When The Battles Lost and Won...

Por KatherineRWaggoner

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After the deaths of their children Summit and Elesia must prepare for the arrival of the Prince and King of T... Más

Chapter 1: Uncertainty and Mystery Are Energies of Life
Chapter 2: The Valiant Never Taste of Death But Once
Chapter 4: Deny They Father and Refuse Thy Name
Chapter 5: Always The Wrong Person Gives You The Right Lesson In Life
Chapter 6: Expectation Is The Root of All Heartache
Chapter 7: Better A Witty Fool Than A Foolish Wit
Chapter 8: Double Double Toil and Trouble Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
Chapter 9: To Be Or Not To Be
Chapter 10: Silence Is The Herald Of Joy

Chapter 3: Hell Is Empty and All The Devils Are Here

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Por KatherineRWaggoner

Rose walked down the walkway outside of the castle with Brendanus.

"I can't believe he's gonna be gone." Rose sighed.

"Well, I have a feeling he is not going to go down easy. He will hang in there." Brendanus answered and Rose walked closer to him and grabbed his hand.

"YOU TWO NEED TOO GET BACK IN HERE!!!" A guard yelled from a distance and he seemed to be in a slight panic as snow started to fall.


" YOU ARE SO STUBBORN BUT I HAVE TO OBEY YOU!!!! I FUCKING HATE IT YOUR MAJESTY!!!" The guard shouted and Rose and Brendanus let out a laugh and they went into the forest which was snowy and just stunning. They were just looking all around and they were smiling. Then Brendanus put his arms around Rose and she just grinned from ear to ear and she closed her eyes and put her head right under his.

They had been in the forest about ten minutes and then the guard saw something that made him do something he didn't want to do. There was a man in a black suit with a silver mask.

"An Assasin, oh my god." The guard said as the man just stared at him from about two miles away and then the guard ran into the castle. " YOUR MAJESTY!!!!" The guard shouted.

Elesia and Summit were sitting in the great hall together while Ember was doing ninja moves.

"I'm gonna kick that boys ass if he hurts my Rose. He's gonna regret falling in love with her." Ember said as he did each move. Summit frowned and looked at Elesia.

" Ok, I'm gonna go and get something to eat." Summit sighed and then he walked out of the hall and as he got to the kitchen he heard a man running and shouting for him. He ran back out of the kitchen and saw the guard.

"Oh thank God, your majesty! Wait, you're sick, you can't help me!" The guard panicked and Summit stopped him.

"I'm not that sick, what is going on?" Summit asked as he grabbed the mans shoulder to stop him from running to someone else.

"Ok, so Rose and Brendanus went out to the forest alone, and they were in there a few minutes and then a man, an Assasin, he was out there, and he went into the forest. He's after one of them!" The guard shouted and Summits heart started to beat fast and he started to breath quickly.

"Come on!" Summit yelled and he started to run down the hallway and to the stables and the two of them got on a horse and before the guard could get all the way on one Summit took off, and the guard fell and hit his head and passed out. Summit didn't notice this though.

All Summit could do was think of Rose. He grew closer and closer to the forest and started to hear a struggle. That's when his heart started to beat faster than he could handle. He couldn't keep up with it and started to struggle to breathe. Then the horse was scared by something and it stopped suddenly and Summit was thrown into the forest and he landed face first in the snow. Summit started to crawl because he wasn't strong enough to get on his feet.

Then he saw Rose and Brendanus who were trying not to get hurt. The assassin got closer and closer, but the two of them didn't have any weapons to fight with. Summit then realized what was happening. Summits lungs filled with pain. He put his hands on his chest as they shook and he moved them away and then he saw that the red spot had covered both of his lungs completely and his lungs were almost dead. Summit looked up as the image disappeared. He saw the light in the Sky grow bigger. Then he saw that the Assassin had stabbed Brendanus in the leg and Brendanus fell to the ground as he grasped it. The Assassin was after Rose and he was about to stab her. As he was starting to grab her Summit pulled out his knife and then he pulled his strength together and stumbled over to the Assassin and when the Assassin turned around he was too late, Summit stabbed the Assassin. They both fell to the ground. Summit had been unharmed but his lungs were dying. Rose saw that the Assassin was dead and she ran over to her grandfather and fell to her knees.

"Grandpa!" She cried. Summit saw the light in the Sky grow and then he saw his mother's face and her hand was out and he took it as he had gotten his wish that he asked the Gods to grant. He died as a hero. "Grandpa!!!!" Rose cried.

"Rose?!" Rose heard Wests voice and heard horses.

"Help!!!" Rose cried. West saw his father and ran over to him.

"Dad!!!" West shouted and he fell beside Summit who's eyes were staring into nothing. A guard ran over to Brendanus and helped him up and got him onto the horse and took him back to the castle. Two more horses came around and it was Ember and Elesia. Ember got there first.

" Mr.Merrow?" Ember sighed and when he didn't hear an answer Elesia came over and saw her husband.

" SUMMIT?!" She cried and she jumped off her horse and she fell beside him. "NO SUMMIT!!! Don't leave me Summit." Elesia cried as she kneeled beside her husband.......

They rode into the kingdom where everyone gasped at the sight of their lost king.

Everyone was mourning that night. West walked into the library and sat down at his Fathers desk. He then started to look through the drawers when he came across the last will and testament. He started to read it.

My Last Will and Testament

The kingdom goes to West Petter Merrow and His girlfriend Ivy and it will then be passed onto Rose Clover and whomever she decides to marry.

I approve of Prince Brendanus as being Roses husband in the future.

All of my writing is to get its own section in the library in the castle.

King Puck and Prince Brendanus will always be family in this kingdom, not just guests.

Elesia is to be set free from our marriage and is to be allowed to date without being criticized.

If Rose and West dies, Hazel Clementine is to acquire the kingdom.

The Royal Family at this exact point in time consists of Elesia Merrow, West Peter, Ivy Eclipse, Hazel Clementine, Rose Clover, Ember, Brendanus, and Puck.

It has been a wonderful ride while being your King, I love you all. Thank you and Goodbye.

West put it down and looked through his drawers again. Then he opened the bottom one and found a bunch of books and he started looking through them and they were all empty. He assumed they were books that his father never got the chance to Finnish. West decided to start his own stories. West grabbed a black dark red leather book and opened it and he grabbed his fathers pen and it was like he could feel his father looking over his shoulder at that moment. West brought the pen to the paper.

To Be A Hero Or Not To Be A Hero

Have you ever heard a whole kingdom fall silent because of one king? There is a tale of a valiant king, one that only tasted death once. One that was braver than any king before. It takes a seriously grand King to protect his whole kingdom, and this one did it like it was as easy as counting to three.

1. He was a human and fell in love with a fairy princess

2. He became king and had children, but all but one died.

3. He fought several battles, but his life was taken away by lung cancer, but he died a hero, saving his granddaughters life from an assassin.

There is the reality that this king would have died at one time or another, but not before he changed several lives. His life is a journey that should never fade away.

It all started on the edge of the Delshriana. It was the lake that parted the fairy kingdom of Leana and the forbidden kingdom of Velri.

West looked up for a moment as he couldn't help but wonder why he felt like his dad was right beside him. Just then Hazel walked into the library and she sat in front of West.

"Whatcha doin?" Hazel asked.

"It's a secret. " West replied mysteriously.

"Oh you can tell me." Hazel was now dying to know and then she looked down and saw the book. "Why are you writing in one of Uncle Summits books?"

"It's empty, he has a bunch of them, and so I have decided to write a story based on his life. He has told me the story so many times." West remembered. "I just feel like it's a good way to honor him." Hazel slightly smiled as West took a drink of water.

"So when are you and Ivy getting married?" Hazel asked and West coughed and started to choke. He cleared his throat and looked at Hazel cluelessly.

" I, uh," West started but he was speechless.

"You have to marry to be king, and plus she is having your baby. You should already be married. Of course, neither of you two have ever been traditional, so what do I know?" Hazel said and then West started to think about it and Hazel slightly smiled as she knew her job was done. She stood up. "See you later West." Then Hazel ran off. West really thought about it. They had been together for a long time, and they clearly loved each other. West put the book away and stood up and started to walk down to his mother's quarters. He knocked on her door and heard Pucks voice. When no one answered he opened it. Elesia was lying in bed and Puck was sitting beside her and he was making her laugh. West couldn't help but be slightly bothered by this.

"Hey mom?" West sighed and Elesia looked over at him and sat up slowly.

"Hey sweetie, what's going on?" Elesia asked.

"I wanna ask Ivy to marry me." West said and Puck grinned and looked over at him. Elesia smiled slightly.

" Alright. Then I have something for you." Elesia sighed as she stood up and walked over to her jewelry cabinet and opened a drawer. She pulled out a ring and walked over to him.

"Here." Elesia sighed. "It's got no family value on it, but I have always been prepared." The ring was small but there was a beautiful diamond on it and the whole ring was engraved and embellished with crystals. It looked so old, but also new at the same time. West smiled at his mother and put the ring in his pocket and then he hugged her tightly.

"Thanks mom. I love you." West sighed.

"Now you make me proud." Elesia laughed as she let go of her son.

"I'm going to have to think about it for a day or two. I'm not sure how I am going to do it yet." West sighed and then he looked at Puck and frowned and Puck saw him and raised his eyebrows. "I swear if your brother hurts my niece, or you hurt my mom I am going to beat the shit out of both of you with all of the strength I've got. And I might not have my Dad or brother's strength, but I'll get creative." West threatened and he could feel his dad's spirit behind him and he could tell that his father was laughing his ass off. West couldn't help but laugh and then he shook his head. "Goodnight you two." West sighed and then he left the room and started to walk down the hallway. West was halfway down the hallway when he heard someone.

" West?!" It was Hazel and she sounded panicked. West looked down the hallway and found Hazel crying and running and she looked forward and saw him. "It's Ivy, she's really sick!" Hazel cried.

"Where is she?!" West shouted.

"She's in the doctors office with Rose and Brendanus." Hazel said as she got in front of him.

"Ok go get my mom and Puck and bring them down. Send Puck to find Ember." West said and Hazel nodded and he started to run and he could feel his fathers presence. His father had his arm around him.

"Dad, make her be ok." West cried and then he got down to the doctors office and ran in and he stopped when he saw Ivy's stomach. It was smaller than usual. The doctor was nowhere to be found and Ivy was crying. She saw West.

"West, the baby," Ivy cried and West ran to her side and held her hand and she leaned her head against him. Just then the doctor ran out with a smile on his face.

"He's ok. It looks like you were further along than we had expected. The baby is almost fully grown. It must have been the first time you two had sex." The doctor laughed and then he went back to the room and brought out the most beautiful baby boy. West's heart stopped along with Ivy's. Hazel and Elesia ran in and saw the baby and didn't know if it was alive or not. When the baby moved they let out a deep sigh of relief. The doctor handed West the baby. West kneeled down beside her and showed her the baby and she smiled and then looked at West.

"What should we name him?" West asked as he handed the baby to Ivy.

" I like Jammie." Ivy sighed and West smiled.

" What about Jammie Merrow?" West asked as he pulled the ring out.

"What about the middle," Ivy asked as she looked at West and saw the ring.

"Ivy Eclipse, I have loved you for years. I have put you through so much, and you have stayed with me. I cannot even begin to imagine what life would be like without you, well, I can because I did for a few minutes, but I can't imagine having a day go by without you again. So Ivy, will you marry me?" West asked hopefully. Ivy smiled.

"Of course I will marry you, but we really need to give our baby a middle name." Ivy laughed and West nearly fell over laughing. "How about Summit?" Ivy sighed and West stopped as he became surprised.

"Jammie Summit Merrow, I love it." West cried and then he put the ring on her finger and put his arm around her. "I love it so much."

"You're welcome." Ivy understood West so well and now she would take his last name and become queen. Later on that night West walked to the library, grabbed the book he was working on, and opened it and the pages he had written were torn out. It was almost as if he could feel his father with his hand on his shoulder. Then he could hear his father speaking.

"Write your own story, I have written mine a hundred times." West didn't know what to do.

" But I don't have a story to write about." West sighed as he threw the book on the table, and he felt his fathers hands on his shoulders again.

" You will soon enough." West picked the book back up and grabbed a pencil and then walked down to the doctors room where Ivy and the baby were still staying, but something caught his eye. There was a guy in a red suit with a gold mask on and he was outside Rose's room. He got the door to open, went inside and by the time West got to the door to try and stop whoever this man was, it was locked.

" ROSE!!!! ROSE WAKE UP!!!!! WATCH OUT!!!!" West shouted and he felt a warm wind pass by him and it went into the room and was gone. A guard ran down to West with a ring of keys. "Open this door!" West shouted and the man started to pick through his keys. "Come on!" The man picked a key and put it through the lock, and then he got the door to open and West ran inside and saw Rose fighting off the assassin and she was fighting like she had fought for years. The Assassins sword flew through the air and West caught it as Rose drug her sword through the Assassins body. The Assassin laid dead on the floor and Rose saw West and she ran into his arms and hugged him and he dropped the sword.

"I love you Uncle West." Rose sighed.

" I love you too Rosey." West replied and she let go. "Come on, you can sleep with us tonight."

West sighed and then he turned around to find a man with no mask on. He looked like your average day man but he was dressed nicely and so he seemed to be a man of high lineage.

"I see you have killed off both of my Assassins." The man said. 

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