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By DeadGhosy

45.7K 1.8K 293

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1.2K 53 0
By DeadGhosy

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐


└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

SOMETHING WAS WRONG, he wakes up seeing  himself as a black cat running through an eerie forest, with voices whispering all around him. Every time he looks up, he sees shadows lurking in the trees, watching him with glowing eyes. The air feels heavy and cold, and he knows that he's being followed by something. He tries to yell for help, but no sound comes out of his mouth.

Suddenly, all the whispers stop at once, and everything goes quiet. The forest is now completely silent, with no signs of life anywhere. Then, a piercing laughter fills the air, and [M/N] knows that whatever is after him is not human. He tries to run, but his legs are paralyzed. The laughter grows louder, and he feels a strange energy surging through him. Just when he thinks he's about to meet his end, he meows out loud. The laughter stops as [M/N] hisses aggressively. Even if it's a nightmare, he's not letting no damn creature punk him in his dreams.

Our protagonist is quite nonchalant about being a cat, but at the same time, he feels a hidden anger at how helpless he is. He's used to ruling the forest, yet now he's a cat, unable to defend himself. He wanders through the forest, sniffing at the ground and trying to find something that might help him escape his nightmare. But there are no clues, no way out. He feels trapped, and the more he thinks about it, the more his anger boils inside him. Every time he tries to make a move, he feels like he's being held back by some unseen force. He tries to purr, hoping that it will calm him down, but it only makes him more frustrated. He wants to roar, to let out the pent-up anger and frustration, but he can't. He's stuck in his cat form, unable to escape, unable to defend himself.

[M/N] feels a sudden shift as he comes upon a tree. It's a tall, dark tree, with leaves the color of midnight. And as he gets closer, he realizes that the tree is talking to him. At first, he's hesitant to approach, but something inside him compels him to move closer. The tree speaks in poetry rhythms, its voice soft and soothing.

"Beware, black cat," it says. "Your path is dark and twisting. Your life as a teen murder will lead you down a road of pain and misery. You must choose a different path, or face the consequences."

Despite the warning, the black cat feels a strange pull towards the tree. He wants to hear more, to understand what the tree is trying to tell him. But he also feels torn, as if there's something keeping him from pursuing this path. He knows that he's trapped in his nightmare, unable to act or change anything.

Suddenly, the sound of sirens fills the air, the light of flashing lights spilling into the forest. The black cat hears shouting and the sound of footsteps, coming closer with every passing second. He knows that he has to run, but the tree's words echo in his mind. Is there still time to change his fate, or is he doomed to a life of misery and pain?

[M/N] shakes his head and  hisses at the tree, not caring for its warning. He feels a deep, primal anger boil inside him, and he lashes out at the tree with his sharp claws. The tree sways under the attack, but it stands tall and strong, its leaves rustling in the wind. The cat turns away and storms off, heading deeper into the dark forest. He moves through the trees, his eyes fixed on the ground, seeking out prey to hunt. The forest grows darker and more oppressive, and the rustling sounds of the trees seem to follow him. He ignores it all, his mind focused on one thing: survival.

SCREAMS ERUPT INTO THE AIR, As the black cat moves deeper into the forest, he suddenly hears screams, coming from somewhere ahead. The screams are wild and piercing, filled with terror and anguish. The cat's ears perk up, and he freezes, his eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of what might be causing the screams.

The screams grow louder, and the black cat can now make out voices, voices filled with panic and desperation. The cat's hackles rise, and he curls his lip in a growl. Whatever is causing the screams, he's not going to let it get the better of him.

He runs towards the sound of the screams, his eyes laser-focused on the night. The screams grow louder, and the black cat can now see movement in the darkness. He slows down, creeping forward as silently as he can, before suddenly leaping into action, pouncing on something in the shadows.

The thing beneath him squawks and writhes, before bursting into flames that light up the darkness. The black cat jumps back with a hiss, and the screaming stops. The forest falls silent again, and the cat feels a sense of relief wash over him. Whatever it was that was causing the screams is gone now, and he turns away, heading deeper into the forest, his eyes fixed on the night.

The black cat stops for a moment, his eyes fixed on the red moon that shines above him. The moon is full and round, casting an eerie light over the forest. The cat feels as though he's being watched, as if the very forest is alive and sentient. The moon seems to pulse and throb, as if it's trying to communicate with him. The cat's senses are on high alert, and his body tenses, preparing to lunge at anything that might be a threat.

But the moon remains silent, and the forest continues to be still, as if holding its breath. The cat takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He realizes that the moon is just a moon, and the forest is just a forest. And yet, he can't shake the feeling that something is not right, that there's something else in the forest with him, watching his every move.

The cat moves forward, his eyes fixed on the moon, as if trying to understand its secrets. He feels the weight of the world on his shoulders, as if he's carrying the burden of all the nightmares and fears of the forest. And yet, he knows that he must keep moving, that he must not give in to his fears.

He enters the unknown, his steps silent and determined, as if he's been doing this his whole life. He's a black cat, a creature of the night, and he knows that he must keep moving, because the night is never-ending.

[M/N] WALKED AROUND THE DARK, he finds himself surrounded by tall, dark oak trees. Unlike the rest of the forest, these trees seem alive, their leaves rustling in the wind as if they're whispering secrets to each other. The cat hisses at the trees, but they ignore him, as if they have more important things to concern themselves with.

[M/N] scoffs in his mind, unable to believe how ridiculous this nightmare is. He's not a cat, he's a teen murderer! He should be running through the forest, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, not slinking around as a harmless black cat. But for some reason, he's unable to change his form or control the dream.

As he continues to walk through the forest, [M/N] feels a sense of dread building inside him. He has a feeling that something bad is about to happen, that he's about to meet his end in this twisted nightmare. He tries to turn around and run, but the trees seem to be closing in on him, their branches reaching out like claws to grip him.

The black cat moves through the dark oak trees with ease, his sharp claws digging into the soft dirt below. He's no longer afraid, but rather angry at how helpless he feels in his own nightmare. He snarls and hisses, his eyes fixed on the path ahead.

Suddenly, he sees a clearing in the distance, a break in the trees. He feels a sense of hope welling up inside him, and he picks up his pace, moving towards the clearing with all the speed he can muster.

As he approaches the clearing, he realizes that it's not a clearing at all, but rather a large circle of stones. In the center of the circle, he sees a figure, tall and powerful. The figure is bathed in a pale blue light, and the cat realizes that it's not just a figure, but a spirit. The spirit looks at the black cat with a mixture of curiosity and sadness, as if it understands the cat's pain and frustration.

The black cat approaches the spirit slowly, his senses heightened. He feels a sense of peace wash over him as he enters the circle of stones, as if the spirit is offering him a moment of respite from his nightmare. He sits down in front of the spirit, his eyes locked on its gaze, and waits to see what happens next.

A WHITE FLASH COVERED HIS SIGHT, [M/N] woke up to find himself being cuddled by Caine, Caine had his arms around the boy. [M/N] scoffed seeing himself being cuddly neatly..but he liked the warmth as he laid down his head on the other's chest and fell asleep. Caine smiled unconsciously feeling [M/N] nuzzle into his chest like a cat. His arms wrap around more over [M/N]'s body.

This time his dream was more calm and lame.

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