Mr. Daddy's Money - Draco Mal...

By eightiesoutsider

52.8K 861 895

- Draco Malfoy and Fred Weasley love triangle. -oc fanfic ... Draco Malfoy, Mr. Daddy's Money, has always... More



652 11 18
By eightiesoutsider

Dobby sheepishly walked into my lap, as I sat up, as I looked over at the necklace in Draco's hand. 

"It's perfect.  You did such a wonderful job, I can't even tell it was broken." I thanked Dobby, who then gave a little bow. 

"May I?" Draco asked me softly. 

I gave him a smile, as he placed the necklace around my neck. 

"Dobby spent all summer working on that." Dobby said proudly. 

"I didn't know you had a house elf, Draco." I said. 

"Well, sort of.  Dobby is my family's elf... well, until my father freed him." Draco sort of scuffed at end. 

"Dobby, if you're free, why do you still follow orders?" I asked the elf. 

Dobby sat down on my lap, making himself comfortable. 

"Though Dobby has no master, I've always been fond of Mr. Draco.  He's much kinder than his father, so I still do favors for him." He smiled. 

"And you'll do favors for her as well.   You listen to her just as you do to me." Draco told Dobby referring to me. 

"Dobby, you don't have to do that." I reassured him. 

"A friend of Draco's is a friend of mine." Dobby replied. 

I think me and Draco are a little more than friends at this point. 

"Dobby, get off the bed." Draco told the house elf. 

Before Dobby could even move a muscle, I intervened. 

"No, he can stay on the bed." I defended Dobby.

Draco seemed to let out an annoyed sigh. 

"Fine." Draco huffed. 

"You are always welcome in my room, sir.  Whenever you'd like." I told the elf.

"Sir?" Dobby's eyes seemed to light up, "I like her."

"I'll even get you a bed and set up a corner of my room just for you, Dobby." I smiled. 

"You're gonna spoil him." Draco seemed to let out a chuckle. 

"Dobby would be very grateful.  Thank you, miss." Dobby grabbed my hand and shook it, to show his gratitude. 

It would be nice to have Dobby here.  I do get lonely being all by myself. 

"Dobby must get going for the night." He announced. 

"Thank you, again." I told Dobby, who smiled again. 

He then snapped his fingers, and he disappeared right out of thin air. 

"How did he to that?" I asked Draco. 

"Elves have the ability to apparate places that we can't." Draco replied simply. 

"He seems lovely." I said back. 

"Yeah, where are you going to get a bed that small?" Draco seemed to chuckle at the thought.  

"At the Weasley's I have some of my things. I do have lots of things still at my parents, but I remember moving a small bed and some clothes for one of my dolls I had when I was younger.  I don't know why I wanted to take it with, but I'm glad I did." I sort of chuckled at the end. 

"So you just have... a tiny bed and clothes hanging around?" Draco asked sort of confused at the thought. 

"Yes, it's for a toy, muggle toy.  I'll send Mrs. Weasley an owl to send it over." I told him. 

I got up from my bed and dug around my room, to find parchment and a quill. 

I wrote a quick letter to the Weasley house, asking for one of them to send the small bed and shoes over as soon as they got the chance.  

I handed it to my owl, and she flew off out the window. 

"I should get a package with them by tomorrow." I told him, as I climbed back into bed. 

As the two of us laid back down, we stared at the ceiling for a while. 

I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I just fucked Draco Malfoy. 

"Draco, why didn't you write to me over the summer? I thought you... just... decided not to talk to me anymore.  I figured it was because of what happened, but I don't know.  I thought we ended last year on decent terms." I sort of mumbled off. 

Draco seemed to move closer, and he seemed to hold me a little tighter. 

"That's not it at all," he reassured me, "I thought about you everyday.  I just figured that after all that happened, you needed time."

Before I could even speak, there were soft knocks on my door. 

My heart dropped instantly to my stomach. 

Draco and I sat up instantly, he was doing everything he could to be as still and quiet as possible. 

"Yes?" I called out to whoever was there. 

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade?" Luna said from the other side of the door. 

"Yeah, just let me get dressed up.  I'll be out in a few minutes." I called back to her. 

Draco and I quickly scrambled out of the bed.  I gave him his shirt back, and the two of us frantically rushed around to get fully dressed. 

"What do I do? Where do I go?" Draco was in a panic. 

Since Luna was a Ravenclaw, that means someone else in the Gryffindor house must have let her in. 

That means, people were probably back in the common room. 

I walked over to the window, and opened it. 

"I'm not jumping out! We're practically on the top floor!" Draco looked down out the window. 

"No, call your broom." I told him. 

He called his broom, which instantly came to the window. 

"I'll see you tomorrow in class." Draco quickly got on his broom, and flew away. 

I shut my window, and walked over to the door. 

As I opened it, Luna stood there smiling. 

"Your shirts on backwards." She simply said. 

I looked down, and it totally was. 

"Thank you. I chuckled, as I flipped it around. 

The two of us walked out of the Gryffindor house, and through the castle, as we made out way towards Hogsmeade.

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