Ascendance (Tokyo revengers x...

De Xqyzhs

322 44 25

In which Y/N Romanoff, an affectionate girl who's coerced into the life of an assassin from a tender age, mee... Mais

๐•ฏ๐–Ž๐–˜๐–ˆ๐–‘๐–†๐–Ž๐–’๐–Š๐–— ( must read )
๐•ป๐–—๐–”๐–‘๐–”๐–Œ๐–š๐–Š : awakening
๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐–™๐–œ๐–” : friendship
๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐–™๐–๐–—๐–Š๐–Š : commanders

๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐–”๐–“๐–Š : clarity

34 6 7
De Xqyzhs

Author's note : This chapter's gonna spill the beans on how Y/N found herself in a whole ass another universe, believe it. Now, if you're just here for those Tokrev boys 'cause you're thirsty as heck, you can totally skip this one. It's probably not gonna be mentioned again, I'm just giving you the lowdown on the whole isekai situation thing. I'D APPRECIATE IT IF YOU SILL GIVE A VOTE THOUGH!!! 😤😤😤

figuratively, to solve a mystery, clarify confusion, or understand something complex by examining its components or unraveling its intricacies.

As Y/N lay against the sterile hospital bed, the quiet solitude of the room enveloped her like a shroud. With the nurse's departure, she found herself alone with her thoughts, the steady rhythm of her heartbeat the only sound to break the silence.

Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, cascading down her cheeks before she even realized it. For five long years, she had endured the burden of the absence of people she cared about, the ache of their loss a constant presence in her heart. And yet, in the relentless chaos of her duties, she had never found the time to properly mourn for them— to give voice to the pain that gnawed at her soul.

As Y/N's tears flowed unchecked, each drop became a silent tribute to the countless lives lost in the wake of Thanos' devastating snap. She wept for her fallen comrades, the brave Avengers who had fought alongside her until the bitter end, only to be snuffed out in an instant by the power of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Her tears were not just for her fellow heroes, but also for the countless innocent souls who had been torn from their loved ones, their futures stolen away in the blink of an eye. She mourned for the families torn apart, for the children left orphaned, for the worlds left shattered by the indiscriminate cruelty of Thanos' act.

With each sob wracking her body, Y/N's grief expanded to encompass the entirety of the universe – every life lost, every dream dashed, every hope extinguished in the blink of an eye. She cried for theunfathomable scale of the tragedy, for the sheer magnitude of the loss that had befallen them all.

Her heart ached for the countless lives extinguished in an instant, the families torn apart, the futures stolen. But amidst the torrent of her tears, there was also a glimmer of defiance – a stubborn refusal to surrender to despair.

For even as she mourned for those she had lost, Y/N vowed to honor their memory with every breath she took, to carry their legacy forward in the fight for a better tomorrow. She knew that she would carry their memory with her always, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times, guiding her through the trials that lay ahead.

Y/N rose from her seat—pushing through the pain that radiated through her body with each step. Clenching her teeth, she focused on the window, its panes framing the breathtaking night sky. Yet, it wasn't the stars that captivated her gaze. Instead, it was her own reflection staring back at her.

With widened eyes, she tentatively reached up, her fingers trembling as they brushed against her face. Her gaze fixated on her hair, now a hue of h/c, contrasting sharply with the f/c she distinctly remembered dyeing it before her demise. The h/c locks staring back at her in the reflection were indeed the same ones she sported at the tender age of thirteen.

Turning her attention to her hands, she couldn't ignore the startling realization that was dawning upon her. They appeared smaller, more delicate, a stark contrast to the hands she had grown accustomed to. Staring at her reflection once more, disbelief mingled with uncertainty, leaving her questioning the very fabric of reality itself.

Y/N's world spun as the ground beneath her seemed to shift. The weight of disbelief bore down on her, threatening to crush her fragile resolve. The paradox of her existence, once firmly grounded in the certainty of death, now spiraled into a maelstrom of uncertainty. Alive yet deceased, inhabiting the vessel of her youth, she struggled to reconcile the impossible truth before her.

Her mind raced with questions, each more bewildering than the last. How could she be standing here, in the body of her thirteen-year-old self, when just moments ago she had faced the finality of death? Reality blurred at the edges, leaving her grasping for a semblance of understanding in a world turned upside down. With trembling limbs and a heart heavy with incredulity, she found herself teetering on the precipice of a truth too surreal to comprehend.

Y/N's strength ebbed away as her knees buckled, the weight of her tumultuous emotions proved too much to bear. Collapsing to the ground, she longed for respite, yearning to escape the suffocating grip of her newfound reality. A wave of longing washed over her, each pang of nostalgia a bittersweet reminder of the companions she had lost.

Tears welled in her eyes as memories of Clint, Stark, Cap, Wanda, Sam, and the others flooded her thoughts, their absence a gaping wound in her heart. Despite Stark's exasperating quirks, she yearned for their presence, their camaraderie a beacon of solace in the darkness that now consumed her.

With a determined shake of her head, Y/N refused to succumb to despair. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her and the inexplicable circumstances of her resurrection, she recognized the gravity of the second chance bestowed upon her. Though doubt gnawed at the edges of her resolve, she refused to falter, clinging to the belief that her continued existence held purpose yet to be revealed.

Dragging herself to her feet, she approached the hospital bed with a newfound determination. Lying down, she closed her eyes, allowing her mind to sift through the fragments of possibility scattered amidst the chaos. Strategic plans began to take shape, each thought a beacon of hope in the consuming darkness.

As if summoned by the weight of her grief, a sharp pang of pain lanced through Y/N's skull, causing her to cry out in anguish. With a trembling hand, she reached up to clutch her head, the throbbing ache intensifying with each passing moment.

As the nurse entered the room and laid eyes upon Y/N's distress, a flicker of concern crossed her features. Without hesitation, she turned on her heel and hurried out of the room, her footsteps echoing in the hallway as she raced to summon the doctor.

As abruptly as it had begun, the searing pain in Y/N's head vanished, leaving behind a sense of eerie calm in its wake. With a shuddering breath, she felt the tension drain from her body, her muscles relaxing as the relentless ache dissipated into nothingness.

But even as relief washed over her like a soothing balm, Y/N's vision blurred and her limbs grew heavy, a creeping sense of lethargy overtaking her senses. With a last fleeting glimpse of the hospital room spinning around her, she succumbed to the darkness that beckoned, her consciousness slipping away as she fell into unconsciousness.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

As Y/N's eyes fluttered open, she found herself enveloped in darkness, a shroud of uncertainty cloaking her surroundings in shadow. Confusion gnawed at the edges of her consciousness as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings, the memory of the hospital room fading into the recesses of her mind.

Before she could gather her bearings, " You must be confused, " a soft voice broke through the silence, drawing her attention with its gentle cadence. With a start, Y/N turned to face the source of the sound, her heart skipping a beat as she beheld the figure before her.

It was a girl – no, not just any girl, but a younger version of herself, her features etched with the wonder of youth. As Y/N stared into the familiar eyes of her thirteen-year-old self, a flood of emotions washed over her, mingling with the confusion that clouded her thoughts.

" How are you? " the younger version of herself said, her voice tinged with a mixture of sympathy and understanding. And as she spoke, Y/N felt a sense of recognition stir within her, a dawning realization that this encounter was anything but ordinary.

With a trembling breath, Y/N reached out to touch the younger version of herself, her fingertips brushing against the soft fabric of her clothes. It was as if she was standing face to face with a ghost from her past, a fragment of her own history come to life in the present.

As Y/N grappled with the surreal nature of the situation, her frustration bubbled to the surface, " What the hell? What's happening? " her voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and exasperation as she withdraw her shaking hand. With each passing moment, the sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness threatened to overwhelm her, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

But as she confronted the younger version of herself, a glimmer of patience and understanding shone in the girl's eyes, her smile unwavering in the face of Y/N's growing agitation.

" Calm down, " the younger Y/N urged, her voice a soothing balm amidst the storm of emotions that raged within Y/N's mind.

Struggling to regain her composure, Y/N took a deep breath, willing herself to push past the overwhelming sense of confusion that threatened to consume her. With a shaky exhale, she forced herself to focus, her gaze fixed on the younger version of herself as she sought answers to the questions that plagued her thoughts.

" What's happening? Why are you here? Why am I here? " Y/N demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of frustration and desperation.

In response, the younger Y/N's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with a wisdom far beyond her years. With a calm demeanor that belied her youth, she began to recount the events that had led them to this moment, her words a beacon of clarity amidst the swirling chaos of Y/N's mind.

" I was walking on the street when I saw a drunk man, " the younger Y/N explained, her tone matter-of-fact as she relayed the seemingly mundane details of her encounter.

Y/N's brow furrowed in confusion at the seemingly irrelevant information, her frustration mounting with each passing second. " How is that relevant? " she demanded, her voice tinged with impatience. Stress and uncertainty pulsed through her veins, leaving her feeling more lost and alone than ever before.

" I'm getting there, just bear with me, " the younger Y/N said, her tone a mix of patience and urgency. " So, this drunk guy, he called me, begging for money. I explained that I didn't have any to spare, but he got mad. Then, when you jumped off the cliff, " she paused, fixing Y/N with a meaningful gaze, " at the same time, the man swung the bottle he'd been drinking from at me, hitting me in the head repeatedly until I died. "

Y/N's jaw dropped in disbelief as she listened, her mind struggling to grasp the gravity of what she was hearing.

" And somehow, " the younger Y/N pressed on, her voice tinged with a surreal calmness, " that moment created an opening for your soul to inhabit my body. "

" But... but none of this adds up. " Y/N interjected, her thoughts racing. She shook her head, trying to steady herself. " Please, explain it more clearly. "

" You and I, Y/N, we're the same, " the younger version of herself replied, her expression softening with empathy. " Across universes, across dimensions, the one constant is our desire to survive. That's why you're here now, in this moment. " She offered a gentle smile, a beacon of reassurance amid the chaos.

Y/N's mind reeled at the younger version's words, struggling to comprehend the complexity of the situation.

" Wait... what are you doing here then? " Y/N stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

" Just because I want to survive doesn't mean I want to live, " the younger Y/N replied calmly. " You're here because you wanted to survive and live happily, don't you? "

The truth in her words struck Y/N like a bolt of lightning. Yes, she did want to survive, she did want to live. Despite her sacrifice for the greater good, she hadn't yearned for death. She sought rest, an end to suffering, but not through the finality of death. Her sacrifice had been a choice, a selfless act driven by love and duty, yet she still harbored the desire to continue living.

" When you died ," the younger Y/N continued, her voice soft and laden with a mix of sorrow and understanding, " your subconscious desire to live was so strong that when it gave you the chance to go to my body, you took it. Even if you didn't mean to. "

Y/N swallowed hard, the weight of her realization settling heavily upon her.

" But me? I didn't share that same desire, " the younger Y/N confided, her gaze distant as she recounted their shared past. " My parents... well our parents... they died in a car crash. And then, our aunt, she tried to take us in, but fate had other plans. She got strucked by a lightning storm on her way to us. You're older, you've seen more of the world's cruelties. Surely you understand... I didn't want to carry on living. That's why the same phenomenon didn't happen to me. "

Y/N's heart ached with empathy for her younger self, recognizing the depth of pain and loss that had shaped her existence. She nodded slowly, acknowledging the truth in her words, even as a pang of sorrow rippled through her soul.

" I understand, " Y/N's voice trembled with empathy. " Can I hug you? "

Without waiting for her reply, Y/N stepped forward, enveloping her younger self in a tender embrace. At first, the younger version stiffened, surprised by the sudden intimacy, but gradually relaxed into the embrace, allowing the shared connection to ease the weight of their shared burdens.

As they parted from their embrace, a soft, luminous glow filled the space around them, bathing everything in a serene radiance reminiscent of the light described in tales of the afterlife.

" You're waking up, " the younger Y/N announced, her voice tinged with a sense of otherworldly understanding.

Y/N blinked, her senses awakening to the gentle pull of consciousness. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that despite the challenges ahead, she was not alone.

With a final glance at her younger self, a bittersweet smile graced Y/N's lips. But just as she was about to voice her question, her awareness shifted abruptly.

" Wait, where do we live— " Her words hung unfinished in the air as she jolted awake, her senses flooded with the sterile environment of a hospital room. Nurses bustled about, and a doctor hovered nearby, concern etched on his features.

• The nurse thought Y/N was deadass possessed because she was talking in her unconscious state.💀

• The doctor cackled when he overhead Y/N muttering curses under her breath.

• Y/N left the hospital without getting discharged.
╰┈➤ girlie was straight up flexing her hospital gown, no joke
╰┈➤ of course she took her tactical gear and guns with her fr, she ain't playing

• Takemichi thought about Y/N once, wondering if she's alright.
╰┈➤ no romantic shenanigans, dude's all about Hina, you feel me?

• The author wrote this while in class.

ANYWHORE, here's the deal: I've come across more than a handful of fanfics where the protagonist gets isekai'd into another world because both versions of them kick the bucket in different dimensions, leading to a soul swap scenario. So, I figured I'd do the same cause why the hell not? Now, if you don't understand what I mean, picture this: Y/N dies, and simultaneously, another Y/N in the Tokrev universe meets a similar fate. That's when the soul exchange happens – Y/N's spirit hops over to the other Y/N's body. But here's the thing: it's not a two-way street. The other Y/N wasn't exactly keen on sticking around, so her soul didn't make the trip. It's all about that will to live, you know? And og Y/N had it in spades. 

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