When The Battles Lost and Won...

By KatherineRWaggoner

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After the deaths of their children Summit and Elesia must prepare for the arrival of the Prince and King of T... More

Chapter 1: Uncertainty and Mystery Are Energies of Life
Chapter 2: The Valiant Never Taste of Death But Once
Chapter 3: Hell Is Empty and All The Devils Are Here
Chapter 4: Deny They Father and Refuse Thy Name
Chapter 5: Always The Wrong Person Gives You The Right Lesson In Life
Chapter 6: Expectation Is The Root of All Heartache
Chapter 8: Double Double Toil and Trouble Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
Chapter 9: To Be Or Not To Be
Chapter 10: Silence Is The Herald Of Joy

Chapter 7: Better A Witty Fool Than A Foolish Wit

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By KatherineRWaggoner

West had found it, there was a way to destroy Far Doracha and it wasn't as difficult as he thought it would be. He was reading through it as he sat there at his fathers desk and then his fathers computer made a noise and West stopped and looked at the computer. His father had an email. West opened the email and it was Summits agent. It read:

What the hell Summit?! Why didn't you tell me you were going to die!? You are my best author and I can't just sit here and let you die! What am I supposed to do?! I need a best selling author! You were supposed to start an actual book series that didn't have poetry in it! We had that press conference and people are going to expect it. You said your sending your last poetry book, what am I supposed to do since you can't write that? Huh?! Answer me Summit! ASAP!

Your Agent

West took this as a challenge and he grinned. He started to write an email to this agent.

Dear Agent,

This is West Peter Merrow, and I am the son of Summit Merrow. I have the same Writing skills and my father and I would like to write this series if you would accept me as your new author. While I am only sixteen, my father was the same age when he started, and I have a son now, and a fiancé, and I would love to create this book series for you.

West sent this and then he waited and moments later the agent emailed back.

West, why would you write the book? Where is your father?

West took a deep breath in and then exhaled and wrote back.

My father passed away two days ago. He died while saving his granddaughter, my niece, Rose. He told me what this storyline was supposed to be, but I will need time to plan it all out.

West waited for his answer with anticipation and there was a long delay. About twenty minutes later there was an answer.

You have my sympathy young West and your family has my condolences. It will be difficult to let go of such an incredible author, but life happens or in this case, death happens. I will get back with you in two weeks time. At that time you must have a story line, a title, and a dedication for all of your books in the series, and you will figure out how many books there will be. Honestly, I can't believe a human could be so creative. Your father has a grand imagination. His fairy tales in his poetry were so incredible, I am sure you will have the same imagination as he had. Tell your mother I feel for her, and from a professional perspective, it is nice doing business with you kid, don't disappoint me.


Your new agent

West grinned and then got back to reading about all of the details of how to kill Far Doracha. He felt his father put his hands on his shoulder and it was almost as if he was telling West that he was proud of him.

"West?" That voice wasn't inside Wests head, it sounded like Rose. West looked up and saw Rose with Ivy and Jammie and West stood up and ran over to Ivy and picked her up, spun her around, and started to cry. Then the reality hit him and he put her on the ground.

"Where's Jammie?" West asked. Ivy frowned and pointed to Jammie and West looked over and his mouth dropped.

"What the hell happened?!" West yelled in disbelief.

"It's a long story." Rose answered and West looked over at her and couldn't help but smile. He grabbed both Jammie and Rose and hugged them both.

"Don't you ever run away again, and don't you ever leave my side." West cried as he felt hundreds of emotions at once. He stepped back as he felt Summits soul and he knew that Summits soul wasn't happy, it was upset. "What's happened, who died?" Elesia decided to address the situation.

"Tobias is dead, and so is the doctor. The only healers within one hundred miles except for Rose who doesn't even understand the beginning of her powers, are non existent, but there's something else. There is going to be a battle soon. Far is creating his army. Last year there were three sacrifices and so, Aerten has declared the destiny of a battle once more. The evil forces that took down Pucks kingdom are teaming up with Far Doracha and they will be attacking Leana within three days. They are unpredictable. We must be ready to fight. All of us. I hope to God you found a way to kill that pretentious ass hole?" Elesia pleaded and there was a moment of silence as everyone looked at Elesia, surprised. "Hey, I used to talk like that all the time before I had kids!"

"You talked like that even after you had kids." West laughed and then Elesia smacked his shoulder and West grinned as he grabbed the book and held up the solution.

" How the hell are we supposed to get that?!" Elesia shouted.

" Looks like we are going to the Witch of the Bog tonight. I am going and I will need two other guys to go with me. Women can't cross the Bog because their beauty will be stripped away." West replied and Brendanus and Puck stepped forward.

"No! She will enchant all three of you!" Elesia snapped and Brendanus decided to address her statement full of worry.

"Incorrect, Both my brother and I are protected with an enchantment by a grand white witch and West is a Deldagadon and so he doesn't get enchanted so we will be ok. Now if anyone else goes with us then that's a different story. They will more than likely fall in love with the old hag. What time should we head off?" Brendanus asked.

"We should go now it's a long journey." West replied and then Puck looked to him confused.

"It's an hours journey by air, why would we need to leave now?" Puck made his point and West blushed.

"You don't have your wings anymore do you?" Brendanus asked.

"Nope." West admitted as he looked to the ground.

"We leave now then I guess. We are probably best off going by water." Puck added and they walked off to go on their little adventure. Ivy ran after West and pulled him around and kissed him.

"You better come back." Ivy cried and West pulled her tighter into his arms.

"Don't worry, I will." West assured his fiancé. "While I'm gone you can work on our wedding." Ivy grinned at the thought of the wedding. "I love you more than life itself Ivy, I can't wait for this to all be over and done with. I love you." West kissed her and walked off. The three boys walked to the weaponry unit and grabbed a bunch of stuff.

"Ok so boys, we need to get a dagger, a dagger made of silver, and I know just where to get it. Come with me." West sighed and they walked into the grand hall. There was a dagger that was plunged into the wall.

"Isn't that impossible to pull out?" Puck asked.

"That's what everyone says, but it has an inscription. It says that this dagger may be pulled once the sacrifices of royalty have been made and the destructor is meant to be destroyed and if those who desire the dagger be worthy to behold and get it to it's enchantment to win the battle, they must grab with their mouth and not their mind. So I guess I can only assume that I am right." West sighed. He then cleared his mind completely, and put his hand on the daggers handle and let the words flow out of his mouth. "I need this dagger to destroy Far Doracha. I must get it enchanted and then pierce it through his heart. Please, I need this dagger to protect my kingdom, and my family. I just," West started and the dagger was released from the wall. He could feel his father's presence with him as he stared at the jeweled dagger that glistened in the light.

"Well, that was easier said than done." Puck joked and then they started to walk away but something made West stop dead in his tracks. There was a feeling of dread that went through him and the hairs on his neck stood up.

"Something's not right." West said and then he ran back to the library where everyone was just fine, but someone was missing, it was Hazel, Ivy's sister.

"Ivy, where is your sister?!" West yelled as he put the dagger in his bag that rested around his hip. Ivy turned to him with a realization that burned.

"I haven't seen her since your argument!" Ivy shouted and then she called her sisters cellphone. You could hear it ringing in the distance.

They all followed the sound and it led them to a broom closet. The phone went to a message and everyone just stood there in silence. They listened to the message before the beep that was in Hazels sweet and innocent voice.

"Hi, I must be off swimming or running around in the forest, so please leave a message. BEEP!" West pulled the door open to find a body with a face that was covered with a pillow.

" Oh God!" Ivy cried.

" Ivy those legs are too big to be hers." West said as he pulled the pillow off. The face wasn't even a face, it was a fake body, but on the face, instead of features there was a note.

Looking for Hazel, don't worry, she's alright, but I couldn't have Ivy or Rose or Elesia, so that left me with one option. She has no destiny except for dying of old age, I can turn her evil without Aerten even touching me. She legally can't. Don't even think about coming after her, she's evil already, and I must say she is quite good in bed for a little girl.

West couldn't believe his eyes.

"Aerten!" West shouted and the woman showed up and he knew she was there. He turned on her angrily. "You have to be able to stop him."

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. When he says she's evil, he means it. There may be some hope in reversing it though. When he is destroyed then the curse may be let go, and if not, it will be easy to get rid of it. It's not hopeless, but when you see her, it will hurt. They did sleep together, but we have put a spell on her so that she can't reproduce until she is pure again. That's why he is doing it. We really are doing everything we can. You only have two days left. Go and take care of everything else, and let that door come when it comes." Aerten advised and everyone nodded in agreement.

They all gathered at the gate to the kingdom of Leana as the boys were about to take their journey.

"You get back soon." Elesia insisted as Ivy stood there sadly. West nodded to his mother and then he saw his fiancé and he walked over to her.

"We saved my dad from evil once, we can do it again. She's gonna be ok. I won't stop til she is. After-all, she's the only sister I have left." West said as a tear trickled down his cheek. Ivy threw herself into his arms.

"Get back as fast as you can please." Ivy cried. 

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