Sapphire of Espionage

By DreamyEuphoric

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About a boy named Ian born with special powers of the brain., like Telekinesis and Telepathy. After an evil s... More

chapter 2: Telepath
chapter 3: Test subjects
Chapter 4: 06
chapter 5: how we got here
chapter 6: the escape
Chapter 7: Surviving without money

Chapter 1: Little sapphire

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By DreamyEuphoric

Welcome to Nexopolis, the sprawling city nestled within the borders of North Sylvan Country. This city, with its grandeur and sophistication, conceals a clandestine world inhabited by secret agents. Among the shadows, you'll find spies, nefarious scientists, cunning assassins, and relentless detectives...all silently safeguarding or destroying the city's delicate balance.
While the military and police publicly defend Nexopolis, it's the covert Spies who operate in the shadows, their loyalty veiled by mistrust.


In the heart of the bustling city, young Ian Hunter, a 7-year-old boy, resides with his mother, Marie. After school one day, Marie picks him up:

Marie greets Ian with a cheerful smile. "How was school today?"

Ian's expression sours. "I hate school. My test didn't go well at all, despite all that studying!"

Marie places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, sweetheart. You'll do better next time."

Ian's frustration spills out. "You always say that, Mom. But it feels like a never-ending cycle. Maybe they were right-I'm just slow."

Marie's eyes soften. "No, no, Ian. Don't think that way. You're not slow; you're simply facing some challenges. It's normal, and you can improve."

Ian's gaze lingers on the passing cityscape. "I hope so."

Marie changes the subject. "How about we forget about tests for a while? What do you say we grab some burgers and milkshakes?"

Ian's face lights up. "Sounds great! Let's go!" 🍔🥤

Marie and Ian, stepped into the cozy little restaurant. The air was thick with the aroma of sizzling burgers and the promise of creamy milkshakes. They settled into a booth, the red vinyl seats hugging them like old friends.

Marie leaned across the table, her eyes twinkling. "Enjoying your lunch, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice warm and inviting.

Ian, his cheeks flushed from the excitement of their outing, nodded vigorously. "You know, Mom," he said, his words tumbling out like marbles, "burgers and milkshakes always get to me. They're like secret agents, infiltrating my taste buds."

Marie chuckled, her fingers tracing the condensation on her glass. "What would you like to do after this?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on her son.

Ian's eyes widened. He pondered, his imagination racing. "Hmm," he mused, "how about we go to the park? I'd like to play with other kid...maybe even make a new friend."

"The park sounds lovely," Marie agreed, her smile softening the lines around her eyes. "Sure, we'll go. But first, finish your food." She gestured toward his half-eaten burger and the chocolate milkshake that stood like a sentinel beside it.

Ian attacked the burger with renewed vigor, the ketchup smudging his chin. He took a long sip of the milkshake, the cold sweetness chasing away any lingering worries. His mom watched, her heart swelling with love.

The sun-dappled park was alive with the laughter of children. Ian, his eyes wide with wonder, darted from the slide to the merry-go-round, his sneakers kicking up little clouds of dust. Marie, perched on a weathered bench, watched her son's joy unfold like a delicate flower.

"Hey, Mom!" Ian's voice carried across the playground, a beacon of excitement. "Could you please come and push me on the swing? It's my favorite!"

Marie's heart swelled. She rose, her footsteps light on the grass, and joined Ian at the swing set. The chains creaked as she settled into the seat behind him. With gentle hands, she propelled him higher and higher, the wind tugging at his hair.

As Ian soared toward the sky, Marie began to sing...a soft melody that seemed to weave itself into the fabric of the moment. The song was called "Little Sapphire," a lullaby passed down through generations. Its notes held secrets of moonlit nights and whispered dreams.

Ian's voice joined hers, a sweet harmony that danced between the rustling leaves. "I just love this song," he said, his eyes shining. "What is a sapphire, anyways?"

Marie paused, her gaze drifting to the horizon. "A sapphire," she explained, "is a precious gem. It gleams like the deepest ocean, capturing the essence of mystery and beauty."

Ian swung higher, his laughter echoing. "Am I a gem, Mom?"

Marie's smile was tender. "You're more than a gem," she whispered. "You're my little sapphire...the rarest, most valuable treasure. Diamonds may sparkle, but you? You shine brighter than any constellation."

Ian's feet touched the ground, and he hopped off the swing. He flung his arms around Marie, squeezing her tightly. "I love you, Mom," he declared.

Marie held him close, her heart brimming with love. "And I love you more," she whispered, her voice a promise etched into the fabric of their shared memories.

Marie and Ian strolled through the bustling city streets, the sun casting long shadows. Ian's sneakers danced on the pavement, his laughter a symphony of joy. Marie, ever the watchful mother, cautioned him, "Be careful now. If you run, you'll fall."

Ian scoffed, his eyes alight with mischief. "I won't!" he declared, darting ahead like a comet.

Marie observed her son with pride. He wasn't merely running; he was weaving through life's tapestry. He fed peanuts to the city pigeons, their iridescent feathers shimmering in gratitude. He greeted strangers with a smile, lifting their spirits. When he saw an elderly couple struggling with heavy bags, he rushed to their aid, his small hands offering strength.

But fate has a way of testing even the kindest hearts. Suddenly, a thief materialized...a shadow in the sun-drenched square. He snatched the elderly lady's purse and sprinted away, Ian and Marie in pursuit.

"My purse!" the old lady cried, her voice cracking.

Marie's maternal instincts kicked into overdrive. "Hey, give it back!" she shouted, her heart pounding.

Ian's eyes blazed with determination. "I'll get him!" he vowed, legs pumping like pistons.

"Ian, no!" Marie's plea hung in the air, but her son was already chasing the thief. The world blurred around him as he sprinted, adrenaline fueling his resolve. The thief was bigger, faster, but Ian refused to yield.

Desperate, Ian spotted a pair of abandoned roller skates. Without hesitation, he snatched them up, wheels spinning. He gained ground, the purses swinging from his grip like precious cargo. The thief glanced back, panic etching his face.

"Got it!" Ian's triumphant cry echoed through the streets. He reclaimed the stolen purses, a hero in sneakers and skates.

Now, breathless and victorious, he tried to sprint back to his mom and the grateful elderly couple. But fate wasn't done. A car careened around the corner, its metal jaws snapping shut. Ian collided with it, his head striking the pavement.

Marie's scream pierced the chaos. "Ian!"

The old lady gasped, her hands trembling. "Oh no."

They gathered around Ian, blood staining the sidewalk. His eyes fluttered open, pain etched across his features.

"I got it," he mumbled, clutching the purses even in his dazed state.

Marie's tears blurred her vision. "Someone call an ambulance!" she pleaded.

The old lady nodded, fumbling for her phone. Marie cradled Ian's head, her heart shattering. "Ian, what were you thinking?"

His voice wavered, fading. "I was thinking... I..."

And then darkness claimed him,he passed out.

In the hushed cocoon of the hospital room, Ian stirred from his slumber. The edges of reality blurred as he floated between dreams and wakefulness. A soft lullaby, like a silken thread, wound its way into his consciousness. Was an angel singing to him?

His eyes fluttered open, and there she was...his mom. Marie leaned over him, her voice weaving magic. The room smelled of antiseptic and love. Ian's head throbbed, but the melody wrapped around him like a warm embrace.

"You're awake!" Marie's eyes sparkled with relief. "My sweetheart."

Ian managed a weak smile. "I'm okay, Mom."

But then, like a storm cloud, Marie's expression shifted. Angry Mom emerged-the one who could scold with a single glance. "How many times do I have to tell you not to run around the city?" she scolded. "Do you have any idea what could've happened today? I would've lost you! And just how do you expect me to keep on living without you, huh? When you recover, you're gonna be grounded for a hundred years, young man!"

Ian winced. "I'm sorry, Mom," he mumbled. "I was just trying to help."

Marie softened. "Helping is a good deed," she said, her voice gentler. "But you have to be careful with your life. You're only a child."

As if summoned by fate, the old lady they'd helped earlier shuffled into the room. Her eyes widened when she saw Ian awake. "Thank God," she whispered.

Marie nodded. "Yes, and he only got this injury on his head."

The old lady's wrinkled face crinkled into a smile. "What a brave young boy," she said. "I can't believe you did that just to get my purse. I'm truly grateful."

She reached out and petted Ian's head, her touch both tender and weathered. "You have such a wonderful son," she told Marie.

Marie's eyes shimmered. "He's such a sweet boy."

The old lady rummaged in her bag and pulled out a lollipop. "You've earned this," she declared, handing it to Ian.

"Thank you," Ian murmured, his heart swelling.

And then, with a nod, the old lady shuffled toward the door. "I'll be going now."

Marie walked her out. "Okay, safe trip."

Ian watched them, his chest full. "Bye," he called after her.

Marie and Ian wandered through the grocery store, their footsteps echoing in the fluorescent-lit aisles. Marie pushed the trolley, its wheels protesting against the linoleum floor.

"Tonight," Marie declared, her eyes twinkling, "you choose what we should cook for dinner."

Ian's face lit up. His culinary imagination whirred like a blender. "Well," he began, his voice a mix of excitement and indecision, "uhmm... how about some crispy chicken nuggets? And a hearty Bolognese sauce with pasta? Oh, and let's not forget cupcakes for dessert!"

Marie nodded, her heart swelling. "Right," she agreed. "Let's grab the ingredients.

In the cozy warmth of their kitchen, Marie and Ian embarked on a culinary escapade. The air hummed with anticipation as they prepared dinner-the Bolognese pasta bubbling away in the oven, and the chicken nuggets sizzling in the pan.

Ian's eyes widened as the fragrant aromas enveloped him. "It smells heavenly," he declared, bouncing on his toes. "I can't wait!"

Marie chuckled, her apron dusted with flour. "Patience, my little chef," she teased. "The best things take time."

Finally, the moment arrived. They set the table...the steaming pasta, the crispy nuggets, and the promise of cupcakes yet to come. The oven hummed in the background, coaxing the cupcakes into golden perfection.

But before dessert, there was another adventure: decorating the cupcakes. Ian's face lit up like a string of fairy lights. He dipped his fingers into the cream, creating swirls and zigzags. Some landed on the cupcakes; others found their way to his mouth.

"Let's decorate this one with blue cream," Ian suggested, his eyes dancing. "It should be blueberry-flavored!"

Marie handed him a piping bag, and Ian went to work. Blue streaks adorned the cupcakes, a whimsical masterpiece. The kitchen echoed with laughter as he accidentally squirted cream on his nose.

And then, finally, they sat down...a mother and son, their hearts full. They savored the dinner they'd cooked together, the flavors mingling like old friends. The cupcakes emerged from the oven, their tops crowned with swirls of blueberry cream.

Ian took a bite, his eyes closing in bliss. "Mom," he said, his voice muffled by cupcake, "this is the best dinner ever."

Marie leaned over, wiping cream from his cheek. "And the best company," she whispered.

Marie sat on the edge of the couch, her eyes glued to the TV screen. The news anchor's voice droned on, revealing a chilling tale: scientists kidnapping children born with special powers. Her heart clenched. How could anyone exploit these innocent kids?

"I feel so bad for those poor children," Marie murmured, her fingers gripping the remote. "And I wonder what kind of special powers they have. Those evil scientists shouldn't be taking advantage of their vulnerabilities."

Ian, sprawled next to her, sighed wistfully. "I wish I had a power too," he confessed.

Marie's gaze shifted to her son. "Then they'd take you away," she said softly, her protective instincts flaring.

Ian's eyes sparkled. "No way," he declared, sitting up. "I'd stop them with my super spy skills! I'd kick, punch, throw them, and deliver an epic uppercut!"

Marie chuckled, her maternal pride mingling with amusement. "And I'd choke slam them down to hell," she added, her tone darkly playful.

Ian burst into laughter. "Hahaha, that's kinda dark, Mom."

Marie blushed. "Oh," she stammered, "but still, I would give my own life for yours."

Ian's expression softened. "I'm glad that's not gonna happen," he said, leaning against her.

"Never," Marie vowed, brushing his hair back. "I'll protect you."

Ian's eyes twinkled. "Never say never, Mom," he teased. "You never know-I might have a special power too."

Marie raised an eyebrow. "Being super naughty?" she guessed.

Ian shook his head. "No," he whispered, leaning in. "Being super... shadowy. Like a spy. I'm Agent Hunter."

Marie chuckled. "Ah," she said knowingly. "I think I know your special power."

Ian leaned closer. "What's that?"

Marie's voice softened. "Having a big heart," she replied.

Ian wrinkled his nose. "That's boring," he protested. "Why not a super cool power like manipulation of fire or water?"

Marie ruffled his hair. "You know that's not possible," she said, her eyes twinkling.

Ian's resolve solidified. "I think it's spy cartoon time!" he announced, grabbing the remote.

Marie laughed. "You really like spies?"

Ian settled in, eyes wide. "Of course! I could even be a spy when I grow up," he declared, "so I can save the day... in secret."

Marie patted his shoulder. "I'll support you in every decision you make," she promised. "Being a spy is super cool."

Ian grinned. "You got that right, Agent Mom."

And so, side by side, they watched the spy cartoon-their living room transformed into a secret headquarters, their hearts entwined in adventure.

In the soft glow of Ian's bedroom, Marie settled onto the edge of his bed. The day's adventures had left a trail of stardust in their wake, and now it was time for the most magical journey of all...a bedtime story.

"So," Ian whispered, his eyes wide with anticipation, "which story are we reading today?"

Marie's smile held secrets. "I've written this book especially for you, my little gem," she revealed. "It's titled, 'The Sapphire Spy.'"

Ian's curiosity ignited. "Sounds awesome," he breathed. "Please read."

And so, in the hushed room, Marie began:

A long time ago, in a world where secrets whispered through shadows, there lived a sapphire...a gem so rare, its blue depths held the mysteries of the universe. This sapphire wasn't set in a ring or a necklace; it was nestled in the heart of a young boy named Jasper.

Jasper lived with his mother, a woman with eyes like starlight. He'd always whispered to her about his dreams-to save the world without being seen or known. To be a spy.

And so, Jasper became a spy-a good one. He trained tirelessly, mastering the art of disguise, decoding cryptic messages, and blending into crowds. His friends at the agency admired his determination, even as he faced countless challenges.

He infiltrated secret lairs, outwitted cunning villains, and danced through laser-filled rooms. But his greatest adversary was doubt...the nagging whisper that he wasn't enough, that he'd never be the best.

Yet Jasper persevered. He wove friendships like spider silk, each thread strengthening his resolve. His best friend, Agent Luna, taught him to trust his instincts. And Agent Orion, the tech genius, supplied him with gadgets that defied imagination.

One moonlit night, Jasper stood on the precipice of his biggest dream. The world's greatest spy. The title shimmered like the sapphire in his heart. He faced the ultimate encrypted code that held the fate of nations.

With sweat on his brow and determination in his eyes, Jasper cracked the code. The world watched, unaware of the silent guardian weaving through intrigue and danger. Jasper's name remained unknown, but his impact was felt in every safe house, every thwarted plot.

And so, he became the world's greatest spy.


Ian's eyes glimmered. "Whoa," he breathed. "The world's greatest spy? That's super cool. And I like super cool. I wanna be super cool too. Which means...I should become the world's greatest spy!"

Marie's voice held a quiet certainty. "You were destined for greatness," she assured him.

Ian sat up, determination sparking in his gaze. "Of course," he declared. "From now on, my goal is to become the world's greatest spy."

Marie leaned closer. "You promise?"

Ian's resolve solidified. "I'm gonna make you proud," he vowed. "I'll protect each and every person in this world in secret. Because as Agent Tom said in the cartoon, 'In the shadows, you find your purpose. As a spy, you become the silent guardian of truth.'"

Marie's eyes softened. "You're such a wonderful human being," she whispered. "The world needs people like you."

"Thanks, Mom." Ian settled back against his pillows. "And goodnight."

"Goodnight, Agent Sapphire," Marie murmured, brushing his forehead. "Love you."

"Love you too, Agent Mom."

As Ian closed his eyes, a thought slipped through the veil of dreams:

Wait, did she call me 'Agent Sapphire'?

He smiled.

You're good at naming, Mom. I like it.

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