Full Moon (JiKook)

By meghnaghosh24

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When Jimin moved, he didn't know his life would completely change. Now in a new town he is surrounded by crea... More

Chapter 1: New Place
Chapter 2: And Scene
Chapter 3: Not Bad
Chapter 4: Cedarwood
Chapter 5: Frustration
Chapter 6: Adorable
Chapter 7: Hot Mess
Chapter 8: Oh...Hey
Chapter 9: Newly Born
Chapter 10: Omega
Chapter 11: Finally Here
Chapter 12: Tiny Problem
Chapter 13: Begin
Chapter 14: Until
Chapter 15: It's Time
Chapter 16: Better
Chapter 17: Stale
Chapter 18: Bloodsucker
Chapter 19: Golden Brown
Chapter 20: Meeting
Chapter 21: Snacks
Chapter 22: Plan
Chapter 23: Inner Wolf
Chapter 24: Regrets
Chapter 25: Happy Birthday
Chapter 26: Goodnight
Chapter 27: Wake Up
Chapter 28: Ticking Clock
Chapter 29: For The Best
Chapter 30: What If
Chapter 31: Burning Fire
Chapter 32: Unexpected
Chapter 33: Certain
Chapter 34: You Came
Chapter 35: Confusion
Chapter 36: Warmth
Chapter 37: Bitter
Chapter 38: Ire
Chapter 39: Flush
Chapter 41: What a Shame
Chapter 42: Euphoria
Chapter 43: Permanently
Chapter 44: Stay
Chapter 45: Sore
Chapter 46: Patience
Chapter 47: Cozy
Chapter 48: With All My Heart

Chapter 40: Aera

486 31 0
By meghnaghosh24

It took a while but they made it. The snow thickened the more they got closer to the top of the mountain but it didn't really affect the boys. Jimin's fur was thick enough to keep him warm and he just couldn't stop from rolling around the snow for a bit. It's not that he hadn't seen snow but it was the first time he didn't feel so much cold from touching it. He also ran pretty quick so he never got left behind, plus Jungkook was always right beside him. The alpha himself rolled around a couple times making Jimin smile, he remembered when the older told him how he loved playing in the snow so much when he was younger.

It was cute knowing that hadn't changed.

Due to the vampire's speed and lack of interest in the snow he had outran the other two to the new territory. He waited and rolled his eyes when the lovebirds came running up the hill.

Turning around Kai was faced with the many small houses where the witches lived in. He knew that any second now one would show up in front of him and he was glad that they showed up when the other two finally reached up to him. Soon enough they were once again taken to the place he had been to before or the place he was basically cursed in.

Jungkook did not like them one bit, he probably disliked them more than vampires and that was saying something. They always had this strange aura around them which never made him comfortable so being surrounded by them didn't exactly sit right with him. And to make matters worse he did not like Jimin being near them, the alpha wanted to go far away where him and Jimin could be alone and safe but that obviously couldn't happen, or actually that couldn't happen right at this moment.

The werewolf tried his best and stood near the smaller at all times, he made sure to keep him within his reach just in case. Not many eyes were on them since they kept walking in a small hall but that didn't stop him from almost snarling at some that stared at the omega for too long. He felt so on edge for some reason and he just hated it.

Jungkook's scent had turned slightly bitter which Jimin easily noticed causing him to release some of his own pheromones. Jungkook couldn't help but let out a soft sigh at the smell of fresh blackberries. It was sweet but so calming to him it made him wish he could snuggle the smaller and just scent him completely.

But none of that can happen until they leave this place or actually sort everything out because even though he did scent him around thirty minutes ago he knows that there are many things that he has to say to Jimin. There are still things he wants to say to the smaller regarding the past few days but that obviously has to wait.

After releasing his pheromones Jimin looked away from the alpha and instead had his eyes on his surroundings. His wolf was currently all over the place and as much as he was happy that Jungkook came along it still pained him not being able to just throw himself at the alpha. He missed his touch and scent all over him. He missed his warmth and just wished to be in the other's arms under the covers. Just the two of them with no problems in their minds, with nothing to worry about... but that wasn't possible... not right now that is, because he honestly just didn't know anymore.

With so many different thoughts running through his mind Jimin doesn't even notice when the vampire had stopped walking causing him to accidentally bump into him.

None of them get time to apologize before a loud creak is heard throughout the whole hallway causing all three of the boys to tense.

The second the door opened the witches that were mingling with each other look down to their necklaces that slightly shined. It was just for one second yet all of them caught it. It was very rare for them to shine so the fact that it did had all of the witches beyond confused and shocked yet that didn't stop them from showing no emotion. They all kept a serious face as they looked up to where the three boys stood, a few feet in front of them.

Their eyes bounced from the vampire they had seen before to the two werewolves in the back, slowly but surely the five witches came to some conclusions or as people would call them, 'assumptions'.

After having glanced at each witch Kai decides it's time to get it over with.

Sighing he takes a step closer and lays his eyes on the witch in the middle, the same one that put that curse on him.

"Glad to see me? I'm sure you are. This is Jimin, the other person who touched your symbol now please listen to what we have to say. It is very important and I'm more than sure it also involves your kind whether you want to deny it or not-"


The omega tenses when his name is said by the witch at the center. She had her eyes basically glued to him the entire time Kai was speaking and even now her eyes hadn't left the omega making Jimin somewhat creeped out.

Jungkook clenched his jaw as he tried to stop from growling at the witches that kept staring at Jimin. He knew he was overreacting since they weren't even doing anything yet that didn't stop his wolf from getting agitated.

It was the witch all the way to the right that spoke after, the one that looked much younger than the rest.

"I- can you come up? We need to touch your hand in order to know if you truly were the other person that uh touched our symbol."

Kai furrows his brows when he hears that, she stuttered a couple times making him question her actual intentions.

"Oh... um ok..." Jimin quietly responded, he wasn't sure if it was totally necessary but he wasn't going to oppose given the fact that they were basically surrounded by them.

As he is about to take a small step he halts when the vampire speaks again at the same time the alpha takes a small hold of his pinky to pull him back towards him.

"Quit bluffing." Kai states as he narrows his eyes on the young-looking witch.

The witches slightly furrow their brows at the vampire after they turn away from the pair.

"You all know he was the one who broke the curse, plus you didn't have to touch me in order to know I touched it so there is no need to put your hands on him either. But that brings another question. Why do you want to?"

The youngest looking witch opens her mouth to just close it, not knowing how to answer making the witch at the center speak up.

"You know nothing. Don't come in our territory to interrogate us. Now speak or we'll kick you all out."

That causes all of the witches to turn to the one at the center almost as if they thought she had other plans.

Kai rolls his eyes but speaks nonetheless.

He explains everything that had happened and how and why he thinks they are involved. Jimin having already known most of it stays quiet with his head down while the alpha furrows his brows at every part since there was so much he didn't even know. He has so many questions and is even a little upset that the omega didn't tell him until today. Jungkook knew about some things here and there but most of the things were new to him. He wanted to ask the omega some questions but maybe it just wasn't the right time so he kept quiet.

After finishing the room is silent for just a few seconds before the main witch speaks leaving the three boys stunned at how straightforward she was.

"If you haven't heard we make deals with all kinds of creatures. This was just a small deal we made with two werewolves. They came to us with an offer and we accepted."

"What did they offer and why the hell would you accept? Innocent people have died because you guys accepted to help them."

This time it was Jungkook who spoke up for the first time, his voice a bit deeper than usual making Jimin turn to him with furrowed brows. There was slight aggression due to how it came out as somewhat of a growl.

The witches all turn to face him.

"We killed no one, don't blame us for actions your kind did. Like we say if you give us something worthy of keeping then we give back, what you do with that is on you. You face the consequences not us."

"Supplying someone with bullets in order to shoot an innocent makes you also at fault." Jimin states.

"But they shot. Not us. Not me. They shot. They had the choice to give them back or throw them away, but they didn't. So who's at faul-" The oldest witch gets interrupted.

"You knew they had bad intentions yet you accepted. You helped them. Whatever they offered whatever you gave them in return lead to this. Lead to what is currently happening outside.

The witch all the way to the right bites the inside of her cheek. Out of all the witches in the room she was the youngest one and the only one who's emotions were starting to eat her up. As a witch they are taught to put all emotions and feelings aside when it comes to making compromises but it was still very difficult for her. And everyone else knew she was still having trouble so they weren't surprised when she spoke up once more.

"I could help you. I could give you some information about the two werewolves... if... you let me touch your hand and his hand." The young girl points to Jungkook making Jimin turn to look at him.

The witch in the center opens her mouth to say something but decides not to. It was a good offer and maybe then both parties would be satisfied a bit.

Kai furrows his brows.

"I..." Jimin glances at the girl before he turns to the alpha once more.

Jungkook was just as confused as him and even though his wolf opposed the idea of someone even going near his omega maybe it would help them get closer to the solution for this whole problem so looking at Jimin he gives him a small nod.

The alpha's small gesture was enough for Jimin to agree as well. He didn't know why they insisted on holding his hand but he did find it all way too familiar, probably from a movie if he had to guess but either way he supposes it might be important so he speaks.

"Fine, but you have to give us very clear and important information first."

"No you give-"

"Ok." The young witch interrupts the one who spoke.

All the witches turn to look at the younger but she gives them a reassuring smile.

"I trust you Jimin. A while ago the two werewolves came to us and they weren't from around here, they asked us for a very dangerous potion. It's not poison or anything but it makes you shape shift, it's how you use it that makes it dangerous. We don't have many of them so we had to be given something of the same value."

The three boys frown in confusion.

"Shape shift? I- what? As in what we do? Why would they need that if they are werewolves?" Jimin asks perplexed as he looks at Jungkook.


"That's enough Aera." The main witch speaks.

Aera, the youngest witch, frowns.

"There, you got information now it's your turn to do your part." The older witch states.

"That was my chunk of information, now it's Jungkook's turn to get his part, Aera wants his hand too does she not." Jimin states as he narrows his eyes.

The main witch breathes out through her nose but before she can do or say anything Aera interrupts her.

"Soyoon, he's right. That's what we agreed on."

Soyoon rolls her eyes but lets her talk.

"The potions we create are very powerful when mixed with specific ingredients. The shape shifting potion can make you turn into any living being. Doesn't matter what you are, you can turn into different types of creatures with it."

Jimin bites the inside of his bottom lip as he processes the information.

Kai tilts his head as he thinks.

Why would a werewolf need that?

Why did they ask for that specific potion?

Jungkook frowns.

Shape shift into what? A frog? Deer? A normal human? A vamp-

"A vampire."

Everyone turns to look at the pair who spoke at the same time. They apparently had the same train of thought if they go by how they both reached the same conclusion.

Jungkook and Jimin look at each other, both surprised they had the same idea. It was just what had popped in Jimin's head when he thought about it so the fact that the alpha was also thinking the same thing made his cheeks flush just a tiny bit. Seeing the slight change in the older's eyes made Jimin look away and at the young witch. He knew it wasn't the time for any of this and clearly saw the slight smirk that was forming on the alpha's lips.

Jungkook knew it was probably horrible timing but he couldn't help it. It was faint but there was a cute pink color dust Jimin's cheeks the second they made eye contact and he just had the urge to tease.

"Well thanks for what you told us. Although I wish it were more at least we got something. And since we agreed on it, here."

Aera eyes slightly widen when the omega walks up to her and sticks out his hand enough for her to touch.

"I- thank you, I promise it won't harm you in any way." She smiles.

Taking his hand she wraps both of hers around his, the second they touch Jimin's vision goes blurry. It doesn't last long before she let's go, returning the omega's vision back to normal making Jimin furrow his brows. He didn't feel anything while in the same time he did, it was weird.

"And you." She looks at the alpha who hesitantly walks up to her and gives her his hand.

Jungkook experiences the same thing except this time when she let's go she sighs with a small smile the grows when she turns to look at the omega.

"I wish you the best of luck." She says after taking both of the hands into hers.

Jimin had no clue on what just happened but was even more confused when her soft smile turned into a slight frown.

"I suggest you three leave as soon as possible." She said with concern written all over her face.

Soyoon and the rest of the witches kept quiet while the three boys frowned in confusion.


"Jimin, trust me please."

The omega was beyond confused but that didn't stop him from nodding. Even though it was his first time meeting the young witch he trusted her for some reason.

Turning to look at the alpha Aera releases both of their hands.

"Go, now." She stated with more seriousness.

The look in her eyes was filled with concern and desperation that was enough for Jungkook to grab the omega's hand and start walking towards the doors they entered. Kai followed right after them. Jimin spared one last glance at Aera before the doors closed.

"What do you think she meant?" Jimin asked as they picked up the pace and headed out the main doors.

"I'm- I don't know." Jungkook responded with a troubled face.

He was just as lost as the omega.

Kai said nothing as he ran behind them.

They passed by many other witches that paid no attention to them. Right when they made it out they were faced with cool air and white snow everywhere they looked.

"Maybe they just wanted us to leave?" Kai added as they made it out completely from the witches' territory.

"I don't think so... Aera seemed more, I don't know she said it as if something were happening. As if something bad were to ha-"

Jimin gets interrupted by a long howl. It was deep and loud and so familiar that if filled Jungkook with so much worry.

Turning to look at each other nothing is even said before both wolves instantly shift and start running down the mountain, the vampire right behind them, needing to get to the pack as soon as possible.

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