Autophobia || bill denbrough...

By GogyDenbrough

177 6 2

I doubt anyone will read or like this fic lmao Is this fandom even still alive? UNEDITED Don't expect this f... More



15 0 0
By GogyDenbrough

The evening after the fight between the losers was uneventful. They all went back home thinking it was over for good.

She didn't even touch her food at dinner, Y/n moped up the stairs and into her room, she shut her door and leaned her back against it. She looked around her room, the emptiness from cleaning her room the day before, the coldness from the window she left open as a gentle breeze blew in, the curtains lightly flowing in the wind, and the lack of people was equivalent to how she felt in her heart. Empty and Cold from the loss of her only friends. The loss of dare she say, the love of her life?

She took a deep breath and trudged over to her dresser and pulled out some pyjamas, black short shorts with a large white oversized tee.

She then walked over and opened the door and into the bathroom. She took a shower then brushed her teeth and put her hair into a low ponytail.

"Goodnight, mom" she poked her head into her moms room, "goodnight, y/n!" She got up from her bed to hugged her and kissed the top of her head

Y/n flicked off the light as she shut her door, she got into bed and stared at the ceiling. It seemed like hours went by as she stared at the ceiling. Images and scenes of Bill and Beverly danced in her head. Each one they looked happier and cuter together. Bill looked happy with her. He looked better with her. Y/n tried not to cry as her head was flashing harsh images of the two, she pulled her comforter up and turned to her side to force herself to sleep.

-time skip-

Y/n sat up, shielding her eyes from the sunlight that leaked into her room. She rubbed her eyes and yawned from exhaustion. She was tossing and turning all night, the images and scenes intruding back into her mind as she tried desperately to get them out of her head. But eventually she fell asleep.

The smell of bacon and eggs filled her nose, she smiled happily as she woke up hungry from not eating anything the day before.

She threw the blankets off her and ran down the stairs, she turned into the kitchen and spotted her mom at the blacktop stove cooking bacon and eggs like she had already recognized just from the smell that crept into her room through the cracks in her door

"Morning sweetie" her mom greeted as y/n walked over to the island counter in the centre of the kitchen and sat down on one of the bar stools, "morning mum." She replied, her mom smiled in response

Her mom loaded up a plate with a spatula full of eggs and three bacon strips, she placed it on the table in front of y/n and gave her a fork, y/n dug into the eggs first,

"so, what do you and your friends have planned for today?" Her mom asked, y/n stopped midway through chewing her food and looked up at her, "uh, I dunno." She shrugged, "i don't really feel like going out today." She looked back down at her food and continued eating, hoping that would be the end of the conversation.

"Oh, okay" her mom nodded, "well, I have to be at work in 20 minutes, it's a 14 hour shift today and I won't be home until midnight or so. so if you want to invite your friends over, you can." She grabbed her purse off the counter and kissed y/n's head as she walked out, y/n gave her a small smile and watched her walk out the kitchen and out the front door.

Y/n sighed and dramatically dropped her head onto the table, she couldn't bring herself to tell her mom that her friendship with the losers was over.

Y/n finished her food and put her dishes in the sink, then the phone started to ring, "who the fuck is calling this early." Y/n glanced at the clock, 10:26 am, so it wasn't that early she acknowledged her misjudgment and hummed, she walked over to the black landline phone and picked it up, "hello?"

"Hey y/n." It was Richie.

Her eyes widened with surprise, "oh, hey Rich, what's up?"

"Would you wanna maybe come to the arcade with me today?" He asked weary of what she was going to say

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'll come." She replied

"Okay, i'll meet you at the intersection in 30?"

"Yeah okay." She hung up the phone and raced upstairs to get ready.

She put on some dark blue jean shorts with a red and white small tee that she tucked in with her usual white converse and she topped the outfit off with a belt, a necklace, and some bracelets.

She brushed her hair and went to go brush her teeth. After she was done getting ready, she took a look at herself in the mirror one more time before she headed downstairs and towards the front door.

She opened the front door and was greeted with the hot summer air, she shut the door and went down the steps, she grabbed her bike off the lawn and looked over to Bills' house across the road, she saw Bill through his window and stared for a few moments before Bill turned and saw that she had been already looking. The two stared at each other before y/n took her eyes away and threw her leg over her bike and pedaled down the street.

When she got close to the intersection that connected her and Richie's street, she found Richie already waiting there for her, they smiled at each other, "geez, you girls really do need all the time in the world just to put on a mediocre outfit." He joked

"Mediocre? Me?" Y/n questioned his choice of words, "i mean, your outfit isn't bad don't get me wrong y/n, but you basically wear the same thing everyday. You'd think you would get the hang of getting ready quicker." He stated

Y/n playfully hit his shoulder and the two road off

her smile then slowly drifted away from her face, "wait.. so how's your cheek?" She asked genuinely concerned

"which one? My downstairs or upstairs one?" He asked cracking up at his own joke

Y/n couldn't help but laugh as well, "well, both i guess? You did have a pretty hard fall after.. you know.."

Richie looked at her and shrugged, "it was a pretty weak punch, it didn't hurt that bad."

"Yeah, sure. Cause you just decided to dramatically fall to the ground like we're in a movie or something."

"See, you understand me." Richie smiled

Y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head, letting a soft laugh escape her mouth

-time skip-

The two were on their last game of the day, they played street fighter all day and the arcade was unusually empty that day, so the two were able to hog the game for the day.

Y/n won the last 6 games while Richie won 5, "see, I told you I could beat you!" Y/n laughed

Richie got offended, "I just let you win." He rolled his eyes

"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say" she replied

They walked out of the arcade and grabbed their bikes, "you wanna go get some ice cream? My treat." Richie offered

"Yeah, sure!" Y/n agreed

They walked their bikes down the street as they talked, "so, are you and Bill still good?" Richie asked her, she looked down to the ground, "no.. i kind of also yelled at him." Richie snapped his neck towards her, "shit really? Well, it's you and Bill. He'll forgive you." Richie tried to reassure her.

Y/n let out a breath, "no, i don't think he will. I may have called him a man whore.."

Richie's eyes widened, "geez.."

"It gets worse.. i also may have called Beverly a slut and a bitch. Well, Bill's bitch to be exact."

It went quiet after she finished, with Richie processing her words, "damn.. that's tough.. but also kinda true." He laughed a bit, "I mean, maybe not the calling beverly a "slut" part, but I mean you had every right to be upset with them." Y/n turned her head to him but kept quiet letting him finish, "I too would be jealous if the love of my life started to hang out with another person and gave them all the attention."

Y/n thought for a minute, "i mean, i guess you're ri- wait. Did you say love of my life??" She quickly realized what he had said

"Y/n. Come on. We've been through this. You both are obviously in love with each other. Just, tell him how you actually feel about him. Tell him everything. Not just the jealousy part. Tell him you love him. And not in a friendly way. The actual relationship lovey dovey shit type of way."

"I think it's a little late for that." She responded

The rest of the way to the ice cream shop they were laughing and talking away, but when they got on the same block just a few stores away from their destination, they saw Bill and Bev walk out of the shop, Bill holding the door for Bev as she walked out.

Y/n stopped in her tracks. Richie doing the same, they watched as the two turned and walked in their direction, y/n sighed, "see. I told you it was too late for that." Y/n turned her bike around, Richie following suit.

"What a bitch." Richie shook his head in disappointment, "I'm sorry, y/n.."

"It's fine. I'm fine."

"Y/n.. it's okay to be upset. You shouldn't be holding in your emotions. Let's go to the quarry." Richie suggested, "Richie, I'm not really in the mood for swim-"

"No, not to swim dumbass. It's a place for you to feel comfortable enough to let your emotions out."

Y/n agreed to and they headed off to their said destination.

The two eventually got to the top of the cliff, they dropped their bikes on the ground and went to go sit at the edge, legs dangling off above the water

"Okay. So let it out." Richie shrugged

"Richie, I can't just start crying just like that?"

"Bill and Bev like each other." Richie said with a straight face

Y/n stared into his eyes for a minute. her eyes welling up with tears, her face heating up. She looked up at the sky, blinking more times than was strictly necessary. The lump in her throat making it hard to breathe causing her breathing to become shallow. Her vision blurred from the tears, her bottom lip started to tremble as she looked back at Richie with a pitiful expression

She then let out a loud cry that echoed throughout the quarry

"There it is." Richie said as he held his arms open letting her fall into his chest, she clung onto the back of his shirt, eye's clenched tightly closed as she buried her face in to his chest

Richie hugged y/n, resting his head on top of hers, rubbing soothing circles on her back with his hand as she sobbed into his chest, "it's okay. Let it out, y/n.."

This was the loudest and hardest she ever cried, her wails still echoing. Her cries were so loud she felt like the whole town could hear, powerful enough for the town to feel her pain alone.

she felt stupid for crying this hard over a boy.

He's just a stupid boy.

Richie held her head to his chest, he could feel her pain radiating off her. He realized in that moment, just how much she actually loved Bill.

They may be young, but for her to feel this strong of emotions that not even some adults could ever have the ability to feel shows just how much it hurt her.

As he was holding her, his sadness and sorrow soon turned to anger. He was angry at the fact how much Bill had actually hurt his best friend. For him not knowing how much he'd hurt her.

They were sat that way for what seemed like an eternity.

Y/n finally pulled away from Richie and sat back up and moved her hair out of her face and took a deep breath. Richie had his hand on the side of her face, his heart broke as he saw how rough y/n looked, her eyes puffy, swollen and bloodshot, her nose was red and runny, her eyes looked empty.

"Feel better?" He asked as he wiped a tear off her face with his hand, y/n nodded

"See, it feels so much better when you let it all out. And i'm happy you felt safe enough to let me be here with you. I love you, y/n. And it pains me to see you like this."

She looked into his eyes, "Richie.."


"I think I really do love him."

Word count: 2212

Too much angst lol, oops

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