The Hidden Tank Destroyer (Gi...

By 24681013579p

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Y/N is know as the 'Unseen'. His Sensha-do skills are excellent because of his known move. He uses a nice var... More

Tankery, Here It Comes
Tanks, We Ride Them!
We're Having a Match!
Captain Does Her Best!
Veterans Of Their Trade: Sherman Corps!
Our First Battle Comes to a Climax!
Up Next is Anzio!
OVA: This is the Real Anzio Battle!
We're Fighting Pravda!
Last Ditch Effort!
The Battle Gets Fierce!
The Battle We Can't Back Down From!
Der Film 1: We're Having an Exhibition Match!
Der Film 2: The Shocking Discovery!
Der Film 3: We're Having a Match... Again?
Der Film 4: How is That Thing Allowed!?
Der Film 5: The Deciding Moments!
OVA: Alice War!
Das Finale: Part 1
Das Finale: Part 3

Das Finale: Part 2

49 0 0
By 24681013579p

First, I want to start by saying that the animation team and music producers are absolutely killing it in Das Finale. The songs used are absolute bangers and the animation is clean. Anyways, back to the chapter.

The French have just finished the Onion song and are 'tactically repositioning themselves to a different location'.

Andou: "That went well."

Oshida: "Yeah, even though it didn't go as we hoped."

Marie: "But we did give Ooarai a big shock. It's like the little pieces of this cake. It's on a completely different level from the cream."

Oshida: "It's all thanks to Andou's planning. Your outsider perspective is spectacular."

Andou: "No, what are you talking about? It's thanks to the escalator students' cooperation and reconnaissance."

Oshida: "I apologize for calling you a brute."

Andou: "No, I'm sorry for calling you a sheltered brat."

Oshida: "No no, I apologize for calling you a savage barbarian from the 9th century."

Andou: "No, I'm sorry for calling out your sheltered upbringing and that you couldn't do anything by yourselves without a revolutio-"

Marie: "Alright, we can't waste our time here. Let's regroup and bring victory! Vive la... (Long live...)"

"BC! Allez! (Let's go!)"

They got shot at immediately.

Oshida: "They've caught up with us."

Andou: "They're good."

Marie: "There's so much smoke. Maybe we should head back? The smoke will dirty my clothes and cake."

Andou: "So you don't want us to contaminate your cake, is that right?"

Oshida: "Well advised, Miss Marie."

Andou: "Left turn forward! Don't fall for their obvious provocations!"

Oshida: "I'm sure they're still panicking and trying to get back the initiative."

Andou: "They must be jealous of our awesome teamwork!"

Oshida: "Meanwhile, they must be on guard for any more surprise attacks and can't touch us!"


We see the M3 Lee, IS-3, Mark IV and the Chi-Nu firing from the forest. 

Y/n: "They are pretty good for a team that has lost every time. Miho, they're retreating."

Miho: "Understood. Shark team and the others, break contact and regroup with us."

Ogin: "Huh!? The Commander is Momo!"

Momo: "Shark team! Regroup!"

Ogin: "Aye aye, sir!"

Yukari: "BC's headed to the bocage. Maybe they're retreating again for another surprise attack?"

Y/n: "I doubt it."

Yukari: "Then, maybe they're trying to hole up in the bocage for a prolonged battle?"

Miho: "Yeah, that might be it."

Momo: "What should we do, Nishizumi? BC Freedom's teamwork means they'll be on high alert! In any case, they've completely fooled us once before."

Yukari looked worried.

Miho: "Don't worry about it too much, Yukari. It was my fault for falling for their trap."

Yukari: "Oh, no. It wasn't that. There was just something bothering me."

Miho: "What is it?"

Yukari: "BC Freedom was originally two different schools, but then they merged despite traditionally not getting along."

Saori: "But it looks like they're friends, right?"

Yukari: "It's true that the Tankery members were just pretending to quarrel, but based on the school itself..."

Hana: "It's not an act and they're really fighting?"

Yukari: "Yes. What I'm trying to say is that their team was formed just for the purpose of winning this match."

Miho: "You mean they just recently banded together?"

Yukari: "Yes, but it's only a theory."

Hana: "So like a Queen of the Knight, this team is short-lived?"

Mako: "Wanna try testing that theory out? Sounds interesting."

Momo: "This is all just speculation though! Do you even have a plan to break the enemy team apart?"

Saori: "Hey, I'm not sure about this, but this kinda looks like Goose team's tank!"

Hana: "You're right."


With the Ooarai team now advancing together, BC Freedom had set up inside the bocage, waiting for their arrival.

Marie: "The bocage is like our garden. Hoshimo's team is in a favorable position, just like the French Resistance. Ooarai can't lay a finger on them."

She took a cut out a piece of cake.

Marie: "So let's be very thorough. 'Victory belongs to the most preserving' or so someone once said."


We then see an two ARLs, scouting for enemy vehicles.

At a different location were the two Somuas.

The Ooarai team arrived, noticeably because of the flags that the Mark IV had.

Andou: "They rushed in here without thinking!"

The Ooarai team fired, but all missed.

Andou: "Like you'd be able to hit us from that range! Fire! This is Andou! Requesting ARL 44 fire support."

Oshida: "Understood."

 The ARL fired from afar.

However, whilst the Mark IV, the Porsche Tiger and the M3 Lee were holding off the enemies, The other tanks shot through the brick wall, which allowed them to go around.

Miho: "All forward tanks, try to ignore the enemy as much as possible and report on enemy positions."

Azusa: "Understood! This is Rabbit team, spotted three Somua directly in front. One is probably the Somua commande. There is another Somua and ARL around four o'clock. And there is an ARL at six o'clock. There's probably three more Somua in the fields!"

Reira: "This is Leopon team, spotted around three ARLs, and probably another two behind the trees."

Ogin: "This is Shark team to Momo! I spot something like a Somua in the distance, number unknown. No sign of the enemy Captain! We believe this place is most suspicious! Though, that's just my sailor's intuition."

Saori drew a map of everyone's reports, handing it to Miho.

Miho: "Thanks.  I think I have an idea of where they are now. Now, what's left is... Goose team! It's up to you!"

Sodoko: "Got it. Let's go, Gomoyo, Pazomi! Even if we get a chance, disabling them is against the rules!"

Another wall was shot down, and the B1 Bis drove through. 

Sodoko: "Goose team, moving forward!"

With two teams of Ooarai now advancing, BC Freedom was now in shambles.

Andou: "Oh crap! They've broken through! I'm out of range... Oi, bon ami! (Good friend!) The enemy's on their way. Stop them!"

Oshida: "I heard you. Bon ami, (Good friend,) this is Oshida's team, aiming at our twelve thirty. Fire!"

They fired, however, an ARL had been shot at, not destroyed though.

???: "Behind us?"

???2: "A stray round?"

???2, the commander, peeked outside, seeing a 'Somua'. In reality, it was just the B1 Bis.

???2: "It's those childish outsiders!"

???: "What!?"

???2: "Commander Oshida, a Somua attacked us!"

Oshida: "Stop fooling around and-"

They also were shot at, and when Oshida turned to see the tank, it was the B1 Bis. However, the French must be vision impaired, because despite the obvious colour differences, she though it was a Somua.

Oshida: "What!?"

The ARL turned, and fired at a Somua.

???: "Oi, oI! What are you doing?"

Oshida: "That's my line! You were aiming for us!"

???: "Huh!? Like we would do that! That was six months ago, but we're all good friends now, aren't we?"

Oshida: "You make a good point. Alright, back to your post. That stray round was probably misidentified. Sorry we suspected you."

???: "Glad we're on the same page!"

The B1 Bis fired another shot at the ARL.

Oshida: "I was right! How dare you fool me!?"

They shot out the Somua.

Another Somua arrived, and retaliated, taking out another ARL.


Y/n: "I can't fucking believe it worked..."


???: "Commander Andou, those escalator students are in revolt! Now exchanging fire! They also took out vehicle three!"

Andou: "Damn them. they've shown their true colours! Our enemy's not Ooarai, it's our own allies!"

The two Somua chased down another ARL, taking various turns in the shot-down hedges.

The ARL turned around two, and broke through a hedge, knocking into Andou's Somua.

The Somua drove under the cannon and fired, taking out the ARL.

However, the other Somua got taken out as well.


Marie: "They're sure fired up."


Now, the last two Somua and three ARLs split, ready to take each other down.

More rounds were exchanged, and they slowly arrived closer and closer to Marie's location.

Marie: "Hm?"

They felt the rumbling tanks go around them.

???: "Hey. Why are you leaving your post?"

Marie: "It's okay. It's fine. A fight between friends usually solves itself."


???: "Thank you very much! We'll be sure to crush Andou team!"

Marie suddenly choked on her cake.


Now, with the Somua and ARLs in a shootout, Marie had to stop them quickly, before more tanks get immobilised. 

Andou's Somua and Oshida's ARL began charging at each other. However, just before the two could fire, Marie's FT-17 drives between both of them, with her pulling an insane stunt, putting her fan in the ARL's cannon, and her cap onto the Somua's cannon.

Marie did her signature wiggle out of the tight spot.

Marie: "Hey, you two. Enough with the infighting act."

Andou: "This isn't an act!"

Oshida: "I cannot cooperate with an outsider! She's our enemy!"

Andou: "That's my line, you Monarchist!"

Oshida: "What was that!? You were the first to attack us, you goat herder!"

Andou: "Quick to blame others, you puppet defeatist!"

Oshida: "You're like cheap red wine!"

Andou: "You amply reward your own vices!"

Oshida: "Useless Corsican dictionary!"

Andou: "No Bourbon restoration!"

Oshida: "What'd you say-"

They were suddenly shot once again by the B1 Bis.

Oshida: "Did you see that, Commander Marie!? Proof of their betrayal. Prepare to fire!"

Marie: "Oh gosh. Trying to please the cabbage and goat is such a bother."

She jumped onto the ARL's cannon and ran across, standing on top of the ARL's turret.

Marie: "Do you know how many Somua you've taken out?"

Oshida: "Two."

Marie: "And how many are left?"

Oshida: "Isn't that obvious!? There are tw-"

She looks at the two Somua in front of her, then remembered that there was another one that fired at them.

Oshida: "Wait! So the one that fired at us-"

Marie: "Have you not eaten enough sugar today!? But... it doesn't matter now. Chase after our mystery tank!"

Andou: "Roger!"

They all began splitting, ready to take out the B1 Bis.

Marie drove right around it, causing the B1 Bis to turn around and begin chasing it. However, they were met with the ARL and the Somua.

Sodoko: "This is the end for us! I wish everyone the best of luck!"


Y/n: "Well, that plan worked incredibly well."

Amy: "Seriously though... how is that school even alive at this point..."


Andou and Oshida were now next to each other, each in their respective tanks. Oshida took off her cap.

Oshida: "Andou. Sorry for doubting you. Please forgive me."

Andou did the same.

Andou: "Oshida. As long as you understand, it's all okay."

Marie ate her cake.

Now, BC Freedom has regrouped for the second time this match.

Oshida: "They've completely surrounded us! We need to escape the bocage and regroup again."

Andou: "Understood!"

They then start driving forward, and after they turn left, an ARL had been shot by the M3 Lee and Porsche Tiger.

The other BC tanks drove the other way, trying not to engage fire, except for one ARL who stayed and held the line.

However, just as they were about to escape, the IS-3 and other Ooarai tanks grouped together fired, causing the Somua to begin reversing.

They opened fire, and the Chi-Nu destroyed a Somua.

Andou: "Fall back!"

The last three tanks begin driving back, and the M3 Lee got destroyed by the previous ARL. But then it was promptly destroyed by the Tiger (p).

Noriko: "We've located the enemy Commander. Let's do this. BC quick!"

The Type 89 turned and fired, but BC predicted this, and the Somua was behind them. The Somua pushed the 89 against the ARL, and got shot by the Renault FT-17.

Then, everyone's favourite onion song plays.

The last three BC tanks keep driving forward, not able to retreat due to being chased by the Tiger. However, at the end, the IV is waiting there, causing the group to turn left, where a Hetzer awaits. They miss, and the French push through, chasing the Hetzer.

However, this leads them to a trap, where the StuG awaits. This trade caused both the ARL and the StuG to get destroyed.

Oshida signals behind her, telling her teammates to turn the other way. However, just before the exit, the IS-3 arrives, firing, but the Renault stops, causing the shot to miss. They continue driving, as the IS-3 chases them. Now, the Chi-Nu arrives in front of the French, but got shot by the Somua. 

Finally, the Tiger drives in front of the Renault, ready to take it out. However, Andou's tank knocks into the FT-17, causing Marie's tank to move out of the way, and the Tiger takes out the Somua.

Y/n: "Time to end this."

Finally, the Renault tries to escape, shooting off some armor on the Pz IV, and drives around them. They begin chasing the Hetzer, and finally, just as they were going to escape, the Mark IV drives in front of them, and Marie's tank stops fully. 

Y/n: "Any last words?"

Marie scoops out a piece of cake.

Y/n: "I respect that."

The tank fires.


Ami: "A victory for Ooarai Academy!"

Momo: "We did it!"

Ogin: "As expected from Momo!"

Yukari: "We've won!"

The Japanese are cheering, with Fukuda taking notes.

The Italians wake up.

And the French sigh, knowing they were outmatched.


Oshida: "We've lost even though we were in the best four when you attended our school, Miss Azumi."

Andou: "I apologize we weren't good enough to win."

Azumi: "If you become stronger, you'll become many times stronger than you are now. It's not impossible to become the favourites. No, even winning the championship is not a dream! As long as you can trust each other."

Oshida: "It's as you say, Miss!"

Andou: "First is cooperating with Oshida and Marie to restore our team's strength!"

Oshida: "Speaking of which, where is Marie?"


Miho: "This Mont Blanc is delicious! And the Normandy Cake too! Thank you for a very fun match!"

Marie: "I could say the same to you! That match was so wonderful it felt like the beginning of a revolution! Next time, we'll be the ones giving you a revolution."

Y/n: "Phrasing."

Mako: "May I have some more macarons, please?"

Marie: "Of course! Eat to your heart's content!"

Y/n: "This is Anzio all over again... though, I'm not complaining."


We then get a quick overview of what everyone's doing, with the pirates fishing, the first years watching and getting scared, the Automobile Club looking at new cars, the Gamers playing games, the Public Morals Committee making sure everyone is on the boat, the (former) Student Council eating and chatting at a cafe, the History Club looking at a bookstore, and Y/n and his crew cleaning the IS-3.


Four of the five members of the Pz IV are eating crepes outside.

Mako: "I'm cold..."

Saori: "That's why I told you to eat inside!"

Mako: "But I wanted to enjoy the nice sea breeze!"

Yukari: "Want to eat some sweet red-bean soup later?"

Hana: "That sounds wonderful!"

Saori: "I'll have some!"

Mako: "I want some!"

Hana: "I wonder if Miho was able to meet with Alice?"


We cut to the two in a Boko museum. 

They go through various rides which I cannot describe and finally arrive at the cafe.

Alice: "Star Boko and Boko Thunder Mountain was so much fun!"

Miho: "Yeah! Boko was super cool!"

Alice: "Yeah! So cool and cute!"

Miho: "Let's check out the Boko of the Carribean ride later!"

Alice: "And also, the Boko Electrical Parade too!"

Miho: "Sure!"

The two turned to look at the museum. 

Miho: "The Boko Museum looks so beautiful now."

Alice: "Yeah."

Miho: "Speaking of... you bought a year-round pass?"

Alice: "Yeah! I saved up my New Years money for it!"

Miho: "Let's come here again then sometime."

Alice: "Yeah!"

Miho: "Have you picked a new school yet?"

Alice: "I still haven't decided yet..."

Miho: "I see. Best to pick as soon as possible."

Alice: "I want to, and then have another match against you, Miho!"

Miho: "Me too!"


We see Fukuda and the Volleyball Club eating tarashi-yaki at a restaurant.

Fukuda: "Wow! So this is tarashi-yaki? This is my first time seeing and eating some!"

Akebi: "Is that so?"

Shinobu: "We've had this since we were kids!"

Taeko: "Be sure to eat a lot!"

Noriko: "Today's our treat, Fuku-chan!"

Fukuda: "No need! I will pay for my own portion!"

Noriko: "But you came all the way to Ooarai for us!"

Fukuda: "Yes, but I will come back again. Since I couldn't during our exhibition match together..."

Noriko handed her a plate of food.

Fukuda: "Ah, thank you! Let's eat!"

She took a bite.

Fukuda: "It's so good! By the way, congratulations on winning your first match!"

The Volleyball Club laughed and thanked her.

Noriko: "Thanks!"

Fukuda: "We have our first match in three days. Have any advice for us? Something besides charging in, or maybe a new charge tactic?"

Noriko: "That's a real tough question..."

Shinobu: "Well, let's eat some tarashi-yaki while we think."

Akebi: "It's good with soy sauce, or even any sauce!"

Taeko: "Or salt! It's up to you!"

Noriko: "There are a lot of ways you can eat it! So far we've eaten it like monja-yaki, thin and runny. But back then, they'd eat it by letting it cook until the underside was crispy, and without using a plate..."

She used the scraper to slice off a piece, and threw it up.

Noriko: "Toss!"

She caught it in her mouth, eating it.

Noriko: "And eat it like that!"

Fukuda: "Well done!"

Akebi: "You don't need to do the 'toss' part. That's just how we do it."

Noriko: "Anyways, you're free to eat tarashi-yaki in any way you like. There's no one way of cooking it."

Fukuda: "'It's the same... but we're free to choose and there's not just one path.' Thank you for the advice!"

Noriko: "Hm?"

Shinobu: "Sure. Eat however you like!"

Noriko: "By the way, who's your opponent in the first match?"

Fukuda: "It's the powerful Koala Forest High School!"

Taeko: "What a cute name!"

Akebi: "I wonder if they have koalas?"

Shinobu: "Or maybe their commander is one..."

Noriko: "No way!"


The show hard cuts to the Koala Forest team talking to their Commander.

Wallaby: "Commander, what's our next plan?"

The koala ate some more leaves.

Wallaby: "I see. The Commander says thus: 'Chi-Ha-Tan is full of charging idiots, so we should find a place advantageous to us and ambush them'."


Platypus: "Vice-commander Wallaby! The enemy are charging us in a single line!"

Wallaby: "They're charging us head on like our Commander said! Everyone, prepare to fire!"

The Chi-Ha-Tan team were charging down a hill, with the Australians sitting atop another hill, ready to fire. However, the Chi-Ha-Tan tanks disappeared as Koala Forest couldn't see them below the ditch. 

We don't get how the match goes, but obviously, Chi-Ha-Tan wins.

The show once again hard cuts to Ooarai.


Momo and Saori are walking to a printing shop.

Saori: "How much longer?"

Momo: "Just a bit further. Afterwards, we'll head back and make the announcement."

Saori: "Can't we do it by mail? Oh! I can make a homepage!"

Momo: "We cannot. We must distribute it once a week. And when the Student Council has meetings, make sure to post the small things on the bulletin board. If it's a meeting with the school clubs, make sure to pass the notice to each club's head."

Saori: "Isn't that too much work?"

Momo: "It is, but it's proper communication. To maintain the Student Council, we need to do tedious work like this."

Saori: "Oh..."

Momo: "We're here."

The two walk in.

Momo: "I'm here for the photocopies."

Owner: "They're in the back. Take them."

Momo began walking to it.

Saori: "Hello, sorry for the intrusion."


At the back, a small dog awaits them, and Momo goes up to it and pets it.

Saori: "Huh?"

A woman walks out from inside.

???: "Ah, Momo! Welcome back!"

Momo: "Mom!"

Saori: "Eh!? This is your house, Miss Kawashima!?"

Momo: "Oh, didn't I tell you?"

Saori: "You didn't say a thing!"

???: "Welcome."

Saori: "Good afternoon! I'm from the Student Council and a member of the Tankery team, Takebe Saori."

Momo's siblings began entering.

(Here we go again...)

???2: "Welcome back, Momo!"

???3: "Welcome back!"

???4: "Sister! Welcome back!"

???5: "You're home early today!"

???6: "Momo! Hugs!"

Momo: "Careful! We have a guest here today!"

???: "It's okay. Make yourself at home!"

Saori: "Understood!"

Momo: "Mom. You're the one that should be resting."

???: "Sorry."

 Momo: "Mom's body is frail, after all."

The siblings all gather in a room with Saori.

???2: "This is all we have, but feel free to eat whatever you wish!"

"Bread slices!"


"Hand me the big ones!"

???2: "Oi! Let our guest have some first!"

Saori: "No, no! It's fine!"

"Let's eat!"

Saori: "I didn't know you had so many siblings, Miss Kawashima."

Momo: "Oh, yeah. Oi! Don't run! They're always so rowdy, I can't concentrate on studying... but I'm definitely not making excuses!"


Momo: "Oh, come on!"


The current Student Council are sorting through paperwork.

Saori: "It'll be hard for her to get into a private university under these circumstances."

Hana: "Maybe a national university would be better?"

Saori: "Maybe so... Miss Kawashima and her siblings all want to attend the same university."

Mako, only there to eat food, interrupts.

Mako: "Whether she goes or not, repeating a year would be a problem."

Yukari: "Then for her, let's do our best!"

Anzu gets a phone call.

Anzu: "Hey, what's up? Yes. Understood. Thank you very much."

Momo: "Who is it?"

Anzu: "It's the Federation. Call Miho and Y/n over!"


Anzu: "Our opponents have been decided for the second match."

Momo: "Who is it?"

Anzu: "It's Chi-Ha-Tan. They appear to have beaten Koala Forest High School."

Yukari: "Wow! It's been a long time since they have beaten the first round!"

Saori: "But they did reach best four at one point."

Momo: "They're a school who only knows how to charge! The second match is in the bag!"

Miho: "No. We can't let our guard down like BC Freedom."

Y/n: "Yeah. Besides, they must've had some personal growth since we've last met them."

Momo: "You're right. Sorry. We'll fight this earnestly, with all our power."

Yukari: "I wonder how the other schools are doing..."


We see the Germans charging against Maginot Academy.

???: "Dammit! Looks like cavalry tactics don't work against Kuromorimine."

Kojima: "Just 110 meters left."

Koume: "We'll reach point KK in 10 meters."

Erika's tank bounced a shell.

Koume(radio): "We've reached point KK."

Erika: "Good... Fire!"

With the barraging fire, Kuromorimine makes it into the second round.


The Russians are going off against Viking Fisheries High School.

Katyusha did some hand signals, telling Nonna and Klara what to do.

Finally, the three charging forward, they continue into the second round.


The Americans are going against Blue Division High School.

Kay: "Be sure to aim... fire!"


???: "Commander El! They've been knocked out!"

El: "Full speed ahead! Get out of range!"

They tried to escape, however, Naomi aimed from afar, and sniped the tank, securing their spot in the second round.


The British are going against Waffle Academy, with the British trapping them on a bridge and destroying them.

Darjeeling: "Cheers."

Orange Pekoe went to grab her teacup.

Pekoe: "Cheers."


The Finnish are seen against Yogurt Academy.

Mika: "Maybe we should warp behind them."

Aki: "There's no way we could do that! Mikko, do you understand what she's saying!?"

Mikko: "Kinda!"

The BT-42 knocked into the first tank, sending it on it's side, but this was planned, as they skidded around the tanks and took out the flag tank.


The Italians are against Bonple High School.

The CV-33s are all stacking onto a tank.

???: "What was that?"

Pepperoni: "Go!"

The final CV jumped onto the tank, stopping it from moving.

Three Semovente are inside a destroyed building, exchanging fire with other tanks.

Anchovy: "Carpaccio! Are you okay?"

Carpaccio: "Somehow!"

Anchovy: "Operation French Curve!"

The tank previously buried shot down the CV in front of it, however, it revealed the P 40 right in front of them.

Anchovy: "Fuoco! (Fire!)"

This secured Anzio's spot in the second round.

Anchovy: "Yay!"


We now get a look at the bracket, with Ooarai and Chi-Ha-Tan facing off, Saunders and Jatkosota facing off, Kuromorimine and Pravda facing off, and finally, St Gloriana and Anzio facing off.


Finally, the day of the match arrives.

Marie, Andou and Oshida are sitting down from the side, watching the match, with Azumi coaching them.

Azumi: "Okay, you three. Be sure to watch this battle between kings."


Andou: "I'm watching!"

Marie: "Is it okay if I eat cake?"


Nishi: "Miss Nishizumi! It's been a while!"

Miho: "Nishi! Thank you for the other time."

Nishi: "No, it was my pleasure, thank you very much. That match proved to be a valuable lesson for us!"

Miho: "Really?"

Nishi: "I never thought we'd be able to move on to the second round, and now we're facing you as our opponents! We plan to give our all in this match! However, I don't think we'd win..."

Miho: "Don't be so modest! Please do your best and win!"

Nishi: "Eh?"

Miho: "We weren't really that strong to begin with. Even now! We just give our all to win!"

Y/n: "It's very important to learn a lesson from every match. If you keep doing the same thing every match, your opponent will figure you out."

Nishi: "Understood! We will do our best to win!"

Ami: "Alright then, both teams, line up!"

The Commander and Vice-Commander of both teams lined up.

Ami: "We will now begin the match between Ooarai Academy and Chi-Ha-Tan Academy! Bow!"

"Let's have a good game!"


Momo: "Panzer vor!"

Nishi: "Tanks, forward!"

The two forces charged into the jungle.

Y/n: "This is going to be a hard battle, especially for gunners. The dark terrain and rough land make shooting whilst moving practically impossible. I trust you three to make the best decisions."


Momo: "It would be best if we take a defensive position against their charges."

Miho: "Yes. There's an elevation at the center. Let's get past here first."

The two teams are seen advancing through the terrain.


The French now all have a cake on their plate.

Marie: "Fighting in a jungle environment sure is hard, don't you think?"

Oshida: "Chi-Ha-Tan probably has the advantage in this kind of terrain."

Andou: "Advantage or not, their opponent is still Ooarai."

Azumi: "I wonder who's going to win? Anything could happen in a flag tank battle after all."


The Mark IV seems to be having trouble going through the jungle.

Flint: "Be careful."

Rum: "The flag's in the way!"

Cutlass: "Maybe we should've just stuck it in the back."

Murakami: "Makes sense."

Ogin: "Hey now, you can't be a proper pirate without a flag! Well, we're just cute high school girls anyway."

Suddenly, they began getting shot at. Machine gun rounds shot the flag down, causing Ogin to gasp in shock.

Azusa: "Enemy contact at three o'clock!"

Y/n: "An ambush?"

Yukari: "Their mobility is amazing!"

Miho: "Please return fire! Prepare for them to charge!"

Ogin: "Why you... our flag is our very soul! I will spare you no quarter! Hard to starboard! Sink the enemy ships!"

Miho: "Uh... please stop!"


Hosomi: "They're facing us!"

Tamada: "Commander, permission to charge?"

Nishi: "Alright! Cha-"

Fukuda: "Commander!"

Nishi turned around, and Fukuda nodded at her.

Nishi: "I see! 'Stepping Charge'!"

Tamada: "What kind of charge was 'Stepping Charge' again?"

Ikeda: "It's 'charging in place'!"

The Chi-Ha-Tan team don't charge.

The Mark IV, however, does charge, and keep receiving fire.

Rum: "What the hell!?"

Cutlass: "Too hectic..."

She gasped as the radio screeched on.

Momo(radio): "Shark team! Come back!"

Ogin: "Even if it's from you, this is the one time I won't back down!"

Miho: "Please provide cover for Shark team."

The Ooarai team returns fire, but it was too late, and the Mark IV was destroyed.


Nishi: "This is the moment, right? Okay. 'Goodbye Charge' to five o'clock!"

Tamada: "What was 'Goodby Charge' again?"

Ikeda: "It's a charge you give to break away from the enemy!"

Hosomi: "Wait, could that really be called a charge?"

Tamada: "Don't be silly, Hosomi. The name has 'charge' in it, so it is!"

Hosomi: "I see."

Tamada: "Tamada platoon! 'Goodbye Charge'!"

Hosomi: "Hosomi platoon! 'Goodbye Charge'!"

The Chi-Ha-Tan forces began retreating, after finally destroying one tank.

Nishi: "You've though up of a really good strategy, Fukuda!"

Fukuda: "Thank you! They are the same 'charge', but with a different twist!"


Hana: "Oh my, Chi-Ha-Tan is retreating?!"

Anzu: "Looks like they remembered when to pull back, huh?"

Momo: "That just makes things harder, doesn't it...?"

Anzu: "Exactly."

Miho: "Shark team, is anyone hurt?"

Flint: "Everyone's fine."

Rum: "Sorry we went out first!"

Murakami: "Did they hit us because our flag stood out?"

Cutlass: "Maybe..."

Ogin: "If there's a next battle... then we only need to raise the flag in our hearts."

Caesar: "Umu. It is the same path we took."

Erwin: "History repeats itself."

Y/n: "I had flashbacks when I saw the tank, and turns out, I was right."


With the time beginning to become night, battle only gets harder. Chi-Ha-Tan once again ambushes Ooarai.

Sodoko: "Ouch! They're here!"

The two teams exchange fire.

Nishi: "Okay! Halt the 'Stepping Charge'! 'Goodbye Charge'!"

The Chi-Ha-Tan forces begin retreating.

Y/n: "They really learnt fast. Impressive."

Sodoko: "Hey! Get back here!"

The tanks begin chargine before being stopped.

Miho: "All vehicles, please stop. Don't pointlessly chase the enemy. Don't get provoked."

Nekota: "I'm so annoyed I'm gonna punch through them!"


Noriko: "Fuku-chan and her group really has changed."

Taeko: "Yeah. We don't know where and when they'll attack."

Akebi: "Like an A and B quick!"

Shinobu: "Or a lag attack and a two-person attack!"

Noriko: "Or a personal time lag attack and a back attack!"


Ayumi: "Ah geez... it's too humid..."

Karina: "Will we lose weight!?"

Yuuki: "Ow, I just got bit by a bug..."


Aya: "The humidity isn't enough to get thin..."

Azusa: "I got medicine. Want some?"

Yuuki: "Yes..."

Aya: "Here."


Yukari is seen planning a route on top of the IV.

Yukari: "Looks like Chi-Ha-Tan is denying us the high ground."

Miho: "Yeah..."

Momo: "What should we do, Nishizumi?"

Miho: "There's a lake where we came from. It's an open area, so how about we pretend to not go for the high ground and lay an ambush?"

Momo: "Yeah, I think it's a good idea."

Yukari: "Understood!"

Momo: "You're in charge of the destination!"

Miho: "Yes. Let's go in a two-rank column! Saori!"

Saori: "Okay."

She went to the radio.

Saori: "This is Anglerfish, we will now head for point PD-172 in a two-rank column! Be vigilant for Chi-Ha-Tan's attacks during movement. It's already raining, so proceed with caution!"


The French, now finished eating cake, held umbrellas out.

Oshida: "What an unexpected turn of events."

Andou: "That's because Chi-Ha-Tan has been reborn."

Oshida: "Does that mean we should change too?"

Andou: "Of course."

Azumi: "Looks like this fight will take a while."

Marie: "If that's the case, may I go enter the rose bath?"


With the dirt terrain now sloshing into mud, movement is harder than ever. 

The B1 Bis was having a slight trouble descending a small ledge.

Sodoko: "More to the right! The right!"

She got blasted with mud on her face.

Sodoko: "Hey! Gomoyo! Drive carefully! I look like some delinquent now!"

Gomoyo: "Sorry!"


Yuuki: "Isn't mud great for the skin?"

Karina: "Because it has minerals?"

Ayumi: "That's amazing! We can beautify whilst in a Tankery match!"


Reira: "It's pretty hard to move here because of the tank's weight."

Hoshino: "It's much better than the Acropolis Rally."


The IV and the B1 Bis are going as a group, but the Bis got stuck in some mud.

Sodoko: "Try backing up, Gomoyo."

Gomoyo: "Okay."

They try to reverse, but still get stuck.

Pazomi: "Looks like it's not working."

Sodoko: "This is Goose team, we can't move!"

With the Panzer IV already ahead and regrouped with the other tanks, they had to send someone back to help them.

Anzu: "Oh, they're stuck."

Yukari: "The B1 Bis' tracks are slippery, after all."

Miho: "Leopon team, please tow Goose team."

Reira: "Understood!"

However, even with the EPS on, it was still stuck. The Panzer IV had to go back around and hit the tank, knocking it forward and out the mud.

Sodoko: "Thanks."

Mako: "If you overlook my tardiness three times..."

Sodoko: "Nope,"

Mako: "Cheapskate..."


Nishi: "Looks like the shower stopped."

Fukuda: "How about we try 'Remote Charge' next?"

Nishi: "Um... what was it again?"

Fukuda: "A kind of charge performed indirectly from a distance!"

Tamada: "A 'Remote Charge' throughout the night!"

Hosomi: "Can you really call that a 'charge'?"

Tamada: "Don't be silly, Hosomi. The name has 'charge' in it, so it is!"

Ikeda: "Agreed!"

Nishi: "Alright! Let's go with the 'Remote Charge'!"

Fukuda: "Thank you very much!"

Nishi: "No, I owe my thanks to you. Thanks to the plans you devised, we haven't lost a single tank."

Fukuda: "Our enemy is the summer champion! All we can do is somehow bite on to them and wear them down! Just like they did in the past!"

Nishi: "Yeah, that's right."

The Ooarai team are parked next to a river, eating food. Momo was standing atop her tank, scouting.

Momo: "The sun's about to set."

Yuzu: "How about you eat some food, Momo-chan? It's pretty rare to have Anzu's cooking!"

Anzu: "It's just this time."

Ayumi: "Hey, hey! Doesn't this feel like we're camping?"

Aya: "It doesn't really feel that fun in the darkness..."

Karina: "Looks like we can do a Test of Courage!"

Yuuki: "Wanna do one? Wanna try one? A Test of Courage!"

Saori: "We're still in a match, alright? So let's do that after."


Hana: "So, what do we do now?"

Miho: "Um, let's wait here for a while. It's almost night. Chi-Ha-Tan will definitely strike at night."

Y/n: "We're also going to need a way to escape."


Now that it was night, Chi-Ha-Tan are eating whilst moving.

However, Fukuda was quite scared.

Hosomi: "Is something wrong, Fukuda?"

Fukuda: "Eh-? I-It's nothing!"

Hosomi: "Your face is saying the complete opposite!"

Fukuda: "Ehh!? Uh... it may be embarrassing and I'm sorry, but I've never done a night battle before! And, I don't do well with darkness."

Tamada: "Then, should we sing a song to cheer you up? Commander Nishi! How about we sing the 'Charge Ballad' here?"

Nishi: "Great idea! Teramoto! Prepare the music! 'The Drifter's Lover'!"

Teramoto: "Understood!"

She brought out a speaker.


Nagura: "Commander Nishi!"

Nishi: "Nagura, good work on scouting. How did it go?"

Nagura: "Yes. It looks like Ooarai has given up trying to take the mountain and is headed for the lake!"

Nishi: "The lake, huh? I guess it's time to use that."


The Ooarai team were still camping at the lake.

Caesar: "This really looks like a last-ditch battle."

Erwin: "There is no 'after'. I'm actually excited."

Hana was asleep, but began to wake up.

Hana: "Oh my! I dozed off!"

Mako was looking around the area.

Hana: "You're amazing, Mako! You're really used to the night."

Mako: "The night is a friend, no. A buddy."


Sodoko: "I can't see throughout the darkness..."

She got tapped on the shoulder, and turned around to see...

Gomoyo with a red flashlight pointed upwards, creating a shadow on her face.

Gomoyo: "Doppelganger!"

Sodoko screamed.

Sodoko; "Oi! We're in the middle of a match! Don't do that!"

She got tapped again, but wasn't scared this time.

Pazomi: "Doppel-"

Sodoko: "That's been done already! It ain't scary anymore!"


Yuuki: "A lot of horror stories happen around a lake near a forest, don't they?"

Karina: "Yeah! Like 'when is that zombie going to appear'?"

Azusa: "They usually appear where you least expect... both zombies and enemies."

Aya: "Something like 'Behind you, behind you'?"

Yuuki: "No, no!"

Ayumi: "That doesn't happen!"

A crocodile began to swim towards them.

Ayumi: "Eh? That's a large crocodile."

Karina: "What's that?"

Yuuki: "A hippopotamus!"

Aya: "That's not what it's called."

Ayumi: "It really was behind us..."

However, the head began turning towards them.

Azusa: "Man stations! Hostile!"

The cruiser fired a shot at the M3 Lee, but it bounced.

Yukari: "It's a Type 2 Ka-Mi!"

Miho: "Only Hippo and Goose teams will engage! Everyone else be on guard for their main strike!"


Nishi: "Charge!"

The Chi-Ha-Tan forces began charging.

Shinobu: "Are you kidding...?"

Noriko: "Don't fight! Run! This is Duck, Chi-Ha-Tan spotted! They're headed towards you! Their forces are... uh... one, two... a lot!"

Miho: "Head to the enemy's blind spot!"

Ooarai was now surrounded from the water and the land.

Another cruiser joined the battle.

???: "Should we attack the flag?"

???2: "No, just aim for the III."


Sodoko: "This is so annoying..."

She saw the ambushing cruiser.

Sodoko: "Gomoyo! There's this weird thing that looks like an enemy at 1:36! They're approaching Hippo! Goose, forward!"

The cruiser approached the tanks, and drove onto the land.

It exchanged shots with the B1 Bis, knocking it out.

Sodoko: "Sorry!"

The StuG turns and fires at it, but missed.

It returned to the water.

Y/n: "Holy crap that's smart. Having tanks with a cruiser structure so it can both drive on land and go in the water."

Nishi: "Alright! 'Leisurely Charge'! All units, synchronize your pace!"

More rounds were exchanged, as the cruisers approached the flag tank in the water.

Miho: "Rabbit, please protect the flag tank."

Nishi: "Okay, halt! All tanks focus on the flag vehicle. Don't get played! Just aim for the flag tank! Not yet, wait, wait, wait..."

There was a long pause.

Nishi: "Fire!"

All the tanks and cruisers opened fire, as the IS-3 drove in front of it.

Y/n: "Have a go at this Stalinium, you won't be able to penetrate it."

The IS-3 fired back, knocking down several trees.

Tamada: "Yes! The toughest one has gone to the front! Commander!"

Nishi: "Very well!"

Hosomi: "Ikeda, Kubota! Focus fire on the IS-3's tracks!"

The left track of the IS-3 was destroyed.

Y/n: "Oh, crap..."

The turret turned, aiming at where the predicted ambush would be.

Tamada: "Hamada, Nagura! 'Good Day Charge'!"

The three tanks began charging at them.

Miho: "Anteater and Duck, protect the flag!"

Tamada: "Don't shoot or they'll find out where we are!"

Miho: "Hana, Saori! Fire tracers!"

The machine guns were fired, lighting up the forest.

Polina: "Why won't this thing turn!?"

Y/n: "Our track is gone. We need to repair it."

The tanks all surrounded the Hetzer, the flag tank, protecting it.

 Tamada: "Tamada platoon, move forward for backup!"

The Chi-Ha-Tan tanks began charging.

They all surrounded the five tanks protecting the Hetzer, as the IS-3 shot one down.

However, a Chi-Ha drove around, aimed for the engine of the Tiger (P), and fired.

Reira: "Us!?"

Y/n: "A feint?"

The Porsche Tiger was immobilized.

Miho's IV managed to take out another Chi-Ha, as the rest of the tanks began to give chase after Chi-Ha-Tan began retreating.

Y/n: "Quick! Let's fix the track!"


With the tanks giving chase, the two Ka-Mis followed.

The forest was now in complete chaos as the Chi-Ha-Tan forces retreated.

Tamada: "Commander Nishi! Why are they coming after us? Are they tricking us?"

Nishi: "I don't have the slightest idea! They're probably copying us out of desperation!"

Tamada: "I wonder. But doesn't Ooarai excel with the unexpected?"

Hosomi: "I see. So heading for the unexpected is the new Nishizumi style itself!"

Nishi: "Challenge accepted, then! Tamada platoon, turn around!"

The Chi-Has turned around, with both teams charging at each other.

Nishi: "Fire!"

Miho: "Spread out."

They managed to dodge the incoming platoon.

Chi-Ha-Tan now turned around again, chasing Ooarai.


We see Y/n finally fixing his track.

Y/n: "Almost..."


The Chi-Ha-Tan forces chased the Ooarai forces, with the Type 89 firing machine gun rounds backwards.

Tamada: "We can see where you are thanks to these tracers! Tamada platoon, step on it!"

They sped up, giving chase.

Hosomi: "Hosomi platoon, don't lag behind!"

Tamada: "We're close, we'll definitely catch them."

However, another tank commander appeared.

Kubota: "The path ahead is extremely dangerous! There is a mud trench!"

Fukuda: "Yes! They might be leading us into a trap!"

Kubota: "I agree!"

With this being said, all of Chi-Ha-Tan's forces dropped down, including the Ka-Mis except for Fukuda, until another Ka-Mi accidentally pushed her down.

We now see Ooaral above the trench, ready to fire. 

Y/n: "Guess who's back?"

The IS-3 arrived from the other side. Ooarai began opening fire, surrounding them and slowly firing and then backing up to not fall down.

The only path out for Chi-Ha-Tan is from the sides, but now, they were blocked off by the IS-3, M3 Lee, Type 89 and the Hetzer.

Chi-Ha-Tan began firing at them, but the resulting shots caused mountain debris and rocks to fall, blocking the path.

Nishi: "Oi! Don't force it! Come back!"

Hosomi: "Understood! Platoon, turn right!"

Some of Tamada's forces try charging, but fall.

Fukuda: "I'm sorry, but charging now would put all our efforts to waste!"

Tamada: "It won't be! We'll be even!"

Ikeda: "We can't come all the way here just to show our backs to the enemy!"

Nishi: "Thinking that forward is the only way is not the right thing!"

Tamada: "Eh...? Understood! You want us to change direction!"

Nishi: "Not a change of direction. A retreat!"

Chi-Ha-Tan began gasping.

Nishi: "We need to change! A battle is about seizing opportunities and gambling with time! We can still make it! Use your mobility before the enemy completes their encirclement! For victory, retreat!"

The tanks begin driving out the other exit, and the rest of Ooarai's forces begin to drive to that direction.

Noriko: "Sorry! They're fast! We can't catch up with them!"

With the Chi-Ha-Tan forces now retreating, Ooarai has to give chase.

Miho: "Give chase."

Nishi: "Our victory is repayment to Miss Nishizumi! I swear we will be victorious!"

And that's Das 2! This is such a long one, so it did take a while, but finally! It's done! In Das 3, we will finally get to see the end of Chi-Ha-Tan vs Ooarai! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, so see you next chapter!

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