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Not following the anime this story is made by me. Characters are not mine only the OC Mary! 。.。。。。。。。。。。。... More



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I wish.....

I stared that myself as I walked by the school mirrors and then she appeared the angelic girl of the school Aimi.. She was laughing and jumping around with no care in the world...yet why couldn't that be me? I looked up to compare her with me.. yeah Mary just keep dreaming you could never be like her not in a million years.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going.." I looked up to see the person who bumped into me.
It was her... the goddess I would never be.

"Hey Aimi don't apologize to a freak like her I mean look that her... she isn't half as beautiful as you!"
One of her friends laughed.

"Hey stop that! What makes you think that!" She helped me get up. "I'm so sorry!" She bowed and smiled. She really was an angel.

"It's fine it was my fault I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." I bowed and left why would I stay just so her minions would eat me alive yea no thank you.

I entered the school building like always... that was until one of those immature boys had to say something about me. "Look that her...she looks just like trash!" He chuckled "I know ew Aimi could never.." I heard what they said but just moved on and went to class I was used to it... it's not like I could do anything I would get in trouble if I slap them or even if i did anything so it's better to stay quiet..

"Mary welcome!" I heard my teacher tell me which i returned the greeting.

I sat in the very back by the window, it was the best spot for me..it was even my favorite class since I would be able to sit next to him.

"Morning Gojo!" I heard his voice the only voice that wouldn't say anything bad about me.. he was the only one.

"Morning Yuji!"

Yet I couldn't even speak to him...why would I? I would just ruin his reputation. So whenever we did partner work I would just help and stay quiet.

"Morning Mary!" I looked that him with my eyes wide open.. why would he even bother they were already looking that him weirdly. "Morning Itadori.."
he smiled and sat down not noticing the stares they were giving him all because of me.

"Hey Mary do you have a pencil?" He tapped my shoulder.
I nodded and gave him a red pencil. "Woah this pencil is cool! I'll make sure to return it to you!" I looked that him... he was amazing just for a pencil he got happy for no reason.

"Okay students settled down! Let's start today's class."




It was the end of the first period which made me upset I would have to deal with my immature classmate in the next period my thoughts got interrupted my Itadori.

"Here the pencil I borrowed!" He smiled and tried giving me back the pencil I gave him but I stopped him.

"Keep it...I have more you will need one for the nexts classes so just keep it." With that I left with a bored expression even tho my heart was going crazy.

As I passed the hall way to my next class I spotted Aimi getting gifts from boys that wanted to be with her so bad. "I'm sorry boys but I already like someone.." she smiled and bowed before heading to her second period. I watched and couldn't stop and feel jealousy... she was perfect and I wasn't I would never get what she gets.

"Mary!!!!" I heard my friend nobara shout my name.

"Oh hey nobara...what are doing?" I asked while she was shaking my shoulders really fast.

"Want to go to lunch together?" She smiled and smirked that the same time.

"Why are you smirking?" I asked since every time she smirks it involves itadori.

"Nothing just the fact that my good friend yuji Itadori will be getting lunch with me...and my other friends." Her smirk grew.

"I can't go nobara I have to go to return some art work I made to the art club..." I really did want to go but Aimi was in the club and I need to turn in the art work we made together.

"It's fine...then maybe next time but have fun then catch you later Mary!!" Nobara left really quickly.I hope she wouldn't plan something stupid .

I entered second period and quickly went to my seat I didn't want to  get pick on this early in the morning, but, it seem like lucky wasn't on my side today. "Hey Mary you will give me the answer for the work right? I mean it's only fair to share your knowledge with me right?" One of the girls from the back shouted. I ignored her and seat down but that only made matters worse. "Hey how dare you ignore me you piece of trash!"she slammed her hands on my desk which made me flinch.

"I can't give you the answer Mr. Nanami will get mad that me and lower my score I really can-." Other slammed was heard but not from her hand in the desk but from my cheek.

"Did I ask you? No I didn't right?" She laughed "Now do you really think I care about your grades? Or what ever Mr. Nanami does? She grabbed my arm and patted it. "That what I like to hear silent's  now be a good piece of trash and do what I say alright." She scoffed and sat right next to me.

I grabbed my pencil really hard till marks in my hand appeared I just didn't want to cry! I hate this so much! Why can't I just be strong and brave enough to put all of them in their place? No why can't they just be mature in enough and change! But maybe just maybe if I changed my life my race my face it would all be better right....

"Ms. Mary Mary MARY!" I heard Mr Nanami shout my name which snapped me back to reality. "If you can't pay attention I will lower your grade now please come up to the front and answer this question.

Great I was big in thought that I didn't even notice when class started. I got up I answered the question like always and got it correct . I mean they can also do it but their pride doesn't let them. I headed back to my seat only to find glue on my seat.
"Seat down Mary there nothing wrong with your seat?" She laughed and like a little good puppy that I am I did seat down which only made the others laugh.

"She so pathetic and weak..." I heard all of them say bad things well that least some of them right...who am I kidding it's ALL OF THEM!
I grabbed my skirt and saw as small tears turned into big ones. I got up and felt all the wet glue on my skirt I couldn't take it anymore I just ran out of the classroom and went straight to the girls bathroom.

"Hey are you okay?" I looked up to see Aimi she came and hugged me. How could someone like her hug me? "Hey here take this!" She turned the faucet on and wet the rag she had with her. She then bent down and cleaned my skirt. "This will help so the glue won't get hard and ruin your skirt." She smiled

"I can do it you don't have t-." I tired to grab the rag from her but she didn't let me.
"No! Let me I know it was one of my friends that did this. so let me help you..I just don't know why they are like this."she continued cleaning my skirt.

"My name is Mary.." I don't know why someone like her would want to be friend with me.
"Well hello Mary! My name is Aimi!" She smiled and got up from cleaning my skirt. "It's all done! I hope you can forgive them."she bowed
"Well see you in art club Mary I have to got back to class!" She smiled and left.

Right how stupid can I be? We have the same club. I walked to the mirror and pinched my cheek maybe if I lost a little of weight I would look like Aimi right? I shook my head and slapped both hands to my cheeks. "Stop being delusional Mary.." shot I have to go explain to MR .NANAMI!!




Hope you enjoyed the first chapter sorry for grammar mistakes!!!

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