Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorpora...

De NakalaTVA6780

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Another story with me in it. That's basically how it's gonna be with my stories. In this timeline of SDMI, Th... Mai multe

S1-E1: Beware the Beast from Below
S1-E2: The Creeping Creatures
S1-E3: The Secret of the Ghost Rig
S1-E4: Revenge of the Man Crab
S1-E5: The Song of Mystery
S1-E6: The Legend of Alice May
S1-E7: In Fear of the Phantom
S1-E8: The Grasp of the Gnome
S1-E9: Battle of the Humungonauts
S1-E10: Howl of the Fright Hound
S1-E12: The Shrieking Madness
S1-E13: When the Cicada Calls

S1-E11: The Secret Serum

155 2 1
De NakalaTVA6780

It is night time in Crystal Cove and charity auction is going on at the Crystal Cove Community Center. It is hosted by Nan Blake and a friend of hers named Sheila. Auctioneer: " Going once, going twice, sold! The ringside seats to the Crystal Cove Lady Banshees Roller Derby team go to Gary Papluta." he says as a girl in rollerskates carries literally carries the man away and out the building. Nan: "This charity auction is going better than I ever could have hoped. What's our total so far, Sheila?" Sheila: "[looks at calculator] $34." "Ah! Just imagine all the good $34 will do." Auctioneer: " The next lot up for bid is..." A man comes out and places a painting on an easel. "...this spooky painting." It shows a picture of a woman in a red dress walking up to a creepy castle on a narrow path. The castle looks like its gateway has sharp teeth and towers are hands. The two dead trees next to it look like claws ready to grab you in the crescent moon sky. Auctioneer: "Ooh! Now that's what I call art. Do I hear $5.00?" To his surprise, no one said anything. No one in the crows seemed interested in it at all. "Uh, $4.00? $3.00? Come one this is a genuine spooky painting. Well, this thing is creeping me out just looking at it. Anybody?" Again, no one says a thing about wanting it. Only thing that's heard is a cough. "Anybody?"

Suddenly, a high-pitched screech is heard and everyone looks to see a pale vampire with magenta eyes (A/N: At least I think they're magenta. I can't tell.) swoop by and land in front of a window above the stage. She-Vamp: "Give me that painting!" Everyone screams and runs for the doors as the vampire jumps off the window, but the doors wouldn't open. Auctioneer: "It's locked! We're trapped!" The lights go off as the vampire continues flying around while doing her high-pitched screeching. The auctioneer runs for the light switch and is able to turn them on for everyone to see that the vampire is no where to be seen. Auctioneer: "The vampire's gone!" Nan: "So is the painting. [gasps]"

Morning came and the gang is hanging out at Daphne's house to enjoy some time in the pool. Shaggy: "Ha ha ha! Like, Scooby-Doo, there's something about putting a teeny-tiny umbrella in your drink that just makes it better." Scooby: "Yeah. I heard that." they say to each other as their floating around in the pool. Fred and Daphne are chilling by the pool with their feet in it while talking. Well, actually, Fred was doing the talking while Daphne simply wasn't caring about Fred being, well, Fred. Fred: "Now this is purely hypothetical, but let's say your extravagant grotto was haunted by a pool monster. Want to know how I'd trap it?" Daphne: "Uh, could you tell me later." "First I'd use some combination of Shag or Scoob to lure him under the waterfall, then I'd add a quick-drying cement to the water and boo-yah! Trapped." Daphne just stares at Fred with an "I don't care" face as they both sip their drink. Nakala is seen swimming past them and stopping to talk. Nakala: "I suggest you quit talking about traps and talk about what happened to Mrs. Wyatt." Daphne: "Yeah, that was horrifying. I swear I heard some kind of inhuman scream that night." Fred: "Yeah, me too. Something mysterious." Nakala gets back to swimming laps around the pool and Velma walks over to Shaggy. Velma: "Oh, Shaggy, like my new bikini?" she asks while wearing her same usual clothing. Shaggy: "Um, like, I don't know. Are you wearing one?" "...Yes! I just don't want to get burned. Do you have any idea of how damaging the sun is? Give me a call when someone wants to make a leathery handbag out of your back fat." she says as she sits down in a chair to read a newspaper.

Nakala: "[stops swimming*She's clearly still peeved about that.* The sun may be damaging, but that's only if you spend to much time in it without sunscreen. Being in the sun is good for you for different reasons. Everything has a benefit and a drawback." Fred: "Hey, don't worry, Velma. I think you look great. And with the sun reflecting off your pale, colorless skin, we could blind the monster and just push him into the pool with the cement already in it. Genius!" Daphne: "Fred!" Daphne's mom, Nan, suddenly walks in the area with an upset tone. Nan: "Boy, am I steamed." Daphne: "What's wrong, mom?" "A vampire ruined my auction last night." Scooby: "Vampire? [whimpers]" he asks as he falls through his floatie and into the pool. Fred: "A mystery. Quick, Velma. Set your milky whiteness for "stun."" Daphne: "Fred!!" "What?" Velma: "It's okay, Daphne. I don't care what Fred thinks." she says as she looks at Shaggy, who gives a sheepish grin before sliding off the floatie and into the pool. Nakala: "Caramba. Todo este equipo se está desmoronando."

Night time comes around and Fred decides it's time to go search for any clues on the vampire. But the gang wasn't really feeling it 'cause of their problems. Fred opens the door to the van and sees his friends have stopped on the stairs. Fred: "Guy's mystery. Time's running out. Go, let's." Velma: "I'm not solving any mystery if he's going to be there." she looking at Daphne. Daphne: "You know, Fred, maybe we should split up." Fred: "It's too early. We can't split up until we get to a haunted amusement park or a terrify caver--" Shaggy: "Actually, dude, like, I think splitting up is a good idea." he said as he and Scooby join Fred. Shaggy clearly doesn't want to be near Velma while she's like this. Velma: "Yeah. You've already made that perfectly clear." Fred: "Okay, then. We'll be splitting up. You coming with, Nakala?" Nakala: "I rather stay with the two that don't get on my nerves as much. And are clearly not the problem we're having right now." he says as he walks back inside with Fred looking confused before starting the engine and driving off. Velma: "So, where shall we start?" Daphne: "I'm thinking pedicures." In the van, Shaggy adjusts his seat belt and starts a conversation. Shaggy: "Like, is it me or does this feel weird?" Fred: "Yeah, it's strange mysterying without the girls." "No, I mean sitting shotgun. Ha ha! Like, I never get to ride up here. It's awesome!" Scooby: "[giggles] Stereo." he says as he turns on the radio and plays pop music. He switches stations and rock music starts playing, to which they both enjoyed more. Both: "Yeah!" Fred: "If you were a vampire, where would you hide out?" Shaggy: "The Clam Cabin?" Scooby: "The Pizza Pail?" Fred: "Right! Let's try the cemetery." Both: "[groans]"

At Daphne's house, Velma and Daphne are getting pedicures done by another pool while Nakala is meditating on the opposite side. Daphne: "Velma, here's the only thing you'll ever need to know about boys: They are stupid. If you give a boy two choices - a smart and stupid one - he will always make the stupid one, every time. That's why you never give them a choice." Velma: "That's depressing." "Yeah, it is." "But at least Nakala isn't like that." "That's true. [dreamy tone] He's smart, and handsome, and strong, and--" "You have a crush on him." "What?! No I don't!" "Daphne, I can tell. You don't have to hide it from me." "[sigh] Okay, fine. Yes, I do. But so do you." "Huh?!" "[mocking] Velma, I can tell. You don't have to hide it from me. [laughing]" "-_- Very funny. [notices Nan leaving] Where's your mom going at this hour?" "Beats me. Mom! Where are you going?!" Nan: "[comes back around the corner] Me? Oh. Well, um, I'm just running out to the grocery store to get some, uh...pate. Yeah. Pate. Mm-hmm. See you later." she says before leaving again.

Nakala: "If that's not suspicious, I don't know what is." Velma: "How long were you out of your meditation?" "I may have been meditating, but I kept my ears open. So, yeah, I heard everything you both said." Daphne and Velma blush knowing that he was listening the entire time. Nakala stands up and stretches his legs before speaking again. Nakala: "Still, we should go see what she's up to." Daphne: "I agree. My mom is duck-intolerant. Pate gives her the squeakers real bad. Something's up. Come on." she says as she stands up with Velma. Velma: "What about our massages?" "Sorry, Velma. Duty before beauty." she says as the two start walking on just their heels. Nakala: "*I will never understand girls that do this. Surely there are better ways to do this.*" Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby are waiting in the van by the "Crystal Cove Blood Bank" for Fred. He went inside to ask if the staff had seen any signs of a vampire. The two were bored 'til they noticed Fred came back with red stains on him and got scared.

Fred: "The lady at the blood bank said they haven't seen a vampire tonight or any night. Actually, her exact words were "Out of my blood bank, freakwad!"" Scooby: "Is--Is that b-b-blood?" "What? Oh, no. I just snagged a red punch juice box and spilled some. They've got tons hanging all over the place." Shaggy: "So, that's a big, fat no on the cemetery, the zoo's bat exhibit, and the blood bank. What now?" "[rubs face] I'm running out of ideas." Scooby: "[snaps finger] I got it! Fruitmeyer's." Shaggy: "Scoob! That's genius!" Fred: "It's a little out of the box, but everyone loves Fruitmeyer's, even vampires." he says before driving them there.

Back with Nakala, Daphne and Velma, they are chasing down Nan to see what she's up to. They round a corner just seconds after her and somehow lost her. Nakala could've went ahead of the girls since he can run faster than them, but he wanted to stay close and make sure they're okay. If they are dealing with a vampire, they better stay on guard 'cause of how sneaky they are. Velma: "She's gone. She's a freak. She's the fastest mom alive." Daphne: "She speed-walks every morning." "Well, your mom must have thighs like tree trunks, 'cause we totally lost her. How are you not out of breath, Nakala?" Nakala: "I'm more fit than you two. Your mom has to be around here somewhere." Velma: "A light's on at the botanical gardens." Daphne: "This makes no sense. My mom hates nature. She hates anything she doesn't have to pay for." Nakala: "And the Weirdest Mom of the Year award goes to..." he said, causing Velma to laugh with her mouth closed. Nakala: "My sister loves seeing the beauty in nature, so they will tick her off hearing that someone hates nature. To her, it means they don't like Earth and want to leave. Let's go." he said running ahead with the girls right behind him.

Meanwhile, Shag, Scoob, and Fred are chilling on top of the Mystery Machine on top of a hill. The hill is high enough to see all of Crystal Cove. Shaggy: "Like, man, I do not get girls." Daphne: "Yeah. Chicks." Fred: "Why don't you just build a Velma trap?" Shaggy: "Um, I don't know, Fred." "Trust me. Nothing says "I love you" like 200 feet of parachute cord and a cargo net." Before the conversation could continue, a high-pitched screech is heard somewhere below the hill. Scooby: "Hey, what was that?" Fred: "It came from down the hill." he says as he jumps down to start up the van with Shag and Scooby doing the same. They get in the van and drive down to the botanical gardens. Once they get there, Fred immediately goes for the back of the van. Fred: "I bet you clams to casino that our vampire's inside the greenhouse." Scooby: "[sniffs] Mmm, clams." Shaggy: "What do we do now, Fred?" Fred: "We trap ourselves a vampire!" he says as he opens the back of the van. "Hey, Freddy, where do you get this stuff?" "Trap Mart. I'm a premier member of the frequent trappers club." Little did they know that the rest of the gang was coming in from the other side. The moment they opened the door, Daphne was already hating the smell. Nakala was, too, but he was trying is best to ignore it.

Daphne: "Eww! Smells like that stuff you put on plants to help them grow." Velma: "You mean poo?" "Yeah. That's what it smells like." Nakala: "Just keep a sharp eye out, you two. And stay on guard. Vampires can be very sneaky." In a different part of the room, Fred already had the trap set up and went to hide behind a tree with Shaggy and Scooby. The trap is a typical net and rope with a dummy and steak in a chair as bait. Oh, also an anchor for holding the net up. Fred: "[quietly] That is a two-inch-thick, bone-in ribeye with perfect marbling. No self-respecting vampire will be able to resist it." Scooby: "[slurps] I know I can't." Shaggy: "[hears something] Somebody's coming. The three wait a bit for whoever's there to step in the trap. Once they were close enough, the trap was sprung, catching two people in a net. Fred: "Ha! Gotcha! Hit the lights!" he says as he and Shag run over with their flashlights. They see not only Nakala standing by the net, but that the people they caught are Daphne and Velma. They were not happy in the slightest. Scooby: "Uh-oh." Daphne: "Fred! What are you doing?" Velma: "Shaggy, get me out of here! Now!" Shaggy didn't need to since Nakala is already at the anchor to untie the rope. Nakala: "Already on it, V. Brace yourselves."

He unties the rope and the two drop to the ground. Fred helps up Daphne while Shaggy helps up Velma. Shaggy: "Uh... Like, um, you look nice?" Velma: "Save it." The same high-pitched scream was heard before anything else could be said. Not only that, the gang saw something fly by them as it happened. Daphne: "What was that?" Fred looks around with his flashlight 'til he looks behind and sees the she-vamp hanging upside and right in his face. It hisses and shrieks at the gang, causing them to run away. Daphne: "What do we do?" Fred: "We're doing it." At one point, the gang splits off from each other. Daphne is with Fred, Velma is with Nakala, and Shaggy is of course with Scooby. Daphne: "Fred! Don't let go of me!" she says as Fred is holding on to her wrist so they can stay together. But that didn't last long when they ran past a tree. Fred: "Don't worry, Daph! I wouldn't-- [sees he's now holding a squirrel] think of it. Ah, nuts!"

Shaggy: "Scoob, like, I think the exit is this way." he says as he moves a leaf only to see roses with thorns. Scooby: "[annoyed] Why did we have to go vampire-hunting?" The vampire swoops down toward them, but they moved out of the way. The she-vamp goes for Shaggy again and is now holding on to him from behind. Shaggy: "Yikes! Help! Help!" Before the she-vamp could harm Shaggy, the garden manager comes along. Garden Manager: "What the hoosit now? Huh?" The vampire lets Shaggy go and pounces on the garden manager before flying away. Fred goes over to Shaggy and helps him out of the thorns the vampire pushed him in. Shaggy: "[whimper] Prickers! Ow!" Daphne: "Is everyone okay?" Nakala: "Seems that way." Velma: "How are you doing, hero?" Shaggy: "Like, I've been better. ...Oh. You don't really care, though, do you?" Everyone hears the garden manager complain about something and go over to see what it is. Garden Manager: "My star orchid. It's gone." Nakala: "First a painting, now an orchid. What could a vampire want to gain from these two random objects? It doesn't make sense on any level."

The gang decides to head over to the Crystal Cove Spook Museum to ask Velma's mom - who's currently on the phone - for help. Angie: "I don't care if there was a weather delay. When I order a crate full of sumatran rat monkeys from skull island, I expect overnight delivery. Those things get stale fast." she says before hanging up in time to see her daughter and friends. Velma: "If we're going to find out what this vamp is up to, we need to do some research. Hey, mom." "Oh, hey, kids. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Daphne: "Mrs. Dinkley, we need some information on...[whispers] vampires." "Vampires? Oh, sugar plums, you've come to the right place." She leads them to a bookshelf that has all kinds of books about vampires. Angie: "The Broken Spine has the most extensive collection of bloodsucker lit this side of the Carpathian mountains. Fred: "[grabs a book] Huh. There must be something in here that will tell us why a vampire would want a painting and an orchid." Nakala noticed a shadow go behind some bookshelves before he could even grab a book. He decided to follow it to see who it was since it seemed like the owner of the shadow was spying on them.

He went around a bookshelf and saw the shadow go behind another bookshelf. Nakala watched for a bit, wondering what his next move should be. The person made it for him as they pushed a book off the shelf. Nakala at first thought the person was just being a jerk and messing up the store a bit, so he went over and placed the book back on the shelf. But the person was still there and pushed the book off the shelf again. Nakala stared at the bookshelf for a bit before picking up the book. He was about to put the book back, but thought for a moment on the situation. Nakala: "*Does this person want me to read the book?*" he thinks before putting the book back again. The book gets thrown off the shelf immediately afterwards, and harder. Nakala caught it before it hit the other shelf and ran around the corner to see who's there, but the person is nowhere to be seen. Nakala looks around for a second before opening the book. There, he sees a magazine with the title "CelebrityWEEKLY." He searches through it and finds the page that answers their question of what the vamp is up to.

Meanwhile, the others have gone through so many backs that they made a big pile that's almost two bookshelves high. Fred: "There's nothing in any of these books about a painting or an orchid." Velma: "[lays on book pile] I guess we've hit a dead end." Shaggy: "More like an undead end." Daphne: "Where did Nakala go?" As she asks this, Nakala shows up with the magazine. Nakala: "Right here. And I found what we're looking for. It's an old Halloween issue of "Celebrities Weekly," and on page 128 is...[flips the page]" Fred: ""Countess Hagula's Youth Juice."" Daphne: ""4 essential ingredients, and eternal youth can be all yours." But this is just a stupid Halloween prank." Velma: "Looks like someone didn't get the joke. Check out the first two ingredients: The pigment from our stolen painting and the pollen of a star orchid." Fred: "This is it. Our vampire must be trying to make some youth juice. Good work, Nakala!" Shaggy: "Yeah. And, like, nice call, Velma, on coming here." Velma: "Too little too late." Nakala: "[reads ingredients] Looks like the next thing our she-vamp needs is vino: A chateu le rouge crimson ruby rose Bordeaux, 1911." Velma: "There's only one restaurant in town that has a wine list extensive enough to include that vintage: The Crab Net of Dr. Calimari." Nakala: "That place requires reservation to get a table. I know because me, Michael and Charlotte went there. Food's pretty good. I'll handle that."

The gang for some reason heads over to Daphne's house, which confused Nakala. He got the reservation set up and they were going to a different place. Daphne: "Dr. Calimari's has a very strict dress code. If we're going to get in, we'll have to look the part." Nakala: "That's not necessary. I went there once and their dress code isn't as strict as you think. [facepalm] You literally brought us here for no reason. Dios mío." The front door suddenly opens and we see Nan Blake there talking to someone who she's letting out. Nan: "I think it's time for you to leave, sheriff." Sheriff: "Now, Mrs. Blake, all I did was suggest that you're dressing up like a she-vamp and stealing random objects. No reason to get all mad about it." he says as he puts on his hat and leaves. Daphne: "Mom? What's going on?" The sheriff thinks I have something to do with these vampire attacks. Thank goodness Sheila was here." she says as a disturbing looking woman with muscles appears. Sheila: "Oh, Nan, don't you worry your flawlessly skinned, perfectly coiffed head about this. It's just a misunderstanding." she says as she and Nan glide away from the door that closes by itself. Daphne: "My mom is not behind this." Nakala: "Of course she isn't. Her body already looks perfect. She doesn't need the youth juice to look good. [rubs chin while thinking] *That Sheila, however, does. At least, that's what she would think.* Let's go to dinner."

The gang went to "The Crab Net of Dr. Calimari" and were greeted by the maitre 'd. Maitre 'd: "Welcome to The Crab Net of Dr. Calimari." Nakala: "Bonjour. Reservation for Nakala and friends." "[checks for reservation] Enjoy your stay with us, sir." "I definitely will. Thank you." The gang walks through the restaurant but stop when Daphne notices someone she didn't expect to see here. It was her mom and Sheila. Daphne: "What is my mom doing here?" Fred: "And how did she beat us?" The wine cellar door opens as a woman that works in the restaurant carries wine to a table. Velma: "There's the wine cellar. Let's go." The gang enters the wine cellar without being noticed and head down a staircase lit up with torches. Fred: "Listen, if we're gonna find that bottle, we better split up. Velma, you and Shaggy--" Velma: "I don't like my partner." Shaggy: "Really? Well, like, I'm tired of being your guilt bucket. I want a new partner, too." Fred: "Guys, we have to work as a team if we're gonna catch Daphne's mom in the act and prove once for all that she's an undead bloodsucker."

Daphne & Nakala: "Fred!" Nakala: "Seriously, how many times have you hit your head and how hard did you hit it?" Velma: "Face it, gang. Maybe we're not a team anymore." "Don't bring me into this. I never did anything. You guys have known each other longer than I have." Suddenly, the torches go out as the high-pitched screech of the vampire is heard. Scooby: "Uh-oh." Shaggy: "Ditto on that "uh-oh."" Scooby and Shaggy try to make a break for it, but the she-vamp lands in front of the two. Shaggy: "Yipe! Yipe!" She-Vamp: "That wine will be mine!" The vampire chases them down 'til the group eventually splits up again. Fred sees a cage to hide in and thought it was a good idea to do so. Fred: "Everybody, in here!" he says as Velma and Daphne run in the cage. Fred gets in as well and closes the door in time, then the she-vamp turns her attention toward Shaggy and Scooby. She almost got a hold of Shaggy, but he trips on a bottle, causing the vampire to fly past him. The scared duo run in the cage as well, but the she-vamp had this planned 'cause the key was inside the lock. She-Vamp: "Fools!" she says as she tosses the key away and goes for the wine. She didn't even notice she forgot one person.

Daphne: ""Everybody, in here!" Nice." Fred: "How was I supposed to know we'd get locked in by your mom. "It's a cage, Fred! You always want to stay on the outside of a cage! And that's not my mom! Nakala said it isn't, and I trust him on it." The she-vamp finds the bottle of wine she's looking for and was about to leave. What she didn't expect was Nakala showing up out of no where and punching her in the face. He catches the bottle just before it breaks. She-Vamp: "[rubs chin from pain] I will drain your blood for that!" Nakala: "Give up the charade. You're not a real vampire. Why would a vampire be stealing ingredients for a youth juice when they don't age?" The vampire says nothing but hisses at Nakala and was about to strike, but a creepy laughter of a woman was heard as mostly black smoke with gray appeared on the floor near them.

They look around and see a woman slowly rising out of the ground where some black and gray smoke cloud is. She's wearing a mostly all black dress with gray outlines. Her face is gray and has piercing, yellow eyes with extra long black hair. ???: "Time for your eternal suffering!" she says to the she-vamp as she summons black lightning bolts with gray outlines from her hands. The vampire acts fast by dashing toward Nakala and swiping at his face while grabbing the wine. The lightning girl shot lightning at the vampire, but she was ready to move so she didn't get hit. She flew into the darkness and disappeared as the lightning girl searched for her. Once she was sure the she-vamp is gone, she goes over to Nakala who hasn't gotten up from being attacked. The lightning girl uses her lightning on the key to bring it over to Nakala. ???: "You're welcome, Nakala. And by the way, Mrs. Wyatt wasn't the first." she says before disappearing into the smoke on the ground that goes away afterwards. Nakala shakes off what he saw and runs to free his friends from the cage so they can get the hell out of there. They run up out of there and walk out without being noticed that they were in the cellar and not being questioned. They get in the van and think about what just happened in the cellar.

Shaggy: "Like, man, we are totally off our game." Scooby: "Seriously." Fred: "[checks magazine] The final ingredient in the recipe is a priceless ruby called The Devil's Eye." Daphne: "I know that jewel. It's gorgeous." Velma: "[checks location] It's also on display at the Darrow University oddities museum. Fred: "Then that's where we'll be." Nakala: "I'm more focused on the other figure. Whoever this girl is has to be with whoever killed Mrs. Wyatt. What she said before she vanished about Mrs. Wyatt not being the first. Who else was killed?" Nakala never said anything to the gang, but he saw strange foot and hand prints that night. They seemed human, but also not. Fred: "We'll figure that out later." he says as he drives them to the museum. Once there, they set up a a double-net trap above the ruby. Fred is on the catwalk with Shaggy and Scooby, who are holding up one of the nets. Nakala is holding up the other one on the bottom with Velma and Daphne by his side. Fred: "Okay, so my last trap was a complete failure, but this was is so complicated, it's got to work." Velma: "You know, you made an excellent point back at the cellar, Nakala. If vampires don't age, why bother with an eternal youth potion?" The sound of a door closing was heard. Fred: "Here we go. Get ready, everybody." Daphne and Nakala look over at the entrance to see Nan Blake walking by. Daphne: "Mom?" Nakala: "What in God's Heaven and Devil's Hell is she doing here?" "I'm going to find out." she says as she runs off to get her. Fred: "Daphne, for trap's sake, we're in the middle of something here."

Nakala felt something off as he felt like a jolt went through his head. Nakala: "Guys! Behind you!" Fred, Shaggy and Scooby look behind the to see the she-vamp on the wall. Shaggy: "Zoinks! The vampire!" he screams before she leaps toward the rope Shaggy and Scooby are holding. Daphne hears the commotion and runs back to see the vampire swinging around Shaggy and Scooby on the rope. This causes the trap to be sprung and two sandbags fall near Velma. They broke something that causes a gorilla with a rhino horn statue to almost fall on her. Shag and Scoob get caught in the first net and thrown back up the catwalk and smash into a display case. Nakala: "[sarcasm] Sí, esto seguro que salió bien." The she-vamp lands on a display case as she stares at the ruby. She-Vamp: "I want that ruby!" she says as she gets down and walks up to it. "The Devil's Eye. [grabs the ruby] Finally, I will have the eternal youth of a vampire!" Velma: "Oh, I don't think so, ghoulfriend. I switched the rubies when we got here. That one is a fake." Fred: "Deploy the second net, Nakala!"

Nakala yanks on the rope, but the second net doesn't even drop. Only the rope does. The vampire looks at the rope before looking at Nakala with an evil chuckle at the failure. Nakala lets go of the rope before looking up at Fred and clapping. Nakala: "[sarcasm] Great job, Fred. You're trap definitely worked." he says as Fred does a sheepish chuckle. Scooby sees this from atop the catwalk before looking up at the net. He runs over to a rope connected to it and bites it off, causing the net to fall on the vampire. The vampire screeches as she accidentally lets go of the ruby and tries to get free. She-Vamp: "Let me go! I'll drain you all!!" Nakala: "No you won't...[takes off her mask] Sheila."

All: "Sheila Altoonian!" Daphne: "But why?" Sheila: "Isn't obvious? My looks are starting afraid." Nakala: "Exactly what I thought. No offense." "None taken. [to Daphne] This is all your mother's fault. We're the same age, but she's so beautiful. She has the skin of a teenager. That's when I realized she must be a vampire. I went to the Dinkley shop to do a little research and found the recipe for the youth juice. That potion was gonna make me young and beautiful forever. You see, in college I majored in zoology and acrobatics, studying the habits of flying squirrels. I propelled myself into the air with my quad and glute muscles. All this gave me the illusion of a real flying vampire." Daphne: "Why didn't you just try maybe wearing a little less makeup? [gasps] Or a cuter haircut? Or use tape to pull back all your wrinkly sacks of--" Nakala: "Age gracefully, you should be saying?" Sheila: "Age gracefully? Are you crazy? No, the vampire serum was my only hope, and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling--" Nan: "What's going on here?" she says as she suddenly appears in the archway.

Daphne: "Mom!" she says as she runs to hug her. Sheila: "Oh! Even now, she's stealing my moment." "I'm so glad you're not an undead creature of darkness." Nan: "[raises eyebrow] Thanks, honey." "But what are you doing here? Why have you been sneaking out?" "I didn't want to say anything, but...I've been taking night classes. I'm getting my public notary degree. The gang congratulates her, but Nakala, who's standing by Shelia this time, had a feeling she didn't know what it is. He learned what it is from Charlotte, but Nan does not seem like the type of person so want to do that stuff. Nan: "You know, I may be outrageously gorgeous, but knowledge, knowledge is the key to true beauty. Well, I better get going. I have to figure out what a notary is before tomorrow's final exam. Ha ha ha!" she says as she walks away. Nakala: [facepalms] I knew it. Sheila, I hate to break it to you, but...the youth juice is a fake. Everything about it is just a stupid Halloween prank. You've really been stealing "ingredients" for nothing this entire time." Sheila: "You're joking." "I wish I was. Your desperation for beauty is what fooled you." Sheila drops to the ground in defeat. Sheila: "Oh! I will never be beautiful." Nakala gets to the ground as well and hugs her, which surprises her.

A short while later, the sheriff arrives to take Sheila away, but Nakala has one final thing to say. He made sure only she heard it after he puts the vampire mask on her. Nakala: "Not sure if this helps, but your vampire appearance looks beautiful." Sheila: "...[vampire voice] After what happened, I'll take the compliment. Thanks" she says with a sly smile. Nakala smiles back and shuts the door so the sheriff can drive off with her. Nakala: "[sighs] The steps people take when desperation kicks in. It's sad, really." Fred: "At least the mystery is solved." Velma: "[not in the mood] Yeah." Nakala can tell the gang has already dealt with enough from each other and take turns walking away, not knowing how to feel about each other. Daphne: "Well, see you guys, I guess. [walks away]" Fred: "Yeah. Heh. I, uh, better call it a night, so, uh, trap you later.[walks away]" Shaggy: "Listen, Velma, I'm--" Velma: "Good night, Norville. [walks away]" "[sighs] Looks like it's just me and you and me, Scooby-Doo." Scooby: "Yeah. It'll be okay. You'll see." The hungry, cowardly duo walk away as well.

Nakala watches on as he is now the only one left. He sighs as he decides to wait there at the museum for the night. He didn't feel like going anywhere. He just wanted to stare up at the starry, moonlit, night sky. He wasn't sure how to feel about all this either. He just feels so empty, yet so sad at the same time. His first ever friends have split up 'cause of hear-breaks and dense decisions. As Nakala looks at the sky with a sad and empty look in his eyes, feels like someone is watching him, but shrugged it off. It's not like him to shake off the feeling either. Suddenly, black and gray smoke appear in front of him as the girl from the wine cellar appears, floating. Nakala looks away and see another creature that appears humanoid, but isn't wearing any clothing. It has glowing white eyes as well. Both: "Nakala..." Nakala just stares at them with a surprised look before going to a blank expression. The staring contest continues for a bit before the lightning girl disappears after summoning lightning in both of her hands and smashing them together. It blinds Nakala a bit, so he didn't see where the humanoid creature went. Nakala sighs as he stands up and starts walking home as well. Little did the three know, someone was indeed watching them from above with binoculars. He grits his teeth before backing up in the shadows.

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