A Dangerous Game Of Submissio...

By Yoonkeeri

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"I won't fucking submit to you," Yoongi spat. "And I certainly don't need to justify myself to someone like y... More

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449 42 94
By Yoonkeeri

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"Why does he need to come along?" Yoongi asked with irritation. "Didn't you say you needed me because you had no one else?"

Jin let out a sigh, understanding his frustration. "Taehyung is just coming along because he's bored at home and has nothing else to do for now," he explained. "Just ignore him like he's not even there."

Taehyung acted like he was offended at his words, but Yoongi simply glared at the Kim brothers, clearly unimpressed by the sudden addition to their mission.

The youngest pouted dramatically, pretending to be wounded. "Hey, I'm not just some accessory, you know," he protested, shooting Yoongi a playful smile. "I can be useful too."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that, kid." he replied sarcastically.

Throughout the drive to the university, Taehyung bombarded the mafia with a stream of nonsensical questions. "Hey, Yoongi-hyung, have you ever tried juggling watermelons?" He asked. "Or what about singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' backwards?"

Yoongi sighed, trying to calm his anger and not do a murder on the first day of his mission.

"Taehyung, can you please just give him a rest for a minute?" Jin pleaded, rubbing his temples.

Despite his attempts to dismiss him, Taehyung didn't listen. "Come on, hyung, don't be such a grump," he said playfully. "We're about to go on an exciting adventure, solving mysteries and uncovering secrets! We should be celebrating!"

Jin shot him a glance. "We'll celebrate when we actually solve something," he said dryly.

Upon arriving at the university, Tae practically bounded out of the bus, his excitement palpable as he eagerly looked at their surroundings. Yoongi followed, his expression guarded as he scanned the campus.

Jin, ever the composed one, led the way, his aura calm and collected. He guided them through the bustling crowds of students.

He then leaned in close to Yoongi, his voice barely above a whisper, "If you notice anything suspicious, tell me imm-"

"There's a man with a gun stationed on the corner of the building's top," Yoongi murmured, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "The woman at the counter has a large knife tied at the side of her leg, and a student nearby the tree is wearing a blade ring on his finger, with a small knife hidden in his shoe. The student with glasses beside him has a gun tucked under the book he's reading, his glasses contain 2 cameras, each in both sides."

Jin's surprise was palpable as he processed everything he said, impressed by his ability to tell such details in their surroundings mere moments after entering the college.

Yoongi continued, "There's a girl by the entrance, her bag bulging with something heavy - probably a concealed weapon," he noted. "And that guy near the vending machines? He's definitely armed too. I can see the outline of a gun under his jacket."

"Seems like we've caught their attention," the elder murmured, his voice barely audible as he couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking straight into the lion's den.

With a shared nod, the trio parted ways, each going to play their respective roles.

Yoongi and Taehyung went through the bustling crowds, their steps purposeful as they made their way towards the sector where students get their admission.

Meanwhile, Jin walked confidently towards the sector reserved for professors.

Soon, all of their processes were completed smoothly, with Taehyung successfully gaining admission by presenting his original certificates.

The youngers were shown to their class, they entered cautiously, scanning the room for any signs of trouble. They settled into their seats, Yoongi's posture a bit alert while Taehyung fidgeted nervously beside him.

The younger leaned closer to Yoongi, whispering anxiously, "Do you think the professor will really punish us if we mess up?"

Yoongi nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, we need to be careful. He won't hesitate to enforce discipline and we can't afford to give him any reason to single us out."

Taehyung's eyes widened, his fear of punishment evident. "I really don't want to get in trouble. I hate being punished; it hurts too much."

Yoongi sighed, understanding his sudden fear. "Just..Just follow my lead and stay focused.."

Then the professor's sudden arrival drew their attention. Students got up to their feet, offering polite greetings as he analysed the class with a sharp gaze.

"Good morning, class," he began. "I am Professor Lee, and I will be your instructor for this semester."

The said professor then instructed the students, "Close all your notebooks and place your hands on your desks, showing me your palms."

With their palms open on the desk, they awaited his next instructions.

The professor's stern gaze swept across the room as he began asking the student's sudden questions from their last year school syllabus.

"First question," he announced, his voice cutting through the air. "What is the capital city of South Korea?" He asked to a boy sitting infront of him.

The student responded, "Seoul, sir."

The professor nodded. "Correct."

He wasted no time in moving on to the next student. "What is the chemical symbol for gold?"

The student swallowed nervously before stammering out, "um.. I-I.."


All students were shocked as the professor's cane striked hard on the palms of the student who couldn't answer.

Then more questions continued to fly, each one more difficult than the last. Each student squirmed in their seats, hoping to avoid the dreaded cane.

When it came time for Yoongi's turn, he braced himself for his questions, his mind racing. Taehyung watched anxiously from his seat, silently rooting for him.

The professor stared at Yoongi with a steady gaze before delivering his question. "First question," he said. "Who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'?"

Yoongi didn't hesitate as he replied, "William Shakespeare, sir."

"Who wrote the famous novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?"

Yoongi didn't hesitate gain, "Harper Lee, sir."

The professor nodded, impressed by his quick response. "Correct. Next question."

The questions continued to come, each one more challenging than the last. But Yoongi remained unfazed, his mind sharp as he tackled each one.

"Translate the phrase 'Je suis heureux' into English," the professor commanded.

Yoongi didn't miss a beat. "It means 'I am happy,' sir."

"Correct again. Well done," the professor said before delving into physics. "What is Newton's second law of motion?"

"It states that the force acting on an object is equal to the mass of that object multiplied by its acceleration, sir."

The professor nodded again, satisfied with his response, but he wasn't finished yet. He delved into more advanced topics, pushing Yoongi to the limits of his knowledge, trying to know which topic he was weak at.

"Who painted the Mona Lisa?"

"Leonardo da Vinci, sir."

"What is the capital of Italy?"


"What is the chemical symbol for gold?"

"Au, sir."

"Who composed the famous symphony 'Symphony No. 5'?"

"Ludwig van Beethoven."

"Which is the tallest mountain in the world?"

"Mount Everest, sir."

"What is the formula for finding the circumference of a circle?"

"It's 2πr."

"Name the largest ocean in the world."

"The Pacific Ocean, sir."

"Who discovered penicillin?"

"Alexander Fleming."

"What is the capital of France?"


"Name the Italian city famous for its leaning tower."

"Pisa, sir."

"What is the chemical formula for water?"

"H2O, sir."

"Who wrote the novel 'Les Misérables'?"

"Victor Hugo."

Yoongi remained unbothered by the continuous questions, however, when the questions veered more deep into the French literature, his confidence wavered.

He hesitated for a brief moment, grappling with the unfamiliar material. It was merely 3 seconds, but then the cane struck his palm, getting a hiss of pain from him. Taehyung jolted at the sudden strike, fear enveloping him more.

Yoongi attempted to answer the next questions but the professor's relentless attacks left him struggling to keep up. With each incorrect answer, the cane struck his hand, leaving behind many painful strips of the cane.

"Are you one of the new transfer students here? Are you Min Yoongi?" The professor asked him as the younger gritted his teeth in pain. He replied a yes before the professor turned his attention elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Taehyung watched everything nervously from his seat, his heart pounding in his chest as he a
waited his turn to face the professor's cane.

When the professor turned his attention to him, his nerves were palpable. He answered the initial questions with ease.

However, when he stumbled over a particularly difficult question, the professor raised his cane, ready to deliver a blow.

But before he could strike, a loud thud on a desk cut through the tension-filled air, challenging the professor's cruelty.

"How can you be this fucking cruel?"

The class fell silent, all eyes turning to Yoongi as he looked at the professor with piercing eyes. Taehyung looked at him with surprise.

The professor turned to him with surprise.

Yoongi's voice cut through the tense atmosphere with frustration. "How can you justify subjecting us to such cruelty?" he demanded, his tone firm despite the pain in his palms.

"You intentionally ask us difficult questions, expecting us to fail. But when we answer correctly, you raise the stakes, asking questions from much higher university levels which we haven't even attended yet. And even when I answered them correctly, you managed to find what I was weak at and intentionally kept asking questions on those particular topics just to subject me to that hellish cane."

The professor's expression shifted from surprise to anger, his brows furrowing as he listened to his accusations. The other students watched, their attention drawn to the unexpected scene.

Before the professor could respond, Yoongi continued, "This isn't education. This is torture. Education is supposed to give us knowledge. Not fear."

The professor's face flushed with anger, and he pointed a finger at hin, his voice rising. "Min Yoongi, to the principal's office, now!"

Without hesitation, Yoongi rose from his seat, his eyes locked with the professor's. As he made his way to the door, Taehyung watched him with concern, unsure of what would happen next.

"Fuck this college." Yoongi muttered to himself.


Are you guys unsure of what would happen next too🤭???

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