Timeline Y1V1 react Ayanokoji...

By Ptixergreen

4.9K 189 173

Usually we are used to Y2 reacting to Y1, but what if in this story it's the other way around. More

Combat Skills Rating

Prologue and Academic Ability Rating

2.6K 97 98
By Ptixergreen

Ayanokouji POV
After the explanation of the S-system by Chabashira-sensei, the whole class looked depressed, even my neighbor named Horikita Suzune looked both depressed and angry. And I don't care, since we are at the bottom, no one interferes with my peaceful life. And suddenly I felt a very bad feeling, and somehow I ended up in the theater. If my calculations are correct, there are more than 440-60 students and their teachers here. Some people looked shocked, and some vomited due to the sudden movement. By the way, my classmates are there too.

Hiratards: Hirata-kun, what's wrong, help me!

Karuizawa: Hey, he's my boyfriend, - holding Hirata out to him.

If I'm not mistaken, she and Hirata started dating a couple of days ago. He was lucky, I would also like to feel school love.

Hirata: Girls calm down, I belong to everyone, let's wait a little bit.

Hirata is a prince of class D, a kind and sympathetic guy, you can say: a born leader, with his gentleness and beauty he can control girls, however...

Pervert-defects: Die damn ikeman!

There are those who envy him. My neighbour named Horikita is sitting next to me. I hope she doesn't have any compass with her. When the whole room became more calm, I wanted to start a conversation with my neighbour.

Ayanokoji: What do you think happened?

Suzune: Do you have dementia Ayanokoji-kun, how should I know? And yet, I want this mess to end faster, I have to go to Chabashira-sensei, and say that I do not belong to this defect and force the school to move me to a higher class.

Ayanokoji: Okay, let it be your way.

And with that, I decided to end the conversation. If I somehow annoy her, and suddenly she has a compass, I will feel bad, very bad. Startled by this thought, I noticed that a certain man with a business suit appeared in the center of the theater.

- Who are you?

- And where the hell are we?

- Did you kidnap us?

- I'm calling 911!

Everyone started asking this man questions, and suddenly:

???: The net doesn't catch here, so it won't work. I pulled you out of your timeline. My name is also Time, and I am the God of Time!

Laughter could be heard from the audience, especially the "Kukuku" and "Fufufu" were stronger.

- God, do they exist?

- You've got to be kidding.

- If there are Gods, and there must be hell, I will definitely go to Hell!

Interestingly, to be honest, I never believed in God, and now he has appeared.
Can I negotiate with him, and go to the past and prevent the creation of that place?

Time: Guys, don't worry, the reason I called you here is because I want you to react to some event happening in the future.

- What will we react to in the future?

- So that's why this big screen.

- Doesn't this affect the future timeline?

Time: Don't worry about it, I'll erase your memory!

Everyone: Wh-what?

Ryuen: Kukuku, then what's the use if we all forget about it?

Ibuku: ( What a creepy laugh )

Time: For entertainment, and by the way, the story is centered in one very interesting person.

Arisu: Fufufu, and who is this interesting person? (Whoever you are, I will crush you )

Kamuro:( What a creepy laugh )

Time: It's only a matter of time before I show you. Let's look at the Academic ability rating of the students of this school. Data from the second year, when the current freshmen became sophomores, however, there are also former third-year students.

Ayankoji: (Damn, I hope this God doesn't know about my real academic skills)

Suzune: (I am absolutely sure that I am in the top 5, and my brother should be in the first place, although I hope that I will reach your level)

Yukimura: (I'm confident in my skills, and I think I'm in this top)

VIP place for the school Student Council:

Manabu: (I hope you've grown up by then, Suzune)

Nagumo: (Hehe, how interesting, I want to crush them all)

Asahina, she is Nagumo's friend and is very close to the student council: (What is this jerk thinking about? )

Time: The tenth place is occupied by a student of class 2 - A, Katsuragi Kohei.

Yahiko: Hey, Katsuragi-san deserves 3rd place at least, it must be a mistake.

Katsuragi: Calm down Yahiko, I'm not a genius, all my skills are the fruits of my hard work.

Arisu: Fufufu

Hashimato: I am sure that our Hime takes the first place.

Kamuro: Don't suck up reptile.

Hashimato: Actually, I'm offended.

Kamuro: Tch

Kito: Calm down.

Both: OK.

Time: The ninth place is shared by a student of class 2 - D Yukimuro Teruhiko and ...

- A student of class D?

- Wow!

- He must be very offended.

Yukimura: (Of course it's a shame, why was I placed in this class? Is it because of my family problem or my physical skills?)

Hirata: (Thank God, we also have capable people. Even though we will never reach class A, I will not allow anyone to be excluded, this is my goal)

Time: Nagumo Miyabi, Class 3 - A


- Nagumo-san is only in ninth place?

"Kami-sama, did you make a mistake by any chance?"

Asahina: (Hehe, that's what this jerk needs, how's your pride, Miyabi?)

Nagumo: Wh-what the hell, I'm only in ninth place? (Ah, whoever these people are above me, I will crush everyone, except of course Mana~bu-sem~pai~)

Manabu grinning: It looks like there are people more capable than you, Nagumo.

Nagumo: You should know senpai, academic skills don't solve everything.

Manabu: Yeah

Tachibana: ( Nagumo-kun 😡 )

Kiryuin: ( Well, well )

Time: Koenji Rokuske, a student of class 2 - D, is in eighth place

- There are already two students of class D.

- This year, the defective first-year students are very capable.

- If I'm not mistaken, they lost all their class points.

- Even we lost less in the first month.

- Is the name Koenji familiar to you?

- There is such a big conglomerate.

Hoshinomiya: (There are already two students of Sae-chan, she seems to be very lucky, but eventually my class will reach class A)

Yukimura: ( Oh you, I thought he was just a narcissist, but in fact he's taller than me )

Koenji looking up from the mirror: (Am I only on the eighth? How interesting! ) - and after polishing your nails.

Time: In seventh place is the best student council president in the history of this school, Manabu Horikita, a graduate.

And then a bomb fell in the theater, everyone from sophomores to third-year students looked shocked, and even the teachers.

Suzune: (Is the brother in seventh place? This shouldn't be happening. It's fake! What if I surpassed my brother in the future? Then my brother will recognize me~)

Ayanokoji: (What is she thinking about, and she seems excited, but why? )

Nagumo: Horikita-senpai, you're only in seventh place, how is that possible?

Tachibana: This is unacceptable, it can't be that Horikita-kun is only in seventh place.

Manabu: Calm down Tachibana, God cannot be mistaken, if this is true, I welcome capable people to our school with a kind smile.

Tachibana: Yeah, Horikita-san.

Kiryuin and Asahina: (heheh, we have interesting kohai in the future)

Time: In sixth place is the genius of Class 2-A, Arisu Sakayanagi.

- She's so cute.

- Does she have a heart defect?

- That's what I heard.

Yahiko: Hahah, it seems the genius hasn't gone far from Katsuragi-san, you don't even have the usual smug face on your face.

Arisu: Fufufu (Is there really a genius who surpasses me academically, but how is this possible? I had the best teachers because of my father)

Hashimato: (I need to write down the names of the top 5 on my phone, I hope God doesn't erase the phone data)

Time: (What a cunning snake. )

Yamauchi: Hey Kanji, look, I'll be in first place.

Ike: You failed the previous text, Haruki.

Yamauchi: I just didn't try my best.

Ike: You're so cool, Haruki!

Time: (🤦🏼)

Time: In fifth place is a student of class 1 - A, Kyo Ishigami.

- Wow, that guy is handsome.

- There's a creepy aura around him!

- Although it makes him more mature.

Arisu/Kanzaki: Is he?

Hashimato/Ichinose: You seem to know Hime/Kanzaki-kun.

Arisu/Kanzaki: Yes, I know, he's the son of a politician, and he's very smart. And I'm surprised that he's only in fifth place.

Ichinose: Oh yes, thank you Kanzaki-kun.

Hashimato: (Ishigami means I'm recording on the phone, even though we're not the same age, having an ally from sempai and Kohai is very useful)

Kamuro: (What does this reptile do? )

Time: In fourth place is a student of class 3-B, Fuka Kiryuin.

- As expected from Kiryuin-san.

- Her family is rich and she should have been taught by her personal teachers.

- She is beautiful, although she does not have feminine charm

Kiryuin: (I know I'm super cool, but I'm wondering who's in the top 3)

Kiriyama: (If she had tried, we wouldn't have become Nagumo's slaves)

Manabu: I recognize her talent.

Tachibana: Yeah, she's talented.

Nagumo: Tch

Kiryuin: Are you jealous?

Asahina: (But my figure is better than hers)

Time: ( You're both mommy's )

Time: In third place is a student of class 1-A, Ichika Amasawa.

- She's so sweet.

- God, such a girl is my dream.

Yamauchi: Kanji, who do you think is better, her or Kushida-chan?

Kushida: Hehehe

Ike: Angel-chan is much better.

Shinohara: Shut up, you freaks.

Ike: Says the freak.

Maezono: How do you talk to a girl, you pervert.

Kei and her friends: Yes, yes.

Hirata: Calm down, guys and girls.

Ike, Yamauchi: Tch

Time: In second place is a student of class 1-B, Takuya Yagami.

"Damn it, he's such a kid.

"I want to eat him right now."

- What kind of unnatural beauty?

Manabu/Koenji/Ayanokoji: ( I have a bad feeling about him )

Suzune: (There is only the first place left and please let me be there. Then my brother will recognize me, hehe)

Ayanokoji: (Please show anyone but me )

Time: The student of class 2-D is in the first place..

- Again?

- Is there something wrong with this current defect?

- Come on, three students from the same class?

- I hope they reach Class A, because they have some chance.

Yamauchi: Look at the Kanji, I'll be in first place!

Ike: Yes, Haruki.

Hiratards: Is Hirata-kun really in the first place?

Hirata: Don't exaggerate girls, my academic skills are above average.

Karuizawa: You can learn and develop.

Koenji: (Does the class have defects and who is more gifted academically than me? How interesting)

Kiryuin: (Who is in the first place from the defect class? God, is he a bad guy and that's why he ended up in that class? I like bad guys)

Nagumo: (Class D, I'll play with you, defects)

Suzune: ( Please let me be that person )

Ayanokoji: (Please don't let me be that person)

Hoshinomiya: (Ah, how lucky Sae-chan is. I have to somehow put that student in my class. If he's a guy, there's Honami-chan, if she's a girl, there's Kanzaki-kun. Hehe, I won't let her win this war)

Sakagami/Mashima: (Chabashira was very lucky)

Manabu/Chabashira: (I think I know who comes first. The one who manipulated his score, thereby getting exactly fifty out of a hundred....)

Time: by the name of Ayanokoji Kiyotaka!

And then the bomb fell into the theater.

- His appearance is impressive.

- But he has a poker face.

"Damn, he looks too mature for a teenager."

Ayanokoji: (No, why was it me? )

Suzune: Wh-what does this mean, Ayanokoji-kun? - deadly eyes and holding a compass in his hand.

How did she get a compass? I checked just in case. What should I do? Damn God!

Ayanokoji: I don't know, - stuttering.

(A.N: he can stutter too)

Suzune: Let's try my new compass, given by God himself.

Time: (Heheh)

Ayanokoji: Have mercy on me.

In another part of the hall, class D.

Shinohara: This gloomy loner?

Sato: Oh yeah, he failed the self-presentation.

Matsushita: However, his appearance is of the highest level.

Karuizawa: Gloomy remains gloomy, even so Hirata-kun's contribution is much higher than his.

Hiratards: Yes, yes.

Matsushita: (These defects! After I became aware of the S system, I decided to hold back, but even so I want to reach class A. Ayanokoji-kun, how do I use it for my own purposes?)

Miyamato: Hey Yamauchi, it seems you're not in the first place.

Okitani: He's a jerk!

Yamauchi: You're no better than me, and besides, that guy is being tormented by his girlfriend.

Ike: Haha, Kanji is right, loners reach out to each other.

Akito: At least he has a girlfriend, treat him with respect.

Ike: Tch

Haruka: (My boy is so grown up)

       Class C

Ryuen: Kukuku, Ayanokoji means how interesting.

Kaneda: Academically gifted, I respect him.

Shiina: (If he's that smart, he must have read a lot of books. I want to meet him)

     Class B

Kanzaki: (Ayanokoji? Where did I hear that?)

Ichinose: I saw this guy in the lineup, he's quite handsome.

Amikura: Ah, Honami-chan, you're already setting priorities, aren't you?

Ichinose: No, Mako-chan, - blushing.

Chihiro: (Does she like guys?)

       Class A

Yahiko: Come on, this defect is smarter than you, it can't be.

Katsuragi: Come on Yahiko.

Yahiko: Ah-yeah

Arisu looked shocked, and noticing this Kamuro:
Is something wrong, loli?

Hashimato: Exactly, is something wrong, Hime? (Heh, Ayanokoji means)

Kito: Maybe they are old acquaintances?

Arisa: You're right, Kito-kun, but only I know him, and he doesn't know me. However, something is wrong!

Kamuro: What?

Arisu: Why is a man like him doing this at school? My natural enemy was in parallel class, and I didn't notice him.

Hashimato: A natural enemy, what are you talking about Hime? (I have to choose a side carefully)

Arisu: It's better not to know you, Hashimato-kun, but I will crush him.
(After he is crushed, he will be mine and mine alone) Fufufu.

Kamuro: Again.

VIP-the place of the student council

Nagumo: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, interesting.

Manabu: (As I thought, you have great potential, and I hope you stay alive) - looking at how his sister torments Ayanokoji with a compass.

Fuka and Asahina: (He's my type)

Time: Let's look at the rating of the best fighters of our school, the school staff is also taken into account.

Damn, not that! I somehow took the compass away from the neighbor, and she:
Bastard, why did you pretend to be stupid?

Ayanokoji: I wasn't pretending, you didn't ask.

Time: Hmm, hmm, let's move on to the next rating

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