
By n0tnovaaaaaa

14 1 0

"You can't be doing this to me, you like me right? " Started : April 11th 2024 More


13 1 0
By n0tnovaaaaaa

It was a Beautiful day, the skies were blue and there was a tall boy walking on his way to a cafe. He walked in the cafe and ordered an iced Americano. He sat down at a table that has a window. He sat there so that he could admire the pretty blue skies.

A waiter came and gave him his iced Americano, the boy thanked the waiter as he holds his iced Americano. He sips it and looked at the sky hoping that the sky would stay like this forever.

"Hey Beomgyu! You wanted to meet me here? " another boy walks up and Beomgyu looked at him.

"Oh hey Huening, I thought we should hang out" Beomgyu said while sipping on his iced Americano.

"I guess so? But can't we go somewhere else? I don't think I wanna hang out here. " Huening said as he looks at the place.

"Sure. Let's go somewhere else" Beomgyu said as he stands up while holding his drink.

As they both left, someone walked beside Beomgyu and Beomgyu could slightly look at him. He felt something in himself, the boy that walked beside him was his type. He couldn't do anything or ask his number because Huening kept grabbing him because he was slow.


Beomgyu went home and thought about the boy again, he was thinking if he could see him again.

Beomgyu felt a bit bored so he grabbed his phone to scroll on tiktok. He scrolled and scrolled until he saw the boy he saw earlier. It was such a coincidence, Beomgyu looked at his account and thought it would be impossible for him to notice Beomgyu since he was quite popular because of his looks. But still, Beomgyu gave it a try and followed his account and commented on his recent post. Beomgyu asked if they could be friends since Beomgyu saw him today.

Beomgyu hoped that he will notice it.


The next day passes by, Beomgyu wakes up and open the curtains to reveal the pretty view. He went to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. As he opened his phone, he saw a notification that made him in shock. The person from yesterday followed him and replied to his comment saying 'sure'.

Beomgyu really didn't expect that since his chances of getting noticed is really low. He was just so happy that he jumped. After that, he went to the messages in tiktok and messaged him asking if he could have his number. Luckily, he was online at that time so Beomgyu got a quick reply. He replied with a 'sure' and gave his number. After he gave his number, Beomgyu immediately saved his contact and messaged him.


After awhile, Beomgyu asked him if they could meet up. The person said yes, Beomgyu was happy and gave him the location of where they will be meeting each other, they will meet at 4pm. Currently, it is 1pm. Beomgyu was super excited that he even started searching for clothes to wear for later right away.

He wanted a simple but pretty looking clothes so he search and searched. He was thinking that he should wear a plain blue collar shirt with a plain white comfy pants. (Sorry not really good at naming clothes 😭)

It looks pretty simple but it feels kinda too plain so he decided to add some accessories like a white bead bracelet, a necklace and a watch. It kinda looks okay, so he just went for it.

When it was almost 4pm, Beomgyu was already at the place where they are going to meet. When 4pm hits, the other one came and touched Beomgyu's shoulder. Beomgyu turned around and saw him, he looks so.... Gorgeous. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

"You're Taehyun right? " Beomgyu asked looking at him as if he was his future.

"Oh yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Beomgyu? " Taehyun said as he smiled slightly.

"Nice to meet you too, Taehyun" Beomgyu said as he admired him.

'If only if this man was mine. His future partner would be lucky to have a man like him' that was on Beomgyu's mind while he was having a small conversation with him.

"You're more handsome than I expected" Taehyun said making Beomgyu panic a little.

"Oh why thank you. I get that all the time, people must really think I'm handsome" Beomgyu said having confident in himself. Taehyun chuckled.

"And for your information, people really find me fun to talk to. So if you will ever get bored, please tell me. " Beomgyu adds. Taehyun chuckled again and nodded.

The day goes on as they kept talking and kept hanging out, trying to get to know each other. Beomgyu was really happy and had a good time. As for Taehyun, it was okay. Beomgyu was really fun to talk to, he really makes Taehyun entertained. No wonder people like to talk to him.


It was late and both of them already returned home. Beomgyu smiled as he lay on his bed, he smiled and smiled until he was slowly falling asleep. It was a good day.


Helloo, I don't know if my spelling or grammar is good or not. If you have any opinions or any ideas for me to add, please leave them in the comments so that I could add them here.

As you already know, not everyone's first language is english, so you don't have to be perfect at first try. Even though this isn't my first time writing a chapter or a story. I did try and eventually privated it because I had multiple of breaks and wasn't confident in my english. So if you see any mistakes, please don't be afraid to tell me.

Soo, hope you like this chapter. This will be a short story, so maybe this story will have a few chapters like 4 or 5.

Anyways, hope you have a good year and will always stay healthy. <33


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