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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 971 - Duwu Sili's Killing Intent!
C971 - Duwu Sili's Killing Intent!

Chapter 971: Duwu Sili’s Killing Intent!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Whoosh! The sky was suddenly filled with milky-white Sword Qis, each one ten-some zhang long and as dazzling as the sun, flitting to and fro across the giant ape’s body. In the space of a few seconds, fur was flying through the air as thin trails of blood began to appear on the ape’s thick arms, pungent blood bursting out from them.

Wang Chong did not pause, leaving behind afterimages on the ape’s arm as he continued to rush toward the ape’s head.

The eyes! The eyes must be their weakness!

As the winds roared around him, Wang Chong shot a glance upward. There, he could see two scarlet eyes glowing like enormous lanterns in the sky: the giant ape’s eyes. Although the Arabs had used the helmet made of some unknown metal to cover the head of the giant ape, the eyes were unprotected. They were the only place available to Wang Chong for attack.


The giant ape roared as its scarlet eyes swiftly locked onto Wang Chong. Although everyone appeared like fleas to the giant ape, it could remember fleas that had hurt it. Whoosh! The giant ape raised its other arm, its five fingers spreading apart as it swatted its hand at Wang Chong.

Wang Chong immediately jumped away, barely escaping the fingers of the ape by a hair as he moved from the ape’s right arm to its left. Thud! He jumped forward, continuing his smooth ascent toward the ape’s head.

As he charged, he continued to use the Wootz Steel sword in his hand to unleash thousands of streams of Sword Qi that cut and hacked at the ape’s body.

Though the Tang ballistae could not pierce the giant ape’s hide, the Art of God and Demon Obliteration could. But it soon became obvious that the Wang Chong had not cultivated this technique enough. If Su Zhengchen were using this technique, he would assuredly have dealt this giant ape a severe injury, but Wang Chong was still far from this level. At his stage, the Sword Qi could only get a few feet deep before running out of steam. It was simply not possible for his Sword Qi to break through the tough and pliable defensive hide of the ape.


Wang Chong’s constant attacks of Sword Qi were unable to severely injure the giant ape, but the biting pain had succeeded in infuriating the Consecrated!

The ape bellowed, and as the figure of Wang Chong was reflected in its eyes, they erupted with savagery and a craving to maim and crush. With astonishing speed, the ape raised both of its hairy arms and began to swing them at Wang Chong.

However, Wang Chong at this moment was like a leaf in the breeze. While the ape’s attacks seemed fierce, none of them were able to find purchase on Wang Chong. Wang Chong was getting closer and closer to the Behemoth’s head, but just when he was about to make the final leap, an invisible ripple of energy swept through the air, and then…


The berserk ape that was randomly lashing out around it suddenly calmed down, and a hint of clarity appeared in its eyes.

And then, it did something very unexpected.

The ape brought its palms together with a thump and gave a mighty roar, upon which a powerful vibration began to spread from it. This vibration was suffused with a destructive energy, causing white ripples of energy to spread through the surroundings.

“What’s going on here?”

Wang Chong was astonished by this sight. Other than incredible strength, Wang Chong had not seen this ape display any other abilities. He had never imagined that just when he was about to leap onto its head, it would suddenly do something like this.

This Behemoth was a dreadful monster, its strength so great that even Imperial Great Generals could not match up to it. And unlike the rhino-shaped Behemoth, the Destroyer, or the Terrorizer, the Consecrated was in the shape of an ape, bestowed with nimble arms and an agile body, making it a much more formidable combatant.

Even when Wang Chong combined his strength with Gao Xianzhi and the others, they could not stop an ordinary Behemoth, much less this finest of the Arabian Behemoths. Although the ape did not use any Stellar Energy in this unique form of attack, its prodigious strength could shatter the earth. Until he took up the form of the Godking Yama, Wang Chong was no match for it.

Boom! There was no time to think, and Wang Chong jumped backward in the air and back to the ground. But though Wang Chong’s reaction was fast, he was still caught up in the white ripples of energy, which immediately began to batter and jolt against the Stellar Energy within his body.


There was an explosion in the sky as Wang Chong’s body shook. The Stellar Energy around him dimmed and his face paled as he went flying through the air like a ragdoll.

“Lord Marquis!”

Xue Qianjun, Sun Zhiming, Zhuang Zhengping and the others on the ground all paled at this sight, the blood draining from their faces.

Wang Chong was the guiding light of the army, the heart of its morale. For him to be wounded was an enormous blow to the army.

“Hurry and save Lord Marquis!”

Xue Qianjun and the others immediately rushed toward where Wang Chong had landed. At this moment, the area around the giant ape was a storm of dust and sand, a zone of death. Anyone with insufficient strength who lingered there was inviting death.

But they had no time to worry about such things. Blessings did not come in pairs, whereas disaster never came alone.

As Xue Qianjun and the others rushed forward, three other explosions could be heard, followed by three loud thumps. Xue Qianjun subconsciously turned his head to look, and what he saw was two enormous gods and one tall and slender figure being thrown back by powerful blows.

“Lord Gao! Vice Protector-General Cheng! General Wang!”

As everyone began to realize who those three figures were, they began to cry out in panic. At this moment, Xue Qianjun and all the other Tang soldiers who had witnessed this sight began to tremble in fear.

Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and Wang Yan, the four highest commanders of the Tang army, were the anchors of Talas. While they were still present, the one hundred thousand soldiers of the Tang army could still maintain their cool, even when attacked from both within and without.

No one had expected all four to be injured at the same time.

Whether it was Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, or Wang Yan, it was impossible for any of them to individually take on the Behemoths.


After knocking aside the four Tang commanders, the four Behemoths now had no more obstacles before them and began to advance past the Tang defense line. Boom! Bang! Crash! The steel walls toppled in clouds of dust while the powerful shockwaves created by the four Behemoths sent countless soldiers flying through the air like they were made of paper. “AAAAH!” Screams filled the air as the casualties on the Tang side began to soar.


The Arab soldiers were overjoyed by this sight. The Arab soldiers had originally been maintaining a set distance between them and the Behemoths, not daring to get close, but upon seeing the current devastation, they changed plans. Making sure to keep a distance of a hundred-some zhang between them and the Behemoths, they surged around the Behemoths and began to assault the Tang forces.

“Release! Release! Release!”

The one thousand ballistae were still firing at the four Behemoths, but when the ballista teams saw what the Arabs were doing, they immediately changed targets and began to fire upon the savage-faced Arab warriors.

Swooshswooshswoosh! Each ballista bolt was like the reaper’s scythe, harvesting the lives of seven or eight Arab soldiers. But despite the power of the Tang ballistae, they could not stop the frenzied tide of Arab soldiers.

“Dalun Ruozan, Huoshu Huicang, we should also go!”

Duwu Sili’s hair was blowing in the wind as he watched the fierce battle from the hills.

“The situation has changed. The Tang won’t be able to last through the day. Now is the best time to strike.”

Duwu Sili’s eyes glimmered as his body thrummed with a burning will to fight. So great was this desire that the air around him began to twist and writhe.

The Arabs had displayed such a tremendous strength that Duwu Sili felt his will to fight being stimulated.

“Wait a little longer! Don’t make a decision like this too rashly!”

Dalun Ruozan shook his head, his eyes extremely cold and calm as he observed the battle.

“Abu Muslim and Ziyad have still not entered the battle, so now is not the best time for us to do so. Wait a little longer. Once the Tang have suffered severe casualties, we’ll still have time to enter the field!”

Duwu Sili said nothing, but he shot a glance at the nearby Huoshu Huicang and Dusong Mangpoje. Their eyes were as cold as those of a statue and fixed upon one person. It was clear that they would follow Dalun Ruozan’s lead.


Duwu Sili snorted and suddenly charged forward. Before anyone could react, his stalwart Turkic steed was galloping through the air toward the Tang rear.

“Duwu Sili!”

Behind him, Huoshu Huicang and Dusong Mangpoje called out in surprise and shock. But such was Duwu Sili’s speed that he was gone in the blink of an eye.

“There’s no need to dissuade him. Don’t you see that he’s gone alone without bringing a single one of his soldiers?”

Dalun Ruozan enclosed his hands in his sleeves and faintly smiled. He appeared unperturbed as he watched Duwu Sili ride away, apparently long having predicted this course of action from Duwu Sili.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 972 - Unbending Resolve! (I)
C972 - Unbending Resolve! (I)

Chapter 972: Unbending Resolve! (I)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Duwu Sili was far smarter than most people imagined him to be. Dalun Ruozan wanted to preserve manpower, and Duwu Sili treasured his own troops even more than Dalun Ruozan did. Thus, even though his words were fierce and harsh, Duwu Sili had never had any intentions of sending his own men. He could hide this fact from others, but never from Dalun Ruozan.

The two Tibetan generals looked at Duwu Sili’s back in understanding.

“So Great Minister already predicted that he would move?” Huoshu Huicang said.

Dalun Ruozan silently smiled. His eyes swept over the battlefield, but as they flitted over the front of the defense lines, his expression dimmed slightly.

The Arabian Empire was simply too powerful. He had traveled over a vast distance to the city of Talas with the intention of having a final battle between himself and Wang Chong, a contest of strategy, schemes, and tactics. Dalun Ruozan and Wang Chong were two of the best military strategists in the world, with very few people capable of standing equal with them.

Dalun Ruozan had deeply anticipated this contest of intellectuals. In fact, one could say that he had spent every day and night in the prison of Ü-Tsang’s royal capital anticipating this encounter. But it now appeared that this desire was bound to evaporate into nothing.

The power the Arabian Empire had displayed was simply too enormous, crushing any kind of tactic, strategy, or scheme, making all plans futile. Even someone as proud as Dalun Ruozan couldn’t help but shudder at this sight.

Only Wang Chong and the Great Tang would have been able to last so long under such fierce assaults. Both the Ü-Tsang Empire and the Western Turkic Khaganate would have been routed a long time ago.

“Alas, the Great Tang is doomed to defeat. Although I can’t personally defeat you and fulfill my wish, for me to personally see you off and serve as witness to your fall is enough!”

Dalun Ruozan gave a deep sigh. He knew that things looked grim for Wang Chong, and though he was not willing to admit it, he still couldn’t help but feel a deep regret when he saw Wang Chong losing to the Arabs like this.



At the distant defense line, the one hundred thousand Tang soldiers were facing a situation far more dangerous than anyone could imagine.

“Exterminate these infidels!”

Tens of thousands of Arab cavalry surged over the defense line into the Tang formation. In the past, the Arabs would have needed to pay a heavy price to cross the line, but there was now a large gap in the steel walls, and the tight and disciplined Tang formations were now in a state of complete collapse from the attacks of the Behemoths.

“Warning! Defeat is imminent! The Great Tang has lost twenty thousand men!

“Warning! Defeat is imminent! Talas will soon be lost! User will soon be obliterated!

“The final warning! Upon defeat, all of user’s Destiny Energy will be wiped out! At the same time, all memories concerning user will be erased.”

As Wang Chong flew through the air, the cold and emotionless voice of the Stone of Destiny issued a string of messages. The terrifying jolts unleashed by the giant ape had sent Wang Chong flying for several hundred zhang.

As the winds howled around him and images flew past his ear, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Soaring backward and upside-down, Wang Chong could see the entire battlefield.

He saw the roaring Skyquaking Giants striding toward the last giant ballista, saw the Tang army in chaos, and saw countless panicked cavalry fleeing into the distance. There were both Tang and mercenaries amongst them, all of their faces pale and their eyes filled with fear.

Those four Behemoths had destroyed any confidence they had.

Rooooar! A Behemoth roared, and when Wang Chong moved his gaze past the cavalry, he could see a blood-drenched field, a land of shattered limbs carpeted by corpses of horse and man, their despairing eyes open wide to the sky.

Amongst these shattered limbs, Wang Chong could see rivers and lakes of blood, thousands upon thousands of shattered weapons, and blood-soaked banners, trampled upon by the charging Arab soldiers.

Farther ahead, close to the first defense line, Wang Chong was greeted by a scene of desolation. The other three Behemoths blocked out the sky, their eyes scarlet as they stomped down with their feet.

In front of these three Behemoths, even the hardy ground of Talas cracked and groaned. Giant boulders weighing a thousand jin were carried along by the shockwaves to soar ten-some zhang into the air. In the face of this vicious assault, the strength of man was too meager, too lowly.

No shieldman or cavalryman could stand against it.

It was there that the Tang casualties were the greatest. Even Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and his father Wang Yan had been knocked away. Wang Chong could tell that they were worriedly shouting something at him, but he couldn’t hear what it was.

He could only see a sea of corpses, their lifeless eyes filled with despair.

In that moment, an agonizing pain filled his heart.

Are we going to lose?

As this thought occurred to him, his mind suddenly trembled with pain so searing that it was difficult to breathe. The art of war was a matter of life and death, a road to either safety or ruin. For a general, defeat on the battlefield was commonplace.

Wang Chong had believed that as long as he could win, reverse the tides, change the fate of Talas, and save the Great Tang, he could ignore everything else and regard it with indifference.

But then he saw those corpses, amongst which he could even recognize some soldiers that he could call out by name. Those people had followed him from the southwest and had never retreated a single step. They had followed him with blind faith, believing in him more than he had believed in himself, but in the end, they had all died.

What felt like an arc of lightning seemed to course through his body, and he felt a pain that arose from the very depths of his soul.

These were all powerful soldiers that he had nurtured. They should not have died here!

He had prepared for this battle for more than half a year. Three thousand Tang ballistae, five thousand of the most elite and well-equipped Wushang Cavalry, and many mercenaries and well-trained protectorate soldiers…

This battle should have resulted in overwhelming victory. Just where had he gone wrong?

This shouldn’t be! It can’t be like this!

As countless thoughts flitted through his mind, Wang Chong defiantly opened his eyes and clenched his fists. The defense line had been broken, the steel wall he had built up now existing only in name.

Even though he had done all he could, he still could not stop the advance of the four dreadful Behemoths and had even been sent flying by one himself. But no matter what, no matter the situation, he would not give up, would not concede!

It won’t be like this! There must still be some hope, there must!

Wang Chong clenched his teeth together.


Finally, Wang Chong smashed into the ground, excavating an enormous hole. Time returned to normal, and Wang Chong vomited out a mouthful of blood before getting back up. At this moment, thousands of sounds began to pour back in, and Wang Chong could finally understand what Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli were saying.

“Wang Chong, retreat! Hurry and retreat!”

“There’s nothing else to be done! We can’t hold against the Behemoths.”

“We’ve lost Talas. Hurry and retreat!”

“Preserve our strength and we still have a chance!”

Wang Chong could see Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli looking worriedly at him.

These were not timid individuals. During the Battle of Talas, Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli had both remained steadfast despite their grim situation, lasting two months against the Arab assault.

Gao Xianzhi had never given up on this battle in that period, but now, he had finally chosen to withdraw. Although this decision was painful, it was also the wisest decision.

Gao Xianzhi’s heart was at rock bottom as he watched the inexhaustible Behemoths smash a bloody path of corpses through the battlefield. There was no question that the Great Tang had been completely defeated in this contest. Staying any longer would only create meaningless losses.

In fights against men, they could fight to the end, but they had to retreat in front of these Behemoths!

They could not allow the last bit of strength the Great Tang still had in the Western Regions to be buried here. If they clearly understood that defeat was obvious, why should they continue to fight?

The wisest decision a commander could make was to lead his soldiers in breaking out of the encirclements, doing their utmost to preserve their strength for another day.

“Chong-er! Hurry and go!”

Wang Yan also spoke, his face suffused with panic.

In all battles, Wang Yan was always courageous, never retreating half a step. Even in an arduous situation like the war of the southwest, he had never once thought about retreating. However, the herd of Behemoths and the vast sea of soldiers behind them left him without a single sliver of hope.

Though the decision cut at his heart, Wang Yan had to make it.

The strength of the Behemoths was not something humans could oppose. They had done everything they could to try and stop them, but they had still failed.

If they did not retreat now and waited for the Behemoths to charge over, even with their eighty thousand remaining soldiers, the Behemoths could exterminate more than half in the space of a few breaths. Moreover, the two hundred thousand Arab cavalry and Dalun Ruozan were still lurking in the rear.

They still had the time to withdraw and preserve their strength. Although they didn’t want to admit it, they had decisively lost this battle.

“No, impossible! The Battle of Talas won’t end like this! I will never retreat!”

Wang Chong clenched his fists so hard that veins bulged out from his forehead, the blood almost squeezing out of them.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 973 - Unbending Resolve! (II)
C973 - Unbending Resolve! (II)

Chapter 973: Unbending Resolve! (II)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“The Great Tang will not be defeated!

“The Great Tang cannot be defeated!”

Wang Chong clenched his fists, tensing up his entire body so tightly that it groaned.

No one understood more than him that once Talas was lost, the Great Tang would have no other chance to rise. The Western Regions would be lost, Qixi would be lost, Longxi would be lost, Youzhou would fall ill, the Great Tang would fall into internal discord, the calamity would descend… Step by step, the Great Tang would fall into the endless abyss. If he wanted to change all this and save the Great Tang, he had to hold Talas and throw back the Arabs.

Only by holding Talas would he be able to slowly alter the Great Tang’s tragic fate.

And besides, the Stone of Destiny would never let him retreat. Retreat was death!


The distant Behemoths roared, and dust rose from the defense line as the four Behemoths rumbled forward, wreaking havoc on the Tang soldiers. Countless Tang soldiers fled in fear, leaving thousands of corpses behind.

Blood seeped into the earth as a figure sinisterly chuckled in a place no one could see.

“Die! Die! All of you die!

“My obedient pets, kill all these infidels!”

The hunchbacked Masil sat atop the head of his centipede monster, his hands raised up as blood dripped down from overhead, bathing his head, face, and arms. An expression of ecstasy appeared on his face.

Masil might have been deformed and grotesque, but as the commander of the Behemoth Army and one of the Caliph’s favored ministers, he was a sinister existence of the Abbasid Caliphate feared by all. But few people knew that Masil was even more sinister and terrifying than he appeared on the surface.

Masil had never feared battle. Wherever one could find a large-scale battle in a stalemate, one could find Masil and his Behemoths.

Every time they took part in battle, Masil’s favorite activity would be to burrow underground as his Behemoths destroyed his enemies and stomped them into pulp, so that he could bathe himself in the thick streams of blood pouring into the earth.

Masil could obtain boundless pleasure from this slaughter and blood, imbuing him with a far more intoxicating feeling and satisfaction than what his status as commander of the Behemoth Army and favored minister of the Caliph could give him.

“I said before, no one can stop my Behemoths, not even these Tang. Kill them all for me! Hahaha…”

Masil’s eyes were wide open as he crazily laughed.

The Great Tang had already lost. Masil knew this the moment he had dispatched his four strongest Behemoths, without even needing to consider the two hundred thousand elite Arab cavalry behind them.

“Now, only that brat is left!”

Masil squinted his eyes as he began to ponder this matter.

These infidels who dared to defy the Arabs needed to be killed, but in Masil’s mind, there was one person he loathed far more than all the other Tang, that he would find even more delight from killing.

Three Behemoths was the largest loss the Behemoth Army had ever suffered in its history, and was a disgrace on Masil’s name.

“Once I kill you, I’ll make your skull into a toilet stool!”

Masil chuckled to himself, and then he chanted a spell, communicating with the giant ape above. Amongst the Behemoths, the Consecrated was undoubtedly the strongest of them all.


Above ground, clouds of dust churned as the four Behemoths meted out destruction like they were evil heralds of the apocalypse. Suddenly, the enormous and muscular figure of the giant ape to the very left turned its scarlet eyes on Wang Chong a hundred zhang away.

Raaaa! The Behemoth bellowed, leaping away from its other foes and lunging toward Wang Chong. Its gigantic fist created vortices in the air as it thundered toward Wang Chong.

The giant ape’s attack had been extremely abrupt, and it had chosen to attack the moment the Tang line was in full retreat and Wang Chong was struggling over whether to retreat or continue fighting.

“Lord Marquis! Watch out!”

“Ballista teams, stop the Behemoth!”

“Lord Marquis!”

When the soldiers who turned their heads upon hearing the Behemoth roar saw this sight, their faces turned white in fear. The marquis was powerful, but not to the point where he could stand up against those Arabian Behemoths. Those were existences which could destroy the entire world.

Worse was that the marquis was standing there, clearly still in a daze.


Black ballista bolts thundered over the battlefield, all of them aimed at the enormous fist. This time, any ballista that was not under attack took part in this volley.

But there was only a metallic clattering, all the black ballista bolts apparently striking a hardy fortress when they struck the ape’s fist. The numerous ballista bolts all dropped to the ground, and the ape’s fist only picked up speed as it thundered toward Wang Chong.


The surrounding soldiers all cried out in fear, their hearts cold.

“Wang Chong, watch out!”

Just when Wang Chong was about to be struck by the Consecrated, a figure shot forward, his sword unleashing a destructive stream of Sword Qi that hurtled toward the ape’s fist.

“Gao Xianzhi, you should worry about yourself first!”

Just then, a powerful bolt of energy shot out from the black cloud of smoke behind the giant ape, getting ahead of the giant ape and impacting with Gao Xianzhi’s dazzling stream of Sword Qi. Before the Sword Qi could impact with the giant ape, it was neutralized by that vast and steely bolt of Stellar Energy.

“How could this be?!”

Everyone who saw this was stunned. Gao Xianzhi was the commander of the Anxi Protectorate army and one of the highest Great Generals of the Great Tang, his strength on par with Duwu Sili. Someone who could scatter his Sword Qi with a single blow could only be a warrior of astounding cultivation.

Abu Muslim!

In the air, Gao Xianzhi turned his head, and when he saw that figure emerge from behind the Behemoth, his heart sank.

The man who had intercepted Gao Xianzhi’s blow appeared like a demon god emerging from the abyss, with sunken eyes, a high nose, and a large black cape that fluttered in the wind. His height was around 1.9 meters, an outstanding height even amongst Great Generals. His eyes oozed disdain, shone with cruelty and determination. Anyone who saw them would immediately feel that this was a man of cunning and daring.

However, the thing that left the deepest impression about this man was his unique odor, one of iron and flame. This odor seemed to fill every pore of his body, every single cell, every single breath.

This was truly a man who lived for battle, a natural warrior, a pure soldier, a true commander that thousands upon thousands would respect and adore, who could summon all of them to answer his call!

In the eastern region of the Abbasid Caliphate, only one person could have this sort of bearing: Abu Muslim. After biding his time for so long, Abu Muslim had finally appeared. The Tang were already in great danger, but now that Abu Muslim had appeared, the crisis had gotten even worse.

“Gao Xianzhi, I respect you as a hero, so in this battle, I will personally send you on your way!” Abu Muslim shouted in fluent Han.

He immediately sent a pitch-black condensation of fist energy flying through the air. As Abu Muslim punched, the air exploded with dreadful roars and endless flames spat into the air. Behind Abu Muslim appeared a gigantic demon god with violet-black scales growing from its body, the fur of a bull sprouting out from beneath the scales.

And behind this enormous demon god was a giant pillar of gold and red.

The Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars!

Abu Muslim was the commander of the army and one of the strongest experts in Arabia. In his youth, he had campaigned across the world, and when conquering a country that was linked to the origins of the Arabs, Abu Muslim incidentally managed to obtain a legendary Arabian martial art: The Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Art.

In the legends of Arabia, it was said that there were once seventy-two powerful and horrifying demon gods. They lived in the sea and were the enemies of the entire continent, constantly wreaking havoc and destruction on the human world. Later on, the other gods sealed these seventy-two into pillars and cast them into even deeper parts of the sea. These were the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars.

But even though they were sealed, the powers of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars continued to be passed on through this powerful art!

They were recorded on seventy-two secret manuals that were passed down through generation after generation. After many years and the passage of time, a large portion of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Art was lost. But each of those manuals contained incredible power, and anyone who obtained one of these manuals would become an extremely powerful existence—if not a Great General, then a Governor. They would render extraordinary feats and establish their own legends in the history of Arabia.

No one knew which of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Abu Muslim had inherited; very few people even knew any of their names. However, there was no doubting the power of Abu Muslim’s art.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 974 - The Crazed Masil!
C974 - The Crazed Masil!

Chapter 974: The Crazed Masil!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Gao Xianzhi’s armor had been gifted to him by the Sage Emperor. It had been extremely tough, capable of stopping divine weapons. In Gao Xianzhi’s ten-some years campaigning through the Western Regions, this armor had always kept him safe. But in the end, it had been destroyed by Abu Muslim’s palm. From this, one could easily imagine Abu Muslim’s strength.

Boom! Gao Xianzhi had expended much of his strength fending off the Behemoths, whereas Abu Muslim was still in peak condition, as well as launching a surprise attack. Gao Xianzhi was swiftly suppressed. The assault of the four Behemoths and the two hundred thousand Arab soldiers was a harsh trial for the Great Tang, and the appearance of Abu Muslim was like adding an avalanche on top of a blizzard. At this moment, the Great Tang was in a terrible position.

Moreover, with Gao Xianzhi’s attack intercepted, the giant ape had no more obstacles, and its enormous steely fist thundered down like Mount Tai upon Wang Chong. There was no else to help Wang Chong now. The fist was crashing down, and in the next moment, Wang Chong would be dead. However, Gao Xianzhi’s attempt had not been completely useless.

Buzz! Upon hearing the explosive clash between Gao Xianzhi and Abu Muslim, Wang Chong suddenly came back to his senses.

“It’s him!”

Wang Chong’s mind was given a jolt as he saw the hairy fist coming down and the stalwart and determined figure in the distance. Boom! The giant ape’s fist slammed down, creating a giant hole in the ground. Kacrack! The earth trembled as cracks began to spread through it, fountains of rock and dirt gushing out from them.

The power of that enormous punch left everyone stunned!


Deep in the ground, Masil clenched his fists, his eyes burning with excitement.

“That bastard is finally dead!”

That young Tang commander, that bastard who had killed three of his Behemoths, had finally been killed by the Consecrated. Masil was awash with satisfaction. Rumble! Under Masil’s command, the giant ape began to slowly raise its enormous fist, its scarlet eyes sweeping the ground.

“Anyone who dares to oppose me will never have a good end! Although I won’t be able to make your head into a stool, it’s also not bad to appreciate your shattered corpse!”

Masil’s eyes glimmered with excitement. Masil had many perverted hobbies that no one knew about. Other than bathing in the blood of his foes, he also enjoyed examining his opponents after they died gruesome deaths. The stronger they were, the higher status, and the greater the resistance they put up, the more Masil found himself entranced by them.

Wang Chong had killed three Behemoths, dealing a major blow to his army. Viewing his shattered body was more attractive to Masil than anything else, tantamount to a grand banquet.

But then, Masil’s excited face froze. The ground beneath the ape’s fist was empty. Not even a blood stain could be seen, much less a corpse.

“What’s going on?”

Masil’s eyes narrowed, his face transforming into a grimace. Masil began to scan the ground, swiftly noticing that familiar figure.

“Damn it! How did this happen!”

Masil felt like grinding his teeth into crumbs. He had never imagined that Wang Chong would be able to escape the giant ape’s attack with so little distance to work with. An intense killing intent immediately exploded from his body.

“I can disregard anyone else on this battlefield, but you have to die! Do you really think you can escape?”

His mind seething with killing intent, Masil immediately had the giant ape leap forward in pursuit. While still in the air, the giant ape raised one of its massive arms and sent another punch at Wang Chong, faster and fiercer than the previous one.

“Lord Marquis, watch out!” Xue Qianjun loudly called out. After having had a brief moment of relief, he tensed up once more.

Others also called out in alarm, their hearts at their throats. Wang Chong was the commander of the army and the Protector-General of Qixi, looked up to by all his men.

If Wang Chong were heavily injured or killed in battle, the morale of the army would be annihilated and the lines would instantly collapse!

But as the fist hurtled down, Wang Chong flashed away, leaving behind a blur as he succeeded in barely dodging the attack.

Wang Chong’s strength had already reached Tier 8 of the Saint Martial realm. Even though the giant ape was powerful, it would still find it no easy to task to kill Wang Chong.

Masil was at first stunned, but then his eyes turned red with fury.

“Die! Die! Die!” The more times Wang Chong dodged his attacks, the stronger Masil’s killing intent became. “You can dodge once or twice, but I don’t believe you can dodge one hundred times, one thousand times!”

Rooooar! Under Masil’s control, the giant ape began to flail both its arms, unleashing a flurry of attacks on Wang Chong. But Masil failed to realize that as Wang Chong dodged attack after attack, his eyes became clearer, his expression more resolved.

No retreat! I cannot retreat!

A voice was echoing through Wang Chong’s mind, getting louder and louder.

The Great Tang cannot lose! There must be some hope!

The winds shrieked past his ear like the swishing of swords through the air, but Wang Chong could still hear the screaming of the army, the cries of panic as his soldiers fled, the gurgling of blood into the earth, the snapping of weapons, and the falling of banners.

Other than the last battle of his previous life, Wang Chong had never been in as grim a situation as this.

Opening his eyes, Wang Chong could see Abu Muslim engaged in fierce combat with Gao Xianzhi in the air, with the Anxi War God currently in desperate straits. Nearby, the bearded Arab Deputy Governor of the East Ziyad was battling Cheng Qianli’s Supreme Desolation God. The Supreme Desolation God’s body was covered in cracks, and many fine lines could be seen on its chains of Stellar Energy. Even more shocking was that the pitch-black body of the Supreme Desolation God was slowly turning transparent.

This was a sign that the god manifestation was running out of energy and on the verge of collapse.

The combined assault of the Arabs and the Behemoths had inflicted heavy losses on the Anxi Protectorate army, and without the support of the Anxi Protectorate army, Cheng Qianli could not keep up the Supreme Desolation God.

Suddenly, a roar thundered through the sky. “Wang Chong, hurry and get out of here!!” As he was battling with Ziyad, Cheng Qianli’s Supreme Desolation God turned its head to Wang Chong and shouted, urgency and concern in its eyes.

The Tang had lost this battle. Whether or not anyone was willing to admit it, this was a fact.

The Arab numbers and their Behemoths were not something the Great Tang could stop. Retreating with the remaining soldiers and preserving strength for another battle was the proper course of action for the Great Tang.

“Wang Chong, hurry!”

Blood trickled out from Cheng Qianli’s eye sockets. Everything had its price. He and the Protector-General could no longer leave, leaving Wang Chong as the only person capable of leading the army away. He should have never appeared here in the first place. The Qixi Protectorate army had only come in the first place to rescue them.

It was the Anxi Protectorate army’s duty to cover the retreat!

Moreover, both he and Gao Xianzhi were already rather old, but Wang Chong was different. He was still very young, only seventeen, but the intelligence, talent, and grasp of strategy he had displayed were incredible, causing both Cheng Qianli and Gao Xianzhi to sigh in praise.

If Wang Chong could survive, he would have limitless potential! The Great Tang would also have this limitless potential!

This was why Cheng Qianli and Gao Xianzhi had instantly made the decision to sacrifice themselves.

If only one person could survive, Wang Chong was the best choice.


At some point, massive bolts of lightning had begun to cleave through the air. At some point, dark clouds had gathered from all around, descending upon the battlefield. All of Talas was trembling beneath this thunderstorm.


As a bolt of lightning cleaved down, Wang Chong raised his head and swiftly began to work. His body wavered, but he did not retreat, instead lunging right at the enormous ape before him.

“Wang Chong!”

“Protector-General Wang!”

Cries of shock and alarm came from all around. Neither Gao Xianzhi nor Cheng Qianli had ever imagined that Wang Chong would choose not only to not retreat, but to charge straight at the Behemoth. At this moment, however, Wang Chong was deaf to the world. Retreat was death, an eternal descent into the abyss, and he would never make such a choice.


With a shout, Wang Chong began to climb up the giant ape’s arm like a tiny ant. As he ascended, he waved his Wootz Steel sword, unleashing a blazing white Sword Qi ten-some zhang long. Vibrating in the air, the white Sword Qi turned violet and sliced into the giant ape’s body.

In this attack, Wang Chong had managed to attach the Strength of Lu Wu to the Art of God and Demon Obliteration.


The giant ape gave a miserable howl, pulling back its massive arm as its body shook in pain. Moreover, its cruel and savage eyes of scarlet instantly fell into chaos.


Wang Chong landed back on the devastated battlefield and looked at the yowling ape, which suddenly punched at the ground.

“It’s not right!”

Suddenly, Wang Chong’s eyes widened as he noticed something off. This giant ape’s punches had always been aimed at him. While this punch was still aimed at him, the direction…

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 975 - Psychic Energy Expert!
C975 - Psychic Energy Expert!

Chapter 975: Psychic Energy Expert!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


A thought suddenly occurred to Wang Chong, and he decided to stand still and no longer dodge. Boom! Debris flew into the air as the furry black fist several times larger than Wang Chong smashed into an area around seven zhang away.

Thud! A craggy boulder flew in Wang Chong’s direction, but before it could get within a zhang of Wang Chong, it was blocked by an invisible barrier of Stellar Energy.

“It’s not right!”

Wang Chong was still standing there, unharmed and unaffected. At this moment, he was beginning to get a few ideas, but he still couldn’t understand completely. Boom! The giant ape punched out again, once more striking an area several zhang from Wang Chong.

Wang Chong could sense that the giant ape which had so doggedly pursued him had been drained of hatred, instantly losing its objective.

“Damn it! What is that violet flame?”

Deep underground, Masil clenched his teeth, a hint of astonishment in his eyes, but he quickly reassumed control over the Consecrated. In the blink of an eye, the cruelty and savagery in the giant ape’s eyes returned, and it once more fiercely punched at Wang Chong. This time, there was no error, and it headed straight for Wang Chong’s head.

Brooom! Dust and debris once more filled the air, but the ape had still missed. Wang Chong had once more managed to barely dodge the giant ape’s iron fist. This time, Wang Chong did not pay any more attention to the giant ape, instead choosing to rush toward the part of the battlefield where the Arabs were most numerous and the Behemoths were inflicting the most damage.

As he rushed toward the area, Wang Chong’s eyes constantly swept the battlefield. The feeling in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, and the truth seemed on the verge of being revealed.

It’s wrong! It’s completely wrong! There must be something that I’m missing. The Behemoths have a weakness, they must! They only appeared for a little while before disappearing. There has to be a reason for that.

Peals of thunder were booming in Wang Chong’s mind.

“What is that infidel thinking? Does he think that he can rely on his own power to stop my three Behemoths?”

Underground, Masil was dumbstruck by Wang Chong’s movements, but he quickly regained his composure.

“Hmph, struggle on death’s door all you want; you’ll still die!”

Masil was not very strong, but he was able to borrow the power of his centipede monster to travel deep underground, where no one could harm him. And while he controlled the four supreme Behemoths, no one could oppose him. Even Great Generals would have to bow their heads.

On the ground, Wang Chong continued to remain unaware. His gaze flitted onto the white bear Behemoth to the northwest and then suddenly froze. The enormous white bear was wreaking havoc as it proceeded toward the walls of Talas, but just when it seemed like it would crash into a group of Arab soldiers charging up from the rear, it made a sudden turn and charged off in another direction.

In this battlefield where hundreds of thousands of soldiers were fighting, the white bear Behemoth’s strange movement was hard to spot, and had lasted for only a few seconds. If Wang Chong had not been watching at that very moment, he would have never noticed.

“It’s not right!”

The feeling in Wang Chong’s mind intensified.


His eyes turned to the center of the battlefield, where the giant lizard that spat fire was together with the other large Behemoth. There, he noticed a few more strange things.

The two Arabian Behemoths were devastating the surroundings as they advanced, but as they did so, they began to unwittingly get off course and grow closer and closer together. But just when they seemed like they were about to collide, invisible strings seemed to pull at their heads. These Behemoths on the verge of collision suddenly returned to their original tracks, maintaining the proper distance as they charged in straight lines.

Wang Chong’s eyes widened. The sensation he was feeling was now at its maximum.

Roooar! The giant ape bellowed as it came up behind him, its pitch-black fist once more punching out with mountain-shattering power at Wang Chong. Wang Chong was on the ground, and given the giant ape’s height, when it was attacking Wang Chong, it should have also been looking at the ground.

Strangely, however, its scarlet eyes weren’t focused on the ground at all. It gave a feeling like its mind and body were not in sync, that it was being controlled.


Wang Chong’s body trembled all over as this thought occurred to him. He finally understood what was wrong.

These four Behemoths were all being controlled!

The Behemoths acted according to instinct, which meant that they shouldn’t have differentiated between the Tang and Arabs. The Behemoths would never alter their course if they noticed any Arabs in front of them. Similarly, Behemoths acting on instinct would never just travel in a straight line. And that giant ape wouldn’t have its hands and eyes acting incongruously, a low-class mistake which made it seem like it was being controlled by another.

Once or twice could be written off as coincidence, but three was certainty. These four Behemoths were not acting normally.

Psychic Energy!

Wang Chong had a flash of insight. If a person wanted to control another living being, particularly something as enormous and powerful as a Behemoth, they would never be able to do so with Stellar Energy.

The only energy capable of this feat was Psychic Energy.

How could it appear here? The calamity hasn’t descended yet, so how could someone possess such enormous Psychic Energy? They can even use it to control such gigantic beasts!

Wang Chong’s mind was tossing and turning with shock. In this world where martial arts were revered, everyone cultivated Stellar Energy. Powerful martial artists could be found all over this world, but formidable mental energy experts were few and far between. Wang Chong had only seen Psychic Energy on a few of the otherworldly invaders in the calamity.

Psychic Energy was shapeless and immaterial, and it was difficult to form into effective attacks. However, those people had been able to condense Psychic Energy into solid form and inflict real harm on supreme martial experts. They had even managed to control some of the elite generals under Wang Chong’s command. But this was an ability that only the otherworldly invaders possessed. It was only through fighting with ‘them’ that the human experts began to slowly understand this ability and research methods that could resist Psychic Energy.

But there were still several years until the calamity’s descent. Wang Chong had never imagined that he would meet a Psychic Energy expert powerful enough to control the Behemoths so early on.

Just what’s going on here? Why does the Abbasid Caliphate have such a powerful Psychic Energy expert?

Wang Chong’s mind was raging, his understanding of the world completely overturned.

Martial artists would find it very hard to fight against Psychic Energy experts, unless… they could find their actual body!

With this thought, Wang Chong quickly made up his mind. The greatest difference between Wang Chong and other martial artists was that, as a reincarnator, although his martial arts had returned to the peak of the Saint Martial realm, his Psychic Energy was still at the level of the War Saint.


Wang Chong lunged forward, once more dodging the giant ape’s attack. At the same time, his left hand began to make strange hand-signals. In the next moment, a majestic stream of Psychic Energy burst out from his forehead, surging into the air.

He didn’t notice anything at first, with the air showing nothing unusual, but when the ape withdrew its arms and swept its scarlet eyes over the area, Wang Chong immediately sensed a well-hidden psychic ripple shuttling through the ape’s body before vanishing.

If Wang Chong hadn’t been looking for it, he would have never noticed anything strange.

“Over there!”

Wang Chong’s gaze immediately began to pursue that ripple of Psychic Energy. But when he saw where it had emerged from, he immediately grimaced. That ripple of Psychic Energy had come from under! Ground!

“How could this be?”

Wang Chong was stunned. He had guessed that the Psychic Energy expert was nearby, even hidden amongst the nearby Arab army, but he had never imagined that they would be hiding underground. This was far too unexpected.

With Wang Chong’s Saint Martial Tier 8 strength, Wang Chong could attack his opponent wherever they were above the ground, even in the air. But his abilities were not sufficient when it came to an opponent hiding underground.


Wang Chong suddenly heard a burst of panicked shouts.

“Save General!”

Wang Chong turned in surprise, and saw Chen Shusun in the distance. Chen Shusun was pale, his eyes looking upward in despair. Following his gaze, Wang Chong immediately noticed the giant golden-armored god in front. The armor of this god was completely wrecked, its aura dim. Across from it, the fire-breathing lizard had opened its mouth and spewed out a thick gout of destructive flame, more searing than the sun. Its target was the golden-armored god that was already on the back foot.

Fwooom! The gout of flame had already traveled more than a zhang. The golden-armored god was already at its absolute limit, about to collapse at any moment. If it were struck by the lizard’s flame, the controller of the god would end up either dead or heavily injured, both of which were terrible for the Great Tang.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 976 - Battle Between Psychic Energy Experts!
C976 - Battle Between Psychic Energy Experts!

Chapter 976: Battle Between Psychic Energy Experts!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Wang Chong’s mind trembled. He had been so focused on thinking of ways to deal with the Behemoths that he had never noticed that his father’s Mighty Miracle God was in desperate straits. But at this distance, not even someone of Wang Chong’s strength could come to Wang Yan’s rescue.

“Hahaha, die!”

Deep underground, Masil exploded with crazed laughter. He was never an easy man to satisfy, and in this operation, not just the young Tang commander, but also the three other Tang commanders were his targets.

Killing enemy Great Generals was always a game and craving that he never got tired of. Nothing could be more sublime than killing the Tang youth and the other Tang commanders.

“Little fellow, first kill this Tang for me!”

The underground Masil took control of the Burning One and had it spit a long gout of searing flame. Ten zhang, twenty zhang, the flame shot forward, but just when it seemed like the Burning One’s flame was going to heavily injure Wang Yan, Masil encountered an unexpected snag…


A powerful Psychic Energy shot forward, striking the Burning One as well as the Psychic Energy Masil had attached to it.


Only now did Wang Chong’s shout arrive. Not even Masil could have predicted that in Wang Chong’s panic, he would almost instinctively launch a pure bolt of Psychic Energy at the Burning One.

Booom! That gout of flame that could melt even rock veered, crashing into the ground ten zhang from Wang Yan. Wang Chong’s surge of Psychic Energy had pulverized the Psychic Energy Masil had left on the Burning One.


The world seemed to fall silent as Masil froze atop his centipede monster, his eyes wide open in shock.

How could it be?!

Masil’s mind was tossing and turning with mighty waves. Even though it was just a sliver of his Psychic Energy that had been destroyed, this was no less than an earthquake to Masil. Even if all four of his Behemoths dropped dead in front of him, Masil would still not be as stunned as he was right now. Everyone knew that Psychic Energy experts were an extreme rarity in this world. Although it wasn’t impossible for two formidable Psychic Energy experts to appear on the same battlefield, the chance was practically nil.

Could it be that these infidels also have a supreme Psychic Energy expert on their side? Impossible! It can’t be! How could such a thing happen?!

Masil’s mind was still reeling, Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy having given him an unprecedented blow.

“Coincidence! It must be coincidence!”

Masil clenched his teeth as he mastered his emotions. As the commander of the Behemoth Army, he had obtained many Psychic Energy tools from the Caliph. Moreover, as a priest, he had obtained an ancient legacy. Together, these things allowed him to possess a formidable Psychic Energy. No ordinary martial artist would ever be able to possess comparable Psychic Energy.


There was practically no martial artist in existence that could have Psychic Energy like this. He didn’t believe it. It had to be a mistake!

“Burning One! Attack!”

Masil inwardly screamed as he began to communicate with the Burning One.



On the battlefield, Wang Yan’s Mighty Miracle God slowly looked away from the nearby pile of molten rock and toward Wang Chong. The fire lizard’s attack had been extremely powerful, melting rock and leaving a hole ten-some zhang in diameter, the insides of which were black and spewing smoke.

The red lizard’s attacks had never missed before. Although Wang Yan didn’t know the exact reason, he could guarantee that it had to do with Wang Chong.

Wang Chong could sense his father’s gaze, but his shock was no less than Wang Yan’s. As the War Saint, he possessed astonishing Psychic Energy, but he never had the opportunity to actually use it. This was Wang Chong’s first clash with a powerful Psychic Energy expert on a large-scale battlefield. In that moment, Wang Chong had instinctively sent out a burst of Psychic Energy, but he hadn’t actually expected it to do anything.


With this abrupt bellow, soldiers began to cry out in alarm.

“Milord! Careful!”

“Not good! That Behemoth is about to breathe fire again!”

The soldiers on the field were panicked, and Wang Chong was also nervous. Turning his head, he saw that the Behemoth had lowered its body to the ground, its throat swelling as it gathered up a flame more searing than the last. Boom! As Wang Chong and Wang Yan turned to look, the Behemoth opened its mouth and spewed.


With no time to think, Wang Chong sent another powerful stream of Psychic Energy from his forehead, which immediately crossed the battlefield to strike the enormous red lizard.


Nothing seemed to happen in the air, but Wang Chong could sense that he had run into what felt like firm steel. In the body of the fire lizard, he could clearly sense a cold and sinister layer of Psychic Energy.

A Psychic Energy expert!

Although he couldn’t see it, Wang Chong was sure that this was the Psychic Energy expert controlling the Behemoths from behind the curtains.

“Brat, just who are you?!”

Masil’s furious voice echoed in Wang Chong’s mind.

“The person who will kill you!”

Wang Chong mentally sneered as he sent another stream of Psychic Energy, this one more powerful than the last. His two streams of Psychic Energy combined and collided against the dark and cold barrier formed by Masil’s Psychic Energy, once more shattering it into pieces.


At almost the same moment, the flame spat out by the Burning One seemed to be struck once more by an invisible energy, veering off course and scorching the ground thirty-some zhang from Wang Yan.

“Retreat! Pass on my order! All soldiers, retreat!”

Wang Yan gave the order, but he himself did not move. Although he didn’t understand what was going on or what Wang Chong had done, there was no question that the situation was favoring the Great Tang at the moment, serving as the perfect cover for the army’s retreat.

In order to cover the army, Wang Yan’s infantry had suffered gruesome losses.

Rumble! Wang Yan had barely spoken when his infantry began to withdraw, maintaining discipline and formation as they fell back.

The consecutive misses of the Burning One’s flames had also attracted the notice of Abu Muslim and Ziyad. Although the Behemoths were not as intelligent as humans, they possessed a terrifying instinct, one comparable to the best martial artists.

The giant red lizard’s primary attack was its flame spit, which was both extremely fast and accurate. It was absolutely not normal for it to miss twice in a row!

Both of them deeply frowned.

But the Behemoth Army was not theirs to command. It was under the direct command of the supreme Caliph of the Arabian Empire, so not even Abu Muslim knew of its secrets. As a result, he had no way of determining what was happening with the Behemoth.

But there was no one more shocked at this moment than Masil, deep underground atop his centipede monster.

The impact of Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy was equivalent to a magnitude-twelve earthquake.

Masil’s body was still immersed in this enormous shock.

A Psychic Energy expert! A Psychic Energy expert… he’s actually a Psychic Energy expert!!

Masil’s eyes felt like they were going to pop out of their eye sockets. He had been able to convince himself the first time that there was no way two formidable Psychic Energy experts could appear on the same battlefield, but Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy strike had completely shattered these hopes.

How could this be? Just how old is that brat, how old! How could he possess such powerful Psychic Energy!

I don’t believe it! Never!

Masil mentally roared.

Just like martial arts, Psychic Energy emphasized ancient lineages and legacies. Perhaps because this was a world of martial arts, the lineages of Psychic Energy were even older and larger than those of martial arts. It was usually the case that those with formidable Psychic Energy were not very young.

Masil was born extremely talented, and despite his hunched back and grotesque face, his Psychic Energy was practically unequaled in the Arabian Empire, allowing him to raise and control the Behemoth Army. Even the Governor of Iron and Blood, Abu Muslim, would have to admit his inferiority in this aspect.

It was precisely because of his exceptionally rare talent that Masil was able to obtain the favor of the Caliph in this empire that revered martial strength.

But now, Masil had encountered another powerful Psychic Energy expert, one who was much younger than him. This went against everything Masil knew about Psychic Energy experts.

This world can’t possibly have this many powerful Psychic Energy experts! Just me alone is enough. Everyone else must die! Infidel, you will die! No matter what, no matter the price, I will have you leave your body here!! Masil furiously bellowed in his mind.

Masil had already held murderous intentions to Wang Chong, out of his own selfishness and for the sake of avenging the three Behemoths, but now, his killing intent had reached its maximum. He didn’t even care about killing Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, or Wang Yan anymore.

A powerful Psychic Energy expert was an enormous threat, whether it was to him, his Behemoth Army, or the Arabian Empire. Masil would not permit this world to hold another Psychic Energy expert as powerful as him.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 977 - Shadow Pierce!
C977 - Shadow Pierce!

Chapter 977: Shadow Pierce!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


All of a sudden, the Burning One, the Reaper, the Consecrated, and the last Behemoth all turned their vicious eyes to Wang Chong, standing in a field of corpses upon a large rock.

Stompstompstomp! The earth shook as the four Behemoths lowered their bodies and began to charge at Wang Chong, at the same time unleashing their attacks upon him. Fwooom!Blistering hot flames brighter than the sun emerged from the Burning One’s throat. This time, however, their target was not Wang Yan, but the blood-speckled Wang Chong.


The surrounding soldiers cried out in surprise, but this time, it was not just the Tang. The horde of Arab cavalry had also noticed this strange sight and now looked at each other in confusion.

In the air, Abu Muslim and Ziyad glanced at each other, each noticing that the other had a deep frown.

This wasn’t part of the plan at all!

The four Behemoths had cast aside their normal military targets. This was definitely not what Abu Muslim had expected.

What is that bastard Masil doing?! Abu Muslim inwardly fumed.

Orders held as much weight as mountains, and as the commander of the army and the East’s infamous Governor of Iron and Blood, Abu Muslim had always been renowned for his strict discipline, cruel demeanor, and iron fist. Any general under his command, no matter their background or ability, not even his own deputy governor, dared to defy his orders.

But it was obvious from the current situation that Masil was mobilizing the four Behemoths for his own purposes, which made Abu Muslim instinctively displeased. However, Abu Muslim was not someone who let his temper carry him away, and besides, the Tang defense line was broken, their defeat certain. Given the situation, Abu Muslim would not treat Masil as he did others.

Is it because of that boy?

Abu Muslim squinted in the direction the four Behemoths were heading and immediately noticed Wang Chong. In a flash, he understood, but there was no more time to think. With black energy coiling around his body, Abu Muslim once more began to attack Gao Xianzhi with all his power.

Abu Muslim’s desire to kill Wang Chong was no less than Masil’s, but before this, Abu Muslim had to kill Gao Xianzhi, the heart and soul of the Anxi Protectorate army.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shockwaves swept through the air as the two figures clashed like competing lightning bolts, leaving behind afterimages of their fight in the air.

On the other end, as he watched the four Behemoths approach him, Wang Chong swiftly began to take action.

Rumble! A majestic stream of Psychic Energy swept forth, simultaneously striking all four Behemoths. In this moment, Wang Chong and Masil clashed once more. Wang Chong’s mind was given a minor jolt, but Masil’s consciousness that was attached to the four Behemoths was instantly pulverized and swept away.

The four Behemoths stopped, confusion in their red eyes. At a loss, they stood around and took measure of their surroundings.

Just as expected!

Wang Chong saw his speculations being instantly confirmed.

This was the first time in Wang Chong’s life that he was fighting with a powerful Psychic Energy expert. His first attack had been on pure instinct, but now, on this third exchange, Wang Chong was getting a better understanding of how to move around Psychic Energy. As he began to get his grips on this power, he realized that this battle might not yet be decided.

He sensed that he held something extremely crucial to altering the result of the Battle of Talas.

“Bastard! I can’t fucking believe this!”

Deep underground, Masil was on the verge of exploding in rage. As the commander of the Behemoth Army, Masil had never failed to control the Behemoths before, but now, that Tang youth had stopped him three times in a row. Despite his prodigious stores of Psychic Energy, he couldn’t exert any of it.

It felt like he was being directly countered.

“Impossible! I can’t lose to a brat who hasn’t even started to grow a beard!”

The murderous intent in Masil’s heart intensified.

Boom! His formidable Psychic Energy condensed into a sharp tip that stabbed through the ground toward Wang Chong.

Shadow Pierce!

This was a powerful psychic technique that Masil had inherited in his capacity as priest of the Arabian Empire and commander of the Behemoth Army. It was a technique capable of easily destroying someone’s soul, and Masil had used it to kill the generals of many countries. Even Imperial Great Generals would be severely wounded by this kind of attack.

In the mental domain, the unsightly Masil fully deserved the title of grandmaster.


Masil’s Shadow Pierce stabbed into Wang Chong’s mind like a sharp sword, but suddenly, an enormous boom resounded through this mental world. Masil realized that his Shadow Pierce had apparently collided with the sturdiest mental barrier in the world. Upon impact, both of them vanished.

Most shocking of all to Masil was that he could sense a soul in that youth like none he had ever seen before. This soul was powerful, but there were many other strange things about it.

In Masil’s view, it appeared like several souls layered over each other, but in a strangely harmonious and complete fashion.

He had never seen such a complicated soul before.

“Boy, just what are you?” Masil asked in shock.

Wang Chong was also a little surprised.

This Psychic Energy expert in hiding was far more formidable than he had imagined, apparently capable of understanding a little of Wang Chong’s true nature, something that had never happened before. But Wang Chong quickly regained his composure. The Stone of Destiny was a secret that no one would be able to discover. As for Masil’s Psychic Energy attack, Wang Chong was someone who could even endure the burden of death, much less some measly mental assault.

“Haha, don’t speak about these meaningless things. I’ve already found your position. After controlling the Behemoths to kill so many of my men, do you think you can escape?” Wang Chong sneered back.

Masil should not have used this kind of mental attack with a form. Previously, Wang Chong only knew that Masil was underground, and had no means of determining the exact position. But when Masil attacked Wang Chong, he had also allowed Wang Chong to grasp his trail and trace the attack back to Masil’s exact position.


Deep beneath the ground, Masil was stunned by these words. But before he had time to ponder these words, he sensed an enormous bolt of Psychic Energy shooting toward him. His face turned ghastly white as he realized that this Psychic Energy was morphing in transit, transforming into a sharp point.

It bore the exact same appearance as Masil’s Shadow Pierce!


Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy assault exploded into Masil’s mind with the force of ten thousand jun. There was a silent explosion as both minds were given a fierce jolt. Above ground, Wang Chong clearly swayed.

Masil was faring little better down below, two streams of blood flowing down his nostrils.

In a clash of only mental energies, someone of Masil’s abilities had no need to fear Wang Chong, but while Wang Chong was a Saint Martial Tier 8 expert, Masil had a far weaker body. This single mental clash had left his aura in turmoil and his body heavily wounded.

How could this be possible! Just how did he manage to learn my technique so quickly!

Masil’s body trembled as his heart chilled. His injuries were secondary compared to the fact that Wang Chong had used his own technique against him, which was simply unacceptable.

Wang Chong had clearly not already known how to use the Shadow Pierce, or else his attack just now wouldn’t have been implemented through such a primitive method. But a person who could almost immediately comprehend and put into practice the mental techniques of another possessed a talent that surpassed the bounds of Masil’s imagination.

In Masil’s understanding of the world, such a thing was simply impossible. Not even someone as talented as him was capable of such a feat.

“Kill! Kill! Kill! Boy, I’ll definitely kill you!”

Masil’s mind at this time was a little disordered. His pride and conceit had been dealt a heavy blow by Wang Chong’s existence. Without the slightest hesitation, he began to condense his Psychic Energy into dozens of thorns that shot toward Wang Chong like cannonballs.

“Hmph, a good move!”

Above ground, Wang Chong stood on the large rock with a fearless expression. This Psychic Energy expert was truly powerful, but no Psychic Energy attack could compare to the immense pressure Wang Chong had already endured from the World Constraint.

Psychic Energy as vast as the sea burst from the center of Wang Chong’s brow, surging through the earth toward Masil in an assault far more ferocious than Masil’s.

This had been the first large-scale defeat Wang Chong had experienced in this life, and the pungent smell of blood and the numerous corpses covering the ground created a sharp pain in his heart. And there was no question that today’s defeat was entirely because of the four Behemoths and that mysterious Psychic Energy expert hiding deep underground.

Abu Muslim and his two hundred thousand Arab cavalry didn’t even come close to this level of strength!

Masil wanted to kill Wang Chong and delight in his death, but Wang Chong was just as anxious to do the same to him.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 978 - Behemoth Fusion Art!
C978 - Behemoth Fusion Art!

Chapter 978: Behemoth Fusion Art!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Deep underground, thirty zhang from the surface, two formidable Psychic Energies were ramming against each other like enraged dragons. These were Psychic Energies of completely different natures, one sinister while the other was staunch and unyielding. Although the earth was not being torn apart by any clashes of Stellar Energy, this fight was no less dangerous.

A battle of Psychic Energies of this level was enough to make even Imperial Great Generals pale.

As their minds clashed again and again, the Psychic Energies of both Wang Chong and Masil were battered and bruised. Wang Chong stood unmoving on the boulder, but his face had long ago turned the color of paper.

But Wang Chong was still a Saint Martial Tier 8 expert, so his injuries were a little less severe than Masil’s. Blood was pouring out from Masil’s nose, eyes, and ears, and even his hunched back was bleeding.


“I don’t care how it is! I will kill you!”

Masil was flailing about, his body in a frenzied rage. Masil had a revered status, with all the nobles, governors, and generals showing him respect. In all the empire, no one except the Caliph could order him around. Indeed, he only followed Abu Muslim’s orders because the Caliph had ordered him to do so.

If not for the Caliph, Masil would have already turned and left. Not even the Governor of the East could think about ordering him around!

But now, Masil felt utterly humiliated by the fact that some heathen from the east had beaten him into such a state!


His eyes spitting flame, Masil took control of the centipede monster and burrowed even deeper into the earth.


Wang Chong’s pupils constricted, his brows rising in surprise at Masil’s actions. But he quickly understood what was going on. Psychic Energy did not have unlimited range. The farther one was, the weaker the attacks would be.

It was obvious that Masil had come off worse in their contest and now wanted to pull back and get out of range of Wang Chong’s attacks.

But Wang Chong did not pursue. The underground had always been a forbidden zone for martial artists. Without special techniques, it was very difficult to travel through the earth and do anything substantive against this sort of strange opponent. This was obviously one of the things his opponent had thought about beforehand. The vast majority of Psychic Energy experts had weak bodies and would not go onto the front lines unless they had ways of guaranteeing their safety.

The urgent task at hand is to deal with these four Behemoths!

Wang Chong stood on the boulder, his hair and clothes blown here and there by the fierce winds. Though his heart was fraught with concern, he did not allow a single speck of it to show on his face. The army could not be in a more perilous state, with both Abu Muslim and Ziyad having entered the fray.

The threat of these two alone was oppressive enough, much less together with those four apocalyptic beasts.

With this thought, Wang Chong quickly turned his focus to the Behemoths.

“Hmph, I didn’t want to use this art! Brat, you forced me to do this!”

Masil’s voice suddenly came from the ground, ringing in Wang Chong’s mind. At that moment, a surge of Psychic Energy more powerful and vast than any Wang Chong had seen before shot out of the ground. Its target was not Wang Chong, but… the giant ape. Bzzz! In a flash, the Psychic Energy had disappeared into the ape’s body.

This is—

So abrupt was the event that Wang Chong’s mind was still in a daze. He was under the impression that his opponent wanted to avoid battle, but it was evident that he was wrong.

And in a flash, the battle between Wang Chong and Masil became one of a completely different nature. Rooooar! Several dozen zhang behind Wang Chong, the enormous ape known as the Consecrated opened its bloody mouth, all the hairs on its body standing on end and quivering like flames. Its body exploded with energy, a might that could swallow up the heavens.

“Foul brat, you’re doomed! I’ll swallow you whole!”

Masil’s voice emerged from the ground one last time before he fell silent. Deep underground, Masil vomited blood, his face shriveling and turning both older and uglier.

The Behemoth Fusion Art!

This was a psychic technique recorded on the papyrus containing the method to raise Behemoths. It needed to be used with the Behemoths, and it could only be used by an Arab priest endowed with prodigious Psychic Energy. Even with the Behemoths, that extremely well-developed ancient civilization still had to deal with some incredibly powerful foes.

The Behemoth Fusion Art was meant to crush such foes.

And not only was the chance of success in using this psychic art very low, failure would result in severe backlash, even death. Even success required paying a heavy price. The soul would be torn at, one’s Psychic Energy would greatly weaken, and one’s life would also be decreased. Thus, all the Arab priests were very cautious in their use of this technique.

However, Wang Chong had displayed far too powerful a Psychic Energy, and Masil would not suffer another Psychic Energy expert of this level sharing this world with him. If his position had not been so threatened, he would have never used the Behemoth Fusion Art.

“Fuck! After making me pay the enormous price of ten years, I’ll definitely have your corpse torn to such fine shreds that nothing will be left of it. You will pay an even greater price!”

Masil’s eyes exploded with a loathsome light. With this thought, his head slumped down, his Psychic Energy connecting him to the giant ape above ground.


The sky dimmed as an enormous fist suddenly smashed toward Wang Chong. This was still the same giant ape, but its speed and power were on a completely different level. The ground shook, throwing debris several dozen zhang into the air. The giant ape’s fist was even leaking out black wisps of energy.

Where the ape’s fist struck, space itself seemed to have been twisted.

How could this be? When did it get so fast?

Wang Chong had barely managed to dodge this attack, and his mind reeled in shock. This giant ape had pursued him before, but never with such speed and strength. If Wang Chong had not reacted so quickly, his Psychic Energy keeping a watch on his surroundings and allowing him to dodge in advance, he would have received a direct blow.

Not only that, as Wang Chong turned back to look at that imposing beast, he could sense that this giant ape’s body had become like a dark vortex, sucking up all the Origin Energy in the area.

Bolstered by the Origin Energy of the world, the giant ape was soaring in strength. Even its head seemed to be getting larger.

An expression of shock finally crept into Wang Chong’s eyes.

He had never known that a Behemoth could grow stronger in this fashion. It was much like a martial artist.

“Die for me!”

Another mental ripple came from Masil, yet this time, it did not come from underground, but from the giant ape. Boom! Masil controlled the giant ape into sending yet another earth-shattering punch, agile and swift.

Masil was no longer Masil. He was the giant ape, and the giant ape was him!

And before him, Wang Chong was just a puny ant.


The Behemoth Fusion Art!

Upon successfully using this ancient art, Masil immediately unleashed a flurry of attacks at Wang Chong. The Behemoth’s strength had more than doubled. The Behemoth Fusion Art did not only allow the user to directly control the Behemoth, but also allowed it to absorb the Origin Energy in a radius of several hundred li to strengthen the Behemoth.

The longer the time, the more powerful the Behemoth would become, until its strength reached unimaginable levels.

“Lord Marquis, hurry and go!”

Chen Burang, Sun Zhiming, and even Li Siye and his men, still fighting with the Skyquaking Giants, shouted out in alarm when they saw the Behemoth transform.

In their understanding of the world, the strongest martial artists were the Imperial Great Generals, who stood at the peak of both political and martial authority. But even the radiance of Imperial Great Generals dimmed before this Behemoth, appearing insignificant. And Wang Chong wasn’t even a Great General, only at Saint Martial Tier 8.


The giant ape’s bellows made everyone tremble in fear, and its attacks shattered and devastated the surrounding area. Amidst these attacks, Wang Chong was dodging left and right, barely escaping with his life each time, at every moment liable to be pulverized.

“No, Lord Marquis will die if this continues! He’s simply in no state to deal with the Behemoth!” Sun Zhiming worriedly said.

Wang Chong was the person he respected the most, the one he devotedly attempted to imitate. If not for Wang Chong, he would still be Deng Mingxin and the Deng Clan’s servant, suffering their bullying and insults. A true man should be like the marquis, protecting the common people and rendering great merit, defending the empire and resisting foreign enemies. This sort of aspiration and daring was what Sun Zhiming admired and longed for.

“No matter what, Lord Marquis cannot die here!”

Sun Zhiming rode off with his mind full of worries, charging in Wang Chong’s direction.

“It’s useless. Lord Marquis won’t leave!”

At this moment, Chen Burang’s youthful and powerful arm pulled Sun Zhiming back, his face solemn and grave.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 979 - Psychic Energy, the Art of Beast Taming!
C979 - Psychic Energy, the Art of Beast Taming!

Chapter 979: Psychic Energy, the Art of Beast Taming!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“Zhiming, you know Lord Marquis’s style! If he wanted to escape, nothing would be able to stop him, not even the Arabs and that giant ape. It’s not that he can’t escape, but he won’t escape! …Haven’t you realized it yet? Lord Marquis is using this method to draw the attention of the four Behemoths and reduce the army’s casualties!”


Chen Burang’s words made Sun Zhiming tremble and come to a stop.

“Zhiming, this is Lord Marquis’s choice! If it were just for his safety, he would never have used up all his wealth and ventured to the southwest when everyone else believed it to be lost, and he would have never appeared here. He didn’t retreat in the southwest, and he certainly won’t retreat today… This is Lord Marquis’s decision. You know that no one can change it!” Chen Burang sternly said.

He was no less willing to save the marquis. There were very few people in the world who were as devoted to their country as the marquis, and Chen Burang also knew that given the state of the army, there was no other choice. The marquis had decided to stand and fight, and no one would be able to change his mind.

Sun Zhiming’s face turned deathly pale, and his fists were tightly clenched, but in the end, he proceeded no farther. After some time, he turned and began to head back.


On the other end, Wang Chong had not noticed any of this. His mind was completely focused on the giant ape, which was only getting stronger as time passed.

Booom! In the area around the giant ape, boulders were being blown into smithereens, transforming into lethal projectiles. As Wang Chong weaved through the air, barely dodging the giant ape’s attacks, his Stellar Energy blocked all this lethal debris.

There must be a way!

Wang Chong leaped away from another of the giant ape’s hammering blows. As he looked up at the enormous beast, its image reflected in his pitch-black eyes, countless martial arts and mantras flitted through his mind.


As he was thinking, a powerful ripple of Psychic Energy emerged from his brow, striking the giant ape’s body like a hammer.

“Hahaha, it’s useless. Did you think that it would still have the same effect? I no longer have a weakness now. Your mind is not stronger than mine, and now, my body is even stronger than yours! HAHAHAHA!”

Masil’s laughter made no attempt to hide his contempt.

Although the Behemoth Fusion Art required paying an extremely heavy price, it was a price that was worth it. He had feared this infidel’s strength before, but now, the infidel was just an ant in his eyes. Masil could play around with him like he was a toy. With a thought, Masil controlled the giant ape’s body into sending another thunderous punch at Wang Chong.

The battle was already won. This Psychic Energy expert of the Great Tang was now a fish on the chopping board, waiting to be cut open.


Wang Chong showed no emotion in his eyes, and as Masil spoke, another thorn of Psychic Energy stabbed into the giant ape’s body.

It can’t be wrong! The weakness of these Behemoths is Psychic Energy! Although their bodies are large and their strength is inconceivable, Psychic Energy can’t be nurtured. Their greatest weakness is definitely Psychic Energy! Wang Chong said to himself. His body somersaulted in the air before landing, but his foot had barely touched the ground and he was off again, barely dodging the giant ape’s other attack.

Bzzz! Wang Chong immediately shot another bolt of Psychic Energy, but this time, his target was not the giant ape. Instead, he attacked the red lizard Behemoth, the Burning One, several dozen zhang away. Boom! Although nothing had seemed to happen, Wang Chong could see that the Burning One, which had been madly spewing flame, had frozen in place.

But after a few moments, another river of flame burst out of the lizard’s open mouth, melting a giant hole through the ground.

It was effective! Psychic Energy attacks really can counter the Behemoths. But how can I injure them, or even control them…

Wang Chong’s brow deeply creased.

He could feel that this was the right method, but for some reason, the effects were very limited. It was like he had found the right path, but he couldn’t get the half-open door to open any wider. As he was pondering on what to do, he once more heard that familiar crazed laughter.

“HAHAHAHA! I overestimated you! You were no Psychic Energy practitioner at all. Although you possess a formidable Psychic Energy, you have no idea how to use it to attack!”

Masil felt like he had discovered a new continent. He had originally been very fearful of Wang Chong, this fear spurring on his killing intent. But when Wang Chong attacked the Behemoth, Masil realized that he had been mistaken. This fellow was far from as powerful as he had imagined. It was apparent that he was just an amateur in the mental domain, a complete greenhorn.

“Oh? Do you really think so?”

Wang Chong’s body paused, and then he raised his head and gave the giant ape a smile of ridicule. He suddenly understood what he needed to do. Although he was not a pure Psychic Energy expert, he knew many psychic techniques.

One of these was called ‘Beast Taming Art’, a technique that used Psychic Energy to control other animals. The only problem was that he only knew that this sort of technique existed, but not how to use it. In that apocalyptic world, the only animals Wang Chong encountered were tigers and wolves.

The Beast Taming Art had probably only ever been used to control animals of that size. Wang Chong had no idea if it would be of any use against creatures like the Behemoths.

I’ll know if it’s useful once I try it out. At the very least, it is a Psychic Energy technique!

Wang Chong’s eyes shone with determination.

Wang Chong soared into the air like a hawk, heading straight for the top of the giant ape’s head. In an exquisite fashion, he landed on the ape’s arm and began to smoothly ascend.


Masil was stunned. He had never expected Wang Chong to still dare attack him even though he knew that he was much weaker.

“Damn it!”

The giant ape immediately sent an arm snatching at Wang Chong.

Wang Chong’s gaze suddenly chilled, and a Psychic Energy different from any before emerged from his forehead.

“Beast Taming Art!”

This was a Psychic Energy as dazzling as the stars, yet also one suffused with the wild nature of a wolf or bear. It instantly burrowed through the giant ape’s brow and connected with its soul. Bzzz! The ape’s entire body began to quiver.

“No! Impossible!”

Masil’s voice sounded it like it had encountered the most terrifying thing in the world. He had never imagined that this Tang youth had a technique similar to the Behemoth Fusion Art, allowing him to enter deep into the Behemoth’s mind and control its soul.

“How could this sort of thing happen!”

Masil was so shocked that his entire body was shaking, but after his initial shock, he almost instinctively had a giant ape arm smash toward Wang Chong. In his rage, this attack was several times faster than normal. Just when it seemed like the enormous fist was about to impact with Wang Chong’s body, certain to fatally wound even a Saint Martial Tier 8 expert like Wang Chong, the unexpected occurred…

There was another boom as the giant ape’s other hand seized the descending fist and stopped the terrifying blow.


Everyone who saw this sight was left dumbfounded.

For a moment, the entire battlefield was eerily quiet. Even Abu Muslim and Ziyad had noticed this illogical sight.

“This, this… what’s going on?”

“The giant ape is fighting with itself?!”

Everyone on the ground was still trying to digest what had just happened.


Underground, Masil gasped in shock, his eyes flying open.

The Behemoth Fusion Art was a secret technique passed down from an ancient and powerful civilization. Though it was somewhat damaged from the passage of time, there was no doubting its power. But while he was still controlling the Consecrated, that Tang had managed to successfully take control of one arm. This was absolutely unbelievable.

At the very least, Masil had never encountered anything like it.

“How could there be something like this? No technique should be the equal of the Behemoth Fusion Art!”

Masil clenched his teeth, his eyes nearly bursting out of their sockets.

“Hahaha, I warned you to not get so happy!”

A voice suddenly spoke in Masil’s mind. Wang Chong stood on the broad left shoulder of the ape. The fur on this part of the ape was so thick that it reached his knees. He could sense the bulging and tense muscles beneath, brimming with explosive strength.

Wang Chong looked up at the enormous ape’s savage head, a strange light glimmering in his eyes. The Beast Taming Art had been easier to use than expected.

The Behemoths are still essentially animals, and as long as they’re animals, the Beast Taming Art can be used on them!Wang Chong excitedly thought to himself.

He had originally believed that the Beast Taming Art would be unusable or encounter some sort of obstacle, but he quickly discovered that the Behemoth’s body contained the genes of all sorts of animals. Whether it was taming wolves, tigers, elephants, or lions… the Beast Taming Art resonated with all parts of the Behemoth’s body.

The essence of this Behemoth was far weaker than the strength it displayed!

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 980 - The Psychic World!
C980 - The Psychic World!

Chapter 980: The Psychic World!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“Who cares if you can control just one arm of the Consecrated! My abilities are far greater than yours! In a fight with me, you will still die!” Masil savagely retorted.

Bang! The ape’s right arm shook, throwing off the left arm and punching once more at the ant-like Wang Chong on the left shoulder. Thud! A pitch-black elbow put itself in the way, blocking the ape’s mighty punch.


Masil grimaced. They were both controlling an arm of the ape, but Wang Chong was much more flexible and skillful in the control of his ape arm. At the very least, Masil did not possess this level of freedom.

After all, Masil was an expert only of Psychic Energy, lacking in fighting techniques compared to Wang Chong.

“Haha, it’s impolite to not reciprocate. It’s my turn now.”

Wang Chong sneered. It had never been his style to wait for death, and he quickly launched his own attack.


Wang Chong did not choose to attack the ape, instead sending another bolt of Psychic Energy through the ape’s forehead, which traveled along various channels to collide with Masil’s consciousness.

“Aaaah!” Unlike the other attacks, this one seemed to give Masil a sharp stab that made his soul shudder and scream.

“Haha, Masil!”

Wang Chong suddenly blurted out Masil’s name. As he used Psychic Energy more and more, he began to understand more of the secrets hidden within it. In their successive clashes, Wang Chong had discovered a great deal of information, even the name of this Arab Psychic Energy expert: Masil.

“I’ve already exposed your secret. In front of me, you won’t get another chance!”

Wang Chong was not a pure Psychic Energy expert, nor did he have any experience fighting with Psychic Energy, but in his battle with Masil, he had rapidly begun to understand and grow accustomed to using it.

More importantly, although Wang Chong didn’t know the Behemoth Fusion Art or have as much experience as Masil, these techniques all had the same fundamental root. While using the Beast Taming Art, Wang Chong had understood a core principle of Psychic Energy.

The crux of Psychic Energy lay at the center of the forehead, in the brain. There were several unique channels in the human brain related to Psychic Energy. Circulating one’s Psychic Energy through these channels was equivalent to hiding in a fortress and allowed one to greatly weaken any Psychic Energy attacks from the outside.

Thus, if he wanted to heavily injure Masil and remove the technique he had placed on the giant ape, he had to drive out Masil’s Psychic Energy, piece by piece, from these areas.


Understanding this secret, Wang Chong sent another bolt of Psychic Energy into a channel, colliding with thunderous force against Masil’s Psychic Energy. With no obstacles in its way, Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy thorn had a completely different effect. Masil howled, his entire body writhing in pain. Even the giant ape was affected, its long and dense fur fiercely trembling.


Masil was both shocked and infuriated. He had never imagined that Wang Chong would be able to quickly understand this principle of Psychic Energy. If Wang Chong had just been a greenhorn before, he was now a proficient student, nearing the level of a master.

“I won’t let you go! No one is allowed to act so brashly before me!”

His heart burning with loathing, Masil scanned the earth and suddenly noticed the retreating Tang soldiers. An idea occurred to him, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

“Brat, do you really think I can’t do anything to you? Do you think I don’t know that what you care about the most is those puny soldiers? That you’ve only fought with me for so long to buy them time? Since this is the case, let me show you what happens to those who oppose me! I will kill them all!”

Masil’s face contorted into a fierce visage.

Stomp! The giant ape raised its legs and began to charge at the Tang soldiers.

“Not good!”

Wang Chong paled. Just as Masil had guessed, he had been fighting with Masil to cover the Tang retreat. Masil attacking the regular soldiers was exactly what he feared, striking right at his weakness.

“Hahaha! You’ve finally been found out! You were trying to protect these soldiers! Let me have you taste a little despair!”

Masil smugly laughed as he controlled the giant ape into striding toward the thousands of retreating Tang soldiers. At the same moment, the three other Behemoths roared, raising their heads as they received the command.

Rumble! In the blink of an eye, all four Behemoths began to move, giving up on their targets and charging toward the Tang army.

“Didn’t you want to save them? Let me see how you do it! I’m going to kill them all right now!”

Masil chortled. In his battle with Wang Chong, he had been almost entirely forced into a passive position, but now, he had finally found Wang Chong’s weakness. Although he had no means of attacking Wang Chong, through his Psychic Energy, Masil could clearly make out Wang Chong’s pale complexion, proving that his conjectures were correct.

He would now make the Tang youth pay a price for his arrogance!

A group of nearly six hundred Tang soldiers was in full retreat. Their armor was shattered and covered in blood, and they appeared exhausted to the very limit.

“Oh no, it’s the giant ape!”

“It’s coming at us!”

“Everyone, run!”

The soldiers scattered in panic when they saw the giant approaching.

“Heh, can you really escape? I’ll kill you lot first, and then the others!”

Masil looked down, his scarlet eyes gleaming with a savage joy. He didn’t use his steely fist, instead simply stomping down with his massive furry foot. With the giant ape’s strength, a single stomp was enough to so finely crush these Tang soldiers that not even a corpse would remain.

“Come! Let me see how you’ll stop me!”

Masil’s expression was scornful and brimming with cruelty. He didn’t care about these ordinary soldiers, but if he could hurt Wang Chong, he didn’t mind personally killing them.


Wang Chong’s eyes went red. Just as those nearly six hundred soldiers were about to be crushed to death, Wang Chong sent out a violet Sword Qi that vanished into the back of the giant ape’s knee.

The giant ape’s leg went momentarily numb, causing it to freeze in the air for two or three seconds.

“Damn it!”

Masil ground his teeth, immediately understanding that Wang Chong’s attack had struck an acupuncture point of the giant ape that had numbed its leg.

“I’d like to see just how long you can struggle for their sake. You’re just gasping at death’s door!”

Boom! The Consecrated’s enormous foot stomped down, sending rocks and stone flying and creating a giant hole in the ground. But Wang Chong’s attack had bought the soldiers enough time for them to escape. Though frightened out of their wits, they were still alive.

“You can save them for a moment, but you can’t save them forever!”

Masil sneered as he ordered the Consecrated to stomp its left foot down in pursuit. But to Masil’s astonishment, the right foot that should have followed seem to gain a life of its own and stepped backward.

When the Consecrated’s left foot stepped forward, it had placed its weight on the right foot, so the right foot’s sudden disobedience caused the Behemoth to lose balance and fall backward.

“You! You! You… bastard!”

Masil was furious. He didn’t dare believe that Wang Chong had managed to gain control over the Consecrated’s right leg in such a short amount time, even causing it to intentionally lose its balance.

“I’ll kill you!!”

Masil once more attempted to swat at Wang Chong on his left shoulder, but Wang Chong easily blocked it.

“Masil, you’re too arrogant! As I said, I know all your secrets. You can’t win against me anymore!”

Wang Chong’s voice rang out in Masil’s mind, and as he stood on the left shoulder of the ape, his eyes glowed with disdain. The comprehension ability of the supreme War Saint of the Central Plains far surpassed Masil’s imagination. Even though he was no expert in the field of Psychic Energy, Masil served as the finest teacher.

Wang Chong had not only grasped the essence of Psychic Energy and understood Masil’s secrets. More importantly, by understanding the secrets of Psychic Energy, he had obtained the key to dominate the battlefield.


A peal of thunder exploded in the mental world as Wang Chong’s scattered Psychic Energy suddenly transformed into thousands of writhing dragons which began to throw themselves at Masil. Wang Chong’s attacks were now hundreds or thousands of times more vicious than they were at first.

Boom! Bang! Boom! These dragons of Psychic Energy exploded in Masil’s mind, biting, tearing, clawing, and lunging at his Psychic Energy and causing it to rapidly weaken. Wang Chong was no longer that green rookie. He wielded his Psychic Energy like he was one of the most powerful masters.

In Masil’s life, this was the first time he had encountered such fierce and horrifying attacks.

As the furious and shocked Masil was battered down by Wang Chong’s attack, his consciousness suddenly transformed into an endless ocean of black.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 981 - Darkness! The Abyssal World!
C981 - Darkness! The Abyssal World!

Chapter 981: Darkness! The Abyssal World!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“Boy! You think too highly of yourself! The world of Psychic Energy is not as easy as you imagine it to be!”

Masil howled, and the gigantic black hand of a demon god suddenly emerged from the sea of darkness, wielding a trident that seethed with black flames. It soared out of the dark waters, thrusting at Wang Chong’s dragons of Psychic Energy.

Thump! A black dragon was pierced through its lower jaw by the trident and exploded into a cloud of smoke. The black demon god made another sweep, and in a series of explosions, another eight dragons were pulverized. The black demon god was clearly much stronger than the dragons.

However, even though the demon god was powerful, it could not stand against the attacks of thousands upon thousands of dragons. In the blink of an eye, the demon god vanished, its painful howl echoing in the air.

“It’s useless. In the psychic world, I have an endless supply of demon gods. You are no match for me!”

Masil’s sinister voice echoed through the world. Whoosh! One, two, three… thousands upon thousands of demon gods emerged from the black ocean and began to battle with the dragons. This was a gruesome massacre, with dragon after dragon falling to the assaults of the demon gods.

But before Masil could get too happy, the dragons in the sky suddenly morphed. The forehead of a dragon began to bulge, quickly transforming into a pair of coiled horns. Their bodies also began to rapidly swell, growing two times, three times, all the way to ten times larger. Each of them was now an enormous black dragon.


Masil’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief at this transformation.

“Masil, if you’re done with your moves, it’s my turn now!”

Wang Chong’s voice rumbled over the black ocean. Fwoosh! A gout of black flames erupted from the mouth of one of the enormous dragons, piercing straight through the chest of one of the demon gods. The black demon god looked down in stupefaction at the hole in its chest before exploding into smoke.

Fwoosh! One searing flame after another descended upon the thousands of demon gods, and the tide of battle was instantly reversed.

“Damn it!” Masil’s mind was reeling from shock. “I won’t lose to you, never!”

“Masil, what skills do you still have left?”

Wang Chong’s voice came down from the sky, instantly provoking Masil’s rage.

“Reckless fool! You’ve only touched the surface of Psychic Energy, and you think you can fight me? Today, I will let you know the terror of the abyss.”

Masil clenched his teeth. As a revered priest and commander of the Behemoth Army, he would never allow himself to lose to some young rookie.

Rumble! With a thought from Masil, the vast black ocean transformed. All the water vanished, to be replaced by an enormous mouth.

This mouth was so large that all of Wang Chong’s giant dragons were like grains of dust. Boom! The mouth swallowed up all the black dragons with a single bite.

“Did you think you had seen through all my secrets? Ridiculous! This is the true ultimate secret of Psychic Energy! Upon entering my Abyssal World, you should never think about leaving again! You will be my eternal slave!”

Masil’s voice was high and triumphant, bursting with endless pride.

The domain of Psychic Energy was a strange and bizarre domain, home to countless techniques. But amongst all these techniques, the strongest technique was undoubtedly the ‘Psychic World’.

As one of the strongest Psychic Energy experts, Masil had formed his Psychic World ten years ago. During the Arabian Empire’s conquest of its surrounding countries, Masil had used this technique to make countless Psychic Energy practitioners and martial artists yield, imprisoning their souls and making them his eternal slaves.

The Abyssal World!

This was Masil’s unique skill. Even the Governors and Great Generals of the Arabian Empire that could use Psychic Energy knew the origin of this name.

The Abyssal World could only be used once a month, and Masil’s injuries from his battle with Wang Chong made it even more difficult for him to utilize this technique, but his extreme loathing spurred him on. He wanted to use the Abyssal World to forever trap Wang Chong’s soul in his own mental world.

Bzzz! The sky suddenly dimmed as all the black dragons formed from Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy were trapped inside Masil’s Psychic World.

This ability…

Wang Chong narrowed his eyes. This Psychic Energy ability of Masil’s was very special, and very strange. But Wang Chong could still sense a tiny hole in this Psychic World. This world did not seem as firm and tight as it appeared.

“Haha, let me see what you can do now! Anyone in my Psychic World will slowly lose all their memories, and in ten days, you will be my slave, taking only my orders and following only my lead.”

The bottom of the abyss roiled as black energy surged in from all sides, condensing into the body of Masil. His face had a satisfied smile, brimming with the joy of victory.

A good method to avenge oneself on one’s enemy was killing them, but an even better one was making them an eternal slave, dominating their will. It was only in this stage of his battle with Wang Chong that he finally felt that he had victory in hand.

“Is that so?”

A voice drifted through the air, and in a flash, the thousands of black dragons began to fuse. Wang Chong created his own psychic avatar and slowly descended from the sky, the armor on his body transforming from black to gold, exuding a revered and holy aura.


As Wang Chong spoke, a massive golden arm swatted down at the abyss below. The abyss immediately began to toss and turn with massive waves, the entire world beginning to shake and rumble.

Although Wang Chong was not a Psychic Energy practitioner and did not know many Psychic Energy techniques at the start, from the moment of his rebirth, he had one of the strongest Psychic Energies in the world. Moreover, his obsession made it so that his Psychic Energy was perhaps more tenacious and more powerful than any other expert in this entire world.

To a person that had died once, no Psychic Energy technique could make them submit.

Wang Chong’s incredible insight from his time as the War Saint together with his supreme Psychic Energy made it extremely easy for him to learn Psychic Energy techniques. This enormous golden arm was a technique he had comprehended when he was gathering up and melding together his Psychic Energy to form this avatar.

This attack was far stronger than the psychic thorns he had previously used.

“It’s useless!”

Though initially stunned, Masil quickly sneered.

“This is my world. It doesn’t matter how great your abilities are. You cannot harm me here. My word here is law.”

Wang Chong snorted and ignored Masil. He quickly began to condense his Psychic Energy into an even larger golden hand. This time, he swatted at Masil’s avatar. Boom! Masil’s avatar was pulverized, and the entire Abyssal World trembled.

But a moment later, Wang Chong grimaced and drew back his golden hand from the abyss. He could see that an inky liquid had stained the golden hand, creeping through the five golden fingers as if it had a life of its own to infect the entire hand.

Not only that, the thick inky liquid apparently possessed strong corrosive properties. As Wang Chong was withdrawing the golden hand, the fingers were already dropping off, piece by piece.

“What is this?”

Wang Chong’s face paled.

“Now do you understand what true power is?”

Masil’s cold laughter came from all around, his satisfaction fully bared. Several dozen zhang from Wang Chong, the black fog once more gathered, and ‘Masil’ once more appeared.

“The more you resist, the greater your injuries will be. You’re just hurting yourself. In my view… you should just obediently give up and yield to me!”

A strange light flickered through Masil’s eyes, and then the abyss vanished. At some point, a thick and corporeal darkness had begun to flood in, the same kind of darkness that had infected Wang Chong’s golden arm.

Besides that, an enormous pressure came with the darkness, squeezing and pushing at Wang Chong with ever-increasing force.

“Just sit back and obediently accept your fate!”

‘Masil’ had already vanished, but his proud voice continued to seep in through the darkness. The darkness began to surge in at an even faster rate.

“Not good!”

Wang Chong grimaced, but there was nowhere to run in the Abyssal World. In the blink of an eye, the darkness had engulfed him, and as black smoke seethed on his body, his Psychic Energy began to rapidly diminish.

Masil had used the Abyssal World to completely subsume Wang Chong.


Deep underground, several hundred zhang from the surface, Masil’s coiled-up body atop the centipede monster finally opened its eyes. It was only now that he could truly relax. This was truly the most difficult battle he had fought in his entire life.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 982 - Unthinkable Art, Blazing Sun!
C982 - Unthinkable Art, Blazing Sun!

Chapter 982: Unthinkable Art, Blazing Sun!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Masil held a high status in the Arabian Empire and also had the assistance of the Behemoth Army, so he had never before been forced into such a miserable state. His physical strength was at its limits, and even the Psychic Energy that he had always been proud of had been greatly reduced.

But now, he could put the final period on this chapter.

Any person would find it hard to resist the power of the Abyssal World. This was a top-class power that even the best priests of Arabia would find difficult to escape from, let alone anyone else. This Tang infidel might have been powerful, but he was still bound to be subsumed by his world and become his eternal puppet.

But then, he suddenly sensed an intense ripple from his consciousness.


In Masil’s mental world, a blazing ball of fire like the golden sun exploded. This golden sun exuded endless heat, casting aside all of his corrosive darkness.


The corrosive energy of Masil’s Psychic World melted away like snow having boiling water poured over it.

“This is impossible!”

Masil’s expression was like he had been struck by a lightning bolt, the blood completely drained from his face. The enormous shock made his body tremble so badly that he almost fell from his centipede.

“Impossible! How could anyone resist the strength of my Abyssal World! This can’t be!!”

A Psychic World was the strongest technique any Psychic Energy expert could possess. Even the Great General with the hardiest resolve would find it impossible to leave if they carelessly fell into Masil’s Psychic World. If it weren’t for the fact that Masil’s body was too feeble and he was worried that it would be hurt in a confrontation with Imperial Great Generals, he would have long ago used such methods against them.

In the Psychic World, everything was different.

“No, no! This must be a coincidence… No matter what, I will kill you!”

Masil’s eyes closed, as he poured all his Psychic Energy into the mind of the Consecrated. The more Psychic Energy one poured into a Psychic World, the more powerful it would be, but the greater the risks would be.

Failure might mean crippling injury, even death.

Thus, even though the Psychic World was a supreme technique, almost all Psychic Energy experts chose to use it very cautiously, and when they did use it, they would not use all their Psychic Energy.

Psychic Energy was one’s soul. If it were all consumed, the soul would die.

But Masil had gone mad in his effort to deal with Wang Chong, and no longer cared.


Masil’s mind returned to the Abyssal World. In its depths, Wang Chong’s aura was no more, replaced by a blazing golden sun bursting with endless destructive energy.

This world of darkness was now home to the brightest sun!

Masil had never seen such a thing in his life!

“This can’t be! No one understands the secret of the sun! Just how did you do it!”

Although he knew that Wang Chong wouldn’t answer, Masil still couldn’t help but blurt out this question. Psychic Energy experts could transform into almost everything they wanted, all except the sun. To them, this was unthinkable!

In the history of Psychic Energy arts that Masil knew of, many supreme experts had been able to transform their mind into the moon, but nobody had ever succeeded in taking the form of the sun. At best, they could take the form of a ball of light. This was because no one knew the true appearance of the sun. Some people once imagined the sun to be a large ball of fire, but all they had managed to create was a ball of fire, not the sun.

Yet this sun was bright and true, exuding a heat that was far purer and higher-level than Masil’s Abyssal World. This was the dream of all Psychic Energy practitioners since ancient times. Even Masil had lost his composure before this power.

The endless heat exuded by this ‘sun’ was setting the Abyssal World aflame. No Psychic Energy practitioner could this, only the true and authentic sun!

“The secret of the sun?”

Wang Chong’s chuckling voice came from the heart of the blazing sun.

“What secrets does the sun have? Isn’t it just the corona, the atmosphere, sunspots, solar flares, and the core?”

As a person who had crossed over from another world, Wang Chong regarded the sun as a very ordinary thing, and he found Masil’s reaction to be much ado about nothing.

“Corona, atmosphere, sunspots, solar flares, the core…”

Masil’s face was the picture of confusion. He recognized the words Wang Chong had spoken, but put together, they made no sense.

He had never seen these words in any scripture or heard them from any Psychic Energy expert.

He instinctively sensed that this was a core secret that every Psychic Energy expert desired, but he had no means of understanding it.

“I’ll see for myself what this corona and solar flare are. Once I absorb you and make you my puppet, all your secrets will be mine to use!”

Masil’s eyes shone with a vicious light. If this were a true Psychic Energy practitioner who could transform their mind into a pure sun, Masil would have immediately turned tail and fled. However, this Tang had clearly only imitated this power by accident. His level, experience, and other aspects were clearly still not at that dreadful level. This was an exceedingly rare chance that Masil had to seize!

Rumble! The world began to shake as the abyss came to life. A pure and corrosive darkness began to pour in, wave after wave layering upon each other.

The Abyssal Apocalypse!

This was the strongest offensive ability Masil’s Abyssal World possessed. It gathered up all the power of the Abyssal World to create a psychic attack ten thousand times stronger than normal. This was Masil’s move of last resort, one he used only against the strongest of foes.

Although it was powerful, the Abyssal Apocalypse was only effective against people trapped in his Psychic World.

The sun created by Wang Chong had a stifling pressure on Masil. The Abyssal Apocalypse was the only move he had left.


The Abyssal World instantly collapsed, contracting with astonishing speed. The pressure within the world increased, multiplying the burden on Wang Chong’s body by one thousand times, ten thousand times. This was a power strong enough to break Wang Chong’s soul.

The moment Masil’s Psychic World collapsed, Wang Chong’s sun also began to transform. The blazing sun first began to retract inward, and then it began to rapidly swell. In a flash, it was a hundred times larger, and then a thousand times larger, spreading its bright and righteous energy throughout the world.

Hissing loudly, Masil’s strengthened corrosive darkness burned away at astonishing speed.

If one looked carefully, one could see that the sun manifested by Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy was growing more and more detailed. The corona of this sun was rising and falling, with waves of heat splashing across its surface. Farther down below, countless streams of turbulence could be seen surging through the atmosphere with a complexity many times greater than before. Moreover, the stable sunspots and solar flares along the sun’s surface suddenly began to appear and disappear with much greater frequency.

In short, if Wang Chong’s sun was initially only ten percent similar to the real sun, through application of his Psychic Energy, Wang Chong had pushed it to nearly forty percent. As a result, the heat exuded by the sun grew greater and greater, sweeping through the Abyssal World with unstoppable pressure.

“This can’t be real!”

Masil stared as all this happened, his teeth grinding against each other in frustration. Wang Chong was maturing far too quickly, and was displaying a strength that no Psychic Energy practitioner had ever displayed before. But the greater the abilities Wang Chong displayed, the more they inflamed Masil’s killing intent.

The Abyssal Apocalypse could not be stopped. Once it was used, it had to be carried out to the very end, or else the user would suffer a severe backlash.

Boom! The Abyssal World began to collapse at an even faster rate, producing even more pressure. It was like a giant invisible hand squeezing the blazing sun in the center.

Boom! As the Abyssal World retracted upon itself, Wang Chong’s blazing sun grew even larger and even more detailed.

“Masil! It’s useless. Your strength has no effect against me,” Wang Chong calmly proclaimed from the center of the blazing sun. Wang Chong had no idea that Masil had used his strongest technique, but as he fought against Masil, he gained more and more experience.

If Wang Chong had to accumulate this experience alone, he would have needed ten years, perhaps even longer. But with Masil’s ‘training’, Wang Chong had skipped several steps, rapidly reaching an extremely high level of attainment. Moreover, in some aspects, the fusion of Masil’s experience with his own insight allowed him to even surpass Masil.

“All Psychic Energy is just illusion. No matter how many moves you have or how great your abilities, it’s all just a minor itch to me! You no longer have any chance of winning!”

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 983.1 - Discord Amongst the Behemoths!
C983.1 - Discord Amongst the Behemoths!

Chapter 983: Discord Amongst the Behemoths!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Deep underground, Masil’s pupils constricted as if Wang Chong’s voice had sharply jabbed him. ‘All Psychic Energy is just illusion.’ Wang Chong had lightly described one of the core principles of Psychic Energy, the consensus shared between all elite Psychic Energy experts.

However, saying it was one thing, but truly understanding it and putting it into practice was a feat that only very few succeeded at. Moreover, most people had a shallow understanding of this principle, taking it to mean ‘Psychic Energy is fake’. But if this really was the case, how had he managed to subsume so many people and make them his puppets?

And if Psychic Energy was fake, why was it that when Psychic Energy was extinguished, martial artists would die with it?

The domain of Psychic Energy was not as simple as everyone imagined!

‘All Psychic Energy is just illusion’ was a principle that would never be overturned. However, those who could truly carry it out were one in a million, the true masters of Psychic Energy who could proudly look down upon the entire world. Only they understood the essence of this saying.

Masil had heard this saying twenty years ago, when he was still just a minor priest. But not even someone of as great talent and comprehension as him, someone capable of creating the Abyssal World, was able to reach this level.

Masil would never believe that someone could comprehend this supreme level faster than he could.

“This isn’t real, it can’t be… I don’t believe it!” Masil’s eyes were red as he hollered.

Rumble! The world shook with the sounds of collapse. As the end of the Abyssal World neared, the pressure at its core increased.

The sun formed from Psychic Energy finally began to be affected by this pressure. As the space in which the sun could expand shrank, the surrounding space began to twist. Even the surface of the sun began to ripple, shocks running through it.


Masil was overjoyed by this sight. He had finally regained the initiative in this battle. As long as his Abyssal Apocalypse could have some effect on Wang Chong’s blazing sun, it meant he still had a chance to defeat this Tang youth.

But just when Masil was about to excitedly put more power into the Abyssal Apocalypse, a golden spear, hallowed and resplendent, descended from the sky and pierced through the collapsing Abyssal World. Kacrack! Countless cracks began to creep through the abyss, allowing energy to pour in.


Masil gave a howl of despair. The spear had pierced through his Psychic World and taken away his last sliver of hope.

The Psychic World was far more powerful than other psychic attacks, but in order for this supreme technique to be effective, one first had to be within the ‘world’ of the user. Now, however, the abyss had been shattered and could no longer reform.

“All of this is nothing but illusion. Masil, you’ve lost!”

Wang Chong’s calm voice rang out, and then the Abyssal World collapsed, whisking Wang Chong and Masil back to the real world.


On the left arm of the giant ape, Wang Chong’s body had half-sunk into the ape’s thick fur. His eyes were calm and clear, as if they could see all secrets of the world. In terms of will, Wang Chong was far stronger than Masil.

“Now is the time to bring this battle to an end!”

Wang Chong’s eyes glimmered with cold light. The part of his mind that had been battling with Masil merged back with his body, whereupon he swiftly launched a torrential assault against the giant ape’s mind. His attacks this time were of a completely different nature, swiftly and meticulously driving Masil’s mind from all the channels in the giant ape’s brain.

Masil was thrown back again and again, constantly forced to give ground.

“Impossible! I can’t lose!”

Masil bellowed as he poured all his strength into defense, but he could not stop Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy, which was like a flood of magma that melted everything in its path. In the blink of an eye, Masil’s control over the giant ape had dropped from ninety percent to seventy percent, and then fifty percent, thirty percent… Despite Masil’s fierce struggles, he could not escape the fate of being driven out. With one last bang, Masil’s Psychic Energy was finally thrown out from the giant ape.

But Masil’s Psychic Energy did not return to his body, instead floating in the air before suddenly surging toward the Burning One several dozen zhang away. Whoosh! The Burning One turned its head, opened its mouth, and fired a blistering tongue of flame at the giant ape.

“Who cares if you can take the form of a sun! I’ll never lose to you! In this battle, we will fight to the death!” Masil crazily called out as he made the Burning One breathe yet another gout of scorching flame.


The giant ape roared as its flesh was scorched and charred in two places by the flames of the Burning One. Although its flesh smoked, the giant ape’s injuries were far less serious than they seemed. As the strongest of the four Behemoths, the Consecrated possessed an unbelievable defense. Not even the Burning One could hope to injure it relying purely on its flames.

“A grasshopper trying to stop a carriage! Masil, you’ve already lost! Cease your pointless struggle!”

The giant ape’s scarlet eyes flashed cold, and then it spread apart its arms, bent its knees, and leaped at the Burning One like a tiger lunging at its prey.

Boom! The ape moved its head, barely dodging a gout of flame, and then its arm smashed with prodigious force at the Burning One’s neck. With a howl, the Burning One’s enormous body was flung over sideways in a spray of debris.


Countless people yelled and screamed as they tried to flee. The Arab cavalry were particularly panicked, their eyes bursting with fear and shock. They had taken the first attack by the Burning One on the giant ape as a coincidence, but they could now clearly see that things were not so simple.

“Damn it! What’s wrong with the Consecrated? Why is it fighting with the Burning One?”

“It’s not the Consecrated! The Burning One was the first to attack!”

“Ah! Watch out! They’re coming at us!”

“Where’s Masil? The Behemoths are supposed to be used against the Tang, so why are they fighting each other!”

The Burning One quickly got up and lunged, biting down on the giant ape’s right arm. The two Behemoths quickly began to battle against each other, and the Arab soldiers quickly paled and began to retreat. Their disciplined formations instantly collapsed.

But the Behemoths were only beginning to fight.


The sky dimmed as an enormous foot stomped down. Several hundred pale-faced Arab cavalry failed to dodge in time and were crushed into pulp.

“Bastard! Masil, what are you doing! Hurry and take control of your Behemoth!” A furious bellow resounded in the sky. Abu Muslim was in the middle of holding down Gao Xianzhi, preparing to use this chance to finally kill the Anxi War God. But at this very moment, the Consecrated, a vital part of his own force, had suddenly killed his own men. This was a mistake that was very difficult to forgive!

But Abu Muslim was shortly after left stunned.

“Lord Governor, hurry… hurry and help me! I can’t hold on much longer!” Masil’s voice rang out in his mind, in a state of complete panic.

“What’s going on!”

Abu Muslim was flabbergasted at these words. He had been entirely focused on fighting Gao Xianzhi, such that he had not paid much attention to what Masil was doing. He had never imagined that Masil would have been forced by someone else into this state.

“What could be happening? Is Masil not the one controlling the Behemoth?”

Abu Muslim was truly befuddled.

“…It’s… it’s that Tang boy! He’s on the verge of taking control over the entire Behemoth Army! Lord Governor, hurry and help me deal with him!” Masil’s voice was fraught with concern and a deep despair.


Abu Muslim’s body trembled in shock, not daring to believe his ears. He knew that the newly-arrived Tang commander was an incredible strategist and talented warrior, but he would have never imagined that he was able to contest with Masil in Psychic Energy as well, pushing the commander of the Behemoth Army to these desperate straits.

Bzzz! Abu Muslim scanned the battlefield and quickly noticed Wang Chong standing on the Consecrated’s left shoulder.


Just when Abu Muslim had turned his eyes to the ape, the giant stomped down on some Arab soldiers several zhang away. “Aaaaah!” The earth shook and screams filled the air as hundreds more Arab cavalry were crushed underfoot.

And across from the giant ape, the fire lizard was beginning to move more slowly, and the flames it spat out were unstable and inaccurate, striking left of the ape, then right. This was definitely not normal for the Burning One.

This was a sign that in the psychic domain, Masil was gradually being forced out of the Burning One by Wang Chong.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 984 - The Eye of the Demon God!
C984 - The Eye of the Demon God!

Chapter 984: The Eye of the Demon God!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Wang Chong was on the verge of taking control of both the Burning One and the Consecrated!

The stomping of the two Behemoths was inflicting serious casualties on the nearby Arab cavalry.

“Damn it!”

Abu Muslim’s thick brows revealed a tinge of fury. Bzzz! He lunged forward, casting aside Gao Xianzhi and flying toward Wang Chong on the left shoulder of the giant ape. Boom! The sky darkened as an enormous black fist covered in golden armor rumbled toward Wang Chong, stirring gales that caused space to twist and crack.

This fist’s power was far above Saint Martial Tier 8, even above the strength of average Imperial Great Generals. But then, a sharp bolt of Stellar Energy swiftly pierced through Abu Muslim’s Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars fist.

Although this attack was weaker than Abu Muslim’s, it had chosen exactly the right time and place to strike, hitting the fist energy at its weakest point. Abu Muslim’s attack immediately evaporated to this assault.

“Abu Muslim, our battle isn’t over yet. Where are you going in such a rush?”

In a flash of light, the armored figure of Gao Xianzhi appeared in front of Abu Muslim. Gao Xianzhi’s face was so pale that it seemed devoid of blood, and his armor was in complete tatters, blood seeping out from the cracks. It was obvious that he had experienced an extremely grueling battle.

But despite all this, Gao Xianzhi had a smile on his lips, maintaining a relaxed and graceful demeanor.

“Gao Xianzhi! You are seeking death! You think that you can stop me in your state?”

Abu Muslim’s face was a sheet of ice, and the fires of rage glimmered in his eyes.

Gao Xianzhi had been fighting consecutive battles and was now at the limit of his strength. Abu Muslim had believed that Gao Xianzhi would be tactful and move aside. Unexpectedly, he had made the suicidal choice of continuing to fight with Abu Muslim.

“A civil official does not grasp for wealth, and a general does not fear death. This is one’s duty, and if this Gao craved safety, he would never have marched all the way to this city of Talas. No matter how today turns out, this Gao will not retreat a single step. Lord Governor should use whatever supreme technique he has!”

Gao Xianzhi grasped his sword in his right hand, with a smile on his face and determination in his eyes.

Abu Muslim’s pupils constricted, and he looked over Gao Xianzhi as if he was knowing him for the first time.

“Gao Xianzhi, I take back my previous words. You are truly an opponent worthy of respect!”

A tinge of respect appeared in Abu Muslim’s eyes as he slowly straightened his body and took out what appeared to be an extremely old bronze gauntlet. This gauntlet’s surface was covered in ancient letters, as well as images of demons and angels, but the most striking image of them all was the enormous eye on its back.

The Eye of the Demon God!

This was the name of the bronze gauntlet.

The world to the west of the Cong Mountains had experienced a completely different course of development compared to the Great Tang. An extremely powerful civilization had once existed there, and had left behind numerous ruins and formidable artifacts. Unlike in the Great Tang, these ancient artifacts all belonged to the highest ruler of the Arabian Empire, the Caliph.

Abu Muslim had this Eye of the Demon God gauntlet because it had been gifted to him on one of his audiences with the Caliph. There were two of these gauntlets. One had been gifted to Abu Muslim while the other had been gifted to the Arabian Empire’s most revered First Prince.

The laws and power contained in the Eye of the Demon God were beyond the grasp of this generation. The Caliph had gathered all the craftsmen and experts of the empire to research its secrets, but in the end, they had nothing to show for it. However, there was one thing that was certain. This Eye of the Demon God gauntlet supplemented Abu Muslim’s Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Art and could bolster his strength.

There was even a rumor that this Eye of the Demon God had been left behind by one of those seventy-two demon gods from ancient times.

Although Abu Muslim had possessed this Eye of the Demon God for a very long time, he very rarely used it, not even when facing extremely powerful opponents. As the dauntless Governor of Iron and Blood, Abu Muslim would only wear this gauntlet when facing those enemies worthy of his respect, and he would use this method of ending their lives to express his respect.

Abu Muslim was no stranger to the look in Gao Xianzhi’s eyes. Those were the eyes of someone who had already resolved to end their lives here. There was no doubt that Gao Xianzhi had already accepted his death and had decided to use this method to buy more time for his army to retreat.

But even though Abu Muslim’s heart was full of respect, he could not allow Gao Xianzhi to succeed.

“Gao Xianzhi, out of respect, I will use this gauntlet to personally end your life!” Abu Muslim gravely said as he raised his gauntleted hand. Suddenly, he lunged toward Gao Xianzhi, and a powerful force began to surge out of the gauntlet, pouring into Abu Muslim’s body. In that moment, the already formidable Governor of the East rose to an even more terrifying level.


A pitch-black fist of energy flew toward Gao Xianzhi at unimaginable speeds, instantly pulverizing Gao Xianzhi’s Sword Qi. Plush! Gao Xianzhi vomited blood and his armor crumbled as he was blown backward.

“Lord Gao!”

Wang Chong, who was in the midst of a mental battle with Masil, noticed what had happened and instantly paled. Awooooo!The Burning One roared and breathed fire, though not at the ape, but at Abu Muslim.

In his battle with Masil, Wang Chong had already taken control over sixty percent of the Burning One, including the Burning One’s ability to breathe fire.

“Lord Governor, save me!”

At almost the same time, Masil gave a wail of despair. Under the fierce attacks of Wang Chong, his Psychic Energy was now less than a third of what it had been, and Wang Chong was continuing to weaken it. He could already smell the scent of death.

Boom! Abu Muslim turned his head and blew apart the Burning One’s flame with a single punch. Abu Muslim was also extremely frantic. The situation was slowly slipping from his control. The Behemoths that he had requested from the Caliph were slowly getting out of control and stomping his own troops.

From the sky, he could see that each step of both the Consecrated and the Burning One was landing in the Arab army, and screams were ringing through the air. Countless Arab cavalry were dying, crushed so thoroughly that no corpse was left behind. In just a few short moments, the Arab losses had reached nearly five thousand, and the number was continuing to climb.

But what worried Abu Muslim most of all was Masil. He was the commander of the Behemoth Army and a rare Psychic Energy expert, as well as the Caliph’s most favored minister. He was of extremely high rank and importance in the empire.

The Behemoth Army had only come to Talas because of Abu Muslim, and if something were to happen to Masil, the Caliph’s ire would be provoked. As the highest commander in the east, Abu Muslim would not be able to escape the responsibility!


The more worried Abu Muslim became, the fiercer his assaults on Gao Xianzhi. Hwoooom! The sky darkened, and fierce winds began to gather around his body, apparently summoned forth by the strange power in Abu Muslim’s body.

Behind Abu Muslim, an enormous demon god with pronged horns, bull hooves, and a grotesque face manifested, its appearance extremely vivid.

A golden-red pillar also appeared behind the violet-black-scaled demon god, exuding a mysterious aura as the characters of an ancient language flickered in and out of existence behind it, each of them imbued with the power of destruction.

Boom! As a fist punched, space itself seemed to cave in.


Cheng Qianli lunged over, but another punch sent him flying as well. The Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Art contained the power of an ancient civilization, and even Cheng Qianli was no match for it. As he smashed into the ground like a cannonball, his chest caved in and he vomited blood.

Sorrowful and furious shouts could be heard on the battlefield, and all of the Tang soldiers went deathly pale at this sight.


Wang Chong’s eyes went red. Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli were the two highest Tang commanders of the Western Regions, as well as people that Wang Chong respected. These people had fought for the people and the country, were true heroes who had spent half their lives fighting on the frontier. They could not be allowed to die here.

“Abu Muslim, you’re seeking death!”

A furious roar shook the heavens, and the earth began to shake. The giant ape suddenly extricated itself from its fight with the Burning One and began to charge at Abu Muslim, its mouthful of white teeth fully bared.

The giant ape was as fast as lightning, and an enormous steely fist was soon blocking out the sun as it shot toward Abu Muslim.

The agility and flexibility the giant ape displayed was far above Masil’s abilities. It was like the abilities of a martial artist had been fused into the giant ape’s body, allowing it to display both incredible strength and astonishing technique. This was the giant ape in a perfected state.

The giant ape’s punch caused the air to explode as it shot forward with unimaginable power.

Abu Muslim had just been ready to go after Cheng Qianli and Gao Xianzhi to finish them off when he sensed the fierce winds and terrifying strength coming up behind him. His face flickered in surprise, but then it turned cold. He turned around and immediately threw a punch of his own.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 985 - Asmodai's Fury
C985 - Asmodai's Fury

Chapter 985: Asmodai’s Fury

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“Asmodai’s Fury!”

Abu Muslim finally used the most fundamental power of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Art, his true secret. ‘Asmodai1’ was one of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars, ranked thirty-second. Although this was not the highest rank, it was still amongst the upper half.

Just from its rank alone, one could tell that Abu Muslim had obtained the strength of an extremely powerful demon god.


In a flash of light, the scaled demon god behind Abu Muslim suddenly transformed. Its body grew larger, and its one head became three: a bull, a man, and a ram. The three heads all had savage and evil expressions, and their six eyes were all cold and emotionless, golden with vertical slits for pupils.


The intimidating Asmodai suddenly gave a punch of its own, gathering up the endless dark energy around it. As the black fist of energy shot forward, it transformed into a dragon of the underworld more than thirty zhang long. This dragon was covered in black scales, and its mouth glimmered with many fine and sharp teeth. Most terrifying of all was that its body was writhing with tens of thousands of arcs of lightning, each one brimming with destructive power.

As the black dragon shot forward, a thunderstorm appeared. This attack’s momentum was enough to outshine even many Great Generals. Boom! The hell dragon crashed into the right arm of the giant ape, and what happened next left everyone stunned. Abu Muslim’s body remained unmoved, but the huge body of the ape wavered, tottering backward and almost falling over.

“How could this be!”

“How could Abu Muslim be this powerful! Even the giant ape is no match for him!”

On the hill, Huoshu Huicang and Dusong Mangpoje were both stunned by this sight. This single punch was enough to place Abu Muslim at the apex of all Imperial Great Generals. Even Huoshu Huicang and Dusong Mangpoje had to admit their loss.

“Impossible! Could this bastard be stronger than me!”

Celestial Wolf Great General Duwu Sili stood in the sky, staring at the godlike figure of Abu Muslim in the distance, disbelief in his voice. As one of the strongest Great Generals of the Western Turkic Khaganate, Duwu Sili had always been proud. Even veteran Great Generals like Huoshu Huicang and Dusong Mangpoje drew little regard from Duwu Sili. If there was anyone worth a glance from him on this battlefield, it would probably be the invincible and unstoppable Anxi Protector-General, Gao Xianzhi.

But that punch from Abu Muslim… Even the giant ape had been pushed back. Not even Duwu Sili could express such tremendous strength!

But even so, Duwu Sili’s pride would not allow him to admit this.

Hmph, if we weren’t allies, I would come and find you for a match! Duwu Sili silently snarled.

Roooar! He suddenly heard a roar, and a steely fist reflecting a metallic luster, larger than Duwu Sili’s horse, flew toward him. The strength behind this punch was enough to shatter steel and sunder mountains.

“Damn it!”

Duwu Sili grimaced as he activated the Celestial Wolf’s Divine Procession to fly through the air, jabbing out with his halberd. Bang! An enormous power forced the Skyquaking Giant back, leaving it gasping for breath.

“Truly a bunch of beasts. Didn’t I tell you before? I’m not here to attack you. We’re allies! Allies!”

“Kill him!”

Duwu Sili had barely spoken when he was interrupted by a furious roar. In the blink of an eye, another Skyquaking Giant had rushed forward, another steely fist headed toward Duwu Sili. Behind this giant was a second, a third… Innumerable Skyquaking Giants were lunging toward Duwu Sili from every direction.

“He injured Mughal! Kill him!”

The roaring Skyquaking Giants were coming in a ceaseless flood, even ignoring the surrounding Tang soldiers. Duwu Sili and his horse were striding through the sky, exuding energy like the sun itself, taking up all the attention of the giants.

In the eyes of the Skyquaking Giants, Duwu Sili was the number one target. The stronger he was, the greater their hostility.

“A lot of bastards!”

Duwu Sili felt like exploding from rage. He had come striding through the sky to deal with Wang Chong, hoping to work with the Arabs to finally end him. He could have never imagined that one Skyquaking Giant would plummet down next to him and immediately start attacking him.

Duwu Sili had sent him flying with a single blow, little knowing that he had shaken a beehive, causing him to be surrounded by Skyquaking Giants. Duwu Sili had used the Celestial Wolf’s Divine Procession to its limit to avoid them, but no matter where he ran, the Skyquaking Giants would charge after him.

This was why Duwu Sili had not been able to clash with Wang Chong, even though he had already arrived on the battlefield.

Moreover, someone of Duwu Sili’s abilities could easily kill a Skyquaking Giant of any level. But since the Turks, Tibetans, and Arabs were all in the same alliance, Duwu Sili could not kill them. This meant that the more giants Duwu Sili knocked away, the more he provoked their hostility.

Duwu Sili was currently caught up in a very difficult situation.


In the distance, Abu Muslim’s fist powered by the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars Art had stunned the battlefield, but just when everyone was digesting Abu Muslim’s power, a massive iron cudgel ten-some meters long howled through the air and hammered at Abu Muslim’s body.

This attack was so abrupt that even someone of Abu Muslim’s strength was sent flying like a cannonball, the Stellar Energy around him shattered.


The battlefield fell silent, the Arab cavalry so shocked that their eyes were nearly coming out of their sockets. Even Ziyad was left stunned. The Consecrated had been extremely furtive with this cudgel. Everyone had been watching it reeling backward from Abu Muslim’s punch, but no one had noticed its cudgel, or even when it had managed to get ahold of it.

“Who cares about Abu Muslim! He’s still no match for me!”

Wang Chong controlled the giant ape into steadying its body, and as its scarlet eyes watched Abu Muslim, they shone with a cold and steely light. No matter how powerful Abu Muslim was or what ancient artifacts he had, he was still no match for a Behemoth.

In Wang Chong’s hands, the giant ape was no longer a simple beast. Wang Chong was confident that with the Consecrated, he could defeat any opponent on the battlefield.


“Lord Marquis, save me!”

Screams suddenly came from the distance, accompanied by the roars of Behemoths. Wang Chong turned and saw that the two remaining Behemoth were charging at the retreating Tang army.


“With the Reaper helping us, these Tang are doomed! Kill them!”

“General has issued a decree that anyone who kills more than one hundred Tang will be granted a rank of nobility and ten thousand golden coins!”

Men shouted and horses neighed as thousands of Arab cavalry followed the Behemoths, their eyes red and their armor drenched in blood, the majority of which was not theirs. They had been restrained by the Tang for far too long. First, it had been Gao Xianzhi and his seventy thousand soldiers, who had held on for two months and killed countless soldiers. And now it was Wang Chong and his Qixi Protectorate army, which had managed to kill Umar and Nurman, famous generals who had conquered many countries.

Moreover, the two steel defense lines that the Tang had built up in front of Talas had rendered the famous Arab cavalry ineffective. Every Arab soldier felt suffocated and oppressed, but now, it was finally over. They could finally vent their spleens and slaughter these Tang who did not believe in God.

“Aaaah!” Tang soldier after soldier screamed as they collapsed into pools of blood, the Arabian scimitars stabbing through their chests. The sight of the corpses splayed out on the ground filled the hearts of the Arabs with inexplicable joy.

“This is the battle we desire! Starting from now, all of the east will fly the flag of the Arabs!”

An Arab officer savagely stomped on the body of a Tang soldier and beheaded him with a single sweep of his scimitar. The fountain of blood gushing from the neck caused excitement and cruelty to shine in the Arab officer’s eyes.

But this Arab officer intoxicated in slaughter had no idea that his execution of this Tang soldier had thoroughly enraged the distant Wang Chong.

“Damn it! All of you are seeking death!”

Wang Chong clenched his fists, his heart raging with fire. Masil had used the moment he was fighting with Abu Muslim to make trouble in the rear, silently taking control over the Reaper and the other Behemoth to attack the Tang soldiers, and the Arab soldiers had availed themselves of this opportunity. Both Masil and these Arabs had invoked a killing intent that soared to the heavens from Wang Chong.

So intense was this killing intent that the air for ten zhang around Wang Chong began to twist and distort.


1. As you might have already noticed, the ‘Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars’ are the seventy-two demons of the Ars Goetia, a grimoire listing seventy-two demons which King Solomon allegedly bound to his will and used to construct the Temple of Jerusalem. Asmodai is a King of Hell and is said to have three heads: a bull, a man, and a ram. He has the tail of a serpent, rides a dragon, and commands seventy-two legions.↩

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 986 - Reversing the Tides of Battle!
C986 - Reversing the Tides of Battle!

Chapter 986: Reversing the Tides of Battle!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Masil was in the middle of controlling the two Behemoths to attack the Tang when he suddenly felt an intense killing intent, and his entire body shivered. He had been fighting constantly with Wang Chong for all this time, but for some reason, he now felt a deep fear toward Wang Chong.

But before Masil could understand, two enormous streams of Psychic Energy rushed toward the two Behemoths, blowing Masil’s Psychic Energy to bits before he even had time to react.

“Masil, I won’t let you get away!”

Wang Chong spoke each word with a heart-freezing chill. Bzzz!Taking control of the two Behemoths, Wang Chong then made one final attack against the remnants of Masil’s mind in the Burning One’s body. His mind transformed into a mighty flood that surged toward Masil.


Masil hollered in fear. Wang Chong’s rage had made his Psychic Energy stronger than it had ever been before. Savage and unstoppable, it forced Masil into a complete rout. His face paled as he realized the great disaster he was facing.

At this moment, it was not just Masil facing disaster, but the tens of thousands of Arab soldiers on the ground as well, still chasing down the Tang soldiers. Their killing intent had been provoked, and they were all so excited that they did not notice anything going on above them. They had no idea that Wang Chong and Masil, these two powerful Psychic Energy experts, had already finished their battle.

They had also failed to notice that the two Behemoths which had been leading the vanguard, stomping down on the Tang army, had suddenly stopped.

“Killkillkill! Leave not one alive!”

The Arab officer leading the soldiers waved his scimitar in the air as he urged on his men. By now, he had killed more than thirty Tang soldiers, including quite a few Tang officers. The fighting and killing had so stimulated him that he could no longer stop himself.


Suddenly, he heard a panicked scream from his side, as well as sounds of turmoil.

“Damn bastards, what are you doing? Get in there!”

The Arab officer was infuriated. The Arabs currently held the advantage, and it was the perfect time to chase down their enemies, but now there was someone screaming and shouting as if intentionally trying to lower morale. This deserved nothing but death! But he quickly realized that something was wrong. Even though his men had heard his orders, the turmoil continued, and it was only getting worse. His panicked soldiers were shouting as they looked up, their faces pale and full of fear. It was clear that they were not faking.

“What’s going on here?”

The Arab officer also raised his head, and was struck dumb. In the sky, he saw an enormous foot descending upon him with astonishing speed, the air howling as it fell.


The Arab officer trembled, his eyes flying open in shock, but before he could understand what was happening, the enormous foot smashed down. The earth rippled and shook, and the Arab officer gave one final scream before he and many other Arab cavalry were crushed into paste, their blood exploding out from under the Behemoth’s foot.


The howling white bear Behemoth raised its foot, revealing a giant hole full of twisted armor and pulped flesh, almost unrecognizable as bodies.


“General has been killed! The Behemoth is out of control!”

The Arab cavalry who had been excitedly chasing the Tang felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured upon them. They began to panic, their formations falling into chaos as they scattered. But before they could get very far, the gigantic white bear raised its foot and stomped again.

And following the white bear, the other Behemoth also began to attack the Arabs.

“What’s going on here?”

“The Behemoths have gone crazy! They’ve all gone mad!”

The attacks of these two Behemoths caused a swift reversal on the battlefield. One moment ago, the tens of thousands of Arab cavalry had been excitedly pursuing the Tang, but now, the Arabs had become the targets of the Behemoths. This shift had caught the Arabs completely by surprise, and their losses began to soar.

And this was not the only change on the battlefield. As the two Behemoths began to attack the Arabs, several hundred zhang away, the Burning One spread out its legs, opened its mouth, and sprayed a gout of flame one hundred meters long at a large group of Arab cavalry.

Caught completely off guard, these Arab cavalry were incinerated in just a few seconds.

The flames of the Burning One came in an endless flood, one stream after another sweeping across the battlefield, catching thousands upon thousands of Arab cavalry. The combined attacks of the three Behemoths inflicted devastating losses on the Arabs. Nine thousand, thirteen thousand, eighteen thousand, twenty-four thousand… The Arab losses had reached an astonishing number, and this number was continuing to climb.

The entire army was in panic, and even Ziyad found it difficult to decide whether to advance or retreat.

Thirty thousand, thirty-five thousand, forty thousand… The Arab losses were getting larger and larger.


In the rear of the army, Bakr slapped the red-clothed attendant holding the bone flute in the face. The force of the slap immediately caused the attendant’s cheek to swell, and blood to trickle from his lips. He even spat out a tooth.

Bakr’s face was distorted in rage. “Hurry and control the Behemoths! Don’t you see how many of our men are dying? Once Lord Governor returns, I’ll have him execute all of you!”

As a famed general of Arabia, Bakr had conquered many countries, but now, the Caliph’s Behemoths that he was commanding were actually beginning to slaughter the troops on their side! This was a disgrace that he could not accept!

“Milord, the Behemoths can only be controlled by Masil. We only serve as assistants,” the red-clothed attendant said in panic, his body trembling in fear.


Bakr’s face froze in shock. This answer was completely outside his expectations. With a hefty slap, Bakr sent this subordinate of Masil’s flying into the ground, breaking many of his bones.

“Nothing but a pile of trash!”


As the three Behemoths threw the entire Arab army into chaos, the countless fleeing Tang soldiers showed a completely different reaction.

“These Behemoths… are attacking their own side!”

The sight of countless Arab corpses, as well as the charred remains of those incinerated by the Burning One, left the Tang soldiers stunned. They had all been ready to die in battle, but they had never expected a sudden shift at the final moment.

“Lord Marquis! It must be Lord Marquis! Lord Marquis has taken control of these Behemoths!” One of the soldiers from the Qixi Protectorate army suddenly began to yell out in joy.

Although they didn’t understand what had happened, they instinctively associated it with Wang Chong. If there was anyone who could salvage this desperate situation, it could only be Wang Chong!

This was the unshakable conviction held by all the soldiers.

“Lord Marquis!”

“Lord Marquis!”

“Lord Marquis!”

The Tang soldiers who had been making a strategic withdrawal to the east quickly stopped and began to cheer. It started with the Qixi Protectorate army, then the Anxi Protectorate army, and finally, the mercenaries from the Western Regions and the pikemen of Greater and Lesser Balur began to cheer.

“Chong-er, you truly did not disappoint your father!”

At this moment, no one was more pleased than Wang Chong’s father, Wang Yan. He could see his son standing on the shoulder of the giant ape, and while he felt a little heartache, he felt more pride.

“Pass on my order! We’re changing plans! Gather the army! Launch a counterattack against the Arabs!”

Wang Yan seized the moment, immediately making the decision to assemble the army for a counterattack.


It took only a few moments for the soldiers to assemble. The tens of thousands of Tang soldiers took up their disciplined formation: shieldmen in front, axemen behind, cavalry in reserve. This was a beacon of order in a sea of chaos, and if there was one person on the battlefield that could do this, it could only be the veteran Wang Yan, who had always had a very stable and steady style of battle.

The Wang Clan was a clan of ministers and generals, and had a long legacy of battle. Although Wang Yan’s strength was not on the level of Gao Xianzhi, his military experience was something that very few people in the world could match. The soldiers resuming formation, particularly the defensively potent infantry formations, rallied the rest of the army. The scattered army rapidly began to take up their formations, and even the fleeing mercenaries began to line up again.

This transformation was so abrupt that everyone who saw it was dumbfounded.

“Impossible! Even though the army was in such tatters, it was still able to reconsolidate, and the morale of the soldiers is so high! As expected, when fighting with the Great Tang, one must be careful at all times and never treat them lightly!”

Huoshu Huicang looked down from the high hill in shock as the Tang army finished consolidating and prepared to strike back against the Arabs.

Huoshu Huicang was a famed general of Ü-Tsang and one of its best Great Generals, someone who had exchanged blows with the Great Tang’s Tiger of the Empire Zhangchou Jianqiong many times. But not even Huoshu Huicang dared to say that, in a large-scale battle, if the Tibetan army were routed as badly as the Tang army had been, he would be able to reform the ranks and rally the troops as quickly as the Tang had.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 987 - Counterattack Against the Arabs!
C987 - Counterattack Against the Arabs!

Chapter 987: Counterattack Against the Arabs!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“The Great Tang can never be underestimated! In all the continent, only the Arabs can contend against them!”

Dusong Mangpoje stood next to Huoshu Huicang, his hair being blown about in the wind, his shock no less than his colleague’s. The quality and training level of the Tang soldiers was always something that other powers could only look at in envy. Dusong Mangpoje was known as the Eagle of the Plateau and had always had great aspirations for the empire he served. Unfortunately, even though he was powerful, even surpassing any other Great General in some aspects, he still had to admit that Ü-Tsang’s strength was not something that could contend against the Great Tang.

On the surface, the Great Tang only had seven Imperial Great Generals, but if one took into account generals like Wang Yan, Cheng Qianli, and Xianyu Zhongtong, who could rely on powerful formations to wield the strength of Great Generals, then the Great Tang had more than ten such figures. And if one counted people like Wang Zhongsi, who had entered the palace to become the Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian, as well as other such retired figures, the Great Tang had even more.

Besides that, they also had Wang Chong, who might not have been at the Great General level of strength, but was a heaven-defying existence whose grasp of military strategy surpassed that of many Great Generals.

Abu Muslim’s status in the Arabian Empire was similar to that of Zhang Shougui and Wang Zhongsi. The people who exceeded him could be counted with one’s fingers. With this army of three hundred thousand soldiers, Abu Muslim had conquered and vanquished innumerable countries. Even Khorasan, a supreme power with a long history, an existence on par with Ü-Tsang and the Western Turks, had ultimately been conquered by Abu Muslim.

But this powerful army had first been stymied for two months by Gao Xianzhi, and now, even though it had the overwhelming advantage in soldiers, along with the Behemoth Army and Skyquaking Army, two armies that could dominate any battlefield, it was suddenly finding itself on the back foot.

Only the Great Tang was capable of such a feat. And this was not even one-fifth of the Great Tang’s power.

This thought was enough to make Dusong Mangpoje’s heart grow cold with fear.

“This is all… because of him.”

Dusong Mangpoje quickly focused on the Tang youth standing on the giant ape’s shoulder. Ü-Tsang had originally had a chance to not only defeat the Great Tang’s southwestern army, but even join with Mengshe Zhao in occupying the fertile ground of the Great Tang’s southwest, perhaps even encroach on the Central Plains.

But the appearance of this youth had led to defeat in the war of the southwest, plague spreading through the plateau, the destruction of Zhangzhung, and the complete extermination of all the soldiers in the north…

Standing in front of the two Great Generals, Dalun Ruozan was constantly observing the changes on the battlefield, his hand rising and falling several times. In the end, however, he chose to not order an assault.

On the giant ape, Wang Chong could see the entire battlefield and was using the four Behemoths to swiftly decide its outcome. The lethal move that Abu Muslim had placed all his hopes on had now become Wang Chong’s strongest weapon against the Arabs.

“Now is the time for all of you to pay the price!”

Wang Chong looked down upon the panicked and fleeing Arab cavalry, his face as cold as ice. Roooar! Three of the Behemoths under Wang Chong’s control began a massacre of the Arab forces. Boom! Boom! Boom! The Behemoths stomped down again and again, ending the lives of tens of thousands of Arabs with this simple action.

Meanwhile, the Burning One was scorching the battlefield with its flames, attacking all the Arab cavalry in an area several hundred zhang in circumference. The earth burned, and countless soldiers collapsed. Moreover, the flames of the Burning One consumed all the oxygen in the air, causing a large number of soldiers to suffocate to death.


Death screams resounded over the battlefield, mingling with the flames and smoke. Corpses were piled up like mountains, and the air smelled of charred flesh and ash. This was a living hell.

The army of two hundred thousand soldiers was suffering terrifying losses, with even many of their generals dying. The western line of the battlefield was in full retreat.

“Damnable thing!!”

Abu Muslim stood in the air, his eyes red with fury and his fists trembling in rage as he saw the battlefield strewn with the corpses of his men and his army in full retreat. Boom! Abu Muslim vanished and then reappeared in the air over the giant ape.


Abu Muslim’s bellow echoed through the sky, and the three-headed Asmodai and his golden-red pillar appeared once more. The dark clouds once more began to roil. Boom! Abu Muslim once more punched in Wang Chong’s direction, sending a black dragon from hell as large as a city howling out from the sky, bearing down with thunderous momentum on Wang Chong.


The black silhouette of the iron cudgel immediately swept up to meet it, shattering Abu Muslim’s hell dragon with a single strike. The giant ape then lunged forward, its other arm swinging a counter punch at Abu Muslim.

This punch was fast and vicious, imbued with a strength that could jolt a mountain to pieces, and this was not even accounting for the fact that this punch had been carefully aimed and calculated. Even the Governor of Iron and Blood widened his eyes in shock, grimacing slightly as he beat a rapid retreat.

“Abu Muslim, you can’t beat me! For this battle, just watch as I use your beloved Behemoths to kill all your soldiers!”

Wang Chong stood on the giant ape’s shoulder and sneered.

He had completely predicted Abu Muslim’s attack. The giant ape’s strength coupled with the experience and battlefield prowess of the War Saint left Abu Muslim with no advantage. Wang Chong could predict and counter every one of his moves.

In a certain aspect, Wang Chong was even stronger than he was in his last life.

“Young man, you will definitely die at my hands. You will not be able to remain so proud for too long!”

Abu Muslim’s face was twisted into an ashen grimace, his heart fuming with unimaginable rage. He no longer had any attention to spare on Gao Xianzhi. The urgent task was to kill Wang Chong as quickly as possible. This was the only way to resolve the current crisis.

Brrrroooom! Abu Muslim’s body shook as the bronze Eye of the Demon God on his hand once more exploded with light. The dark clouds suddenly thickened, the winds stirred, and the energy of the world began to gather around him. Behind Abu Muslim, the enormous figure of Asmodai was growing even larger.


His eyes spitting flame, Abu Muslim gathered all the power he could and then shot toward Wang Chong like a lightning bolt. Wang Chong looked up to the sky and gave a derisive smile, while the giant ape revealed a mouthful of teeth, looked up to the sky, and then leaped into the air.

This battle was going completely according to Wang Chong’s tempo. Even though Abu Muslim was the Governor of Iron and Blood and was challenging Wang Chong, Wang Chong had made it so that Abu Muslim was fighting the powerful Consecrated.

Wang Chong himself could remain uninvolved.

“Masil, it’s your turn now, you archcriminal!”

While the giant ape and Abu Muslim began their fierce battle, Wang Chong turned his attention elsewhere. Although he had succeeded in driving any remnants of Masil’s consciousness from the four Behemoths, Wang Chong was well aware that Masil was still not dead.

Masil and his Behemoth Army held the bulk of the blame for the Great Tang’s situation. So many of his soldiers had died, and Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli had even been heavily injured. Wang Chong would never permit Masil to escape to fight again on another battlefield.


With a thought, Wang Chong sent half of his mind deep underground.


“We’ve lost, lost… I must report this to the High Priest. Such a powerful Psychic Energy expert should not have appeared here!”

At this moment, the centipede monster was currently fleeing deep underground. On its head, Masil was panting for breath, his mouth, ears, eyes, nose, and even his skin all leaking blood. His appearance was extremely miserable, and his aura was extremely weak.

His battle with Wang Chong had not only heavily wounded his Psychic Energy. It had also placed an incredible burden on his body.

Wang Chong was right when he said that Psychic Energy was just illusion, but Masil also understood that Psychic Energy could not be fake, that this was not how the saying was understood. Masil’s Psychic Energy was what had been injured, but at this moment, even his internal organs were leaking blood. If he stayed here any longer, only death would await him.

“Too terrifying! This war is no longer important! The battle is lost. Everything will be Abu Muslim’s responsibility. For the Great Tang to have such a powerful Psychic Energy expert, one who can even turn their soul into a sun that can burn all things, is simply unacceptable. If this person continues to live, our Behemoth Army will be completely useless!”

Masil’s heart was awash with panic and unease.

This excursion to the east was nothing more than a horrifying nightmare. Masil had never imagined this sort of outcome. He was now nothing more than a stray dog that wanted to get away as quickly as possible.

“I must request the High Priest’s help. Only the High Priest can deal with him!”

Masil began to think about the empire’s High Priest. Masil had a proud and bloodthirsty personality. The only person worth his regard in the entire empire was the High Priest. Masil had never dared to insult or slight the High Priest, because everything he knew had been taught to him by the High Priest.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 988 - Fighting the Governor of Iron and Blood!
C988 - Fighting the Governor of Iron and Blood!

Chapter 988: Fighting the Governor of Iron and Blood!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The High Priest was Masil’s true master, but Masil never dared to call him such. The High Priest had taught far from just him alone. The entire Arabian Empire feared him, and even the Caliph treated him with great respect.

As he was thinking about these things, Masil trembled, and his progress came to a complete halt, as if he had run into some invisible wall. Masil was at first confused, and then he exploded with fury.

“Beast, hurry up and move!” Masil harshly scolded, at the same time taking out a brown dagger and stabbing it into the head of the centipede monster. The sense of collision that Masil had felt was really because the centipede monster had suddenly stopped moving for some reason.

But this was far from the only thing that would surprise Masil.

In the past, whenever Masil stabbed it with his dagger, the centipede monster would assuredly howl in pain, but this time, the centipede monster not only did not move forward, it remained frozen in place like it had been turned to stone.

“Damn it! Just what’s going on here!”

Masil was both shocked and angry. The dagger in his hand, imbued with a power that was anathema to the centipede monster, stabbed down several more times, even punching a wound through which green blood flowed. Yet the centipede monster remained in place, its body rooted to the spot deep underground. It felt more like Masil was stabbing at an empty shell.


Masil was truly getting anxious now. The threat of Wang Chong followed him like his shadow. The smallest error would lead to his death on the battlefield.

“Masil, there’s no need to waste your energy.” At this moment, an indifferent voice rang out over Masil’s head. “I’ve already taken control of this monster. As I said before, you can’t escape!”

The voice was flat and emotionless, but in Masil’s voice, it was like a peal of thunder, a bolt of lightning cleaving at his body.

“Wang Chong!”

Masil’s body trembled like electricity was arcing through it. This was undoubtedly the voice that Masil wanted to hear the least.

A deep fear appeared in his eyes.

And this was not the only thing he had to fear!

The frozen centipede monster suddenly came to life as Wang Chong spoke, the joints of its massive body beginning to move. But the direction that the centipede monster moved struck fear into Masil’s heart. He could only watch as it turned its head around, ceasing its flight to the west, and began to drill in Wang Chong’s direction.

“Bastard! Stop right now!”

Masil lost his head, the dagger in his hand stabbing again and again at the centipede monster’s body. At the same time, he sent a strand of Psychic Energy into the mind of the monster, hoping to regain control of it. However, what greeted him was a callous Psychic Energy assault. Boom! Masil’s Psychic Energy was pulverized at the moment of first contact.

“Just give up on this idea! In front of me, you truly are nothing more than an ant! You won’t have any space to keep up your struggles!” Wang Chong’s cold voice rang out again, but this time, it spoke directly into Masil’s mind.

“No, it can’t be! I’ll never lose to you! I’m the commander of the Behemoth Army, a valued minister of the Caliph. I can’t lose to anyone!”

Masil’s eyes were red as he furiously bellowed, his mind teetering on the brink of madness.

“Say these things to the Tang soldiers you killed!”

A chilling killing intent appeared in Wang Chong’s eyes. His Psychic Energy bored through the center of Masil’s forehead and rapidly began to invade his body.

“No! I won’t lose to you!”

Masil strenuously roared and struggled, but he was incapable of stopping Wang Chong’s assault. He gritted his teeth and launched counterattack after counterattack. Boooooom! Their Psychic Energies constantly collided. Masil knew that his life was on the line, and he stimulated all his potential. But these hundreds upon thousands of clashes all ended with Masil’s defeat. The ferocity of the Psychic Energy domain was far more frightening than one could imagine. Finally…

“I’ve lost. Please, let me go. I swear an oath that I will never take another step into the Great Tang for the rest of my life!”

Masil’s eyes finally lost their last sliver of pride and became full of pleading. In Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy, he could sense a sliver of obvious killing intent. It was obvious that Wang Chong wanted to kill him to avenge the slain Tang soldiers.

“Hmph, too late! I’ll first make you my puppet, then put you through every torture possible until you die from the pain. Let this be the price you pay for your actions, an offering to the heroic souls of the Great Tang!”

Wang Chong’s voice was ice-cold. Under control of his Psychic Energy, the brown centipede monster continued to approach, traveling from deep underground to the surface. Booom! Bang!Wang Chong continued to occupy Masil’s mind, seizing the channels in his mind, taking control over Masil like he had taken over the Behemoths.

For each channel of the mind Wang Chong took control over, he would obtain many things. All that Masil had experienced, including his psychic techniques, were completely exposed to Wang Chong, serving as the spoils of war.

Wang Chong saw Masil grow up in a dark, crude, impoverished, and crowded alley, saw him fight with a stray dog over food, saw him scare away a group of children with his savage face. He ‘witnessed’ Masil use a blunt knife to kill a child who had jeered at him during the day, stabbing again and again into the child’s body. In this way, Wang Chong lived out a completely different ‘life’.

Wang Chong even saw Masil follow a mysterious black-robed man into a temple, where he was taught the methods of Psychic Energy. Many Psychic Energy techniques flowed into Wang Chong’s mind and became his own.

Wang Chong was no pure Psychic Energy expert, nor did he have a systematic education in it, and he certainly did not come from an ancient lineage of Psychic Energy users as Masil had. Everything that Masil knew became Wang Chong’s nourishment, filling in all the gaps Wang Chong had in the Psychic Energy domain.

While Wang Chong was just staggering his way blindly through the Psychic Energy domain at the start, relying on his own abilities to wander through the darkness of ignorance, he now had all of Masil’s lessons and experiences, allowing him to become a true Psychic Energy expert.

This was also why Wang Chong had not immediately killed Masil, and instead taken control of the centipede to make it bring Masil to him.

However, perhaps because he understood the calamity hanging over his head, Masil began to put up an even fiercer resistance. Moreover, Wang Chong had not yet been able to obtain the crucial secrets to raising the Behemoth Army. Besides that, Wang Chong could also sense that Masil’s mind hid an even greater secret deep within.

Wang Chong had no means of knowing what this secret was, but judging by Masil’s reaction, it was an extremely important one, even more important than the secret of the Behemoth Army.

“Let me see what sort of secret you’re hiding!”

In the raging winds, Wang Chong stood on the shoulder of the Behemoth, his eyes cold and stern. Bang! The sky suddenly dimmed as another devilish dragon charged down from the sky at Wang Chong. Behind this hell dragon, a figure stood in the air, his black cape fluttering in the wind.

Abu Muslim stared at Wang Chong, his eyes seething with killing intent.

But then, there was a rush of air as an enormous ape arm swept out and smashed the hell dragon to bits with a single punch.


The giant ape roared, its savage and beastly aura sending countless horses fleeing in fear, many of them even breaking free of their handlers. The giant ape dispelled Abu Muslim’s hell dragon with one punch while its left arm swung the iron cudgel at Abu Muslim.

Its movements were both swift and nimble, in complete contrast with its enormous body.

The infamous Governor of Iron and Blood Abu Muslim was unexpectedly incapable of getting a single step past the giant ape.

“Bastard! I’d like to see how long you can endure!”

As the Abbasid Caliphate’s Governor of the East, the highest authority from Khorasan to Samarkand, Abu Muslim was not a person who could not hold his temper. But despite all the time that had passed, all his attacks had been blocked by the giant ape, preventing him from killing the Tang youth. Even Abu Muslim began to feel a tiny hint of anger.

But what concerned Abu Muslim even more was that the three other Behemoths together with the Tang soldiers had swiftly put the Arabs at an extreme disadvantage. The Arabs were now in complete disarray and suffering grievous casualties. Never in all of his career as governor had he suffered such a massive defeat.

As he stared at the enormous ‘Consecrated’, Abu Muslim called out, his eyes flashing with cold light.


Abu Muslim had barely spoken when a roiling cloud of black energy, tinged with gold and red, began to surge from behind the giant ape like a giant dragon. If one looked carefully, one would notice that at the center of this black energy was a bronze ring decorated with snake inscriptions.

The ‘Ocean Ring’ was yet another of the Abbasid Caliphate’s extremely precious ancient artifacts. Ziyad had been gifted this ancient artifact by the Caliph after rendering great service in the army and being recommended by Abu Muslim. This was one of the two artifacts that served as the nails holding down the Arabian Empire’s eastern regions.

It was through this Ocean Ring that Ziyad was able to reach the Great General level. It allowed him to contend against Cheng Qianli’s Supreme Desolation God and even overcome it.

Unlike Abu Muslim, Ziyad always moved very furtively, like a snake slithering through the darkness. Ziyad would always attack with no warning, no ripple of energy or gust of wind. While Wang Chong’s attention had been taken by Abu Muslim, Ziyad had stealthily worked around to his back and struck.

This attack had all his strength behind it, enough to kill Wang Chong in a single blow.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 989 - The Death of Masil!
C989 - The Death of Masil!

Chapter 989: The Death of Masil!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The moment Ziyad attacked, preparing to work with Abu Muslim to attack Wang Chong from both sides, a gout of scorching flame struck Ziyad’s Ocean Ring. Its terrifying strength exploded on the Stellar Energy Ziyad had attached to the Ocean Ring, knocking the Ocean Ring away.

“The Burning One!”

Ziyad paled at this abrupt assault. At this moment, the Burning One was the only thing capable of destroying this Great-General-level attack of Ziyad’s with a single gout of flame.

“Damn it!”

Ziyad’s heart sank. The Burning One was positioned even farther behind him. If Wang Chong could use the Burning One’s strength to shatter his attack, it meant that he had clearly predicted Ziyad’s movements.

“Ziyad, did you really think you could hide from me?”

Wang Chong spoke from the shoulder of the giant ape, a teasing expression on his face. Both Abu Muslim and Ziyad had deeply underestimated the power of a Psychic Energy expert. On this battlefield, Wang Chong could borrow the strength of any one of the Behemoths to observe every corner. No matter how Ziyad tried to conceal his movements, it was all pointless against Wang Chong.

“Ziyad, be a good child and play with this one!”

A howling wind drowned out Wang Chong’s words as an enormous white bear palm swatted at Ziyad. Ziyad turned his head and only had time to unleash a fierce black energy before he was flung aside. Behind him, the white bear Behemoth fixed its savage eyes on Ziyad and pursued.

In the distance, the Burning One turned its head back around and continued to wreak havoc on the fleeing Arabs, having completed its mission of stopping Ziyad’s attack. The Burning One was not the strongest Behemoth, but the flames it breathed were the most effective tool on this battlefield.

Through these four Behemoths, Wang Chong now completely dominated the battlefield. With a thought, he once more concentrated his Psychic Energy on Masil. Masil was currently less than ten zhang from the surface. More importantly, Wang Chong could sense that he had reached the final stretch of his assault on Masil’s defenses.

In just a few moments, he would have Masil completely under his control!


“Wang Chong, you will regret this!”

Underground, Masil gave a howl of despair. As his Psychic Energy was thrown back again and again, it became weaker and weaker, no longer any match for Wang Chong’s. He was on the verge of being controlled by Wang Chong just like the Behemoths. What shocked Masil the most was that while Wang Chong was mentally assaulting him, he was also obtaining all of Masil’s experience in the mental domain. Wang Chong’s attacks were becoming more and more proficient, even using the techniques he had learned against Masil.

Masil’s chances of escaping Wang Chong’s grasp were getting smaller and smaller.

Wang Chong’s expression was cold and aloof. He ignored Masil’s words and redoubled the assault.

“…Wang Chong, release me. I can be your slave and help you control the Behemoth Army!”

As the odor of death grew stronger and stronger, Masil restarted his pleas for mercy.

“Not necessary. I can control the Behemoth Army myself.”

Wang Chong’s stance was as firm as steel. He would show no mercy to this commander of the Behemoth Army.

Masil was at first dazed by Wang Chong’s response, but he swiftly retorted, “Hahaha, do you think you understand all the secrets of the Behemoth Army? You can’t control them! Only I, and I alone, can directly control them. I am their true master! Release me and let me live, and I will tell you everything!”

“That’s not needed. Once I control you, I’ll know all your secrets.”

Wang Chong loathed Masil to the extreme and would hear none of his arguments.

“You won’t get that chance. You still don’t have a complete grasp of the mysteries of the Psychic Energy domain. If I self-destruct, you won’t get anything,” Masil anxiously said.


Wang Chong’s brow slightly creased, and he immediately relaxed his attacks.

“Right! Right! Release me! If you release me, I can tell you anything you want! You don’t need to go through all this trouble. I can tell you everything.”

Masil immediately saw a sliver of hope and latched onto it like a drowning man grasping at any straw.

Wang Chong fell silent. Although he did not completely trust Masil, he truly did have to consider the possibility that Masil’s mind might self-destruct.

“Wang Chong, you are a great hero, the commander of the Tang. I am just a slave of the Arabian Empire, insignificant and without any status. Abu Muslim threatened to kill my entire family, forcing me to follow his orders. I’m just the knife being wielded in the hand of another. All of this has nothing to do with me. Why should you concern yourself over a lowly person like me? Releasing me will give you far more advantages than disadvantages. I can even sneak into the Arabian Empire for you and send you intelligence. Just think about it. The Arabs were the ones that started this war. Don’t you want to get revenge on them?”

Masil continued to run his mouth, the pressure of death stimulating all his potential. He continued to speak, and as he noticed that Wang Chong was being slowly persuaded, he lowered his head and took on a meek expression, throwing aside all of his pride.

No one noticed that as Masil lowered his head, his fingers trembled, and a sinister gleam flitted through his eyes.

“…I’m just a lowly man. You saw my memories. I was born deformed, with everyone looking down on me and regarding me with disdain. I’ve always been someone else’s slave or subordinate, existing for the will of others. Do you really want to bother yourself with a pitiful man like me… HAHA, REAPER, KILL HIM!”

In the final moment, Masil’s expression turned savage, and the white bear that had been fighting with Ziyad and was just going past Wang Chong suddenly swung one of its enormous palms at Wang Chong.


Everyone was stunned by this sight, and cries of alarm rose from all around. Even Ziyad showed a slight hint of shock, clueless as to what was going on. On the other end, the white palm was getting closer and closer to Wang Chong. Even with Saint Martial Tier 8 strength, Wang Chong would be doomed if the white bear struck him.

“Masil, you truly think too highly of yourself. You really thought your little tricks could fool me!”

Wang Chong apathetically spoke from atop the giant ape, his expression cold and unmoved.


In a flash, as countless Tang soldiers looked on in unease and panic, and all the Arab soldiers hoped to see this palm crush Wang Chong, there was an enormous boom as the giant ape’s other arm rose up and blocked the attack as if it had long ago been predicted.


The giant ape turned its head and furiously roared at the white bear.


Masil cried out in despair as he slumped down upon the centipede monster’s head. This time, his eyes were ashen, drained of all hope. In order to avoid Wang Chong’s perception and furtively take control of the white bear Behemoth’s palm, Masil had expended a great deal of energy, little expecting to fail once again.

“Now! …Accept your fate!”

A callous voice resounded in Masil’s mind. This time, there was no more pity, no more hesitation. Brrroom! An enormous flood of Psychic Energy crushed the last sliver of Masil’s consciousness. In scheming against Wang Chong, Masil had cut off his last chance to survive.


Masil gave one last dying scream, so shrill that it penetrated through the ground and resounded over the entire battlefield. At this sound, both Abu Muslim and Ziyad grimaced.

“I curse you! Wang Chong, and all the Tang in the east! None of you will have a good death! One day, someone will come to avenge me! This war is far from over!”

Masil spat out this venomous curse, and then he was dead, his vitality severed and his aura utterly vanishing from the world.

“Truly seeking death!”

Wang Chong’s expression was cold, and there was no pity in his eyes.

Masil’s petty schemes had only hastened his death.


“This bastard actually killed him!”

Abu Muslim and Ziyad, these two highest commanders of the Arab army, had completely different reactions from Wang Chong. Even when Wang Chong had taken control of the four Behemoths and begun to wreak havoc on the Arabs, Abu Muslim and Ziyad had only slightly paled and turned angry. But the death of Masil made these two illustrious and iron-fisted commanders of the Arab army turn ghastly pale.

Masil was not merely the commander of the Behemoth Army, but also one of the Caliph’s favored ministers. If not for the fact that Masil had come on the Caliph’s orders and Talas was so far from the eyes of the Caliph, Abu Muslim and Ziyad would have never been able to command Masil around.

More importantly, Masil did not know martial arts. He was just a weak-bodied Psychic Energy practitioner. He had been tasked by the Caliph with leading the Behemoths to assist the army in the east, and Abu Muslim and Ziyad, as the highest commanders of the east, had the duty of protecting him. But now, Masil was dead!!

Even though he was on the battlefield, Abu Muslim could already imagine the Caliph’s wrathful expression once he learned of this news.

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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 990 - The Armor of B'hemah!
C990 - The Armor of B'hemah!

Chapter 990: The Armor of B’hemah!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The Arabian Empire had an extremely strict hierarchy, and if the commander of the vital Behemoth Army died in battle because of Abu Muslim, not even he, hailed as the strongest Governor of the East in history, could bear the responsibility.

“Wang Chong, you will pay a price for this! I will personally kill you and have you buried together with Masil!”

Abu Muslim’s expression was contorted with rage.

“Asmodai’s Fury!”

Abu Muslim immediately unleashed his strongest attack. Behind him, Asmodai, one of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars, began to split its three heads apart, each one clearly showing signs of creating its own body. In this moment, Abu Muslim’s power increase by nearly forty percent.

“Die for me!”

At almost the same time, Deputy Governor Ziyad grasped the bronze Ocean Ring and threw it at Wang Chong. These two highest commanders of the Arab army stimulated all their energy in their frenzied assault against Wang Chong.


The governor and his deputy unleashed a flurry of assaults on the giant ape, from the front and back, left and right. They covered every possible angle, saturating every last inch of the space around Wang Chong.

Space itself began to crack under their assault, pitch-black and twisted fissures appearing. The boundless power even made the earth drone and quake as if an earthquake was happening. Moreover, under the attacks of these two commanders, even the supreme Consecrated began to appear unsteady, large bruises appearing on its body as it was forced into a passive position.

For something as powerful as the Consecrated, this sort of situation was difficult to imagine.

“Abu Muslim, Ziyad, it’s pointless.”

Wang Chong stood on the shoulder of the giant ape and shook his head at the two Arabs. Darks clouds were gathering overhead, and as Wang Chong looked around, he could see fierce winds raging over the battlefield while shrill whistles like the wailing of ghosts filled his ears. But Wang Chong remained calm, his expression utterly unmoved.

“All of this is in vain. Your attacks can’t even break the defense of the giant ape, much less threaten me!”

Wang Chong towered like a rock in the middle of a river. Abu Muslim and Ziyad had no idea that what they were facing was not Wang Chong, but the veteran and supreme War Saint of the Central Plains, an individual who had taken the last force of soldiers in the entire continent and fought with the otherworldly invaders for decades. This was a top-class commander who had been refined through blood and fire.

Boom, boom, bang! Neither Abu Muslim nor Ziyad slowed their attacks. On the contrary, they only increased their intensity.

“Impudent! I’d like to see just how long you can hold on!”

“Who cares if you can control the Behemoths! No matter how large a price must be paid, I will kill you! If I don’t kill you, I will never be able to rest!”

Ziyad’s expression was ice-cold. Although Wang Chong was able to control the giant ape, both he and Abu Muslim could sense that Wang Chong’s own cultivation level was not high enough. He was only at Saint Martial Tier 8, not even at the Great General level.

If not for the fact that the Consecrated, the strongest of the four Behemoths, had constantly been impeding them, either he or Abu Muslim would have been able to easily pulverize Wang Chong.

Behemoths were no warriors. Their defenses could not be so tight. A flaw would pop up eventually, and that moment would spell Wang Chong’s demise!


Just when Ziyad had decided to kill Wang Chong at any cost, the sky suddenly dimmed as a massive shadow fell over Ziyad. Ziyad’s expression froze as he slowly turned his head, and what he saw was a giant figure with two scarlet eyes staring emotionlessly at him.

“The Burning One!”

Ziyad’s heart went cold as he recognized this beast. This Fire element Behemoth had somehow managed to advance so close to him without his knowledge. But this was not the only reason Ziyad’s heart went cold. As he looked around, he saw that all four of the Arabian Behemoths had surrounded this area. Together with the Consecrated, they blocked off the north, south, east, and west, surrounding Abu Muslim and Ziyad.

Although Ziyad and Abu Muslim were hailed as the strongest of the empire’s east, these mighty and vigorous Behemoths made them seem like tiny ants.

“Didn’t you want to fight? Then come.”

Wang Chong coldly smiled at the pair, and with a thought, all four Behemoths moved as one. Thunder seemed to boom as the entire world lost its luster to the attacks of the four Behemoths.


Two enormous palms swept toward Ziyad from the left and right, sending him flying. At almost the same time, a dazzling tongue of flame brighter than the sun and three beast palms as large as mountains collided with the Governor of Iron and Blood.

“Pillar of Asmodai!”

Abu Muslim was stronger than Ziyad, so even though he also had not predicted that all four Behemoths would gather here, he still managed to react very quickly. The dark clouds in the sky churned as rivers of black energy gathered in front of Abu Muslim. As light and shadow shifted, an enormous pillar of gold and red appeared and engulfed Abu Muslim.

In the myths of Arabia, Asmodai was a demon god who protected treasure. It had buried countless priceless treasures all across the sea, any of which was sufficient to drive a human king to madness. As the protector of these treasures, Asmodai also possessed an impressive defensive ability to complement its power. This ability was the Pillar of Asmodai.

That Abu Muslim had been able to conquer so many countries and fight with so many Great Generals while emerging unscathed was largely due to this technique. At his peak condition, Abu Muslim could use this technique to block a joint attack from three Great Generals.


The Burning One’s flame and the palms of the other Behemoths struck the Pillar of Asmodai. Several explosions and shockwaves swept through the air, smoke and flames covered an area of more than one hundred zhang, and destructive winds and streams of energy swept over the entire battlefield.

Clang! A steel wall that weighed tens of thousands of jin was struck by a stream of energy and was blown off the ground, crumpling into a twisted pile of scrap metal. On the other end, the distant city of Talas also suffered a massive blow. The entire city quaked and trembled, causing dust to cascade from its walls.

Even the massive gates forged from Xuan Metal groaned as they caved in.

In the air, the battle of Abu Muslim versus four Behemoths was quickly decided. The enormous Pillar of Asmodai had only been able to last a secnod before exploding into smithereens. Even the stronghold of the Pillar of Asmodai could not stop the attacks of four Behemoths.


Abu Muslim rolled through the air like a cannonball, traveling one thousand zhang. However, at the final moment, Abu Muslim managed to use an invisible energy to go from extreme movement to a sudden stop.


At this sight, the heavily-injured Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and Wang Yan, who were all watching from a distance, were stunned. Even Wang Chong, who was watching from the shoulder of the giant ape, couldn’t help but widen his eyes. He was well aware of the sheer power of the Behemoths.

Putting aside the power of Abu Muslim’s attacks, the impressive defensive capabilities he showed were enough to chill one’s heart.

But suddenly, there was a crack! The deep black armor Abu Muslim wore, made from some unknown material, cracked all over, and then it exploded into countless shards that rained down over the battlefield.

Abu Muslim’s expression froze, and then he lowered his head and grimaced.

The Armor of B’hemah!

In the Arabic language, ‘B’hemah’ represented the great earth, firmness, and war. B’hemah was an enormous beast of hell, and it was rumored that B’hemah was born from the earth itself, subsisting on war, slaughter, and fear. Because it was born from the earth, it was endowed with impressive offensive and defensive powers.

It was the basis of an armor that all commanders who enjoyed war and slaughter would greatly cherish!

From the moment it was created, the Armor of B’hemah had passed through the hands of more than two hundred legendary commanders and Great Generals. This armor had an extremely long history, and almost no one west of the Cong Mountains did not know of this most precious suit of armor. Twenty years ago, during his conquest of the Sassanid Dynasty, Abu Muslim had obtained this suit of armor from the tomb of a legendary Sassanid marshal.

Abu Muslim had always treated it as a precious treasure, one even more valuable than the Eye of the Demon God.

Abu Muslim was able to stand invincible on the battlefield and rise above the countless powerful generals of the Arabian Empire to become the most powerful, most intimidating, and most iron-fisted governor in this history of Arabia’s east through the power of this Armor of B’hemah.

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