What killed Cassandra?

By esmeralda00817

249 32 2

In the wake of her best friend's death, Arial discovers that her life has been built on lies. Her husband has... More

My Birthday
Help me!
My Diary (Cassandra )
The forbidden room.
Meet my wife

The office affair

22 3 0
By esmeralda00817

Dannys POV

During our chat, I noticed Davian's gaze shift elsewhere. Curious, I followed suit and saw an enchanting woman gracefully approaching Davian and me. Davian introduced her as his wife, leaving me in awe. The notorious, charismatic CEO of New York was finally tying the knot! I struggled to believe it, given Davian's flirtatious history. As Miss Arial entered the office, I couldn't read the emotions in his eyes. It wasn't love or hate—I knew my friend too well for that. In just two days, things happened so quickly that even I, his best friend, didn't know. I was curious. This time, it was obvious that my best friend was planning something, and whatever it was, I hoped he would eventually tell me the whole story. I hope we make it through whatever comes our way.


On that memorable Friday night in June 2022, the thumping beats of club music reverberated through the air. I stood near the entrance of the clubhouse, my eyes scanning the crowd for a glimpse of my friend, Davian.

Just minutes earlier, he had urgently called me, his voice filled with desperation. "Hi, Danny," he pleaded, "I need you at Color Me Wild right away."

The name resonated—it was one of the largest clubs in New York, a favorite haunt of Avian. I peered into the dimly lit space, searching for Davian's familiar face. But he wasn't there. Just as I was about to dial his number, one of his bodyguards approached me.

"Follow me," he instructed, leading me away from the pulsating music. "He's at Avian's hotel."

The Avians, not only owned vast real estate in New York but also had a stake in the city's hotel industry.

I wondered why Davian sounded so strange on the phone. Mr. Sam Avian's favorite driver pulled up to the hotel entrance, and one of the guards held the door for me as I stepped out. He guided me to Avian's suite. Usually, Avian prefers the top-floor room, Suite 506, but this time the elevator stopped on the 8th floor, and he led me to Room 314. Suddenly, my heart raced. He held the door open as I entered, then closed it behind us. There, my friend sat at the round table, sniffing something. At that moment, I realized we were in serious trouble. My friend isn't a regular cocaine user, but he only indulges when he's about to do something dangerous. I let him continue until he finally noticed me. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Bro, what happened?" I asked.

"I wasted that ba*tard he yelled!"

I didn't need to ask who the ba*tard  was; I already knew. As one of the wealthiest and most influential figures in New York City, we have rivals, and Derick Francis is one of them. His father was a notorious mafia boss, and that son of a bi*ch is always after my friend Davian. They're both vying for control of the city's largest hotels.

"I remember that day clearly. Derick and his notorious gang walked into the club. He demanded that my friend give up his favorite spot, the VIP area. When my friend refused, chaos erupted. Derick's gang clashed with Davian's gang, and shots were fired. Over six people were injured. I tried to convince my friend Davian to stop going to the 'Color Me Wild' club, but he insisted he wouldn't abandon his favorite hangout for that young upstart Derick.

"I know my friend very well, so I stopped asking him to stop going to the Color Me Wild club till this day.

I exclaimed, 'How did this happen?' Because I already knew that Davian was in serious trouble.

He replied, 'You know me, I tried to avoid this mess, I tried to avoid that troublemaker, but he persisted.

Confused, I asked, "What should we do now?"

"Dude, the job is done, but George is going to take the blame. Everything has been arranged. Maybe the police have already reached the club and taken him by now. Davian explained further.

I was in complete shock and disbelief. George was one of Davian's most loyal men. The mysterious thing about Davian and his crew is how he manages to keep them so devoted.

"Bro, you know this won't end here. Derick's father will make sure to exact revenge for his son's murder. I'm sure George thinks he'll only end up in jail. Did you tell him?" I asked my friend Davian.

Guilt was written all over his face as he replied,

"No, I didn't, but I promised to take care of George's family during the years he'll be sentenced, even after he's released."

"Bro! Sentenced?" I exclaimed. "Derick's father will go after George's family, and you know it. This isn't right. It's mass murder, and George is just being loyal."

"He walked up to me with his blood-stained shirt and said, 'Bro, the deed has been done.'

I glanced at my friend, realizing that complaining now wouldn't change anything.

"Go freshen up and get rid of the blood on your skin; you look terrible," I finally managed to say. He nodded gently. As I stepped out of the door, two of his guards were diligently guarding the suite entrance.

I signaled one of them and instructed, 'Get some of the guys to go back to the club and find out what's going on.' Then I returned to the hotel room."

End of flashback***

For a brief moment, I wondered what he was going to say before the lady he claimed was his future wife entered the room. I just hope their situation isn't as complicated as Derick's case.

Gwen's POV

My boss walked into the office today, looking even more cheerful than he did yesterday. I silently hoped that it would be a good day. He requested his schedule and mentioned a business meeting in Dubai. My heart skipped a beat—I imagined spending the weekend with him, this time in Dubai. After I'd delivered his neatly typed-up schedule on an A4 paper, I settled at my desk to work on a report due to him in the next 30 minutes. Despite our romantic relationship, he never compromised on work, so I remained focused, not allowing our intimate relationship to distract me from my job.

"I'm happy that I met him and worked for him. Every day, I wonder if he'll ever officially ask me out. While I hope he makes a move someday, I diligently focus on my job.

Mr. Sam walked into the office with a beautiful lady, surrounded by guards. Usually, I'd stop them to ask if they had an appointment with my boss, but because Mr. Sam was there, I assumed it might be family or a VVIP. I escorted them to my boss's office. As we entered, I noticed my boss's gaze fixed entirely on the lady. He was in the middle of a conversation with his best friend, Danny, whom I had just fetched for him. Then, my boss introduced her as his wife to his best friend Danny. I couldn't believe it, my world fell apart. My boss was married? How? When? Where? It felt like a movie."

I stood there, overshadowed by jealousy and shock. I shifted my gaze to the lady. I consider myself beautiful, but this woman who just walked in seemed like an angel in human form. Lost in my thoughts, he asked me to excuse them. I couldn't believe my ears. Just minutes ago, I was sitting at my desk, daydreaming about our upcoming Dubai trip. And then, this lady enters the office, my boss introduces her as his wife, and I'm politely asked to step aside. It all happened so quickly that tears welled up in my eyes as I walked out of the room.

I sat at my desk as Danny, my boss's best friend, walked out.

"Gwen," he said, "your boss wants me to tell you that for the next two hours, nobody should enter his office, including you. He'll be busy with his wife."

I knew Danny never liked me from day one, and things got worse when he discovered my relationship with his friend Davian, my boss. So, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't deliver the exact message or perhaps added a few extra words to spite me.

"Okay," I mumbled in reply as he headed toward his own office. The tension in the air was palpable, and I wondered what secrets lay behind Davian's sudden marriage to this lady.

I've always had one fantasy and that's making love with my boss on the penthouse rooftop. During our Dubai trip, I hoped it would finally happen. As I sat at my desk, lost in my thoughts, I remembered our first sex.


That beautiful morning, I stood before my giant closet mirror, getting ready for work. I chose a pink dress with a slit, matching shoes, and a purse. My hair was styled in a ponytail, and I felt irresistible as I admired my reflection. The plan was to catch my boss's attention.

Satisfied with my appearance, I spritzed on my expensive, alluring perfume and left my apartment. Outside, I bumped into my neighbor, Phillip, who had been pursuing me relentlessly since I moved in. He was undeniably attractive, but my heart belonged to my boss.

"Good morning, damsel," he greeted me, as he always did.

"Good morning, Phil," I replied, not stopping.

"Have a great day at work." His compliments followed me as I walked towards my taxi.

Arriving at the office, my colleagues praised my attire. But what would my boss think? I wondered, hoping today would be the day he finally noticed me.

I sat at my desk, typing away, my mind wandering to naughty thoughts. Luckily, my boss, Davian, hadn't arrived yet.

A few minutes later he walked in with his guards, Mr. Sam, his favorite driver, trailing behind as he handed me a book.

"You know what to do with it," he said. I nodded, my heart racing. I quickly followed his instructions, then took a deep breath and headed to his office. There, I handed over his schedule and some documents. Surprisingly, he was impressed by how fast I'd prepared everything.

"That's good, nice job," he said, a rare compliment. I beamed with happiness.

As I left, he caught me off guard: "You look good."

I stammered a thank-you, wondering if he'd been watching me.

Back at my desk, I pondered my next move. Then it hit me—I hadn't served his favorite morning cappuccino. I prepared it with a smile and returned to his office. His face lit up as I placed the cup on his table.

"Thanks, Gwen, I think there's an omission somewhere here," he said, pointing at a passage in the book. I leaned in, heart racing, ready for whatever came next.

Finally, I yelled in my head. I thought he wouldn't notice, so I deliberately omitted a line to catch his attention. As I leaned closer to him, my heart raced faster. Unexpectedly, I clashed my lips with his.

At first, I sensed slight reluctance, but then he gently curled his hand around my waist as he drew in for the kiss. My heart raced even faster than before. Our fingers intertwined, and we passionately played with our tongues.

Then he paused, staring deeply into my eyes. "I hope you know what you're doing," he asked.

"Yes, I've waited a long damn time for you. I replied, yearning for him more and more.

He resumed the kiss, swiping his tongue warmly over the seam of my lips, and our tongues Collided again.
His hand cupped my chin as he gently placed me on his desk, he drew closer to me as our skin caressed each other. I could feel his hard erection as he stood in between my thighs. gently he slides his hard bon*r inside of me as a moan escapes my mouth. He covered my mouth with his palm as we were in the office. The only thing in my head was to yell and moan his name as he made love to me right on his desk.

End of flashback**

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