Worst Kind of Wrong

By juliacastrob

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I'm a romantic girl. Small town vibes. I wear flowery dresses and illustrate underwear. So when I meet my new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

5 0 0
By juliacastrob


I open a bottle of Williams Scotch and pour a glass for myself. I feel all the emotions on my skin.

 Anguish, fury, pain and hate. So much hate.

Hate for Ben who doesn't get me and continues defending Andrew.

Hate for Andrew for killing my sister and not getting punished for it.

Hate for Sarah for falling in love with him. She should've been smarter.

Hate for my parents for never caring about us.

Hate for Charlie for teasing me, not giving me what I want and then slapping me.

I fucking hate them all. They're nothing but disappointment.

I fill another glass and swing it down.

I can't believe Ben doesn't see the full picture. Why does he feel pity for Andrew? That fucking murderer. I would kill him with my own hands if I could. How can Ben not see that it's all Andrew's fault?

And Charlie, that little brat....

Teasing me, messing with my head at the elevator and then leaving me with blue balls. And slapping me...

I know she wants me as much as I want her. Why does she resist? Why doesn't she end with this torture?

Another glass.

Fuck her. She's pretending she doesn't want me?

That's exactly what I'll do too.

I will fuck every girl of this city in my damn room, make them moan so load that Charlie will crawl back here, begging me to fuck her.

After all, she's just pussy.

I fill another glass and go sit on the couch. I'm tired. I'm so tired of hating and being miserable. I'm tired of everyone around me. I pick my phone and turn it on and see two missed calls from Ben.

Fuck Ben.

I bet he's hiding Andrew somewhere.

Ignoring Ben's calls, I call Lindsay. She recorded her number on my cellphone when she was here. Charlie scared her off, but I bet I can convince her to come back and ride my dick.


"Hi Lindsay. It's Conor..."

"Conor? Why are you calling me? I thought you had a..."

I interrupt her.

"Oh, just forget about that. It was a stupid game that me and my neighbor like to play. It was all fake"

"Really?" she's hesitant.

"Yes, don't worry about it."

"Well, I thought you were an asshole..."

"I am, but for another reasons." I hear her laughing, which is a good sign. "Listen, why don't you come over tonight? I really liked being with you"


Well, that was fast.

"See you later" Not wanting to prolong the conversation any longer than necessary, I hang up.

Two hours later, I hear a knock at the door.

When I open it, I see two girls.

One is in front of me. Smiling and looking forward to everything I'm going to do to her tonight. Her eyes say that she's already picturing my dick in her throat.

The other one is waiting for the elevator. She looks pissed like she's about to kill me.

Or Lindsay.

Perfect timing. It couldn't have done better if I had planned it.

She's on her way out but I still got to show her that she means nothing to me. I replaced her in two hours. And it affected her.

I can see it in her eyes.

And as usual, my gaze can't stay in her eyes. Never with Charlie. I scan her body and realize she's not dressed for work. In fact, she just had finished her shift when she came back home early.

She's wearing a short flower dress that looks stunning on her body.

Like very short and high heels. I'd never seen her in high heels. Those legs are even more appetizing than usual.

Fuck, highs on those legs should be forbidden. And I'm not even going to talk about that ass.

Does she have a date?

I don't like that.

Will she be with Dr. Fried?

Fuck me.

Why do I care anyway? Oh yes, because she left me with blue balls and now she's probably about to give it to another guy.

I swear, this girl is going to be the death of me.

I try to push the thoughts away and close the door, still managing to see Charlie step into the elevator.

I turn around to find Lindsay looking at me, already undressed.


"I hate him!" I say finishing my fourth drink and feeling a little tipsy already.

"What a jerk!" Liv says.

As soon as I got to the bar, I told Liv everything that had happened with Conor. First, the elevator scene that Liv loved and then I surprised her with the fact that he called Lindsay right away, after I rejected him.

At this time, I'm glad I did.

What a fool I would be if I'd slept with him.

Clearly, he only wants one thing from women and doesn't even disguise it. Once he was rejected, it didn't even take two hours for him to call someone else to suck his dick.

What a jerk!

I don't know why I'm so surprised, after all, I don't know anything about him.

"Baby, come on. I can see you're drowning in your thoughts. Talk to me, spit it out." Liv says, already a little tipsy too. For someone who lives her life hitting the parties, she doesn't take alcohol very well.

"Nop, the only thing I'm going to drown in is alcohol. I deserve to get drunk. In fact, we deserve it. We're young and we work too hard. We deserve a night of fun"

I put my glass back on the bar too hard and the bartender looks at me annoyed.

"Sorry" I say "Two more and one for my friend Liv"

"Oh girl, I love this side of you. Let's get wasted!" Liv yells.

"Who's getting wasted?" a voice says behind us

We look back and see Dr. Fierman looking at us amused. Oh shit. I didn't want to deal with men today.

"Charlie, what a nice surprise. I don't see you outside of the hospital often. It must be a special occasion." He says looking cute.

"It's not. I just wanted to get wasted."

Fuck, I'm losing the filter. Maybe it's time to stop drinking.

But he laughs.

"Don't we all want that?" He asks.

He sits on the bench next to me and Liv gives me the eyes. She gets up to go see someone, I don't understand the name, and suddenly I'm all alone with Dr. Fierman.

Fuck, here we go.

"So, Charlie, how have you been?"

"Good" I hiccup "Fuck!" Oh my God, did I just curse in front of him? But he laughs again "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, you did. It was lovely"

What the fuck? I never thought to hear Dr. Fierman saying the word "lovely".

"I'm wasted." I say.

No kidding Charlie.

"I can see that. You accomplished tonight's goal"

"It was not a goal. It was an escape."

"Yeah? And why is that? Why do you need an escape?" he asks in a tender voice.

Oh, he's so sweet. I don't know why I don't like him. I could sleep with him again and maybe this time it would be good.

Who knows?

Oh fuck, what am I thinking? Charlie, get over yourself! If he's sweet, say thank you, don't fuck him to thank him.

And why am I only thinking about fucking?

It's Conor. He's getting in my head, that bastard.

"I need to go home." I announce, trying to get up off the bench without making a fool of myself. Liv listens and comes closer to me.

"I take you home honey" I hear Liv say.

"Oh, don't bother, I'll call a cab"

"Absolutely not. You're wasted. Let me just get my coat" Liv says.

Oh God, I don't want to ruin her night.

"I'm serious Liv, I'm not that wasted. I'll take a cab and I'll text you when I get home, ok?"

"I can take her home" Dr. Fierman says to Liv.

"That's not necessa..." I start to answer but I'm interrupted.

"Ok, then. Thanks Dr. Fierman" Liv says for me.

He smiles and helps me put on my coat.

"Are you drunk or just a little tipsy?" He asks.

Why is he asking me that?

"No, why?"

"It's a great night. Why don't we walk? It would help you sober up"

"Ok" I agree.

We walk for twenty minutes until we enter my building. Dr. Fierman is very friendly and easy to talk to, so time is not hard to pass. When he calls the elevator, I remember that moment with Conor earlier.

Dr. Fierman rides the elevator with me, and I suddenly wonder if he's expecting something to happen today.

I hope not, I don't have the energy to deal with two horny men in the same day.

When we get to my floor, he walks me to the door and asks for the key. I look for it in my purse, but I can't find it. I'm a mixture of tipsy and sleepy and I can't concentrate enough to find the keys. Dr. Fierman asks for my purse so he can find the damn keys and I start laughing of my situation because, why not?

I hear a door open and before I turn around, I already know it's from Conor's apartment. I expect to meet Lindsay on her way out after sucking Conor's dick, but when I turn, all I see is Conor, looking furious and ready to bust.

"What the fuck is this noise?" He shoots penetrating between me and Dr. Fierman with his eyes.

Dr. Fierman doesn't seem to notice him, since is focused on my purse.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were we too loud? We couldn't hold on until we get home."

I don't know why I say it, but it's out there already.

Really mature, Charlie.

Conor glances to Dr. Fierman, and I see him clench his fists. He looks back at me flexing his jaw.

"It's open." I hear Dr. Fierman saying but I can't divert my gaze from Conor. He takes a step forward, toward us, but stops when Dr. Fierman speaks again "Charlie? Is everything ok?"

"Yes, it is. Let's go back inside." I answer.

I close the door behind us without looking back to Conor's dark eyes.

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