Eclipsed serenade Echoes of...

By DeepthiSajit

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A story of brother and sister who is apart because of the cruel play of faith but not ready to accept it... More

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Chapter Three
Chapter Fourteen


356 20 2
By DeepthiSajit

Suddenly ishan brought shubman back from his world

Ishan : Shub where have you been lost, I have been calling you for long

Shubman : Umm nothing I was thinking something.....

Deepak : If I am not wrong you suspect someone to be behind this whole deal thing right??

Shubman : Umm yeah It's just my wild guess, I don't know if it's correct or not but I think Sam is behind all this as he has feelings for Prathiksha and if she comes back he can get more close to her you all are understanding know what I am trying to say

Virat : I also had this suspension as he is the one who wants to bring Prathiksha back so desperately and he challenged all of us in the conference sala benstokes kahi ka

Rohit : Now we will show that junior benstokes Who ict is and what they can do

Rahul : He did wrong taking our word's lightly.....

Surya : He want to take our precious person from us know now we will show him what ict can really do.....

Soon Prathiksha came back and joined them

Prathiksha : Guys you all look scary, I guess you all have not forgotten about that matter I told you know nothing is confirmed so don't worry....... See I planned this surprise for you all with so much of efforts to make you all happy and if you guys keep this face I will feel bad

Hardik : Guys No more thinking about that matter, as she told nothing is confirmed so why should we ruin this moment stressing about something that is not yet decided

Rahul : Harry when did you got your brains back.....

Harry : What do you mean huh??

Ishan : Rahul bhai ment to say that when did you started talking sensibly without bringing your dump talkes in between

Hardik : Uggh Rahul ki baachi

Rohit : Kya he said the truth only....

Prathiksha : Bhai please don't tease Harry bhai he is amazing sachi.....

Siraj : You are saying this because you have not seen the real Harry bhai, you don't know how irritating and dump he can become some times

Ict : Not sometimes always!!!

Harry : Ugh no body loves me here except for my Tara, I love you my little sister I don't need you monkey's anymore because I have my taru he said side hugging her

Shubman : Bhaiya at least spare her from your clingy drama and yeah she is not your but our Tara OK

Hardik : No she is my Tara my little sister.... And only I have the right to call her Tara

Rohit : Dare you

Virat : Say that again

Jinx : We won't

Jaddu : Think

Surya : Twice

Shami : Before

Rishab : Throwing

Rahul : You

Ishan : From

Yashasvi : This

Ashwin : Terrace

Bumrah : And I think for you your life is precious

Harry gulped at their threatening tone while they were busy glaring him and deepak broke into loud laughter

Deepak : Seriously you guys are such a possessive ass I wonder how you managed to impress them rishu because even if gautam would have agreed easily, they wouldn't have

Rishab : You are true bro I had a really hard time convincing this possessive fellows, her real brother was way easy to convince than them and Who ever comes in your life prati he is going to have hard time dealing with them

Prathiksha : Does that include you also bhai

Rishab : Of course you are my girlfriends sister cum best friend that means mine also

Ishan : Partner can I ask you something

Prathiksha : Of course partner go ahead

Ishan : Have you ever thought about marriage or dating someone, What's your definition of love and your dream boy concept

Everyone was curious to hear about it especially shubman and Deepak

Prathiksha : Honestly I have not thought about marriage right now as I feel that I am too young for it

Hardik : Yes of course you are not getting married any time soon

Surya : Even if not before we approve that person

Siraj : Of course we are not going to give you to some random idiot

Deepak and Shubman : Yarr stop interrupting and let her speak!!!

Ishan : Why you both are saying like you have something to do knowing her concept

Deepak and Shubman : Umm ..... Nothing like that.... It's just we are curious.... Stop questioning us and focus on her Tara you continue

Deepak : Umm sorry can I call you tara.... If you are fine otherwise it's okay

Prathiksha : They all call me know for me you are like them so of course you can and if you want you can also call me charu like how the kids call as they are unable to call taru

Deepak : Sure then I will call you charu like the kids.....

Ict : You should have told this to us first because we know you before him and they started whining like kid's

Rohit : Stop whining like some jealous kids, you all are grown up for God sake!!! But I made you my sister before everyone so I should have known it first he said sulking

Virat : Lo.... Stop whining like some jealous kids he said mimicking rohit Say's the most mature one

Rohit : Hey I am matured ..... OK

Ict : Please stop joking bhaiya not helping

Rohit : Ugh I'm the captain still no respect.... Idiots

Prathiksha : OK were where we marriage as I said earlier I feel that I am too young for marriage so it can wait, And about dating someone I don't want to date someone for the sake of being in a relationship, If I date someone that person whoever it is would be my " Beginning Middle And End " I won't have any one else in my life other than that person. I will love that person with my whole heart even if I am not sure if I will get that love back or not and about heartbreak it's not a big thing for me and I can deal with it. And about love For me love is not just a simple feeling it's a beautiful realisation that makes me feel happy and emotional at the same time something that gives me peace, It's not only the physical gestures and pleasures that can be called as love if we love someone wholeheartedly everything they do would be special to us, Like there smile , small things that they do their touch can make us feel butterflies in our stomach not just butterflies but an entire zoo each moments spent feel's endless we find peace in them they would be the first person to whom we want to run when we feel happy sad or confused, Saying l love you numerous times is not love you should understand each other respect each other trust each other, should have mutual feelings for each other must give the required space in a relationship there might be ups and downs but you should figure it out together and deal with it together and most importantly No matter what happens and how many problems you have to face or difference you have to deal with never leave each others side.... Big gift's dates surprise are not required if you can give the opposite person a sense of belonging and comfort that's enough..... Feeling matters not the way you express it and sometimes if you don't express it also it's fine

Ishan : Woh you have a deep understanding about love now tell me about your dream boy concept....

Prathiksha : I don't have a dream boy concept, I just want the person to be understanding respectful and most importantly trustworthy because I have seen people breaking trust whom I have trusted blindly, I want the person to accept me after knowing everything about me and not just out of liking.... I'm okay if he is less expressive as long as I can feel his emotions without him expressing. And above all he should accept my brother , you all , meghu Di tanu and Gautam bhaiya as his own like a family and vice versa also because for me family comes above anyone . And I would be lucky if I could find someone just like how ritisi bhabhi found out ro bhai nushki bhabhi found out vi bhai athi bhabhi found out rah bhai meghu di found out gautam bhai riva bhabhi and radhi bhabhi found jaddu bhaiya and jinx bhiya , tanu and natas bhabhi found rishu bhaiya and harry bhaiya then I would feel so lucky..... And yeah if I am not able to find someone like that then I will give you all the choice to find someone for me

Virat : Even if you find someone also we will test him and after we feel that he is perfect for you we would allow you to date him and for marriage he will have to take more effort

Siraj : Then one thing is sure that you are not gonna get someone soon

Prathiksha laughed at sirajs comment while shubman and deepak was looking at her with a different kind of emotion

Prathiksha : Now let's eat something, you all must be feeling hungry right, and even if you are not I am feeling so come let's eat

They were surprised to see the delicious cuisine arranged it contained all their favourites from dal chawal to chole bhature including their favourite desert.....

Ashwin : Now please don't say that you made this all alone

Prathiksha : What if I, I'm preparing it for my brothers and friends but don't worry bhabhis helped me and about your preference I asked mahi bhai he told me what you all love

They were very grateful for the moment and to have Prathiksha in their life

As they settled down for the meal , the conversation continued , flowing seamlessly like a gentle stream ranging from light - hearted banters to heartfelt confessions . Prathiksha's words about love and relationships lingered in the minds of everyone present , stirring up reflections on their own experience and aspirations

Shubman and Deepak Stole glances at Prathiksha , each lost in their own thoughts. Shubman couldn't shake off the feeling that her description of the ideal partner resonated deeply with him , while Deepak pounded how he could be the trustworthy and understanding companion she sought

Amidst the laughter and chatter , Ishan couldn't help but admire Prathiksha's maturity and depth of understanding . He felt a new found respect for her , seeing her not just as a friend but someone wise beyond her age

Rahul leaned forward with a mischievous glint in his eyes

Rahul : " So Prathiksha , any secret crushes you're hiding from us ??"

Prathiksha chuckled , shaking her head

Prathiksha : " Nope, no secret crushes here. You guys already keep me on my toes with all your antics . "

Ishan raises an eyebrow

Ishan : " Come on , there must be someone who catches your eye ."

Prathiksha shrugged , a playful smile tugging at her lips

Prathiksha : " Well if I develop a crush , I'll be sure to let you all know . But for now I'm perfectly fine with the amazing friends and brothers I have ."

Shubman couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at her words

Shubman : " You know Prathiksha, you're truly one of a kind I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you "

Prathiksha grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief

Prathiksha : " Is that a compliment , shub ? Because if it is, I'll take it "

Deepak chimed in , his voice laced with admiration

Deepak : " Seriously Prathiksha , you have such a unique perspective on life and love it's wonderful to hear

Prathiksha's cheek tinged pink at the praise .

Prathiksha : " Thank you Deepak . I've always believed that honesty and authenticity are the key to meaningful relationship"

Virat nodded in agreement

Virat : " She's right, you know . In world full of superficiality , Prathiksha's sincerity is like breath of fresh air

Rohit smiled, his gaze softening as he looked at Prathiksha

Rohit : " You remind us all what's truly important in life - love, friendship , and staying true to ourselves "

Prathiksha returned their smiles , feeling grateful for the bond they shared

Prathiksha : " Well I couldn't ask for better friends and brothers than all of you. Now let's dig into the food before it gets cold!"

With that they dove into the delicious spread before them , their laughter mingling with the clinking of utensils as they savoured the simple joys of togetherness . In that moment surrounded by the people who mattered the most Prathiksha knew that no matter what future held , they would always be there for each other , supporting and uplifting one another through life's ups and downs

Seeing her lost in thought , Shubman with a gentle smile reached out for Prathiksha's hand

Shubman : " Tara, you always have a way of bringing warmth to our hearts "

Deepak nodded in agreement his eyes softening

Deepak : " You're like the glue that hold us together , Tara We're grateful for your presence "

Prathiksha's cheeks flushed with happiness

Prathiksha : " Thank you guys. You all mean the world to me "

Ishan chimed in , his tone filled with sincerity .

Ishan : " Indeed , Tara . Your words about love and relationships have left a lasting impression on us . You have such a profound understanding "

Shubman leaned in closer .

Shubman : " It's amazing how you value trust and acceptance above all else. You truly has a heart of gold , Charu "

Prathiksha's gaze drifted to shubman and a soft smile playing on her lips

Prathiksha : " You guys inspire me everyday with your unwavering support and love "

Siraj cleared his throat , a mischievous glint in his eyes

Siraj : " Well, speaking of inspiration, I have a feeling someone here might have found their dream boy "

Yashasvi raised an eyebrow , a teasing smirk forming

Yashasvi : " Oh? Care to share charu ?"

Prathiksha's cheeks turned a shade of pink as she cast a shy glance at Shubman

Prathiksha : " Well, let's just say , I'm surrounded by wonderful examples of what true love looks like "

Shubman's heart skipped a beat and he gently squeezed Prathiksha's hand

Shubman : " And who knows , maybe one day you'll find someone who makes your heart skip a beat too "

The rest of the group exchanged a knowing glances their smiles filled with warmth and affection

Virat raised his glass in a toast

Virat : " To love , to family, to the journey ahead . May we always find joy in each others company "

As they clinked glasses together , laughter filled the air and Prathiksha couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support of her dear brothers and friends . In that moment , she knew that no matter what future held , they would always be there for each other , through thick and thin . Prathiksha couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her for in the presence of her beloved friends , she knew she was

They had a wonderful dinner with lots of laughter and light hearted moments

Ashwin : The food was so delicious prati thanks a lot for taking so much of efforts for us

Others also nodded in agreement with ashwin

Prathiksha : Glad that you all loved it, Now tell me which movie you all want to watch

Surya : Prati!!!

Prathiksha : Yes bhaiya

Surya : "We wanted to gift you something Tara, I know it would be nothing in front of what you gave us but still we wanted to gift you something as our first holi Gift to our little one

Prathiksha's eyes widened in surprise at Surya's words

Prathiksha : " You guys don't have to get me anything , really. Your friendship and love are the greatest gifts I could ever ask for "

Rishab : " But still we wanted to gift you something so here you go "

Prathiksha's eyes widened in astonishment as she accepted the boxes from rishab and Surya

Prathiksha : " Oh my goodness thank you so much "

She exclaimed her heart fluttering with excitement.....

Surya beamed at her

Surya : " You're welcome taru . We wanted to gift you something meaningful , something that reflects the beauty you bring into our lives "

As she's carefully opened the box her breath caught inside her throat. Inside one box lay her beloved life ghungroo a symbol of her passion for dance and music which was broken by her mami and that day she stopped dancing . In the other box , she found a large canvas and a set of painting brushes and paint a nod to her artistic talents ..... She was literally brimming with joy holding the ghungroo close to her chest

Prathiksha : "By giving this ghungroo you guys gave me back my biggest passion back which I thought would never return to my life, I am in short of words to thank you all "

Prathiksha felt her heart swell with emotions as she looked around at her brothers and friends , each one watching her with love and affection .

Rohit cleared his throat , his voice filled with warmth .

Rohit : " We wanted to give you something that would remind you of the music you bring into our lives , Tara . Something to inspire you to keep dancing , even when the world feels dark"

Her gaze then fell upon Shubman, who held out a small elegant wrapped box

Shubman : " This is for you , Prathiksha " he said softly , his eyes filled with warmth

Prathiksha's heart skipped a beat as she accepted the box from him . With trembling hands , she unwrapped it to reveal a delicate charm bracelet . Each charm seemed to tell a story , capture it moments of joy and laughter .

Prathiksha : " It's beautiful," she murmured her eyes brimming with tears of gratitude

Shubman smiled tenderly

Shubman : " I saw this bracelet and it reminded me of you , Prathiksha . Each charm represent a special memorie we've shared together , and I thought it would be a fitting tribute to our friendship ."

Prathiksha felt her heart swell with emotions as she slipped the bracelet onto her wrist

Prathiksha : " Thank you , Shubman she whispered her voice filled with love . I"ll cherish this forever "

And last but not the least take this, siraj said handing over another wrapped packet

Prathiksha : " What you all gave is more than enough , their was no need for this "

Rahul : "But we, insist you to take this. We put together something special for you "

She took it from siraj and unwrapped it to find a small yet beautiful album which compiled all their favourite memories

Tears welled up in her eyes as she flipped through the pages , each one holding precious moments captured in time .

Prathiksha : " Oh, you guys.... This is.... Incredible "

Ishan chuckled , his eyes twinkling with affection .

Ishan : " We wanted to create something that would remind you of the bond we share , Prathiksha . Something to cherish for years to come "

Prathiksha : " Thank you all of you ," she whispered her voice chocked with emotions . "I don't know what did to deserve friends like you "

Virat : " You don't have to do anything, Prathiksha . We love you just the way you

Slowly they all got up from there places and started admiring the open sky , they all felt a sense of peace looking at the moon

Prathiksha : " Thank you all for being a part of my life ," she said softly, her voice carrying a warmth that touched their hearts. " No matter what the future holds , I know I"ll always have you by my side."

Moved by her words they gathered around her in a tight embrace , feeling grateful for the bond they shared . In that moment , surrounded by the ones they loved, they realised that true happiness lay not in grand gestures or material possessions , but in simple joys of friendship and love .

At that time the wife's sanju bhuvi mayank and abhishek came back and they were moved by the wonderful seen unfolded in front of them

Ritika : " Aww can we join the hug please

Hearing their voice they looked towards the side without breaking the hug and motioned them to join the hug

After sometimes they all broke the hug

Deepak : So how was all your dinner with mahi bhayi and at tanvis home

Sanju : It was great but we missed you, you should have also joined us as we all are meeting bhai and Rahul Sir after a long time

That's what I was thinking why didn't he joined them, he was totally unwanted for this moment, it was meant for us and Tara shubman muttered

Ishan : Did you say something shubi

Shubman : Umm No did you hear something??

Ishan : Maybe leave it and bhabhis tell me about your dinner

Ritika : It was great, aunty Cooke's so well and everyone is so amazing megha and rishu is lucky to get such cool in-laws

Sakshi : But they missed Prathiksh and aunty want you and tanvi to stay there for a few days maybe a week or two

Ict : A week!!!

Athiya : Yeah week what's there to be shocked about it, they are coming back after a long time and it's there right to spend time with their daughters

Surya : If it's like that than let Tanvi stay for a week, Prathiksha can come back after a day or two she don't need to stay for week right

Tanvi : She is also the daughter of raichands just like me, so she will also stay for a week

Natasha : Girls are you seeing how time and the boys are changing, their was a time when this boy's were not able to leave without having tanu around and now see

Rivaba : Yes absolutely, now they are fine without having tanu around, and they can't leave without having taru around. Just how fast the night changes

Tanvi : Remember Prati what I told you that my brothers and best friends are amazing if you could gain their trust they will be ready to give their lives for you and congratulations you have become their favourite their lives

Prathiksha : I will always be grateful to you tanu for recommending me and despite the tough circumstances you made sure that I get to do this job, because of you I met this amazing people and I will be forever grateful to you for making this happen

Ict : We will also be, because of you we got her thank you so much tanu

Tanvi : I know after getting to know her closer you all would be saying this, what where all your dialogues in the beginning " We won't let someone control us " , she will run away the third day she joins the job " Tanvi said mimicking them

Ict : Umm we...... That was in the beginning when we knew nothing about her , now things have changed they said scratching the back of their necks

Deepak : Then they wanted Prathiksha to run away, and now even if Prathiksha want to run away they won't let her run away

Bhuvi : She is stuck with the ict and now there is no going away

Mayank : Not just ict but the chaotic ict and I am feeling pity for her future boyfriend, because he has to deal with this possessive fellows

Shreyas : And you can't deny the fact that you are one among them

Mayank : yeah that's true

They all settled down on the floor and suddenly abhishek notice guitar in tanvis hand

Abhishek : You play guitar tanu

Tanvi : Yeah I do, back in college I also have won price for playing guitar when I saw this in my room I thought of bringing it here

Mayank : Then why don't you play the guitar and sing a song for us

Tanvi : I am good at playing guitar but to be honest I am a horrible singer

Ict : That's true

Umm Tanvi glared at them

Ict : What you only confessed

Athiya : But our Tara sings well, she has a angelic voice, that will make you fall in love with her

Tanvi : So true, back in college we used to have a small band where I used to play the guitar and shresta used to play the piano and Prathiksha used to sing hain na shres

Shresta : Yes, she really have such a beautiful voice

Mayank : So Prathiksha why don't you sing for us today

Prathiksha : Mayank I am not such an amazing singer just an average one

Abhishek : So our average singer please sing for us..... Pretty please he said showing puppy face

Prathiksha : OK

Prathiksha took the mic that tanvi bought along with the guitar Tanvi started playing the guitar and Prathiksha started to sing

So this is for my amazing brothers sisters and best friends in short for my dear family she said and started singing

Ye Tasveer Hai
Khwabon Ke Rangon Ki
Khushiyon Ki
Sapno Ki Apno Ki

Ye Tasveer Hai
Jaadu Ke Lamhon Ki
Mere Dil Ke Sabhi
Kataron Ki

Mere Dil Ki Ye Bagiya Hai
Jo Iss Gulshan Ki Kaliyaan Hai
Yahaan Har Phool Phool Phool Phool

Mere Din Hai Our Ratiyaan Hai
Sukoon Waali Ye Nindiyaan Hai
Yahaan Har Pal Pal Pal

Jara Si Yahaan Takraar Hai
Magar Pyaar Bikhara Pada
Musibat Agar Koi Aa Padi
Hard Dil Mil Ke Khada

Vo Tasveer Hai Aansuon Se Rangi
Dekh Kar Ankh Hai Chalki Si
Vo Tasveer Hai Khoon Ke Rishton Ki
Jo Meri Saanson Mein Hai Basi

Kisi Kaagaz Ki Pudiya Mein
Inhein Rakh Loon Mein Dibiya Mein
Ye Saare Too Too Too Too

Basa Loon In Ko Ankhiyaan Mein
Haan Rakh Loon Phir Palakiyaan Mein
Yahaan Har Gul Gul Gul

Mere Dil Ki Ye Bagiya Hai
Jo Iss Gulshan Ki Kaliyaan Hai
Yahaan Har Phool Phool Phool Phool

Mere Din Hai Our Ratiyaan Hai
Sukoon Waali Ye Nindiyaan Hai
Yahaan Har Pal Pal Pal

Aaoaao... Aaoaao... Aaoaao...

Yahaan Har Pal Pal Pal

They all were mesmerized by her beautiful voice, they realised that what athiya said was true that her voice was so beautiful that it can make anyone fall in love with her

Ishan : That was awesome prati, Now since shubi gifted you this beautiful charm bracelet ..... As a return gift you have to dedicate a song for him

Others : Yes Yes definitely!!!

Prathiksha : OK

Prathiksha : This is for you shub, a small return gift for the most beautiful and elegant gift that you gave me, thanks for being there for me no matter what and being the most amazing person that you are I am blessed to have a friend like you so this is for you she said and started singing

Baware kuch khayalo mein
Bachkane se sawalo mein
Sang rahiyo sang rahiyo

Samjhe na duniya
Tu to mujhko samjhiyo
Dil nasamajh hai
Dil ko kuch bhi na kahiyo

Naino mein paigam jis tarah
Masjid mein azan jis tarah

Naino mein paigam jis tarah
Masjid mein azan jis tarah
Subah aane tak jal rahe

Palko mein armaan jis tarah
Sang rahiyo sang rahiyo

Samjhe na duniya
Tu to mujhko samjhiyo
Dil nasamajh hai
Dil ko kuch bhi na kahiyo

Manane ke hisabo mein
Galti wale jawabo mein
Sang rahiyo sang rahiyo

Samjhe na duniya
Tu to mujhko samjhiyo
Dil nasamajh hai
Dil ko kuch bhi na kahiyo

Aage rahiyo na pichhe rahiyo
Mera rahiyo yaar bas mera rahiyo
Aage rahiyo na pichhe rahiyo
Mera rahiyo yaar bas mera rahiyo
Sang rahiyo sang rahiyo

Samjhe na duniya
Tu to mujhko samjhiyo
Dil nasamajh hai
Dil ko kuch bhi na kahiyo

They all where lost in her voice especially shubman, he was looking at her with a different kind of emotion something which he can't describe and the constant smile was not leaving his face, for the first time he was feeling very special

Shubman : Thank you so much, I will cherish this return gift for ever

Deepak : Is this what you said that you are an average singer , seriously your voice is a therapy to ears something blissful and soothing to hear

Prathiksha : Thank you so much deepak for the compliment and I am glad that you liked my return gift shub

They all were talking with each other and spending the night with great joy and happiness.....

At that time Prathiksha got a call from mahi

Prathiksha : Hello bhai

Mahi : Prati where are you??

Prathiksha : I am in the apartment bhai

Mahi : Listen baccha I want to tell you something important

Prathiksha : Tell me bhai I am listening

Mahi : Before that I wanted to know whether the boys are around you or not, because they are not supposed to hear what I am about to say

Prathiksha : They are not around you tell the matter is everything alright

Rahul Dravid : No, not really the board has taken the final decision about your transfer and they want you to join the England team and the senior manager will manage the ict in your place

Mahi : I know , you are very upset about it baccha but it's just a matter of two days just join the team and be with them for one day, by that time I will convince the board senior manager and Sam the one who proposed the deal if he takes back the deal you won't have to go anywhere kiddo, so I will talk to him

The boys where hearing what mahi was saying abhishek mayank sanju bhuvi the wife's, and tanvi could clearly see the range of fire in their eyes and the possessiveness and fear of losing Prathiksha

Mahi : I don't want the boys to know about this, until I talk and settle the matter with sam, as you know if they get to know they will be dealing the whole matter in a different way

Prathiksha : OK bhai,

With this mahi cut the call and Prathiksha turned to see a angry ict boy's and their eyes is having raging fire and face reflecting a kind of emotion that clearly showcase that they could eat anyone alive

Rohit : So our suspicion was right that stupid junior benstokes was behind all this, now he will know who ict actually is

Jaddu : You are late bhai, we have got to know everything and now we will deal with him in our own way

Surya : He is gonna regret for his entire life time for messing with ict

Harry : He will finally realise that we and our feelings are something with which he should not play

Rahul : Now he will understand what is the effect of playing with fire

Sanjana : Guys calm down, and let mahi bhai deal with it, or else you guys try talking with him

Bumrah : There is no room for talking, and it's too late for mahi bhai to talk as we have taken the matter in our hands

At the same time Prathiksha received a call from Sam

Virat : Lift the call he said in a strict and authoritative tone which echode in the entire room

Prathiksha : Hello Sam

Sam : Hey pretty pie

Prathiksha : Why did you call anything important

Sam : I'm so excited to know that you are joining us from tomorrow, before that I wanted to meet you

Prathiksha : Why?? You have anything to tell me ,

Sam : Yeah I have, I will tell you that when we meet so tomorrow morning at down town cafe OK and from there we will together go to team apartment

Prathiksha : OK

Virat : So boy's tomorrow morning at downtown cafe

Tanvi : But he asked her to meet him

Shammi : But she is not the one who is going to meet him

Ritika : Then who is going to meet him

Ict : We are going to meet, him he is excited to surprise her with something know, now he will be the one who is gonna get surprised

They laughed, evily and everyone was quite scared about what's coming next

Wife's : May God save that poor boy because their is no guarantee whether we will get to see him after tomorrow

Prathiksha : Huh??

Sanju : Their possessive side is very dangerous specially when it comes to protecting their closed one's

Tanvi : And if someone dare to mess with that side they show them what hell looks like

Bhuvi : And once if someone come across that side even in dream also they won't think about messing with them and their close once

Abhishek : And now it's about you their life, without showing him his limits they won't stop and in this matter they are not going to listen to anyone not even to you

Mayank : I don't understand why that stupid pull such stunt when he clearly knows that end result won't be in his favor and can become dangerous for him

At that time mahi returned along with Raina and he could clearly sense how tensed the atmosphere was he understood that by now the boy's have got to know about everything he went towards them

Mahi : It's late night and why's everyone up don't you all want to sleep

Sakshi : We all were just talking with each other and didn't see the time, come guys let's go and sleep, Prathiksha the kids might be waiting for you to hear their bed time story

Ritika : Yeah girl's let's go and sleep, prati you go join the kids, they won't sleep without you telling them the bed time story

Mahi : Yes you go baccha, you have to wake up early also as you have to meet the England team and yeah please pack two or three outfits as you might have to stay there for a day or two

Prathiksha : OK bhai

Raina : Kiddo don't be upset, it's just a matter of a day or two more than that we won't let you stay there. We will talk with Sam and convince him to take back the deal then everything will be fine, maybe by tomorrow evening you can come back so don't get upset OK......

Mahi : You trust me right baccha

Prathiksha : Yes bhai I know that what ever decision you take it would be for everyone's better

Mahi : OK then go pack your bags, kaka sa will drop you in the England's team apartment and as sonu said if everything goes well then you can come back by evening

Athiya : Come Prathiksha we will help you with the packing, apart from clothes you might need other things also right

They all got up and was about to go to Prathikshas room to pack her things but a voice stopped them

Rohit : You won't pack anything Tara

They were shocked hearing rohits strict and authoritative voice, the rohit who used to speak softly even in the most serious situation is raising his voice

Prathiksha : Why bhai

Rohit : Because you are not going anywhere, you will be staying here only with us

Virat : No one has the right to separate you from us and we won't let someone do that

Surya : We have decided that you are not going anywhere, so you don't have to pack anything

Mahi : Can't you guys understand what I have said just now, if everything is fine she can come back by evening or within two days this entire matter will get settled

Jaddu : And do you have a guarantee for that

Mahi : Sorry I didn't get you

Shammi : Bhai do you have a guarantee that things will get settled within two days, can you assure us that she will come back by tomorrow evening or maybe within two days

Jinx : Can you promise us that, this transfer won't be permanent and she will come back

Mahi was speechless in front of their questions, he himself was not sure if he could stop Prathiksha from getting transferred to England team permanently, the fear of losing her has started to creep into his mind also

Ashwin : See you can't guarantee us anything, that means she can be permanently appointed as their manager and maybe you might fail in convincing Sam and even if you do so you can't promise if you could convince the higher authorities. Sorry we can't take risk in her case so she is not going anywhere

Raina : Guys don't you all trust mahi bhai, if he says that he will find a solution for this problem and will settle everything for once and all, why can't you just believe him

Virat : Who said that we don't believe him, we definitely believe him and we know that whatever he do is for everyone's better

Rahul : But in Prathiksha's case we can't take any chance and we will be the ones who would decide her mattres , and we have decided that she will not go anywhere from us

Mahi knew how stubborn they all can become sometimes and here he has to deal with not only their stubbornness but also with their possessive nature so he decided to do something which he surely know will break everyone's heart but he has to do it
Otherwise this is not gonna reach anywhere

Mahi : Prathiksha!!! His voice was so loud that it went outside the apartment

Prathiksha : Yes bhai , she said in a scared tone

Mahi : You all call me bhai or bhiya right??

All : Yes

Mahi : Yes, did I ever used my right of being your big brother in any of the situation and tried to force my decisions upon you, have ever stopped you all from voicing out your opinion or have I ever stopped you from taking decision for the team ro

All : No bhai

Mahi : No right, but today I am gonna do that I am going to use my rights as your big brother as your mahi bhai, if you feel that I am forcing my decision or I am being selfish or I don't care about her, you are free to feel I don't care, As I said earlier Prathiksha will join the England camp tomorrow and it's final, so Prathiksha go pack your bags and I am not telling you or asking you to do it, instead I am ordering you to do it..... Now you all go as the kids might also be waiting

The wife's Tanvi and Prathiksha started to leave but stopped in their tracks listening to the boys

Ict : We respect you a lot bhai we consider you not only as our elder brother but as our idol also as our father figure, but for the first time we are disagreeing you, and is going against your order we won't let her go, and we are going to stop her from packing

Mahi : I have not finished saying what I was saying, I know you guys would not agree with me and for the first time we all would be disagreeing with each other on something, so let me tell you all if guys are not ready to send Prathiksha. " Then I Would Resign From The Position Of Being ICT's Mentor And Not Only That I Will Tell The England Board That ICT Doesn't Need Prathiksha as Their Manager Anymore , So They Can Appoint Her As Their Manager Permanently and I Would Personally speak with the Coach Mentors and Team members To Keep Her Away From You All and Break All the Contacts She Has With You All. I Would Personally Take Care Of This And Would make Sure That None Of You Are Able to Meet Her Let Alone Talk With Her "
" If you all want that then please just go ahead and stop her, otherwise Agree with me and let her go for a day or two. Choice is yours but remember if you all let her go now I can assure you all that she will come back but if you choose to be stubborn, you will lose me, not only me but Sakshi ziva and most importantly Prathiksha this would be the last day you all will be seeing us, Now the choice is all yours let her go or else lose the four of us

The boys where shocked hearing what ever mahi said, never in their life time they can think of losing them because the four of them were so important to them, mahi was like their father figure while Sakshi was like their mother figure and ziva was their first born baby and Prathiksha was their sister

They sat down at their place without saying anything and Prathiksha and wife's along with Tanvi left to do the packing

Mahi's heart broke seeing them like this, he felt bad for putting them in such a emotionally tight spot, but he had no other option he sat down with them with a sigh while Raina squeezed his hand lightly calming him down, he could see that all their eyes where welled up

Mahi : Listen I am sorry boy's I never wanted to say something like this, but what to do you all where not understanding that's why I had to say like that please apna bhaiya ko maaf kar do

Virat : It's okay bhai, we know that you never ment any of the word's that you said..... But please don't ever say like this..... You are too precious for us to lose and we can't think of leaving without you four

Mahi : I know vi that none of you can live without us, and even we all can't live without you, but what to do none of you were listening to what I am trying to say

Rohit : Bhai we know that you care for Prathiksha more than us and would always want her best, but when you said of sending her away we couldn't just accept it

Mahi : I am not sending her away baccha it's just a matter of two days, if I could settle the matter tomorrow itself then by evening she would be back , do you think I would ever want her to go away from all of us

Jaddu : We know bhai but we are scared what if they manipulate her against us, what if they snatch her from us forever we can't live without her bhai we simply can't

Surya : You know na bhai vishal was the darkness of our lives who ruined our lives , tried to tore us apart because of him we lost all of them, their was a point when we all felt that we won't be the same again. But Prathiksha she came to our lives as the light that shines through the darkness, she became the ray of hope in our lives, she gave us back the biggest thing we lost our friendship and she made us smile again and because of her we are living freely, if she go away from us our lives will be filled with darkness again which we don't want

Rahul : You know right bhai that I have no one to call as my family, but when she came to my life I felt like my mom and dad came back, I felt that I got my lost sister back and I don't want to lose the only person whom I feel is the return of my parents

Mahi : I understand all your emotions kiddo's and I am telling you all that you all won't lose her and I promise you all that.....

Ashwin : We trust you bhai and we know that you are doing this for everyone's better but we can't afford to lose Prathiksha and even the thought of her going away from us scares us

Abhishek : We can never trust the England team bhaiya, they are jealous of the bond that we share with Prathiksha and since they are getting her back, they will do everything in their power to keep her away from us and tear us apart

Ishan : within a short time, she has become our world bhaiya and now we can't imagine living without her, please don't split us apart he said in a vulnerable voice

Siraj : we are ready to give up on anything but not on Prathiksha

Rohit : She is our family bhai and we won't let any outsider come between us

Mahi : I promise you all nothing of that sort would happen and none of you are going to lose your Prathiksha just trust your mahi bhai.....

Saying this he left from there leaving them in deep thoughts the fear of losing Prathiksha felt like an unknown pain in their lives and they were determined to keep her with them no matter what

Raina : Got to know that Sam wants to meet Prathiksha, what's your take on it

Rohit : Yeah we also know that, he will definitely meet not her

Raina : If not her then whom

Virat : Us we are going to meet him, he is very excited to surprise her and mess with us now we will give him a surprise and he will understand what ict is

Raina : But that would make matters worse

Ict : We don't care, Prathiksha will not meet that junior benstokes he challenged us and now we will deal with him

With that they left from there to Prathiksha's room and saw the wife's and Tanvi coming out of the room

Athiya : Guys why are you standing here holding this blanket and pillow

Rahul : Of course to sleep, I didn't knew that my wife was dump that she couldn't even realise what people do using pillow and blanket

Athiya : Hey , I am not dump I am asking because you all are standing in front of Prathiksha's room

Virat : As said earlier we are here to sleep now move aside

They all went inside pushing them aside

Tanvi : Hey what are they upto

Natasha : If you wake the kids up I swear l will kill you all!!!

They spread the blanket in the floor and kept the pillows and arranged themselves in such a way everyone could get space and left a huge space in the middle

Ritika : What are they even doing

Rohit : Deepak go pick up Prathiksha without breaking her sleep 😴😴

Shubman : Bhai I will pick her up, let deepak settle down

Virat : You have already layed down shub now it's impossible for you to get up from here and you are in between so all of us must adjust but deepak is still standing so let him go , deepak you go and as said earlier don't break her sleep 😴😴

Deepak : OK

He went towards the bed and saw that Prathiksha was sleeping peacefully cuddling Sammy, he slowly moved her aside and made the kids sleep peacefully then picked up Prathiksha in bridal style without disturbing her sleep, she was in deep slumber and didn't had any idea about what's happening as out of habit she snuggled closely into deepaks neck and said in sleep

Prathiksha : You are very nice you didn't break my sleep 😴😴 , I love you heh she said cutely in sleep and snuggled up more into deepaks neck

Shubman was not liking this so he got up from the place where he was sleeping

Ishan : What the hell shubi!!! Why did you just get up

Shubman : Just for fun I guess 🙄🙄

The wife's and Tanvi understood what they are up-to so they left from there

Deepak tries to put down a sleeping Prathiksha in the middle of rohit and Rahul but she was snuggling more into him

Rohit : Should I help

Deepak : It's OK I will manage

He slowly layed her down but she was not leaving his hand as she is sleepy

Rohit : You lay down near to her I will move a bit

Rohit made space for deepak and he layed down near to her Prathiksha was still holding his hand unknowingly , shubman pushed Rahul a bit and made space for himself

Rahul : What the heck shubi couldn't you just lay where you were

Shubman : No, sorry 😑😑 now I am feeling sleepy so let's not talk more

Saying this he turned to Prathiksha's side and kept his hand on the top of Prathikshas hand and she slept holding both deepak and shubmans hand and they were looking at her with a different kind of emotion filled with love affection and admiration

Others also moved closer to them hugging each other close, they had a different kind of determination to not let Prathiksha go away from them.....

Rohit : You are very precious for us to lose Prathiksha, we will protect you from all the evil and will not let anyone snatch you away from us, he woke up and lightly kissed her head and slept hugging deepak and Prathiksha close

Shubman's pov

Humm that deepak 😏😏he is literally becoming a trouble for me day by how dare he touch my Prathiksha..... Wait how did she even become your Prathiksha
She is my best friend know just like ishu so yes she is my Prathiksha , I won't let anyone take her away from me with all my power I will protect her and You Sam just wait and watch what I am going to do. You not only have to face icts rath but also my rath

You yourself has made me your enemy and who ever becomes my enemy I won't let them live in peace

You are too precious for me to lose Prathiksha, I don't know what I feel about you but I can't imagine a life without you. You have become the light of my dark world, you are the painting of my blank canvas. I will go till any extend to protect you and save you from the cruel world, I will not give you to any one, and that's a promise you will be mine always and forever

Shubman thought to himself and gently kissed Prathikshas forehead cuddling to her

Deepak was also lost in deep thoughts seeing Prathiksha

Deepaks pov "

I don't know what I feel about you Prathiksha but one thing is sure that I have never seen such a unique and beautiful soul like you in my life time as your name says you are really a hope to everyone, you have become the bright light of all our dark lives

I'm really glad that I came across you because of which I got a good friend like you and I promise that I will stand by your side no matter what and will always be there for you as a friend and most importantly as a support system to whom you can run in any situation and share your sorrows joy and even anger also, Thank you God for making me met with her, I never used to believe this but now I feel like believing it that it's destiny which made us meet and we were meant to cross our paths

I will put all my efforts to protect you from the world outside and keep you away from the once who are trying to separate you from your loved ones

He sleeps taking her hands in his hands and holding it more closely to himself

Ict : You are ours Prathiksha, and we won't allow anyone to claim you as their

And they all snuggled to Prathiksha as she is some fragile doll

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