Transformers 2007 - Preda-Que...

By zakirahana

169 6 4

Preda-Queen along with Optimus, Jazz, Ironhide, and Ratchet is going to Earth, having detected Bumblebee's si... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

43 2 1
By zakirahana

So, Sam said he left his bag where the glasses are in back in his house... So, we all transformed to our vehicle modes and drove off into the streets, following Bumblebee, who is carrying Sam and Mikaela, and is the only one who knows where Sam lives.

Jazz is in the front with Ironhide. Ratchet is driving behind them. And me and Optimus in the back, as usual. Jazz keeps talking through my com-link... "Look at these houses! They're apparently made out of a combination of Silicia (Si) mixed with Al (Aluminia) or Mg (Magnesia) and H²O (Water)! So interesting, and weird... Our buildings are usually only made out of Iron. Oh and look at those little cute 'animals'!" Jazz kept talking through my com-link.
I just sighed and replied with a "yes" or a small beep as a nod. He's an excited little mech...

We soon arrived at Sam's house. Bumblebee drove behind the house, while me and the others hid behind some trees, since Sam told us to stay hidden.
Ironhide and Ratchet were quiet, while Jazz is looking at the trees while still talking to me. Meanwhile Optimus... He seems... Impatient and frustrated...

Not a few minutes later, he started transforming... Uh oh... I quickly connected my com-link to his. "Optimus! What do you think you're doing?!" I asked him in a whisper yelling voice. "I can't wait here. Let's go." He replied back to everyone. They all started transforming and followed... Agh fraggit! I transformed as well, and followed them out of the trees to Sam's front yard... People could see us here....

I see Sam at the door talking to someone who seems like his father, and trying to hide us from his view. Bumblebee was hiding beside the house, motioning Optimus to be quiet amd get back. "Optimus, we should listen to him." I tried to tell him. But, he's stubborn and doesn't listen...

The door closes and Sam's father went back in. "What are you doing? What are you doing? No, watch the path! Watch the path! Watch the- please, please, please. No, no, wait. No, no, no! Oh, no!" Sam panicked as we all stepped on the field, except me who stayed near the trees because of my big size, and there's already a lot of us on his field. And look... Optimus already stepped on what seems like a water fountain... Great...

"Oh- oops. Sorry. My bad." Optimus said. "Oh, I- you couldn't- You couldn't wait for five- you couldn't wait for five minutes? I told you to stay! Just stay! God!" Sam said frustartedly. I just groaned quietly and face palmed, rubbing my nose bridge as I watched the autobots stumble around the place...

Sam slightly scolded Mikaela because she didn't watch out for us, and... Also tried to handle his dog which is supposedly named Mojo, and Ironhide who thinks that Mojo is a pest, and asked if Sam would like him to terminate Mojo...

I watched as Sam carried Mojo through the yard full of autobots and towards another door. "Shut up and go hide!" He said, mostly to Optimus, before walking into the house. I stepped into the yard and walked towards Optimus. "Seriously, Prime? Trust the kid, he's clearly freaked out!" I whispered to him.

"I trust him." He replied quickly. "Autobots, recon." He ordered, before walking to another side of the house. I groaned and followed him. "You clearly don't!"

He just ignored me as he looked around, before heading back towards Mikaela. "Get her to Sam's room." He told me. "But-".
"Now." He cut me off.

I sighed and knelt down in front of Mikaela, opening my hand on the ground in front of her. "Get on." I told her with a slightly softer voice than what Optimus was using. Poor girl have to handle 5 irresponsible mechs... I mean, they're great in some stuff and all, but sometimes... They're honestly just a few young mechs.

"Okay." Mikaela nodded and got on my hand. I lifted her up to Sam's window. "Time is short." Optimus told Sam from behind me. "They really want those glasses." Mikaela said as Sam helps her down from my hand. "Come on. What are you doing?" Sam asked Mikaela. "I'm going to help you." She said. I moved away so Optimus can talk to him. "Please hurry." Was all he said.

Optimus walks back, before turning towards us. "Autobots, transform." He said. All the autobots Transformed back into their vehicle modes in front of the house!! Seriously? Is it only me that still has a full mind, here? I walked to the side of the house, before transforming.

Sam, just a minute later, went back to the window and looked down in shock. "No. No. No. No no no. This isn't hiding. This isn't hiding. This is my backyard, not a truck stop. Oh God. Oh!" He panicked and went back inside.

Optimus then transforms again, and walked to his window. I could hear Mikaela call out to Sam. "I can't deal with this. I can't- what? Oh, no, no, no. This is my mother's flower..." Sam said in a lower hushed but panicked tone as he looked down at Optimus's foot which was stepping on a flowerbed... Ugh, Prime... "Oops" was all he said.

"Okay, listen. You got to listen to me. If my parents come out here and see you, they're gonna freak out. My mother's got a temper, okay?" Sam tried explaining to Optimus. I couldn't see Sam's interraction from here. I can see Optimus very clearly, though. "We must have the glasses." Optimus told him again...

"I know you need the glasses. I've been looking everywhere. They're not here. They're definitely not here." Sam continued trying to tell him as Optimus face palms and rubs his nose bridge in frustration as he shakes his head.

"Nnh... Keep searching." Optimus tells him. "I need you to be quiet for five minutes. Ten minutes. Okay? Please, I'm begging you. You got to- you're making a racket. I can't concentrate. You want me to look and I'm hearing..."

"Calm down, calm down." Optimus said to Sam's stuttering. "You got to do something here. You got to do something here." Sam said again. "Autobots, fall back." Optimus ordered. Finally... Something that's actually smart...

I finally transformed again as I followed Optimus and Bumblebee out to the side. While Ratchet, Ironhide, and Jazz went the other way, being rather loud... "What's the matter with you? Can't you be quiet? He wants us to be quiet." Optimus scolded them. "Were you any different?" I asked with a whisper. Optimus just pushes me away by my arm. I giggle quietly. Optimus acts a little loose around me, so don't be surprised when he does random things like this.

Suddenly we heard sparks, crash, and the ground shaking... Oh no... I quickly, but carefully rushed towards the sound to see Ratchet crashing on a Transformer... "Wow! That was tingly! Ooh! You got to try that!" Ratchet said. "Yeah, that looks fun." Ironhide replied sarcastically and walked away. I rollwd my eyes and offered a hand to pull him up. Which he took. Just before Optimus called him.

"Ratchet, point the light. Come on, hurry." Optimus called out. The house, and the whole neighbourhood went dark... Apparently Ratchet took out the electricity for a moment... Which, I'm not gonna complain, because that's actually pretty helpful.

Ratchet rushed towards Optimus and points his head lights towards Sam's window. I just walked towards them.
Sam looked through the window with a panicked expression. "Listen, we got a major issue in here. What's with the light? You gotta stop the light. What's going on? Turn it off. You gotta tell him to shut it off. Shut it off." He told Optimus. Just then, I heard his dather call him... Sam made an oh no expression as he ran towards his door.

I motioned Ratchet to turn his headlights off, and luckily, he did. Optimus eavesdropped on the conversation, while Ratchet and I stayed behind.

"Oh, parents" he grumbles quietly, before he motioning us to move away. Me and Ratchet followed Optimus, to the other side of the house. But Optimus quickly stops and backs away when he looked through another window... Optimus grunts as he trips slightly, and stumbles... I quickly grabbed him so he doesn't crash on the house, but he still hits the house, making another tiny earthquake.

Optimus peeks through the window again, and motions us to hide.  "Quick, hide." He said. Ratchet and Ironhide hid beside the house. Bumblebee crawled under the house, in front of the doorway. Jazz got confused for a moment, before deciding to hide under the house too. Me and Optimus struggled to find a hiding place because of our size, so we just sort of... Climbed the side of the house, facing each other, while trying our hardest not to make a noise or break the house.

I see light being shined to the yard by Sam's father through the window... He seems to be checking out the yard, and it's in a mess... "Oh. Oh, no! Look at the yard. The yard is destroyed. Sheesh! Judy? Better call the city. We got a blown transformer! Power pole's sparking all over the place! Aw, man. Yard's a waste. Trashed. Gone. It's a wash. The whole yard!" He said before going back in.

We finally got off the roof when he went back in. Ironhide transformed his hand into a gun and pointed it to the window. "The parents are very irritating." He said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Ratchet agreed. "Can I take them out?" Ironhide asked again.

"Ironhide." I said in a scolding tone. "You know we don't harm humans. What is with you?" Optimus continued, also with a slightly scolding tone.
"Well, I'm just saying, we could. It's an option." Ironhidw said wuth a shrug. I just sigh and shook my head.

I then heard some engine sounds... No. A LOT of engine sounds... I walked towards the edge of the street and looked out, and I saw a lot of headlights coming from one side of the street. We better hide...

I turned around to the others and whisper yelled, "Hide!".
Optimus gave me a questioning look, but I just motioned at the road, and said "Now.".

Optimus and everyone else quickly went back in the trees... I followed too, but we were still too tall and would be seen, so all of us transformes to our vehicle modes.
I was closest to the edge of the trees, so I decided to look out and check what's going on outside.

There was about half a dozen black cars, that was slowing down when they reached the front of Sam's house... They all then went to a stop, and that's when men in black were coming out and started to scan the whole place...

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