling of Rudra's disapproval hanging over me like a dark cloud. Finally, he stopped the car and grabbed my hand before I could step out. "Hey, I know you and Pragyan are, like, a thing now, but you don't need to change yourself for him. Or anyone, for that matter," he said, his voice serious.

I looked at him, his words sinking in. "Okay... but I kinda like it," I admitted, feeling a bit defensive.

He raised an eyebrow. "Like what? Looking like a delicate, pretty mommy's princess?"

I snatched my hand away, annoyed, and headed to class. Pragyan, Arnav, and Shivansh all raised their eyebrows at my new look, and I just smiled and waved, trying to play it cool. But I could tell they were a bit taken aback, maybe even annoyed, by the sudden change in my appearance. But hey, I was still the same person underneath it all.

Classes dragged on, and let's just say my math test was a total disaster. And at lunch, things didn't get any better. The boys seemed annoyed with me, and the girls were giving me these looks like, "What happened to you, girl?"

I tried to play it off, saying, "Hey, guys," but Arnav wasn't having it. "You know, Kiran, if dating someone changes who you are, maybe you shouldn't be dating them," he said bluntly.

Pragyan chimed in, eyeing my outfit. "Yeah, what happened to the 'I'm-no-less-Kiran' who never looked delicate at all?"

I shrugged, feeling a bit defensive. "What's wrong with looking delicate?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Madhu shook her head incredulously. "Well, it's not just about how you look. It's about the vibe you're giving off, Kiran."

And that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day – my friends shaking their heads in disapproval, and me feeling like I just couldn't win.

The week dragged on, and I found myself sinking deeper into this fantasy world centered around Pragyan. It was weird, and honestly, I wasn't really into it, but I couldn't seem to shake it off either. And then, to make matters worse, exams rolled around, and the fact that I was totally unprepared only added fuel to the fire.

I stared at my math and biology test papers, the glaring C- staring back at me like some kind of taunt. What had gotten into me? But strangely, I found myself not caring all that much. However, my friends seemed to care a lot, and it stung when I overheard them talking at the lockers.

"You know, I don't want to be that friend who bails when things get tough, but I can't help feeling like this isn't the Kiran we know," Arnav's voice cut through the air, his words hitting me like a punch to the gut. "It's like hanging out with some... I don't know, airheaded bimbo."

Surprisingly, Pragyan didn't jump to my defense. "I don't know," he mumbled. "We'll be out of here soon enough. She'll snap out of it."

Shivansh chimed in, his voice tinged with disappointment. "Yeah, hopefully. But I miss the old Kiran, you know? Not this overly princessy version. It just doesn't feel right."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I angrily stuffed my test papers into my locker, feeling a surge of frustration building up inside me. The rest of the day passed by in a blur, and by the time I finished my homework at my desk, I was in a foul mood.

It was already 11:30 at night, and all I wanted to do was drown out the noise with some music and drift off to sleep. So that's exactly what I did, escaping into the comforting embrace of my headphones and the darkness of the night.

The tension between Pragyan and me was thicker than a brick wall, suffocating any chance of easy conversation or laughter. It felt like walking on eggshells, and I knew something was about to go down.

Then, one day, Pragyan showed up at my door, and I could practically taste the awkwardness in the air. He had a chat with Rudra, who looked pretty ticked off, but eventually gave a nod of approval. And then, Pragyan turned to me.

"Kiran," he started, his voice surprisingly blunt. I plastered on a smile, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, Pragyan? What's cooking?"

He wasted no time. "I think we're not vibing, you know? It's time for us to pull the plug. You'll find someone better, and so will I."

I blinked, feeling like I'd just been sucker-punched. "Wait, you're breaking up with me?" I blurted out, disbelief dripping from my voice.

"Yeah," he confirmed, his tone flat as a pancake. "And don't go all emo about it. We can still be cool."

With that, he spun on his heels and bailed, leaving me standing there like a deer in headlights. And Rudra? Not a word, not a hug, not even a sympathetic nod. Just a silent "Well, I saw that coming" vibe. Ouch.

I bolted to my room, feeling the tears welling up as soon as I slammed the door shut. And then, I just let it all out. The sobs racked through my body, echoing off the walls of my room.

Alone in the darkness, I cried. And I cried. And I cried some more. The entire day was just a blur of tears, with brief moments of respite in between. It felt like the pain was swallowing me whole, leaving me gasping for air in its suffocating grip.

As the night settled in, the tears finally stopped flowing. It hit me like a ton of bricks – my first breakup, after finally dating my 10-year-long crush for a measly two weeks. And to add insult to injury, I had screwed up my school grades big time. Let's face it, I had transformed from the real me into a textbook example of a black-haired, snooty bimbo who looked delicate.

And yet, despite all this, why was I even surprised that my friends were utterly disgusted by my behavior? I wiped away the tears, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me. I reached for my phone, and to my horror, there it was – Pragyan's post about our breakup. Apparently, I had gone from being real to fake plastic. I sat there in stunned silence. So, this is what they really thought of me.

I closed my phone, feeling a lump forming in my throat. It was just another crappy day, no different from the past week. I mechanically went through the motions of dinner, silently pushing food around on my plate. But it wasn't the breakup that had me feeling empty inside. It was the realization that my friends had been talking behind my back, that Pragyan had been so emotionless about the breakup, and that my girly side had apparently disgusted them.

I was hurt – not because of the breakup, but because I had surrounded myself with people who couldn't accept the change in me and had no qualms about bringing it up. Unable to stomach another bite, I pushed my plate away and got up, feeling the weight of my parents' and Rudra's eyes on me.

As I settled into bed, the emptiness in my chest twisted into something fiery – pure, unadulterated anger. It wasn't just a little annoyance; it was a blazing inferno that refused to be tamed. The betrayal of my so-called friends talking smack behind my back at the locker fueled the flames even more. But this time, I didn't shy away from the heat. No, I embraced it, letting it consume me.

With each passing second, that rage surged stronger, coursing through my veins like wildfire. But instead of letting it burn me from the inside out, I wielded it like a weapon. This time, I wasn't about to let anyone dim my shine or tear me apart. Oh no, I was going to take that fury and use it to fuel my rise. This time, I was going to let that fire light up the path ahead, blazing a trail nobody could extinguish.

The weeks that followed at school were a blur, a haze of books and notes that consumed my every waking moment. I barely even noticed Pragyan and the others' absence. No, I was too busy burying myself in my studies. Even at home, I didn't need Grayson's tutoring anymore. I plowed through my entire year's syllabus in just two months, fueled by a burning determination.

And you know what? My hard work paid off. With the help of extra credit projects and relentless studying, my grades soared higher than ever before. But while my academic life was on fire, my personal life was in ashes. I hardly spoke to Rudra or my parents, giving only the occasional "yes" or "no" when absolutely necessary. Why bother? They hadn't uttered a word of comfort when I was drowning in tears. And as for my appearance? Forget about the dressing-up facade. I traded in the fancy clothes for comfy track pants and oversized sweatshirts, finding solace in their warmth and familiarity.

I couldn't help but notice that my so-called friends were nowhere to be found at school anymore. Good riddance, I thought bitterly. As I sat alone at lunch, munching on my meal in a secluded corner, my phone suddenly lit up with an email from a school I'd never heard of before – Sintarian School of Excellence for the Brilliant. The sender, someone named Maneshacharya, had piqued my curiosity.

Now, I'll admit, I'm usually pretty cautious with my phone, but the allure of this mysterious email was too strong to resist. I opened it eagerly, devouring every word. The email outlined an opportunity – an entrance examination for a scholarship program at their prestigious school. Apparently, if I scored well enough, I could secure a scholarship. I did a quick search on the school and found out it was located in the middle of nowhere, near some dark, ominous woods rumored to be haunted by all sorts of creepy stuff. But honestly? I couldn't care less.

The school boasted a reputation for excellence, with graduates often going on to attend Ivy League universities. Now that sounded like my kind of place. Plus, they offered combat and war skills as part of the curriculum – talk about badass. It was exactly what I needed – more than just self-defense, this was full-on warrior training. And hell, if it meant escaping this mess of a town and starting fresh somewhere new, count me in.

I replied in affirmative and started preparing, I had a month for the entrance exam, and I prepared my bottom off, the moment I woke up at 4:30, to the time I slept at 10 I was preparing, Before school, after soccer practice, and even during dinner, you could find me hunched over my desk with notes in hand, devouring every piece of information like it was my lifeline. Rudra noticed, of course, he did. One day, as I was making my way upstairs with my dinner, he literally snatched the plate out of my hands, concern etched on his face.

"What's gotten into you, Kiran?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. I debated whether or not to tell him about the upcoming exam, but ultimately decided against it. "Can you just let me eat in peace?" I snapped, irritation creeping into my tone.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Eating in peace while cramming notes? Girl, you're practically acing your school life. What are you even cramming for?"

I stared him down defiantly. "Are you going to give the plate back?" I demanded, feeling my annoyance grow by the second.

He didn't budge. "Not unless you explain what you're cramming for," he insisted. "You don't even talk to me anymore."

I shrugged, masking the hurt that his words caused. "Not my problem if you miss my company," I retorted, brushing past him and heading upstairs.

He called after me, "So, no dinner then?" But I slammed my bedroom door shut and buried myself in my studies. With only a week left until the exam, I was more than prepared – I could practically write the damn thing with my eyes closed. But hey, extra practice never hurt anyone, right?

The day before the exam, I found myself spiraling into a full-blown panic attack. Sure, I was prepared, but I wanted that scholarship more than anything. I refused to rely on my parents' money to attend that school – I was determined to make it on my own. But as the pressure mounted, I realized I hadn't eaten a single thing all day. By the time I got home from school, I was feeling lightheaded and disoriented.

I collapsed onto the sofa, hoping to catch my breath and steady my spinning thoughts. That's when Rudra appeared, lifting me up and placing me on the kitchen counter. Before I could protest, he shoved a piece of roti and curry into my mouth. Almost instantly, the dizziness began to fade, replaced by a sense of grounding.

I blinked up at Rudra, his face etched with exasperation as he stubbornly fed me. Eventually, I pushed myself off the counter and reached for my notes in my bag. But before I could grab them, Rudra snapped at me.

"Kiran, will you stop?" he barked, his voice tinged with frustration.

I stared at him, still chewing, my annoyance mounting. "Stop what, Rudra?" I shot back.

"Eat first, then we'll talk," he said, reigning in his urge to scream.

"I don't have time for this," I retorted coldly, my patience wearing thin.

He flinched at my tone, but his next words cut deep. "Well, go on then, go mess up your life. Don't think I don't know what you're doing."

My stomach churned with guilt. Did he know about the exam? "I'm just studying," I insisted, feeling defensive.

"Yeah, to make me feel guilty for not comforting you, right? Yeah, right, studying," he yelled, his frustration boiling over.

I stormed off to my room, throwing myself into my studies with renewed fervor. Finally, after hours of relentless cramming, I sat back, relieved that I'd given it my all. I closed my notes and, for the first time in four weeks, plugged in my AirPods and listened to calming music, allowing myself a moment of peace amidst the chaos.

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