Cote: Magic [Exams break]

Oleh Mei_ki0

2.9K 224 211

As anticipated from the title, it's "Classroom of the Elite" but with magic. The magic system bears similarit... Lebih Banyak

A duel
Swimming lesson.
May 1st

Club affair.

471 45 19
Oleh Mei_ki0

"I don't get you at all." I was in class after returning from the convince store with some food. About ten people had remained in the room. Some had pushed their desks together so they could all eat as a group, while other, more solitary students quietly ate their lunches alone. Everyone here had brought a lunch box from the cafeteria or convenience store.

I had intended to eat alone, but then Horikita returned and sat beside me, uttering those words.

Confused by her sudden remark, I turned to Horikita and asked "What do you mean?"

"There are many things about you that baffle me. For one, why do you go to such lengths to help me? You even revealed such a secret to gain my trust." Quite a question, it looks like I won't be able to eat in peace.

"Well, although I mentioned it in a secretive tone, should a situation arise where it becomes necessary to reveal my abilities, I would reveal them without hesitation." I explained.

"Then why bother hiding them?" Still not convinced Horikita asked.

"I believe in strategic restraint, not putting all my cards on the table. A bit underhanded, don't you think?" I remarked with a hint of amusement in my tone.

"It suits your character." She remarked, if that is a compliment, I will take it. "You still haven't answered my question though."

"Well, of everyone here," I began, my tone thoughtful and gentle "you seem to have the most potential. At first, I offered to teach you in order to persuade you not to report the bus incident. But as I watched your talent, I found myself increasingly intrigued, I guess I got carried away."

"I did say I'm not going to report you." she retorted.

"True, but you never know when someone might change their mind." I countered.

"You are stran-" Just as Horikita was about to finish her sentence, music began to play through the speakers.

"At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at—"

A girl with a sweet voice continued the announcement. Club activities, maybe a change to learn more about the school.

"Wanna go?" I asked for Horikita's company.

"I'm not interested in joining a club."


"You don't plan to join a club, but you want to go to the club fair? How odd."

"I see it as a chance to delve deeper into the school system's inner workings." I remarked thoughtfully "Who knows, there may be some valuable clues."

"In a club fair event?" Horikita questioned with a sceptical tone.

"Mhm." I nodded "Think about it: if the school were testing their students to uncover their hidden agenda, wouldn't they scatter clues throughout various events?"

"You make a fair point. Well, if it's just for a little while after school, I'll go with you."

"Don't worry, I don't intend to stay for long."







"There are more people here than I expected."

After class had ended for the day, Horikita and I went to the gymnasium. Nearly all of the students assembled there were freshmen. There were about a hundred people waiting around. We stood near the back of the room and waited for the fair to begin. While waiting, we glanced over the pamphlet that students received upon entering the gymnasium. The pamphlet contained detailed information about club activities.

"Interesting, you can use magic in physical clubs."

"There are rules though."

"I wonder what the punishment would be if someone broke these rules." Despite the school's seemingly relaxed attitude towards its students during class, it was made very clear that any unauthorised use of magic, outside of the duel function, would result in expulsion.

What would be the consequences if a club member broke the rules of his sport?

While I was pondering the school's rules, a petite girl began to give a speech.

"Thank you all for waiting, first-year students. We will now begin the club fair. A representative from each club will explain their function. My name is Tachibana, the student council secretary and the club fair's organizer. It's nice to meet you all."

After Tachibana delivered the opening remarks, representatives from each club quickly lined up on a stage. It was quite a diverse crowd. The club representatives included everything from burly athletes in judo uniforms to students dressed in beautiful kimonos.

"These facilities are significantly more substantial than ordinary schools. Look, they even have O2 chambers. The equipment here is so luxurious, it puts the professionals' stuff to shame." I observed.

"The more members a club has, the more money they receive from the school. That's how they're able to get better training equipment."

"It would be ideal to gather many new members as a budgetary increase, and then simply to bench them the rest of the time, like phantom members. If you were skilled at manipulation, that is."

"Well, don't you find that strange?" Horikita asked.

"The fact that they would use beginners to increase the budget?" Horikita nodded waiting for my observation.

"I do find it strange." I remarked. "Even though the school provides its students with an unbelievable amount of points, the seniors still resort to such underhanded methods."

"Hm." Horikita nodded in agreement. "That could mean two things: either the luxurious treatment doesn't extend that far, or perhaps the seniors save their points for more crucial matters"

Crucial matters, eh? Which reminds me, anything can be bought with points, are seniors abusing this rule? I thought to myself.

As I was lost in thought a girl dressed in archery gear stepped onto the stage. "Hello, my name is Hashigaki, the captain of the archery club. Many students may be under the impression that archery is an old-fashioned, simple activity, but it is actually a fun and rewarding sport. We welcome beginners with open arms. If you're interested, please consider joining."

"I thought you might like to join this club since you use the bow." Horikita suggested.

"I feel like I will be benched." I replied in a dejected tone.

Author note: Copy and paste you can skip.

As the seniors started introducing their clubs one by one, I noticed Horikita suddenly tense up. She looked at the stage, her face pale.

"What's the matter?"

She didn't even seem to notice me anymore. I followed her line of sight to the stage, but I didn't find anything of note there. Just the representative of the school baseball team, dressed in uniform, giving his introduction. Had she fallen in love with him at first sight? No, I doubted it. Surprise? Disgust? Or maybe she was overjoyed? To be honest, Horikita's expression was complex and hard to read.

"Horikita, what's the matter?"


It was like she couldn't hear my voice. She kept staring intently at the stage. I decided that I'd stop talking to her and simply wait for an explanation. The baseball team's introduction wasn't any more compelling than the others. All things considered, the greeting was rather stock, no matter their schedule, appeal, or how welcoming they were to newcomers.

It wasn't only the baseball club. Virtually every club's introduction was similarly mundane. If anything surprised me about the fair, it was the substantial number of minor liberal arts-related clubs and organizations, such as the tea ceremony club or the calligraphy club. Also, I was surprised that you only needed a minimum of three people in order to form a new club.

Every time one club finished and the next sprang up, the first-year students talked among themselves about what they thought. I noticed that the gymnasium's atmosphere was rather lively. Each club's representatives, including their supervising instructors, continued to explain their organizations to the unruly first-year students without a hint of displeasure. Perhaps they were just that desperate for more members, even if their ranks only increased by one.

As the upperclassmen finished their introductions, they walked off the stage and headed toward an area where some plain tables had been set up. Probably a reception area designed to accept new members. Eventually, everyone walked off until only one person remained. Everyone focused their attention on him, and I realized that Horikita had been staring at that specific person this whole time.

He appeared to be about 170 centimetres in height, so he wasn't very tall. He was slender, with sleek black hair. He wore sharp glasses and had a piercing, calculating gaze. Standing in front of the microphone, he calmly looked around at the first-year students. What was his club, and what in the world was he going to say? My interest had been piqued.

Unfortunately, my expectations were dashed immediately. He didn't say a single word. Maybe he was drawing a blank? Or perhaps he was so nervous that he couldn't speak?

"Do your best!"

"Did you forget to bring your notecards?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The first-year students hurled comments at him. However, the upperclassman stood on the stage calmly, without trembling. The laughter and comments didn't seem to faze him. When the laughter had reached a crescendo, it suddenly died. He wore an apathetic expression.

"What's with this guy?" remarked an astonished student. The gymnasium buzzed with people talking, yet the boy on the stage still did not move. He simply stood there, quiet and motionless, staring fixedly at the crowd. Horikita stared back at the student with an intense gaze, not breaking her line of sight even for a second.

The relaxed atmosphere gradually changed, and things took an unexpected turn. It felt as if a chemical reaction had occurred. An unbelievably tense, quiet mood gripped the entire gymnasium. Even though no orders had been given, the silence was so terrible that it seemed to have gagged everyone. Not a single student looked able to open his or her mouth. The silence lasted about thirty seconds...

Then, the student started his speech, slowly scanning the crowd.

"I'm the student council president. My name is Horikita Manabu." he said. Horikita? I glanced at the Horikita next to me. Perhaps they just happened to have the same surname. Or, maybe...

"The student council is looking to recruit potential candidates among the first-year students to replace the graduating third years. Although no special qualifications are required for candidacy, we humbly ask that those considering application not be involved in other club activities. We generally do not accept students involved elsewhere."

He spoke in a soft tone, but the tension around us was so thick it felt like you could cut it with a knife. He had managed to silence over a hundred new students in that spacious gymnasium. Of course, it wasn't just his position as president of the student council that commanded such respect. It was simply Horikita Manabu's influence. His presence dominated everyone around him.

"Furthermore, we in the student council do not wish to appoint anyone who possesses a naive outlook. Not only would such a person not be elected, he or she would sully the sanctity of this school. It is the student council's right and duty to enforce and amend the rules, but the school expects more than that. We gladly welcome those of you who understand this.

He didn't pause even once during his eloquent speech. Immediately after finishing, he hopped off the stage and left the gymnasium. None of the first-year students could utter a single word as we watched him go.

End copy-paste.

"Ice particles only?" I muttered to myself, contemplating the peculiar nature of Horikita Manabu abilities. As a deviant with no elemental affinity, his case was rare.

One other notable observation is that his mastery surpasses that of the Horikita in my class. Assuming they are siblings, could it be that their family is gifted in mana control? I wondered

"Thank you all for coming. The club fair has ended. We will now open the reception area to anyone interested in signing up. Also, registration will be open until the end of April, so if any student wishes to join at a later date, we ask that you please bring the application form directly to the club you wish to join."

Thanks to the laid-back organizer, the tension in the air dissipated. Afterwards, the third-year students who'd introduced their respective clubs started taking applications.


Horikita remained still as a statue, giving no sign she would budge.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm going back to the dorm. See you later." she blurted out quickly, her hurried attitude evident in her quick departure. Without even giving me a second to ask if I could accompany her, Horikita left.

Well, the club affair turned out to be rather underwhelming. Despite my intention to uncover the secrets of the school system, the result was rather disappointing. All I found out was what I had already suspected: the seniors are extremely careful about how they use their points.

As I was leaving the gym, I accidentally bumped into someone. The person, a petite elf girl, stumbled and fell to the ground on impact, while I remained standing, unaffected by the encounter.

"Ahh... I'm so s-sorry." She exclaimed, her tone apologetic. "I-i wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright." I said gently, holding out my hand.

"O-oh, th-thank you." the girl stammered, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I held out my hand to help her up, taking the opportunity to take a closer look at her appearance. She had short, blonde hair that framed her face, and her eyes were a captivating shade of blue.

'She's cute, but not my type.'

"Oh my, Chihiro-chan, who could that tall, handsome boy be?" A female voice purred, her voice dripping with seduction as she cast an appreciative glance over me.

"O-oh he is..." The girl called Chihiro trailed off because she had no idea what my name was.

I held out my hand. "Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, Class 1-D. A pleasure to meet you." She was startled at first but accepted my handshake. The new girl was of average height and her hair was in a ponytail.

"Mako Amikura, class 1-B. You're quite a catch, Ayanokōji-kun." She is interesting, unlike the girl named Chihiro, she seems more confident and her mana level is higher.

"Oh, I'm flattered to be complemented by such beauty." Well, she was certainly a beauty, but again, not my type.

"You bite back too?" She joked with a mischievous expression.

I matched her playful tone. "Well, you know what they say, Amikura, 'You reap what you sow.'" At my reply, she let out a small giggle, while the girl who was called Chihiro watched from the sidelines.

"I'm surprised that someone like Ayanokōji-kun is visiting the affair alone." Amikura commented. "If I were in your class, I wouldn't let a hotshot like you wander around alone."

"Haha, I actually came with someone, but she wasn't feeling well, so she had to leave early." I replied casually.

"I hope she gets better soon." Chihiro said quietly, her voice filled with concern. Quite intriguing how she can be concerned about someone she never met.

While Chihiro showed concern, Amikura took the opportunity to tease: "Oh my, could she be your girlfriend?"

"Nuh-uh, just casual acquaintances." I clarified.

"That's no fun, Ayanokōji-kun, you have to make your move," Amikura teased.

"We just met yesterday." I argued.

"Love knows no bounds, Ayanokōji-kun." she countered with a playful grin.

"If she hears you, she might kill us both." Both girls trembled at my words. "Speaking of which, I didn't catch your name." I said looking at Chihiro.

"O-oh, sorry..." Chihiro's voice trailed off, a faint blush gracing her cheeks as she struggled to meet my gaze. "I'm Chihiro Shiranami, from Class 1-B," she murmured softly, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her uniform. "Nice to meet you, Ayanokōji-kun."

'She sure is shy.'

"Oh, it looks like you guys are making friends." A girl remarked as Shianami finished her introduction. Just then, a pair of students approached. The boy was of average height and had violet-blue hair, complemented by purple eyes. The girl, on the other hand, was strikingly beautiful, with strawberry blonde hair cascading down her back and captivating blue eyes.

"Come on, won't you introduce us?" the girl said cheerfully, looking at Amikura.

Amikura, who had just met me, took over the role and delivered what could be interpreted not as an introduction but as a playful jab at Shiranami. "This charming fellow here is Ayanokōji Kiyotaka from class 1-D. He and Chihiro-chan just had a little K-drama moment." she joked.

"W-we were not." Shianami denied it, flustered.

"Just ignore her." I said.

Amikura proceeded with the introductions. "Ayanokōji-kun, behold," she exclaimed theatrically, pointing to the boy with the vibrant violet-blue curls, "the dashing figure you see before you is none other than Ryūji Kanzaki." Her hand then swept gracefully to the side, indicating the elegant girl with luscious strawberry-blonde hair, as she continued, "And in the realm of beauty, we are graced by the presence of Ichinose Honami." With a flourish, she concluded, "Both esteemed members of Class B, just like me and our dear Chihiro here."

I applauded Amikura's antics, and she responded with a proud nod, while Ichinose and Kanzaki faintly smiled.

"She is sure is handful." I commented.

"Tell me about it." Kanzaki agreed uttering his first words.

"You should feel privileged to bask in my presence." Amikura remarked.

"It's an honour, Your Highness." With a small bow, I replied sarcastically, drawing laughter and a playful punch from Amikura.

"Is Ayanokōji-kun interested in joining a club?" Ichinose asked curiously.

"Although the archery club was tempting considering I use a bow, I ultimately decided against it." I remarked. To steer the conversation away from myself, I turned to Ichinose, and asked, "What about you, Ichinose? Are you interested in any club?"

"Oh, I just decided to try out for the student council." she replied modestly, a slight blush colouring her cheeks as she scratched her head sheepishly.

"Oh, that's impressive."

"Yes, our Honami-chan is impressive." Our? What did she mean by that?

"Come on guys, you're embarrassing me." she protested in a playful tone, a hint of laughter in her voice as she waved her hand dismissively.

"No, seriously, it's quite impressive. Should I assume that Kanzaki will also apply for the student council since he accompanied you?" Kanzaki simply shakes his head at my question.

"It's nothing like that, I was merely accompanying Ichinose-san." He clarified.

I ended up staying with the group for the rest of the day before deciding to leave when it was late. The main reason for my prolonged presence was to gain an insight into Ichinose's magical abilities.

Despite using my special eyes, I was unable to discern the type of magic Ichinose was using. This was similar to a singular incident when I attempted to identify the affinity of one of the students in the White Room. If this scenario is similar, then it's plausible that Ichinose is utilising pure mana instead of normal mana.

To identify pure mana particles faster I needed to fully transfer. But at the time, such an elaborate investigation seemed unnecessary.

I had already concluded that Ichinose's abilities are related to pure mana.

While the others showed impressive talents, except for Shianami. Amikura was a deviant who specialised in illusion magic, while Kanzaki was also a deviant in light magic.

That leaves Shianami, who was just a mediocre elf with a wind affinity.






"Ne~Ayanokōji-kun," Kayano Onodera, one of the girls surrounding my table, called out to me.

"Hmm?" How stupid of me not to expect such a situation. I came to class early, hoping to talk to Horikita about her progress, but I didn't expect to be surrounded by some of the girls in my class.

If only Hirata were here, he would have drawn their attention away from me.

"Are you good at swimming?" Onodera asked.

"Normal swimming? Or the one involving magic?" At my answer, Onodera pondered for a moment before she said, "Both."

"Well, I'm quite confident in a regular swimming lesson, but when it comes to a magical one, I'm not really sure..." There was a huge difference between normal and magic swimming lessons.

The obvious one was the use of magic. Regular swimming lessons forbade the use of magic which gave an advantage to augmenters since their physical prowess was developed.

But in the magical lesson, instead of dividing the class by gender, the process involves dividing them by augmenters and conjurers, with augmenters forming their own group and conjurers forming theirs.

Both groups compete with each other in different ways.

Augmenters must swim 100 metres while navigating through certain barriers. These barriers are designed to control the amount of mana that encircles their bodies. If an Augmenter exceeds the mana threshold set by the barrier, they will not progress.

On the other hand, conjurers used chanting spells while swimming to sabotage other conjurers' contests around them.

"So if you and me were to compete, would you lose?" Onodera asked.

I had heard that Onodera had joined the swimming club, and it's said that she's been swimming since middle school. But when I compare her skills with mine, I can confidently say...

"Nah, I would win." I stated confidently.

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