Starfield || •PJM• (ONGOING)

By Ravendipity

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"I've always wanted to be a space stripper!" • • • [SCI FI • ENEMIES TO LOVERS] In 2330, a charming criminal... More

Argos Miner #7903: Park Jimin
Jimin's Best Friend: The United Colonies
Commander Min Yoongi
Pirates, Jungkook, and Obnoxious Red Dust
Attack On Bangtan
Park Jimin: The Space Stripper
Jimin's Favorite UC Dog
Jimin's Pet Rock
Death & New Beginnings
Trapped with the Pirate King: Jung Hoseok
The Girl on the Battlefield
Jimin's Vacation: A Cruise Ship? In Space?
Bunny in Paradise
The Criminal and the Pilot
Drunk Confessions
Assault Rifles and Superpowers
And His Name Was Jasper Kryx
Legacy's End
Cuddling with the UC Vanguard
A Prayer for the Fallen
Park Jimin: Y/n's "Hot" Boyfriend
Vanguard Training and Daddy Issues
And So It Begins
Whispered Love
The Pirate's Parting Gift
Sanctum Universum
Dead Men Tell No Tales
A Quest From the Cat
Jimin's Favorite Color: Green
Childhood Scars
Captain Park
Ave Atque Vale


90 31 426
By Ravendipity

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


System: Ixyll

Faction: None

Planet: Ixyll-II

Place: The Eleos Retreat

A/N: Funnily enough, I'm publishing this chapter while it's padauk season in Myanmar. The timing works out!



"You look like shit."

Jimin had Little Women, the book, in his hands when a male voice intruded. In the Lodge's library, it was peaceful and warm. There were no unnecessary winds or sudden blasts of coldness. It was serene and the perfect spot to read, especially since most of the Constellation crew were out doing their own thing except Sarah and Noel, who were upstairs going over Jimin's body scans again. Y/n was with the Vanguard doing her hot Vanguard shit. The others were out, which left Jimin to read.

Or, he was until he got rudely interrupted by none other than Kim Seokjin.

"Gee, thanks," Jimin said, shutting the book and leaning back in the couch that rested in front of the active fireplace. It was in the corner of the library, and Jimin had to crane his neck to see Jin approaching.

The scientist wearing a lab coat strolled by the display of artifacts. They pranced in the air. Jin held his hand out and let his skin skim by one of the pieces, and he recoiled as soon as the contact was made.

Jimin shot Jin a grin. "Those are artifacts, found by yours truly. The first person who touches them gets visions of the universe and some sick tunes to go with them. I bet you'd have a field day with that."

Jin came over with his brows knitted together, and without asking permission, he slumped down next to Jimin. Jimin rested his book on the mahogany coffee table in front of him, then lifted his feet to plop on the wood so he was in a reclined position. The cushions sank into his shoulders and relaxed him. He had to admit it was nice to have downtime in between missions. As much as he was sure the Cabinet would call for him soon, he had time off. For as long as he could, he'd cherish that.

Jin tapped his finger against his knee. "And they granted you abilities?"


Jimin pretended he didn't hear Jin correctly, though he knew there was only so long he could hold the scientist at bay. Jin had seen Jimin in action against the Terrormorphs; the secret was out. With powers as visible and useful as Jimin's, he knew someone would find out. He was hoping he'd have a bit longer before then, though.

"Jimin," the scientist said in a slow drawl, turning his eyes to gaze at Jimin. "This will go a lot faster if we don't lie to each other."

Was Jimin about to lecture Jin about superpowers in the Lodge's library? Yes. Did he have any regrets? Hell yeah, Jimin regretted pretty much all his life decisions except for when he had kissed Y/n after the whole battle for the Key. Still, he pushed it aside and decided to stop hiding.

"The artifacts didn't grant me abilities, no." Jimin held up his hand before Jin could protest. "That's the truth, but I think they're connected. We found temples out in deep space, and they opened for me, not for anyone else. When I went inside, there were these magical bullshit rings that sparkled more than my eyes do when I'm on Neon. After I went inside the rings, I got these powers."

"What are they?"

"Not sure. I have one that can freeze all objects and life, one that turns me invisible, one that heals me but steals life from another person, and a particle beam that can melt your pretty face off. That was the one you saw me using against the Terrormorph."

To demonstrate, Jimin thought of the particle beam symbol. His hand sparkled to life, and he was sure his eyes glittered too. In between the amber waves of bright fire that swam around Jin's face, Jimin could see a hint of blue. It was the light from his eyes reflecting on Jin's cheeks.

"Do you know why any of this is happening?"

If Jimin knew the answer to that, that'd end Constellation's journey in a heartbeat; however, Jimin didn't have the faintest clue why he was selected for such a hefty task. No one person should have as much power as he did, yet there he was, wielding abilities no human ever had that they knew of. Beyond that, he was the local hero who had aided in the spaceport attack, the one who had brought down the Crimson Fleet, and a Vanguard captain. There was no shortage of feats he had pulled off ever since touching that artifact. Still, he felt as if he had miles to go before he reached who he wanted to be.

"Chance," Jimin said with a shrug. "It could've happened to anyone, I just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"You don't think you were chosen? You think it was chance?"

"Not sure. Maybe, maybe not."

Jimin didn't mean to be vague, but he had no clue if him being the "chosen one" was a coincidence or a plot sewn together by beings of higher power. Either solution seemed terrifying, so he didn't bother dwelling on it.

Jin leaned back and crossed his legs together. "My father used to say everything happens for a reason. Maybe you're more worthy than you think."

Jimin averted his eyes. "You listened to him?"

"Sometimes," Jin said with a sigh. "He was an asshole, but a clever one. One of the greatest UC commanders..."

"After what he did to Londinion, would you still consider him one of the greats?"

"I don't like how many lives were lost, no one does, but I don't think there were any good solutions to that crisis."

Jimin pinched his finger against his chin. "What would you have done?"

"I'm no military tactician, but I'd try to lure the Terrormorphs into the underground tunnels and set bombs up in there. It'd limit the cost of human life and give us enough time to escape. Now, I know that may sound like a good and obvious plan, but the tunnels are overrun with heat leeches and other dangerous fauna, and that's without factoring in how the underground is unmapped. We'd be sending innocent men in blind all for a chance at evacuating more people. That's why I don't think there were any good solutions. No matter which way we went, innocents would die."

A question popped into Jimin's mind, but he held it back. At first, anyway. As the silent seconds ticked by, his curiosity overflowed even though he knew it wasn't a fun question.

"Do you think the UC were right to execute him?"

The death penalty was a controversial subject and one politicians preferred to avoid. Jimin was on the side of some people needed to die, though he understood why others felt differently. Va'ruun zealots were an example of people who could bite the dust. They slaughtered innocent people all over their religion.

Others, like Larry Dumbroski, weren't innocent, but death wasn't needed. Jimin hadn't needed to kill Larry. For all Jimin knew, Larry had a daughter waiting for him, or a young son who was waiting for his dad to teach him how to tie his shoes. Jimin hadn't had the guts to look into Larry ever since his passing.

So, for Jimin, it was up to Jin. Jin was the one who knew Vae Victis, and if he thought death was warranted, Jimin would trust his judgment. He didn't know why, but he trusted Jin's judgment more than the entire UC Cabinet's. It wasn't because they were politicians. No, it was something else. Something about Jin that screamed I can trust him even though Jimin didn't want to. Jin was a stranger, yet he knew more about Jimin than most. That made his stomach twist inside him.

"Yes," Jin said. He practically spat out the words. "It wasn't a good situation, but he made it worse. The amount of people he killed..." Jin sucked in a sharp breath. "But I miss him. Does that make me weird?"

In his mind's eyes, Jimin saw his father's smile. His father had a gummy grin where his teeth and gums would show every time he parted his lips. He could imagine his father's callused hands holding his shoulders. Despite how rough the touch had been, baby Jimin had seen it as the most comforting embrace in the universe.

Jimin put his hand on Jin's shoulder before he could stop himself. "No. It makes you human."

I miss my dad too rested on the tip of Jimin's tongue, but he held it back. It wasn't because he didn't want to talk about it; it was because, with Jin, Jimin didn't feel like his father was gone. It was almost like he was there in the room with them. Maybe Y/n could explain it in her Universal terms, though he doubted any explanation could help him process his emotions.

Before Jin could reply, Y/n came inside with Sam behind her. Jimin launched to his feet and went to greet her with a kiss on the cheek, which she accepted without complaint. If it were up to Jimin, he'd be pinning her to the wall and kissing the shit out of her, but Universals had rules against too much PDA. One could argue they weren't in public; however, Jimin didn't want to take that chance or risk making her uncomfortable.

"I'm done with my shift, you ready to go?" she asked, and Jimin tilted his head.

"Uh... what?"

She nudged his shoulder with a grin. "Silly Jimin. Did you forget I'm taking you on a trip? You're such a silly goose."

Jimin glanced at Sam to confirm, and the cowboy man nodded. Jin joined them, and Jimin turned his attention to the far older man who somehow looked younger than him.

"Guess that's my cue to leave. Thanks for stopping by, and make sure to talk to Noel and look through her data. Maybe you can help make sense of all... this." Jimin motioned to his head, and Jin agreed.

"Thank you for sharing, I know I'm not the most trustworthy person considering my father's record," Jin said, and Jimin shook it off.

"You're not your father, and you've never wronged me. Everyone deserves a chance."

Jimin squeezed Y/n's hand. She squeezed his back.

"I..." Jin trailed off and grinned. It creased his cheeks and made him appear younger than he already appeared. "Thank you. If I find anything noteworthy in the data, I'll let you know."

Jin stalked off to browse through the Lodge's library, and Jimin shifted his attention back to Sam and Y/n. Y/n stared at him expectantly. That had him clearing his throat.

"Where are we going?"

She snickered. "You're such a goofball, you think I'd tell you? It's a surprise."

Surprises had once terrified Jimin. On Neon, criminals he had worked with would "surprise" him with a knife in the leg or a gunshot to the abdomen he had barely survived. There were many scars on his body to testify to all the horrors Neon had subjected him too. With Y/n, any fear he had subsided in favor of bliss that swarmed through his mind and body. Somehow, Y/n always made him feel safe. He made a mental vow to cherish her.

Forever and always.


Jimin had no idea what Y/n's surprise was, but he wasn't expecting Ixyll.

They had landed at Ixyll-II, or, more specifically, The Eleos Retreat, which was a housing district for past criminals trying to change their lives. Jimin wondered if he'd fit in, but that wasn't why they were there. Out in the mountains, past the retreat, was the padauk fields his mother had promised to take him to.

Y/n sat in the pilot's seat with Jimin in the co-pilot's, as always. Jungkook, Sam, and Cora were doing maintenance checks and would hold down the fort while Jimin and Y/n frolicked through the fields. However, Jimin couldn't depart his seat. His hands gripped the armrests. Moisture formed on his fingers, and no matter what he did, it didn't go away.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked as she unbuckled. "Did I overstep? We can go back home if you want-"

Jimin cut her off with an 'mm-mm'. "It's not that. It's just... being here, it's making me think of my dad."

"Is that okay?"

Jimin didn't know what the answer to that question was. It wasn't a good or bad thing, more a fact of reality, and the fact was Jimin missed his dad. With every passing day, he missed his childhood.

"Let's go," he said instead, and she hesitated before agreeing.

They didn't put on their suits. Ixyll-II was peaceful. Although that seemed contradictory considering they were near a criminal resort, Jimin knew they were reforming and meant no harm. They were like him, only they had the advantage of not having all the power Jimin did. All the power of the universe allocated inside Jimin's veins. No one man should wield that, yet there Jimin was, attempting to make sense of what his hands could do.

Jimin shook the thoughts off and said his goodbyes to his crew as him and Y/n exited the ship Jungkook was supposed to name. Bunny boy had said he sucked at naming things, which led to Jimin's ship still being unnamed. One day, he'd have to sit down with his crew and have a brainstorming session. Cora would likely end up being the one who came up with it. After all, she was the one with the brain.

"If you get uncomfortable at any point, please tell me," she said as she took his bare hand.

It was the hand he shot his powers with, and feeling her touch him there sent his body into a frenzy. He ripped his skin off of hers and guided her to his left side, where she could hold his glove. Although she tilted her head at him, she agreed and held onto the covered flesh.

Jimin kept his bare hand in a fist. "Do you know where it is?"

Y/n peered at him and came a bit closer. Her shoulder pressed against his, and under the bright sunlight, her irises glistened. There were two orbs of light reflecting in her pupils, and he adored the way she looked at him. No one had ever given him that much passion.

"I do. Are you ready to go?"

She said the last sentence slowly. It was almost like she hiccupped while she said it.

Instead of verbally answering, he nodded, and she led him through the tall grass of Ixyll-II. It was a gorgeous planet full of grasslands and few trees. That meant the sun wasn't covered, not even by clouds. The clear blue sky reminded him of the ocean on Neon, though Neon's oceans were far darker than Ixyll-II.

The retreat wasn't far from them, and it was a giant concrete building with seaweed green tents set up outside because of course. Jimin would never escape the color green. What was next? Would he get a new power that turned his eyes green?

Y/n held him as she brought him past the retreat. They ended up circling it and not bothering to interact with any of the workers or reforming criminals. The rest of the galaxy frowned upon the retreat, and Jimin couldn't understand why. They were trying to recover from their old ways. Wasn't that admirable? The criminals there weren't murders, no, they were petty thieves and hackers with the occasional violent criminal, but nothing as violent as murder.

"My dad wanted to move to Akila," Jimin said, and Y/n hummed at that to signal him to continue. "I remember when I was five, I stayed up past my bedtime and heard my mom and dad laughing. They were talking about how fun it'd be to farm near Akila City." Jimin paused to smile and chuckle. "Dad wanted to buy me my own horse. I wanted to name it Carrot."

She raised both her brows. "Carrot?"

"What? Carrots were my shit back then, I could snort those veggies up. Not so much nowadays, but I was a weird kid."

She nudged his side. "Weird adult, too."


She snickered, and he found himself doing the same. His chest felt warmer, but it wasn't because of the heat of Ixyll-II and his thick jacket making him feel too insulated.

"My dad used to call me Min Min," he said, and he slowed his pace as he said it. Their hands slipped away from one another. Y/n froze and turned to see why he had stopped, and he managed to plaster a smile on his face. "He was an amazing man. He always treated mom with respect, he helped me brush my teeth every day, he was there when I had nightmares, he... I miss him. I miss him a lot."

She came back over and kissed the back of his hand before holding it against her chest. The small act allowed him to feel her steady heartbeat, and he timed his breathing to align with her beats. She knew feeling her heart calmed him, and once again, it had worked to soothe him.

Y/n dropped her voice to a whisper. "Universals don't believe death is the end. We believe all we have lost stick with us, and we mean that literally. I don't believe your father is gone, Jimin. He's somewhere with you. Maybe he'll be here today."

Jimin cracked a genuine grin at that. "I'd love to find out."

"We will. I promise."

He believed her, and that gave him the strength he needed to finish the trek up the hill and to the next area. When they finished their hike, Jimin realized there were no trees before because they were all there, where the padauk fields were. Bushes and trees full of the glistening yellow flower filled his vision. Fresh green leaves blended with the delicate petals, and Jimin knew that had to be the largest gathering of padauk in the galaxy.

Y/n skipped forward and plucked a flower off its branch before giggling and handing it to Jimin. His fingers skimmed by the stem; it tickled him as he grabbed it. The smoothness of the flower enveloped his hand with ecstasy. The buds were almost trumpet or bell-shaped due to the way the petals curved.

"You told me about the Myanmar Migration," she said as she stroked the petals of the flower in his grasp. "I did some digging and found out they saw padauk as a symbol and love and loyalty."

"You did research? How?"

"I may or may not have read some books."

Jimin almost came his pants hearing that. There was something attractive about her reading, and Jimin couldn't put his finger on why. Maybe it was the fact that he loved reading, but beyond that, anything Y/n did was hot.

"But that's not the point," she said with a soft smile. "Padauk blooms in April on Earth. It used to show it was time for the Myanmar New Year, and young couples would give padauk to each other to show their dedication."

Jimin glanced at the flower in his hand and widened his eyes when he remembered she had picked it for him. "Weird way to propose, but yes, I'll marry you."

The two laughed at that, and they ended up embracing while gazing out at the flowers that blew in the gentle breeze. It danced across Jimin's face and sent his dark locks flying in front of him. He wished he had a power to memorize the moment he was in. A camera wasn't enough to capture the beauty of the sight before him, and he'd do anything to cherish that day forever.

"Is it everything you imagined it'd be?" she whispered against him, and her warm breath touched his neck.

He rubbed his lips together to hold back his tears. "Even better."

"I'm glad you got to see your dream come to life. Now you need a new one."

That was true. Seeing the padauk fields had been his dream for the longest time, but he had never thought about what came after. He couldn't recall accomplishing his dreams before. Then again, his dreams had consisted of credits, stealing, and hacking prestigious places with so much security it'd make any criminal run. But padauk was a real dream. The tattoo on his back felt more complete, and he mentally thanked both Taehyung and his mother for that. One day he'd have to go back and visit Taehyung. Though, knowing Tae, he'd kick Jimin out just to be petty.

"You," he murmured, pulling back ever so slightly so he could lock eyes with her. Before she could question it, he brushed his nose by hers. "You're my dream."

He kissed her, not leaving her any chance to reply. He could feel the wind blowing the padauk all around him. Some leaves landed on his head and tangled with his hair, but he didn't care about anything other than the woman in his arms. The woman who had dropped everything to plan a trip to Ixyll-II, all in the name of making Jimin happy. If he didn't know it before, he knew it then: he wanted her forever. He wanted to have kids with her and watch her little lookalikes run around New Atlantis and call him dad. Beyond that, he wanted to wake up next to her and watch her beautiful face and body age to become even more gorgeous.

They parted, but Jimin kept his forehead pressed against hers. No words were shared between them for several moments; there was nothing to say. Although, maybe there was one thing. One thing Jimin would never get tired of.

He placed both his hands on her cheeks. "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered, and they went back to hugging after that. Silence carried on for a minute until Y/n made a soft humming noise. "Do you see him?"

Jimin searched through the padauk fields. He had never been religious, and even after meeting Y/n, he wasn't sure how he felt about God and ghosts; however, he wanted to believe. There were no silhouettes hiding between the trees and bushes, but there was a feeling. It was a sensation of comfort that originated in his core and blossomed to his heart and mind. It felt like the last hug his father had given him before his death.

Jimin kissed the top of her head. "I think so."

That was how their day went. They hugged and watched the flowers, and when they had energy, they frolicked through the fields while Y/n wished for peace or whatever it was Universals did in their spare time.

Time slipped away, and soon enough, night fell over Ixyll-II. The navy blue sky had stars lining the horizon, and the bright moon was larger than Neon's, not that Jimin had much chance to see it due to the clouds that had been in his way.

Jimin held Y/n's hand and strolled with her out of the flowers. The one she had gifted him was tucked behind his ear. It contrasted his black hair that blended in with the night. He thought they were returning to the ship, but before they could make the final turn to get there, Y/n stopped and met his eyes.

"Do you?" she asked, and he shot both his brows up.

"Babe, you have to be more specific than that. Do I what? Want to make out with you for twenty years straight with no breaks? Yes. Good idea, let's go-"

"Minnie," she interrupted with a giggle, and he giggled back while holding both her hands. "Earlier you said you'd marry me. Do you... do you really want to?"

Marriage had never occurred to Jimin. After watching what dad's death did to mom, Jimin hadn't believed in love. Not because he didn't want it, but because he thought it'd end in tragedy. Too many love stories went wrong. But Y/n...

While staring at her, he noticed she had her nose slightly scrunched up from the weight of her soft smile. She had beautiful teeth that he had banged once or twice while kissing her too aggressively, and he could smell the faint strawberry scent hovering off of her neck. Her Vanguard jacket covered her upper body, and the Universal symbol she had sewn on shimmered in the moonlight. Seeing her so up close convinced him there was no one Jimin cared about more than her.

Beyond that, all the nights she had stroked his hair and whispered sweet nothings to him came to mind. Then came the stupid smiles she had whenever he did anything goofy. Of course there was also her alpaca pajamas and the way she clung to him when they cuddled together. Lastly, she was a UC native and a Universal, two factions Jimin never thought to engage with. He had hated the UC his entire life, and Universals were hard to take seriously when he grew up in a city he believed God abandoned. But Y/n made him see the truth: life didn't have to be negative. There was beauty and charm in everything, maybe even in the bad.

The Fleet had been an experience that left Jimin scarred both physically and mentally, though he grew closer to Y/n in the process, and as much as he hated himself for hurting Del and Hoseok, he was grateful he had their friendships and guidance. Sometimes, Jimin prayed to the gods he didn't believe in that Hoseok would come back to him just for a minute to give him advice. Or maybe wink and say "It's not like that my ass" one more time.

There were no words Jimin could say; instead, he crashed his lips on hers, and they kissed under the moonlight as the wind tickled him. His arms slithered around her waist and held her against his chest. The padauk she had given him fell off his ear due to how hard he went.

Y/n pulled back after less than a minute and placed her hand on his cheek. "Is that a yes?"

Jimin took her hand and kissed the back of it. "If I had a ring, I'd be on my knees right now."

"And then when you get off your knees, I'll get on mine to show you how grateful I am-"


She laughed and nuzzled her head against his chest. He was too astonished to laugh. Y/n was so pure and innocent, yet so dirty and mischievous at the same time. Random moments of innuendo jokes spewed from her lips every other day, and Jimin adored it. He adored her.

He kissed the top of her head. "I'm serious, y'know. I love you more than life itself. We should wait until all this Terrormorph shit dies down, but maybe after..."

She nodded against his chest, then bent down to grab the padauk and tuck it back behind his ear. "You better make it romantic."

"You know it, babe. I'll buy you flowers, make love to you, take you to the top New Atlantis' waterfall... the whole nine yards."

"Woah, back up, did you say make love-"


Jimin clapped his hands to interrupt her, then he picked her up. A squeal left her lips, and he chuckled at her cuteness as he carried her back to the ship. It was quiet that time of night. There were chirps from the three-headed birds that pranced in the tall grass. Humans colonizing the galaxy meant many creatures from Earth had spread across the Settled Systems, though they had mutated and evolved over time. That was why there were many giant crabs, or birds with more heads, or cats with sharper claws and larger bodies. Cats in particular had evolved. Heatleeches and rats were a huge problem on ships, so many captains employed cats to get rid of them. That led to cats escaping and finding new homes among the stars.

Part of Jimin wondered if they should get a cat. They didn't have a heatleech problem thanks to Jungkook and Sam keeping a close eye on the vents, but that didn't mean a cat wouldn't be useful. Besides, it'd be cute, just like Jimin.

They arrived at the ship, and Jimin set her down to kiss her again. She laughed so much that the kiss descended into a fit of giggles rather than a proper lip lock.

He kissed all over her face and squeezed her waist. "I really want to fuck your brains out right about now."

"Jeez, at least take me to dinner first."

He snorted and carried her to their room, setting her down on the bed and making out with her. The padauk flower tucked behind his ear ended up on the nightstand. Her legs wrapped around his waist and brought him closer. Somehow that resulted in him grinding against her and listening as her pretty moans vibrated his body. Soft grunts and groans flew out of his mouth, and he kissed down her neck and unzipped her jacket.

A white t-shirt waited underneath, and he wanted nothing more than to rip it off and leave marks all over her stomach and breasts. Ever since they had made love for the first time, Y/n had been needy for him, and he couldn't blame her. It was like that was the last step they needed to take before their relationship became the best it could possibly be.

She looped her fingers around his scarf, throwing it into another dimension before pulling on his jacket. "What about kids? Do you want kids?"

Jimin hyperventilated from how fast he had been going, then met her eyes with a 'really' look on his face. "I'm making out with you, and that's what you're thinking of?"

"What? It's a genuine question! I know you want to marry me, but now kids, what about them?"

He kissed down her neck and shoved his hand down her pants. "Baby, I'm trying to put kids in you right now."

"Park Jimin!"

He laughed and pleasured her with his fingers while kissing all over her neck. She squirmed and arched her back, and he rubbed over all the sensitive spots he knew made her moan. They continued like that for two full minutes before he decided that was enough teasing.

Jimin sat back, licked his fingers clean, and pulled her up with him. "I have a request."

"Oh boy, what now?"

He gave her a toothy grin. "Sit on me until I forget how to breathe."

"Oh my- are you serious?"

"What?! I'm a simple man! I see your pussy, I want to taste it-"


They collapsed on the bed with her laughing up a storm against him, and he kept his smile while watching her. Sex had always been like that with them. It started and ended with jokes and giggles. Somehow, that made the pleasure better.

"I love you," he whispered, bringing her back to him so he could kiss her again.

That time, they got more serious, and he kissed her for a while and went back to fingering her until she was shaking and whimpering, begging him for more. He didn't allow her to finish. No, why would he ever do that? That would be too easy, and Jimin was far from the type to do anything without teasing her for at least twenty years first.

He removed his hand from her pants and placed them in her mouth. She squeaked at the sudden intrusion, but he smirked the entire time. There was nothing more beautiful than her wide eyes as she processed what Jimin was doing. Pleasuring her was-

'Knock knock!'

Jimin wished he could shoot himself, but instead, he got up and went to the door. "Jungkook, if that's you, I'm going to slit your throat with my toenails and shove your body up a Terrormorph's ass. I'm getting laid, can this wait?"

"Sorry, Captain. It can't."

It was, in fact, Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin gave Y/n a second to collect herself and put her jacket back on. That cutie pie had sweat all over her face, so he dabbed it down with his hands before opening the door. Jungkook waited there with a black turtleneck hugging his muscles. Despite how he was indoors, he wore black combat boots as if he were going to war.

"It's important, but you can get back to doing..." Jungkook motioned to Y/n. "Her after I tell you."

"Well hurry up, my dick is hurting."

Jungkook grimaced. "Ew. What I was going to say is the Cabinet sent us a message. They want to see you in an hour and talk to you about something top secret. Apparently, someone wants to meet you. Someone so secret that they're making you swear on your life that you won't tell a soul you met with them."

"Do you know who it is?"

Jungkook shrugged. "No clue, that's above my clearance. It's above Commander Min's clearance, too. Congratulations, you're special."

Jimin batted his eyes at him. "Aw, thanks babe, you're too sweet. Now shoo. I wanna bend Y/n over and break her back."

"Jimin!" Y/n said in a yelp.

Jungkook facepalmed. "Why did I agree to joining this crew?"

"Cause I'm hot. See ya."

Jimin shut the door in his face and went back to Y/n. However, she had her hands on her hips and a pout on her face. He couldn't resist: he gave her a quick kiss and brought her back to bed.

Truth be told, Jimin didn't care what the Cabinet wanted. Every other day they called for Jimin, so he lost the effort to care about their assignments. Whoever the "top secret" individual was didn't matter. All that mattered in that moment, at least to Jimin, was Y/n.

"You just love mortifying me, don't you?" she asked.

Jimin beamed. "Yep! It's my second-favorite hobby right behind pissing on UC property!"

Y/n pushed him back and got on top of him, and he could get used to that. She didn't move or grind on him like he desperately wanted. Instead, she stared at him and held his chest to keep him crushed against the mattress.

He wished she would crush his windpipes, but whatever, he'd take what he could get.

"Should we really be doing this before a meeting?" she asked, though he could tell based on her flat tone that she didn't care, she just wanted to keep him waiting for as long as possible.

Jimin was far from a bottom, but in that moment, he couldn't be bothered to be sassy.

"Baby, please," he murmured, his voice nearing a whimper. He did his best to rub himself against her, but she kept him pinned. He whined and gave her puppy eyes. "Fuck me."

"Well, since you asked nicely..."

She undressed while straddling him, and he licked his lower lip while watching each piece of fabric come off. She undid his pants and jacket, tossing all the articles of clothing to the same dimension the scarf had gone. Their bare bodies pressed together, and she bent down to kiss all over his jaw.

He chuckled into her ear. "Getting bold now, are we?"

She huffed. "Shut up."

"Make me."

It went without saying that she did, and Jimin and her had a fun night.


A/N: Bro idk what happened while I was writing this chapter. One minute they were being all cute and talking about marriage, then the next Jimin's hand was down her pants. IDK man don't ask me, it just kinda happened-

P.S. I just finished watching the new Fallout TV show and it was AMAZING. I grew up playing Fallout 3, so the show was a lot of fun to watch. And I'm bringing this up in this chapter for a reason...

(CJ's gonna lose her mind)

Fallout is a video game series by Bethesda, and the TV show based on the game was produced by them too (obviously).

Starfield, the game this book is based on, is made by Bethesda.

Fallout, the TV show, was a huge hit and already got renewed for season 2 like, what, a week after it came out? Great critic reviews, great audience reviews, great numbers, etc.

So if Bethesda is seeing massive success with Fallout, what's to say they'll stop there? Will they make TV shows for their other games?

Will they make a Starfield TV show?

Obviously it wouldn't be anything like my book, but can you imagine? I would be so happy. So, so, so, so, so happy. And I can be delulu, so if anything in the potential future show is even remotely similar to my book, I'll giggle and say they got it from me.

Fallout is such a good show and an incredible game series I have a lot of nostalgia for. This feels like a very special moment for me cause the very thought of Starfield getting a TV show makes my heart go boom boom.

But remember, guys: I did it first. They may have made the game, but I wrote a TV show-like version of Starfield, cut into seasons and all. And I'm pretty sure I'm like the only person who's writing a Starfield fanfic-

At least the only one writing one on THIS level-

So yeah, that's my update. I'm so giddy rn. It's 1:55 a.m. as I write this note, and I finished watching Fallout like thirty minutes ago. 

Anywhozzles, I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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