When The Battles Lost and Won...

By KatherineRWaggoner

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After the deaths of their children Summit and Elesia must prepare for the arrival of the Prince and King of T... More

Chapter 1: Uncertainty and Mystery Are Energies of Life
Chapter 2: The Valiant Never Taste of Death But Once
Chapter 3: Hell Is Empty and All The Devils Are Here
Chapter 4: Deny They Father and Refuse Thy Name
Chapter 6: Expectation Is The Root of All Heartache
Chapter 7: Better A Witty Fool Than A Foolish Wit
Chapter 8: Double Double Toil and Trouble Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
Chapter 9: To Be Or Not To Be
Chapter 10: Silence Is The Herald Of Joy

Chapter 5: Always The Wrong Person Gives You The Right Lesson In Life

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By KatherineRWaggoner

Rose and Brendanus were walking through the shallow water trying to figure out which way was the way back home. Then the most ugly woman walked out of the water and grabbed Brendanus and pulled him into the water as he clenched onto the rock for dear life. Rose started to run over to him and then she saw an arrow fly past her and into the woman and the woman shrieked and fell into the water. Rose looked in the direction of where the arrow came from. It was Elesia.

"Grandma!" Rose shouted with joy. Elesia frowned at this statement. It made her feel unnecessarily old because she was in her early thirties.

"Why did you run away?!" Elesia shouted.

"I am not going to be watched 24/7!" Rose refused.

"Rose, we are all going to have to watch out, he's threatening your uncle now. He has taken Ivy and Jammie, and he's killed your father." Elesia said the last bit with caution and Rose stopped dead in her tracks. She didn't care about the argument anymore.

"No." Rose sighed as Brendanus was attacked by little water creatures that kept pulling on his pants.

"Help!" Brendanus shouted and Puck looked over to his brother and walked over and pulled him out of the water. The creatures swam back into the water and Puck smacked his brother in the face.

"Those things were tiny. Did it ever occur to you to just stand up?" Puck snapped.

"We have to go back Rose. You should both come with us. We really need to get back." Elesia insisted.

"Yes you should." That was a different voice. Elesia turned around and saw Far Doracha holding Tobias who was dead. He threw him on the ground and walked over to Elesia. "You guys are caught up in a difficult situation aren't you? I would like you to meet my apprentice. Jammie come out from the shadows!"

" Jammie?" Elesia sighed worriedly and then a teen boy walked out. He resembled West and Ivy, and then the painful truth hit Elesia like a ton of bricks.

"Where is Ivy?! What have you done to her?!" Elesia shouted with anger and resentment.

"Ivy is painfully watching her son become as evil as I am. It sucks that the destiny of the boy has been changed. I used my powers to give him a new one. So instead of Rose and Jammie destroying me, now, Jammie is going to destroy Rose with me. The last ones standing will be West and Ivy, and then I will kill her in front of him and make him watch as she dies and then I will kill him beside her. I will of course keep Jammie to myself. I always wanted a son." The evil man was just standing there and Jammie didn't even react to it.

"Jammie!" Elesia cried and Jammie didn't react.

"Jammie!" Rose shouted and Jammie snapped out of it.

"Rose?" Jammie said and Far turned around to find Jammie in a conscious state of mind. Jammie ran over to Rose and she grabbed his arms tightly as she looked at Far.

"How?" Far asked and Elesia stepped forward.

"You can change a destiny all you want, but where there is a connection in a destiny, there will always be a connection in a destiny." Summit was definitely beside Elesia as she said this and he was proud to hear it as well.

"That's it, your precious Ivy is dead!" Far shouted and then he disappeared. They all looked around at each other and Rose looked into her cousins eyes. He was scared, and he didn't know what was happening. Then Rose felt a knife in her stomach. She looked down and saw that it was Jammie who had done it. He then pulled the knife out and stepped backward with a smile and Far appeared again with a grin and his arms were crossed. Rose fell to her knees.

"Rose!" Brendanus cried as he kneeled beside her.

She was about to die, and then she saw Summit standing over her.

"Listen to me Rose. Think of your wound being healed, and place your hands over it. Trust me, and do as I say." Summit said and Rose did as she was told.

"Wait look!" Puck shouted to his brother as there was a light coming from Roses hands.

Rose saw Summit smile from ear to ear and then he slowly disappeared as the pain from the wound dissolved. Far Doracha felt his world end and then he looked to Jammie.

"Do something!" Far shouted and then a very tall woman appeared. Far took three steps back at the sight of this woman who had blonde hair, and a stunning and sleek face. Her dress was blue with gold beading.

"How dare you change a destiny!?" The woman shouted.

"Nice to see you to Aerten." Far sighed impatiently and the woman grabbed Jammie by the wrist and it brought him to his knees as he shouted in pain. "You always have to ruin my plans don't you. I couldn't take Titania as my wife and I had her killed and you cut off my wings."

"You killed my mother?!" Puck shouted as he lunged towards the man but was stopped by Brendanus.

"He isn't worth it! That's what he wants!" Brendanus advised his brother as Far grinned evilly at Puck and Puck held himself back and stopped struggling.

"There goes my plan for an escape. What do you want Aerten?" Far asked and she shook her head.

"You have changed two destinies and now they are changed back." Aerten replied.

"That's not what I meant. What are you doing here?" Far insisted.

"Last year there were three sacrifices made, now I bless their side with safety. They will destroy you without dying, and you can't stop them. They can only do it together though. Now, I will go with you and you will give Ivy back to them just as she was before. Do you understand me?" Aerten asked.

"Yes I do." Far replied with a bummed out look on his face. 

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