Carry On My Crooked Young ~ S...

By OllieSykesthePsycho

10 1 0

An alternate universe where the members of BMTH are working with the Men Of Letters (British) After years of... More

Don't steal my fucking Walkers!

10 1 0
By OllieSykesthePsycho

"Look, Mat. As far as anyone's concerned, it's a unicursal hexagram... none of these fuckers out there even know what the bloody thing means, let alone what it is also used for. We got the all clear to use it by the cunts ages ago when we first started using it. What more is a couple extra symbols?"

Oli spoke out towards the phone as he sat on the couch, watching TV. He'd really been getting into Anime again recently. This was probably the 8th or 9th episode of Deathnote he has watched today. As usual, he forgot to pay for the streaming service so was waiting for the adverts to file through. He felt kind of bad that he was watching the series without Alissa, but she was at an appointment, and he didn't want to disturb her unless it was for something important. As for Pickles, though, that was his best mate. If he wants to disturb him, he'll fucking disturb him. He would even wake him up from a deep coma for the dumbest of reasons if it ever comes to it.

"I know, Oli, but... okay, I don't know, but... I just have this bloody feeling that we're gonna blow our cover one of these days... someone's gonna notice everything eventually, you know?"

Mat's words made Oli audibly groan over the phone's mic. It was like everyone was being super overprotective of some organisation they got dragged into the business of. Oli couldn't even remember why or how he and his mates were involved in this. One day, they were all living the dream as a band and making it in the music industry, but the very next morning they were being tasked with delivering secret messages about the paranormal to Men of Letters across the country through the means of music. Oli was still writing about his own personal struggles and his experiences, but now he had to weave in these messages somehow... he hated doing it at first, but it slowly grew on him. It gave the band's songs an eerie aftertaste that was enjoyed, even overseas and across the entire world.

"Goddammit, Mat... you're almost sounding like Jordan. Listen dude, we can worry about someone finding out all this shit later. For now, if we get asked we just spin the bullshit. Say something along the lines of using this kinda symbolism and supernatural crap as like themes or whatever. Deny it til we're blue in the face if we gotta"

He reassured Mat over the phone, sighing a little as he takes a crisp put of the bag and tossing it up in the air, catching it on his tongue before it had a chance to bounce off his chin. The band parting ways with Jordan was a tough decision for both parties. Jordan had other things in his life to focus on, and he didn't want to be involved directly if the band did accidentally slip up and let the public know of their true intentions. Oli didn't blame Fish for being so paranoid, but a huge part of him wished he hadn't gotten to the point of questioning if he should continue or not. Oli missed working with him, definitely. He was part of this weird little family the band created together. He still had him and Vegan's picture on the wall, dressed as bowling pins. It was one of those silly photographs that made him chuckle. Oli wished him nothing but the best for the future as he continued on with his life, knowing that if anything happened to him or his family, then they were under the protection of the Men of Letters.

"Fine... if you're so adamant we won't get caught out, I'll go along with it. It's not the craziest thing we've done, anyway. We're not hunting anything, are we?"

"Exactly, Pick. We're not killing the bloody monsters, just warning those who know bout em. We're good for now. Just trust me. It's not like a demon or a vampire's gonna jump out at one of our concerts and fuck us in the arse, is it?"

"With the amount of times you've nearly summoned or attracted one, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet"

He joked, chuckling slightly now that the mood had been lightened. There was always an element of hilarity in their phone conversations, despite how serious they started or went. It was one of the many reasons why Oli and Mat stayed friends all these years. Either one of them would end up saying something completely stupid or random that would get the other chuckling. Oli was like a brother to him, and he wouldn't have it any other way. True, the constant shipping of them two by the fans was pretty annoying... and invasive... but it was something they could joke about. Maybe it was questioned once or twice by their peers and family due to how close they are, but it had never been more than just a very long good friendship. They had their moments, sometimes, but there were only a few instances where it got to a major point. In a way, those major points only made each other care more about each other and the fact they were still around.

"... Oh my god, Lee's gonna fucking bottle you if you're eating his crisps."

"His fault for leaving em here then. Finders keepers, they're mine now."

Oli jeered as he held a crisp up to the camera before crunching it with a grin on his face. Lee had brought them over the last time he was here and they were the only snacks he could find in the cupboard, as he forgot to go shopping. He wasn't going to take the time to cook or prepare anything until his wife got back. He just kinda felt stuck in a loop of "not doing fuck all" until Alissa returns from her appointment. He could be getting on with the new album that's due to come out soon, but he'd been working his balls off on it for the past few months. It had gotten to the point of him even working on it in his dreams. He just needed a couple hours or so to himself so he can gather his thoughts again and continue before the Summer when it's due. The album is so close to being finished, he could taste the storylines coming together nicely. It didn't help that he had to continuously hide messages in the music videos and the lyrics for the organisation, which in turn caused new song ideas to creep up in his tornado of a brain. At some point, he's gonna need to sit down with the band and sort through the list of what to go into Nex Gen and what to set aside for part 3 of their Post Human saga.

"Fair enough. He shoulda-"

"Sorry Mat, Deathnote's boutta come back on. I'll call ya back later."

"You and your fucking anime-"

Mat chuckled as Oli hung up the call, now invested back into watching the animated events on his TV screen. Alissa should be back in about half an hour... maybe 45 minutes if things are super busy. That should be roughly the rest of this episode, plus another until she gets back. He'll text her if somethings up or if she needs to be out longer for whatever reason. For now... he'll take a potato "chip"... and eat it!

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